Clinton New Era, 1892-10-28, Page 6.•
law 280189
it; /CR,b4k,
nr last chit, we will give
• ueoted and fragment,
tor the purpose of 'chow.
0- of *ought whfoh
co, 'Bo that you may.
andwell aa the bealitythe clearness ofhiolw1U1 gen
pity of hiM „about the **Opt c
ofte4 a
niintk otliotk
i any 4,
h t
• SO, 01440,
'eh necti our own,
Ofit wa„,'nott
110.40.410:_400! •-•?, TOO
'neteurs. One cOat nowapjpea ot Vancouver eve.
the whosrlifiherManOttheeall, peded publlcation
.1I1een lake fleeting to Peter and An- KinCre'0;:'%duiroent 10 the1304
drew thItt the - were tto miliaioz their ,lkir Thoptko wont bond oftheFe.atI'm eatia,
WSJ/MOW 911043. 1401.0 tale'0001019001 pubibohin firm of 11010On,.40_.Sonsi •W. Baor
Sri Od ot X•fevi teakbalrglaIM 2,191V XiAtt 11$ (11Piql 4 '
• two theories on the Sub. tom
ugwabrclut 411d,in eouteh, "411 that You can depend Wen in a
twee. ilro )0 tba.0 by boy- as eigRigeAtiVe of„ trUe power'
USI continue -to 041SC, a Cer- to WOO; for'the. wales Sake, not his de -
boy of ho,editark Elora per. sire to Surpass his schoolfellows; and
inito the earth, aur and 1,Vater 4141- of t4494114; Mt give hire
ItOrld WOWS, as personal pro.. ought' to to TrOse 'tOslaiM and
of Whieh earth, Itio 044 Water, 14tzengtra' 14 'him own separate
rioting May, at their -pleasure, gift, 4.0, pnit hire into ri-
11 avri there have always ,Miist. to itieue in good, fruit, is
hi will
0 or for/Ad, the rest of the huniao 'Yttlry With those*ho are everlastingly
cat, breathe, or to.drink. great .than he; ;still less 9004 you to
manyyear longer 44,11g favors and,rxbhud9 about the heck
is not for ,
q that of the creature Who r3 the greatest,
e, The adverse theory i
to make the rest- envy him Try to
vjsion of the land Of the world
n the mob of the .eng4,4 make them. love' M
and follow T,.
tkliatelY elevate the said Mob into, not Strn88lewith hbal:
here muSt Oroirge be examination
onages; that houses Would W
\a,grow to ascertain :and otteet., both ,progre
:iildthereselves, n4, cm% ss
tselt.find'tlittt) eVerpody would be and relativ.' oapa'citv ha our aim
own true positions end powers t the on3affalb, Curtoree,
to live without °log ger work should be to make t e students look
is Thie'theory won d also
found highly istitenableirePraetiee."
besidee, the pi:61)1cm of land at
vOtot, is 4 bye one; dietribute :the
rakes you the principal colestion
nains inegerable. Who tato.dig it ?
bloh Of 1,10,':311 'brief words, IS to do
ellaidand dirtY work fel' the rest -
&for whit ptiy? Who is to do the
ant and, clean work, and for what
y? Who is to do no .work, and for
at pay? A ud there are carious mor -
and religious questions connected
tb these."
,hen . Igen are rightly occupied,
_beir:•pacalselatentginws• out of 7 their
Prk;:aP the , Oder Data* Mit etas fruit.
i,,,go.woHyheir,they are
Wig and; ,09041.4elenate. ',61!stheit
thotionkheOne .steady, deep,
liar and RI(
'aturalpalse, Of the. bOdY.'.
"Aiwa &retaliation having made up
mind" tInelitingink quite the
*bolesonleet process for its homicides
in general, ean, Yet With mercy distin-
ished between the degrees of guiltin
oznicides, •and •,does not yelp like a
ark of frost -pinched wolf -cutis on the
• 109d -track of an unhappy crazed boy,
lor,fc greyhaired "clottpate Othello, 'per-
plexedlthe extreme,' at the very mo-
ment that it sending a Minister of
. the Crown to 'make polite speeches to
in their father's sight, an kV= noble
'youths in cool blood, faster than a
lcountry butcher kills lambs in spring.
And lastly, a great .natibn does :not
um& Heaven and its powers, by pre-
tending belief in a revelation which as-
serts the love of money to be the root of
all evil, anddeclaring, at the same time,
thatitis actuated, in all chief national
deeds and measures, by no other love."
"We have taken up the benevolent
'Idea, forsooth, that practice is to be
reventitive instead of vindictive; and
e imagine that we are to punish, not
• In anger, but in expediency; not that
We may give deserved pain to the per-
-on in fault, but that we may frighten
her rietilole from committing the same
• fault. The beautiful theory of this
nortvindictive justice is, that having
convicted a man of a crime worthy of
death, we entirely pardon the criminal,
restore him to his place in our affection
and:esteem, and then hang him, not
as a malefactor, but as a scarecrow.
That is the theor, and the phave been lifted into a purer atMoli-
ractice is,
Mai One tistiiiedlerherlieli&O,n10
liebert. Storer, retirectlarraert,W.
.1;illed the 0,T,R.190,1'hurSnarl31110
Walking'On the trtiolkisear Gage S'Gre
It014, X6,1409 allA SeSetelle0 of every nd
oh limutul 'oUre4 in480
by. WoOlford'aaanitarxtutiOn_., nover
,Sold by :Viratt!ii '
The 'father f' Rain achley,t0
recently killed a trolley'
car on, Church street, ,TOrent,P.; heals -
stied a wrIts.against.the VsirOute, Street
404.1tvflY COMPlsnrger S.20;090 daulftgoe.
P$44x pAtitio:ilet/t3;' "
Whon thelddoent 'tart but. Of 'girder delay iii
dangereer, And disease mai follaa and become
so wee, eef.ftlAilihed that menthe eitaufferinf jfl
/Always acceptable to ifess and relfets
follow. Paha teatho k likePre Miley r
them Imre disease, The are illeney pod.
upon it as a means of ascertaining their S. G. Tarrant, an Atnelican touriet,
world, than as an arena, in wine to
carry away a present victory.
"That abandonment of the mind to
religinus theory, or contemplation. is
the very thing I have been pleading
with you against. I never said' you
should set yourself to discover the
meanings; but you should take careful
paihs„to understand them, so fair as
they are clear ; and you should always
accurately ascertain the state of !our
own mind about them.. I waist Yoh
never to read. _merely for the pleasure
of fancy, etillless as a, formal religious
duty(else iyou might als well take -lo
repeating Paters at once; for it ls Blue-
ly wiser to repeat one thing weunder-
stand, than read .a thousand which, we
cannot; S • . . .) 'Do net go on
all through your life believing nothing
intelligently, and yet supposing that
your having, readthe words ota, divine
book, must give you the right to'des-
pise every religion but your own.
"To watch the corn grow and the
blossoms set; to draw head breath over
plowshare or.spade; to real, to think,
to love, to hope,•to pray -these are the
things which make men happy; they
have always had the poWer. ,of doing
these, they never will have power to
do more. The world's prosperity or
adversity depends upon our knowing
•wthings; bht op-
en iron, or glass, or electricity, or
steam, in no wiee."
We !sage thus endeavored to con-
vince you that an acquaintance with
this distinguished author would be of
great advantageto you. We hope we
have succeeded ; not through our own
opinion ••-• we have remained in the
backgrobnd and said as little as we
could -but by giving you a few of his
own thoughts.
In conclusion,speaking solely for our-
selves, we do not use extravagant lan-
guage, when we say that we have won-
dered at his genius, and admired his
talents, but above all, we have learned
to love him because of the nobility, of
his character, the loveliness of his dis-
position, and the goodnesa of his heart.
The hours we have spent with him,
have been some of our happiest ones;
the thoughts he has lett with us are
lofty,sublime, and chaste ; and the as-
pirations he has kindled within our
bosoms have ennobled our lives. • We
•that we send a 'child to -prison for a
--as-dffeasseekr-gelsjilintsbandfilrof-Wars -P4ere; whosefreshnessVetiveirilialiii
with deli ht and to a higher 'plane,
from whic swe have caught glimpes of
some of the fairest views.
Now let as present you. Readers of
the NEW ERA, the distinguished author
John Ruskin.
nuts,for fear that ot er children should
. • :
come and steal more of Our Walnuts.
:And we do not.. punish a .swindler for
ruining a, thousand- families, because
we think swindling is a wholesome ex-
• "The nets which We use against the
Poor are just those worldly embarrass-
. meats- which either' their ignorance or
• their impSovidende .aie almost certain
• • at some time or -other to bring them
• into; then just at the time we ought to
. hasten to help them and disentangle
• them, and teach them to managebettee
in -.future, we rush forwrd to pillage
theta, and force all we can oura. the
• in their adversity. For, to take • one
-instance only, remember this is liter-
ally and simply what we do, whenever-
. • we buy, castry to buy, cheap goods-
cannot be remunerative for the Tibor
. involved in them., Whenever we buy
SUCligeods, remeneber we'..3.r&Stbalisg,
• Matter.... p3ny,inplain t$81/013;STEALING
• taking -from bini the proper reward 'of
his Work, and putting it intoour.o•wn
pocket Yon 'know 'Well etiotigh that
..the thing could not have been offered
. you at that price, unless distress of
some kind had forced the 'producer to
part withit. You take advantage of
,..diStrees, and you foree'Air much
ant of hint as you can Under the cir-
cumstances. the old barons of the
middle agei used, general, . the
thumbscrew to extort property: we
moderns nee, inpireferenee, -hunger or
domestic affliction; hut the fact of extortion remains pregisely the same.”
"If, suddenly in the midst of the en-
joyments of the palate and lightness of
heart of a dinner -party, the walls of
the cha,mbers,were parted,and through.
their gap, the nearest human beings
who were famishing, and in misery,
were borne into the midst ot the com-.
pany-feasting and fancy -free -if pale
with sickness,- horrible in destitution,
broken by despair, body by body, they
were laid ripsn the soft carpet, one
gide the the chair of every guest, would
_Only the crumbs of the dainties be cast
to them -would only a passing glance,
a passing thought be vouchsafed to
' them? Yet the actual facia. the real
relation* ef melt Dives And Lazarus
are not sited by the interventiori
of the liauseviallbetween the table and
the sickbed -by the few feet of -ground
(how few!) Which are indeed all that
• separate all. the inerriment, from the
"SIsetnn the lowest to the highest
class, every -child born in this -land
should be required by law to receive'
these general elements of human die -
aid to be baptized-- not with
It drop of water . on its. forehead -but
in the cloud and sot of hcitreuly wis,
dotn• arida earthlypOwer . Therefore
.liest teaCh the laws, Of ktehlth„ anti ex-
.-•Oretzbe enjoined 'by then:: 'anti to this
end your seftepli ifilliatibe fresh ii
;and :atifirlat air, h37141t lihre
eitents. Ititidattitched to tliesti
in peiluanent.-eltates, • - •.,„
%hid your.own:Ibilainetia's., AS
•servireatil pricrinle etion Mot nen
h W
William J. Witter, Franklin, Man.,
writes: ---M Y sister had very poor health
for six or seven years, and looked as though
she was going to the grave. I got some of
your Dr. Williams' Pink rifle for her, and
theycompletely restored her to health. I
re ardthem as a wonderful medicine. Shun
st-ffituteils, and beware of imitations.
May be had from dealers or by mail, post
paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
112.50.- by addressing the Dr. Williams
Bled. Co., Brockville, Ont.
' Joseph Bentley fell from a trapeze
to the Ptigge of a theatre in :New York
Wednesday night and was killed.
The greatvalue of Heed's Sarsaparilla as
&remedy for catarrh is vouched for bythou-
sands of per whom it has cured.
Hessen °hammed, the "Ring of
Tramps," arrived in Derive; on Monday.
He was very mach begrimed with travel
and glad of the prospect of a week's rest.
The sging" started. from Cincinnati on a
wager to wallt 10,060 miles in 460 days for
$10,000, on She following conditions. He
Was to begin his journey with 1 copper
cent, and stop at first-olass hotels. He
was -not to beg or borrow, or tpal, and was
to meet and marry on the road a
woman he had never met before He
stated last evening that he had received ap-
plications from 15,000 Women whom he did
not coneider fit to become the "Queen of
tramps," but on Sept. he marrioi a young
womim, 5 telegraph operator, at Ogden.
He lost 30 days' time by reason of injuries
receiydd tin falling through a trestle, and
this time • has been radio to the limit
which expires May 10 asst. He conies
from San Francisco, and is now 500 mile•
ahead of his schedule time.
a 131113b1 town near Nimiterey 'NeXief),
Wednesday. It was supposed he was
murdered • by robbers and his body
thrown from a hundred -foot cliff.,
Anneals Linament is nesd by physi�irnis
It Is ,estinlated that 800,000 bushels
of corn have crossed, the Texas frontier
into Mexico during the wit seven days.
The shipment during the past four
weeks amounted to 8,000,908 bushels.
There is still greatsuffering among the
poorer classes.
Whershealth is far gone in (1041eatePtiou,
then !.sonietimo Only ease and comfort can
be stewed UM' the use of Scottie Emil-.
don. 'What is much better tits take this
medioine in time to save your health. •
There is no secret or patent in the pre.
dilation of "Myrtle Navy" tobacco. It
could be produced by any manufacturer,
but no manufataurer could make it pay at
that price, unless he could purchase on a
large scale and Sell et a large scale. He
could not sell below the present price with-
out a lode even if he could purchase on the
lowest advanteaeous terrns. To get a large
market therefor, without while" he would
have no ieducemente to go on, would be the
work of many years. That fa the eettson
why Messrs. Timken Son have the cam •
eland of.tlie, market, and they are edge
enffligli" t� InieW that they esti retain it
may by keeping the price down to hard pais
figeres. •
One of the most gigantic systems of
drainage ever titidertaken in Ontarie
has just been decided on by the niuni,
Opal council of Pelee island; It is pt.+
posed to draittby. a Aupeess of pump-
ing and yking about 11,000 titres of
land largely Maned by II, Sod-
den of Chicitinati, -,ind Lemuel Aro**
of Pelee. The em4ineet1 MiNeVelhaS,
of 'Windsor. -estimates -tit n
The first case at Brantford, under the
Mowat Act for selling tobacco to a
minor came up on Tuesday, a local
merchant having sold the weed to a
lad under 18 years of age. As it was a
first offence a dismissal was in order.
English Spain Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused Lumps and, Blem-
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splint!, - Bing Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs,
etc. ,Save $50 by use of one bottle. rantedtbe meet wonderful-Blemish-Otne
ever known. Sold by Watt's & _Co. Drug-
gist. •
Mr. John Smith, of Brampton, has
been nominated as the Liberal Local
candidate for Peel at the coming elec-
tion to fill the vacancy caused by Mr
Kenneth Chisholm's acceptance of the
Minard's Liniment lumberman's friend
Chicago's population has already in-
creased 25 per cent, and each train ar-
riving at the Union depot brings its
quota of pleasure -seekers, who come to
witness the dedicatory exercises of the
World's Fair.
When Baby eves dot, we gave her Canted*.
Wins she was a Child, she mied.for Castoria.
When sbe became Eine, she clang to Castoria.
Vilma she had Children. sivigave them careerist.
• *lit tOltd004111,
Amnia 1141,4unierai a wealthy 04 :re-
Caitin/iY13.110.1POd Eddy Liberty was
many obot by the acciciental discharge
of,a, gun on Monday evening. re and
tw*:-Ineh were fox un and One of
thelnak.'n0L0.„0',9Parnig to shootthe
,athnoirogaulnwvit btheolegnacroutalipifediihile
a 0A,
While Mr Hem7 Petty, of Norman -
by, was threshing Thursdaaysa spark
supposed to be from the engine door
set fire to the barn, ard' there being a
high wind, in a few minutes the whole
budding was in a blaze: So quickly
did it go that it was impossible to save
the separator which belonged to Robt.
Morice, of the same township. Part
of the implements from the adjoining
buildings were saved. The buildings,
which were erectedin 1890, were about
the finest in these parts, and the loss
is a severe one. Loss, $4,000; insured
in London Mutual for $1,400.
Hee. 11. D. West
of Cornwallis, Nova Scotia.
• EmoAsion
of Cod-liver.011 and Hypophosphites
Is both a food and a remedy, It is
• useful as a fai,producer and at the
same time gives vital .force to the
body. It *beneficial in
because it make.s fat and gives strength.
it is beneficial for, ,
because they can assiinilate it, when
they cannot ordinary food.
• It is beeeficial for ••
because it heals the irritation of,the
' throat and builds up the body and
overcomes the difficulty.
"4/A1FIVON.”-Beware of substitutes
Genuine prepared by Scott& Bowne, ,
Beileville. Sold by all dniggiste.
We. and.$1.00.
Valuable Farm for Sale.
The North half of lot 80, 2nd concession Eas
Wawanosh. Apply to CAMERON, HOLT &
CAMERON, Goderieh
For particulars apply to
Barristers,,&c., Clinton
31:pc.foioolire, $011Sitbigg,,Iwt, 00, 13944%44 ,
•.gy•OIL 404140 roogs LEADER and OEM
1Erappy•Tbought OA*Grand pENNINsuL44.
STOVES and RANGES- for Coal ana
pod, iirlAcb• givglou more heat with leS4
fuel than. any other Stove Made. •
Bt 4 Lov,v Grades of Coat when you can get the ,
Celebrated Lehigh' Valley Coal -at the same
it:"3, 1ST.; I.N9LICICV
, . .
Say ca,itat Hub. Grocery
• And get your Spices for Pickling. We'bandle only the best, also
Vieegar Extra White Wine. We have
PlIRE' 9
71uwe arat'Ati impure as we can buy.
C1-1110 SW.A.T.MOVir — CLINTON
Farm for Sale or to Rent
That desirable farm of 80 acres, Lot 18, in the
165h Concession of Goderioh Township. now oc-
cupied by fir John Smith. Good frame'house of
10 rooms; bank barn and stable; good orobard.
Apply to H. HALE, Olinton, or to the owner, G.
F. BORNS, 214, Fourteenth Avenue, Detroit.
Sept. leth, 1892. vim
Shingles for Sale. •
Subscriber keeps on hand at Belgrave, a full
supply of first °less North Shore ceft,,r shingles,
which will be 'disposed of at reasonable rates.
W. WATSON, Agent. W. WHITELY, Londesboro
The undersigned desires to intimate that he is
f3till a licensed Auctioneer tor the County of
Huron, and will conduct sales_ on reasonable
terms; his experience in handling farm stock
warrants him in guaranteeing entire satisfaction.
.Persons requiring be services can rely implicit-
• ly on the work being properly performed. ile is
also in the Clothes Cleaning and repairing line
next to &Eaton's butcher shop, and will execute
promptly all ordere in this line. J.. HOWSON
Shingles and Lath for Sale.
-subscriber has purchased a large quantity of
No. 1. shingles. These ehingles will be made to
order out of the very best quality of north shore
cedar. AU who want a dret-class suingle will
find it to their advantage to ask for prices before
buying elsewhere. At Belgave they can be pro-
cured from Mr Watson; at Blyth, from D. Cowan;
at Brueefield, from S. Pollock, and at Loudest/ore
from the undersigned.
pa W, H. WHITLEY, Londesboro..
For Sale on Easy Terms.
Town Lot as, Mary Street, one quarter acre, pro-
perty of A. Oadzow. Apply to MANNPNG &
SCOTT, Clinton.
-Fiji Sifile or tO'Rent' '
The undersigned offers for Sale or to Rent that
conveniently situated and commodious fdouble
brick house on Battenbury Ston easy 4erms.
The house has every convenience. MISS A.
1 First-olass Brick Store to rent, with good cel-
lar suitable for any business. now occupied by
BILL W. Irwin, as a grocery. Favorable terms.
$200 Worth
Of Other Medicines Failed
But 4 Bottles or IloodPs Sarsaparilla
"It is with pleasure that I tell of . the groat
benefit I derived from Hoodls Sarsaparilla.
For years I have been badly afflicted with
breaking on% with tilt -Ming sores 'during hot
suminer months. I have sonnetimes not been
able -use my litiths for two .months at a time.
Being indtmed to try peed's Sarsaparilla. I got
one hottlelast spring, eomMeneed ',ming It; felt
so mue,h better, got two bottleS more; took
them during the summer, was able to do my
bousework; and
Welk Two Miles
*Melt° Ilea net 'dote ler Mir 'ydaids.- Think I
am.ctited Of erysilnieas,"and rettlinmend any
, pee:ulnae afillOteOltdeeim •.
Hood's '‘Sarsaparilla
Pour InAtlas.hits done morello me than $200
worth Of other the 1E34
bleed . pitriedr known." 'Rue. IL D.' WEST,
Church StreetjlereW9,1118• N.
, HOOD'S PILLS cure liver Mt, vomit/pa-
Oen. biliettsneili, jinindite, sick heidache.- eft.
atitaat tamale ale
amok:hit dire -the *test eme. 01
werless Debility.. Loft Vigor and
&Mgt lstinhOod; testbret the
WeitiOada 08 bed$ or mind.
by enier-eferk. or the allots „of
celiett 'rsie Reitady ab
labeit'thstinate ,sases*hest . all otbei
Idled tomato railese.' /135id
11 S
Anticipating the wants of my patrons during the preserving season, I
beg to announce the arrival of ' another oar load of Sugar to -day. The
Granulated being the highest standard of excellence and purity. Special
Outs to parties buSiing by the cwt. or bbl.
FRUIT JARS—All Sizes, Pts., Qts. and Half Gallons
Lot 124, High street, Clinton, with comfortable
two-story frame house, containing seven rooms
in good condition; now occupied by Mr J.W. Hill
Good garden, small stable. Apply to the owner
Huron St., Clinton. *41
House and Lot to Rent.
The undersigned offers for rent hisresidence
on On tari3 street. just east of the English church.
The house has every convenience. Also a Horse,
Carriage and Harness for sale: the carriage and
harness are new. JAMES mum.
For Sale or 'to Rent.
The resideuce and grounds at the corner:of John
and Queen Streets, in the town. of Clinton com-
prising lots 534 and 535;the property is beautifully
situated and well improved, the house Is a story
and a half frame iu good state of repair, 8 rooms
besides hails, pantry, and kitchen, there he also a
good stable. bare and soft water with other con-
venieness. For particulars apply to, MANNING
& SCOTT, Solicitors. Clinton.
White Chester Boar for Service.
Tee undersigned keeps for serviee at his pre-
mises lot 11, oon.1, MORA, iTborbbred WhiteChester Boar., Terred $1. ,HENRY FREEMAN.
It took ems prierSat 'Torok° Exhibitibu. .
lbarkwell's Sine Cern Cure, will epee gores, Willis,
BlInsi011s, Moles.
.pay for tlie.
In advance vvill,
1. , a. year. People
take newspapers in order t�
get the news. The NM
ERA gives more news of APR,
• ifil interest to the residents,of
won than any, other Si pa-
er published. In fact, it con -
all the new Try it and
ow_For• Bargains.
in Drees Goods.
in Flannels and Flannelettes.
in Tweeds and Clothing.
in Top Shirts and Underwear.
in Boots and Shoes.
in Suits for Men and Boys.
in Overcoats.
in Millinery.
--Bargain,s-in twery-department-as-we-have-a-very_
Heavy Stock and are.crowded for rom?tvq,
ThebestEmbalming Fluidused
Splendid Hearse.
ResidenceI er store.
.,, .
Via ,thr, Chicago, Milwaukee de St.Taul
• R'y, on Tasday; Aim. 30, and Sept,
. • 27;• 1.822.
Where the glasses !ire kissed by the ws,nd'ring
brenzftilds are ricih with the golAer grain;
sehotnem plottg.iiii through the Srairie
TO its deetinell'Uott oe the western plebe; .
Whotellordiadmay ntreet bd knight In vain,
wbAtelask..1% may ever hiarighth„maatI7
is the thriftiest plant that le
And Med le as free se the wisatbst tows.
Por further peatioulate hetet be thti 'neatest
shot agent, or aSidares A. J, now, Canadian
Fauuenger Aeon, 4 estmer mut! Week, roots
_ •*
Shingles for Sale
I carry on hand a stook of first-class Cedar
Shingles; two qualities, which I will sell at every
low rate. Orders large or small filled on the
shortest notice. Please give me a call.
W. RILEY, Londesboro. Sm •
Soaforth Dye Works.
Clothes of all kinds cleaned, dyed and pressed,
with Airomptness. Woollen Dresses Dyed with-
out ripping, if necessary.
Ordir, left with J. Cuninghame, Clinton, will re -
delve prompt attention.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
J. W. SNELL Seaforth.
The now model of the Rockford Watch, when
placed in a screw bezel case, will fill a Ion felt
want among farmers, as it is not due proof
Only, but very strong. The mate which the
wheels work between, not being separated by
pillars as in the ordinary
But by the bottom plate being turned out of a
solid piece of metal, with the edger left of the
toP plate to rest on; it also being pendant or lever
set with gunk balance to prevent, breaking, mak-
ing in all a good rong watch -
For a Farmer
Tested Remedies.
Foe impure, Weak and Inmoverisbed
Bhiod, DyspepAla, Sleeplessness, Palpa-
tetiOn of the Heart, Liver Complaint,
Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis,
COrit4ttinptiOn, Gal! Stones, Jaundice, Ma-
tey and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General Debility.
• 'Prop. and Mabliftietuter.
SalabY 1. L'Comb% .elinton,