HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-10-28, Page 3',era • , Gagr. < < ` - TOisrialt/ED. ,Arthur and Mgernen Medway Were .„ twins whose identity had been ponfns- ea'brearelese Onreeti in *dr infaineY4 " The children were then weighe,4 and the heaviest thenceforth difitnigniSited AS Arthur, the heir,but their -father,' ..'' Sir Olandemas always tronbledibYtlia fear. that Algernon. might, have been Wronged, by t e deerskin, and nitide up ' -f9e, theposelh eininsticehyMorel/01y, . spoiling Algernon,Whem he made 'heir of the nnentailed Maxwell "property. •' Both twins ' had OemnaitisiOns'Jn the army,, but Algern-on's was. in the Guards, his allowance was larger than Arthur's, he Was always in debt, hie extravagance oftwed, the family purse • and encumbered the estates, yet what, ever he did was right in the father's , eyes%the'steady Arthur, in his less ex- pensive and rionable regiment, be- ing consiclere as lacking in spirit and dash. But at last the fast and fashion- able &mediation, committed a serious error; he secretly married pretty Mary Ashwin, an infantry officer's daughter, &penniless orphan whom he had,known . easeVernes$ of A friend's Children. When this came to light, Sir Claude • Was very angry, there was a period of liftman and indigestion and stopping of supplies, highly inconvenient to a gen- t tleman.in Me Algernon Medway's posi- tion. The bifence was at last condoned, and, Mrs ' Algernon 'Medway and her i son were received by lady Medway and young • Lady 'Gertrude, Arthur% a • wife, , with such cordiality as those . ladies could muster for the occasion, n • -Which :perhaps was not suffialent to I make it pleasant for poor Mary Med- s way to live among them, a d erless ow.,.. intruder, with nothing but her be uty i • and goodness to recommend her. • Soon after this, the baby son . mg about a year old, Algernon was tried _ and convicted of a.criticei that inspired - his young wife with especial horror, for which he- was transported for a s long period. ' t Sir amide, wtose doting fondness quickly tarried t extravagant hatred, wi • then left all his property, with the ex- t ception ' of daughters' . portions, and el such necessary provisions, to Arthur; is he continued, however, togive *a shoal' th allotrope°, dependent on his pleasure, p • gernon s • For some years after this scandal, A.rthur Medway lived with his wife ex and young children on the continent, while Sir Claude shut _himself up in w Maxwell Court, saw no one, and gra- dually declined in health till he died, fr when Philip must have bean about five on years old, and Maryldedway two Years 113 her unknown grave. As no one h • was permitted to mention Algernon, he his wife or child, in the old baronet's ch presence, it was not until after his ga • death, in winding up his affairs, that in Sir Arthur discovered that Mrs Alger- tif non had ceased for some years to claim th her allowance. The lawyers through liv , whom the pittance was paid had had th instructions from Sir Claude to make no ingiur" ies for her if she chose to slip ho out of sight, as she did. Thus the new , head of the family had no clew of her "a whereabouts, and. searched in vain for on some traces of her, until he chanced, , four years after Sir Claude's death, to Cla find Philip at his very gates. Then, , being-attracted-hy...tha,baylalikenees. to. to the Medways, and by some rumor bef , of his unknown origin, he made inqui- ber ries of Matthew Meade, which, being of followed up by both, left no reasonable of doubt in the minds of either that Philip doe was the son of Algernon Medway. pro Mary Medway's handwriting alone, rag without the testimony of the entries n in her diary, would have revealed her mu to fair Arthur. •deli "We thought tbat you were told of sta your -name -and -origin on coming of tha age," Claude said in conclusion. "Of to course the thing made a great talk at fro the time. It is forgotten new, but a " little would soon stir the old scandal. sad Men of our generation know nothing, ign but our father's contempciraties would ens remember. Si The trial of Algernon Medway had "Oh brought to light raany base circum- don ---etances-in-his life; the crime of which he was convicted, appropriation of read regiinental moneys,was, no doubt, but lette the repitition of a previous theft, for to h which the officer responsible for the wo • money had been broken, though not mea •prosecuted; he had vanished with his had despair. Thi a last theft had been ac- effor companied by a well-planned attempt mer to fasten the robbery on Algernon's mig wife's brother, obnoxious to him from znor being a privide, and who shot himself and in consequence of what he endured �f a while under suspicion. For "You need fear nothing from me," way, Philip replied, with some scdrn, and shad then, after a pause he asked of what a rev crime his father had been convicted. He Claude replied in a, word that made his Jessi ears tingle. He was looking straight ance. before .him *With a strained gaze that to a saw Cothing visible, but pictured Ada had Maynard's face as when he saw her Myse last ;beneath the moonlight sprinkled land orange trees, and saw -a deep, black ter. gulf yawning between them. He had be el kept loyal to the farewell then spoken, they and never allowed his fancy to stray to ma • back to those renounced hopes, and yet /tithe he had never felt the parting in its tull stone pain till now. A thousand other urge thoughts surged intp his mind, his perha • eyes darkened his face grew sharp called with pain, ameba grasped the back of world a chair, as if by lined:tau/cal action be it wo cOuld control the tumult within.- ferent Claude looked with a grave campane- ing ti tipn at the silent agony dimly sha- wonia dowed in the face before him. lives. "Better forgotten. Batter you had The never known:" he said at last. "He her w has had the grace to take another heart name."• would "I ought to bave knoWn from the hear a first," Philip replied at last. "And he acted Wanted me:" strizet "Yes," replied Claude, "that he might tions. squeeze every penny out of you and ing th then flirig you aside, ruined. His al- know lowance 113 more than your whole in- God h come, He spends his time between her g opinnadreaming and gambling. That said, man would rob a child. •He ha,s Co poor / hinirti he is scarcely hurnan. Don't but it fall into his olutcheai he will never fused, leave you till be has ruined you. Don't be misled by any weak sentiment in it wa.s that direction." of doo :"My affairs," replied Philip, "are my be abl once, • Then upon further inquiry be learned that Algernon Medway3stetirt of trans- , poxtaUo bad exjfred one year's. Sine% Laiid hiid bena.eIgnedrn, Of 'Ncilidtehe 0441e nOthing.:. hro!' thq'oeuVb* Oil* Of riloneruntil bia Pagonee'lwas oxbi0:0051$ thee, be gave alto 4 rieta04"44.414tance, with the Intl* MastiOn that riO Vera lump raw wOrlid bafOrtlieetning., ,,-Therenpon the War* sheep appeared oge day., .an unrecognizable ;Wreck, at AfarntelL.Gourt Re- name in'neWApaperOn4thOuln, het, 44d14010 all 'that '`Wika OW* of 100 Gr*ifl from qeS079 PPQPIqi.clrb-AV4atibilis OW' CoiteltiSci ititOnS tO, the '4400 of this Philip Bandativith,:thabOn hk uara04.„. Theni Ituding that the Neti- rem, Philip, he (104244404'4442'e w4Y-0-;*e .(MilePS, to keep ,hltn apart ,V,PeciallY trim • .0 wtose.g.inkty,eonsetence made hi der Of welfare, ouec1..tuelcriUr with yuo_zt thin You. mkm mast carefor , • r4011104 are free, • ratiOnid always 4,1/004 IL #e*wsight upon • g� to Gotland Yard; Voti must get ObeeSeMait to apt with roil,' Claude saidat last; "We may !Ogee her by her draYfilig0. ShnWee tiennaintea *fth OHO well,i4noyiii artist, ilhe wUl have been 'Po • He stilt had ome hope of finning her,' but Ms heart .sank When he thotight,'Of herhelpless,eXperieoce. • FIA*TRA Tug rIOTitiute.' cowed. Before litany daYS fealtid him - 14110:10. --------------spitody to 'the holise 'whither inlen, be had fraelrfenplarn-eater, After a fruitless errinid there learnt Iron rd, to the friendly J*41'714400 Ashwin h was was likelY.;to be visible, and, hniing • leave soon atter noon one day. , for his ne„St aceOrdingly, appeared., is In- This Visit WWI HO likely to know- make Ada Maynard regre4he thought, to the With a thrill of deep and pure emotion. He could almost hear her bidding him see if go. And yet he Wati feather front her I be- than nver. ndal, was at hinne but could . if I not redeive visitors; yet he sent. in his card, thinking he would not be &riled, and was shown in a Arst floor room That looking on the street. "He must at least be human," he bought, when the door evened and evealed the stooping figure, wrapped oosely in a &easing gown, in an arra- hair . between a blazing the and a reakfast table on which stood a de - anter half full' of a dark liquid that as not wine. • He recalled old half, oygotten Stories Imard in boyhood Of Mi. Algernon." There was one story f a horse which be had pnnished in so hocking a manner that it was neces- r3r to shoot it. young groins), a slim, small fellow, earing the horse scream, had thrown imself upon the big guardsman and ave him such a pounding as he had ever before enjoyed, getting well ptu3-, hed himself in return, Mr Algernon ad to keep his bed for a day or two; e servant was dismissed by Sir aude, and handeoznely rewarded by r Medway, who never lost sight of in, and whose coachman he was at s present day. Philip, had often vied. that young ,groom the oppor- nity of punishing such a scoundrel. et he must be human," he thought, oking earnestly at the leaden -eyed, ken creature with the full moist Se li s, the furtive lance the w p esome ace, an. t • e traces of mer long -ruined comeliness. He was tainly like Sir Arthur, and yet Sir thur was a vigorous Man, with line sence, and handsome, relined face. uld these be twin brothers? Could s stooping skeleton, with the coda- ous face and evil eye be his father? 'Philip Randal, eh?" the man asked, t rising nor offering his hand. "To at am I indebted for the honor of s visit ?" he added, sarcastically. he replied, "you are my fa- Sueh *en tbe atm, hea his OWn,M0fit bitter eliagrin; 1111e the father he found in searchin his lost motor. But he did not the hOose without pressing on h fOTeisie, insisting uRon nig the object of Claude e Visit ark Of that daV.,", "4I limb,: Claude reined; "to flelly Samson's story was true, lievethat it is true. You see, Ra I should net go to this old ;woman knew where to find jessie.!* "Heaven knotvs." . "You (still refuse to belieie me, IP not the way: to find her. y to lawzyou will only smirch her n PWUP looked at blin pearchi and yet with some hesitation. did not tell the truth about' your ions with hers": he said, at hist. -r did not tell the whole tru Wi4lle I thought her dead -7 tho t better -can't you tinderstand?" Philip thought he could tinders nd his heart sank. "You did not love Jessie and eh ot love you. I loved her. I lost would give my life to lind her. he is found she must be my wife. "Do you solemnly swear that?" p asked, "I do most solemnly swear it." "You should have sworn that be before all this misery Of Tlial.r ma before it was Um late." "I think," he said slot "that herald know all that ev passed ween your sister and rayself." SG Philip thought, and he liste th a sort of savage forhearan he story of this long courtship an imax in the storm, when Jessie hed. Restraining his indignation ought it all over, and considered ossibility of her going to Lon , • Qugo ame.' t twin r 'You 1 c c ught w tand, e did s her. •sa When Phil- h fore is king h th you CI be- m bi ned thi ee to en d its tu van- , be 10 the bro don loo un ude for eer but Ar to a greo urt thi ver and ie," no oor wh be- thi one o au - for to aid "She had sold some pictures," Cla plained. "Sold pictures!" echoed Philip;" hat would a few shillings be?" "That," said Claude, pointing amed water -color of Marwell Co the wall "fetched ten guineas." He examined it in silent wonder. is eyes grew moist. "Poor Jess murmured, turning away, '13 ild 1" and something of the truth n to dawn upon. him. Jessie al cruel, wicked London; young, be ul, and friendless as she was, ree weary whiter months, hoping e by selling drawings. What c� e upshot of this be? The next day Philip burst into use in nTeat excitement. 'She did go to London," he cri nd whatever herrn comes to be your head." 'You have seen her ?" falter ude, with white lips. have two letters; they have be India.ainriollowed-me-lome;--Clne ore her flight, and one dated Oc , with no address, bearing the ma the. general post office. She spea flying from a temptation that s s not name. Of having been co n3ised by scandalous talk. Of hi from her friends in consequenc She hides from you?" Claude ask eh agitated by the right of Jessi sate hand writing on the tray ined envelope. "I quite understa t she would -hide from that coars ngued shrew of a cousin, but w in you?" Heaven knows," Randal returne ly; "she is each a child at heart, oratit of life. She thinks herse uectd-by mere talk." What have I done ?" cried Claud ! Jessie, poor Jessie, what have 5?' hiliFliiidlifroliniforrliiir Miff 'h out such portions of Jessie's las r as he thought it well for Claud ear, with merciless eniphasis o rds that made him wince. In tit ntime he reeked his brain, as h been doing' that night, in th 't to recall Jesine's inning and sum letters, thinking how mucli Miser ht have been spared if be had give e earnest heed to them at the tim considered her more in the Ugh reasonable and reasoning beim the Jessie painted by Claude Med Mr Ingleby-, and sir _Arthur, an owed forth by her last letter, wa elation to him. had but just received the lette e last wrote before her disappear It had missed a mail and gon n old Indian address whence i travelled by a circuitous route to rabad, and thence back to Eng - in company with her London let - In this she told him that it must ear to him as it was to her that did not love each other in ft way ke marriage desirable; that her r could he -know all the circuiti- es, would be the last pesron to their marriage; that he had not ps considered it, until suddenly ppon to leave her alone in the . Experience had taught her, as uld one day teach him, how dif- love was from the fraternal feel- iat had bound them together.and bind them, sbe knew, all their London letter fissured him of ell being, and hid him set his at rest concerning her. She write from tiine to time and f him in the *rapers. She had foolishly,* not knowing what con - ion would be put upon her ac - She had acted wrongly in keep- ings, which they ought to have n, from her guardians, and now unished her by Lakin aw oo name. "Dear Philip," she "do not think harshly of your ittle Jessie. tried to do right, was so hard. My head was con- ong sometinies seemed right, and right wrong. And no one toltUrne wrong to see friends. alone out es. Some day, perhaps, you Will e to forget that / was foolish raid made people talk truell when young and mute Anne. You gain solittleAbout tfil yotingiody who- ., • ,.. 2itoltotiorotaa*otitili:. • the ed, r is ed en to- rk ks he m- d - e." ed, e's el- nd e- hy d, so If e. 6" 37 Children rytor .; trja xititibtri ireseription for Indult and Otilaxen• It Contains neither Opinitio 110114dae nor, dOther S'areotio subtitanee. It is A hai*Ins4 SifiliiAttnte for Paregoric, props, Soothing Syrups, and cluster ' It Js Pleasant, 1*egnarantoo is, thirty years' nse by - *Riots ollgotber's;' Castoria degrOYE1Wearnis ati4alia/a feverishness. 'eastorfa prevents ovonaitiEng Sour Cur4o cures DiarrIkr‘ and Wind Odin. Castoria relieving teething troubles, mires constipuUefa and, flatuleiaey, eastoria the food, regulates ta stomach and bowels, Odin: healthy and natura4eep. Casa toria Is the Ohildrinfs Panacea -the Mother's Binged. Castoria:. Castoria. "Guitorlit fa an exceliOnt medicine for chi!. " Casterla is so well adapted V) children that Amu; Mothei? have repeatedly told moo! its I recommend it as superior to AO pracription good effect upon their chilaren." known to raw', DE. G. Q. Name H. A. Axonal, M. D., "Castorla is the hest remedy fol.: cwehillidre"n of "Our physicians in the children's depart - III So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. which I ara acquainted. I hope the clay is not merit ho.ve apoken highly qf their expert, far distant when mothers will consider the real enc.() In their outside pract•Pos with Castoria, interest of their childrsn, and use Castoria in- and elthough we only have among our awed of theivariousquack nostrums which are medical supp/les what is known as regular destrefing their loved ones, by foraingopium. products, yet we are free to confesa that the morphine, soothihg syrup and other hurtful merits of Castoria has won us to look with agree down their throats, thereby sending favor upon it." am to premature graves." . chin= nOserTAL Atm Ditspaivaarer Da. J. P. Ifsircinaex, Boaters, Maffs, Conway, Ai: „hums C. Sawa, Pres:, t. - The Centaur Company, TZ Murray Street.•NquoirorAt oft?, .. IiIIMIIIMINI!111111111111110.1111.immummiimmamilligil • • OCTOBRLpld/ILME_DATE___0_ GREAT HURON CENTRAL EXHIBITION. But you need not wait until then to secure the best value to be had in Groceries and Crockery As MoMURRAY & WILTSE are always to the front with the very beet goods in the market at the lowest prices. er. ry our special blends of Tea s "Am IP" he returned, with an un- pleasant jest. "Well, what then ? There's nothing to be got out of me." "1 heard," Philip continued, "that you wished to find my address. I have brought it." "So !did. But only to put the screw on those mean hounds, Arthur and Claude. You've done me out of a cer- tain income, you young donkey," he grumbled, motioning him to a seat. "So you've been through the ranks, -gm-young-dog; andelimbed up•to -the proud elninenee of captain in a line regiment, all of your own bat, eh? To be sure, you ought to have done better with the Crimea and the Mutiny," he continued with a vacuous air, as he reached after the decanter and poured out some of its contents,which he drank. off. "Efalf that, my young cockerel.," he added, setting the glass down empty, "would stop your crowing forever; the whole of it would settle five dragocins. Welc -v-vhit-ileT-You want her -0'6e growled, as he suddenly tarried and bent his now glittering eyes upon his visitor% face. TO BE CONTINURD TO -DAY Hood's Sarsaparilla stands at the head in the medicine world, admired in prosperity ininiell'hYirier bythifirsTnidii i5f id be competitors. It has a larger sale thatt any other medicine. Snob enema could not be won without positive merit. Hood's Pills cure constipation by restor- ing the peristaltic action of the alimentary canal. They are the best family esthetic. Pride is essential to a noble character, and the love of praise is one of the civilizing elements. - Henry Ward Beecher. Thursday was the thirty-ninth anni- versary of the marriage of the Presi dent and Mrs. Harrison, and °sadness marked the day at the White House owing to Mrs. Harrison's illness. 6 erman ru good , g jtid4es say they cannot be • equalled for the money. We claim exceptional cup value for ourDala Rola and.11b. Cannister Blends. Our Crockery trade has more than doubled this summer; we attribute it to low prices and good goods. Everything sold.by ns we warrant to be as represented. Give us a call MeM.IJERAY & WILTSE '-11UMBALLItinalt' FACTORY • Jauron. Street, Clinton • We have on hand an assortment of splendid BUGGIES. CARRIAGES, & WAGGONS Which we guarantee tollic-offirsclasematerial-and-workmanship, If you want a good article at the price of a poor one, call and see us. L. 11,1ET1'EMS.4,..7141.4, CJI_OFINT7PCPINT Perfection Wafers A RAPID AND POSITIVE REMEDY' FOR THE ABSOLUTE CURE OF Nervous Disorders and Debility, Spinel Exhaustion, Bad Complexion, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Physical Decay. and General Weakness. Also KAHN'S PENNYROYAL WAFERS for sale by TE3. COMB31i 1E7 C4 AAR S ALWAYS BUY THE BEST. THE BEST IS THE OFIEAPEST 9, 3rd Car Redpath's Pure Granulated and Yellows Now arrived, this summer. Sold as low as many so-called pore, but adulterated Sugars now selling in this market. We make special cuts by the cwt. or in bbl. lots. Here is something from Mr. Prank A. Hale, proprietor of the De Witt House, Lewiston, and the Tontine Hotel, Brunswick, Me. Hotel men meet the world as it comes and goes, and are, not slow in sizing people •and things up for what they are worth. He says that he has lost a father and several brothers and sis- ters from Pulmonary Consuniptidn, and is himself frequently troubled with colds, and he Hereditary often coughs enough to make him sick at Coustain ptionhis stomach. whe*. ever he has taken fir cold of this kind he uses Bosthen's German Syrup, and • it cures, hitn every time. Herdis a Mall who knows the full dallier of lung trou- bles, atid wotild therefore he Mott p.articular as to the Medibine he used. What is his opinion? Listen 1 " tige nothing but Boschee's dernian Syrup, and haVe advisedil pre:Mittel • More than a hundred tiltrerett pet. sons to tact it, They agree VI • Me that it is the bestcough yinp fa the market" ill J. W.. IRWIN N 0 TRINGTRZ ER, AMY • Collegiate Institute and Public School Supplies. We have a full assortment of all the newest lines of Scrib— blers, Cop y Books and everything required by pupils • and teachers, • E • • D r' • CIA4 • \,) H E I Pig 'Ar: 69 TH 7,5 Pik! 51:1ERBOURNE SITORON • MNQVITtO G F. 1v4E11$0zi. • Quzivpi - 11E1,1 'MLR FRUIT Aim OANAVERT-AL AND ASTRAOHAIi.rZN rue 40fIS Or ini1014 WilL*41h4,isfiniateggi LARGE STOOK GE' 114,140 The above orniunental trees sourshrubberyW4 Add at very low prices, and those a/sating thing in this connootiow will pave'. 1p011iar • puroluaimg here; Orders by Mail will be promptly: at to. Address, JOHN STEWART. -- Bem011iat L.INTICAN Planing. - —AND -- DRY ICILN! HIBBS HAVINGJIMT COPZP e • mina.* prompt and satisfactiory Alta orders expeditiously and facia conildantlia sonable rates.: Be ;would also retina thankirto who patronnetithe old millbefsge theY,weredI ad tint, Mictnew being in betWr pOsitioa'tke Machipory of the latest improred patterns los rics8 UcIriVurrtished his new prepared to attend to all orders to hi$ re satisfaction to all. - •:. PAOTO.R Y—Near the Grand TOO Rniheay, Clinton . 11031413 MeN 1 COPP'S WALL PAPE and Paint Shop Is stocked with a Select Assortment of American and Canadian Wall, Pa WITH Boanauti TO MATCH, front live cini* rolls to thelliiiist'gilt. Having boughtimy Paper* and Palate for Spot Cash, and my practical ftli' perience justify me in saying that all wanting** decorate their houses inside or paint them aide will find it to their advantage to give ma &Mon. south, • Olivego.T1' ohnston's blacken**. .• shop, and directly oppoaite Mr. J. Chidlefil reaidenee. JOSEPH COPP lithouesI Paper Banger and Painter. ROBERT -:- DOWNS 0 LINTON , Manufacturer and Proprietor for the fiesrfilvtall „, Mill Dog la_use.. Agent fox tlxosaltAisiLltp_Pit,, cation of the pirFuniaa PATANT AUTOMATIC laKkillig OLT.ANICB. STEAM FITTINGS furnished and, sitip ed on short notice. • Boiler*. Engines. and all hinds 0 Ilaelsinery repaired ex peditions?! sand 111 a satisfactory menace.. Parra implements manufactured' as& metre& Steam and water pumps furnished, and putliNv,. „progitipn.-.nry-mius-iittea,ne Ispplicatitoki Oharges moderate. If you are interested- in Advertising you ought to be a subscrib- er to PRINTERS' INK journal for advertisers. . Printers' Ink is is- sued weekly and is fined with contributions and helpful suggestions from the brightest minds in the advertising business. Printers' Ink costs only a dollar a year. A sample copy will be sent on receipt of five cents. GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., io Spruce St., - New York. ivaattearesataa-tala.. CREAT BIBLE COMPETITION. Thookinds ef Dollars in Rewards Bible Readers. LADTIC aoMi ittoACTMA pram& Ito ging Pitif Competition to the publie of Ansories. Th6 first ones* 'ow* to the following questions reeeieed a Molt Ofilde fon get ex on is tsar the getond $500 .onidn SidiOnneof Piano; iel,Lieds Seal Coo; &th, ,I250 04*. sb Isidies Gold Waichs; Vtli, Silk DMA; Then follows lown elegant SilVer T. Sets to the next MO eorteet,Oneitisfei; 1000 beititital 5 o'clock Silver Serviees, Ishd 2000 Cab!, Articled of Silverware, maij,,p (he mesa 'eXPandre ksa asiegnifloent of rot/isms ovetoffeweilng any publishen . QWESTroirt---()1 iIew many seeks does the Bible tow, : taini nor miter chatters? 13) Row 111044 *taw' - aarBters lat of asiiioors MUM seeoeirtssiee bt$1..tes pay for six ?ameba Atheoription to the hantini ,tfoatfe hiateaginit–ohe of the brightest anti hest illrilittaterk publioatioris .of the der, . LAAT additfOn to the above we traf sh*, 1000girttiseinoSisting nO rittnifieent SilVer ,SerVieel, riek talbeft ElOttidAt, *s. 8r,e, tor Lsit Correct Ariiiirerli defied beterb the *lose of the Ctehoetitiod. ishieh.141, be' an Derember 31, 1892, Tbs.031.igain Offeritutthd/FOROdmkiprIto late AstAblait, the laieus IleteR 052,11vie 11; 'NEW horns in. the1Yn5 '1 , S/Atdit MIA PteItddt .1fatetitieht tett theroseites .1of it ty eneloising OM with'itit• answers end the satireObt Aisgariltie o;0006.frA/hthdiittd T)OCW411 4i1 snt fer ix itioia or tsveggttvwxidota tirk. slrets1 he1 %Pei*, subserhreaiths iu t sIMtttttt ' e' ?ACM York triteck. Wks IllIe,57 hotolAn ,Mt *tn. ind T4