HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-10-28, Page 1or
In Ovanee Will'aerure
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We Olatel that the IIEW 4RA.
lOvt! 'Were lxolle flews .every
NirOgx•tehan allY other 01 a year
paper 'In the Province.
RORERT ROLM'S, EditPrePriet0r0
To see tbe
of Knot andFour
in -Hand TIES
we are selling at
rter apiece
They are
, Nobby,
One price and 5 per c. off for cas
no Ego Mo aligns
NOTES. -MISS L. 11 Dey paid a flying
visit to her home in Wingham on
Sa,tOrday.---We -are -pleased to see
MO E. Clark in our midst again. We
arels'orry to learn that Miss M. Helwig
is -oh the sick list. Mr John Ferguson
• 'wall smiles these days because his wife
presented him with a fine girl this
week. Sacrament is to be adminis-
tered in the Methodist church next
Sabbath. Rev. F. Swan, and his
daughter Katie, have returned from
visiting relatives in Strathroy. It is
always a sure sign that our neighbor-
ing village is into trouble when we see
a cab and several rigs headed by Cone
stable Davis passing through on their
way to Goderich.
MARRIAGE. -We are pleased to re-
cord:this week an accoamt of a wedding
that took place in our midst. Mr J.
Hurley, section. foreman of the G. -T.
'R., led to the altar Miss Norah Kelly,
daughter ,of Mr T. Kelly, ex -section
foreman. ,This. pleasing eyent took
place on Monday last; the happy cou-
ple left on the same day for Pprt Hur-
on on their wedding tour. We wish
the happy couple success through life's
NOTES. -Mr James Lobb, of Galt,
paid his sister and his many friends
a flying visit on Tuesday last. Mrs
W. Murch is attending the Provincial
S. S. Convention in Guelph this week.
Hay packing and apple packing are
the order of the day; many of our
young men are employed at the latter.
Miss Williams, the evangelist, is to
conduct the quarterly services in ,the
Methodist church here shortly.
LIGHTNING PREARS.-Rare.ly, if ever
especially in the month of October
_has this-seetion-been-visiten with sucg
vivid lightning as lately. A ball of
lightning fell only 27 feet from the
house of Mr T. Murch, barking a tree
and tearing off a board and pulling the
,e,ta..Eleeirena feur.posts of a --wire fence
as well as shattering one of the posts.
The same gentleman's barn, only half
a mile distant, was struck about the
same time, tearing the eave boards and
shattering the boards on the end of
the barn from top to bottom, a tree
also about midway between the two
former was struck. Providentially no
serious damage was done.' '
0. •
NOTES. -Mrs Rod. Ross, who as
somewhat indisposed last week, is now
improving. Mrs Sled and her daugh-
ter, from the vicinity of Collingwood,
are visiting at Mr Wm. Graham's,
Stanley. Messrs Perdue & Thompson,
two veteran threshers, are finishing
the threshing along the concession this
week and last.
Boys Clothing
Boys Suits
Boys Suits
Boys Suits
Boys Suits
Boys Suits
Boys Suits
Boys Suits
$2 00
2 50
3 00
3 50
4 00
4 50
5 00
Boys Overcoats with Capp
BOYA0v,ereoats with FurtiOIlar
Boys bvereoatp ;veitb; In UIStei.
Boys OVercoatst-p4rie40! ,
1. iJt
l, rq,utiq
OCTOBER 28, 1892.
•Wee,k1).i Budgei
From all parts of the County—by wide-awake
and lively Correspondents
Goderich Township
Imenovma.-The friends of Mr John
Churchill, of this township, who re-
cently sustained a bad break of his
arm, will be glad to know that he is
recovering. At one time it was feared
that it would be necessary to amputate
the arm in order to save his life, but
this was not done, and he is improving
as well as could be expected. He has
had a pretty hard time of it, but has
bravely borne his sufferings.
NEW STORE. The vacant lot on
which stood a store lately, kept by Mr
Stewart, has been purchased by R. Clark
and P. C. Papineau, who intend
erecting a building on the same and
startilig a general store. They are both
well known, and no doubt will do a
good business, as they are pushers.
SALE. - Mr J. Sutherland intends
selling off his farm stock and moving
to the North West, where he will con-
tinue farming, having purchased a half
section with improvements on. Mr
McMichael, who lives on the adjoining
farm,has rented that of Mr Sutherland,
for a term of years.
NOTES. -Dr Cooper has moved to his
new office, and now has things very
convenient and comfortable. The con-
cert, which was advertised to be given
on Monday evening, by Henry Allan,
the blind musician, was postponed on
account of there being no audience.
Tuckersmitlr: - -
CHURCH NOTES. -The Sunday school
at Turner's appointment will be closed
on Sunday next, and at 2.30 p.m., a
special sermon to the children will be
preached by the pastor. The Women's
Auxiliary will have the anniversary
of their society on Friday evening.,
Nov. 4th; a social will be held in the
basement of the church, after which a
program will be furnished.
tees of S. S. No. 4 have had the' school
raised and a stone foundation put un-
derneath; Mr Hill, of Clinton, had the
contract, and has made a good job of
it. Mr Robert Craig is about to leave
this section and remove somewhere in
the yaginity of Bayfield., Mr John
Carto Affir Wen lifillfrtielfligt-
for some time, is recovering. The
Misses Greenway, of Clifford,Who have
been visiting friends in this vicinity,
returned home last week. Miss Jennie
Dawson, of Kincardine, is at present
visiting her sister, Mrs B. Tyerman,
LEAVING. -To -day Mr and Mrs Jas.
Braithwaite leave this township for
Welland, where they purpose taking
up their residence with their son-in-law
Mr A. Lawrence. Mr Braithwaite is one
of the oldest residents of the township,
and has honorably filled a number of
public offices, the duties of which it is
but just to say, were always faithfully
and well discharged. He was a mem-
ber of the Methodist church at Londes-
boro fully 40 years, for 20 of which he
was Superintendent of the Sabbath
School and Recording Steward of the
ehureh, holding --the latter-offibs-u-016-
the time of his removal. He was 23
years Clerk and Treasurer of the town-
ship and for the same length of time a
commissioner and justice of the peace.
llie,seh,Marshallhas..rented the •home*
stead; the good wishes of many friends
go with Mr and Mrs Braithwaite, and
we trust their declining years may be
spent in continued place and comfort.
Hill's Green.
NOTES. -Threshing is just about end-
ed for, this season in this community.
Revival meetings are still being con-
ducted in the Methodist church. Mrs
S. J. Pentland and Rev Albert Tiffin,
preached here on Sunday. Mr George
Hudson has taken to himself a wife, in
the person of Miss Annie Taylor; the
ceremony was performed by Rev. 11.
Irvine* Wednesday evening, 26th, at
the home of the bride's parents; George
is a quiet, sensible young man, and has
chosen an excellent young lady as his
life companion; they expect to reside
in Hensall for the winter, we wish them
a long and happy life.
Porter's Hill.
RUNAWAY. -The other day a team
of horses belonging to Mr James Mc-
Donald, that were attached to a load-
ed apple waggon, ran away and made
matters pretty lively for a few minutes;
but fortunately came to a stop before'
they had done a great deal of damage:
N0TES.-Mr8 James Morrison; whe
has spent a month in TOX•wito' uncle
medical treatment, is, •expeoted holm
this week. Mrs Horton, pr., still con
tinues very low. Apples' and grail
are being taken to Hinman since th
the rain started; arid again Herisal
road is getting badly cut,upp it seem
useless putting on gravel- m sun:liner
and then waiting for an •flret .110#
'rain to spoil the roads, if the 1)0001
would only use the broad tire, th
roads would improve in rainy. weather
farmers ;Might .to have thew &Mtn
labor in inverse proportion to th
Width of their tires. Mr J. f)ariS
preached Oh the ,,,ITenifftll' eirenit -let
idiinday. Jacob Latta is the prou
father of another SOIL
1 iti adtithee Will iirl
, I from MO* Until ii
o Jrititi i0Y): 18041 TliiiPt ;Vet t
ance Of thls- Zr Wsr tlje titn
10'eu4 Obey f,.,
Accirmxt.-Henry Allen, eldett son
of Mrs Allen, of this place, had the
misfortune a few days ago to fall and
break his leg above the knee.
• ITEmPLAns.-The following are the
officers elected by the I. O. G. T. for
the coming quarter; -0. T., Mr J.
Cartwright; W. T., Miss S. Stewart;
Sec.'Mr Doig; A. S., Igiss 0. Whit-
ley; F. 4, Mr B. Lawrasen; T., Miss
M. Cartwright; Chap., Mr. J. Fairser-
vice; Mar., Mr J. Scott; G., Miss M.
Brogdon; S., Mr. J. Hill; S. j. T. Miss
3. McKenzie; Organist, Miss J. iVood-
union concert and dinner will be held
under the 'auspices of the L.O.L., C.O.
F. and Sons of England, in Londesboro,
on Thursday, Nov. 3rd. For the con-
cert the services of Sim Fax, of Lon-
don have been secured, also Messrs
Floody, Shamley, Lowery, Plummer,
and other local talent are expected to
take part in the program. Dinner will
be served from 5 to 8 p.m. Concert to
commence at 8. The Londesborofpeo-
ple usually get up a dinner fit or a
prince, and on this occasion the united
efforts of the three societies is likely to
produce something a little extra.
NOTES. - Mr Bond Lawrason was
over at Porter's Hill for Saturday and
Sunday; Bond is not like some of the
younger boys, who go to see their best
girl on Sunday, for he went over in the
interest of the temperance cause, in
which he is a zealous eathusiast, to see
_what_could-be-done-te-rev, ive laggi
interest in the work there. Rev Mr
Leech is confined to the house, and is
unable to take his pulpit work; he has
been a little unfortunate since he came
on the circuit, having considerable ill-
ness in his family, but we hope to see
him and his soon enjoying their wonted
health and strength. Mi and Mrs R.
Badgely, of Hastings county, returned
home on Tuesday, after spending two
weeks with the latter's sister, Mrs John
Phillips; her father spent a week with
her, when he went on to Clare county,
to visit his brothers. Mrs Tigh, of
Detroit, who has been visiting at Mr
John Brundsons for some time, left for
Brampton on Tuesday last. -Mr R. B.
Jeffrey has added much to the appear-
ance of his dwelling by painting it.
Mrs Hiles, who has been visiting
friends in Michigan for' -t, few weeks,
has returned -home. --Mr J. Cr -Ada -ma, -
who has been suffering from a poison-
ed ankle for the past five months, we
are glad to learn, is slowly improving.
A certain young man of Londesboro
takes an occasional Little walk up the
13th concession; all right Alf go ahead.
Mr Geo. Bradford, who has been em-
ployed with Mr G. Snell for some time
past, has removed near Dungannon,
where he will start up business. having
rented a shop there; he is an industri-
ous young man and we shall be glad to
hear of his success.
Hensal1 ..
NOTES. ---Mr G. C. Pett 3,; has returned
from an extended trip to the great
North-West, and reports having had it
very enjoyable time. Mr J. E. Mc-
Donell, our enterprising hardware mer-
phant.Jaaa _ taught_ Bissett -&-Bros
stock in Exeter, and is now running a
hardware store in each place. Rev A.
Tiffin, of Dobbington, preached in the
Methodist church here on Sunday last,
the pastor, Rev G. McKinley, B. D.,
being ittvay With his brother, who was
very low, and has since died; Mr Mc-
Kinley has our sincere sympathy. -
Messrs W. Elder R. A. Buchanan, R.
J. Carlisle, T. T. 'Wren, Rev J. S. and
Mrs Henderson, Miss M. Buchanan and
Mr Hunter, altended the Provincial
Christian Endeavor union meeting in
London, last week, and are very en-
thusiastic over the good accomplished
by such societies, and the heartiness
and union in this work. Rev H. J.
Fair, Mrs Coad, Miss M. Sturgeon and
J. C. Stoneman have been appointed'
delegates to the E. L. of C. E. County
Convention, which is to be held in
Wingham next week. Mr W. West-
cott and family have removed to Sea -
forth. Mr H. Cook has Moved into'
the house vacated b3a Mr Westcott.
We are pleased to see our street lamps
lit up most every evening. Mr C. Bose
senberry's flowering pear will have
found out ita mistake ere now.
A cingicy.-94 Tuesday of last week'
as U0esar, aat Ashfield, was en-.
gag'Pickgg appa s, he unfortun-,
ate y slipped M O'man& of the
tree on which he waspicking and fell,
which resultedfracturing some
bones in „hil , arm neer to the wrist,
also, he reeeived other bruises on his
body, .
court was held here on Saturday last.
A large • attendance of -the ratepayer&
of the townships) of Aslifield. and WestV.,
"Warmth, well; we presume was
owing to OM interesting suits being
tried; one of ,which was a,clispute con -
cerning ditOli and fence, the -other In,
the parchase.ofapplet, -beth of , whip
occupied the whole day. A livi3ly
tereskon the ,part of those. eonpe,cte
*Oh 1he *ow in tpleEitityri; ass
Rpthisirs generally' Wap*inlinifettett
?illE,LONDON EltincTroN.' A easb
,* Oh4
l zOcift)illalia Interest was tried
at thb,ZPriehrilvision connteran We
needairtlitAto* illJ•53thietiVenrme
chant at Hensel], sued Mr T. MUrdoc
of the sableplane, for the atiManittof
wat, held :b.L1fr Aturdoeh ita a; fitak
holder, and ; ade ; ;between It Mori G., Sri
lon -and0i)Ars/Rodgitisro' Opdri 'Mar
liOnded. ele6ti1n Le-1394030in- bettin of elui
ElyinafilT:ikitilit be .elebc Tlided
Hodgins Clktlin *01 %tie In
• ' Zurieb. '
$1 a year
get there. Murdoch paid the money I ineetinon Tite4lay. A union nmeta
ec 'o nub tathshese:
vuesrs eolas
uh: allottywahsrtgiticehnthauhl hed-re:,
iaosn to no
nees hrs etee Ease:,
ny of
rpel ebht eYe.
y Mr
i vwei will cutraherde_
e-vvi iee seenceti
res -
to Erodgins and the suit was brought Mg of this society and that of &Wen-
t • 0 'Willey. Judge Doyle burySt e held in th
took the matter deliberately and will merit of Ontario street ohitreh,
render Judgment on tha_8th -Nov. evening ef Nov. 28. .A. four na
program of subjects has been arr
Brucell01d. among which is a national ent
'neat, to be held on the Oth of
representing Scotch, English and
and it is expected that Revs Mr
son, of Brucefield; Salton, of Br
and Smyth, of Clinton, will deli
tional addresses.
The first annual convention
Christian Endeavor Epworth L
and other kindred societies,will b
in Wingham Congregational c
Wednesday, Nov. 2, with sessi
2.30 and 7.30 p. in. All churches
or without societies are earnes
vited to send two delegates from
young people; names to be sent
earliest moment%) W. S. Ri
At the Sabbath School convent
Guelph this week, when reports
progress were asked from the diff
counties, Mr. W. H. Kerr, of Bru
in his unique way, "brought dow
house" by saying that "Sabbath s
work in the Hurons was pretty
Perfection. The work was going a
rapidly all alcng the line, and if a
the delegates wanted to see how t
a school, let them go into H
The new pipe organ for the Pr
terian church, will be in and com
next week, and will be played fo
first time on Sunday, Nov. 6th, b
A.T. Burns, of McCaul St. Church
ronto, and on the following even
chance will be given everybody' to
the organ, when Mr. Burns will g
recital, and a good program of sa
music will be given; over 60 voices
take part in anthems, solos and q
tettes from our best musicians and
choir, who have the reputation of
ting up good entertainments, pro
something away ahead of anyt
otter' _ x.,
o admission le
be charged,rult,The choir are goin
pass the plate at the close of the r
tal, and expect to get 8200, which
clear the debt off the organ. The P
byterians are never behind w
Money is wanted.
The following appears in Onward
Nov. 5: -Clinton, Ont., Rattenbury
-Our Mission Circle was •organize
March, 1890, by Mrs Detlor,Whose d
interest in missionary work insp
us with some of her zeal. At pres
our membership numbers thirty.
meetings areheld monthly,and web
found that the interest of our Cr
has been maintained by having so
thing definite to work for. Owing
Miss 'Welsh, one of our members,te
ing at the St. Clair Mission, our pale,
have centered there. Two boxes
clothing have been sent., and when th
church was being repaired we • sent,whiclee-ldht
new pulpit. At an open meeting h
recently, a very interesting addr
was given by Miss Whitfield, who
lately returned from Africa. It is
present intention to defray the expe
of educating a Chinese girl for th
years. We feel that even our small
efforts in advancing Christ's kingd
have been blessed, and we are anxio
that a deeper interest will be awaken
in more of our young people duri
this year. MINNIE CANTELON, Sec.
-The annual thank offering xneeti
of the W.F.M.S. of Willis Presbyteri
church was held in their lecture roo
on Thursday., Oct. 20th, at 7.30 p.
The auxiliaries and mission. bands
other churches having been invited,
had a fair representation from eac
one. The President, Mrs J. W. Irwi
was in the chair. The meeting w
opened by all joining hi singing
hymn, reading the find Esalm, a
NOTES. -MC Win, Haatts has return-
ed home from I Dakota,looking all the
better for hie, trip. Mr Alex. Mustard
and wife have returned home from
Kansas, having had a fine trip. Mrs
George Forest, of Port Stanley, have
been visiting under the parental roof
here. Mr J. G. Kaiser has returned
here and taken charge of the black-
sinithing business formerly run by him.
Miss Florence Cooper has returned
home again. Rev 3. IL Simpson and
his esteemed wife celebrated their
silver wedding on the 17th inst, and
were the recipients of some very nice
presents, silverware of course. The
Young People's Society of Christian
Endeavor sent several delegates to
London last week to attend the con-
vention held there. Rev A. Stewart,
B.A., of Clinton, very accep,t I occu-
pied the pulpit of Unionthur, , last
Sabbath evening.
DEBATE, -The R. T. of T. had a de-
bate last Monday evening at their
lodge room. The subject was resolved
that the press has done more for the
country than steam. The affirmative
was taken by Mr S. J. Polssh, Mr
James Allen and Miss Janet Mustard;
the negative by, Alex. McKenzie, Mr
Monteith and Mr Dougal Fothexing-
ham. After very lengthy addresses
by both sides and heavy arguments, it
was decided in favor of the affirmative.
(From an occasional correspondent.)
SILVER WEDDING. -There was a nice
gathering at the manse, on the 17th
inst., it being the silver wedding of
Rev Mr and Mrs Simpson. Several
pieces of choice silverware were pre-
sented, on behalf of their friends, by
Mrs T. Simpson, and a neatly worded
address read by Mr T. Simpson. A
ppy-time-was spent, and rhany good
wishes expressed.
ENDEAVOR. - Rev J. H. and Mrs
Simpson, Misses Bessie McGregor, Jes-
sie Jameson,* 'Rainier McIntosh and
Eleanor Graharn -lam-delegates to the
Provincial Union • Ir.P.S.C.E., in Lon-
don last week.
S. S. CONVENTION. - The4 Sabbath
School Convention for Stanley, Tuck-
ersmith and Hay, held here, was very
larg.ely attended, especially the evening
session. The addresses were excellent,
and much good is expected' from it.
Rev Jas. Walker, Varna, was elected
President for this year, and Mr C. Red-
man, ot Fansville, Secretary.
NOTES. -Miss Lillie Kettle, of Mount
Forest, is visiting friends in' this vicini-
. • llie-A..Fishee-intenda, holding_an.
auction sale on Nov. 314, as he has
rented his farm to Mr Hunter. The
Orangemen intend holding their annu-
al supper in their lodge room, on Nov.
4th. Mr Wm. Good-, who. has been
very ill for some time, is improving.
Mrs Austin, of Bracebridge, Muskoka,
is visiting at her father's, Mr P. Fisher,
sr. Mr Chas. Meyer, of Hensall, spent
Sunday at Mr P. Fisher's, sr. Mi. H.
Young and several young ladies, of
Goderich, spent Sunday at Mr Blake's.
Mrs Jane Jewell returned home last
Monday after spending four months in
Dakota. Dame Rumor has it that be-
fore long one of our young Bachelors
will give up Bachelorhood and join the
army of Benedicts. Mr Chas. Elsely
has bought the Baer estate on the Base
line, Hullett, and intends moving
thereon in a few weeks; his son Jacob
Will remain on the old homestead. Mr
Wm. Blake lost a valuable horse last
Additional Local News.
Church Notes.
Rev Mr Olivant is conducting special
services at Cole's appointment, Gode-
rich township.
Quarterly services of Ontario and,
Rattenbury street churches will be heldf
on Sunday, Nov. 6.
The ladies of the Ontario St. Metho-
dist church intend giving a social on
the evening of Thanksgiving day.
oP.:alea7sert mieeAtinktgY, wiherisch-Wewadtle'srte i a:pgp7rinon;
'tt'iiiihiiry'Street Methodist churc
Th Secretary th n r h m ut
The boys of the Mission Band, eight
number, under the instruction an
leadership of Mrs W. J. Coats, tan
-splendidly, a hymn, " Praise Him
Miss Taylor, one of the Model Scho
teachers, then read, for our entertai
ment and profit, the thank-offerin
leaflet, entitled, " My thanksgiyin
box." A class of sma.11 girls, trame
by Miss Aggie McGarva, sang ver
sweetly the hymn of contecratio
Rev J. H. Simpion, of Bruceileld, "Take my life,and let it be consecrate
and Rev A. Stewart, of Willis chnroh, Lard, to thee." If we ell could sa
exchanged pulpits OR Sunday evening. AIM from our hearts. We would be be
The S. S. anniversary of Ontario St. 'ter Workers for Our Master. Miss Len
chairch will be held at an early date, to 'Leslie then read the first half of so
he Conducted by the patter, Rev Win. notes; taken by Misn May Irwin at t
Women's Missitinary , meetitig, he
The father of Rev. .T. Edge,of Acton, during the 'Meetings:of the Pan Presb
was killed on Friday, by his horses terian Connell, in -Toronto, in the la
running away. It is a very sad be- 'Week in September. Mrs W. ' Coat
reeve/Ma indeed. 'hints of mission girlt, under the leade
Rev A. H. Rantan this week don ,ship of Miss Dolly. Fair, sang ver
chided ti, long series of special services 'nicely, "Showers of' blessings." Mi
that he has been conducting in Water- 'Age Fair then read' the ;last half
loo; the meetings are said to have been 'the' notes of the woMen's meeting
.Very suecessful. Me *Renton was a These notes contained a great amoun
Militor at Rattenbury street parsonage of interesting information, and were
leeklegation that interviewedBish- envelopeS and loose collection we
enjoyed by all. The thank-offerin
op BaldiVin last week, &morning the then taken up, during which all joined
aPPointnient of Mr Hunt, of South- in singing, -"Work, for the night 8
ampton, to the pastorate of St. Paul's coming:" Mrs Ross, of Brucefield, the
church, were unsuccvssful in their mis- dedicated this MOM,' to the Lord s
sion, the Bishop declining to Make the .vfork, by prayer. The Secretary.. tli
ap_pointment. * read th.: thank -Offering texts, whi
ReV W. W. Leebh, Of Londetbtiro, , were very, appropriate, The , young
has been ilr for SeVeral clays, and being ladles of the Nlishon Band then se ii
nimble to talc‘ble Pullilt Wm*, It Was Coffee' and bread and butter. e
supplied for' Win by Rev Mr Ashley, meeting Was closed by. singing "
&in near GOile,flelf,* it'is: hardly,likely be with, you, till we meet 'again. ' T e
that r te,edh,*i4 vei, abib to Oke his reolleetiop in full was 044 ,We we e
and chairman of the Wiartrm district, union meetingth were held oftener,
Ntei* ' 4 suettift other, glad to have 'the ?workers of'our slit r
Itki•(,,.' rtglikgin, fOrdaerly of Seafritth, c iirches with ;as; and, think. Ulan. e,
preached in Rattenbury, street church would all be beneated. Why no e'
on Sunda* iribrhfille loit; thosermon when itob' sire all 'a:V.61414'1'ot the sa e
'Was btith able findelOqiient: MrShiltonl i Maxiter ? Mus. R. InwonesSec., •
drove. him te &Worth; WIrnr,e he
p`tOMIA.d fil the evening. -
At the regular Meeting' Oro, Weeks' a 'In944oueltttEr 09471011cra'te. ir ex,,VrliVetidink4114 t, i
thice,' brtheEptier th Leagne of Chris- y 1) riling thrown out' of it rerwhi e tl
tian Entleamcfr Of ' Mitt:km:St. Chnith, ,40d4riebirn.ees; ,- ; • ,
the. following Offiter'fi"Weve' •di6ctecb--- To ma litimovan,-We -undeesta
Hon. ?tea., tiii Wizi.r'Stdy_thi 'Pres., /that Hatband ',Bret. in -Whitt& ve m
itoob''T4Itit, Vibe Piet. ' H B Ker, Aeriallyiraprb*a the titoreditalib
WO, and -31fitt Wit ker: ' Met S. •BItlek lately pinfabitted-bYthein. D- Th
6, 'its,0,45eittAiiibti., e enieltion; rviimput in plate' itlitig#,k?iltki,,:And
ng,ing the riiglitrof Meetifig fililietti up in nitt &ma' ottlo. oltiek tii
fit th llronday Waili diediniried bilt* dlly,Make 4 $tiodjal'Of ,anybliiiigitA
'enibarW deelded to'Volitinue their., • taltrtaka.„
11 adVall100, $1000 Wb0,4
TEACHERS EN0-4,0A1:4,11te
ing Modellites attending ,04091
have been engaged for next ,yea
follows:-Mr-R:Sinillie, NO..% 004,0,
Mr J. Small°, No, 10, Morris; ,Mr
Dunlop, No. 3, Turnberry; Mr J.
Ewen, No. 1, Turnberry; Mita -0,0'
kins, No. 10, Hullett; Mist Annie'
ssohnali,NNoo..43,. HStx.
atinlelettY; MMiissse,i1X'. ,ati. ,Ri%
I3luevale; Miss L. Campbell, No; ,4!'
Killop; Miss V. Whiteside, . ROD'
Miss Annie McGregor, Ayr; gleeil
Cooper, in Howick; Miss Elia Snaith,
not forget, girls, that on the Lihrt-et
last day of the ilionth--it haw been t
custom of many fun -loving lads"
lassies, from our grandmother'0,'t
tobitehfeapteretsoenretv, reveal
a ,.
not there was some other heart wait
for them somewhere whom therVelf
soon meet, and all this is determ
by merry groups who gather Opp
on this winsome night and "iluck
pples," peel apples and watch OW
what letter of the alphabet the,:' . • - lc,
flung over their shoulders to the ;ooru
will form, naming apple seeda,,ati •
roasting corn and a score of other
harmless, romping games to say nOny,.
ing of retiring silently that night a
Crossing your shoes in the shape of 4Tt
In hopes you true love you shall see,, , '
Not in his riches or grand array,
But in the clothes he wears every y
LECTURE. -The lecture givenor
Jessie F. O'Donnell, in the tom}
on Monday evening, was listen
with great pleasure by the smal, ,
cultured audience assembled to, yrA
come the fair American. We ,c.oiikj.
wish for the credit of our town,tbat
the audience had been larger: ; „T
charge for admission, only fifteen gen,
would seem sufficiently low (in connee
tion with the high testimonials 1140
speaker) to have assured a crow ed
sae ,seannsed utfhsoh,saeulwq iurkhowere resen *
en they -think thm
e at r over,nins
realizing Atli
they hung upon the words of beaaty.k
that fell frora her, lips, for an hour.andg
a half, not willing to -lose one, so breath-'
less was the silence, save • When, -thea
heart was so full that (applause mould...1,-
insoatlibaeo reensotroagihnetdo, aoonvlothitthatorshoeitim‘ did40.0.11
Clinton has many educational advan-
tages, but,, to its disgrace be it taidia;
these entertainments in connectin
with the Mechanics' Institute Alm:
greatest public; blessing we have) are
always poorly attended. We are toW
that the cause of this is we laave,Isi
many church meetings. It ma3rbe,s0i
but let a minstrel troupe come to towni!,,,,,
or a Man who gives uttera,nce to stale;.;;;;.
joxes, or the weakest washiest form ,,4:
wit, and the churches are deserted, ank
e town hall is filled to suffocation,
with a mass of humanity who rush'
pell-•rnellwto-trear-aeounterfeit-ne ti
protrude his red lips, roll up the ihjteg
of his eyes. and wave an elongated,
ficet in the air to slow inusic, Or fill'
their brains with coarsear-room joket.',
; •
There is something wro g, somewhere.'
Why should we pay su h heavy taxes.,,,
for educational purposes, if this is the ,P
outcome of it? And it is open to doubt
if all the meetings of the churches and:
other societies are really fostering -0,
practical Christianity, which sbould bea
found in the home, and how can thereV
be a home, if its inhabitants are abroad
nearly every night in the week. Word&
it not be well if the churches and dif-
ferent societies would arrange their ,
meetings so as to leave three nights in '
the week for the cultivation of home ..'
happiness. Then when occasionally 6., *
stranger comes among us, as in the,
case of Miss O'Donnell,with her chastq ;
and elegant discourse, her charm of
manner, and her dainty mirth, then ,
might theyhave an opportamity of , .
opening tlieir -hearte-to•avelcbmw the
stranger . in such manner as every ;
noble Minded talented man or woman' ,
has a right to expect. -;Cot. ,
News Notes Arent the too*
1 7.
„;-' -
Mr White has rente:10:thitaiortains /arra
Tuckersmith, for a term:of/ears.
Mr T. Walker, of East' aWanosh, tea
purchased the butchering haisinesir of 1641..
Mr John Livergood, of Dashwood, COM_
monly known as "Old John," died on Pot.
9, at the age of 77.
Mr Cameron Smith, who has been prac-
tising law at Seaforth, for some time, is
going to remove to Hensall.
Mr James Hestia of MoKillop, and hie
daughter, Miss A. Hestia, returned Si..
nrday from a most enjoyable trip to British
Twelve hundred bushels of oats hi five '
hours was threshed by Robt Scott 'oh the
farm of Mr Geo. Barnett neer Lakelet, last
Mr John Copp, of Seaforth, was Warded'
the contract for the erection of Meagre Cole-
rasa's new foundry in that place, for the
stun of $7900.
Metiers Hunter & Henry, two enterpris-
ing young men, from Brussels, have bought
out Darby Bros.' hardware and thismithing
bue'reas at Foniaanh.
kiwi Etta Ward, daughter of David
Ward, who once resided' in*Wingham; died
of consumption in Brussels on Frid.y
morning, aged 22 years.
At 2 o'clonk on Friday morning, Mr F.
Elsie's cooper shop, Dashwood,with its con
tents, was totally destroyed by fire. Logs
between $300 aad $400.
Mrs Murphy, of Seaforth, hies sold her
harm on the 5th comeseion of Etibliert to; ".
Mr James Doyiei of 'Seattle,
Territory, for $3,000. The farm contain
75 acres.
The worst accident which has occijirred
at the Union furniture factory, Wingliamo
since it • started took place oil Tueaday
eftertiden, when Mr Lawton* Poren
suffered the loss �f the fou iinteati on tha '
right hand.
Hil.gh Grieve and Fronk Reattia ,shi
A7-etirkita of &ape from. Seii/orth,,,ict e
York on ,Monday. , Who log Contii ned
about 1,500 rowl and vete perabaned it an
average of frOte 45 eetitistasookus ii piece:
Theii-gei /1.00 1X1/1400 for MOM' In Not