HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-10-14, Page 6a
, r r0WItnre Or 88 awe 8T.0 RELATES
HO, ItlftfAriEADLD mitesanetioS TO AN ADM.
• , Otektir AVASVitnitia raois BOYHOOD, Ilit AT
'Or AIM roitvinSOFFEBABli.
loOndeli ladvertiaer—
At 88 Alma street, South London, lives
Mr E, 3. Powell, a gentleman who has re -
•Elided in London and vioinity for about six
years, and who enjoyeetlie esteem of a large
Pirele of friends here and elsewhere through-
9lit the Province. Those who know him
are denbtlese aware that he has been a suf-
ferer ranee his youth from rheumatism in
its worst form. His acquaintances in the
--city,-who-aremenaber the- long siege of.the
•illness he stood a year ago last winter, and
Who had come to look upon him as almost
T.confirrned invalid, have beedsurprised of
late to see the remarkable change for the
*better that has taken place. The haggard
• /ace and almost crippled form of a year ago
,• have given way to an appearance of robust -
mess, vigor and agility that certainly seem
• the result of miraculous agenoy.
Hearing of this a reporter ealled on Mr
Pewell in order to ascertain by what magic
mane thistransformation had been wrought
The scribe first asked if the reports con•
scorning his wonderful restoration to health
Were true. "I am thankful to say they are,"
said Mr Powell. "My case is pretty well
known around here."
"To what do you owe your reoovery?"
Was asked.
"I owe it to the use of a certain remedy,"
he replied; "but I would prefer saying no.
thing at present. I have suffered nearly all
my life with a malady I had begun to regard
as incurable, and the fact that I am perma-
nently relieved appears incredible. In coin.
mon parlance, it seems too good to last. I
avant to be sure that I arn permanently
cured before anything is made public, so
that when I do give a testimonial it will
have some weight. You may call again
later on and I will let you know."
About two months later the reporter
knooked at Mr Powell's door, and was ad-
mitted by that gentleman himself. The
latter said he was now absolutely convinced
of the permanency of his cure, but being a
man who did not care for publicity, he had
hesitated long before he could make up his
• mind to alilow his name to be used. Com-
ing from one of his conscientiousness and
probity of character, his words cannot fail
to have the weight they deserve.
"The primary cause of my rheuma-
tism," said Mr Powell, "I attribute to a
severe thrashing administered to me by
a school teacher when I wits_13-or-1
years of age. I received injuries then which
subsequently brqught me years of suffering.
The first time I really felt any rheumatic
trouble was one day when carrying an arm-
ful of wood up a flight of stairs in Victoria
College, Cobourg, which institution I was
attending as a student. This was in 1872.
A twinge of pain caught me, bat passed
away in an instant. I did not know what
it was. Again, when playing footba11,1 ex-
perienced a like sensation and that marked
the commencement. After that I was ill at
various periods, though it was not until
1876 that I began to grow alarmed. I was
living then in Toronto, keeping books for
my brother, who was in the wholesale tea
business, and as I resided on North Pem-
brooke street and had to walk to Wellington
street every day, I found that my rheuma-
tism was getting pretty bad. I did not
consult a doctor, but took different pater t
° medicines advertised to cure complaints of
my nature. I was not benefitted, however.
The rheumatism passed away only to re-
turn in the fall and spring. In 1878 I en-
gaged in mercantile business in Essex CO',
-From that .out-Lwas _at indoor yeerk-but
the pain returned at intervals. I suffered
• from sciatica in the left leg; it was very
acute at times. In taking stock one day it
became so severe that I was hardly able to
move around. This was the first acute
symptom—that is, where the effects re-
mained for any length of time, I suffered
the most intense pain for days. That was •
about the year 1880.1
"For a number of years afterwards I
continued to grow worse and worse. In
1281/4-1 went into -the Teal -estate bridal -Sea iii
Toronto, and having a good deal of walking
to do, I experienced the pain constantly
that summer. It was all day and at all
times, frequently so bad that I would have
to stand on the street, relax the musoles of
my left leg and let it swing until the spasm
was over. At most, I 3ould walk but three
or four blocks and would then have to halt.
I consulted medical men and was advised
to try electricity. 1 took the treatment
•'steadily -for" several -weeks, -getting some.'
times two or three charges a day on the
hands and feet from an electric battery.
But it did me not the slightest good. At
last my health became so bad that I decid-
ed to quit the real estate businese and enter
upon rural life, thinking that the
change of air and occupation might have a
beneficial effect. Sa I exchanged some pro-
perty for the old Dr Woodruff fruit far.n
near the city. I worked it one year, but
found it was two laborious for my com-
plaint, which was fast rendering my life a
bnrden. I reluctantly left the farm and
came into London three years ago last May.
I did some building here, but my malady
prevented me from actively engaging in
"A year ago last winter the first snow fell
on December 1; I went out to shovel the
snow, and before I got through I was seized
with a pain and had to go into the house.
For fourteen weeks I never left it. The
only way in which I could be moved was by
being wheeled around in an easy chair.
What I suffered during that period no one
but myself can ever realize. I was attended
by the best physician in the city of London.
Possibly his treatment was not without
temporary effect; at any rate I gradually
recovered until I was able to be on my feet
once more. I decided to try country life
again, and went back to my farm last year,
but I still found I had it as bad as ever. I
was living in dread of having to go through
another ordeal, when I read in the papers
about this Marshall miracle in Hamilton.
I had then as much faith in Pink Pills as
had in other patent medicines --and that
we.en't very greet. I did not bother with
them nor did I think of the matter again
until last September. I saw Mr Marshall
at the Western Fair and he advised me to
try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I told him I
did not think the remedy claimed to cure
rheumatism, and fiat although I had cer-
tainly ocular proof that his own was bona
fide, my complaint was different of his.
Mr Marshall said be could not say whether
it would cure rheumatism or not, but the
pills were good for the blood anyway, and
at leaet it would do me no harm to try half
it dozen boxes. I negleoted his advice; it
would be useless to try a medicine, I
thought. Many of my friends, who had
probably read of the remarkable cures ac-
complished by Pink Pills, kept urging me
to give them a trial.
"At last 1 yielded and bought six boxes
as a tort of forlera hope. I took bur bexeb
and receiVed no benefit that 1 conld nog.
*US, birt While taking the fifth 1 noticed
that for a period of three Or four ds
felt ne Pain. Tbis WWI A novelty 10 me, SS
for three. or 'oar years 1 hoa not khowtx
what it waslo bave a moment's freedom
from Buffering, whether jz bed or out of it,
supposecl it was a, temPrarY re1a7fatiOn
due to netarel mom+.J1kOsvever, it gaVe
me some hope to Soleil the sixth box. Then
I UMW I was getting better—much better.
The pain which had been constant beoame
Incermittent and less severe. my friends
and family told me that I was beginning to
look like another man. My fame, winch had
begun to wear a 4rawn expression, common
ith people who are suffering, commenced
to show a better color. Illy system was be-
ing toned up. Inspired with increased hope
I purohased six more boxes from Mr Mitch-
el , the druggist, and continued to take
them, and with each box I realized more
and more that it was it cure. I used up
thirmen boxes in all,and when the thirteenth
was finished I had had not a symptom of
pain for three months.'
"At that time Mr Mitchell spoke to me
about it in the store. I told him what a
blessed change had been wrought for me
through the use of Pink Pills. He asked
me if I would object to giving a testimonial
to the firm—Dr WilliameMedicine Co., of
Brookville. I said I was not a man who
cared for notoriety of any character, and
did not relish the idea of having my name
published broadoast over the land. That
is one of the reasons why I have been so
long in making this public. But I am so
profoundly grateful for my rescue from a
life of pain to one of health and strength
that I feel I would be neglecting a duty I
owe to suffering humanity if I allowed these
scruples to interfere any longer with an
avowal of what Dr Williams' Pink Pills
have done for me. I discontinued taking
Pink Pills the lat of April last. I started
again in June and have used six boxes, not
beeause I have bad any recurrence of my
old complaint, but because I want to
thoroughly drive it out of my system. I
think the Pills are as good as a tonic."
"Now" concluded Mr Powell, "you have
my experience. I know what I was; 1
know what I am. I know that from boy-
hood I have been a victim of malignant
rheumatism, which has been a torture the
last few years. I know that I have tried
every remedy and been treated by the best
medical skill, but in vain; and I know that
Pink Pills have succeeded where everything
else has failed and that they have brought
me back health and happiness. Therefore
I ought to be thankful, and I am thankful."
And Mr Powell's intense earnestness of
manner could admit of no doubt as to his
gratitude and sincerity. The reporter shook
hands and took his leave. "You may ask
Rev Mr McIntyre, of the Askin St. Method•
ist church, or Rev, G. A. Andrews, B. A.,
pastor of the Lambeth circuit, whether I
was a sick man or nnt,were-his -parting
The reporter dropped in on Rev- C. E.
McIntyre at the parsonage, 82 Askin street.
"I know Mr Powell well," said the rever-
end gentleman when questioned. "He was
an esteemed paiishoner or mine when he
lived on Askin street. He afterwards
moved 'into the' country, but has since re.
turned and is attending the Askin Street
Church again."
"Do you remember Mr Powell's illness a
year ago last winter?"
"Yea; I frequently called on him. He
had a very bad attack of rheumatism
which laid him up for a long time. He
had to be wheeled around the house in a
"You notice he has recovered?"
"Yes; he appears to be a well man now.
I heard he had been cured by Dr William's
Pink Pills."
"You know Mr Powell to be a thorough-
ly honorable gentleman and that if , he
says thele Pills cured him, he believes that
to be the truth?" ,
"I do. Mr Powell is, in my opinien, a
most conscientious .person,.. and any atate-
rnent fie would make would be perfectly
"Dr. Williams' Pink Pill are the best
selling and most popular medicine in the
store," said Mr B. A. Mitchell, the well-
known druggist, upon whom the reporter
next called.
"Do you know of Mr Powell's case?" ask-
ed the reporter.
Yee, and I consider_it a most remark.
able one. I remember that Mr Powell was
a great sufferer from rheumatism. He
was continually buying medicine of gome
sort, but seemed to get no better. Then
he commenced to try Pink Pills. I saw he
was beginning to look like different man,
so I asked him one day about it. He told
me that he traced his cure to the nee of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. As I have al-
ready said, the demand for Pink Pills is
something astonishing, and they invari-
ably giVe"' the beat satisfactleri: MS,
this to be so from the voluntary statements
of customers, and if necessary the proprie-
tors could get scores of testimonials from
people here who have been benefited by the
use of Pink Pills. I have sold thousands
of boxes, and have no hesitation is recein -
mending them ae a perfect blood builder
and nerve restorer, curing such diseases as
rheumatism, neuralgia, partial paralysis,
locomotor ataxia, St.Vitus dance, nervous
headache, nervous prostration and the
tired feeling therefrom, the after-effects of
la grippe, diseases depending on humors in
the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipe-
las, etc. Pink Pills give a healthy glow to
pale and sallow complexions, and are a
specific for the troubles peculiar to the
female system, and in the case of men they
effect a radical cure in all cases arising
from mental worry, over -work or excesses
of any nature."
Mr Hodgins, the head clerk, corrobora-
ted what Mr Mitchell bad said. The
sale of Pink Pills was extraordinary
and the general verdict was that it was a
wonderful medicine.
These Pills are manufactured by the Dr
William's Medicine Company, Brockville
Ont., and Schenectady, N.Y., and are sold
only in boxes bearing our trademark and
wrapper, at 50 oents a box, or six boxes for
$2,50. Bear in mind that Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills are never sold in bulk, or by the
dozen or hundred, and any dealer who
offers substitutes in this form is trying to
defraud you and should be avoided. Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills may be had of all
druggists or direct by mail from Dr Wil-
liam's Medicine Company from either ad-
dresses. The price at which these pills are
sold make a course of treatment compar-
atively inexpensive as compared with other
remedies or medical treatment.
Queen Victoria has not worn corsets
for many years. Princess Beatrice
follows her mother in this respect, and
has also discarded the corset.
Newark, N. J., has a woman manu-
facturer of umbrellas and parasols.
She learned the trade because it was
her father's business and she liked it
better than teaching or sewing.
Miss Lottie Young of NorthHanoverMass, rests her claim to fame upon the
fact that she drove twenty-three nails
in three minutes, and at the finish had
teed hands safe and acilind to her
The smallest newspaper IA the World'
is said to be El Telegram, published. m
Guadalajara, Mexico. It is four inehee
sq uare.
The wardrobe of a gentleman' who
died lately in Connecticut included SOO
pairs a stockings. His name was not
The man who .preached the first
Christian sermon in Ohicago.61 years
ago—is alive. Ilow awfully disheart-
ened hp must feell
Your druggist is honest if when you ask'
him for a bottle of Scottie Emulsion he
gives you just what you ask Pori He knows
this is the beet form in whichld take Cod
Liver Oil,
Last year only five deaths occurred
on all the railways of the United King-
don, while in the streets of London,
147 _deaths. occurred on and .5,781 per-
sonal injures resulted from vehicles of
some sort. This confirms the remark
of Mr Charles Francis Adams, who
said that no safer place in the world
could be found than in the exprss train
on one of the main railways of Eng-
Or any other similar epidemic, the blood
and the whole system should be kept in
healthy condition. If you feel worn out or
have "that tired feeling" in the morning,
do not be guilty of neglect. Give iminediate
attention to yourself. Take Hood's Sar-
saparilla to "rive strength, purify the blood
and prevent disease.
Hood's Pills cure liver ills, jaundice, bil-
iousness, sick headache constipation.
New Zealand has enacted a suffrage
law which allows women to be regis-
tered without personal attendance at
the polls, which is quite gallant of the
New Zealanders.
"In reply to your question do my child-
ren object to taking Scott's Emulsions, I
say Nol on the contrary, they are fond of
it; it keeps them pictures of health."
The priests tell the people in Persia
that the cholera plague is the result of
alcoholic stimulants, a tale that is help-
ing the temperance cause wonderfully.
"Handsome is that handsome does," and
if Hood's Sarsaparilla doesn't do handsomely
then nothing does. Have you ever tried it?
In Saxony about 70 per cent, of the
workingmen earn less than $150 per
Uric acid in the blood is the cause of nearly all
disease. it visits every part of the body arid is
liAble to es sten disease on any organ; the duty
GI the kidneys is to extract wastes from the
blood ; a cold will stop this action, a pain in the
back follows, end unless relief is obtained,
permanent inability of the kidneys to perform
theirfunctionsfollows, which may terminate in
liver complaint, dyspepsia, blood disease, dropsy
diabetes or Bright disease. Dodd's IiidneyPille
asiist the kidneys to to natural work, and cure all
complaints and result arising from same.
The cemeteries in London cover 2,000
acres, and the land they occupy repre-
sents a capital of $10,000,000.
The "Sunlight" Soap Co., Toronto, offer
the following prizes every month till fur-
ther notice, to boye and girls under 16,
residing in the Province of Ontario, who
send the greatest number of "Sunlight"
wrappers: lst, 810; 2nd, 87; 3rd, $3; 4th, 81;
5th to 141h, a Handsome Book; and a pretty
picture to those who send not less than 12
wrappers. Send wrappers to "Sunlignt"
Soap Office, 43 Scott St., Toronto, not later
than the '29t1 of each month, and marked
"Competition; also give full name, ad -
'trees, lage-ati&anumber of wrappers.-- Win-
ner's name will be pnblished in the Toronto
Mail, on first Saturday of each month.
It is not often that retributive justice
comes so swiftly to a would-be murderer as
it did to George Penfield, a miner, whose
body was buried at Rose City, Idaho, last
week. There are two stories concerning
his death. The story regarding his death
that is geneeally believed is that two of
of poisoned whiskey, which Penfield had
prepared for them, and became sick. As
they had long known that Penfield was a
bad man, and as he had recently purchased
poison, they accused him of having tamper-
ed with the liquor. He vehemently denied
the charge, but refused to partake of the
dottored whiskey. Then his partners drew
their revolvers and compelled him to drink.
Penfield had a record of having killed seven-
-teen men, and he frequently atold-aastory-
about following "Mark Twain" all over
San Francisco one night during the bonanza
days, looking for a chance to "pot" him.
He claimed he was crazed with hunger at
the time.
Mrs. A. A. Williams
Lynn, Mass.
For the Good of Others
Rev. Mr. Williams Heartily En-
dorses Hood's Sarsaparilla.
We are pleased to present this from
Rev. A. A. Williams, of the Sillsbee
street Christian Church, Lynn, Mass.:
"2 see no reason why a clergyman, more than
a layman, who knows whereof he speaks,
should hesitate to approve an
Article of Merit
and worth, from which he or his family have
been signally benefited, and whose commenda-
tion may serve to extend those benefits to
others by increasing their confidence. My wife
has for many years been it sufferer from severe
Nervous Headache
for which she found little help. She has trim?
many things that promised well but per-
formed little. Last fall a friend gave her a bot-
tle of Hood's Sarsaparilla. It seems surpris-
ing what simply one bottle could and did do
for her. The attacks of headache decreased in
number and were less violent in their inten-
sity, while her general health has been im-
proved. Her appetite hap also been better.
From our experience with
Hood's Sarsaparilla
have no hesitation in endorsing its merits.,,
.A. A. WH.XdAttS.
BObtos Pit.Ls are the best family cathartic,
effeSti'Ve. Try ilfe*., Pike 210
7 Peri? recor. reak,,
Ars.: Miehigan bay'has written, WO
word.aa Minnite pn te typowriter.
The girl of the peried.''s to inhabit
.another .artioie of reale MAIM this*la-
wn. It is known.' the'vest,bnt
M, she will pull It down inside or out-
side her auspen.ders is 4 matter of tuner-
tAinty AS yet. •
Can be cured by the use of
SC Trs
of pure Cod Liver Oil, with
the Hypophosphites of Lime
and Soda. A feeble stomach
takes kindly to it, and ..its
continued use adds flesh, and
makes one feel strong and
..c AUTO."—Beware of substitutes.
Genuine prepared by &at et- Limns.
Belleville. Sind by all drassatz.
60e. and fD LOO.
Barkwell's Sure Corn Cure, will cure Corns, Warts,
Ilunsions, Moles.
Shingles for Sale
I carry on hand it stock of first-class Cedar
Shingles; two qualities, which I will sell at every
low rate. Orders large or small filled 012 the
shortest notice. Please give me a call.
W. RILEY, Londesboro. Sm
S3aforth Dye Works.
Clothes of all kinds cleaned, dyed and pressed,
with rromptness. Woollen Dresses Dyed with-
out ripping, if necessary.
Oitio:. left with J. Cuninghame, Clinton, will re-
ceive prompt attention.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
J. W. SNELL Seafortb.
-System ---RINOVATO
Tested Remedies.
For rcpure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa-
tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint,
Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis,
Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid-
ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General Debility.
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton
The new model of the Rockford Watch, when
placed in a screw bezel case, will fill a Ion felt
want among farmers, es it is not dus proof
only, but very strong. The plate which the
wneele work between, not being separated by
pillare as in the ordinary.
Bnt by the bottom plate being turned out of a
solid piece of metal, with the edger left of the
top plate to rest on; it also being pendant or lever
set with sunk balance to prevent breaking, mak-
ing in all a good rong watch
Residence over store.
J. C, MON,
The bestEmbalming Fluidused
Splendid Hearse.
Via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
R'y, on Tuesday, Aug. 30, and Sept.
27, 1892.
Where the grasses are kissed by; the wand'ring
And the fields are rich with the golden grain;
Where the schooner ploughs through the prairie
To its destined port 012 the western pleb*
Where homes may never besought in vain,
And hope is the thriftiest plant that grows;
Where man may ever his rights maintain,
And land le as free as the wind that blows.
For further particulars apply to the nearest
Ticket Agent, or address A. J. Taylor, Canadian
Passenger Agent, 4 Palmer House Block, Toren-
°. Ont. 4
NERVE 13EANS tire it new dia.
°every that cure the worst cases of
Nervous Debility, Lost Vigor and
Failing M..anhood; restores the
weakness of body or mind caused
by over -work, or the errors or ex.
ceases of youth, This Reined, ab-
solutely cures tbei most obstinate eaten when all other
eztessitaires havefailedeventti relieve. Sold bydrug-
gists at Per Pelisse, br six for $5, or sent by mall on
receipt el pride by addressing THE JAMES DMDICINE
Oat Toronto. Ont. Write for pardphlet. Beld
Clinton hyd*. R. Cembe:'
Because We SeU Nothing but the Best Goods,
such as the FAMOUS LEADER and GEM
Goal & • Wood Furnaces
Ifappy Thought and Grand PENfor
I NCoalSn
Wood, which will give you more heat with less
fuel than any other Stove Made.
Buy Low Grades of Coal when you can get the
Celebrated Lehigh Valley Coal at Lthe same
.A.I.4131011,717 CALJENT4DIN-
•Say call at Hub Grocery
And get your Spices for Pickling. We handle only the best, also
Vinegar Extra White Wine. We have
These are [all as pure as we can buy,
Anticipating the wants of my patrons during the preserving season, I
beg to announce the arrival of another car load of Sugar to -day. The
Granulated being the highest standard of excellence and purity. Special
Cuts to parties buying by the cwt. or bbl.
FRUIT JARS—All Sizes. Pts., Qes. and Half Gallons
Now For Bargains.
Bargains in Dress Goods. •
Bargains in Flannels and. Flannelettes.
Bargains in Tweeds and Clothing.
Bargains in Top Shirts and Underwear.
Bargains in Boots and Shoes.
Bargains in Suits for Men and Boys.
Bargains in Overcoats.
Bargains in Millinery.
Bargains in every department as we have a very
Heavy Stock and are crowded for room.
76V`18" '0" 79' 79" 76" 7.-9"
ORGANS, 5 and 6 Octave
Best makes of PIANOS
'Second hand ORGANS to rent
for rent
PIANOS carefully moved
PIANOS packed for shipping
Organs repaired and retuned
REPAIRS Piano Tuning attended to
Sheet Music&Books ordered
Shop on Main Street
Residence on James Street
Box 11, Clinton
Send for catalogue