HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-10-07, Page 600.00be 1892, WHAT IS ArNIFV? Ae.prettysellool teacher, for a little ilivert;sement, had asked her class for thf, befit 02rig.mal definition of "wife," Ana the boy ut the corner had PrOmPte- 17 responded; "A rib." • She looked at him reproachfully and Podded to the boy with dreamy eyes, who seemed anxious to say something. "Xan's guiding star and guardian ? 4llgel,"? he said in response to the nod. ; "A. helpmeet," put in a flaxen haired "One who soothes man in adversity," suggested a demure little girl, "Aad spends his money when he's ?fiushr'.? added the incorrigible boy in. the corner. There was a lull, and the pretty, dark eyed girl said slowly: "A wife is the envy of spinsters." "One who makes a man hustle," was the next suggestion. "And keeps him from making a.fool • of himself," put in another girl. "Sonie one for a man to find fault with when things go wrong," said a sorrowful little maiden. • "Stop right there" said the pretty schoolteacher, "That's the best defi- nition." • Later the sorrowful little maiden sidled up to her and asked: • "Aren't you going to marry that handsome man who calls for you nearly • every day 9" "Yes, dear," she replied, "but with us nothing will ever go wrong. He says so himself." A. TRYING SEASON. The variable weather of October is an al. most certain forerunner of cold in the head and catarrh, but in Nasal Balm the sufferer has a remedy that speedily relieves and per- manently cures the worst cases. 4 bottle of Nasal Balm should be kept in every household. Sold by all dealers or sent, postage paid, on receipt of 50o. for small or 01 for large size bottle, by addressing G. T. Fulford & Co., Brockville, Ont. • CRISP AND CASUAL. rrgkE Itottspivin, In Num the bean of "quality" never forces his steedout of a walk; if the errand is one which demans speed the rider dismounts, ties the forelegs of his animal together and strikes Off at a brisk gallop on foot. The feed wasted in many stables would -keep the horses fat in other stables of the same size. It is not al- ways theit that is fed,but the i manner n which it is used, t is not neccessary to be a stingy feeder to be a careful, saving feeder. Spavin Liniment removes all hard, Boit or calloused Lumps and Blem- ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, RP -lints, *Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Cough, etc. Save 00 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold y J. R. Combe, Drug- gist. The pulse of a horse can be taken as an indication of its state of health. At rest the pulse beats 40 times a minute. It may be felt where a large artery crosses a bone, though it is generally examined on the cord which crosses over the bone of the lower jaw in front of its curved position. It sometimes seems necessary to drive or work horses close to the limit of their endurance. When such a thing is done it is also necessary to atone for the wrong by giving them extra care. A horse that has been over -heated should be coOled off gradu- ally and have slow exercise while the cooling process is taking place. In that portion of Genesis which tells the story of Joseph, the farnine,etc., we find histoiical allusion to the horse. Prior to 1006 the horses of England were never shod. HenryVIII. put a stop to the raising of inferior horses in England by having all slaughtered that were under thirteen hands high at the age of 5 years. Minard'sLinament is used for horses ek cattle The hoofs of your colts may have grown to an abnormallength since you turned out to pasture. Better look this mattes up and if the feet are too long cut them off. This can be easily and handily done with a hammer and cold chisel. Stand the foot to be operated upon on a solid plank, hold the other foot up, and you will have no trouble in doing a good job. An hour or two's work now may make a great difference in the feet of your future horses. Increasing muscular activity, adding -to the -s appleness -of-the joints- and per fecting the action, by correction and practice, are essential to pianists and fast trotters. Increasing the power of the lungs, taking away obstructions to arterial action, strengthening the muscles of the nerve force and care of the digestive organs are, in addition to the above,the objective pointsin titbit -l- ing the fast runner, the dancer, the speedy and enduring trotter and the flying galloper. Minards Linament is used by physicians A horse's stomacl.'. is extremely sensi- tive and will suff..er under the least in- .,. terfeence,caus:ng a feverish condition. Feeding a b irse principally on grain and drivieg itfive hours without water is like eing a nia.n salt mackerel for dinnev and not Allowing him to drink before supper time -very unsatisfac- t,.ery for the man. If you know any- thing about the core of horses and have 7-1-sympathy4or -them water them as often as they want to drink -once an hour if possible. By doing this you will not only be merciful to your an- imals, but you will be a benefactor to yourself, as they will do more work, they look better and live longer. 'Prof: Gleason, noted as a tamer and trainer of vicious horses, thus explains the manner of stopping a runaway horse by using nothing lont‘a, straight bar bit and lines. For instance, your horse attempts to run away. Let him go for a distance of 50 yards, then haul in your lines perfectly tight. When you get ready to give the command to stop, say.'"Whcal"- at- the gain e -ti me pull the right hand rein, giving a pow- erful jerk,and repeat the word 'whoa." Don't move the left hand but clO all the work with the right. When you give the terrible jerk twist the horse's jaw to the right, and if you have the pres- ence of mind to repeat the word whoa at the second jerk of the lines you will be surprised to find your horse stand- ing still. Itch, Mange and Scratches of every kind on hunian or animals, cured in po minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by J. H. Combe, Druggist. Sensible hostlers in large cit.ies are awakening to the advantage of fre- quent watering. Street car horses are watered every hour and sonretimes oftener while they are at work. It is plenty of water that supplies evapor- ation or perspiration and keeps down the temperature. What old -fogy me- thods amount to may be seen by the. change in the medical practice to man. Twenty years ago a person having a fever of any kind, or pneumonia, was allowed but little water to drink, and then it had to be tepid. To -day practi- tioners prescribe all . the, ice -water the patient can possibly drink, and in ad- dition cold bandages are applied to re- duce and control the temperature of the blood. What is applicable to man will never injure a horse. Use com- mon sense and human feeling. Americans make 35,000 watches eve- ry week. The Emperor of , Germany has a salary of $1,000.000 a year. Railroads in Russia run twenty-two miles an hour. Statistics show that Americans are --the_greatest travellers. _ Japan has 2,000 newspapers. Twen- ty-five years ago there was only one. Minard's Liniment lambermam's friend The exact physical centre of the United States is a cemetery at Fort Riley, Kansas. Nashville has a real live king, who has just been called to his throne in West Africa. Russia has herself contributed $175,- 000,000 to alleviate the sufferings of her famine stricken peasantry. The official title of the Governor of Rhode Island, is Captain General of Rhode Island and Providence Planta- • tions. The heat was so intense in Madrid about a month ago that birds dropped from the trees and died in the streets. The Salvation Army has a commuu- istic colony, ..grpk,in Scotland. - Farming and occupations. a Minard's Liniment is the Best The cholera is in Paris, but it has no effect upon the natural buoyancy and native exuberance of the Frenchman. It is a fact scarcely credible that por- tions of the east end of New York city are the most crowded districts of the world. A French prince advertises that he desires to sell his title and arms, which are guaranteed by genuine sheepskin documents of the reign of Henry IV. No other Sarsaparilla possesses the Com- bination, Proportion, and Process which make Hood's Sarsaparilla peculiar to itself. New Jersey courts have decided that oysters are not real estate, but personal property. The oyster will appreciate this distinction as it is being forked • out ofita The Supreme Court of Indiana has decided that he who lies occasionally is not a liar any more than he who takes a dram occasionally is a drunk- ard. It is beyond all doubt that "Myrtle Navy" is the favorite tobacco with the smokers of Canada. They obtain more enjoyment from it than from any other tobacco made and those of them who have used it long enough to test its merits never abandon it for any other brand. The reason for this preference is that the "Myrtle Navy" is made of the very finest leaf which is grown and that in every process of its menufacture the most vigilant care is exercised to pre. serve the genuine aroma of the leaf. A WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE. The awe with which a small boy looks upon a retired mariner is pro- bably due to the marvellous experienc- ed the mariner remembers to have had. An exatnple of this extreme marvel- lousness came up recently in the course of a conversation between a lad of six and an ex -sea -captain. "Captain Skagg, did von ever get your leg bit off by a shark?" asked the boy. "Did I, sonny?" he replied. "Did 1? Well, rather. Dozens of tirriesl"-Har- per's Magazine. THE TESTIMONIALS. Priblished in behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla, are not extravagant, are not "written up," nor are they from it employes. They are facts, and prove that• Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses absolute merit and is worthy the full confidence of the people. -- Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, per- fectly harmless, effective, but do not cause pain or gripe. Be sure to get 11,..od's. A large barn belonging lo Benjamin Krupp, a mile east of New Dundee, was destroyed b fire Monday after- noon, together with one valuable horse and all the year's grain and farming implements. A spark from the engine which was running the grain thresher fell into the straw, and m a moment the whole was in one mass of flames, which burned so fiercely that nothing could be saved. The thresher was,also burned. The loss is estimated at $3,- 000, With no insurance. Children Cry tor „pitcher's 0401011* OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS Are the main -stay of our republic. In them are being cultivated the minds which are to be our future law -makers and lead- ers in every walk in life. How essential it is that these minds should be united to strong, healthy bodies. So many children suffer from impurities and poisons in the blood that it is a wonder that they ever grow up to be men and women. Many parents cannot find words strong enough to expreEs their gratitude to Hood's Sarsap- arilla for its good effectupon their children. Scrofula, salt rheum and other diseases of the blood are effectually and permanently cured by this excellent medicine, and the whold being is being is strength to resist attacks of diseane. Mr. William Barker, farmer, Yar- mouth, east of Sparta, attempted to commit suicide by taking a close of arsenic the other day. Several causes are given for the attempt, the most charitable of which is that the man is insane. A child, a year and a half old, died a few days ago, and it is thought this may have influenced the act. Bak- er took enough arsenic to kill three men. THE, The Scott Act has beeneustained NorthuMberland, K.13., by a Majority. of 280. Thousands upon thousands of acres of land, have been swept by fire ill the Cherokee stip, I. T. The boomers be - carie eniaged at the slowness with which cattle were being removed from the coveted land and fired the grass. A Stratford woman talks of suing her husband because he refuses to sup- port Ms mother-in-law, in accordance with a proxnise that he made before being married. If men are to be com- pelled to live up to all their ante nup- tial promises it will go hard with some of them. A POOR MAN • ClaNTON NEIN ERA. SO9Tilliit4oztAlLP041-meAt49114. Or Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. Ianla9.c(391:4"f3al3ar nri8YmP381il:1rhe' Cbae he/A1he,18in0nse of smell, foul breath, hawking • and twitting, general feeltng of debility, etc. If you are - troubled with any of these or diadred eymptonis, you have Catarrh, and should, lose no time procuring a bottle of Nam. Ii.erar. Be wasned in timeo negleoted eold •in -bead results in Catarrh, followed by consumption and death. Sold by all druggiate, or sent, ioat paid, on receipt of price t conteL0 tDa 8in (1St! )1ibro7kdval fie:gent! indeed is he whose blood is poor, who has lost his appetite and his flesh and seems to be lir a rapid de- cline ; but SCOTT'S. ULSIO Of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver 011 and Hypophosphiter can make it rich again by restoring appetite, flesh and rich blood, and so giving him energy and perfect physical life, CMS Cougha, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula and Bronchitis. IT IS ALMOST AS PALATABLE AS MILK. Prepared only by Scott & Boerne, Belleville. TEMPERANCE FACTS. Speaking of the destructive influence of the, liquor traffic in the United States, General Dow pointed out that the sum of $l,200,000,000 is the direct loss, and the appalling amount of $1,- 000,000,000 is indirectly wasted in alco- holic liquors every year. He declared that the liquor traffic wages war with every legitimate interest in every countrywhere it exists. Especial interest was taken in that portion of General Dow's speech in w_hioh be _described the results a pro- hibition in the State of Maine. The speaker described the visit of a gentle- man from New York who was in Port- land tosee how the Maine law worked. After staying in Portland a week and being unable to buy liquor, the visitor declared prohibition a failure, because he saw a man intoxicated in one of the parks. Another visitor, an eminent Iowa editor named Locke, who was against prohibition, on visiting Maine to see for himself, was convinced by the evidence of prosperity, sobriety, and good order, that he went home and wrote with all his force in favor of prohibition, winding up his articles with the words, "pulverize the liquor traffic." The speaker then showed that from being the poorest State in the union, under grog shop rule, it, had become, under prohibition, according to the testimony given recently by Mr Blaine, "the richest State in the Union." The consumptiooliqttgul had been reduced to less that one - twentieth of what it was under license, the seven distilleries and two brew- eries which existed under license have ceased to exist, and a whole genera- tion has grown up in the rural regions in Maine, to whom the licensed grog shop is unknown. Incorporated 1887, with Cash Capital of $50,000 11.AE. OWziv acme BO AND APPLIANCE CO. 49 KING ST. W., TORONTO, ONT. G. C. PATTERSON, Mgr. for Canada. Electricity, Its applied by the Owen Electric Belt, Ts now recognized as the greatest boon offered to suffering humanity. It is fast taking the plave of drugs in all nervous and rheumatic troubles, lind will effect cures in seemingly hopeless eases w here every other known means has failed. It is nature's remedy, and by its steady, soothing (current that is readily felt, POSITIVELY CURES Rheumatism, Sexual Weakness, Sciatica, Female Complaints General Debility, impotency, Lumbago, Kidney Diseases, Nervous Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Lame Back, Varicocele, Urinary Diseases. RHEUMATISM lt is a well known fact that medical science has utterly failed to afford relief in rheumatic eases. We venture the assertion that although Electricity has only been in use as a remedial agent for a few years, it has cured more cases of Rheumatism than all other means com- bined. Some of our lending physicians, recog- nizing this fact, are availing themselves of this most potent of nature's forces. TO RESTORE MANHOOD Thousands of people suffer from a variety of nervous diseases, such as Seminal Weakness, Impotency, Lost Manhood, Weak Back, etc., that the old modes of treatment fail to cure There is a loss of nerve force or power that cannot be restored by medical treatment, and any doctor who would try to accomplish this by any kind of drugs is practising a dangerous form of charlatanism. ProPerly treated THESE DISEASES CMI BE CURED Electricity, as applied by the Owen Electric Belt and SuspensorY, will most assuredly do so. It is the only known remedial agent that will supply what is lacking, namely, nerve force or power, impart tone anti vigor to the organs and arouse to healthy action the whole nervous system. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS And the worthless, cheap. so-called Electric Belts advertised by some concerns and peddled through the country 'They are electric in name only, worthless as a curative power, and dear at any price. We Challenge the World to show on Electric Belt where the current is under con- trol of the patient RS completely as this. Our Trade Mark is the portrait of Dr. Owen embcoaed in gold upon every Belt and appliance manufactured by us. I Send for Catalogue-Malled (Sealed) Free. • Pitcher's Castorie. THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT CO., Children -Cry tor, King st. w, Toronto. • '441iiltaotp4i0 Paw, • NERVE BEANS NERVE BEA.NS are a new dis- covery that cure the worst cases of Nervous Debility, Log Vigor and Failing Manh000l; restores the weakness of body or mind caused by over -work, or the errors or ex- cesses of youth. This Remedy ab- solutely cures the most obstinate cases when all other TRUAThIENTS have failed even to relieve. '.;old by drug- gists at 51 per package, or six for $5, or sent by motion receipt of mice by addressing THE JAMES MEDICINX 00., Tura's. Ont. Write for pamphlet. Sold in - Clinton by 3. H. Combe. Barkwell's Sure Corn Cure, will cure Corns, Warts, Bunsions, Moles. MISCELLANEOUS. Shingles for Sale I carry on band a stock of first-class Cedar Shingles; two qualities, which I will sell at every low rate. Orders large or small filled on the shortest notice. Please give me a call. W. RILEY. Londesboro. fim * Saaforth Dye Works. -- Clothes of all kinds cleaned, dyed and pressed, with 1,,romptness. Woollen Dresses Dyed with- out ripping, if necessary. thde... left with J. Ouninghame, Clinton, will re- ceive prompt attention. Satisfaction Guaranteed. J. W. SNELL Seaforth. McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Foe repure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones,/Jaundice, Kid- ney and Urinary Disearges, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility. LABORATORY, GODERION, ONT. J. M. McLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton AICIHT Tile. new rd'odel of the Rockford Watch. when placed in a screw bezel case, will fill a Ion Nit want among farmers, as it is not due proof only, but very strong. The mate which the wheels work between, not being separated by pillars as in the ordinary WATCH But by the bottom plate being turned out of a solid piece of metal, with the edger left of the top plate to rest on; it also being pendantor lever set with sunk balance to prevent breaking, mak- ing in all a good rong watch For a Farmer JOS. BIDDLECOMBE J, C STEMS° , -THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT 111 STOCK ThebestEmbalming Fluidused Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST.,CLINTON Residence over store. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL TWO HARVEST EXCURSIONS Via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y, on Tuesday, Aug. 30, and Sept. 27, 1892. Where the grasses are kissed by; the wand'ring breeze, And the fields are rich with the golden grain; Where the schooner ploughs through the prairie seas, To its destined port on the western plain; Where homes may never besought in vain, And hope M the thriftiest plant that grows; Where man may ever his rights maintain, And land is as free as tbe wind that blows. For further particulars apply to the nearest Ticket Agent, or address A. J. Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent. 4 Palmer House Block, Toron- o„ Ont. 4 There- Is XOTIIING SUCCEEDS.. •.1,,,ME SUCCESS. • Becau3e We Sell Nothing but the Best Goods, such as the FAMOUS LEADER and GEN Goal & Wood Furnaces Happy Thought and Grand PENNINSULAR 1WilooOdir, wElSiichanwit gRi vAe Ny oGu aSo r johre heat and et fuel than any other Stove Made. WHY Buy Low Grades of Coal when you can get the Celebrated Lehigh Valley Coal at ,the same Price. HARLAND BROS STOVES AND HARDWARE. A.I.413 ERIC' 40ILA1N7CON Say call at Hub Grocery And get your Spices for Pickling. We handle only the best, also Vinegar Extra White Wine. We have PURE CLOVES, PURE PEPPER, PURE CINNAMON, PURE MACE, PURE ALSPICE, IPURE KAYENNE, PURE GINGER, PURE CHILIES, PURE MIXED SPICE, PURE CORRIANER SEED; PURE EAST INDIA SPICES, PURE TUPdERIC. These are [all as pure as we can buy. 0-3330 SIAT.A_IMOW CLINTON SUCARS Anticipating the wants of my patrons during the preserving season, I beg to announce the arrival of another car load of Sugar to -day. The Granulated being the highest standard of excellence and purity. Special Cuts to parties buying by the cwt. or bbl. FRUIT JARS—All Sizes, Pts., Qts. and Italf Gallons ROBSON. - CHINA HALL. Now For Bargains DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOICSBESTftEND',, .'..ILARCIEStYSAL101CANA!..b4.L. Bargains Bargains Bargains Bargains Bargains Bargains Bargains Bargains in Dress Goods. in Flannels and Flannelettes. in Tweeds and Clothing. in Top Shirts and Underwear. in Boots and Shoes. in Suits for Men and Boys. in Overcoats. in Millinery. Bargains in every department as Heavy Stock aril are crowded for room. we have a very ADAMS' EMPORIUM, R. ADAMS. LONDESBORO ,G1.. .6)x. #02i, ;13"W 't," 76' "79 -I? "ZS" MEM: •THE RELIABLE ORGANTIANO DEALER G. F. OAKES, ORGANS, 5 and 6 Octave SELLS PIANO -CASED ORGANS Best makes of PIANOS 'Second hand ORGANS to rent RENTSPANTS fcoarrerfeuillIty moved PIANOS packed for shipping Organs repaired and retuned REPAIRS' Piano Tuning attended to ,Sheet Music&Books ordered Shop on Main Street Residence on James Street Box 11, Clinton Send for catalogue Cla F. 041110ES, • cLiwiroN --';''ian11,sofsfeNvls."Sel'Salta."(o- "ts'i?Pts- . • tv st