HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-10-07, Page 1st,
Vente in AC1Vanen
will 4eoure the
XEW pm* or
the twounvo orthe
We claim that the Xnw ERA
gives Mere 'IMMO news every
week than any other 01 at Year
Paper in the Province.
' 1QT ROLME 4ditor and Proprieter.
$1 a, year in advance, $1.50 when not so -paid
"Nan wants but little here below,
'Nor wants that little long."
These chilly fall days there is one
thing a man does want, and he
wan tt3 it to last us long os pos-
sible, that is euituble
for full and winter wear.
We clailn to show one of the tnost
complete stooks of underwear
in the trade, from the Cheap—
est Canadian makes to the fine
Scotch Lembswool garments,
which we import ourselves.
At each price you will find
the best values are here.
lien's Top Shirts
At 50c., 65e., 75c., 90c & $1
At 25c., 50c., 75c. & $1 the
Single Garment.
At these pi ices unapproachable
One price and 5 per e, off for cash
Tho Zotitoloin
FARM RENTED.—Mr John Landsbor-
lough, having rented his farm to Mr
Rutledge, for a term of years, intends
having a sale of his stock, etc., on the
Ilth inst.
NOTES.—Mr J. E. Ball lost a valuable
colt last week,with inflammation. Mr
Peter Valaley, of Chicago, paid a short
visit to friends here this week. Mrs
George Crich visited relatives in Gode-
rich this week. Mr T. Britton spent
Sunday in Hobinesville; as he is becom-
ing an expert bicycle rider, he is often
found away from home. Mr Cosens
left on Monday for Toronto, where he
will enter the University. Miss Annie
O'Brien is visiting 'sfriends at Toronto.
East Wawanosh.
NOTES.—John Coultes lost a hoese
last week, from indigestion. Potatoes
are an enormous crop this year, but
are very badly effected with the'rot;
some patches are almost all rotten.
John S. Anderson, son of F. Anderson,
deputy reeve, left on Friday morning
for Philadelphia, where he will resume
his studies in dentistry. At the last
council meeting George Taylor was
appointed tax collector, at a salary of
$60. Richard Leishinam has gone on a
trip to the Sault; he took a number of
horses with him, which he expects to
dispose of there.
FATAL ACCIDENT.—A very depres-
sing_accident o_ecurred en, Monday last,
whereby Mr. John Bone, of the 9th
conawas suddenly killed. It seems he
had taken a load of apples to the sta-
tion at Belgrave and then gone to Mr.
Bryan's for a load of empty barrels,
and after loading he stood on the
whillietree to climb on the load and by
some. nreatns slipped and fell among the
horses Ifeela,—Wliate"thayskicked and
tramped him and ranaway, the wheels
of the waggon passing over his head
and completely cracked his skull so
that he was never conscious again.
When Dr. McCash reached him he
found him completely beyond any re-
covery or help. Mr C, Proctor, sr.,
had climbed on the load too and had a
very narrow escape, as in jumping off
he fell and cut his head badly. The
team came on toward Belgrave, being
stopped by some threshers on McRae's
hilh It is not the first time that team
has run away. Mr Bone was one of
the early settlers, an industrious man,
an adherent of Calvin church, and, we
believe, a Christian man. His death
was naturally a shock to the family.
He was buried at the Brandon ceme-
tery on Wednesday afternoon.
WE meet the people this fall with one of
the brightest stocks ever imported to
the County of Huron, It is frequently
told us that it is a positive pleasure to
find a place where such attention is
given to meet the wants of the people
as here. Opened to -day one case beat
From 5 to 9 pounds—surprising value.
Three Cases Men's and Boys'
From 25 cents to $2.50 each. Every
Grade, Color, Make and Price. Value
must be seen to be appreciated.
Our Weekly Budget
From all parts of the County—by wide-awake
and lively Correspondents
Goderich Tow nship
COnNom.—Council met on the 3rd,
members all present. Minutes of last
meeting read and passed. Clerk was
authorized to notify the following
persons to have their fences removed
trom the public highway by the first
day of November,Wm Swaffield, John
Kirpatrick and Geo. Young • The fol-
lowing account was paid, viz, Elizabeth
Chambers, hospital treatment, $35.
Adjourned to meet on first Monday in
November. NIXON STURDY, Clerk.
SCHOOL REPORT.—Sen. 4th—George
Buchanan 467, Hannah Stackhouse
382, Mary McClinton 374. Jun. 4th—
Etta MeDowell 313, David Patterson
279. Sen. 3rd—Frank Campbell 781,
Charlie Redmond 317. Jun. 4th —J.
H. Buchanan 530, Harry McDowell
247, Bertie Carr 166, Jennie Armstrong
144, Wellington Henry 109. Sen. 2nd
—Phoebe Jackson 420, Louie Camp-
bell 405, Christie McClinton 367, May
Redmond 346, Annie Buchanan 333,
Frank Car r 214, Gordon Johnston 195,
Wesley Stackhouse 138, Eddie Arm-
strong 107, Rosa Whitmer 61, Ettie
Whitmer 59.
FIRE.—On Sunday morning last,
about half past nine, our citizens were
startled by the cry, of fire. It was
soon ascertained that Mr Morrow's
store was on fire. When first seen
the smoke was bursting through
-the roof and—siding— few min-
utes about one hundred people had
gatheredto aid in extinguishing the
flames, pails and axes were secured,
and in a very short time holes were
cut in the roof and plaster, and two
streams of water were continually
pouring into the seat of the fire. Men,
women and children strenously fought
the fire for over one hour, when it was
got under control. A great deal of
goods was destroyed by the water, the
dry goods, especially, which had been
carried out, as it was thought at one
time that the building could not be
saved. The loss is estimated at $1000,
fully covered by insurance.
PICNIC.—On Friday last a very plea-
sant tine was spent by several of the
young people from the 2nd con. and
Varna, at Bayfield, although so late in
the season the weather was all that
could be desired. The picnickers
heartily enjoyed themselves in the
various ways usually aot up at a pic-
nic, and returned home more than
satisfied with the day's enjoyment.
LEAVING.—Mr Rola McCool, who
has been manager of Mr Morrow's
store for a number of years, left on
Monday morning for Harrington,
where he has purchased the store for-
merly run by air White, of that place.
Mr McCool has the ability and experi-
ence necessary to make a success of
his business, and we are sure he will
do well in Harrington. He has the
well -wishes of the people of Varna.
He has engaged Mr John Wanless to
assist him as clerk, and he could not
have -made a -better. choice.,
CHURCH.—A series of.- special ser-
vices are being held this week in the
English church, Goshen line. Revs
Newton and Harris taking charge.
They are earnest Christian workers,
and we are sure their labors will be
fall show held at Fordwich, on Satur-
day, was a grand success in every par-
ticular. The weather being all that
could be desired, the people from the
surrounding country came flocking in-
to town so that soon after the gates
were opened the grounds were crowd-
ed. The entries in all classes far sur-
passed any former year, and the ex-
cellence in every department Showed
clearly that the people in this section
are determined to keep pace with all
other sections of our great province.
The gate receipts excel those of any
former year by over 50 per cent.
NOTES.—Messrs T. MeClam out, and
W. Bisbee were in Bluevale, on Mon-
day last, at a Thanksgiving supper
and entertainment in the Methodist
church. Mr Adam Reid's house was
burned to the ground on Monday
morning last; came of fire not known.
Miss Laura Sheppard left for Listowel
on Monday last. Mr James Shaw
passed away on Friday last, in his 55th
year; he was buried by the Foresters,
on Sunday, headed by the town band.
A large number from here intend tak-
ing in the Lucknow and Belgrave
shows on Wednesday.
West Wawanosh.
COLTNCIL.—Conneil met on September
24th, members absent Deputy reeve Bow-
ers and Councillor Todd, the minutes of
former meeting were read and approved.
The treasurer's report for August showed
balance and receipts 5453.14 and expendi-
ture $283.89, leaving 5169.25 to September
account. Winallc Allister appealed to have
a dog struck off the roll, no action was
taken. The claim of Samuel Kerr for
damages for sheep killed by dog was laid
over until next meeting. The sum of 51,50
was refunded to Lutheran church, Man-
chester, for statute labor improperly col-
lected. The Reeve and Clerk were em-
powered to accept the collector's bond
when satisfactory. The following accounts
were paid:—W. P. Grierson, $2; Andrew
Kirk, 85 82; Thoe McKenzie, 50 cents; Wm
Fluiter, 52,56; Wm McQuillan, 82; E.
Jarvis, 52: Thos Lott, $20; Thos Anderson,
518.80; W. A. Wilson, 525. Council ad-
journed to meet on November 121h. R. K.
MILLE/1, Clerk,
FARM RENTED.—Mr Andrew Taylor,
of the 12th con., has rented his farm
for a term of years, to Mr W. Kircon-
nell, from near Brussels. It is Mr
Taylor's intention to take a trip as far
west as Edmonton, and should he like
the country out there he will go into
stock raising.
GOING TO QUIT.—Mr Ben Mason, of
the Etth con., who has taken an interest
in the Commercial Hotel, Clinton, will
consequently give up farming, and has
to the whole of his farm stock r
instructed Mr D. Dickinson, auctionvr),
o o
sale on Monday next; also the farm.
RETURNED.—Mr and MrsJohn Mills,
who have been taking a trip through
Manitoba, got back liast week. They
were much pleased with their visit,
having come across a number of old
Huromans, who all seemed to be doing
well. Mr Mills is firmly of the opinion
that it is the country for a young man
to go to, but he would not advise any-
one who is comfortable here to leave.
FIRE.—Early Saturday morning the
barn of Mr Conrad Murphy, 7th con. of
Hullett, was discovered to be on fire
and was destroyed with its contents,
consisting of a team of horses,waggon,
a few peas, etc. Mr Murphy was for-
tunate enough to have his wheat mar-
keted. The cause of the fire is not
RENTED.—Mr John Tarnblyn, of the
12th con., has rented his farm to his
son, John W., for a term of years,
and in consequence thereof will have a
sale of his stock, &c., on the 18th inst.,
he has some good thoro-bred stock, all
of which will be sold—Withont reser
Mr T. Tremeer, of the 4th con., having
rented his farm, will also sell his effects
on the 18tb.
NOTES.—Mr Thos. Nicols has been
laid up for a couple of weeks with an
intensely sore neck. Rev. W. Ayers,
of Holmesville, preaches anniversary
sermon here next Sunday morning in
the Methodist church. There was a
meeting in the Presbyterian church,'
last Tuesday evening, to organize a
Christian Endeavor Society; we have
not heard results. Mr J. Parish
preached in Hensall last Sunday morn-
ing, and we hear the people were de-
lighted with him. Mr Henry Stone-
man is the happy father of a young
BARN BURNED.—A barn belonging
to Wm Irwin, at Belfast, was destroy-
ed by fire Tuesday afternoon. A steam
thresher was working in the barn at
the time, but the fire is supposed to
have originated from some person
smoking, as it started on the opposite
side from that on which the engine
was. The barn contained all this sea-
son's crop, which was destroyed. Loss
about $1,500; insurance, $700.
Hill's Green.
NOTES.—The annual missionary ser-
mon is to be preached in the Methodist
church,' next Sunday evening, by Rev
Walter Ayers, of Holmesville. Special
services-beginin the ,Methoaist church
next Monday, Mrs S. J. Pentland
sisting the pastor. Mrs John Troyer
has had another serious attack of ill-
ness; her daughter Emma has come
home from Montreal to wait on her.
CONCERT:=The Blyth -band is to kive
a magnificent concert on Friday, Oct.
21. Miss Sara Lord Bailey, of Boston,
Mass., has been secured for the occa-
sion. A big time may be expected, for
the hand never does any thing by
ago it was expected that potato grow-
ers would suffer this year, owing to
the unsatisfactory state of trade be-
tween this country and the Spanish
West Indies. It happens, however,
that Cuba has enforced quarantine
against American vessels, on account
of cholera. The prospects are promis-
ing it brisk demand tor Canadian po-
tatoes, and now speculators are mak-
ing large purchases in the east. It's
an ill wind that blows nobody g,00d.
Nos. ---Mr J. W. Ross has rented
the old Revere House at the station,
and will run a temperance hotel in it
small way—success, John. The fair on
Tuesday and Wednesday next promises
to he very good; if we get fine weather
we will do the rest. A number from
here will attend the anniversary
services in Westfield next Sunday and
Monday. A grand concert is to be
given here, on the evening of the 12th;
aim Fax and a number of other well
known singers are on the program.
The Toronto Conservatives are de-
manding that party politics should
enter into everything, from the cradle
to the grave; they must have been
reading up the way in which municipal
elections are run here. Mr John Phil-
lips met with a serious accialent, while
shoeing Dr. Ferguson's broncho, last
week, but is now nearly all right again.
Mr H. Pringle, who fell from Mr Sloan's
barn on Saturday, is doing fairly well.
The milliners have returned to town,
Miss Smith having charge at the Mam-
moth. while Miss Crocker 'Doke after
the interests of Anderson Sr Elder.
Several brothers and sisters of Blyth
1.0.G.T. will attend the Quarterly Dis-
trict meeting, at Clinton, on Friday,
Oct. 14; temperance sentiment is very
strong here.
NOTES.—Ren S. Acheson spent seve-
ral days at the Pan-Presbatersan Coun-
cil, in Toronto, last week, and was de-
lighted with the Council. Rev Walter
Ayers, of Holmesville, preaches the
annual missionary. Sermon in the Meth-
odist chttech, next Siaiday afterriteM.
genial face and
warrn-hearted hand -shake, of' Lieut.
Davidson stationed over the S,A. bere, •
cannot yet be forgotten.; his Many
friends will be glad to hear of his pro-
motion to -the -rank of Captain. -
SUCCESS. — We are pleased to see
among the names of successful candi-
dates for the senior matriculation ex-
amination at Toronto University that
of Wan. G. Richardson, of Front, road.
Mr Richardsou was, till recently, it
pupil of No. 3, Stanley, and reflects
great credit on his former teacher and
on the Clinton Collegiate Institute,
where he received his final prepara-
tions as well as on himself for the short
time he took to pass such a trying
Sirow.—The prize lists are now out
for the show, which will take place on
the enlarged grounds on Oct. 13th and
14th; a glance will suffice to convince
the exhibitor that the lists have been
enlarged by about 40 per cent. The
speeding in the ring, for which liberal
prizes are given, will be most interest-
ing tq visitors, while everyone is watch-
ing for the saddle race, which. from
the preparation being made, will be
keenly contested. Nothing is wanting
for amexcellent time except a suitable
day. ,—
NOTES.—The stern end of John Fer-
guson's schooner was under water on
Sunday, but is now in proper condition.
We see people everywhere grovelling
in the dirt, and upon enquiry find they
are all after that fruit of the earth so
dear to our Irish citizens; no wonder
the latter draw a long face at the
smallness of the crop. Progressive
euchre parties are all the go here now.
The "breezy" Bayfield of a month ago
i§ no comparison to the breezy Bay:
field of this week. Most of the fisher-
men have left for up the lake.
einhardt, who has been engaged on a
tug on the lake, arrived hon:e on
Thursday, to get a rest and become re-
-ettperated,—after a-most—peculiar—acci-
dent. He was in Detroit on Sabbath,
during a severe thunder storm, and
was standing on a street corner talking
with other sailors of his crew, when a
vivid flash of lightning was seen, and
simultaneously the men were thrown
oft their feet. Jack, who was leaning
against the iron post which supported
the corner of the building, got the
worst of the shock. His right shoulder
was burned, and his side somewhat
hurt. The bolt seemed to pass across
his body, and escape down his left leg,
in the torm of a ball of fire, entering
his comrade next him, and so passing
through the crowd. It seems indeed
miraculous that some of them were
not instantly killed.
Sorrows—Inspector Tom visited the
school on Friday, for the first time
since it has been enlarged. He said he
noticed the great improvement in its
appearance as soon as he entered the
village, and congratulated all concern-
ed upon the beautiful and commodious
building in which the youth of Bay-
field were, to form their future destiny.
Several citizens were present, whom
the Inspector invited to address the
scholars. Dr. Stanbury gave the pu-
pils some advice, warning them that
while they take pride in th e appearanCe
of their school, they should not forget
that personal appearance and systematic
application to their books at home was
the only sure way to success. Mr Tom
also referred to the want of .water at
the school, and to the need of some
slight finishing touches about the builds
ing, but the latter, we understand, has
-since-been met. .
CHURCEL—Rev Mr Siinpson,of Bruce -
field occupied the pulpit of St. An-
drew's church. last Sabbath morning,
having been appointed by the Presby-
tery to preach the congregations of
Bayfield and Bethany vacant. The
-popular-preacher 'delivered one of the
most practical aud timely discourses
we have listened to, while the Savoir
faire with which he, gave a word of
warning herr, and a word of exhorta-
tion there, made his renuirks most
keenly impressive. In coucluding, he
said, 'Be loyal to the churchof your
adoption. At no time is it more need-
ed than now, when your pastor is
leaving you. Cling to vour church,
and thereby show your love for your
Master, who is the great head of the
Church." Mr Simpson, as moderator
pro tem, said there would be supplies
every Sabbath, as usual, and expressed
the hope that the vacancy might soon
be filled. A gentleman from Edin-
burgh, one from Toronto, and Mr
Beemer, of Petrolia, are mentioned as
among those who will occupy the pul-
pit of St. Andrew's, as probationers.
RETROSPECT.—There are, no doubt,
among our readers those who when
they watched the rising of the school
house this siunmer, till it assumed its
now proud look on the summit of the
slope upon which it is built, thought
of the days gone past, when every
stroke of the bell seemed to foretell
the stroke of the awful birch, which
was daily meeted out to all alike, as a
sort of salutary discipline. Bet these
same readers have also thought of the
great men and useful women who have
issued from thie school in its earlier
days, and have wondered if the future
will be productive as the past. Judge
Gordon, of Michigan, and W. G. Mur-
dock, the great criminal lawyer of To-
ronto, were fellow students at the Bay-
field public school, and finished their
literary education theta. The late
Prof. John Gibson, well known in sci-
entific circles, received his early educa-
tion here, while many who ornament
the professions of Canada and the
States to -day were tutored behind the
same walls. The girls, too, of former
days, are now filling their onerous
part in the best somety of the larger
cities, and one i§ naturally inclined to
inquire, what will the future bring
forth? With the inspiration of so
brilliant it record, we shall vvatch with
the parents of Bayfield the 8tudents
climbing rung after rung the ladder of
their choice, till the present re -opening
of the school shall Mark another era in
the edecational aclearidemetit of the
DEATH.—The people of our village
will no doubt be sorry to hear of the
death in Toronto of Miss Edith Stone-
house, second (laughter of Mr. Alfred
Stonehouse, now of Clinton but a for-
mer resident of Bayfield. We under-
stand the cause of death to have been
typhoid fever.
PERSON.A.L.—Miss Maggie Erwin left
for Pt. Edward last week. Miss Ettie
Sel/ars, of Detroit, is home for a visit
at preeent. Mr Chas. Logan left on
Thursday to resume his studies at De-
troit Medical College; this is Charlie's
last year, and the many friends here
will be glad to see him back next
spring with the degree of M. D. Mr
Thos. Jowett has been taking it hole,
day trip to Port Huron. Mr Alex.
Murray, of Molesworth, has been the
guest at the residence of Dr. Stanbury.
Mrs (Dr) Stanbury returned on Satur-
day from Toronto, where she has been
attending the meetings of the Pan -
Presbyterian Council and Women's
Foreign Missionary Society. Messrs
Wm. and John Jowett and Israel Geof-
frey sailed on Friday morning, on the
former's pretty little yacht Daisy; they
are off up the lake on a shooting expe-
dition, and will no doubt have a "crack"
time. Mr John Esson took a trip to
Nairn, on Friday, to see his daughter,
and returned on Saturday. We are
pleased to report that Mr Chas. Fan
coner, who has passed through a very
critical illness rs now convalescent.
Two daughters of Mr Richard Lock-
hart came up from Petrone, last week,
where they are living, and took their
father back with them; Mn Lockhart is
one of the oldest residenters of Bay-
field, having spent almost half a cen-
tury in this place; he will reside at Pe-
trolia in future.
NOTES.—The Presbyterians • had a
"Bee" and shingled the roof of the
Manse which is now waterproof.
Service in the Presbyterian church on
J. H. Dyke. Dr. Godfrey paid this
burg a flying visit.
Snow.—Belgrave show this year
is in advance of former years, the hall
being well filled with fruit and vege-
tables. The ladies' department being,
well contested, Miss McFarlane had
some very nice paintings on velvet,
Miss Wellwood had a nice collection
of oil paints, taking first prize. There
was an excellent show of butter.
SAD DEATH. --Mr John Davidson,
school teacher, died at Paris on Tues-
day, in the Canadian hotel. Typhoid
fever was the cause of death. The
deceased belonged to Wroxeter and
went to Paris only eight months ago.
He was of a genial and kind disposi-
tion, a member of the Presbyterian
church, and took a great interest in
church work. His parents were both
with him at the time of his death.
Holmesville. •
CHURCTL—As Mr Ayers has to be
absent, preaching missionary sermons
on Sunday, everybody will be pleased
to learn that Mrs Pentland will sup-
ply for him both morning and evening.
RAISING.—Mr T. C. Pickard raised
the framework for his shed on Fri-
day last. By the progress the carpen-
ters are making now on the building
it will likely be completed before the
cold weather.
NOTES.—Miss Coats, of Toronto, is
visiting at the parsonage. Mr Joe
TrewartfiVe Britieh eolumbiaals
visiting among friends here. Mr Fow-
ler, sr., of Brantford, was in the vil-
lage last week. Miss Glendenning, of
Wingharn'is spending a few days with
her uncle, MrJos Rutledge. Mr John-
ston, of Galt, has been visiting at Mr
MIS'S- Millar, Of Clinton,
spent Sunday at T. C. Pickard's. Mr
M. Mugford spent Sunday and Mon-
day at his sister's, Mrs W. Ramsay.
H. Elford commenced cutting his corn
and filling the silo, on Tuesday.
CHURCIL—Many who were detained
by rain from the Thanksgiving service
in the English church, on Sunday,
Sept. 25th, returned their envelopes
on Sunday last, with their Harvest
Thankoffering, amounting to $6.60,
making a total with the $4.90 of the
previous Sunday of $11.50. The ladies
of the M. A. of St John's church, met
for work on Thursday last, at Mrs H.
Hicks; they now will meet every two
weeks; they are talking of holding a
social in the near future, for the bene-
fit of the society.
GRAND Suceass.--The anniversary
services held here, Sunday and Mon-
day, were, notwithstanding, the wea-
ther, a grand success.. On Sunday
morning the Rev. J. S. Fisher preach-
ed to a large congregation, who were
delighted to hear their old pastor once
more. In the afternoon Rev. J. W.
Shilton spoke to the children for a
short time, and also gave an excellent
sermon for the older people. At night
the Rev. Me Smyth gave a most elo-
quent address to a packed house. On
account of the rain Monday evening
many were unable to be present at the
tea, but the church was crowded and
over $75 was realized. The speakers
were Revs Messrs Fisher, Smyth, Shia
ton and Gilpin. On Tuesday evening
a ten cent social was given, the pro-
ceeds amounting to over $15, which,
considering the very wet night, was
very good. The proceeds in all amount-
ed to nearly $100.
FALL Snow—The South Huron fall
show opened here on Tuesdaa. This
being the first day it was mainly de-
voted to the placing of the indoor ex- t.
hibits, of which there was the largest n
and best display ver made here, roots, a,
fruits and dairy products being parti-
cularly good. The display. of ladies'
Work wasnlso large, while in fine arts
there never was ouch a display here.
NotWithstanding that the setond day
was very told arid disagreeable, there
Wag d very good show in all clasetee.
SOLD.—Messrs Staribury Broa, re,
ceritly sold to McGregor & Mason, Of
Brucefleld, a handsome team of three*
year-old geldings, which tipped the
bearn at 3,200 pounds.
l'EHNC,Nites.—Mr Hugh McDOugali— '
and wife spent a few days this week '
1 with friends in Stanley. Mrs J. Mc- '
Intosh, of Brucefield, and her sister,
who lives in Londois, visited oldaaa;
i quamtances on the second, this week. .
4 Rev. Dr. Lee, of Nairn. Scotland, with
some friends, on Monday, visited Bay-
field to view the lake before his de-
parture from this part on his war
homeward. t
NOTES.—Rev. R. Godfrey, of Stitt'
ford, and Dr. J. Godfrey spent a faNr
days visiting friends in the village.
Mrs Smith, of Exeter, and Mrs Bell, Of
Hamilton, spent a few days with MISS
Smith, milliner, of this place Potato°
j digging has been the order of the day
uring the past week. Mrs A. Wese-
lob, of Hensall, has opened out a boot
and shoe store in Cromarty, with Mr
W. Thomson in charge.
Nares.—Mr J. Barkholder, who had
been visiting friends and relatives
around these parts, has returned 0
Missouri with his family. Mr M.
Wambald and family, who were visit-
ing at his parents in this village, re- ,
turned to their home in Indiana last
week. Miss Carrie Greb, of the Huron
hotel, left for Detroit on Thursday
last; she intends to stay there. Miss
Katie Beenner, of St Thomas, is in
town again. Miss Gillmore and Miss
Taylor, of the Seuble line, were the
guests of Mrs R. Haymaker part of
last week. Mrs Ned Dyer and Mrs
Dan Daves, of Exeter, are the guests
of Mrs D. Steinbach this week. Miss
Lizzie Latta, of Chiselhurst, is at pre-
sent the guest of Mrs S. J. Latta, of
this place. Mrs Wm McNevin and
Miss Jennie MeNevirrweee visiting In
Goderich part of last week. Miss A.
Wurm, who was visiting in different
parts of Michigan for the past monta,
has returned, having spent a very en-
joyable time while she was oray.
Church Notes.
Mr. E. W. Hunt, of Southampton,
will preach morning and evening next
Sunday in St. Paul's church.
The Special Committee of the Guelph
Conference will meet in the Methodist
Church, Blyth, on Tuesday, Oct. 18th,
1892, at 2 p.m.
Mrs Shilton and ,Mrs A. Taylor are
this week at Woodstock, attending a
meeting of the western branch ef the
W. F. M. S. of the Methodist church.
On Sunday morning next Rev. Dr.
Potts, of Toronto, will preach Educa-
tional sermons in Ontario St. church,
and in Rattenbuey St. church in the
Rev. W. Ayers, of Holmesville, will
conduct missionary work on Kippen
circuit next Sunday. his Work being
supplied by Mrs Pentland, of Dun-
The induction of Rev R. Henderson,
of Bayfield, into the pastorate of
Smith's Hill and Manchester charges,
will take place at Manchester, on
Thursday next.
The annual children's service will be
held in the Presbyterian church short-
ly, when the Rev. Mr Stewart will de-
liver his usual appreciative address.
Music by the children.
-ReV W.--Leeeh; of Londeshorce-------
will preach in Wingham, on Sunday,
for Rev. Mr Sellery, who will hold
harvest home services itt Kinburn,
morning and evening. Mr Jas Young
will take Mr Leech's usual work at
Rev. J. S. Fishee, of AttSabb Was
a caller at the NEW Ena olike this
week. Mr Fisher has the happy facul-
ty of always remaining on good terms
with his parishioners, and whenever he
visits the stations that he was previous-
ly engaged on, is sure of a cordiarwel-
ORGAN RECITAL.—We were in error
last week in stating the date of the
Presbyterian choir organ recital. It
will be on Monday, Oct. 31st, and the
services of Mr A. G. Burns, of McCaul
SaChurch,Toranto, have been secured,
and the choir promise a rich musical
Messrs Holt and Radcliffe, of St.
George's church, Goderich, were down
to London last week to interview Bis-
hop Baldvvin concerning a pastor for
St. George's church, and have secured
the services of Rev Mr Turnbull, of
Kincardine, to succeed Rev Mr Young,
who goes to Woodhouse, Norfolle
At the adjourned vestry meeting of
St. Paul's Church, held in the school
house last Monday, the delegate ap-
pointed to interview his Lordship, the
Bishop of Huron, reported that the
Bishop declined to make the appoint-
ment suggested to him. After some
conversation concerning the choice of
some other name or names, it was de-
cided, on account of the very small at-
tendance, to adjourn until next Monday
the 10th. when it is particulary desired
by the Church wardens that there
shall be as full attendance as possible.
In all probability it will be the last
meeting and some selection will be
The meeting of th e Guelph Conference
Missionary Committee will be held in
the Methodist church; Blyth, on Tues-
day, Oct. 181a, 1802, commencing at 9
S. M. Sermons on Missiens will be
preachedon Sunday, Oct. 10th, atBlyth
—in the morning by. Rev. John Scott,
M. A,°President of the Conference.. in
he evening by Rev. Andrew Cunning -
am, Secretary of the Conference, and
iso at Jackson's at 2.30 p. ni., by Rev.
. Cunningham. The anniversary -
meeting will b held on Monde even-
ing, cowmen& g itt 7.80.o'cloc . Ad-
dressed will b deliveredby Rev. W. S.
Griffin, D. D.j Rev. J. W. Holmes, and
W. B. Towler, Esq., M.D. Cellectione
n aid of »isitThs will be taken at.all
he Set'Vic