HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-09-30, Page 5-.A Wedding Presents 1-1=1 We have everything that is nice for Wedding z:v -...---m We have everything that is nice for Birthday t.c--- .........1 We have everything that is nice for Lovers Boy Wanted—A Good Smart Bo) wanted to learn the Watchmaking at JOHN B. RUMBALL'S NOTED CHEAP JEWELLERY STORE, AND TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, CLINTON. 111•11b. We are busy opening up New Fall Goods Special value in Long Boots and all classes of Rubber Goods Eggs taken as Cash. W.TANLOR&SONS OLIN -12'01V FOSTER OSTER'S OTOGRAFS IND IRST AVOR OR INE INISH FURS 1 Our Stock of Furs is now Complete for the corn ing season. Everybody knows that no two Sets of Furs are exactly alike, consequently the first choice is of importance to buyers. •M••••11111 BLANKETS. Having made arrangements with a large Manufac- turer for our supply of Blankets this season, we are in a position to offer better value than ever before. Our Customers will save the Wholesale Merchants' profit. Robt. Coats & Son, Clinton. Now For Bargains. Bargains Bargains Bargains Bargains Bargains Bargains Bargains Bargains in Dress Goods. in Flannels and Flannelettes. in Tweeds and Clothing. in Top Shirts and Underwear. in Boots and Shoes. in Suits for Men and Boys. in Overcoats. in Millinery. Bargains in every department as we have a Heavy Stock and are crowded for r otn. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, LONDESBORO R. A very AMS 1 40' THE CLINTON NEW ERA Se tember SO, in* CLINTON 111AREET8 Corrected every Thursday at ternoon , Thursday, Sept, 20,1892. Wbeat old 066 a 0 70 Wheat new 0 65 if 0 68 Wheat spring 0 66 a 0 68 Oats new ( 0 26 a 0 28 Oats told 0 26 it 0 28 Barley 0 35 a 0 40 Peas 0 65 a 0 57 Flour per bal 4 60 a 4 50 Batter 0 14 a 0 16 Eggs per lb 0 8 a 0 8 Potatoes new per bushel0 35 a 0 40 Pork :0. • • , 6 50 a 5 50 Wool 0 16 a 0 16 Hay, new 6 Oa a 7 00 Hides, No. 1 trimmed 4 00 a 4 05 Hides, rough ll 60 a 3 50 Sheep Skins 0 50 a 0 70 Apples, per bag 0 50 a 0 75 Wood short 2 25 a 2 60 Wood long 3 00 a 3 60 Clover 7 00 a 7 50 Timothy 2 00 a 2 25 Huron Central Fair, Clinton. Oct. 0 and 7. ENGLISH CATTLE MARKET. The Globe's Cablegram on Tnesaay nye: —"No Canadian cattle were on offer at Is- lington on Tuesday. There was a good de- mand for the primest quality of seconds, Sales were slow. In Scotland a large num- ber of Canadians were offered, but there was only a slow trade at last week's prices." MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET -- About 500 head of butchers' oattle, 40 calves and 700 mutton critters offered at the East End Abattoir an Monday. Trade was exceedingly slow, and prices of all kinds, excepting the best beeves, were rather lower. A few of the best animals were sold at from 4o to 4fo per lb., with pretty good stook at from 3to to rather over 3/c per lb.; common dry cows and rough steers eold at from 2/o to 3/0 per lb., and lean beasts at from 2o to 2/0 per lb. Calves were in good demand at from $3 to $5 for common, and from $6 to $10 for good veals. Mutton critters are dull of sale, except for the nest lambs, and prices range from $1.50 to $4.50 each. A lot of good lambs, , weigh- ing 36 lbs each, were sold on Monday at 4i0 per lb. Fat hop continue dull of sale, and prices have a downward tendency, ranging frorn 41c to a little over 5ic per lb. BORN CLARK.—At 52 Mackenzie crescent, Toronto. on the 25th inst., the of wife Joe T. Clark,(daugh- ter of Mrs Greig, Clinton) of a son. • EDMONDS.—In Clinton, on the 25th inst., the wife of Mr T. C. Edmonde of a son. BRONSON.—In Clinton, on the 25t1i inst., the wife of Mr Bronson, of a daughter. WEIR.—At Petrone.. on the 25th inst., the wife of Mr Alex. Weir, barrister, (daughter of Mrs Cruickshank) of a son. ELWOOD.—In Goderich Township, on the 27th inst., the wife of Mr T. Elwood, of a daughter. JOHNSTON.—In Turnberry, on the 18th inst., the wife of John J. Johnston, jr., of a daughter. HANNAH.—In Tuckersmith, on the 17th inst., the wife of MrJohn Hannah, of a eon. MARRIED. KILLIPS—ENO—At the residence of the bride's father, on the 2let inst., by the Rev W.W.ILeecii, Mr Wm. Killips of Goderich Township, to Mary En3, of Mullett. GRAFIAM.—LLOYD.—In East Wawanosh, on the 21st., by the Rev W. F. Campbell, Mr W. Graham, of Tara, to Miss Jennie Lloyd. LEAR—HERRINGTON.—In Mullett, on the 28th inst., at the residence of the bride's father. by the Rev W. F. Campbell, Mr John Lear, of the C.P.R., to Miss 8, Herrington, daughter of alr W. Herrington. HENDERSON—FORSYTH. —At theresidenco of the bride's father, on the 15th inst., by Rev A. McLean, John Flenderson„„ of fignvick, to Jean, - daughter -of F-Orrlyth:- MeV "--- TLPLING-4NELL. —At the residence of the brides father, Turnberry, on the 21st inst , by the Rev. J.Tomlineon. Mr Thos. Tipling, of the G.T. 11. Clinton. to Mies Bertha, youngest daughter of Mr John Snell. SMITH—POLLOCK.--At the residence of the bride's parents, Morris, on the 21st inst., by Rev A. McLean, Andrew Smith, to Sara J. daugn- ter of Jas. Pollock Esq. LACKAHERRY—ENGLAND.—In Wingham'on the 20th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev W. 11, Watson, Mr Samuel H. Lackaherry, of Bay City, Mich. to Annie,daughter of MrJames England. AUSTIN — BONNETT. — At the parso nage wingham, on the 21st inst., by the hey W. H. Watson, Mr William N. Austin, of East Wawa' nosh. to Misa Agnes Annie Bonnett, of Moles- worth. ELLIOTT—PARKE.—At the residence of the bride's father in the Tp., of Stanley, on the 14th inst., by the Rev F. G. Newton of Hayfield, Annie youngest daughter of Jas. Parke, Esq., to Wm. :Henry, eldest son of ?dr John 0, Elliott of the Hayfield -line, Goaeridh Tp. LOGAN—OLVAR.—On the 2flth inet., at the re- sidence of the bride's parents, by RevJ.W. Pring, ?dr Wm. Wallace Logan, merchant of Tupper. ville, Ont., to Mies Ella Maria, third daughter of Mr Emmanuel Olvar, 4th con., Morrie. DAVIS—WEBSTER—At the residence of the the bride's father, Hullett, on the 29th inst., by the Rev.R Henderson,. of Hayfields .Mr R-Boviai of Rockford, to Miss Bella, eldest clanghter or Mr. Jos Webster. McCALLUM—STINSON.—At the residence of the bride's father, Stanley, on the 21st hist, by Rev ff. G. Newton, Mr J. McCallum, Port Elgin, to Mies Melissa, daughter of Ur A. Stinson. ANDRE W—BRIMACOMBE .—At the residence of the bride's parents, Elimville, on the 21st inst„ by the Rev J. Russell, Ira H. Andrew, to Miss Ann, seaond daughter of Mr John Brimacombe, all of Usborne. [Wedding invitations, neatly printed on short notice, at the CLINTON NEW ERA OFFICE.] DIED. FA111,0-In Clinton ,on the 24th inst., Mrs Jennet Fair, aged 90 years and 6 months. WILLIASIS.—In Clinton, on the 25th inst..!John Williams, aged 70 years. SCOTT.—In Stanley, on the 25th inst., Wm. 14. Scott. aged 52 years and 4 months. SWALLOW.—In Clinton, on tho Tjth inst, the infant eon of Mr Geo. Swallow. STONE HOUSE.—In Toronto, on the 22nd inst., Edith Maud Mary, daughter of Mr Alfred Stone- house, of Clintoa, aged 21 years and 6 months. SH S.W.—In Morris, on the 16th inst., Jas. F. Shaw, aged 7 years, 7 months, 6 days. GOVENLOCK.—In McKillop, on the 17th inst., Janet Louisa, wife of Mr Robert Govenlock, aged 50 years, and 5 months. NORTON.—In Brussels, on the 21st inst., Thos Norton, aged 85 years. WILLIS.—In Exeter, on the 22nd inst., James Willis, aged 46 years. HORNEY . —In Usborne, on the 281h inst., Henry Horney, aged 58 years. (Funeral Notices and Memorial Cards neatly printed at tthe CLINTON NEW ERA OFFICE.) rl'I-1333 alz) —WILL RUN— TWO - MORE - EXCURSIONS —TO THE— NORTH-WEST ---0 N— SEPT: 27th and OCT. 4th. inin information from A. T. COOPER _oAgent, Clinton. it) opersiloolts, ore • TO RPM OR FOR BALE. To Let or for Sale. A House and two Lois on Isaac St. at present 000upied by Mr Sheppard. Applyto WM. JONES. For Sale on „Easy Terms. Town Lot dd, Mary Street, ono quarter sore, pro- perty of A. oadzow. Apply to MANNiNO SCOTT, Clinton. For Sale or to Rent The undersigned offers for Sale or to Rent that conveniently situated and commodious .double brick house on *Rattenbury St. on easy terms. The house has every convenience. MIN A. FOXTON. GOOD STORE TO REN.r.' First-class Brick Store to rent, with good cel- lar suitable for any business, now occupied bv Mr.J. W. Irwin, as* grocery. Favorable terms. W. C. SEARLE HOUSE and LOT for SALE: The undersigned offers for sale the house and lot on,the corner of Albert and Whitehead St's. The la is of an acre and some good fruit trees on it, also a good well. The house contains five rooms and summer kitchen. For further par- ticulars apply on the premises. MISSGARVEY ROUSE AND LOT FOR SALE Lot 124, High street, Clinton, with comfortable two•story frame house, containing aeven rooms in good condition; now occupied by Mr J.W.Hill Good garden, small stable. Apply to the owner MRS. MARTHA DUNCAN, or to H. HALE Huron St., Clinton. House to Let. House to Let on Rattenbury St. 7 rooms, wood- shed and good cellar, Hard and soft Water,eniall garden, also 2 houees and stable for mile, terms easy. Chineeee Primrose Plants for sale. Apply to J. H. WORSELL, Sewing Machine Agent, Clinton. House and Lot to Rent. The undersigned offeris for rent his residence on Ontario street. just east cf the English church. The house bas every convenience. Also a Horse, Carriage and Harness for sale; the carriage and harness are new. JAMES SMITH. For Sale or to Rent. The residence and grounds at the corner!of John and Queen Streets, in the town, of Clinton com- prising lots 534 anc1535;the property is beautifully situated and well disproved, the house is a story and a half frame in good state of repair, 8 rooms besides halls, pantry, and kitchen, there is also a good stable. hard and soft water with other con- veniences. For particulars apply to, MANNING dc SCOTT, Solicitors. Clinton. PROPERTY FOR SALE On Ratteubury St., a quarter acre lot immedi- ately west of the Methodist Church, on which there are two Frame Cottages, a variety of fruit, hard and soft water. Thisiot is very convenient- ly situated, any person wisning to make their home in Clinon, would do well to see this pro- perty, as owner is desirous to sell and it is a very pretty lot,situated in one of the prettiest parts of the town it will be sold at a bargain. For further particulars address L. E. WATTERSON, Woodstock. FARMS FOR SALE. Valuable Farm for Sale. The North half of lot 30, 2nd concession Bas Wawanosh. Apply to CAMERON, HOLT Je kblEltON, Goderich GOOD FARM FOR SALE For particulars apply to MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, &c., Clinton Farm for Sale or to Rent. The undersigned offers either for sale or to rent, lot 19, 6th con. of Mullett, containing 100 -acrhs;-tarbilt°8 clearetranclitrtwothdirte ciretilt0-- vation; well watered; small house, good barn and outbuildings. 13earingorchard. Five miles from Clinton. Will oither be rented for a terro of years or sold on very moderate terms. Particulars on the premises, to THOMAS QUICLEY,or Clinton. Post Office. 4i tf Farm for Sale or to Rent That desirable farm of 80 acres, Lot 18, in the 16th Concession of Goderich Township, now oc- cupied by Mr John Smith. Good frame house of 10 rooms ; bank barn and stable; good orchard. Apply to H. HALE, Clinton, or to the owner, G. F. BURNS, 214, Feurteenth Avenue, Detroit. Sept. 16th, 1892. slm Splendid Farm for Sale. Subscriber offers for sale his excellent farm of 125 acres, being lot 36, llth con. of Mullett, 2i miles west of Londesboro. About 10 acres hard- wood bush, balance all in good cultivation; brick detellieg, bank_barn 61)_x another, with Etc:me foundation only 35 x 55, also stable and shed 30 x 48. Good orchard, plenty of water. One of the best farm ein Hulletaclose to churches and school. Two-thirds down,balance to remain on mortgage at 5 per per cent. THOS. MOUNTAIN, Londes• boro. pd ltf MISCELLANEOUS Shingles for Sale, Subscriber keeps on hand at Belgrave, a full eupply of first class North Shore cedar shingles, which will be disposed of at reasonable rates. W. WATSON, Agent. W. WHITELY, Londesboro Teacher Wanted. Male or Female holding Second Class Collat. eate, for S.S. No. 5, Hallett, to teach for the year 1893. State salary, and furnish references, Ap- ply to Wm McCool, Secy., Londesboro. 50,000 Ns, APPLES WANTED D. CANTELON, of Clinton, wants 50,• 000 Barrels Fall and Winter Apples, for which the best market price will be paid. Hold your apples for Cantelon, and make money. D. CANTELON, C 1 I nton New Blacksmith. Mr R. Downs, has rented part of his shop on High St. opposite the Queens Hotel to Mr Beaton, who is a first class horse sheer and jobber, show- ing tender footed horsee a specialty. Mr Downs still remains in the shop and will continue his usual businese of ge,sfitting. A trial respectfully solicited. The PEOPLE'S AUCTIONEER The undersigned desires to intimate that he is still a licensed Auctioneer tor the County of Huron, and will conduct sales on reasonable terms; his experience in handling farm stock warrants him in guaranteeing entire satisfaction, Persona requiring tue services can rely implicit- ly on the work being properly performed. He is also in the Clothes Cleaning and repairing line next to Seruton's butcher shop, and will execute promptly all orders in this line. J. HOWSON NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUN- TY OF HURON. IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE or. WILLIAM HENRY COOPER THE ELDER, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the pro visions of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, Chapter 110, Section 36 that all persons hav- ing any claim against the °nate of William Henry Cooper, the elder, late of the Town- ship of Stanley, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the end day of March,1892, are requir- ed on or before the 5th day of Occober,1892,tosend or deliver to Manning dc Scott, Solicitors for J.P. Tisdall, the administrator of thq property of the said William Henry -Cooper, the eller, deceased, full pertieulars of their claims and the securities (if any) held by them, duly verified by affidavit. And after the said Sth any of Oct., 1892, the said administrator will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the said Estate Among the parties entitled thereto, having reference only to ,tho claims of which he shall have received notice, and after srieh distribution the said administrator will not be responsible for the assets of said estate teams ismer of whose claim notice sball 1 ot have been received at the time of stioh distrlb tion. Dated at Clizaon, this 5th eay of Septern1 r, 180. MANNING d; COTT, tl,t the ibibt4W. OUR Opening Display ON SATURDAY we hold our first Fall and Winter Opening of Fine DRESS Fabrics Consisting of New English, Scotch, French and German Dress Stuffs and. Trimmings. 'Also one ot the Richest Displays of German and Ameria.n Mantles, Coats Wraps and Cloaks Ever brought to this place. Ladies cordially invited to visit our place of btisiness Gilroy & Wiseman, 01.111\71'01NT 4 NEW RESTAURANT The undersigned opened this week a new Restaurant in Where he will be pleased to meet all who desire anything in his line. There will be kept in stock e full and clean assortment of FRUITS, CANNED GOODS, CANDIES, NUTS, ICE CREAM, PIPES, CIGARS, TOBACCOS, &c. OYSTERS KEPT IN SEASON. J B MATTHEWS - - CLINTON ns-*•••-• By special arrangements with the manufacturer - and wholesale -dealer in Fur Goods, we -are having consigned to us a complete range of COATS, CAPS, BOAS, STORM COLLARS, MUFFS and CAPS in SEAL, OTTER, BEAVER, SABLE, PERSIAN LAMB, OPPOSSUM, ASTRA- CHAN and other desirable Furs. The Goods will reach us about October 1, and we will have them on view for a short time, probably two or three weeks, and as the variety will be greater than can be shown by any retail store outside of the cities, it will be to the inter- est of any person thinking of buying Furs this season to see this display The quality and workmanship can be relied upon as being strictly first class. The goods are the property of the Manufacturer, and what remains unsold at the end of the three weeks will be returned. We run no risk of having to carry over expensive lines for which we may fail to find a buyer; consequently we can sell at a much closer margin than would be pos- sible if we were handling them in the ordinary way. Buying early in the season you can secure the most desirable and best Furs, but if for any reason you do not feel disposed to invest your money just now, you can select what y au want, and by paying a small deposit on your pu chase, the goods will be put aside and kept until such time as you need them. We would like evety lady within ten miles of' Londesboro to call and see this display; you will find rich and beautiful goods which you are welcome to look over and examine whether you have any intention of buy- ing or not. W. L. OUIMETTE„ 1.4014411:01Mt43BOTIA0 'A)