HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-09-23, Page 8tember 23, 1892 1004 0, tit PRIPAY, $4PTIVXB44 23, I892 PWAT•4 IsTQTIOES erm 0404014 oar specialty, and weofler A94499129 Nets rerY.4)400,-,40,1AkTliOrt Atolova YOUR CHANCE... -New White Sewing Ma- ehnieet ealY090, cash. R. WURSULL, Agpur • .7, WVVIV90017474 ties received a lame ateex ot Obietides, bees I'M° 404 00dars which he le Sell- ,' Apg 94 par satiate up. MNX. Tam %ex. — New Oranges, t@Drone, Cecostriate, C rives and Peaches pet UATS' City Restaurant, Cruickshank's •old Stand, • PIANO TU NG. -1i Stewart, the noted Mina Timer of Hamilton, will be in Ounton in a ow dela. Pargeo wi.daing to have their Fiance timed or repaired, may /eave their orders with G. E. Mans RSO, agent for the Gerhard Heintz - .van rhino. --TionnzaT—Will pay in Cash the highest. dolv,p ask you to take trade. COATS' Yity Reeteurant, next door to N. Robson's groorY, apievED.-Having removed to the store just ' Wows of Irwin's Grocery. we have now the finest ' Xelitatirant in western Ontario keeping on hand a full stook of choice Peaches, Grapes, Melons, Tomatoes and all other fruits, candies and re- freshing drinks. JAMES ANDERSON, Clinton. '01KSTEAS—We are handling nothing but Seleeto, which are a little higher in price. .Compare them with standards and judge for yourself. COATS' City Restaurant. TO AD VERTISERS.—.15 order to insure insertion the same week, copyfor "Changes" of advertisement, mt1.9t be handed in not later then Wednesday noon. geln tePtai. xew TEACHER.—Mr D. C. Rand, of exandria, has been engaged as Ma- thematical master of Clinton Collegi- '• ate Institute, duties to commence the let of October. PONCERT.—Prof. Scott, of Wingham, announces a concert here on the even- ing of Oct. 7. He has secured the ser- vices of Sim Fax, of London, and Misses Kate Strong and Emma Whelp - ley, of Toronto, and offers a good pro- , sram. FIRE ALARM.—Tnesda,y morning at ;about 6.45, people were disturbed by the fire alarm, the cause for which was a fire an the roof of the Fruit Evapor- ator. The engine and hose reel were quicklyon the spotbut it was found that ear services were not needed, as the fire had been gOt under control • before doing much damage. NOT A COMMON EXPERIENCE.—To- day Mr and Mrs Thos Cooper observe an event in their history that does not often fall to the lot of mortals, being the 60th anniversary of their wedding. They are yet hale and hearty, and look as if they might enjoy many yeaM more of wedaed bliss, and we sintere- ly trust that this may be their ex- perience. NEW PREMISES.—Dr. Blackall has now .got into occupancy of his new premises on Isaac St., and he has a comfortable and commodious place; with neat office in the front, he has carriage room behind, four single and two large box stalls, all fitted with the Tisdale stable furnishings. The wood- work was done by Mr Jos Townsend, and Dock flatters himself that he has secured good accommodation at a very moderate outlay. WANTS REPAIRING. — We do not know whose duty it is to look after the matter, but we would like to call the attention of some one to the long hill this side of Stapleton. It is one of the • stoniest pieces of road to be found any- where, and has not, that we are aware of, had any roadwork on it, for a con- siderable length of time. It is an in- justice to this town that the road is al- lowed to remain in the condition that it is, and something should be done about it at once. FIX IT up.—The Property Committee should do somethingtowards fixing up the platform of the town hall, for if there is a more barren looking stage in the county, we would like to know where it is. The swinging doors in the wings should be replaced by cur- tains, the platform should be carpeted or covered with oil cloth. There is not ..an, entertainment ,gett, up, but finds it necessary Ii3-beirrow from the mer- chants carpets, bunting, etc., in order make the platform presentable at all. REPORTED MISSING.—A report is current that Mr Andrew McGarva, son cif Mr John McGarva, is missing, though it was thought that he may be picked pp or land on some island yet. He is engaged on a sealer in the Alas- ka waters, and while out in a row boat with a couple of others some dis- tance from the large boat got lost. not being able to find their vessel. Hopes are entertained that they may have landed somewhere, or been picked up by some other boat and will be heard from in due course of time. PRIZE WINNERS.—In the matter of horses it is impossible to heat the county of Huron, and this is shown every year by the number of Huron horses that are prize winners at the big fairs. At Toronto this year the following persons took prizes: -3 year old Shire stallion -1st, F. Coleman, Hills Green. Shire hi ood mare -3rd, W. Coleman, Seaforth. Foal, Shire, Ord, W. Coleman; mare and two of her progeny, W. Coleman, Yearling colt, Canadian bred -3rd, W. N. Cole- man, Seaforth. 3 year old Canadian bred filry—lst, A. G. Smilie, Hensall. 2 year old Canadian filly -3rd, F. Cole - titan, Hills Green. Yearling filly or 'gelding -3rd, G. Taylor, Kippen, NOTES.—Mr Israel Taylor had the pleasure qf being one of the Petit jur- ors at Goderich this week. Mr H. B. Combe, who has been travelling in , the eastern and southern states, has returned to town. Miss Maud L. Pat- tison, eldest daughter of Mr A. 0. Pattison, died on Saturday evening, • after a protracted and painful illness: the sympathy of their many friends is extended Mr and Mrs Pattison in the .severe afflictions through which they have /missed. Mr John Calbick expects • to take up. his residence with his son Daniel, Goderich. Mr Walter -1.1oats, City/ Restaurant, its in London this week on business, also J. W. Rit- • er and G. D. McTaggart. The mein- , bers of the Temperance Lodge expect •to niake a visit to Kinburn lodge OD Wednesday evening next. No Camp, tell, of Detroit, who has been vitiitin0 here for scone time, left for home on of 'WMghain, an old Olintoniart) is Monday utornin, 31r MaIic Cassels, lying danlerous y ill at Flint, Mich', ; he his here win her en- Ire- Ger - Mr rs to the . J. ron r 11 also me. has in- dis- . T. me mg be , of his ory he sy, rk. eft as ck- ck- c- of re jr, ck 1y he he th is or nd or an ol n- ur at a p - s. a r- f - A a 1 1- a 1 with but s ight chances of recovery went over there recently to attend son's wedding. Mr James Archib of Elora, has been visiting friends for several days, Mrs W. Ir returned a few days' since from trip abroad, having. spent a roost joyabletirue; she visited England, Ituul, Scotland, Wales, Belgium, mann Switzerland and France. Eby Rumball, kir a number of yea resident of town, is about moving London to reside. The trial of petition against the return of Hon C. Patterson as M. P., for Westilu will not take place before Deeembe next; several other protests are thrown over until the same ti Fall wheat is looking well, and made good growth since the late ra The Saturday excursion rates to K cardine and Goderich have been continued for this season. Dr. L Wilkie, of Germantown, 0., was ho on a visit this week; he brought a yoi lady with him, who will hereafter known as Mrs Wilkie. Mr Gregory Exeter, was last week on a visit to daughter, Mrs G.F. Oakes; Mr Greg is one of the oldest teachers in t county, but is now taking life ea not being engaged in active wo Several passengers for London got 1 here Monday morning; the train w late in coming in and instead of ba ing out and waiting, as usual, it ba ed. right out to the diamond. Mr M Laughlin, of Oshawa, was the guest Mr Hy. Cantelon over Sunday. The is a possibility that Mr P. Cantelon, may next season erect a fine bri dwelling house on the place former occupied by the waggon shop. T addition that has been made to t rear of Gilroy & Wiseman's store, wi plate glass window, is quite an provement; the additional room that gained being a great convenience a adding very much to their facilities f business. Inspector Robb paid offical visit to Brussels public scho last week. Get a prize list of Huro Central Fall Fair and make"your e tries early. A large number of o townspeople are away at the fair London this week. It is said that very large quantity of apples will b hipped from Clinton; the largest shi ments will be made from Luckno which will likely reach 40,000 barrel Pears almost went begging in tow ast week, arid sold at 25 cents a ba The Seaforth Sun "gives away" a po pular Clintonian in this fashion:—"M Richard Foster, ofii. Clinton, spent ew days in town a guest at the pa onage." The Wingham Salvatio rmy band, which came down here o hursday evening, serenaded this o ce on its way to the station Frida orning; it is a good band. We hear man the other day express thi uaint truth: "It rains now on ver ttle provocation; in fact it rains with ut any provocation whatever." arse addition is being made to th ngine room of the Clinton Organ Co. he masonry is being done by Thoma alker. Mr R. Burchell, who has beet n esteemed resident of town for umber of years, has decided to tak p his residence hi Cleveland, and wil aye for that city, with his family, 1 few days. Owing to the serious sil ess of Mr Ralph White, of Philadelphia iss White and her mother leave to ay for that city. Mr W. Downs, wh as been in business at Hensall, for ort time, has taken up his residenc ere again. The Supreme Circle of th anadian Order of Horne Circles is i ssion at Toronto, and on Tuesday M . Irwin, representing Clinton Circle d Rev H. Irvine, representing Hen 11, left here to attend. Mr R. Fitz mons has rented the house at presen cupied by Mr G. Swa,rts, and wil ove thereto as soon as Mr Swarts re oyes to Wingham. Mrs Shiltono,vh s been away from town for a few ys, is home again. On Tuesday M Fitzsimons made the first shipmen lambs to Buffalo market. The Mc ay block will be ready for occupancey a short time. Mr R. Welsh is taking e holidays &ranted him some time ago the Council. Mrs Dempsey is seri sly ill. Court of Revision_ to hear pealg against the Voter's List, will be Id 7 p.m. on the evening of 30th inst. r John Williams, one of the oldest re- ents of the town, is quite sick. The her day a tramp walked into a house d sat down with the intention of ving a comfortable smoke, but the ner ordered him out and told him at me time that if be- could—afford to oke there was no necessity for him beg. A new front is being put in att's store; Messrs Cantelon & Col- rne are doing the masonry. The her night the late train coming west uck and killed a horse on the track, t east of Seaforth. We are exceed- ly sorry to hear that Mr Robt El- tt, of the Wingham Times, who has some time been in poor health, is t improving as his friends would like see him. Thursday, November 10 1 be Thanksgiving day in Canada. W. Moore, has been appointed ent for the New Home and New lliams Sewing machines. Mr John Cooper, edi tor of Books and Notions, d other trade journals, Toronto, is me on a visit. Mrs Colin Campbell, Goderich, (daughter of Mr Palter - n, Stapleton) took no less than enty prizes at the London Fair this ek. It is stated that Hon. J. C. Pat - son will be present at the Huron ntral Fair. Mr W. R. Wattsso g a resident of town, accompanied daughter to St. Louis, on Tuesday, expectreto take up his permanent dence there, The personal Merle s Mr W. Brunsdon, of Londesboro (an Clintonian) will be sorry to hear t he is quite ill, with little prospect recovering. There are 14 cheet e tories in active operation in this nty. A re -union of old members of of the congregational churches in onto, will be held next week, to ich Mr Jos. Rowell has received an itation; Mrs Hodgens was a Sabbath ool teacher in connection with the e church. Dr. Gunn was in Detroit week, on professionial business. Stratford Herald bays:—"Mr G. F. es, of Clinton, has entered into the loy of Mr Roger Roberts, and w ill resent that gentleman's music bug- s throughout the city and country." r 200 tickets were sold at the station week for London; on Wednesday ning 200 were sold at Exeter for the e place. Mrs. Joseph Allanson, o has been ill for some time, is much ter. Business men should order r printing for the fall fair early, so t there may be no delay wben need - and the NEW ERA has excellent fa- ies for doing all kinds of printing. 1 A fi a 11 1 a le a sh se an sa si oc 111 ha da R. of in th by ou ap he sid ot an ha ow sa sm to bo ot str jus mg lio for no to wil Mr A. an ho of ma tw we ter Ce Ion his and resi of old tha of fac cou one Tor wh in v Sch sam this The Oak emp rep nes Ove this mOr sam wh bet thei tha ed, cilit Its wisdom buying yoUr /all Dress Goods early, while we will always have lots for you to choose from any time you want a dress, still we have a better assortment and can show You a greater var- iety to select from now than we possibly can a month later. Buy now and you have Your pick of the very choicest things we've got; leave it later and perhaps somebody else has taken the very thing you would have liked. The choice things always go first; you might as well have them as some body else. We've got this season a grand stock' of Dress Goods; never have we shown its equal. The Goods are Right. The Colors and Patterns are Right. The Prices are Right. If you want the best assortment, the most stylish goods, and the best values to be had, you can't afford to pass our stock. • MO. 0000000000000000000 P.M .11 tourui. IUD GLOVES—Our new Kid Gloves are here. We have a splendid assortment of Black and Colors in all sizes from 51 to n. Have you tried our lacing glove? Every pair is guarunteed. Many of onr customers prefer it to any other make A line of Colored Gloves at 40c. per pair is worth your atten- tion. They are cheap. 5 per Cent off for Cash. Estate J. Hodgens THE DR' GOOES PALACE, CLINTON. ARE Y011 A CUSTOMER OF Jackson Bros? if NOT --WHY NOT? The umbrella tolls the knell of passing year, The rubber coat comes. slowly, into :w.ea,r;.. ........... ... The dudelike man aside his blazer coat does lay, And leaves the overcoat the master of the day. "With sincere apologies to Mr Gray." CLOTHING for Fall Fall shivering blast is here—no longer now does the young man sport his summer girl neath green waving trees. No longer now the flannel suit is worn, yea even straw hats aside are put. All is changed, fall is here and all wise men will prepare to meet its changeableness of Temperature. Now is the time to buy your UNDERCLOTHING We have gr, eat lines at $1, $1.25 and $1.50 a full suit. We carry the largest and best assorted goods IN RUBBER COATS We have bought a line in Glasgow which we sell at $8.00, a genuine Mackintosh. "Any Rubber Coat we sell we guarantee." HATS—Buy the newest Stiff Hat, the Dunlop, or the latest thing in a Fedora. A Full line of Furnishings. BOY WANTED, to learn tailoring. JACKSON BROTHERS, Clothiers. Furnist=rs and Hatters. OLIN ON AM.' SEAFORTH. Note• Paper dr Envelopes In Great Variety We have a very good Note Paper at 5 cents a quire. Extra good value in Cream or White at 10 cents: In Fancy Note Papers we have Burmese Ivory, Ivy Leaf Pattern, Irish Linen, Gilt Edge, Parchment, Tinted Note, and mail), other varieties too numerous to mention. ENVELOPES to match the above. The newest thing in Note Paper and Envelopes is "Backram"-1 quire of Note Paper and 1 package of Envelopes, 25 cents. ROBINS BROS., Book Store and News Depot, Clinton. ATTENTION We are now ready for the fall trade with full lines in all departmente If you want a nioe I-IA.1r 0R 1301V1V3EIT Call and see Miss Davis, she can give you the latest styles and lowest prices. Dress & Mantle Making Done in first-class style at low prices. TAILORING In all its branches, at the lowest possible paying pri. ces. Remember we have a first-class cutter, second to r one; give him a trial and you will be pleased with his work. We have not space to mention all the lines we carry This season we have -given special attention to DRESS GOODS and MANTLE CLOTHS We have a beautiful variety. Before you buy a mantle eee our German Made Mantles, the best fitting goods made and very low prices for good goods. Full stock READY MADE CLOTHING. BOOTS and SHOES ¶3,0O0 worth of Boots and Shoes at a small advance on cost price. Plumsteel - & - Gibbings, MONTREAL HOUSE, CLIINT7701\T BEESLEY & CO. MiOillery and Millinery Requisites 'Assortment complete. We intend to sustain the well earned reputation that we now hold for leading in the latest styles and novelties, and it is an undisputed fact that in the volume of business we do in this line, we dis- tence all competitors, and the large increase we have had during the past two seasons speaks louder than words. This department will again be under the n3an- agement of Miss B. McDonald, assisted by Miss A. Beesley and an efficient staff; this in itself is an assur- ance of success and satisfaction to our customers. Making Over Department—Hats done over into the. leading styles DRY GOODS The success that has attended our efforts in the past two sea- sons has decided us to continue keeping the lines wo. thought of giving up. We have decided to place before you the best stock, for pick and choice, that we have ever had the pleasure of offering you See our double fold Dress Goods at 25c., our 20c, 15c, 10o and 8c lines. Our Mantle Cloths, and don't forget that we cut mantles free. Extra value in Grey Flannels,. Blankets and Quilts. Men's and Boys' Underwear. that can't be beat for quality and price. Get a pair of our Ladies Wool Hose at 20c. Ladies and Childrens Wool Vests, all sizes at lowest prices Our Kid and Cashmere Gloves needs no recommendation from us as quality and. price tells the tale. A seller, our Girls Caps at 25c. Every- thing goes at the lowest possible prices ' allEEsisylico The Ladisms FAavvnoirlits•LEosotzblishasit • )