Clinton New Era, 1892-09-23, Page 7sommvallemmormaromrisameamereemee A FRAGMENT. Habit hke a lover at night, 141Ite a f001 by the Morning light; 1Por he fell out the window while leaning too far To catch the sweet Bound of a lady's guitar. Cum H. MOUNTOMITI.B. Ile Saturday Night. NEWS NOTES. Bishop Sullivan, of Algonnt, has been granted a year's leave a absence Porn duty in order to recuperate hie health, The °mitred for the erection of the bin- der twine factory for the Farnaer's Binding Twine a Agrioultural Implement Com- pany at Brantford has been let to Schultz 11; ros., of that city, and ground haat already been broken. The Building will be put up near the G.T.R. station. The construction of an agricultural implement factory will also be erected upon an early date. People at the G.T.R. station here wit- nessed a sad cage Thursday afternoon. A. strapping big fellow, standing 6 feet 4 inches, was endeavoring to board a train, but had to be assisted up the steps, owing to his being so weakened by oon.supaption. Hie name is Wm. 'Penton, and he was try- ing to get home to Luoknow, from Sarnia. At the latter place a collection was taken up and a ticket to London procured for him and the Relief Officer here provIded him with a tioket to Luoknow. -London Free Press. About a month ago John Ta,vlor, enaplioyed In the Canadian. Pacific shops at Montreal, shipped on board the Canopus, a cattle vessel bound for England. When the ship reached Quebec two stowaways found on the ship jumped overboard. One of the wen, who could not SviriM, was drowned, and his body was identified by frionds as that of 'Taylor, the master of the Odclfellows Lodge to which Taylor belonged being one of the number, the Oddfellows took charge of the funeral, and bought the lot in Mount Hovel Cemetery. At a late hour last F eiday night Taylor's wife was startled by his reappearance. He had just returned from. England on the Canopus, and had neither been dead nor buried. A pretty young wotnan named Bertha Abernethy languishesin jail at Detroit, on the charge of stooling a piano. Ana-therehy-han-ge a tale. Bertha is the daughter of one of the most prominent families of the tow n. Two years ago he, parents dicd, leav- ing her an estate worth $63,003. An infatuation for W. J. Sills, a show of one of the swellett E resbyterian churches in town, led her t,o squardes her money on him, and deed to Wan a large block of valuable real, estate. This she since tried to recover and meantime conceived an infatuation for Ileni7 Davis, upon whom she lea ished the remainder of her foetune and who now proves to be a married man. In an effort to raise money she sold a piano she had rented and now rests in jail on the charge of stealing, Of the splen- did estate.she inherited two year; ago she now possesses but $201 She is an exceedingly pretty woman and is re- lated to some of the best families in town. Three Harvest Excursions On August 30th, September 27th and October 25th the Wabash Ry., the Banner route for the west, will sell tickets at low- est first elass fare for the round trip, to points in Minnesota, Dakota, Nebrabka, Kansas, Montana, Missouri and Texas. Tickets good returning 20 days from date of sale. Full particulars from any R. R. agent or J. A. Richardson, Canadian Pas- senger Agent, N. E. Corner King and Yonge Sts., Toronto. -The New Era will be sent to new subscrib- ers for the re- mainder of this yea? for the sum of 25 Cts It is admitted to be among the very best of the papers, and has more Home News thaia any dol- lar a year pa- per in,Canada THE HORSEMAN. ,1•1•*whi• The object of every breeder should be to make a colt a sound, healthy horse at maturity. Kis prime nem, sity le fresh air. If you do not permit him to have this during his colthood, what sort of a horse can you expect him make? Bear in mind that a badly ventilated. stable is veil. much worse than no stable at all. ' Nature has not provided any safe- guard against bad ventilation. She intended her creatures to have plenty of fresh air at all events, and it is only Mall who in ivell-meaning ignorance attempts to defeat her plans. She has provided enough and to spare for all, and yet we seem to take especial Palm to render her providence unavailing. There is nothing which nature sup- plies in such prodigal abundance as tresh air. It is the cheapest commodity on earth, and except in crowded cities, where vast masses of 'men and animals are huddled together regardless of the laws of health, it can always be had even without the asking. But, judging from the manner in which most people build, they seem to forget that nature has suppiied thh; fluid with lavish bounty tor a purpose; that its office is to contribute to the health of air - breathing plants end a nitnals, includ- ing her crow ningpiece of workmanship, m.m. Neither man nor brute can pos- sibly enjoy a high state of health with- out being plen,i Cally furnished with this life giv:ng element. It is better a thousand fold that hosses and colts should be left out in the weather and exposed to the storms of winter than that they should be shut up in air -tight cells. Nature has provided them with thick, heavy suits of clothing that enable them, to a very consid: ratite extent, to resist the in- clemency of the weather. It is doubt- ful whether a healthy, well -Zed colt or horse in our climate suffers much from the cold, pro aded he has not been accustomed to being stabled. This is shown by the fact that where excellent sheds are provided, Many, possibly most, horses will ref ese to take shelter under then), even in the roughes.; weathee, and if well-fed and cared for they do not seem to suffee much inconvenience from the expos- ure. It is the animals that are Wt..1 tsto..coldsispnennornia and ed 'ad • -jechouse3 and seem to be the most _ tb dhieases. A horse shut up in a tight box sta", say sixteen oe e:ga.eert feet sque .e. thout zn .ts fo..• the iagreis and. egre .8 o! atmo- pjaee:c et.: 2C I I,S, (11. • no be kept in good he'b. Fo el I there wit be lit le erevicse which the a'r can peueteate, .is .'.e 02 the &To: Ls oZ welsalean:ag, tet judging ovt ae •s to es:chute it. Wese it not ior tis fact mitsh more earn.. -se wo1.1.1 e cloue. It i. to say that iu the cot. • o' a -ngle hour a ho: confhed in al- 'I sk-i,-;en :*.;et sql-•• would inhaie a id t.7:hole al 1,7:e I-. • wileh it os'd coniain. A, :den: I apnertu..ts world hen be hi4 only WI ation. The e haled from the lungs ot a Mari or hosse eons's', larn•e- ly of carbon .c a e!d gas. This i hely r - than the atmorphere, and 51401te botia3tn of the s all. If the •e i4 ro means of e,•;:ess, it will eventu ,firi the sta", and withoui., ae •essions o..; • from 1'e on sde, not on' y would 11 e an hoe l's bsie•it be poison:zi. bi; he would eventne Ily smo tits r to death J. t a Clot. gh the 5:11 was fl1lel with chst"coal. Mos , people in rr,oi. •-•; ventilai:on se. n to nk 1 .1 t - tr"es a iaave ie ho r:.,e s • • ' Tne fa abov,27d. • "Is e fie' t 'how r.at 1-'s'v_er, is e one.). Tnere mu.A be an tkaio...,r_ e a ir once oreat hed in pr -.s cm`, n • e bottom of the .s.^ 'I o.•sL2bl2, as; well s for fresih a: e to come in near tha ton. THE COLONEL'S DUELS. A most vindictive duel WM fought dining the reign of Lou's XVI, by a eolone thesEsen sla _Geards, says the Yankee Blade. This gei-itlelainna was - boasting of the good fo.1.,nne of never having been ob lged io flht a Another officer expressed his sitsp..'se with some indirect allesions to the colonel's lack of coulage, obse,e, "How do you avoid fighting when in - The -roliiiier anaWered that he had - never given offence, and no one hact ever presumed to insult him. More- over, that on such an men Won he wor Id consider the character of the pe 311 who had so wantonly insulted him. ere he demanded satisfac: :on. Upon this statement his interlocutor, in 1 e most insolent rnannez struck him in the • e with his glove, saying: "Perhaps, sir, you will not cons:der his an imaritr The colonel calmly put on his hat and walked out of the room. The fo/ lowing morning he sent a challeni,e to his aggressor. When they came to the ground the colonel wore a patch of court plaster of the size of a crown piece on the cheek which had received the blow. At the very first lunge he wounded his antagonist in the sword arm, when. taking off the plaster, he cut off an edge of it with a pair of scis- sors, and, replacing it on his faae, took leave of his adversary, very politely requesting he would do him the honoe of letting him k now when he recovered from his wound. So soon as he heard he was able to hold a sword the colonel called him out again and wounded him a second time, cutting off another portion of the patch. in like manner he called him out, fought and wounded him until the plaster was reduced to the size of a three -penny bit, when the colonel yet once more challenged him and run him through the body. Then calmly con- templating the corpse with an evil smile, he observed: "I now take off my plaster." There is not and there cannot be, any smoking tobacco superior to the "Myrtle Navy brand." A wrapper of brighter ap- pearance and higher prioe it is possible to get, but all wrappers are very poor smoking tobacco and but a single leaf is wrapped around a plug. The stook used in the body of the "Myrtle Navy" plug is the very best which money can purchase. The powers of the Virginia soil ean produce nothing better, and no other soil in the world can produce as fine tobacco as that of Virginia. Pisa's Remedy for Catarrh Is the Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest Sold by druggists or sezt by mail "fiszoltine. restrno. Fs, Cents in advance will pay for the ClarrSeee NEW ERA for the balatee of this yotte • er E. CLINTON X= ERA. A BUCOESSFUL ENTERKIIBE. Mr. Parld Jordan , of Edmeston, N.' Y. Colorless, Emaciated, Helpless Complete Cure by .1100DIS SARSAPARILLA. This is front Mr. 13. M. Jordan, a re- tired farmer, and one of the most re- spected citizens of Otsego Co., N. Y. "Fourteen years ago I had an attaok of the gravel, and have since been troubled with my Liver and Kidneys gradually growing worse. Three years ago I got down so low that 11 could scarcely walk. I looked more like a corpse than a living being. I had no appetite and for five weeks I ate nothing bat gruel. I was badly emaciated and had no more color than a marble statue. Hood's Sarsaparilla was recommended and I thought I would try it. Before I had finished Um first bottle I noticed that I felt better, suf- fered less, the inflammation of the bled: der had subsided, the color began to return to my face, and I began to feel hungry. After I had taken three bottles I could eat anything without hurting nie. Why, I got so hungry that I had to eat 5 times a day. I have now fully recovered, thanks to Hood's Sarsaparilla if feel well and am seen. All who know me marvel to see me so well." D. M. JORDAN. Homes PILLS are the best after-dinner Pills, *mist digestion, cure headache and biliousness. gi THE CZAR AT HIS PRAYERS. According to ad ices from Bt. Peters- burg, the Czar's Stay in Copenhagen has do •e h:n much good. But he is still very rar.‘t s, and easily sin:. Aed. The same n by I said of Czarina, but in a much e • degzee, for- since- the rail -way -sea. dent at Borki she has been extremely del - If the Cz.).- dieted himself be might Is b4ter, but he cannot; be persuaded to do it, al 'neigh be sometimes suffers from a ra 11 of blood o the head. One of hie fA VOi +9 amusements is card -playing, which • e- ts hmmore than military matters. Era made of 11. ng is effernplary, and he is a n os sealers churchgoer. Toe Rus- s 1 se e never lasts less than an hoar, en i snmetimes, in consequence of the long ,e. o a, mostly for the Czar, at the close of t mac', two hours. But it is never o less, •r Alexander 113. He seems km in 'hord..'1,:or tells hs beads, for prayer- -c.•1 never tal ni in Russia to tli ch tab. Toe Ceza-ewitch, who up til: n3w, has be free from prejud'ce aeems ,wh dis''ke eve.:thing that is foreigs, He is firmly convincel that the Japanese *i -men who made an attempt on his 'ev AS a Hebrew. To his parerts' f„ vat arrow. he Fall refuses to betroth himse'f. FALL FAIRS. Huron Central, Clinton Oct.6-7 P.ast Wa wanosh, Belgrave ....Oct 4 5 Soo h 11" Seeorth Oc:-,45 )• oa. Erussels Oct 6-7 , Bb(h Oct, 11-12 Staohen tv•Usbi:kae, Exeter- Sept 27 LI Mi. s•e", In'tehe" Sept 27-28 No; I- us...stem, Goclet led ....Sept 23-30 North Per, 11,Si:1i:fib:A Sept 2C "1 Incorporated 1887, with Cash Capital of $50,000 AND APPLIANOE 00. 49 KING ST. W., TORONTO, ONT. G. C. PA1TEESON, Mgr. for Canada. Electricity, as applied by the Owen Electric Belt, Is now recognized as the greatest boon offered to suffering humanity. It is fast taking the place of drugs in all nervous and rheumatic troubles, and will effect cures in seemingly hopeless cases where every other known means has failed. It is nature's remedy, and by its steady, soothing 'current that is readily felt, POSITIVELY CURES Rheumatism, Sexual Weakness, Sciatica, Female Complaints General Debility, Impotency, Lumbago, Kidney Diseases, DNeyrsproestp:IDn,iseases, Liver Complaint, Lame Back, Varlet:mete, Urinary Diseases. RHEUMATISM It is a well known fact that medical science flee Witerifr failed to afford relief In rheumatic eaSee. We venture the assertion that although Electricity has only been In use as a remedial agent for a few years, it has cured more cases of Rheumatism than all other means com- bined. Some of our leading physicians, recog. nizIng this feet, are availing themselves of this most potent of nature's forces. TO RESTORE MANHOOD Thousands of people stiffer from a variety of nervous diseases, such as Seminal Weakness, Impotency, Lost Manhood, Weak Back, etc., that the old modes of treatment fall to cure There Is a loss of nerve force or power that cannot be restored by medieal treatment, and tiny doctor who would try to accomplish this by any kind of drugs is practising a dangerous form of charlatanism. Properly treated THESE DISEASES CAN BE CURED Electricity, as applied by the Owen Electric Reit and Suspensory, will most assuredly do so. It is the only known remedial agent that will supply what is locking, namely, nerve force or power, Impart tone and vigor to the organs and arouse to healthy action the whole nervous system. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS And the worthless, cheap. so-called Electriq Belts advertised by some concerns and peddled through the country. They are electrieID name only, worthless as a curative power, and dear at any price. We Challenge the World to show an Fiectrie Belt where the current Is under con- trol of the patient as completely as MS. Our Trade Mark is the portrait of Dr. Owen embossed In gold upon overy ;telt end appliance manufactured by us. Send for Catalogue-bialled (Sealed) Free. THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT 00, 46 Rine St. W., Toronto. 'etitiontlite paper. , A little over ft year ago, when the Canadian office and factory of the Owen Electric Belt Company was open. ed at 71 Xing street west, Toronto, It was thought the accomodation was all that would be required for some years, but so great has been the demand for their goods, and so popular have they become as a healing power that they have been compeTled to secure larger and more commodious premises, which they have done at 49 King street west Hay street. Their new quarters are elegantly fitted and furnished through- out, no expense having been spared to make them the finest of their kind in the Dominion. The business office, re- ception and consulting rooms, factory, etc., are all on the ground floor and easy of access, with every facility for PrOMPtir Supplying the greatly in- creased demand fox their goods. The manager, Mr G, C. Patterson, and his assistants,are always ready and willing to answer enquiries and demonstrate to the most skeptical that the Owen Electric Belt does give a 4continuous current of electricity that may be re- gulated both in quantity and intensity, and successfully applied to any part of the body for all nervous and rheumatic troubles, even after all other means have failed. A catalogue of valuable information on electricity is given to all persons asking for same. LnYSP E PTOS CURE YS PEPSIA Tars PREPARATION Acts directly on the stomach And promotes the healthy aotion of the liver, WITHOUT PURGING. For Sale by all Druggists And Wholesale by LONDON DRUG CO,, London, Ont CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. COOPER'S OLD STAND, Next to Comnseroial Hotel. This' establishment is in f nil operation a ad al orders filled in the most satisfactory way, Ceme- tery and _granite work a specialty. Prices as reasonab e aBt11ag8ot any-establishn.ent' SEALE, HOOVER 46 SEALE, Clinton. lm DO YOU WANT A First-class Step or Long Ladder? A Handy Wheelbarrow? A Splendid Churn, or anything of Ake nature? Then call on'W . SMITHSON, at shop, No.7 Frederick St., or E. Dinsley Will be at Dinsley's corner every Saturday afternoon DO "YOU WANT A HOME In a good country, where the soi; is rich, the crop yields enormous, the markets convenient,the climate the healthiest in the world, and where the land) CAN BE BOUGHT FOR A SONG so to speak? Then write to the un- dersigned for full particulars. The magnificent Red River Valley of Minnesota and the Dakotas and Montana is the region referred to. One Crop Pays for the Farm in very many instances, and in no other section of the country can general farming be made easier or more profitable. Hundreds of farmers living here testify to this fact. The Only Public Lands Left in the United States worth living on are in this region,s.nd are rapidly being entered and settled. There is plenty of other good land here vvhiah oan be bought cheap and on _ easy terms. Adjoining lands have produced 40 Bushels of Wheat per Acre and other crops in proportion. It is not beyond the confines of civiliz- ation. There are no wild Indians here. Railroads, aunties end Wm* grhBid,antovhile there is plenty oi . ... Pure Water and Good Society the two essentials to the prosperity of any country. For maps, cir- culars and other information con. cerning this great country, address F. I. WHITNEY, ST, PAUL, Mum or J M. HUCKINS, 4 Palmer House Block Toronto. 6111 HALF -YEARLY COMPETITION The most Interestirig Contest ever offered by The Canadian Agriculturist. One Thousand Dollars in Cash, nPair of Handsome Shetland Ponies, Carriage and Harness, and over two thousand other valuable prizes for the Agriculturist's brightest readers! Who will have them? According to the usual custom for some years past the publishers of n111 AnarcULTurtzsr now offer their Sixth Half -yearly Literaty Competition. Thia grand competition will, no doubt, be the most gigantic and successful one ever pre. sented to the people of the United States and Canada. One Thousand Dollars in cash will be paid to the per- son sending in the largest list of English worda eon. strutted from letters in the words "The Canadian Agri- culturist," Five Hundred Dollars in cash will be given to the second largest list. A Handsome Pair of Shetland Ponies, Carriage and Harness, will be given for the third largeat list. Over one thduaand additional_ plies awarded in order of merit : One Grand Piano; MO Organ; $400 Plane: Dinner Seta; Ladies' Gold Watches'; Silk Dress Patterns; Portiere Curtain, ; Silver Tea ServicreSi Tennteell'a Poems. Sound in cloth; Dickens' in 12 volume, bound in cloth, eta. As there are more than 1000 prizes, any one who takes the trouble to prepare an ordinary good iist will not fail to receive a valuable prize. This is the biggest thing in the competition line that we have ever placed before the public, and .11 1.1,5 do not take part wrn Miss an OPPOs tunity of a life time. RULES -1. A letter cannot be used oftner than it appears in the words "The Canadian Agriculturist* For instance the word "egg" could not be used, se there is but one "g" in the three words.. 2. Wordshaving more than one meaning but spelled the same can be used but once. 3. Nmnes of places and persona barred. 4. Errors will not invaiidate a list, --the wrong words will simply not be counted. Each list must contain one dollar to pay_for six month's te THE fralOULTURTST. If MVO or inert! tie,the largeat list wb ch bears the earliest postmark will take the first prize, and the others will receive prizes in order of merit. United States money and stamps taken at par. The °bleat in offering these magnificent prizes is to Introduce our popular magazine into new homes, in every art of the American continent Every competitor enclosing 30 cents in staMPS extra, will receive free, by mail, postpaid, one to TUE Acutitcart- 11.71118VR Elegant Souvenir Spoons of Canada. Prizes awarded to persons residing in the United States will be shipped from our New York office free of duty. All money lettere should be registered. OVA FORMER COMV7ITITION-We breve given away $25,000 in prizes during the last two years, and have the union and every part o Canada and Newfoundland, thouriands of letters from re:winners in Seery state in Lord Hllcoursie, A.D.C. the Governor General of Canada, writes: "1 aballnoordsidtul my friends to enter yew compistitions," M. M. Branden, Vancouver, 13. C., 'received 5500010 d " and we hold his receipt fer algae. A few of the prise w nom: Miss J. c aRobinson,Torento$1500; J. J. Braude , FenelonFllsOnt, ?IWO; DavidMarrison i Mk, Las. Da Se, Vt h. Bills, 959 Stitt , ilrge8g1o143=1". (Orr tit l't‘ddrritfi Address ail ntationate tee Akateezatemtia tatsrboreesis tow ea R. COATS & TS, HATU. Our whole Stock at Half "'do Nov ov.......••••ww.sel.......vvvemrwm Having decided to close out our 'whole stock of Hats an Caps, we offer them at PRICES RIDICULOUSLY LO Men's $1.00 Hats for 50c Men's $1.50 Hats for 75c Men's $2.00 Hats for $1 00 Men's $3.00 Hats for 41.05 1000 Hats at half price. Best Bargains to earliest callprs Rat. Coats & Son, Clinto Glasgow House, Bra' e _ - ESTABLISHED 18511---%;--; . Water-. COTT-- --00It Wholesale and retail dealers in DRY GOODS, G OCEriESO MIA" -Sit,....,.. ..,_ CAPS, 'OTS andsHOES, HA.RDWAR, , ,RHOOKERy and PROVISIONS. ,Q4,:' . , :iv ,, Highest Cash price paid for all kinds of Grain, Dressed Bogie diat, Wool and ifer& i'" wood. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Agents for 0. N. W,, TelegraphCos with tele; '4;7 graph connection to all parts of the vitirld. We beg to thank our numerous customers for their long • and liheral patronage for the; t past 30 years, and hope by strict attention to business, and rook bottom:prices, to tail eontinue in line with our old and many new easterners. r • WM. SCOTT & CO., - Blit10EFIELD- FLAXSEED 2 EMULSION COMPOUND HITIS 186 Lexington Ave„ New York City, Sept. IS, 1888. I have used the Flax -Seer'. Emulsion in several eases of Chronic Bronchi* :rad the early stages of ,Phthisis, and have been welt pleased with the results. JAMES K. CROOK, M.D. C NSUMPTION Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb. 14th 1889. I have used your Emulsion iu a case of Phthisis (Consumption) with beneficial results, where patieal: could not use Cod Liver 011 10 any form. DROGE, M. D. NERVOUS PROSTRATION Brooklyn, N.Y., Dec- 20th„ 1688. I can strongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsion as helpful to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung. Bronchia! and Nervous .Affections, and a good gar =titanic in physical debility. JOHN F. TALMAGE, M. D. GENERAL DEBILITY Brooklyth.N.. Ons_netb.1::1,, I regard Flax Seed Emulsion as greatly superior to " the Cod Liver Oil Emublonsu Aso. geGonoRrallyTotria, 1580. D. WASTINGDISEASES 187 West Nth Se. New York, Aug. 6,1::-:. It have used your Flax...Seed Emulsion Compound In a severe ease of Mal -nutrition and the result waS more than hoped for -it was marvelout, and con- tinuous. I recommend it cheerfully_ (0 158 profession and humanity at birge. M. 11, GILBERT, M:D. RHEUMATISM Sold by DruggIsts:Price $1.00. FLAX -SEED EMULSION PO 35 Liberty St.. New Torr. - For sale by J. 11. COMRE, Clinton. S. WILSON, GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE HURON STREET, CLINTON Repairing of all kinds promptly attend ea enable rates. A trial solicited. to 1 CURE FITS! When I Bey I eon I do not mean merely to stop them for a thug and then have them return again, I mean rmlical mire. I have made the disease of Pers. EPILEP- SY or FALLING SICKNESS a life.long study. I Warrant my remedy to cure the worst Caget. Because others have 0.154 1. no Amon for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible remerly. Give EXPRESS and 1'0ST.O9'F10E. H, G. RQPT, M. 0.1_186 ADELAIDE Si'. WEST. TORONTO, LINT. r READ THE BIBLE, And At the Same Time Earn One,line, . . dred Dollars in Gold. The first letter containing the correct answers triti* following questions received at the raSce oi Tan elasi? ntairAmttoutrunzsr(esch week from now and' the Mee of December, 1892) will receive ;100 in gold; the decent will get $50 ,• third, 225; fourth, handsome silver iferviirat to the next 50 correct answers we will send prizes ranglMi from 55 down WV. 22IFEvery answer, whether • prata!5„„ winner ornot, wWyecelve a 'special prize. QUISTrOalf 1011 ANSWZRZD,-41.) How many books does the Biblet,ig- contain ? )Haw many chapters (3.) Hfiw rainy irengst*' RULES. ' . (L)Wo commence to open Wanton *oUd*yrnotisiai of each week. If more than one letter' is 10tdlvedb1th same mail with correct answers, the first -Opened - count, the second will take next plat*, and so on. (2. Each letter containing answers meet he eceornprinied 1.2 51 to pay for six months subscription to Tux AGILIOCTIr Trelfar-One of the very best Illustrated Horne Jotinsals in Canada. (3.) People living in the United States have precisely the Barna privileges in cOanortio, with ISa porn. petition as those residing in Canada. They can easily gaga their letters each week so as to reach wi in the begin - nine of the week, when they will be almost sure te • good prize. WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY OF VS. "Received 51,i000 prize •11 right "-M. M. BELDEN, Vancouver, B. 0. "I shall recommend my friands enter youreompetitions."-Loan KmootntSlIt„ A. D. et, to the Governor General, Ottawa, Canada. Splendts. prize received." -0. F. MoComack, St. Stephen, N. 13„ 'Prize of 5235 received." -D. HARRISON,Syrsouse,N. "Handsome prize received." -M180 Ran' A MESTA On - ford, Mich. Over 5000 receipts from prize winners in former competitions on fyle iu cur office. Letters con. taining_ money should in all CAMS be regestered. o.cfl dashreSII, TiadsealeelatraISIT IIL 19111NO 00., Peterhoe. of thi•6 oar the in advance will secure to the end ° into!' New Era AA.. walk..