HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-09-16, Page 7loroccscr,O A Western editor writes liisledito ele Bede, eraelkerre so that when ne ib compelled to "eat lats words" theyare easily digested. -A Bright 001001e.-1 How is it with ysel?" asked the editor of the subscriber Who was dyipg in arrears. "All looks bright before me," giteped the subscri- ber. "I thought so," said the editor; "in about ten minutes you'll see It blaze!" —Atlanta Consitution, Real-estate Ageut —Yes, sir; this lanai Will raise any crop, no matter what it is. Fertile land, do you a*? I can prove it, Prospector—How? Real-estate Agent—See that barrel? Prospector—Yes. Real-estate Agent—Last night that was a keg. The story goes that a man wrote to the editor of a horticultural paper ask- ing what plants would be suitable ad- ditions to dried grassesfor winter or- naments. The editor replied: "Acrocli ni run rose ir rn, A. alb urn, Grom- phrena globosa and G. globosa cornea." When the man read this he fairly boiled over with rage, and immediately vent a note ordering his paper to be dis- continued. He averred that an editor who swore in that way, just because he was asked a simple que4tion, should leave no support from him.—Washing- Hatchet. FALL FAIRS. Huron Central, Clinton -Oct -6-7 East Wawanosh, Belgrave Oct 4-5 South Huron, Seaforth Oct 4-5 East Huron, Brussels Oct 6-7 Morris, Blyth Oct 11 - Stephen &Usborne, Exeter.. Sept 26-e Mitchell, Mitchell Sept 27-28 Northwestern, Goderich ....Sept 28-30 North PertleStratford Sept 20-30 Western at London Sept. 15-24 Industrial at Toronto Sept. 5-17 25 cents in advance will pay for the CLINTON NEW ERA _forthe balanc of this year. THE PRYER SEEKER. Along the aisle where prayer was made A womam, all in black arrayed, Close -veiled, between the kneeling host, With gliding motion of a &esti. Passed to the deck, and laid thereon A scroll which bore these words alone, Pray for me! Back from the place of worshipping She glided like a guilty thing, The rustle on her draperies stirred By hurrying feet, alone was beard; While, full of awe, the preacher read, As out into the dark she sped : "Pray for me!" Batik to the nigh; from whence she came, Te unmitigated grief or shame! Aeross the threshold of that door None knew the burden that she bore; Alone she left the written scroll, 'The legend of a troubled soul.— Pray for mel Glide on, poor ghost of woe and sin! Thou leav'st a conatVa teeeci.seithjne', _ 4_ach bears, like thee, some nameless weight" Some misery inareculate, Some secret sin, some shroudel dread, Some household sorrow all unsaid. Pray for us! Pass on! The tyre of all thou art, Sad witness to the cummou heard With face in veil and seal on lip, In mute and strange comp inionship, Like thee we wander to and fro, Dumbly imploring as we go; Pray for us! Ah, who shall pray, since he who pleads . Our want perchance teeth greater needs? Yet they who make their loss the gain Of others shall not ask in vain. And Heaven bends low to bear the prayer -Of love from lips ofeself-despatte— Pray for us ! In vain remorse and fear and hate Beat with bruised hands against a fate, Whose walls of iron only move, And open to the touch of love. lEfet only feels hie burden fall Who, taught by suffering, pitiall. Pray for us! He prayeth best wbo leaves unguessed The mystery of another's breast. Why cheeks grow pale, why eyes o'erflow Or heads are white, thou need'st not know Enough to note by many a sign That every heart hath needs like thine. Pray for us! —john Greenleaf Whittier. NEWS NOTES. Queen Victoria hes a cabinet of Rose du Barri china, which is said to be worth $150,000. John Honsinger dropped dead on Mr Koltmier's farm, near St Catharines, Friday. Charles Waits, aged 64, choked to death in the Herby House, Stirling, Thursday, while eating his dinner. Bicyclist Zimmerman rode a mite in 2.06 4-1 at Springfield, Mass., Friday, and Windle went half a mile in 1,001-5. A meeting of the Cabinet was held Friday, at which it was decided to ask Sir John Abbott not to resign the Pre- miership. Mr Morgan. the defeated Conserve- tive candidate in Richelieu, has enter- ed an appeal in the Supreme Court against the return of Mr Brureav, Liberal. Thounn,s Rooney, of Plymouth. Pa., having lost all hi a money and property on the result, of he Sullivan -Corbett fight, co ninitted suicide Friday by taking poison. Mrs. A. E. W. Robertson. of Muse -o- gee, 1. i.. has translat e.1 the New Tes- tament from the Greek into the Mos- cogee, or Greek la ngertge. She lins translated the Ohl Testament in Imre It is tsated on good nethorety that Mr .T. W. Bengongli, the founder of Can tda's Grip, le ahout to become the editor of a similar priblient ion in Chi- cago. It is underetorni 11 atthe new paper evil have hi e finnn ,a1 backing sho ild Mr Bengough deed e 1.o under- take the venture. 2 5 Cents in the CLINTON the balance of n,dvan will pay for EW LIU for is year vRi yvons IN WIII4 OMAN, , The 900411 too has its living lanterns, or phosphorescent animals, and among these the jelly-fleh and sea -anemone are very numerous. Sometimes they look like pillars of fire, sometimes like stars, and sometimes like fiery ser- pents, flashing out red, green, yellow, and lilac rays. Many luminous sea - creatures are very small, not larger than a spark, but these gather in such inmates, that in the Indian Ocean the water often looks like a great sea of molten metal, and a, naturalist who bathed among them in the Pacific said that he found himself luminous for hours afterward, while the sands on which the insects were stranded at low. tide gleamed like grains of gold. The bottom of the ocean is rnagnifl- gent with its starfish and sea -pads; some in rich purple, and shedding a soft golden -green light, while others send out, silver flashes, and the lamp fish carries on its head at night a gold- en light, Another fish seems to be de- corated with pearls, and it is evidently the fashion there to be bright in some way. Even crabs, in hot climates, seem to set theniselve4 on firs, and when captured and teitzed they blaze all over with indignation. A species of shark, too, is intensely brilliant at night, and one that was drawn up shone like a splendid lamp for some hours after it was dead. Naturalists have long been at work on this eurious subject, and the source of the illuminating power is supposed to be contained in little sacs or cells in the body of the aninial. A POINT FOR YOU. In view of what HooetesSarsarparill a has done for others, is it not reasonable to sup- pose that it will be of benefit to you? For Scrofula. Salt Rheum, and all other dis- eases of the blood, for Dyspepsia, Indiges- tion, Sick Headache, LOSS of Appetite,That Tired Feeling, Catarrh, Malaria, Rheuma- tism, Hood's Sarsaparilla is an unequalled remedy. -- Hood's Pills cure Sick Headache. A MEDLEY FOR WOMEN. • To keep the polish of your tables in order have a nexture of one half ter- pentine and one half olive oil. Wash the wood with clear water, or water, in which a little borax has been dissolved. The -Church of England contains a woman church warden, Mrs Pell. She was recently appointed to Hazelbeach church, ante the Bishop of Peterboro has consented to allow her to act in that capacity. Scorches may be removed from linen by spreading over it the ce of two onions, and half an ounce of white soap. Lemon juice and salt o ill re- move stains of rust and ink. Tbe ar- ticles should be exposed to the sunlight after being well saturated in the mix- ture. *neon Baby was sick, we gave her Casa:iris. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. Mien she, became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Man she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Kate Field writes: '"Coesets are not necesearily injurious if loosely lac •,1 and onle used as a support for the eki ss reek worruin yore banda,gr.; about the bust that were the equiv.., lent of the modern corset. As long as the present fashions endure some sort of corset, will prevail, but W ;1.11 t he ad- vance of science and sense. lacing will become obsolete." MONTHLY PRIZES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. The "Sunlight" Soap Co., Toronto, offer the following prizes every month till fur- ther notice, to boys and girls under 10, residing in the Province of Ontario, who send the greatest nionher of "'Sunlight" wrappers: let, $10; 2nd, $7; 3rd, $3; 4th, $.1• 5th to 14th, a Handsome Book; and a pretty picture to those who send not less than 19 wrappers. Send wrappers to "Sunlignt ' Soap Office, 43 Scott St., Toronto, not later than the 29th of each month, and marked "Competition;" also give full name, ad- dress, age and number ofevzrappers.--Wins. ner'a name will be published in the Toronto Mail, on first Saturday of each month. (TANKS OF ALL KINDS. "Speaking of queer people," said the invalid, "I don't know a place where you'll meet a more variegated assort. men t of cranks than in a doctor's office. I'm under treatment of a famous sne- cialist here, and in my course of daily visite to his office, extending over a couple of months, I've seen some q (taint characters." "There's one man who insists on ask- ing Inc if I don't get awfully discour- aged, and downhearted, and like to die. He invariably speaks of himself in the past—the remote past. used to be very fond of whist,' he says plaintively. Whenever he does speak of himself hi connection with a possible future event, he adds, 'if I'm spared.' All that is so cheerful ! "Then there's the nian who is forever putting out his tongue and gazing at it M the mirror. He's afraid to shake hands with any one because it keeps him from noting how his pulse is. If the doctor is late in getting to the of- fice, this man calls him it murderer, and speaks of 'fatal neglect.' "Some of the people who wait for the doctor's corning delight in sit ting clown on two or three of the magazines usually provided for the ante -table. They do this so that they may enjoy the misery of their fellows with a more unholy joy. "Every one of a doctor's patients re- gards the others with suspicion.— Whether it is because each of them wants the doctor's skill for himself or herself alone. I don't know, but they all seem to say, 'Now why can't that fellow go off in peace and quiet, and die by himselfinstead of coming around here and worrying people with that ante-mortem face of his? Some people are so inconsiderate!' Minard's Liniment is the Best "Ilnlf of the ailments a doctor has to cont end against are those of the imagi- netion. Some people are never so happy as when they're able to fancy th rriselves ill. The doctor's che vine .011, you're all right; just a trifle run (101111, hat's all!' doesn't console thi•rn. They know they're sick. They're cer- tain of it. So they refuse to be com- forted. Meanwhile .1Esculapius pros- pets."—Chicago 'Tribune. 'rat currox NEW R,/$0 0.AMB4NEf Z JAPAN; extratiraimkry, trial, known 4.0 tho ,TudialAlgamblIng catoo,- boo It* COMO to an abortive conolusiori at TOM°. What lent an unusual interest to the case was the fact, that the defendants accused of illegal gambling were no minor personages, but the •PreWdent and six judges of the Supreme Court, The alleged- offense with which they were charged consisted in playing cards in a tea house with some of the danc- ing girls of the capital for partners. Owing to the high poeitiott of the ac- cused and the fondness of the Japan- ese for euphernisme, the case was known in polite eiveles as the "flower play matter," because the game of cards in which the judges are supposed to have been indulging was the Japanese game of "hanaawase," or "flower matching," so called because the cards bear repre- sentations of various kinds of flowers, which have to be brought into couples by the players. Owing to the grave scandal occasion- ed by such charges being preferred against the veryadministrators and in- terpreters of the law, strenuous efforts were made to hush the matter up, but the accused judges, especially Judge Kojinia Iken, the president ot the Su- preme Court, declared their resolve to have the whole matter thoroughly sift- ed. The most eminent counsel on the Japanes e bar were retained, and especial tribunakcalleel an admonition tribunal, was opened in the Administrative Court tor the purpose of eonducting the investigation. The inquiry, which Ns /IS conducted with clesed doors, has resulted in the court pronouncing the defendants to be beyond the reach of prosecution. Ae an instance of the extraordinary excitement caused by the whole affair, it may be eaentioned that the recent resignation of Viscount Tanaka, of the Ministry of Justice, was rumored to be in consequenec of the ex -Minister considering the occurrence of retch a scandalous incident during his tenure of the portfolio of Justice too disgrace- ful to be consistent with his remaining in office.—N. Y. Sun. Three Harvest Excursions On August 30th, September 271h and October 25th the Wabash By., the Banner route for the west, will sell tickets at low- est first class fare for the raund teip, to points in Minnesota, Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Montana, Missouri and Texas. Tickets good returning 20 days from date of sale. Full, particulars from any R. R. %gent or J. A. Richardson, Canadian Pas- senger Agent. N. E. Corner King and Yonge SM., Toronto. CRISP AND CASUAL. There are 1efiee kinds of butterflies. There are 16,00,C,10 cows in the Unit- ed States. England employs 5,6C0 women and girls in and about it.; coal mines. The old Elaine homestead at Carlisle, Pa.. is soon to be 0 smantled. Class beads were mediums of ex- change in thee:oiliest ages. An Egyptain scythe has recently been dug up in the Nile valley. Ancient Greeks thoughtt hat all creatures except cat had souls. Some silk worms lay fleet' 1.11110 to 2,000 eggeethe wasp 3, IT), the ant feein 3,000 to oelf•-e. A Kingston, N.Y., man, Pi yee es of age. has been plate1 in t he pooehonse by one of his sons. On Auzust 20th a meteor fe'l at, Brunean 1 8115, in Idaho, we 'eh a local assayer says shows 1 aces of gold. Laura (1 Flemming was divorced feorn her bust, •,,nd last week in Kane:, • City. The process took 1 mime and -11 Aeconds. • The other day a St. Paull sorgeon made an incision into a woman's neck and recovered the false teeth she had swallowed. Itch, Mange and Scratches of every kind on human or animals, cured in 130 minutes 'byWoolford's rineteiriTLotion. This neerg fails. Sold by J. H. Combe, Druggist. About a year ago a Miss Tolleson of Memphis, Tenn., had an attack of tonsilitis that ran her temperature up to the unheard of point of 158 degrees. There are nineteen general hospitals Iii-Lohilon, eleven Of Willa. have Merle' ical schools attached, and three it. e endowed. About four miles west of Westfield, Mass., at the foot of Mount Tekoa, is an old house in which the great grand- father and grandmother of ex -President Cleveland lived and died. A magnet at Willet,'s Point, Lor' Wand• is consider- 1 the hu -gest anu strongest in the world. It is made of two fifteen inch Dahlgren gunsewound around with eight, mdes of caole and charged with electricity. Scientists have estimated that every year a layer equal to fourteen feet of the entire surface of all oceans and other waters is taken up into the atmosphere in the shape of vapor. to fall a,s rain and again flow back into the seas. Sion. Small,who has been conducting temperance meetings in Vincennes. Ind., was shot in the thigh after reach- ing his hotel. The revolver was Ois- charged through a window by 561111" unknown person. The highest place in the world regul- arly inhabitated is the Buddhist town of Heine, in Thi bet , which is 16,0e0 feet. above sea level. The highest, i nhabited niece in the Americas is at Galera, Peru. 15,635 feet above sea level. Application painless and easy. Relief imme- diate. This preparation fills a great and longfelt want nninng those who suffer from piles. It is a remedy of the highest merit, effective and re- liable, riud Ints moro than mot the anticipations of th.,,e pnysiciaos who have used it In their preetire. PII,EKONE IS A POSITIVE CURE when other treatments fail to relieve. Testime• Mats furnished. Price $1, For sale by druggists, Or bv insi on receipt of price. \V. T. STBONG, faeturing Chemist, 154 Dutidss street, London, Ont. riso's Remedy for Catarrh is the Best. FAsleat to Use. and Cheape Soh: b7 umegisse or sett by malt, Oa. 111.T. :Gezeitirm,Wara. FARMING IN FORgION LANPS. The government of Cape Colony offered 10,090 in epeeial prizes for a raisin show. The codlin moth lute been eavaging the pear, plum, quince and apple trees in South- ern New Zealand. Irregularity in the weight of packages of New Zealand butter is complained of by the trade in England, The German Department of Agriculture Is organizing a system of monthly Crop re- ports, based upon the American plan. Along the coast of Peru there is no rain- fall, and all agricultural operations are carried on by a complete system of irriga- tion. Owing to the dry season in Now South Wales the must from the grape crop was much heavier than usual for the %draws juat ended. A dairy, stock farm, and agricultural ex. periment station are to be established this yew., in connection with the University, at Leipzig. A Swiss savant has the credit of reducing milk to a dry powder, so Unit, by the ad- dition of water, it at once assumes its natur- al properties. The best Schleswig-Holstein }eater, with 20 per cent. of Galician or Finnish butter and water added, is being sold as factory or packed butter in Europe. The district of Alberta, N.W.T., is it rich dairy region with cold, clear streams, and luxuriant grasses. The ranches are also raising numbers el sheep and horses. A show of live stock, agricultural ma- chinery and iniplements lias ,just been held at Builapestli, Hungary. Premiums were awarded, tor horned cattle $500, sheep 8200, hogs $100, poultry $120. New Brunswick produces every kind of grain and root crop that is grown in Eng- land. The forests are also a source of great wealth, the exports of forestry products, last year, being 84,341,000. Crop reports from Russia are favorable as to the condition of winter wheat and successful spring farm work. In the Cau- casus there are fears of an invasion of lo- custs, against which no precautions have been taken. In addition to its adaptability for sugar- cane culture, the island of Mauritius is capable of producing maize, vegetables, tobacco, cocoanut, coffee, cocoa, tea, cin- chona, palms, cereals, silk, spices and all tropical fruits. Citrons grow well in the West Indies, and bear large crops in good soil at Trinidad. The fruit is prepared for export by simply cutting it in pieces, removing the pulp, placing the rind in barrels, and- covering with strong salt and wetter. Foot and mouth disease has appeared in Italy. In Germany, 163 districts, with 774 communities, were affected with it, the disease attacking cattle, sheep and hogs. American bacon is being so rigidly inspect- ed for trichinosis that its importation is practically prohibited: Poisoned jam has been successfully tried for killing rabbits in Australia, one ounce of strychnine beiug required for 15 pounds of jam. This should help to get rid of any surplus fruit as well as rabbits, the only trouble being that horses and dogs will eat jam in any quantity. In Western Australia the cost of produc- ing wheat is fifty cents per bushel with a double -furrowed plow. With a three or four furrowed plow, and a corresponding saving in the use of larger harrows and im- proved harvesting, this cost can be reduced by twelve or twenty cents Mr bushel. The Globe's correspondent in Mani - 1 is 1 arrived at Souris teem' Estes an coal field. 140 miles, and so 1(11 r ow haek in the centre of one of the princip ti wheat districts of Man'- toba. The country is almost a coutin- oes wheat field to Brandon 30 miles north. The fat -niers are busy stacking g min in all directions. 1 h eve examin- ed a number of samnles and found all brit one to be of a high geality, and, judging from the amount of grain I have seen so far, I am inclined to think there will not be a great deal of actual No. 1 hard, but an immense quantity o No. 2. Have not eeen any sign of frost in this district, hut smut is not ("fficelt to find. There appeals; to he, howe-vereconsiderablyslese sm Lit in the count ry this year than last, and farm-. ers are alive to the importance of keep- ing it out. The yield is considerably lighter than last year a,t some points west of here, but in this immediate lo- ca''ty the crop seems to he fairly heavy and may average 22 bushels to tele acre. edefiefieeliged. On: a few farms, butwheat has not been cut long enoneh in most, instances to justify theeshin.g. I have seen very little bar- ley so far on the trip, but a great quali- ty of good oats. Hrs. H. D. West of Cornwallis. Nova Scotia, $200 Worth Of Other Medicines Failed But 4 Bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla Cured. It is with pleasure that I ten of the great benefit 1 derived from Hood's Sarsaparilla. For (1 years I have been badly afflicted with Erysipelas breaking out with running sores during hot summer months. I have sometimes not been able to use my limbs for two months at a lime. Being induced to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, I got one bottle last spring, commenced using it ; felt so much better, got two bottles more ; took them during the slimmer, was able to do my housework, and Walk Two Miles which 1 had not done for six years. Think I am cured of erysipelas, and recommend any person so afflicted to use Hood's Sarsaparilla Four bottles hall done more fot MS than $200 worth of onset niedlohme 1 think it the hest blend purifier knotm." MRS. II. D. VirEfilT, Church street, Cornwallis, N s. Hobo's PrL.LS etre liete Ms, terieteie; amt. blliousaess, aurielee, 6IC1 headriefie. eset. COAT..S. HAT& H -ATS. Our whole Stock at Half Price ge,rwalowarsms Having deeided to close out our whole stock of Hats and, Caps, we offer them at PRICES RIDICULOUSLY LOW Men's $1.00 Hats for 50c Men's $1.50 Hats for 75e Men's $2.00 Hats for $1 00 Men's $3.00 Hats for $1.05 1000 Hats at half price. Best Bargains to earliest callers Robt. Coats & Son, Clinton. Glasgow House, Brumfield ESTABLISHED 18M WM. BOOTT cc.ta 00 Wholesale and retail dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY and PROVISIONS. Highest Cash price paid for all kinds of Grain, Dressed Hogs, Hides, Wool and Cord wood. Issuers of Ditarriage Licenses. Agents for G. N. W. Telegraph Co., with tele graph connection to all parts of the world. We beg to thank our numerous customers for their long and liberal patronage for the past 30:years, and hope by strict attention to business, and rock bottom prices, to stil eontinue in line with our old and mazy new customers. WM. SCOTT & CO., BRUCEFEELD FLAXSEED 'EMULSION COMPOUND ONCHITIS lee Lexington Av&, New York City, Sept. 10, I I have used the Flax -Sec, Emulsion in several rases of Chronic Bronchitis, .271,I the early stages of Phthisis, and have been well pleased with the results. JAMES K. CROOK, M.D. CONSUMPTION Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb. 14th,1889. I have used your Emulsion in a case of Phtliisin (consumption) with beneficial results, where patiel... could not use Cod Liver 011 in any form. J. H. DROGE, M. D. NERVOUS PROSTRATION Brooklyn, Dr. Y., Dec. eah, 1688. I can strongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsicn as helpfUl to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung. BronchialandNervous_AffectionS,antL eresoel. gere. eral tonic in physical debility. JOHN TALMAGE, M. D. GENERAL DEBILITY Brooklyn, N. Octgleth, 1888. I regard Flax Seed Emulsion as greatly superior 10 the Cod Liver 02 Emulsions so generally in use. D. A. GORTON, M. D. WASTING DISEASES 137 West PAth St., New York, Aug. 6, 1888. I have used your Flax -Seed Emulsion Compound In a severe ease of Mal -nutrition and the result was more than hoped for—it was marvelous, and con- tintions. I recommend it cheerfully to the profession and humanity at large. M. H. GILBERT, M.D. RHEUMATIS Sold by Druggists,Prlee $1.00. FLAX -SEED EMULSION CO 35 Liberty St., New Teri - For sale by .T. H. COMBE, Clinton. S. WILSON, GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE HURON STREET, CLINTON Repairing of all kinds pr imptly attend ea onsble rates. A trial solicited to 1 CURE FITS! When I say I auto I do not mean merelY to stop them for a time and then have them return again, I mean a radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEP- SY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to ewe the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a euro. Bend at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible remedy, Rive EXPRESS and POST.OFFIOE. 11. G. ROOT, M. 0,188 ADELAIDE Sr. WEST. TORONTO, ONT. HAVE YOU BACK-ACH E D000's KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU "Backache means the kid- neys are in trouble. Dodd's Kidney Pills give prompt relief." "75 per cent. of disease is first caused by disordered kid- neys. "Might as well try to have a healthy city without sewer- age, as good - health when the kidneys are clogged, they are the scavengers of the system. "Delay is dangerous. Afeg- lected kidney troubles result in Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, anti the most dan- gerous of all, Blights Disease, Diabetes and Dropsy." "The above diseases cannot - exist where Dodd's Kidney Pills are used." Sold by all dealers or sent by mail on receipt of price so cents. per box or six for $a.so. Dr. L. A. Smith & Co. Toronto. Write for book called Kidney Talk. e • ,READ THE BIBLE.' And ,at the Same Time Earn Oneilan, dred Dollars in Gold. The first letter containing the correct answerg Wale following questions received at the °dim of Tel MS& DIA5 AOMOM.TORIST(each week from trow Until the of December, 1832) will receive $100 in gold; the will get 850; _third, $25: fourth, handeome silver somas to the next 50 correet answers wo will send prizes from $5 down to sie. ear Every answer, whether a winner or not.. will receive0 special prize. Queering!' TO as ANSWItitP.n.—(1.) How many hooka does the BEalis contain? (2.)How many ehapters (3.) How many verasall (I.) Are commence toRopetrinFlelte. rs on Monday morning of each week. It more than one letter is received by tins same mail with correct, (mesons, the first opened count, the second will take next plane, and so on. Each letter containing answers must he accompanied 81 to pay for sir months subseription to Tu AOttIO TURIST—one of the very hest Illostrated Homo .lournala In Canada. (3.) People living in the United States have precisely 100 05150 privileeea in connection with Ulla sem. petition as those reekling in Canada They can easily gaga their letters each week 0( 08 to roach us in tile begin- ning of the week, when they will be almost sure 10 elk O good prize. WHAT TIRE PEOPLE SAY OF US. "Received 51,000 prize all right "—SI. BrtADing. Vancouver, B. C. "1 abet) recomil mmnm iy (ode enter yonrcompetltions.--LoRn K rt.coonatS, A. D. to the Governor General, Ottawa, Canada "Splandll " prize received."—C. F. McComack, St. Stephen, N. "Prize of 8235 received." --D FI %RAMON, Syracuse, N. Y. "Handsome prize received.'*—Mtas Itsrm Ketrrz. 01. ford, Mich. Over 5000 rereipts from prize winners le former competitions nn fyle in our °dice Letters eau taining_ money should in all cases he regestered. dress, TUE AonaltThrIlartiT PUSLIIININJ CO., Peterhof. °ugh. Canada. ee. %Sire, ee."Oeeee 25 Gents sinecuadrevto az e end of this p- year the I u'inton