Clinton New Era, 1892-09-02, Page 6SepteMber 2, 1892.
4s4:ii.Oliebin'g Story 4vit91d Of ilamber-
Ilk. the tenor Singer. PaSsing through
Madrid one briint snrbng morning, he
"Visited tine bramarket, Wight
every bird in it. Be ordeirOdIfine'cagea
to be carried into the Plaza and opened.
'The Sunny air was filled with a flutter -
rig host, and from hundreds of tiny
t.)reats hurst songs of delight. Tam-
' :berlik looked after them with tears of
lenoure in his eyes, eryips, "Go and
free, inSi'brotlfers r, A similar story
la told of a kindiy old American, who
WW1 to colebraethe Fourth of July by
bnying up all the caged squirrels, rab-
b And birds in the neighborhood,
d'then,',ipotting thIlin free, that they,
iiright rejoice in the day of inde-
pendence. The creatures to whom he
. gave happiness are long since dead,but
the children who saw the kindly act
have carried its influence through their
, It is one proof of the power of Chris-
tianity upon modern lite that animals
receive more humane treatment at our
hands than forraerly: No moral pre-
sents, no religious training' will give to
children the spirit and mind of Jesus,
in a family where the horse or dog is
cruelly treated.
"How much of mind my spaniel hath
I know not," says Von ituppe; "how
11,OfIbu1 ne man bath ever !dis-
t:Lb 'But this I knew, that he is
wed's creature, one of his family—a far
off cousin of my own. Shall I be cruel
to him ?"
The horse, or dog, or bird which be-
• te,us,is given to us, like every
er fact n our lives, to test our na-
es—whether they are noble or mean.
Se creatures demand especial justice
nderness from us'as db the ab -
t -Ithe because they are
they cannot pretest against in-
tim or demand their rights. But
Oa -their silent pathetic faces testify
to our neglect and cruelty, there is a
Judge who hears, and gives sentence
between them and us.
O. C. Rienexos & Co.
Gmos.-41 bave need yonr MINARD'S
LIMXE/q, briny, family :ter scenayears
and-leak(fei\itAthe 'boat raedicihe 'in the'
m ▪ 'tthiltilbeatitit it rec.:hint:fended to db.
Ir -
John der, Mahone Bay, informs us
that be waikourect of a very severe attack
ef rheumatism by useing MINARD'S
In a recent comaturrication to the
Woodstock 'Sntingl:Rview, Mr Wm.
Munro,,West Zerra; Makes:the-fohow-
ing suggestions with reference to road
snaking: -MIA Oxford we have a _good
heritage, and it is a pity that irfature's
beauty thutthe so marred and defaced
.1Ify, the hand of men. Our roads are a
Vt*.ratne to a civilized community and
e enkht to hang our heads for shame,
t with over 50 years behind us since
codiatry was opened up, our roads
are in the present backwoods condition.
Geed roads are a necessity, and as they
are possible here, by exercising only a
tittle judgment, we are without excuse."
The sentiment in favor of improving
ebuntry roads is growing every year.
Good roads ate things which no class
a persons veCuld appreciate more than
physicians, and to none would they
bring more direct personal comfort and
even practical financial help. On a
rya road the country doctor can tra-
vel ten miles an hour, on a bad one
barely five. The time required in doing
his work is doubled, the physical weari-
ness is increased, the amount of visit-
ing rendered possible is curtailed. Be-
sides this the patient suffers, for the
dector's visits are delayed and less
numerous. He cannot watch the pa-
iaen closely, and he briegs to his
work a wearied body. Perhaps the
orse would argue most eloquently of
Vif be could speak, in favor orgood
Hit working life ;avouid be
h‘enetEand his WorkingAdryslhade
er; With good roach; the'ibieY:ele
oitaiwutnizea, and throdigh iteAn-
•-svIerwiting influences, perhipw the
country doctor would be sharper, his
professional work better. By all
,then, says the New York 11Iedi-,
Reeord, let the doctkits take'tip the
Ofmood r '
oads and urge forward
their construction. They make inter-
course: more easy, work less burden-
some, life more enjoyable; and they
are, in fine,an index of the progressive-
ness and civilization of a community.
The Soldier Wile if Relented a Clonsfaarnad to
Deoproy Hie Own House.
The story US told in a French newtspaper
of Pierre Barlat, a poor laborer, who
lived near Paris with his wife Jeanne ancl
their three children. Industrious, frugal,
knowing nothing of the way to the wine
shop, Pierre saved all his spare money,
working harder and harder, and at last
bought the tiny cottage , ia ,which they
lived. It was a tiny cottage indeed—built
of stones, with tiled mei, standing amid
shrubs and covered with clematis. It
always attracted the eye of the traveller.
on the left, as he crossed the SON'res
Pierre and Jeanne worked and scrape1
and eavednntil the little cottage Wail paid
.for, and made a feest when it wee all, done
to celebrate their ownership. A landed
proprietor, tisbe euro, does not mind an
occasional expenditure to entertain his
All this. Pierre and Jeanne had accont•
plishediust before. the war of 1870, with
Gerhiltry, his:40411k. The eonseriptiou fell
upon Pierre'who, moreover, was an old
soldier and belouged to the reserves. A
gunner he had been, famous for his skill in
hitting a mark with a shell.
Sevres had fallen into the halide of the
Germ** but the French guns were pound-
ing &Way at, them nein the fort on Mont
Valerian. Pierre Barlat was a gunner at
that fort, and, one wintry day, was stand-
ing by his gun, when Gen. Noel, the com-
mander, came up and leveled his field glass
at the Sevres bridge.
"Gunner," he said sharply, without look-
ing at Pierre.
"General," answered Pierre, respectfully
"Do you see the Sevres bridge over
there?" .
"I see it very well, sir.*
"And that little cottage there, at the left,
in a thicket of shrubs ?"
Pierre turned pale.
"I see it, sir."
"It's a nest of Prussians.
shell my man."
Pierre turned paler still, and in spite of
the cold wind, that made the officers shiver
in their great coats, .one might have seen
big drops,of sweat standing on his.forehead;
'but nobody noticed the gunner's emotion.
Heseighted:his piece carefully, deliberate-
ly; thkii fired.
The officers, with their glasses, marked
the.effect of the shot after the smoke had
"Well hit, my inan 1 Well hit 1" exclaimed
the General, looking at Pierre with a smile.
"The cottage couldn't have been very solid.
It is completely sumshed."
Try it with a
An Indiana stone quarry company IS
having a life size figure of an elephant
chiseled out of a solid Motk of stone.
It will be eleven feet high/and weigh
thirty Itons. It is designed for ' the
World's Fair.
Hood's Sarsaparilla has the nmet Merit.
Hood's Sarsaparilla. has won unectuelled,
Hood's Sarsaparilla eccompliehes the
greatest Cures.
'Is it not the medicine for you?
Consumption is caused by lose of the
peristaltio notion of the bowels. Rood's
Pals restore this action and invigorate the
A. lawyer sent a very heavy bill to a
woman whom hewishedto marry. As
she made some severe remark on tbe
matter the lawyer replied: "I wished
to show you bow luerative is the pro-
fession of a barrister. You can now
see for yourself in what a profitable
'business I am engaged."
The "Suelight" Soap Co., Totonto, offer
,the following prizes every month till fur. u
(ther notice, to boys and girls nder 16,
tresiding in the Province of Ontario, who
tsend the greatest number of ''Sunlight"
wrappers: 1st, $10; 2nd, $7; 3rd, $3; 4th, $1;
5th to 14th, a Handeeme Book; and a pretty
:picture to those who send not lees than 12
t wrappers. Send wrappers to "Sunlight"
t Soap Office, 43 Scott St., Toronto, not later
.than the 29th of each month, and marked
"Competition;" also give full name, ad-
drese, age and number of wrappers. Win-
ner's name will be published in the Toronto
Mail, on first Saturday of each month.
Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at
Toronto, Oanada, and may be consulted
either in person or by letter on all chronic
diseases peculiar to man. fen, young,old,
or middle-aged, who find themselves nerv-
ous, weak and exhausted, who are broken
down from excess or overwork, resulting in
many of the following symptons : Mental
depression, premature old age, loss of vital-
ity, lose of memory, bad dreams, dimnese
of sight,palpitation of the heart, emissions,
lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, head-
ache, pimples on the face or body, itching
or peculiar sensation about the scrotum,
wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks be-
fore the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye-
lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in
the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of
the scalp and spine, weak and flabby mus-
cles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by
He was surprised to see great tears run- sleep corietipation, dullness of hearing, loss
ning down the gunner's cheeks. j of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of
temper, sunken eyes surrounded with lead -
encircle, oily looking skin, etc., are all sym-
ptoms of nervous debility that lead totinsan-
ity and death unless eured. The spring or
vital force having lost its tension every
function wanes in consequence. Those who
through abuse committed in ignorance may
be permanently cured. Send your address
for book on all diseases peculiar to man.
Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the
symptons of which are faint spells, purple
lip, numbness. palpitation, skip beats, hot
flushes, rush of blood to the head, du 1 pain
in the heart with beats strong, rapid and
irregular, the second heart quicker than the
hrst, pain about the breast bone, etc., can
positively be mired. No cure, no pay. Send
for book. Address M. V. Lnbon, 24 Mac-
donell Ave., Toronto, Canada. Jan. 1, 92.
Nutmegs are very strong narcotics.
There. are fifty species of electric
A resident of Hoticksville, Md., has a
cow that eats chickens.
Mr Hasgall lives at Scottsville, Mo.,
and he is not a book agent, either.
Minnesota paid the enormous sum of
$52,000 last year for wolf scalps.
A society has been organized in Iowa
iteluiee object it is to push the pansy as
the fileriver of America.
The University of Pennsylvania, at
Philadelphia, has a hospital for sick
. When weak, weary and worn out, Hood's
Sarsaparilla is just the medicine to restore
your strength and give you a good appetite.
The largest theater in the world is
the Opera House in Paris. It covers
nearly three acres of ground, and cost
about $20,000,(X)0.
A Kansas newspaper man wrote a
communication to a rival editor calling
hini an ass, and then signed it, "Yours
There are 140,000 ('hinese in the Un-
ited States, Uncle Sam will soon he
the richer by just so many photo-
In order to discover an enemy's
movement at night an Italian artillery
officer has invented a mechanical
candle, which, when sent from a can-
non, will shed a light equal to 100,000
In a recent issue of the Churchman
there appeared an advertisement from
"A Western Priest," setting forth that
he was out of employment and wanted
et job. He undertook to "keep a con-
gregation awake on the hottest day."
"What's the matter, man ?" the General
asked rather roughly.
"Pardon me, General," said Pierre, re-
covering himself. "It was my house—
everything I had in the world !"—Tid-
Australian Statistics.
Divorce petitions in Victoria appear to
be just twice as numerous, in proportion to
the population, as in the mother country—a
circumstance not surprising when the
numerous grounds on which divorce is
granted by the recent Act of the Victoria
Legislature are taken into account. Gen-
erally speaking, the sexes are placed by this
law pretty much on an equality, though in
the case of adultery, as regards the man,
the offence must have been repeated or com-
mitted in the conjugal residence; Or coupled --
with conduct or circumstances of aggrava-
tion. Among the specific grounds of
divorce also are desertion of a wife for three
years ; habitual drunkenness for three
years on the part of either husband
or wife. In the husband's case, however,
the desertion must be accompanied by cruelty
or neglect to provide means of support.
Conviction of serious crimes also constitutes
a ground on certain conditions. In order
to enable them to continue their education
at the best grammar schools two hundred
scholarships have been annually awarded
in the colony of Victoria since 1886 to the
moat clever and industrious pupils of state
schools, selected in accordance with the
results of competitive examinations, the
conditions being that all must be under
15 year of age and in the sixth class.
Each scholarship,: acicordieg to dr report
of the Government statist, is of the value
of £10, tenable for three years, on con-
dition that the scholar attends at and
obtains favorable reports annually
from the authorities of one of the public
grammar schools, me of the schools of
mines, one of the agricultural colleges or
some other school approved by the Min,
ister. If the scholar does not live within
three iniles from ttee approved place of edu-
cation, the Minister can allow him such
sum as will cover his cost of transit to and
fro, or may- commute the scholarship for
one of £40 tenable for one year. The hold-
ers of confronted scholarships at the end of
a year may compete among themselves for
renewed scholarships offered to 30 of the
beet students. In the following year these
30 students may present thqmselves for a
further renewal offered to the best 15. The
subjects for competitive examinations are
stated to be, with an unimportant excep-
tion, solely those taught in state schools.
r"oldreti Cry for .
sold bydruggIte or sea be mall,
50U 1.1. ar'S'AitiPe Wooven,
Barkwell's Sure Corn Oure,'wili cum Corm, Wade,
Sunshine, /doles.
Skirt -Dancing in English Homes.
Skirt -dancing is an established fact in
what is known as the "smart set" in Lou-
don. I have seen lately accounts in Ameri-
can papers of Lady "So and So's" "largo
feet" and of Countess "This and That's"
"Weliotrope hosiery," but I went to an "at
home" last week in a splendid house not
many miles from Queen Anne's Gate, where
at a given signal the pretty daughter of the
house, a young lady in her first season,
tripped into the middle of the big reception
room and began a dance that for grace,
abandon and high -kicking quite came up to
the exalted pas seuls of professionals of long
standing. The girl's mother stood by, evi-
dently proud and pleased to see her daugh-
ter display such agility, and as the dainty
little White silk -clad feet flashed as high as
her head this finde-siecle woman whispered
to a man whose blase and aristocratic face
seemed rather less bored then usual, some
questions evidently concerning this fair
young creature's prettiness and airy grace.
—London Letter to Chicago Herald.
When and What to Read.
If you are impatient, sit down quietly and
have a talk with Joh.
If you are just a little strong.headed, go
to see Moses.
If you are getting weak-kneed, take a
look at Elijah.
If there is no song in your heart, listen to
If you are a policy man, read Daniel.
If you are getting sordid, spend a while
with Isaiah.
If you feel chilly, get the beloved disciple
to put his arms around you.
If your faith is belowspar, read Paul.
If yoa are getting lacy, watch James.
If you ire loSing ingkt of the futtire,
Revelation and get a glim,pie
Use Cenenit.
Shingles for Sale
I carry On band a stock of first-class Cedar
Shingles; two qualities, which I will sell at every
low rate. Orders large or small thled on the
aborted notice. Please give me a call.
W. RILEY, Loudeeboro. 13m
Shingles and Lath for Sale.
Subscriber has purchased a large quantity of
No. I. shingles. Tiles° shingles will bp .iiiade to
order out of the very hest,qp ants .of ,iorth Ahem
seder. All who want a ersfselass tole& will
and it to -their advattageto ask for prices before
'buying elsewhere. Orders large or man deliver-
ed at any station,along the lice.
W 11. WHITLEY, Londesboro.
Next to Commercial Hotel.
This establishment is in full operation andjal
orders filled in the most satisfactory Way, cense
tory and granite work a specialty. Priceskas
reasonable as those of an y establishisent
SEALE, HOOVER &, Clinton. no
Tested Remedies.
!For ,r -pure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa-
ltation of the Heart, Liver Complaint,
'Neuralgia„Loss of Memory, Bronchitis,
Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid.
Iney and Urinary Diseases, St. Titus' Dance,
!Female Irregularities and General Debility.
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton
The new model, of,the Rockford Watch, when
placed in a screw bezel case, win 511 a ion felt
lwant among farmers, as it is not dus proof
,only, but very" strong. The mate which the
•wheels work between, not being separated by
pillars as in the ordinary
The Corning journal -advertises for
"an honest boy to make a devil of."
"New maid and old made's clothing
always on hand." says a country adver-
The inan who does't hang out his
shingle and advertise dies and leaves
no sign.
Rome one out West advertises for "a
house girl to assist in the washing of a
small family."
For "two thousand car -loads of cats
one East," as stated in our last week's
issue, please read oats instead of cats.
—Illinois Paper.
An Iowa publisher acknowledges the
receipt of an egg which "was laid on
our table by the Rev • Mr Smith." Mr
Smith seetns to be a layman as wellsas
a minister.
What is the difference between edi-
torial and matrimonial experience?
In the former the devil cries for copy;
in the latter the copy ,cries like the
devil. '
_.) \
Application ptartlets and, easy. Relief imme-
diate. This preparation fills a great and longfelt
want among those who suffer from piles. It is
a remedy of the highest merit, effective and re-
liable, and has more than met the anticipations
of those pnysicians who have used it in their
when other treatments fail to relieve. Testimo-
nials furnisfied. Price 51. For sale by druggists,
or by mail OD receipt of price.
W. T. STRONG, Manufacturing Chemist, 159
Dundee street, London, Ont.
But by the bottom plate being turned out of a
solid piece of metal, with the edger left of the
top plate to rest on; it also being pendant or lever
set with sunk balance to,prevent breaking, mak.
ing in all a good rong watch
Composed of Flax,Silver 00111-
posite and Best Brands Man-
illa. Leave your. order with
us at once in order to insure
prompt delivery. Quality the
best and Prices ,Guaranteed
as 'low as the lowest.
For a Farmer
A RE NOT a Put N
gative Medi-
cine. They are a
Toxic and Rcoon-
STROCTOE, as they
supply in a condensed
fortn the substances
actually needed to en-
ich the Blood, curing
all diseases coming
from Poon and We.
ERY BLOOD, or from
the Istoon, and aim
nvigorate and Bram
UP the BLOOD ant
SYSTEM, when brokei
do;vn by overwork.
mental werry, disease,
eneesses and indisere•
tines. They have a
both men and women,
restoring LOST VIGOR
and correcting all
EVERY MAN ,,},12.11'cl2lhOgrnitelltfligfae.
his physical powers flagging, should take 6
Pitts. They will restore his lost energies, both
"hysical and mental.
'A Th, y care all sup
shonld take theta.
ressions and irregn tattlers, needs 'eevitably
email sickness whcellisne7S1:70:1,
'ill cite the
m:8G !arts-nlro these PILLs.
,,, ti, of youthful bad iiabit.t, and strengthen the
ir_.° 09110 WOMEN .1172 'apx11„thVil
max001 TOgUlav. .
or lel by all druggists, or wil t mot
pt o ice per Iwo), by
' Str.C.1.1421fr
The bestEmbalming Fluidused
Splendid Hearse.
Residenee over store.
Headquarters for Hot Air
both wood and
coal. Furnaces,Callnd
get quotations
Lehigh Valley COAL
HARLAND BROS have emured control
for this seotion, of lie celebrated Lehigh
Vallee Coal, and have purchased several
care to arrive this month. It is admitted
by all to be the best, and it is else claimed
that it will give 25 per cent more heat than
any other coal produced. Why use com-
mon coal when this coal can be purnhaeed
at the same price. Order early so as to se..
owe low price, as owing to the strong com-
bination of the railroad and coal compan-
ies, high prices are anticipated this fall,
.4...1.413U11,9C CLAINTOINT
We have Sugar by the car load. Can give you Sugar at wholesale prices. Ex.
tea Standard Granulated by the 100 lbs or bbl lots. Big reduction.
Sole agents for Hillwattie Tea. Orders taken for the best Scranton Coal.
Via the Chicago, Milwaukee et St. Paul
R'y, on Tnesday, Aug. 30, and Sept.
27, 1892.
Where the grasses ere kissed by; the wand'ring
And the fields are rich with the golden grain;
Where the schooner ploughs through the prairie
To its destined port on the western plain',
Where homes may never be sought in vain,
And hope is the thriftiest plant that grows;
Where man may ever his rights maintain,
And land is as free as the wind that blows.
For further particulars apply to the nearest
Ticket Agent, or address A. J. Taylor, Canadian
Passenger Agent. 4 Palmer House Block, Toron-
o. Out 4
means the kid-
neys are in
trouble. Dodd's
Kidney Pills give
prompt relief."
"76 per cent.
of disease is
_first caused by
disordered kid-
"Might as well
try to have a
healthy city
without sewer-
age, as good
health when the
kidneys are
clogged, they are
Sold by all deal
of price so cos
the scavengers
of the system.
"Delay is
dangerous. Neg-
lected kidney
troubles result
in Bad Blood,
Dyspepsia, Liver
Complaint, and
the most dan-
gerous of all,
Brights Disease,
Diabetes and
"The above
diseases cannot
exist where
Dodd's Kidney
Pills are used.'
rs or seta, rnailon receipt
trojr Or sit •
. Toronto,
• s •
Anticipating the wants of my patrons during the preserving season, I
beg to announce the arrival of another car load of Sugar to -day. The
Granulated being the highest standard of excellence and purity. Special
Cuts to parties buying by the cwt. or bbl.
FRUIT JARS—All Sizes, Pts., Qts. and Half Gallons
Adams Emporium
We invite the attention of our customers and others to the fact that we are prepared
to supply them with the following amongst other goods.
Sugar at lowest prices, Tea, Coffee, Fruit Jars and Berries
Harvest Tools such as Forks, Rakes, Snaths, Scythes,
Hoes, &c. Machine Oil and Raw Castor Oil, Paris
Green. Royal Canadian Clothes Wringers at
not much over the usual half price. Ask
our price for Dingman Soap and
Starches. Produce taken in
, exchange.
A First-class Step or Long Ladder?
A Handy Wheelbarrow?
A Splendid Churn, or anything of like
ns.trire7 Then can onIW. SMITHSON, at
shop, No.7 Frederick St., or E Dinsley
Will be atiDineley's cornerevery Saturday
The most Interesting Contest ever offered
by The Canadian Agriculturist.
One Thousand Dollars in Cash,a Pair of Handsome
ithetland Ponies, Carriage and Harness, and over two
thousand other valuable prizes for the Agriculturists
lightest readers! Who win have them? According t,o
the usual custom for some years past the publishers of
E AORICULTVIUST TIOW offer their Sixth Half -yearly
Literary Competition. This grand competition vrill, no
doubt, be the most gigantic and successful one ever pr0.
sented to the peoMe of the United States and Canada.
One Thousand Dollara in cash will be paid to the per-
son sending in the lart Itht of English words °On.
structed from letters in the words "The Canadian Agri-
Five Hundred Dollars in cash will be given to the
/Second largest list.
A Handsome Pair of Shetland Ponies, Carriage and
Harness, will be given for the third largest list.
Over one thousand additional nixes awarded in order
of merit: One Grand Piano; $3.00 Organ; 4400 Piano;
Dinner Sets; Ladies' Gold Watches', Silk DressPatterns;
Portiere Curtains; Silver Tea Services; Tennyson's Poem a,
bound in cloth; Dickens' in 12 vellum, bound in cloth, ole.
As there are more than MOO prizes, any one who takes
the trouble to prepare an ordinary good list will not fail
to receive a valuable prize. This Is the biggest thing in
the competition line that we have ever pieced before the
public, and all who do not take part will miss an oppor•
tunity of a life tinie.
R0LE8-1. A letter cannot be ,,,ed oftner than it
appears in the words " The Canadian Agrictdturist.'
For instance the word "egg" could not he used, as there
is but ono "g in the three words 2. Words having more
than one meaning but spelled the same can be used but
once_ 3. N • rites of places and persons barred. 4. Errors
will not invaiidute a list—the wrong words will simply
not be counted.
Erich list contain one dellar te pay for six month's
subscription it, Tile A011111'I' true 'Frit If two or more
tie, the lareest list which bears the earliest, postmark will
take the first prize, and the others will receive prizea in
order of merit United States money and stamps taken
at par.
The object in offering these magnificent prizes is to
Introduce our popnlar inagazine into new homes, in every
art of the Alec's:in continent.
Every cornpetitor enclosing 30 cents in stamps extra,
will receive free, by moil, postpaid, one tO THE A011.1071.
Tv Rms. 0 Elegant Souvenir tipoOnS of Canada.
Prizes awarded to persons residing in the United States
will he shipped from our New York office free of duty.
All money lettors should be registered.
425,000 in prizes during the last two .years, and have
thousands of letters from prize -winners every state in
the union and every mut of Canada and Newfoundland.
Lord Kilcoursie, A.D.C. to the Governor General of
Canada, writes: "I shall recommend my_ friends to enter
your competitions," M. M. Branden, Vancouver, R 0.,
-received $1000 in gold" and we hold Ms receipt for same.
A few of the prize winner; Mies J. Robinson; Toronto.
E6500; 3.3. Brandon; Fenelon Palls,_Ont, $1500 David
rrison fijniense, N. 'Li $.535; H. Mem*, St Utile
*asisnapti West D kith, Minn., 11506l Mint
l314 %sand ttiot al
St. B klyn, ;1000; wee.
•"'..).;"; '4/0•44:, • ." •
Fagged Out!!
HAT tired, worn - out feeling, -f
wi itIl so many women complain riftei
dzy's was,bing, is done away
ti :in hy those who
1.1.,e, that great
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Which malice tlie Dirt drop oi,(
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Of this rear. .