HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-09-02, Page 5171.'471.17.'grOrTFIT NEW ,Fatit re. is *he Spot To buy the very best Watehes, Clocks, Jewellery, Spectacles and Silverware? You'll Find that Spot JOHN J3. RUMBALL'S NOTED CHEAP JEWELLERY STORE, AND TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, CLINTON. We are running off the balance of our Summer Stock at largely reduc- ed prices to clear. It will pay YOU to see what are doing. Eggs taken as Cash. we W.TAY LOR &SONS 01.111\71101\T Coats'CITY RESTAURANT CRUICKSHANK'S OLD STAND Ice Cream & Temperance Drinks A SPECIALTY CHOICE CONFECTIONERY,CANNED ODS, FRUIT, ETC. GIVE CALL. OSTER'S OTOGRAFS IND IRST AVOR OR INE FOSTER IINISH _411=111111101111111,IlmeammININIMINIIIII Say call at Hub Grocery And get your Spices for Pickling. We handle only the best, also Vinegar Extra White Wine. We have PURE CLOVES, PURE PEPPER, PURE CINNAMON, PURE MACE, PURE ALSPICE, PURE KAYENNE, PURE GINGER, PURE CHILIES, a These sire all as pure as we PURE lIfIXED SPICE, PURE CORRIANER SEED, PURE EAST INDIA SPICES, PURE TI7MERIC can buy. CLINTON sill111. 4etv Adratiocintuto. Servant. Wanted. -- Geed General servant WillItOd at once. Apply to MRS W. DOHERTY, Rattenbury St, New Blaeksmith, Mr R. Downs, bits rented part of his shop on High St. opposite the Queens Hotel to Mr Beaton, who is a first class home gluier and jobber, show- ing tender footed bones a apecialty. Mr Downs atill remains in the shop and will continue his name business of grisfItting. A tidal respectfully eoneited. poen Stray Ewe. Came into subscribers Premises, on Lot neon. HuIlett,at about the leth of June,an aged Eno and two iambs. The owner is hereby notified to prove property0 pay charges and take them away. M. 33RU CH, Londeaboro. Rouse to Let. Rouge to Let on Rattenbury St. 'I rooms, wood- shed and good cellar, Hard and soft Water,small garden, also 5 houses and stable for sale, tering easy. Chineelie Primrose Plants for sale. Apply to J. H. WORSELL, Sewing Machine Agent, Clinton. PROPERTY FOR SALE On Rattenbury St., a quarter aore lot imrnedi- stay west of the Methodist Church, on ninth there aro two Pram° Cottages, a variety of fruit, bard and soft water. Thislot Is very convenient- ly sitneted, any portion wistring to make their borne in Canon, wood do well to see this pro- FertY, as oWner Is desirous to sell and it is 8: very pretty lot situated in one of the prettiest pelts of the.toWn, it will be sold at a bargain, For further erticalare addreei .0. WATTIeltEION WOodeteela MORE HARVEST EXCURSIONS! —TO Mata authe larthod GOOD FOR TWO MONTHS, AUGUST 23rd to OCTOBER 23rd. SEPTEMBER eth to NOVEM. 6th. FARE only $.28 Although Clinton is not a station on the C.P.R. yet we can offer you Inducements to go via Drumbo, Winghain or London. At either of these three places you conneetwitb a train hav- ing Colonist Sleepers attached which go through to Winnipeg without change, thus saving the confusion at Toronto and a second change of ears Two full single fares allowed to either of these three places. opersBooka tore A. 'I' COOPER mAgent, Clinton. - -- House and Lot to Rent. ()LINTON MARNETIS Unrested *tin' ThUrt44,1 aftatnOrin. • Thntoday, SOO. 1. 78 0 76 70 0 73 70 * 0 73 28 a 0 29 85 a 0 45 57 a 0 60 50 a 4 50 13 0 10 64, a 0 07 60* 0 5 09 s 5 0 16 a 0 16 Hay, new Hides, No. 1 trimmed 6 00 * 7 00 4 00 a 4-05 3 00 a 3 50 0 50 a 0 70 0 60 a 0 90 2 95 a 2 50 3 00 It 3 50 7 00 a 7 50 2 00 a 2 25 LONDON MARKETS. Thursday Sept 1. Oats 30 69 a 0 75 Peas 031 rt, 0 33 054 a 057 Barley 0 40 a 0 40 Whelk* old, . .. .. Wheat now.. 0 Wheat opting Gate n*rioY Peas Flour per bal.. 4 Butter Eggs per lb Potatoes new per bushel 0 Pork Wool Hideo, rough Shoop Skins Apples, per bag Wood short Wood long Clover Timothy Butter per lb. 020 a 021 Eggs per dozen 0 10 a 0 11 TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET Trade was perhaps a little better at the Westere Cattle Market. Receipts were heavy, but most of the stuff was well taken. There came in 87 carloads, including 500 sheep and lambs, 290 hogs and 25 calves. Receipts for the week ending Saturday, August 27, were:—Cattle. 3,396; sheep and lambs, 1,726; hoga, 826; weigh fees, 353 63 A good deal of stuff wentthrough to the east. Cattle—No fat export cattle offered, and there was nothing done in this line. Afeasrs Rogers & Halligan brought between 25 and 30 (carloads of stockers and short -keep cattle for Biokerdike & Co., of Montreal, besides two loads of butchers' cattle. Stockers fetch frora 3c to no, according to quality. Short -keep cattle reached as high as 4c per lb. for a few fancy head, but most of the salea were made at no. Butchers' cattle from sic to no per lb., the latter for pretty good ones, NEWS NOTES Nancy Hanks beat the record on Wednesday, trotting a mile in 2 min- utes 5s1 seconds. John Howard and his wife, of San - Francisco, who started from there on March 5th to walk to Chicago. for a $5,000 purse, have arrived there,havi ng sixteen days to spare. Both looked very much dilapidated when they reached theleity. Mr Gladstone was knocked hy a heifer in the park at Hawa Wednesday, but managed to and get behind a tree. He dodged animal for a while, and it finally off. Mr Gladstone was severely sh but otherwise uninjured. Whe Gladstone reached home he relate story to a number of men, who se to capture the heifer. It was pur for some 'distance, and as it sho fight when overtaken it was sho death. Rebecca. Wilkinson,of Brownsvalley, ays: "I had been in a distressed condition or three years from Nervousness, Weakness f the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigestion until my health was gone. I had been octoring constantly with no releef. I ught one bottle of South American Ner- ne, which done zne more good than any 50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. weuld advise every weakly person to use is valuable and loVeler remedy.- A -trial. ttle will convince you. Warranted by atte St Co. Druggist. A sad accident occurred on Tues - ay night, about 8 o'clock, during a eavy thunderstorm, Mr Jn. Kearny, well-to-do farmer, whose farm is a uple of miles south of Hastings, in erry township, was struck by light - ng and killed. Mr Kearney and his roily were kneeling at their evening ayers when the crash.came. _The elec- c fluid camein through an open win - w upstairs, passed down through the or and struck Mr Kearney, who was eeling below. The shock extin- ished the light, and by the next sh Mrs Kearney saw her husband ing dead across the chair at which was kneeling. The lightning did t leave the slightest mark on its ctim, and, with the exception of a ght crack in the floor, there is no ace of the dread visitor. Mr Kear- y leaves a wife and three children mourn his untimely end. Nevvs reached Stratford of a row at stock last Friday evening, which used the nsost intense excitement in at usually quite little village. John eik, a resident of that negh.borhood, his way home from Stratford that fling called at Scnrenk's Rotel, and, s alleged, asked for a drink of liquor ich was refused him. An alterc O ensued, and the landlord foreib cted him from the building,. at t me time striking and kicking hi her severely. Weik then went home and shortly after return h a Winchester rifle and began bullets into the hotel. After pu g sixteen shots into the building deftly came to the conclusion th had got even with the landlord f insult in refusing him a drink, an red to the woods, where he ha naged so far to avoid arrest. Po ately no one was injured. down rden rise the ran aken n Mr d his t out sued wed t to Ind., a bo vi 1 th bo a co ni fa pr ti - do flo gu fla ly he no vi sli tr ne to Ro ca th VV on eve It i wh tio eje sa rat his wit fire tin evi he the reti ma tun a- ly he Enlarged Grounda, in New Half -Mile Trivet, to New Grand Stan ed And many other Improvements. to te Greater and Better than Ever he at ENTRIES CLOSE AUGUST 13eu or r- Seater* Dye Nirorks. Clothes of sai kYu5s °leaned, dyne owl preseed,. with promptnesei Woollen Orme,/ Dyer* with- ., out ripping, if tie emery. Oviers left with 3, Cutifuebame, Olinton, will re- ceive prompt attention. Stead/Alba Clusrantefel. t J. W. StnanTo Seafortii. TO .DA,ICERS FOR SUM—Cake Ties. Sreed Ties and otber Ehnen Tins. apply box 07 DDYTH Shingles for Sale. Subsoriber keeps on band at Beigrave, a fun aupply of lino Mats North Shore cedar ehinglea, which will lae dieposea lit realionable ranee W.. WATSON, agent. W. WHITELY. Londesboro STRAY SHEEP Strayed from subscriber's premiees,LakeShore road, ooderieb towuship, about a month since, 6 Ewell end 8 Lambe; one of the ewes le a South- down and several ot the lambs heve Week faces. Any one returning same or giving information as to theleavitereabouert will be anitably reward- ed. UMW WALLIa. Sep em ter 2, 1S92,:: A New Depix• with uS' 50,000 Ns. APPLES TINTED D. CANTELON, of Clinton, wants 50,- 000 Barrels Fall and Winter Apples, for which the best market pilots will be paid. Hold your apples for Cantelon, and make money. D. CANTELON, Clinton COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. On the security of Cultivated Farms, inter- est slx per cent, payable atinuaity Any portion of the principal may be repaid at any time the borrower wishes. Ali eapenses paid by the County. Wo person except the County Auditors allowed to gee mortgages or to know to whom money is loaned. Apply to WM. HOLMES Goderich Aug. Sth 1892. Co. Treasurer. STERN • PAIR LONDON, Sept, 15th to 24ths1892 Canada's Favorite Live Stock Exhibition 32,000 added to the Prize List. Over $1,- 500 going to the Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs and Poultry classes. Visitors and Exhibitors are promised more for their uaoney this year than ever before. Stabling and space allotted on receipt of entries Special attractions will be of an attractive and elaborate kind. SPECIAL EXCURSIONS ON ALL RAILWAYS, For Prize List and an informati, n apply to Capt A. W. Porte, T.A.Browne President. Secretary, _ FARMS FOR SALE. Valuable Farm for Sale. The 1.',"orth half of lot 30, 2nd concession Eas Wawauosh. Apply to CAMERON. EIOLT C,‘MERON, Goderich GOOD FARM FOR SALE Ft or particulars apply to MANNING & SCOTT. Barristers. &c., Clinton - HOUSE and LOT for SALE. — The undersigned offers for sale the house and lot onc,the comer of Albert and Whitehead Sts. The lot is k of an acre and some good fruit trees on it, also a good well. The house contains live rooms and summer kitchen. For further par- ticulars apply on the premises. MISS GAR VEY ROCS t. AND LOT FOR SALE Lot 1.24. High street, Clinton, with comfortable two-story frame house, containing seven rooms ingood condition; now occupied byMr -LW. Hill GO6dgarden;:sniail-stablez- Apply -to •the.owner MRS. MARTHA DUNCAN, or to H. HALE Huron St., Clinton. *di G -00D STORE TO RENT. First-class Brick Store to rent, with good cel- lar suitable for any busines,. now occupied by Mr.J. W. Irwin, as a grocery. Favorable terme. W. C. SEARLE For Sale or to Rent. The residence mid grounds at the cornerlof John -am Queen Streets, in the town, of Clinton com- prising lots 534 and 535;the property is beautifully situated and well improved, the house is a story and a half frame in good state of repair, 8 rooms besides balls, pantry, and kitchen, there is also a good stable, hard and soft water with other con- veniences. Forps,ructile,re apply to, MANNING lc SCOTT, Solicitors. Clinton. A. NEW ERA! CANADA'S GREAT INDUSTRIAL FAIR rroztol\Trro BETWEEN SEPT. 5 to 17• 1892 Just to hand one of the largest and most Stylish Stocks of Ladies, Misses, and Children's, MANTLES, JACKETS, COATS, WRAPS, CAPES. and ULSTERS, Ever brought to the County of Huron, imported from Germany by ourselves and bought for cash More about these next week. .0 Si Gilroy 86 Wiseman, OLIZTTOINT 00S It Pay to attni TIN hi:. 4; This question has loug since been settled by many, as is shown by the large . . attendance each year at -; OF CHATHAM, ONT FALL - TERM OPENS ON MONDAY, SEPT 5th. And even from across the sea, they come to attend our popular Bohol* E.wland, Scotland, Ireland, British Columbia, New Mexico, Davi- ish West Indies, Manitoba, as weB as nearly every State and Territo0 in the United States have sent their representatives. Each year we have strideite with us from 25 or 30 of the Counties in Ontario, besides the large ,sluteide jpetronage referred to. OUR S HORTHAND DEPARTMENT has been wonderfully succepaftg. EVERA GRADUATE or THE YEAR WAS PLACED AT THE CLOSE OF 1891. A Speed of over 240 Words per Minute, in a six minutes' test, on entirely new matter, was written by Chas. Henderson, of Vilbiteohurch, Co. of Huron, in the recent Medal contest in this department of our school, and won for him our Spaded Medal which is only given when all previous records have been broken. So far sii yip have been able to learn, this is the fastest writing, which has ever been done by a pupd stehoolsquite a number of the contestants wrote over 170 and 180 words per minute- Nothin g but the Best should Satisfy you if you intend to take_ 91944er a Shorthand or Business coursm e. We pthe railway fare of students coming fteta , distance, providing it does not exceed $4 Good board, Ladies $2. Gents $2.50. , For Catalogues of either or both departments, address v I eel July 29 11 MeLACHLAN, • I 1 he GREAT QUESTI ' CT That every buyer must solve is—"Where ca* necessary supplies be bought most economi— cally ?'' A farmer named Wilson, living in Madison county, Georgia, went to a mill, leavirel his wife and four children at home. Two hours later he returned and found his wife lying on the floor insensible with four dead children about her. When the mother was re- stored to consciousness she said she had taken the baby to the spring, leaving the other children in the house. Hearing their cries she put the baby down and hurried back to the house, where she found two dead, the other dying. The living one said they had rooked theit fingers through a crack in the floor and a hen had picked at them. The mother went back to the spring after her baby and found it had fallen into the water and been drown- ed. The third child died before she got back to the house and the mother svvooned away. Investigation showed that the supposed hen was a rattle- snake. Three Harvest Excursions On August 30th, September 27th and October '25th the Wabaeh Ry., the Banner route for the west, will sell tickets at low- est first °less fare for the raund trip, to points in Minnesota, Dakota, Nebraska, Kangas, Montana, Missouri and Texas. ie tete good returning 20 days from date . Fnll particulars from any R. R. or .1. A. Richardeon, Canadian Pare Agent. N. E. Corner Kitig itha T?ronfo. The undersigned offers tor rent his residence I Of gale on Ontarioetteet, itiSt east cif the English church: egie,rie The house bag ever eonveriience. also a florae, l z..„, lett Carrie 505 None (Or sale; the eteriage and ..,.. r> bernesoi ere taw. usuzo EMITILI tohie t . _ r New and Varied Attractions of a Superior °barite Id, Itatrtuitive and emueing, the Latest Inven- tions and Grandest Exhibits it all Departments People's Great Annual Outing CHEAP EXCURSION ON ALL RAILROADS For Prize Lists, Programs and all Information address J. J.Withrow, Bt. J. Hill, Presideet. Manager, Toren VOTERS' LIST 1892. M IYNICIPM,rrv OF TELE TOwN OF CLINTON COUNTY OF Et TOWN, Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 5 and 6 of the Voters' Lists Act, the copies re- quired by said sections to be so transmitted or de- livered of the list made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised ASSOSS- DIOSt Roll of mad municipality to be entitled to vote In the said municipality at elections for members of the Legielative Assembly, and at Munieipal Elections, and that said list was first poated up at my office, at Clinton, on the 6th day of august 1892, and remains there for inspeo. tion. Electors aro called upon to examine the said tea, and if any omissions or any other err- ors are found therein, to take immediate proceed- ings to have the said errors corrected according to law. WM. COATS, Clerk of Clinton Dated this Sth day of Auguat, 1899, -- - FALL FAIRS. Huron Central, Clinton ..Oct.6-7 East Wawanosh, Beigrave ....Oct 4.5 South Huron, Settforth Oct 4-5 East MIMI), Brussels Oct 6-7 Morris, Blyth Oct 11-12 Stephen &Usborne,•Exeter.. Sept 26-27 Mitchell, Mitchell Sept 27.28 Northwestern, Go6erieh --Sept 28.66 North Perth,Stratford........Sept 20-86 Western at London.— A.. s.Sopt. 15.24 , 147 The several grades and many prices that aro, shown, the customer is often in doubt which, to select. But we can help you. The CAPITAL Quality of all goods sold by as is unquestioned, while we keep prices at low water mark, d LABOR Diligently to please all by promptness and courtesy. We think we are in the right in selling for Cash and one price only. This system places every • buyer on an equal footing, and ensures to each one the best possible return for money invested with us. Fall goods are arriving_ We have endeavored -- to select what is fashionable; pleasing to the. eye and serviceable to the wearer. L. OUDIETTE PIL4404Nr1,10,14(ittic4orve--t. .or