HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-09-02, Page 3Itf Tat REin of thgting
13X MA*Witel, usax.
, epreading beyond, the further bank iti It POSt'aCilPto that thIS itISCIPatIng
Wal$ POW only eelight in glimpses leen Of the world bad to a 'certain ex.
ithronghtree trunks and beneetb came tent eittrected and Inflaeueed ,teseee
Pies of leaves, a the* of green peva- tit'. utited it was no more than the in-
quets guttered ciut above their tad, Imet1M- 11,fta stKing !moire over a weak
other "strange bright birds" Of that ene, Wiwarult1 pass avvity, fjet in the
unfamiliar lend flew by, end a strange eireikihktancea he tbeeglit it unwise to
lizard, with a brilliant throat, flashed I have luir out to India jest xet.
across their path; the dark masonry of "There is but one course, ', !Ada said,
'that old temple was lost sght of, d
though the teeling of tbiS,deCIYId
witnees of e hoary creed, gloom
and grandenr, and the majesty with
whiee it traced itself upon the cloud-
less sky, remained with theta.
Thew path now rose a little, and
awn they found themselves by a tum-
bling, plashing cascade, Which swept
with, many a light wreath of sone,
down the reeks Into a dark pool o v•el-
bung with graceful bamboos" beyond
Which the river came in, sight ago I ii;
and they sew some buildings ou the
farther bank, sentinelled by palms,
these trees so typical of the lauguId,
graceful East. Surely, all their -lives
long thff would remember those
dropping pahris beneath the broad,
bright Indian sky.
"I don't know how to tell you
Philip began at last, when they stop -
lied, Ada sitting on a rock past whirle
the water ruslied with a white tlaeh
and a sound like the mill -water many
times doubled, and he leaning against
the rocky wall a little lower down.
"It is bad news from home."
She looked up; the light died out of
her face at what she saw in his.
"Ohl" she replied gaspingly, remem-
bering the bad news he had received
on that night of their first meeting at
the ball, "but there is only Jessie left."
"Only Jessie," he echoed, looking
gloomily down at the swirling waters.
"I am so sorry," she said, in a voice
so changed with sympathy and tend-
erness that it cut him to the heart;
TO he had :not torn up Ada May -
nerd% last letter before Lucknow,
though it was quite illegible, darkly -
stained as it was with blood.
There was no sleep for him that
night, a great part. of wbicle he spent
in writing lettere and' arrenging pa-
pere and things of value.
--Nor did Mftcgatyppirsl. eleep much;
obe wasf!,ect happy,. and the neeessity
of livingover the cla408,teVeritri:weri too
imperious. Philite% face bending Oyer
ber, thejgray eyes wide,withte.rree
. with love,. painted, itse
lyon the dm* cortein of the.
e bad' seemed to peep, With
of her afall out of the limit's
and ahg
the shoe
of life into the illimitable shadow of
nothingness; whence she was called
back byethe stormy exnression of a
strong deep. love, to find herself crad-
led like /tri Infant in loving arms, en-
folded and supported in utter helpless-
ness and peace in the power and tend-
erness of a greatand enduring passion.
It seemed to her fancy that hfe would
never have returned to her but for the
magnetic Potency of that other strong
young life upon it; the deep pulsations
of the heart on which she rested seem-
ed to have set her own arrested pulses
beating afresh, the charm of the fairy
prince% kiss had awakened her from
the sleep of death.
"Young Randal seems to be Ada's
good geruus," her father said; "he is
always on the spot in the nick of
"There is evidently a fate in it, Ada,"
Mrs Ross added; and even Mrs May-
nard murmured something about ro-
mance, mingled with an interdict on.
Ada's riding any more without her
father's brother—which she had only
done that day in consequence of Wil -
mot's failing to turn up at the appoint-
ed hour,
Would Philip appear at the ruined
temple to which they were to make a
party that day? was Ada's first
thought on waking and rising with
the earliest peep of dawn. He had
been asked to join thern and had pro-
mised to ride over in the afternoon, if
not on duty, as he knew he would be
in the early part of the day. She
hoped he would not come, and yet she
knew that she would be grievously dis-
appointed if he did not.
They set forth in the beautiful cool
morning, intending to reach their des-
tination before the midday heat, al-
though at this season it might well be
borne, and by salamanders like Philip
Randal, enjoyed. Ada's ayah had
never known her mistress so concern-
ed about her dress before; first one
gown was tried and then another, this
ribbon was taken and that discarded,
flowers were chosen and then thrown
away, because they would be faded
before noon. But when these cere-
monies were at last ended and Ada
hastened, a little late, through the
garden to the water side, where their
iittle .yacht was awaiting them, it was
not the neat fresh morning costume
just received from home that caused
Mrs Maynard to exclaim;
"Really, Ada, I had no idea that hat
and dress were so becoming!" but scene
spirituaL elapse, Which at once fired
and etherealized hr fake. — -
She received the attentions of at-
tendant cavaliers with rather more of
the accustomed hauteur which at once
charmed and provoked them, and caus-
ed more spiteful things to be said of
her than of anybody in Myserabad,
especially by a certain young civilian
Who was considered the most eligible
bachelor at the station; she grew more
and more preoccupied as the day wore
on. -Tiffin was. served and_eatene 'and
wise and elderly people rested hi the
shade to admire the prospect and
Smoke; the foolish young ones went
off in twos and threes to explore the
ruins or stroll by the water.
"He is not coming," she said to her-
self, declining to join any id these
small parties, and taking a chair by
die side of her mother, who was made
, uniaare comfortable lounge for a grate -
sesta inside one of the tents that had
been erected by servants sent on be-
fore. But she listened till, and soon
the color flashed over her faee, her
heart began the rapid drum music
young hearts make at such times, and
dile drew a little closer to her now
sleeping mother, as she heard the quick
canter of a horse echo from the road
awl over the turf, and wished he had
not come, and wondered why she had
been so stupid not to wander away
with the others.
And yet when Philip had dismount-
ed, given his horse to a servant, and
walked to the encampment, speaking
to the wise and sometimes drowsy
lingerers in the shade as he passed
them, Miss Maynard chanced, singul-
arly enough, to be just issuing from
the tent with that calm and unembar-
rassed air which is expected of ladies
on social occasions, and he of course
stopped to speak to her.
"I am staying with mamma, but she
is gone to sleep," she said, in the low
liquid tones which so charmed him;
"the rest are exploring the temple."
"Come with me," he replied, "I came
on the chance of seeing you alone.
Let us find some place where we shall
not be interrupted."
The princess air became apparent in
the glance Miss Maynard directed up-
on Philip% haggard face and bent -
down, preoccupied eyes, when it soft-
ened into a gentle smile and she re-
flected that a soldier—a really great
soldier—as Captain Randal was one
day to be, might be brusque even on
such an occasion as this.
"Have you seen the waterfall?" she
returned. "It would be pleasant there
to -day. I don't want to climb over all
the ruins after yesterday's bruising
and jolting. 1 feel as if I had had a
good beating."
"Ahl yes," he returned, abstracted-
ly. "it was a nasty fall; yes."
"The fall was unpleasant," she said,
with a demure air, reflecting upon the
agreeable manner in which she had
been picked up, and they walked sil-
ently on, skirtingthe rocky eminences
on which the ancient temple was built
and passing beneath some trees which
grew down to the water's edge, where
their yacht lay at anchor, passed and
repassed by native boats plying up
and down the broad river in the bright
sunshine. The rich level cousatry
6 6 tr._• 1191
after carefully reading the letter, an
1 know that you have already decided
en it."
"Yea" he replied, "yes, that seerned
the onlyright course, but .1 wanted
your opinion first."
"You know," she continue'), as if
pleading agaiuet beano objeutiou ma his
part, "this is no ordinary engagement;
it is not merely a question of keeping
faith with a—fiancee — but keeping
faith With the dead, and with all your
past life. Perhaps this engagerrient
with one• so young VMS net well done
--but, Philip—it Is done."
"It would be a scoundrelly desertion,
though she did offer to release we from
it." he replied.
"Release you ?"
"Yes, she offered that," he said, and
told her as much as he could renaember
of the letter and his reply. She turned
away and looked at the foaming water
for some time, and then she turned
nd looked straight in his face with an
arnest, candid gaze that went through
im. "Philip," she said, "do you think
that she loves you?"
"I never thought about it," he re-
plied, with the utmost simplicity; "I
took it for granted."
"How like a man 1" she coramented,
with a strange little half -smile playing
over her face, as she turned again to
consider the rushing waters.
"1 f she does not, I cannot force her
to it tarry me," he said, rather wistfully,.
"But if she does not, she may be
won," she urged, turning again with
the same earnest gaze. "You may
think it stran " she added, with a
wrong, very wrong, I never told yme vivid flash, Aeut girls expect to be
"No. Oh, no!—Ada, I have done
—or anyone—all about Jessie. It nev- courted. It is a homage that ought
er occurred to me that it mattered. not 1.0 be withheld."
Still, I think I should have told you, ".A.nd yet—" he paused, remember -
if we had been a little longer together, ing that he had said no word of love
because—you were—you seemed inter_ to Ada, though every tinue he looked
ested in my life, and—it is so pleasant at her his eyes told the tale.
to have sympathy from you. Not that "Do you remember Andromgehe's
I ever dreamed that it could in any parting from Hector?" she continued.
way affect you." o `Father, thou art to me and mother
"Surely what affects my friend af- dear, and brother too, kind husband
of my heart.' That is the relationship
fects me,' she said, accentuating the
word friend. between you and Jessie, my friend."
"That is why I told you nothing; we "She has no one else," he asserted,
awed by the pathetic tenderness which
were sworn friends." he replied. And
Ada's loieautaful voice gave to these
then, in a few words, he narrated the
story of the death -bed betrothal and words.
of the purposed marriage deferred by "And is six thousand miles away, in
the Mutiny. His relations with Mat. grave peril, alone and unprotected,"
sire continued, looking down upon him
thew Meade and all the rest of his
story, even his guardianshipthrough eyes brilliant with tears. She
of Jessie.
had grown rather pale during the in -
she knew already, but something had
always kept him from speaking of his
engagement; perhaps the subject Wilb
too distasteful. And when he did
speak of Jessie, his manner was al-
ways that of an affectionate elder
brother. Ada was under the impres-
SliOla that she was still a child. So
probably was Philip; for him, she was
always the little playmate of his boy-
hood, the undeveloped slip of a girl
who had bid him farewell nearly Iwo
years ago.
ten w; she was now bending s•
toward him, ber face partially shaded
by one hand, her attitude, as she sat
inclining toward the cascade with one
knee on which her arm rested, higher
throl the other, singularly sweet and
graceful, and expressive beyond all
"There is no one like you!" he cried.
"No one. Who could help loving
"There is Ito one," she continued,
b 1802.
What fiS
\ \ '
tY't "
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescriptiOn far Inftti
and Children. it contains neither Opium;IViorpactiune-
atiler Narcotic inills3tance, 14 a harmleSs
for Paregori.% Drops, $00thing Syrups, and Castor 00.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
VillIfous of Mothers. Castorin, destroys Worms and $aga
feverishaess. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd.
cutpg Diarrhcea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething tronlideri, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria .assimilates the food, regulates the ,stonsach
and liOurels, giving healthy 'and natural sleep. Casio.
toria is the Children's Panacea—the Mother's Friend.
"castors. Is an excellent medicine for ctn..
Oen. Mothers have repeatedly told moot its
good effect upou their children."
Da. G. C. Orcioon,
Lowell, Mass.
"Castoria is the best remedy for etc:Wren of
which I am acqiialuted. I hopo the day is vet
few distaut when mothers will consider the real
" interest of their children, and use Castoria in-
stead of thevariousquack nostrumswhich are
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
inorplaine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
swede down their throats, thereby wadies
Shear to premature graves."
Da. .1. Kmonaton,
Conway, A.r
" Castries 13 so well adapted to children that
I r ommend it as superior Many przeicriptien
kmasai to nie."
II. A. Ancona, M. D.,
' 11 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"Our physleir.ng in the children's dope,
rnent have spoken highly of their experi-
ence in their outside practice with Casloria,
sod although we only have anion; our
niedicai supplies what is known as regular
products, yet we are free to confess that tha
uterits a camoim has won us to look with
favor upon it."
thavsn TIOSPITAL AND Manlove/our,
Boston, Masa
The Contear Company, T7 lifearray Street, New York
The above ornamental trees and shrubbery he
sold at very low prices, and those wantin; arm
thing in this connection will gave money by
purchasing here. . .
Orders by Mail will be promptly attended
to. Address,
JOHN STEWART. —Bonmillor. .
laIN er 0 lar
Planing . • Milt
Desire to return thanks to their customers for past favors, their business
durin the year ending April 1st having shown a substantial increase over
their Let year's operations, and would ask all their old cus mer
to remember that no house in townshall give you better value for
your money than can be got froin them. All kinds of Groceries
_ as good and as cheap as is consistent with honest dealing.
SPECIAL ATTENTION given to the TEA trade
and as our business in this branch is steadily growing, we conclude that our
„goods and prices must be right. SPECIAL PRICES TO THOSE WHO WISH To
, away down in price and away up in quality. A fresh stock of all kinds of
sutTering two bright tears to fall lin- ,
hetded, "like Philip Handal in honor FIELD AND GARDEN SETDS. A trial respectfully solicited.
CHAPTER IV. and truth. Philip, which would von 1
13 Y THE WATERFALL. rsattillii7ife• byrofee;, disloyal lover or a M'MURRAY & WILTSENEAR THE POST OFFICE CLINTON
Ada watched the water flash down you again," he murmured, huskily.
"But I st leave you and never see
to the pool, and heard the story of the ,-/-1,.ver see yo", never!"
death-l'ied betrothal to the accompani- -You will get, over this, you will
ment of its manifold murmuring, wi r-
out interruption or comment till the
eiel; then she turned her face from the
water to Philip with a little sight.
"Yes, you ought to have told in',
she said, in low and gentle tones unal-
loyed by reproach.
He could not speak or trust himself
to look at her for a moment; yet. in
spite of the keen unspoken reproach
those gentle words contained, his
heart throbbed with triumphant joy.
"If I had ever dreamed—" he began,
"I -thought you solar_ above my reach.
We were on such friendly terms from
the first. I knew that your people
would never hear of anything of the
sort. You seemed so safe. I did not
think that I—a rough-hewn sort of
fellow—could ever touch you like that
"Until yesterday?" she asked, in the
same low. gentle voice.
"How could I help it?" he cried,
-"how could D heard the mare's
hoofs strike the wall, I heard the crash
e—ah! And when 1 saw you lying there
you were so white, so still 1 I shall
never forget it. I was mad, dearest, I
can only ask to be forgiven." He put
his band before his face as if to exclude
something from his sight. Ada had
turned again toward the rushing wat-
ers, her breast was shaken by a little
sob and her eyes were full of tears. He
brushed away the intruding vision and
looked at her quivering face outlined
against the rocky fall with mingled
"But you wished," she said, turning
her face once more toward him so that
he saw the tears shining in heit eyes,
"to tell me of your trouble. Never
-mind yesterday. May I see the letter?"
They read it together, he explaining
here and there what seemed necessary.
It was written immediately after Jes-
sie's last to Marwell Rectory,
when Miss Ingleby had received her
with such marked coldness; it related
the scandal as it was buzzed about the
place, also Mr Inglehy's view of the
actual facts, his conviction of Jessie's
perfect integrity and child -like igno-
rance of conventionalities. It spoke
of Mrs Plummer's practical neglect of
Jessie in suffering her to go about un-
attended, and of the total impossibili-
ty of making either the Plummers or
Mr Cheeseman comprehend the kind
of guardianship a girl like Jessie re-
quired, and of the impossibility of
keeping a young woman of her breed-
ing and taste chained to the homely
occupations and companionship of one
so uncultivated as Mrs Plummer. Jes-
sie's previous foiled attempts at con-
fidence to himself were recapitulated,
her mental and moral loneliness, her
great beauty and charm, her talents;
her dangerous visit to Marwell Court
and false position there; all were dwelt
upon affectionately, even lovingly.
His sister's line of condnct toward
Jessie was regrettedand the conver-
sation he had had with her on her way
from the Rectory was related. But,
bravely as Jessie had accepted the
conse!piences of her error, Mr Ingleby
said, in conclusion, he did not think
she could possibly remain in the neigh..
borhood after such a scandal, and great
as was his confidence in her in tegrity
and high principle,oneneverknew what
unadva sedsteps o, girl init;httake in des$,
pair: There' Wile UP di:41K he de
coeiluer yourself, she replied, wit
th•• same sweet gentleness and tbe '
.sa.we aro:Wet gaeo• !•Soule day you
will show me your jetikie,- and the i
trk.able will be forgotten. Life has ,
great things in it. and pleasing one's '
:.slf even the way of marriage,
-ehrtdrett otytor
, • ,
\I— ------is usually duty, does not
eaerg, a great future before you,
best opportunities possible to one so
young, as my father says, It is hard,
Philip, very hard, but after all, true
prosperity and -promotion only come
throagh duty. I shall hear of you,
Philip, and be glad and proud.
'Not once nor twice in our rough island
The path of duty was the way to
she added.
c o
bring blessing. You is have talent and
thoughyou must now miss one o the
Mrs H. Lebceuf, Muskegon, Mich., writes-
-"I hare used your Pink Pills and am 0013:
vinced they have no equal as a blood
builder." Of all druggists or by mail on
receipt 50e a box or $2.50 for 6 boxes.
Dr. Williams Med. Co., Brockville, Ont.,
and Schenectady, N. Y. Beware of imita-
A chimney piece carved from wood
over 0,000 years old has recently been
erected in a house in Edinburgh. The
wood, an oak tree, was found in a sand
pit at Musselburg, thirteen feet below
the surface.
ibltdtc 'CititOries
Huron Street, Clinto
We have on hatill an assortment of splendid
—AND --
1 AD mod furnished his new Planing Mill with .
machinery of the latest improved patterns Is newt
prepared to attend to all orders in his line it:Valhi
most prompt and satisfactory manner and atgesi
sonabie rates. Be would also return thanks toted.
who patronized the old mill before they were bunt
gd out, and now being in 8 bi tter position to tree
ute ordersexpeditiously and feels confident he pAti •
ve satiefaction to all.
FACTOR Ir—.1V ear the Grand Trunk
Railway, Clinton.
Which we guarantee to be of first-class material and woikmanship.
If you want a good article at the price of a poor one, call and see us.
-11:1731113.4_LilL., C-I.41-IN9CCON.
Here is an incidenthe South
—Mississippi, written in April, iSgo,
just after the Grippe had visited that
country. " I am a farmer, one of
those who have to riSe early arid
'work late. At the beginning of last
Winter I was on a trip to the City
of Vicksburg, Miss. ,where I got well
drenched in a shower of rain. I
went home and was soon after seized
with a dry, hacking cough. This
grew worse every day, until I had
to seek relief. I consulted Dr. Dixon
who has since died, and he told me
to get a bottle of Boschee's German
Syrup. Meantime any cough grew
worse and worse and then the Grippe
came along and I caught that also
very severely. My condition then
compelled me to do something. I
got two bottlesof German Syrup. I
began using them, and before taking
much of the second bottle, I was
entirely clear of the Cough that had
hung to me so long, the Grippe, and
lillitiftareffeett. I felt tip-top and
haVe7 felt that way eVer
Co,. 'as:.
J./LA(1333s E3. 001.&3331182
We have just received a large invoice of fine Bohemia Cut Glass Bottles
filled with finest PERFUME. Call and see the fine display.
Prices within the reach of all.
= \ AV •
and Paint Shop
Is stocked with a Select Assortment of
kmencan and Canadian Papers.f
WITH BORDERS TO MATCH, from five Gaut °
rolla to the Davit gut. Having boughtmay Pape
and Paints for Spot Cash, and my practical ex.,
perience Justify me in saying that all wanting•to
decorate their bongos inside or paint them oat -
side will iind it to their advantage to give men,
itarShop, south Oliver Jolanston's blacksmith
shop, and directly opposite Mr. J. Okidlep •
S 1111 Gra IL S
3rd Car Redpath's Pure Granulated
and Yellows
1%1•3w arrived, this summer. Sold as low as many so-called pure, but adulterated
Sugars now selling in this market.
We make special etas by the cwt. or in bbl. lots.
[Practical Paper nitnger and Pairiter."-
Manufacturer and Proprietor for the besCifiwisv,
Mill Dog in use. Agent for th e sale and apple
cation of the girrismia. Ames/ AUTOMATIC BOW*
eel on short notice. ,0
Boiler*, lEitginea,- and all ..kindgf
Machinery repaired ex pediiihilliC
and In a astirifsetory goainter„
Farm implements rillifinftteturetr anderePAi
Steam and water pampa furnished and ptt,
poaitipn. Dry kilns fitted up on seem* si
Charges moderate. t
Collegiate Institute and Public School Supplies. We
have a hill assortment of all the newest lines of Scrib—
blers, Copy Books and everything required by pupils
and teachers.
Simpson, Clinton
Bookseller and Stationer 1
you are interested in
you ought to be a subscrib-
er to PRINTERS' INK: a
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Printers' Ink is is-
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