HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-08-19, Page 6e'•
Ch.Idr�n.:ry. or
"Plito,hor'o Castor:1a;
044.0,,,a4zo con/ chlre„wilieure coner, *rte.,
Taeisliess, *oleo. '
4 ,inomuro.
.&BZ vrunno:)thvb voissx.
TVPrg4 Tomunkiain
6vAlirm5 Tiaa*A4, AND ASOAUSTO NIS Wee.
*PM landrallatant rno* ROYIITY AND
3PPTrii 41in ANEIVattipON To rneeranitlt
A$DVidell. Or *MD 4140,11974-4.0390 WOW
4‘..Q. lb '
Ohathani Planet
Xnalialeigh atret realaellfee there lives
vt we and en° e1ilid-n-4 •littleitell year
une:do—, a musician ittiewn thretigh,
t,Ontartoi glint•the, Whole'Dontinion, as
prioce saner% &nide, Ore*Miiits ena
oboir masters -a yeritahle malqtro and
eA,Wjaarrd o very Key," and no one
,who has ever lifitened to hie menipulation
.9f the great organ in the Park Street Meth-
dclgfit OhUrch,, or heard him evoke "magio
MuSio's MystiO Melody" from the magnifa
'cent" ;Decker, .0rand in hie own drawing
room, but Will deelare that bie eminence is
welHestirved, and his'peer e can be but few
amongthe profeesers of Divine Art. The
door plate bears the following ineoription:
To it, as did is Planet reporter a few
days age, in is very atmosphere of sweet
harmony, created by Dr Verrinder's magi-
cian -like touch, was an experience that
might well be envied, and one calculated to
ins ,pire the most sentimental reveries. ' But
'eentimentiti moods finally vanish and leave
one facing the sober and practical side of
We. The music ceased and the conversa-
tion took a turn, leading to the real objeot
of the reporter's call.
* "There are stories abroad," said the
„newspaper man, "regarding some extraor-
dinary deliverance from death which you
„htiVe naetith recently, dootor. Would
yon ()Wed to stating what fermdation-there
as for ,thein, and, if any, furnish me with
the true fads for 'publication? Dr Verrin.'
der shrugged his shoulders and laughed.
'11 have not," he replied, • "been given to
seeking newspaper notoriety, and at fifty-
five year of age it is not likely I shall be-
gin, and yet," said the professor, after
thinking a moment and consulting Mrs
Verrinder, "perhe.ps it is best that I should
give you the oncumetances for use, in The
' Thud. The story of my rescue from the
. grave might fittingly be prefaced by a little
of any early history: We 'resided inEng-
land; WhprOhougla 1 eivasi*,a pitifesdepr,af
music; depelidetat'on my art; as
- I had acquired a coMpetenee. My wife
was an heiress, having.Z50,000 in her own
right.' Through the raioality of a broker
she was robbed of almost nil her redline,
while by the Bank of Glasgow failure_my
, rangy wished forev,ex. Itheoameisecee-
”latrylor inolliert to retinii400ka3r profession
in order to live. I do not speak of it boast,
ingly, but I stood well ampng the musicians
• et that day in the old land. My fees were
•'Opines a lesson, and it was no arroommon
-thing for mcrtergivetvventysin a day. We
time to Ainefac Oa &liken; qualm where
1 antioipatedg5ttlng 'n,engegement as or.
gimlet in the cethedral,but was disappointed. thrashing machine and were at work on the
Henry Schalern% farm, near where the ter-
rible affair occurred. John Shryhook and
Frank Day. who have been on bad terms
for some time, were both employed on the
machine, the former feeding it, while the
latter was engaged cutting the bands with
which the wheat was tied. Everything
progressed nicely. The two speaking very
little to each other. This coldness was no-
ticed by several, but further than this
no attention was paid to it. By accident
Shryhook missed a sheaf of wheat and the
knife struck Day cm the hand, inflicting a
bad wound. Shryhook begged his pardon,
_but Day didaintlook.at it inethat-way; ancl
grew very insulting, even going so far as
threatening to throw Shryliock into the ma-
chine if he did it again. Nothing was
thought Of the remark until Shryhock again
cut Day's hath; whether intentionally or
accidentally is. not known and never will
be. Enraged beyond control Day carried
his threat into execution, and, grabbing
Shryhock by the waist, threw him head
forward into the machine, and then jumped
to the ground and attempted to escape. But
his fiendish act did not pass unnoticed, as
it was seen by the engineer, who immedi-
ately brought the machinery to a stand-
still and collared Day in time to prevent
his getting away. By hard work the muti-
lated' remains of Bhtyhock were extracted
from the machine,land the sighk. wiis a sink=
ening one. The body was mangled and
torn completely into shreds and was unre-
cognizable. This horrible piece of butchery
spread consternation amongthe rest of the
party an it quickly disbanded. Shryhook
lat,cmoe ge*e himself up to the authorities,
and4vaS arrested and placed in jail on the
irtr‘The ractab interne excitement prevailed.
Henry Shryhook, is brother of the murdered
man, arrived upon the scene is little later
and raved like a maniac. Procuring a
pitchfork he went over to where Day was,
and, with a curse, plunged it into his body
three times, causing instant death.
deileA I be,gan to Mena, id *fere had
taken Mere than* box er %WO I new t#hat
had found the right reniedr. and thfkii to
the 'Rink Pills I Mved my life. Pl„ nine
menthe have tben twelve h000-4-Junt six
dollars worth. Thinkof, it, my friend 1
'Hundreds, 0 Oilers for ether treatment,
end only six dollars ter whet has made a
Tan of me, and set me again en the high,
way of health and prosperity, There is,
Borne subtle life-giving principle in "Pink
Pille, whit*1 dolaot attempt to istliom. I
enly kiiew like the blind Man of old: 00mi,
I„ Wall blind; now 1 can see 1" God, in the
mystery of hie providence, direoted iny
'brother of the 4.0.11.W. to me, I took it,
live and rejoiee, in ray health and strength.
have no physical Imalady, sealing a slight
stiffness in my leg, due to grippe. 1feel ea
welt rao in ray pahniest days, My prespeots
are good. All this I gratefully attribute to
Pink Pills for Pale People, "toad now ray
etory is done:" as the nursery ballad runs.
If anybody should ask confirmation of this
tale of mine, let him write to me and
shallabeerfully furnish it. The Pink Pills
wore my resouer and I'll be their friend
and advocate while I live 1"
The reporter finally took his leave of Dr
Verrither, but not without the professor
entertaining him to another piano treat, a
and soulful erpretation of the composer's
Veil with faultleaa exeoution
thought. ,
Calling upon Messrs A. E. Pilkey ,t Co.,
the well known druggists, the reporMr as-
certained Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have an
morn:Lone sale in phatham, and that from
all quarters come glowing reports of the ex.
cellent results follewing their use. In fact
Dr. Williana Pink Pills are recognized as
one of the greatest modern medicines -a
perfect blood builder and nerve restorer-
ouring such diseases as rheumatism,
neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor
ataxia, St. Vitus dance, nervous headache,
nervous prostration and the tired feeling re-
sulting thereform, diseases depending upon
humors in the blood, such as Borofula,
chronic erysipelas, etc. Pink Pills restore
pale and salltr complexious to the glow of
health, and are a specific for all the
troubles peculiar to the female sex, while
in the case of men they effeot a radioal cure
in all cases arising from mental worry,
overwork or excesses of whatever nature.
These Pills are manufactured by the Dr.
Williams' Medicine Company, Brookville,
Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold
in boxee (never in loose ferm by the dozen
or hundred and the public are cautioned
ageinst numerous imitations sold in this
shape) at 50 cents a box; or six boxes for
$2.50,' and may be hadaf all druggists or
direct by mail from Dr Williams' Medicine
Company, from either address. The price
at which these pills are sold make a course
of treatment comparatively inexpensive as
compared with other remedies or medical
A Horrible Murder.
A horrible murder was committed near
•Celina, Ohio, on Friday, Which in point of
latrocity is ahnost unparalleled in the an-
nals: of &him. Ballenbatigh Bros. own a
winch tpty I procured an organ and .choir
and soon had a large cliatele. Later, in
'order,as I thought to better my fortune, I
t�olthy residenee in London first filling
• angegeme with a Methodist church
arid afterWakder accepting the position of
O rganistinfit. Peter's'Oathedral. In those
, cities I made many warm friends,and their
tributere'and gifts • I shall ever retain as
among the moat preeions of my possessions.
It was while living in London and pursuing
My'ert with maoh earnestness and labor
-Mint' I received- a stroke of paralysis. Per-
ha"-herethe ripeaker retie axeLstretch-
ing himstlf to his full height, thus ,display•
ing well-builtand well-nourished frame
do not . look like a paralytic. But the
treth is I have had three strokes -yes, sir,
-firrit;aecond andtliird, and they Say the
lhilitTiErfatal, ninety-nine times out of one
hundred. 'Yet here' yousee before you a
three -stroke victim, and a man who feels,
both in body and mind, as vigorous as he
ever did in his life. My ultimate cure I at.
tribute to my testing the virtues of is medi-
cine whose praise I shall never cease sound-
ing,as. long as,I live, and which I ,ehall re-
commend to suffering humanity as I am
now constantly doing, while I now of,a
case and can reach the ear of the patient.
-After-rebloving-ttrChatham I-hed not -long
been here when my health further began to
give way. Gradually I noted the change.
, felt it first and moat strongly in a stomach
affection which produced constant and dis-
trearifmg nenseft. It grewvekse and worse,
I mytieltlittrihated it tolna water poison-
ingany s5tm One dtar said it Was
itdiabettia, Stiaanother adifferent diagnosis.
tkOM"docidilhg, but gatting no relief.
rtried one medicine after another, but it
was no use. Grippe attackeds`me and ad-
ded to my pain, discomfort and weakneas.
At last I took to my bed and it seemed
that I-veas never going. to get well. 'Neth-
ing of is nouriehing nature Would -remain
on my stomach. No drugs seemed to have
is coinaterading influence on the disease
• 'which Was dragging me down -to -death:*
My wife Would sit at my bedside and
moisten ,tity lips_ With 4thited spirits whi�h
was all that ebtildi be done to, relieve rde.
Besides tree local doctors Who gave me up,
I had doctors from London and Kingston
whose skill I Pelieved in and to, whom I
paid hertyy,feefeihfit without . receiving any
helP;cfelliOttatigenieht., It is true that a
*Meg urnp:Operatiiin ifforded tenipor,
yet ,ft 'that my peculiar
cial* needed soin special and, partionlar
compofind or remedial agent which I knew
not of... But, at last, thank God, I dis-
covered; it. I had been for eigheeen
months. r miserable wreck, unable to work
unable to eat or to sleep properly. My
means were becoming exhausted. My
• poor wife was worn out in body and spirit.
Suddenly the deliverer came! Pink Pills I
Yea sir! Pink Pills: -God Ellen their in-
ventor or discoverer 1 -have rescued me
from the jaws of death and nliraculously
made me 'what you see me to -day, 1i3arty,
happy, with a splendid appetite, a clear
brain, a capacity for work and an ability
to sleep sound and refreshing sleep -a boon
that only is man who ha a etperiented the
-terrors of insomnia can rightly appreciate.
Bear in mind, my friend, I am no wild
enthusiast over the supposed merits of this
medioine. I have tested the virtuea of
PinkPilla and am reedy to 'take oath to
their efficacy. No one could shake my
faith in them; beeause What is man has
thoroughly proved in his own experience,
and Whet be hag had creArmed in the ex-
perierioe of others -T have preaaribed the
pale to other aiok persona and know what
4triotdinary. good they have effected in
their ettnea.7--he ought to he convinced ia so.
011114'011 Yeti, how1 came to try them. , A
We* Member of the; the hie-
'. thrall ofwhich eider hactlieen' &ore than
kind. to me during my illnesa,recozniriended
Pink Pills. 1 knew nothing ebotit what
thewere or What they could In fact th
1 am raer keptiO i *hat are
termed (!proPrietary ,XeMetliba a t.
Aided; %Alike Pink Pills for Bale Peosloe,
Who have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla what
they think of it, and the replies will be
positive in its fever. One has been cured
of indigestionand dyspepsia, another finds
it indiepenaible for sick headache, others
report remarkable mires of scrofula, salt
rheum a,ad other blood diseases, still others
will tell you that it ov'erednes "that tired
feeling," and so on. Truly,lhe beat adver-
tising which Hood's Saresparilla receives
ig the hearty endorsement of ,the army of
friende it has won by its positive medicinal
In making railroad tunnels, cuts,
etc., and in sinking wells and pits in
Neveda, Utah and Arizona salt strata
are often struck at varying depths,
sometimes as much as a hundred yards
beneath the surface. Hundreds of
fish, perfectly preserved, are found in
blocks of this pure rock salt. These
salt fields are supposed,to occupy what
was once the bottom td a lake thirty
miles long, fifteen miles wide and
many hundred feet deep. The fish
found resemble the pike and pickerel
species and are wholly unlike the fish
found in the lakes and rivers of that
,r egion at the present time. The speci-
mens found are not petrified, but are
as perfectly preserved in the flesh as
though but recently frozen in a block
of ice.
Cr. C. tumours & Co.
Gawxs.-I have used your MINARD'S
LINIMENT in my fatally for some years
and believe it the best medicine in the
max at`fis it doesaliit it read/amended tea°
Oittniten ,Forke; ,D.IthlitaTEML
lolm Mader, 'Mahone Bay, :informs tis
that he vie cured of a very Bever° attack
uulcle " 'of rheaviiatisin by nixing linTARD'S
Preekvil . Frain thri*ery AtliO, ono taiktENT,
/APPlieatlini P4/11100s 044 eaffea 1ellef hairit'e*-
Mato, This preparetlee tills a, great and lenefplt
want Toy phooe 'whop. setter fromples, It le
.11:1111t,)44) hVeniAcifek,Ig`A'Ziglalle'litiistreitta
thefie pa/sic:lane Wale •hit've used it in their
praothie. P IS' A POSITIVE OURI1
1.rtgOt4'f111 to r1ley0. taiuPle'
ol•,•eceipt Of pries.
W. ,Manufacturing Chemist, 184
streeti Leaden, chat .
The New York. Witness, in speaking
of some of the manifold benefite to be
derived from pure, clean habits of life,
says, very truly, that the time may
come to any one of us when the ques-
tion of life or death will depend on our
sobriety or general healthfulness.—
There are great, portly, robust -looking
men, so full of dieease that the prick
'of a pin might kill them, and there are
other men so clean and healthy that
you might almost run them through a
thrashing machine, and the fragments
when put together, would knit and
.As an apt illustration of this fact the
same paper relates the following in-
A young laboring man was brought
to a certain hospital with IC badly la-
cerated hand. He had fallen upon an
old cotton hook, and it had one en-
tirelythrOugh the palm of his hand,
carrying with it rust and dirt. The
wound was kept open so that it would
suppurate freely and be easily cleansed.
As time passed on, the hand became
very much swollen, turned black, and
the surgeons watched very carefully
for signs of blood poisoning, fearing
that the entire hand would have to be
amputated to save the life of its pos-
These Signs not appearing, it became
a question whether more of the hand
could be saved than, the thumb and
first two fingerte.---As the hand became
no worse, the surgeon delayed operat-
ing on it, and after a time it began to
mend, and finally healed entirely, to
the surprise of the eurgeon.
"Young man," said he to the patient,
as the danger was passing away, "do
you use alcohol in any form ?"
"No, sir."
"Do you use tobacco ?"
"No, sir."
' pat is what saved your hand. '
, .
• Pleo's Remedy 'for' Oirtitirrinite
Rest. P,asteet ie Ilse, and Cheapest.
C R R F-4-.
Sold ey draggiets or dem by mail,
, .
Reaelttne wavren
At a Paris fair a prize was awarded
to the man with the most monstrous
nasal affair.
There aremore cases of sickness and death from
diseased kidneys than from all other diseases
combined. It is your own fault if you allow your
kidneys to remain in an unhealthy condition
when the cure is at hand. Dodds Kidney Pills
are guaranteed to cure the worst eases. It costs
but little to give them a trial. They are for sale
by all druggists and dealers or by mail on receipt
of 50 ets. or 6 boxes for $2.50. Write for book
called Kidney Talk.
China has no telegraph poles. The
people have a superstition against
gative Medi-
cine. They are is
Stool, Sunman,
STRUCTOR, so they
sepply in is condeneed
oriti the substance
etu ally needed to en -
jab the Blood, curing
all diseases coming
froin loon and WA...
Ry BLOOD, or from
the IzooD, and aloe
ovigorate and Brim
VP the Btoco an
SYSTEM, when broksez
down by overwork,
• mental worrhdisease,
excesses and vidisere•
tions. They. have a
Sericite° Amos on
the Saxusx,Sirwrell of
and correcting all
1.1112.EGLILLICITIEll and
EVERYMAN Yiii:adullnirgfiniV
his physical powers flagging, shown take tneser
Pmts.:, They will reqtore his lost energies, hoar
vhySieal•and ineatel. ,
EVERY WOMA.N .ThijoLuyld.utroke ealt..hseuin.
eness;oes anaeirregulazatierr, s'nevitabry
emaileicknos'etnerf negiect(41.
YOUNGMEN 7-4(1:1„.V1'eotuhrei;_etfinl;
sultitof youthful bad liabiLs, and strengthen ente
YOUNG WOMEN ,P:„Ted take them
make them regular.
For sale by. all druggists, or will be sent upon
receipt of price (50c. per box), by addressing
Brockville. on&
ca 0
O 0
64 4 • .....
...'"; 0 .1..
or•i A
_ - , .
ri2 Q
C4 ° 0 --_,......
, o p., P'ftr'TGOND''
V r▪ 1
Canadian Medical Record, Montreal—We con-
sider it the most valuable yet invented. The
pan, though light and neat in appearance, in
strongly made and is provided with a rubber out-
let on either sides of pan, which conveys the used
water into a pail under the bed. Another com-
fort connected with it is a waterproof mishion
laced on the pan upon which lies the woman's
weight. Physeians and ladies who have once
seen the pan and fountain would use them to the
delusion of all others.
Dr. Lapthorn Smith, Prof„Biship College, Mon-
treal -The pan and fountain deserves all the
praise you gave it Mid &great deal more; 1 win
gladly recommend it to all my patients. ,
..Dr Newton A. Powell, Lecturer -Trinity College,
Toronto—It is in my opinion,zhe best for all its
various uses, to be obtained; for the treatment of
a sbsgle case it is well worth its cost.
Sold by all druggist&
11. WORRELL, •
Manufacturer Clinton
Via thh Chicago, Milwaukee La St. Paul
R'y, on Tuesday, Ang 30, and Sept.
27, 1892.
Where the grasses ere kissed by; the wand'ring
And the ileitis are.riob with the golden grain;
liOnere Op schooner ploughs throngb
Ltoits .&!iiineti port on
nere laernee meg never efrouglitin vein,
,And hope is the thrittieet plant that grows;
whereenen may ever his riglite rbeintain.:- • ,
4414011414 es free as tbe Whirl that Mows;
tar patthiYir ripiyto the neetrest
Ticket Apter, or tredve.* A. J,TaylOr, Canadian
Pees anger Agezif 4 Palmer Iforeee Mock, Tore*.
• et Ont.
'shingle* for .Sale •
I carry ou hind a otook of firit-olitse Cedar
Shingles; tWoqualities, which. I will sell at a very
low rate. Orders largo or, email oited on the,
shortest notlae. Please give nse a GSB,
.4.m4pX,..popdpy)pro, em
Shingles anti Lath or Sale.
Subscriber him purelitufei a large quantity of
No. 1. shingles. Tires° sliiiig1es will be made to
order Mit of the very beskluality of north shore
cedar, All wilco want a tiret-wase (mingle will
fl d j to their advantage to ask for priees before.
buyjrg eleeediero, Orders large or small deliver-
ed a any station aloug the line.
W,E. WHITLEY, Loudesbore.
Next to Commercial Rota
This establishment is in full operation andial
orders filled in the most satiefactory way, Ceme-
tery and granite work is specialty. Prioeslas
reasonable as those of any estahlishment
SEAL, HOOVER de SEALE, Clinton. lm '
Tested Remedies.
For tr pure, Weak and ImpoVerished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa-
tation of the Heart, Liver CoMplaint,
Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis,
ConeumptiOn, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid-
ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General Debility.
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by J. EL Combe, Clinton
The new model of the Rockford Watch, when
placed in a screw bezel ease, will fill is lon felt
want among-fariters, 'as- It lis" not dns proof
only, but very strong. The .plate Which the
wheels work between,. not being separated by
pillar° as in the ordinary
But by the bottom plate behig turned out of a
solid piece of metal, Witb the edger left of the
top plate to rest on; it also being pendant or lever
set with ennkbalance to prevent 'breaking, mak-
ing in ails good rong watch
For a Farmer
The bestEmbalming Fluidused
Splendid Hearse,
Residence over store. '
A First-class Step or Long Ladder?
A Handy Wheelbarrow?
A Splendid Churn, or anything of like
nature? Then gall onIW. SMITHSON, at
shop, No.? Frederica St„ or E, Dinsley
Will be atliDinsley's corner every Saturday
The most Interesting Contest ever offered
by The Canadian Agriculturist.
One Thousand Dollars in Cash, a Pair of Handsome
Shetland Poniee, Carriage and Harness, and over two
thousand other valuable prizes for the Agriculturist's
brightest readers! Who will have themf According to
the usual custom for some years past the Ambliehers of
THE AGRICULTURIST now offer their Sixth Half -yearly
Literary C,ompetition. This grand competition will, no
doubt, be the moat gigantic and succma 000 ever pre-
eented to the people of the United States and Canada.
One Thousand Dollars in cash will be paid to 'the per -
8011 mending in the largest list of English words con-
structed from letters in the words "The Canadian Agri-
.Five Hundred Dollars in cash will be given to the
second largest list.
A Handsome Pair of Shetland Ponies, Carriage and
Harness, will be given for the third largest list.
Over one thousand additional pizes awarded hi order
of merit: One Grand Piano; 8300 Organ; 1400 Piano;
Dinner Sete; Ladies' Gold WatahesTSilk Dress Patterns;
Portiere Curtains; Silver Tea Services; TennysonePoems,
bound in cloth:Dickens' in18 volume, bound in cloth, etc
As there are more than 1000 prizes, tiny one who takes
the trouble to prepare an ordinary good list will not fail
to receive a valuable prize. This is the biggest thing In
the conmetition line that we have ever vetoed before the
public, and all who do not take part will mists en oppor-
tunity of a life time.
Iturars-1. A letter cannot be used oftner thari it
appears in the words 'The Canadian Agriculturist"
For instance the word "egg" could not be used, Si there
is but one "g" in the three words. 1 Worde having More
than one rneaning but spelled the same can be used but
once. 3. N.4nes of places and persons barred. 4. Errors
will not Invalidate a list—the wrong words will okapi/
not be counted.
Each list must contain ono dollar to pay for six month's
subscription toTHE AGR/OULTURIST. If Iwo bt more
tie, the largest list which bears the earliest postmark will
tate the first priz. ,e and the others.will receive prizes in
der of merit Gited States money and stampe taken
at par.- .
Inc object in offering these magemoent Mixes is to
Introduce Our popular Magazine into new botnes, in every
art of the Arneridan 'continent, , . ' u •
Every competitor enclosing .30 oente in stamps extra.
will reedy° frell, by Mall, poestpdld,oris to Tux Acinicer,
rtnitst'sElegarit Sourknir epochs& Canada. '
Prizes awarded to persona residing In the United States
will be shipped front our New York office free of duty,
All emus? letters 'Okada ba registered., ,, • • • .
Con Fonnan, compieriTioa—we twrit..giveil 1.Iray
t2-5,000 in prized during the last two years, and have
thoutandsofletters from prive-wiiineralnvirrerY State in
tbeenierrand ever; pari Of Canada Old Newfoundland.
Cadiade writist "I shall tecOmmead m ',friend,' to enter
beicl,VIedurale, AD.C. to the Oovror , General of
40tir, de'm tions,7114. M. Branders, ‘ eetiver,..)3,? C.,
..,,,,,„,,„„ ,,,..„,„,,„,,,,,..rtrtALhoi.d..itibitigeorlrztpiiiii4.
,V504,1:- ',,, li‘ratirlOorallai.,0144 StlifleWitia
Sel-N, .4,,t5P.4,- ‘1190/11/2 Ste Iteult
Ma 4. at Bantle.. est -min ' ' Alinn., pa • mar
Rillai.3;41 state lit, idgiyart., Coon.. toot th 'at
, &Week lin iitaiesinikiit,lefilia•Wita *
Potortorant,ai onto* - a • •
Composed of Fiaic,Silver Com-
posite and Bet, a Brands Man-
illa. Leave your order with
us at once in order to'' insure
prompt Cullity the
best and Prices Guaranteed
as low as the loWest.
neadiparters for Hot Air
Furnaces, both wood and
coal. Call and get quotations
ehgI Valley COAL
HARLAND DBOS have secured octOtOT
for WO section, of the celebrated Lehigh
Valley Coal) and have, purehased several
cars to arrive this month, It is admitted
by all to be the best, and it is also claimed
that it will give neer eent more heat than
any other coal prodeced. Why use com-
mon coal when this coal can be purnitased
at the same price. Order early so se to m-
oue low price, as owing to the strong co,ray
bination of the railroad and coal compan-
ies, high prices are anticipated thie
AJLABIErtri`sr0, 401..A.N:TCPINT
We have Sugar by the car load. Can give you Sugar at wholesale prices. Ex-
tra Standard Granulated by the 100 lbs or bbl lots. Big reduction.
Sole agents for Hillwattie Tea., Orders taken for the best Scranton Coal.
C31-3530 SW.A.I.Ar_10779" — CLINTON
C A 13
Anticipating the wants of my patrons during the preserving season, I
beg to announce the arrival of another car load of Sugar to -day. The
Granulated being the highest standard of excellenee and purity. Special
Cuts to parties buying by the cwt. or bbl.
FRUIT JARS—All Sizes, Pts., Qts. and Half Gallons
Adams' Emporium
We invite the attention of our customers and others to the fact that we are prepared
to snpply them with the following amongst other goods.
Sugar at lowest prices, Tea, Coffee, Fruit Jars and Berries
Harvest Tools such as Forks, Rakes, Snaths, Scythes,
Hoes, &c. Machine Oil and Raw Castor Oil, Paris
Green. Royal Canadian Clothes Wringers at
not much over the usual half price. Ask
our price for Dingman Soap and
Starches. Produce taken in
.9 a, ca 6, • syse of:A.04..9
'Ns" `tv`svic ";,4' "ie" "is" 79"re 79`G ier
I 4;
Best makes of PIANOS
Second hand ORGANS to rent
ORGANS, 5 and 6 Octave
fcoarr erfeuflilty m o v
PIANOS packed for shipping
(Organs repaired and retuned
Piano Tuning attended to
Sheet Music&Books ordered
Shop on Main Street
Residence on James Street
Box 11, Clinton
, id, CA! iOnl.L MI ..,, jilt. op 0,.3 C4f,
C• .
f.,,tei.,w'41`.,`,...r • ",
, .