HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-08-12, Page 7WATglihi4leON8.
• lie--feee,--••-
Itf0,4y9eirdjtOne 0441001,1teNeetbire et
the Moe.Iti\lhOlitla'
Off johilaton, ie he iti
die hall to.night ?" in.
• (Inked litother Gard.
r,oauecthe Secretary
rim d that there
zw f
other bpi.
nese on his desk.
Sawed -Off, who is a
man only five feet
high, with great
breadth of beam, WAS
on the bat* row of
benehea and had just
got ready for hie sec.
ond nap. He waited
Jong enough to tighten
lee.eareaMeee•mmen each suspender by two
inches, and then
scuffed up the aiale
, to the President's deak.
"Brudder Johnson," said Brother Gard-
ner, as he looked down upon him, "I war in
de grocer•y de odder night when yo' °urn in
dar an' got up a diacushun wid a white
men. I was in de shedder of a box o' cod-
fish an' yo' didn't see me, but I heard all yo'
Yo'r argyment was on de subjick of
"Yes, Bab."
"Yo' said de Lawd made de witterniillyoe,
n' darfore anybody could help hisaelf.'
"Yes, sah, dat's my °pinyon."
"An' yo'r °pinyon halal worf
rudder Johnrsen. Dp Lewd dun made ap-
les, au' Caters, an' oranges, an' sich, but
har do yo' git yo'r right to take ern?'De
awd dun made de airth, but kin yo' git
ny of it widout catch ?"
didn't think of dat, sail," stammer
d Sawed -Off:
"Reckon not. Yo ii jest like some
uckleheaded white men I knows of.
berthin' dey knows is put into one argy.
ent. Yo' stood right up dar by fie cheese
x an' waved ye'r arms around. an yelled
the top of yo'r voice, an' yo' made dat
ite man believe yo' had de Bible, 'le law,
erty, an' right on yo'r side."
"Ize werry aorry, :rah,"
'I 'ispect yo' am, but I want to say a few
rds to yo' jest de same. De watermill-
n didn't git yere until a long time arter
n. Jest how he made it I dunno, but
mouf was watering fur watermillyon an'
had to hey it. Dar may hey bin a time
en millyons rowed wild, an each one
SE PTE Y1BE I 3TH TON4T11, 1892.
The above out represente the large
fair poster issued by the Western
Fair Association of London, which is
being posted up throughout Qotario,
calling the attention of the public
generally to the dates on which this
greatest of Canadian Live Stock, Agri,
cultural and Industrial Exhibitiods
will be held tihis year, namely, Sep-
tenaber lath to 24th. One Of the
principal objects of the Directors bes
ing to °climate the masses and
stimulate them to higher aims and
reshler efferts, and make tbis Fair
bigger, grander and better than any
of its predecessors, which is possible
if the proper interest is taken by the
Breeders and Agriculturalists of this
higbiy favored country.
They enjoin upon intending ex-
hibitors to begin early to prepare for
the Fair, and make their exhibits as
comprehensive as possible.
Champion specimens of every pure
breed of aninaals. of which Canada is
noted, will be at the Exhibition. '
Well arranged stables, stalls and
pens have been provided for their
The commendable zeal of the
Directors and others, together ivith
the increase of $2.1100.00 in this
year's Prize List, is an assuranoe that
the Western Fair of 1892 will beat all
former exhibitions.
The Directors recognize the fact
that the Western Fair should always
be in the lead as an Agricultural
show, at the same time look to it that
the amusements and Special Attrac-
tions • for the pleasure of exhibitors, won'
should not be lacking and have at 4,"It
great expense secured soar of the
best that cara_ be had. which
we notice Madam MaKir 'eat, e. the alit', w
lady equestrian of the world, and her an d
horse, Filmmaker, known far and near
as the king of higb jumpers, having jecivs
won this title by beating all com-
petitors, including Roseberry, the
Canadiarrfavoriterat the Live Stock
show in Chicago, last year, at the
enormous height of 7 feet 41, inches, "I
a sight of itself worth the trip to
London. Woodlawn, the sensational
park and saddle horse, which has
been taught 12 distinct gaits •is very
interesting to witness. The little
pony Jupiter, weighing only 450
pounds, has earned for himself the
title of light weight champion, hav-
ing a record of 4 feet 6 inohes. The
Madam also has the world renowned
Pour Horse Tandem Team, which she
drivea over hurdles to the amuse- -
went of the crowd,
i w
was as big as a beer keg an had a red core
on a thin rind. It must have been nice to
lib in those days. If der was sich a time it
soon passed away, an a man who wanted
millyons had to prepare de ground an plant
de seeds. Dat made property of de fruit.
Do yo' foliar me, Brudder Johnson'!"
"I does, soli."
'Dia disposes of yo'r hull argyrnent.
Under only one sarcurnstance has a pusaen
de slightest legal or moral right to visit amid -
der man's truck patch an' take watermill-
yon. If yo' had climbed up on yo'r cabin
roof to stop a leak, an slid off an' broke
yo'r leg, an yo' had bin lyin' in bed 'bout
nix weeks wid a fever, an' it jest seemed to
yo' dat intflin on airth would,taste so good
as a big hunk of watermill , d o'
d proceed as fellers: Yu' would yo'
alrnanax in regard to de moon.
vould sorter inquar around to &skiver
e man had a dawg. Yo' would
a sort of war map of (Lit patch,
pint out to the ole woman
e holes ni de fences. Vo" would
11 lier dat all de biggest, ripest, an'
millyone allus lie lio't1
Yo' would instruct her dat a ripe znillyon
aline gives out a peecolier sound when yo'
tunk on it. Do yo' feller me,Brudder John-
son 1"
it squ
half y
yo hay
an' yo
No, so
got so
pay fu
inueh a
_send _d
yo' see
Professor E. W. Lyons' herd of the ment
greatest Trick Oxen on earth. We
educated beyond anything befoi•e Den
equalledin the brute creation. to yo'
Smith's Imperial Palace df Illusions gest wa
is an exhibition well worthy of pat- ;? dat
roarigt .p_roving conclusively as they usually
;:to how easily it is for us to be de.- deceive
ceived in thinking we see things wicked
which in reality do not exist. We wil
Spool al ty A rtiats, Equilibrists, , home."
Japanese Wire Experts will give
does, salt
e ole woman has got the m/A
ilkyL She
s back frew de fence. She reaches
She take* de butchee knife an' cuts
ar' two, and at de fust bite of yo'r
o' begin to feel better. By de time
e devoured ib all de fever is all gone
git tip an' walk around. Am dat all?
! Arter a few y'ars, when yo' he
methin' ahead, yo' want to meet de
man who own dat inillyon an' offer to
r it. If he dean' take it yo' am so
head. If he doea, den you'd better
arter another to make-
Dat'e all, Brudder Johnson. Does
.whar' yo' was lame in yri'r argy-
rry Nattily, sah."
yo kin sot down. What 1 her said
hey said to all others as well. I
doubt dat dis am gwine to be de big-
termillyon season for twenty y'ars,
ebery mil/yon ant gwine to be un -
large and juicy, but we must not
ourselves by false argyments an
theories, eben if we domi' git a bite.
I now bust de meetin up an go
-Charles B. Lewis.
The attractiveness attending bat
loon ascensions and parachute leaps,
has been materially increased this
year by the engagement of Madam
Mandell, to make the daring trips
accompanied by her wonderful dog,
who is supplied with a smaller
parachute for making his decent.
Secretary Browne here adds, if you
wish to behold the greatest of great
things, the biggest of big things, the
choicest of choice things, the most
useful of useful things, the most in-
structive things, the most attractive
of attractive things, in fact muoh of
everything and the climax of all the
great and good things worthy of visit-
ing, and studying, the Western Fair
is the place to go,
Minard's Liniment lumberman's friend
Mrs Mary learren of Hamilton, is 106
years of age, and is still in fairly good
Itcn. Mange an Scratdches of every kind
hunman or animals, cured in 30 minutes°
by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never
fails. Sold by J. H. Combe, Druggist.
During the 24 hours ending at noon on
Saturday there were 286 deaths ir. New
York city, from heat --the largest record
for 20 years.
The New York Prose says that it costs
the saloons of New Yorlt city $500,000 to
replace their broken glasses. It costs a
great deal more to replace the broken hearts
thet saloons are responsible for.
C. C. Ittcoenns de Co.
G*Nrs.-I have used your MINARD'S
LINIMENT in my family for some years
ieve it the best medic ne in the
't as it does all it it reconana ded todo
COMnaan Forks, N. B., D. /EitgrEAD.
Mader, Mahone Bay, forms tie
that he wasi eared of a very ativ attook
of rheumatism by tieing M AHD'S
here the Colonel Had Hint
Col. aterrepp is a Texas newspaper man
and a great reader of standard matter. Not
long ago he mot a young fellow who beat
him out on a queation of biblical history and
the colonel sought to get even.
"That boy of you'rs," he said to the young
fellow's father, "iti a br•ight one. but I guess
I downed him."
"How?" inquired t he father with a good
deal of curiosity.
"Well, I went lionie after he flexed me
out on that biblical point and read up on
the Pelnponnesian war -did you ever hear
of the Pelaponnesian war ?"
The father said lie had, and t
looked disappointed.
"And," he resumed, "I came at hint on
the next time I had a chalice and, by 11,»».
der, sir, he told Inc he had not only heard
of it but had studied about it ie his school
Say, did you ever hear of the Peltiponnesiar
war when you was a boy ?"
The old gentleman confessed that he had
and again the colonel looked Inirt.
"Yes," lie went on, "he not only said that
but lie asked me if I knew that Lincoln had
got some of 5 he ideas of his fainouS Gettys-
burg speech from 5111' orations delivered on
that war and that 's where I hail him,- ex-
claimed the volonel with a broad smile of
t nium .
"How r inquired t he lathe!.
'Why. sir,- a 'el I he colonel's taco gl.,wed,
"I know all about 1 hat county in Illinois
where 1.1,,, 1» got his learning, and there
ain't„ a man in it riN PI heard of the Pelnpon-
nesian n a r.
The colonel's rgn mem was irresistible
and the either had tft confess
kilt Confidences.
1.111(11 14.114. I'M great ly plizzied 0 ver a
1115 er.
Della No am I Tell me your trouble
and I'll tell you mine.
Linda Well. Dick Hardaway told me
last night, he loved me. but did not ask me
to marry him.
Bella- And he asked me to marry him,
but didn't say a word about love.- -Judge.
Only Otte Thing.
,14 it hadn'heen for one thing,"1 said a
tough, "I'd a licked that slugger clean off the
"What was thet ?" inquired his wife. •
"He kiiotked me out in the first round."
I'm tired of waiting for 14poree dea,"
CI, when will it ever be Pore
I'm sure I have waited Arid Vatted
4 good deal more than a year.
Saturday, Suuday, and Monthly,
And all the rest of the week,
Keep cunning, and coming, and coaling,
But at "prime day" I don't get a peek.
I've looked all the alumnae over,
And showed everylattge to my dell;
And we're Pure (how I hope we're mistaken!)
"Some day" is not in It at all.
The thinge Ian to have on "some day"
I couldn't half tell in an age;
A tryciole, pony, a parot,
A birdie that sings in a cage.
A auto little smutty -nosed pug -doe,
The prettiest tortoise -shell oat;
And papa says, maybe, the measles ,
Ian sure I don't care about that.
And mamma is going to take me
To see lots of beautiful things,
And big brqther Jack and Kitty
Will give me two lovely obi rings,
And “soure day" I'll find out the reasgn
Of things I can't now understand;
And "some day" I'll have a big dolly
That can walk and hold on by my hand.
0, I'm tired of waiting for "some day"!
It make e me just coos, 1 declare
I'm afraid, when it really does get here,
I'll be a big girl and won't care.
Miss Jeanie Bass, New Boyne, Ont.,
writes;-" I suffered from sick headache
and palpitation of the heart, and could
get no relief until I began the use of Pink
Pills. I now feel like a new girl." All
dealers or by mail at 60c a box, or 6 boxes
for $2.50. 'Dr Williams Med. Co., Brock-
ville, Ont and Scheneotady, N. Y. Beware
of imitations. •
Minard's Liniment is the Best
A woman bridge tender is a novety
in Chicago. Mrs David Power, whose
husband died and left to her care and
support three children, has been given
the position at the Adams street bridge
formerly held by her husband.
H pv0 eave4 by the protorit Utia or
N 1 .1/NE R.' COATS
Ayer a Pills, Traveleraby land or
a% are liable to constipatton or other
deranganlents of the stomach and bowels
whidlr, lfueglected, lead to serious and
often fatal coneequences. The mostsure
Dwane of correcting these evils is the use
of Ayer's CatharticFIUs, The pru-
dent sailingenaster would aa soon go to
sea without his chronometer as without
a supply of these Pills. Though prompt
and energetic in operation, Ayer's Pills
leave no ill effects; they are purely
vegetable and sugar-coated; the safest
medicine lor old and young, at home or
"For eight years I was afflicted with
constipation, tvhich at last became so
bad that the.doctors could do no more
for me. Then I began to take Ayer's
Pills, and soon. the bowels recovered
their natural and regular action, so that
now Ism in
health." -Mrs. C. E. Clark, Tewksbury,
"1 regard Ayer's Pills as one of the
most reliable general remedies of our
times. They have been in uao in my
family for affeetions requiring a purga-
tive, and have given unvarying satisfac-
tion. We have found them an excellent
remedy for colds and light fevers." -
W. B. Woodson, Port Worth, Texas.
"For Several years 1 have relied more
upon -dyer's Pills than tapon anything
else in the medicine chest, to regulate
ray bowels and those of the ship's crew.
These Pills are not severe in their ac-
tion, but do their work thoroughly. I
have used theta with good effect for
the cure of rheumatism, kidney trou-
bles, and dytipepsia." -Capt. Mueller,
Steamship Felicia, New York City.
"1 have found ,Ayer's Cathartic Pills
to be a better family medicine for com-
mon use than any other pills within my
knowledge. They are not only very
effectivo, but safe and pleasant to take
-qualities which must make them
valued by the public." - Jules Hanel,
Perfumer, Philadelphia, Pa.
Ayer's Pills,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Loweli, Mass.
Sold by all Dealers in Medicinal.
Minard's Linament is usedfor horses &ea ttle
A curious phenomena in connection with
the death of the negroes, Wm, Cassel and
Soloman Richardson,in.Highland Park,Pa.,
on Friday from a belt of lightning, was
I' that the foliage of the trees under which
they sought shelter was photographed on
the breasts of the victims. In the evening
the impressiOns began to fade. There was
a curious thing about Cassel, when his
trousers were removed his lower limbs ivere
found to haye turned to an ashen white.
They kept this color.
Produced from the laxative and nutritious
4,, juice of California figs, combir.ed with the
Mr. Geo. . Turner medioinal virtues of plants known to be
most benefice' to the human system, acts
p y ful1
gently on the kichseys, liver and bowels,
Worst Case of Scrofula the
Doctors Ever Saw
effectually cleaning the system, dispelling
colds and headaches, and curing habitual
A child in Bowmanville, who has been
ailing for some time past, was thought to
lave a touch of inflammation of the
e doctor was called in and administered
O dose of physic, when the child passed a
live snake 14 inchee long. For some Hine
past the child had eaten ravenously, nothe
ing seeming to satisfy its appetite.
Minards Linament is used by physicians
- -
Comp, tete, y by HO( ,tD'S 1
8.-17LSA Intl, tc.t.
" When t was 4 or 5 year, Mil I hail a serof-
ttlous sore ou the middle linger of my left hand,
which got SO had that the (teet)rs vitt the
linger my. ,,11,-1 later Iwo: off more ha ti half rity
itand. Then tilt` sOrC broke out on my,arin,
eaine out (in illy meek and faee oll both shies.
nearly destroying tin. sight of one eye, also
on my right arm. !meow., said it 51l 1110
Worst Case of Scrofula
they ON' Pr . 51 11 it vinsply awful FiVe
years ago I began to take iltiod's Sarsaparilla.
()radii:illy 1 found that the sores wiqe begin-
ning to heal. I li,ept on lin 1 5115 taken ten
itellies, ten dollars. I Jir4 I ilk of ullitt 0
return I got for that investment! A Shoes -
amid per cent Yes, Many thousand. Por
the past 4 years f ha% e111.1 liti soros,
Work all the lime.
hiefore, I C041115 do no work,. I linow not
it hat to say strong long to ex press my grat-
itude to ilood's Sarsaparilla for my perfect
eure."Si conor; W. Tums'Eit, Farmer, Gal-
way, Saratoga eon illy, N.,1'.
. .
HOOD'S PILLS do noi weaken, but ...aid
digestion and torte i -;ge
Five thousand people at Inver tiro
od beat 110/tE MAGAZINES in America.
fall to death of Prof. Hobe, the aeronau
When the balloon reached the usual altitu
just south of St. Paul, were the horriti
spectators Sunday afternoon of a terrib
*lfe Great Weekly Competition of The
Ladies' Home Magazine.
Which word in -this advertisement *pas the sonic
Backward as Forward l This is a raze opportunity for
eveiTetfdtrdiagLiztend Mae, every rather ana ben, to secure
a ;NEELY Pntzes,-Ev ry week throughout this at
competition prizes *will b.:8 distributed aS follows; The
first correct answer receiVed (the postmark date on each
letter to betaken 03 (55 date received) at the office of tho
LADIES' HOME MAGAZINE (each and every week during
1892) will get g200; the second correct answer, $150; the
third $50; fourth, a beautiful silver service; fifth, five
o'clock silver service, and the next 50 correct answers wilt
get prizesranging front $25 down to $2. Every comet
answer, irreapective of whether a prize winner or not, will
get a special prize. Competitoritrgistipain.theaouthern-•
-Oates; arrweIT a'»i (IOWA pornts, have an equal
chance with those nearer home as the sender's postmark
will be our authority in every case.
RTILES.-Eneh list of answers must be accompanied
0, i by 81 to pay for six menthe subscription to one of the
de receipts durin an
,„ NOTE. -We want half a million subscribers, and to
4" secure them we propose 'o giveaway in rewards one half
t. our income. Ttrereibre, in Mae on,, half the total
seen tugging at the valve
cord, which would not work. Before he
could manipulate it the balloon was at
least 3,000 feet alloy° the earth. In the
regular way he cut loose the parachute
and shot rapidly earthward, but to the
horror of the crowd the parachute did not
expand, ansi e unfortunate aeronaut fel
like a shot to the gronnd. So great wa
the fall that he was driven in the sof
ground to a depth of ten feet atd iustantl
killed. It required the work of an hour t
reach the body, and death had oecurrer
long before.
.1 .
t ,
I !Repairing of all kinds promptly attend ea
. ought° rates. A trial solicited . to
e the cash value of the
prizes, such excess will be added pro rata to the prize&
If the reverse, n pro rata discount wlh be made.
well able to [Fry out tittprentieen.' -Peterborough Wan.
ado) Times, eplendid paper, and financially strong. '
-Adaistinga (Canada) Star. 'Every prize winner sal be
psure to receive just what ao la entitled to.' -Norwood
nadisi Register. address ail letters to Tax LAMM'
UO( maosznnt, Peterborough, eunass.
Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at
Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted
either in person or by letter on all chronic
diseases peculiar to man. Men, young,old,
or middle-aged, who find themselves nerv-
ous, weak and exhausted, lite are broken
down from excess or overwork, resulting in
many of the following symptons : Mental
depression, premature old age, loss of Natal-
ity, lose of memory, bad dreams, dimness
of sight,palpitation of the heart, emissions,
lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, head-
ache, pimples on the face or body, itching
or peculiar sensation about the scrotum,
wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks be-
fore the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye-
lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in
the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of
the scalp and spine, weak and flabby mus-
cles, desire to sleep, More to be rested by
sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss
of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of
temper, sunken eyes surrounded with lead -
encircle, oily looking skin, etc., are all sym-
ptoms of nervous debility that lead tolinsen.
ity and death unless eared. The spring or
yital force having lost its tension every
function wanes in consequence. Those who
through rtbuse Ommitted in ignorance may
be permanently onred. Send your address
for hook on all diseases peculiar to man.
Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the
symptons of which are faint spells, purple
lips, numbnees, palpitation, slop beats, hot
flushes, rush of blood to the head, dal pain
in the heart with bea,ts strong, rapid and
irregular, the, second heart quieker than the
Just, paha about the break bone, tato., tan
positively be area. No tare, to taw. Send
for book. A reas M. V. Lubrio, .24 -Mao-
donell Ave,, etentO, CtidatIL , An, 1,92,
I bay I cure I do not mean toerely to stop them
for a tune and then have them roam again, I mean a
rain. al ollrr, I have made tho disease of FITS, EPILEP,
sy ter r \ LUNG sICIINESS a lifelong study. I Warrant
my nte•dy to cure the worst eases. Because others havo
failed )s no reason tor not now receiving a cure. Bend at
once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible
reined". tlive EXPRESS and POSZOFFIOE.
And . at the Same Time Earn One:Hun-
. dred Dollars in Gold. 10.
The grab letter containing the oorrect snorters to ths
following questions received at the office of TWA mins
of December, 1092 rill reeelvo $100 in gold; the sewn
DIAN Aesumurrieach weekfrom now until the filo
will got VA; thir , $25 ; fourth, handsome suffer eeriest
to the next 50 comet answers we will eandvizee
from $5 flown to $2. ittirEvery answer, whether a
winner ornot, wilfireceive a special prize'. QngerromIXO
RS &RIME/Ctn.-41j How many bOoka does the Skala
con In f (2. )How many chapters 153.) Row Illang ifiniat T
(I.)We oommence to open letters on Monday morning
of eacit week If more than one letter is received by the
same mall with correot anawers, the first opened erte
count, the second win take next phiee, and so
$1 to pay for six months subscription to Tnt AGIII0
Baal letter containing answers must be acconmanieda
roarer -one of the very best Illytrated Horne Journals
in Canada. 53) People living in the United states have
preoisfor th0 same privileges in connection with this rem -
petition as those residintrin Canada. They con easily cage
their letters each week so ns to reach us In the begin-
ning of the week, when they will be almost tint 41 get
a good prize
"Received 41,000 prize richt "-M. ra. valeta,
VariOntlirer, B. 0, '1 shall recCullinend Iny friezde to
enter yourcompetitinns."---Lonn Rttefranstit, A. 1),(1,.
to the Otwermn:Dencral, enctiwa, Canada. “Spleridl{
priza received: -o. Meennutek, St, fitepheht 13.,
'Prig)) of ISSZitnecirod." --D. lisitnisON,SYrneusei Y;
"liandeterie prise metored."-Mtes-Entaa.,IceNt.a. Oxc
Rini, Ana, Grey 500a r betters` /tore 1181511 *Inneraln
rormor compotatocariti tyk (0 0115' office. tetters wry
tainted. mute* 6)101114344n enseri be )etreitetell,
areue, 7815AviAtOntrUarsr 00.trettirfi.
uot 1.2,1-89V
Our whole Stock at Half Price
Having decided to close out our whole stock of Hats an• d
Caps, we offer them at
Men's $1.00
Men's $1.50
Men's $2.00
Men's $3.00
1000 Hats at half price.
Hats for 50c
Hats for 75c
Hats for $1. 00
Hats for $1.05
Best Bargains to oarliest callers
ROA. Coats & Son, Clinton.
Glasgow House, Brueefield
WM. SOOTT ex 00
Wholesale and retail dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS,
Highest Cash price paid for all kinds of Grain, Dressed Hogs, Hides, Wool and Cord
wood. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Agents for 0. N. W. Telegraph Co., with tele
graph connection to all parts of the world.
We beg to thank ouenumerous customers for their long and liberal patronage for t#e
past 30iyears, and hope by strict attention to business, and rook bottom prices, to stil
continue in line with our old and many new customers.
W111.• SCOTT & CO., "- BRUCEFIEW..
C. M, & J. F. BROWN, Clinton & Seaforth, Agts
Or to 0. JOHNSTON, Clinton, or D. K. STRACHAN, .
_ _Goderich.
A). L. CA.vx141.
1'f' 111
Says: Anti•Dandruffis n pcifcetretuover or Don.
Omit -Its action is marveltene-M my own caso
a few applications not only thernighly removed
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GUARANTEED isl Ws growth.
Silting or the hair, mad° it soft and plidde and
Restores Fading hate to its
adeinalcoler. ,
Stops failing of hair.
Keeps the Scalp clean.
Makes hair soft and Pliable
Promotes Growth,
136 Lexbaston Ave.,
New York City, Sept. 19, 2:
I have used the Ftax-seed Emulsion in several
Cases of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stages of
Phthisis, and have beenjAwmelEl psleaszadic
Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 14th 1880.
I have used your Emulsion in a else of inithisis
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could not use Cod Liver Oil in any form.
J. 11. DROGE, M. D.
Brooldyn, N. Y. Dec. 20th, 1888.
I can strongly recommend Flax'Seed Emulsion as
helpful to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung.
Bronchial and Nervous Affections, and a good gen
erat tonic in physical debility.
Brooklyn. N. Y., Oct, 10th,
regard Flax Seed Emufslon as greedy superior to
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In West S4th St.,
New York,.Aug. 0, IBM
t have used your Plax-SeedEtindstou C.Ompound
in a severe case of Mriktiltritititi and the restut was
more than hoped for -it was marvelous, and con-
tinuous. 1 recommend it cheerfully to the profession
and humanity tit large. M. H. GILBERT, M.D.
tootl DruggistiiiOrtoe$1.00.
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