HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-08-12, Page 2• MI 1 1.9 UM 'ICtradstou _WA MniOrity, • " cnt: catiiet dlepatollea. gliing the '4,011it'i4 the electio,ututhe prtia,rn.914- ,olv:pitot the Orlpley und kilandat SilOW that ate islanders rOtt6110 it% Llberai, asi they have been. lq,:92,ff')Ott e't, Aping in the puss. vst thtl4Onits time a recount 'if votes in the t CiOgly ounteated 4vskm of Greenock glyeet Ihtsseatto Sir Thomas Suther- jan,‘, tit*** A/Monist,. instead' of to •Inhtslittleei the Gladstonian, who was Orlit ofopOosed to have been elected. Al..i.44ale.ceMr Gladstone a total tnajori- , ty,Of,40 Votes in a hosuieof 670 members, 1 if. aye cont as Gladstonians all the her me„mbers, -the Parnellittis and the Natfonalistss under the lead of inst- . in,'100arthy. • ,,,Thitsis not a large majority, and it is -ttinapcteed of elements which are not MO diverse but antagonistic to each other on many questions. But the iitiOtitin at ';the head of the Liberal '.fts*sis so great a man and so adroit and.• experienced a parliamentarian, :...441stAl'eense slrobable'that he will' be • 114 .t0e0Oparliand victory and pass a hope 'ittle bill 'for Ireland in spite of oe incongruous nature of his own folloWing and the power of the op- ;sposition. If Mr Gladstone's strength s. is only spared for a couple of years • IOnger he may add this many titles to 'the' iworld's gratitude the last and I•earte91"-nne of liberator of Ireland. 40 . TkiV cLivrox tilzw Give the Farmers a Chance. Sir Wier iVlowat le net either a dis rector or shareholder in the Globe, as alleged by some of the papers. °bolero and sniall-pox seem' to be moving in the direction of Canada, but we would prefer to be without either. Those in favor of the abnlition'otthe Senate will manifest it in the usual way, Contraty, of any. filVe cloture the 'no- tion carried. . — Canada has a delightful summer climate, and though a little waren oc- casionally, is nothing like as oppressive as what our neighbors across the lines have to stand. Canadian lambs are going into Buf- falo market, 'in spite of the McKinley vtatriff, but the Canadian farmer has to sell to the buyers just the amount of duty less than he otherwise :would have to. Atnerioans who visit here, almost without exception, regard Cleveland as the coming President, and Cana- dians who have been in the States say that his name elicits' much more en- thusiasm than that of Harrison. Canada is not yet very old, but it has managed to pile up more "legislative evils" in its short existence than any country we know of. There's work for a long time to come in remedying the wrongs that are fastened on this country. Pathmasters who are supposed to enforce the Noxious Weeds Act, are evidently at work in the harvest field Just now the upholders of trade re- just now, and thistles are flourishing on . . the road sides with a luxuriance born • striction are endeavoring to persuade tbesCanadian farmer that the depressed in good soiland developed by a grand eh' ndition of a'Ficulture is due to nos climate. , tOtai causes, and that he need not look teelegislative or fiscal changes for rt.- Mr. nfowat • you will consult the wishes or \\bat we anticipate will be a majority of the people of Ontario. if you tak'e a plebiscite on prohibition. And we would like to know why it could not be taken at the time of the next inunicipal elections. . , *ef.': The farMer, they think, ought lb he content to pay tribute to the eom- binsters, who revel in luxury at their •'`atiminer resorts" while he perspires • ,with the labor en keeping weeds out of ..bis potato field. As niouopoly organ tells us that farins.a!e_depreeinting in A man writes to the Globe suggesting !ealue and the peke of farm products , are _ow bec..a.ose.vhst hoi,:ts fir iww ngi.i. i• treat the position of G -General -General 1 I be made elective. \VIII some mie tell cultural lands haee been opened up in India, Russia aftcl .anteri ca,while cheap and ,quick' transportation makes it pus- - Able: to plave the products of those new ' fields Of agriculture upon 1 he con( rol- ling markets of Europe in competition with Ca,nad ion products. Our farine I'S •':i. 00 told thatethey must be willing In accept small returns for their' labor be- cause they lave to stand unlimited . . eoppetition. Adrnitting this. what excuse is there for making the farmer payernore than he should for such ,ar- ,,, , niineeats he is obliged to buy ? Is the /fact that the t htnedian farmer is oblig- , ed to compete with the ryas of India. •1 the muzhiks of Russia, the Egyptians, Roumanians. Algerians and ot her races, who live almost upon nothing, a reason why he should be placed at the mercy of combinsters and monopolists? Is it not rather a reason for permitting him tice obtain his farming implements, cot - .7 -6118', Intrdwares- mai --oil-and-other -n-e- ne,..... cessaries as cheaply as possible? If ,legislation cannot give the farmer bet- beic prices for his products, it can do something equally beneficial, viz.. re- duce the price of what, he has to buy. That would be equivalent to an in- erease in the retin n for his hinny. A penny savedis a penny n gained, and z1 reduction of the cost of living is as good as an increa,se of wages. Farming can • be made profitable by reducing the ex- penses ntinnected with the business. thin combinegr philosophcrs tell us that the ( ,anadian fariners live list ex- pensively. They seem to imagine that only monopolists. speculators a IA of; .1 tis what earl hly use a Governor-General Ii. or o LienteGovernor either, for that matter. They could all he dispensed with and !lever missed, and the country would be it least $100,000 better off every year, for their ealaries alone amount. o more than this. NEA.RLY $100,000,000 A YEAR. Mr James NVright. second vice presi- dent of the Inman line, says that when the end of 1892 comes at. least 100,000 pecple will have left for Eueope from all partsnian- 1 hinneoun try during the year. Ralf of them will sa,i1 during the fifteen weeks of the season, from April to August. Some travelers will carry hundreds of dollars in their pocket- books to spend where others cturs- t•housands. Nine -tenths of those hun- dreds and thousands will be t ransferred to foreign owners before thi-- tourists return. Even the money spent for 13assage and during the voyages must be coun- ted in that which bids goodby to this land of liberty, for the great steamship companies are, with one exception, foreign _corporations- Including tips_ and tees these corporations will take an average of $160 from each passenger for the round trip. The majority will pay less, but there will be enough rich men who s pay a good deal more to bring thi• mean amount up to that figure.. Often. The money.which each tourist eateries el dee .1. dee why yon ,yerrthie With him ie heed' e o estimat e. A fie- enens„,,, she is 88 bonny „ 81(4 cign excl Heel. said thitt 1 lie letters "Ala vest -but sin is often ettraetive, don't you think'?" • Economy. So you are going to be masried,• one girl 14, ;mother. es.". "I thought you said yeti intended to re. main single. - ••1 lint (-Ye 1.(4.11 aking lessons at "A SWEIst. TURN-Qt1T." ',pleasant Imagination. Temple Kortwright (her affiancealss-And while I am slaving here in town, you will sometimes think of me ? Mary _Clausen' (Leanne: i I Iwn for the sum- mer)e-Ares, Tempy, dar. ag. t When 1 take a moonlight drive or Aron along the beach with the other men, I shall imagine each one is you I'm sure no girl coulit do more than that ! A Trying Sight. • Honlillan (in the menagerie) -Saint Path. rick preserve us ! An' what may thot thing be? The Keeper -Au iguana; Central Am- erica. Houlihan (relieved) -Me frind, Oi knock- ed eft whiskey for seein' betther-lookie' thing e than him; an' now 0i, ncieght thot perhorps Oi'd hoe to be givin' up wather 1 MVO A.NO CASUAL. The Bitterness of It. "It ought to be very gratifying, Mr. Shepard, to see how unanimously your friends favor your candidacy for the Rue - siert mission." "Yes; but, hang it all ! I've discovered it's only because they want to get rid of A Labor-Sanipg Synonym, Mrs. Moore. -Don't you think the grass in our yard ought to be out? Lon Moore, -By all means; 1 ignore it completely. Child Wisdom. Sunday -school Teacher. -You should fear God, my little man. Jolumy.-So I do, when it thunders. • Wondering, "Papa, wass President Harriemi ever a little boy like me?" "Yes, my son ;wby "I was only wondering if I'd ever be a little President like him. A Long -Felt Want. Sappy. -By dropping a nickel in a new machine, a cigawette will come out, &etcher know. Miss Flypp. -What 'I want, to see is a machine that:you can drop a 'tickle into and a cigarette will go out. Helping on the Work. School -census Taker-Manv children in this district ? Citizen -Great many ; have you got to count 'em? SchooLeensus Taker -That's what I'm here for. Citizen -Well, just hang around a little while; I'm going to chop down a tree. Court of Last Resok. Sol. Lisseter-How does it come that Barry Stirr is taking his meals at a restau- rant now? Ad. Vocate-He applied for a change of menu at his boarding-house, and they threw out his suit -with him in it. Incongruosity. There are many men in the world, vrtie- Our feelings severely hurt; But the man who takes the biscuit, pat, Is the chump who wears a tall silk hat With a neglige outing shirt. Just the Point. "Doctor, my little boy is in a very criti- cal state, and I am satisfied that Dr. Probe, who is now attending him, doesn't under- stand the case. I wish you red(' right ever and see the boy." "I don't see how I can do it. I were old friends, and in these professional courtesy we have to - eareful." - - "Hut, great heavens, man, if eome the boy may (lie !" "That's just the point. Suppose Lshould save the boy. Why, Probe would never forgive me, " come Probe and matters of be mighty you don't of credit issed hy t hero to European travelers average about £600 or lan.,000 each; but this iS above the ordinary fig - ire, and of course this in many cases covers a party of four or live. Eight hundred dollen.: is estimated as the average amount taken by each pas- senger in the cabin. This makes the total average t•x pend it 1114 Ili,' a vie. age European traveler ail)(10. NVIlen th is • the (-oohing sehuol a nil 1 (10'10, WA 111 to iS multiplied by t he estimated t4,1:d a 1 wame ones" sew:Seep-en sta, 1 host. travelers the! in1111 ast i , Done to 'Tern. Thirty-four poundo of raw agar make twenty-one pounds refined, , The average raen has 2,304,000 pores in his Skin. In ten years the descendants of two rab- bits will numb' r 70,000,000. The bronze cents, suoh as are in dr. oulation now, were flrat coined in 1854. Greet Britain grants annually 435,000,- 000 for pensions and annuities. There are 81,300,000,000 invested in church property in the United States. A straw hat and a linen duster have been worn for/forty winters by Dr. S. B. Vidor, of Columbia, Mo. Among the South Sea Menders black and white striped goods are even now worn in sign of mourning. The dry land of the globe equate 55,000,- 000 square miles and. the area of the ocean 137,200,000 square miles. For the first time the Russian soldiers are to be furnished with handkerchiefs at the government'e expense. The Krupp works at Essen, Germany, recently turned out a gun that can propel a ball fifteen miles. A farmer living near Furlong, Pa., dug up 100 stones knives in his garden the other day The increase in the value of Chicago buildings last year amounts to more than 855,000,000. Edward B. Stiring of Teuton, N. J. owns' a stamp worth 51,000, for whioh be paid nine cents. • "Railroad Jack," the much traveled railroad dog, who left Buffalo on July 5, arrived in San Francisco on July 19. The highest price ever paid for a horse was $150,000, the amount paid by Senator Stanford to Malcolm Forbes for Axtell. It is what Hood's 'Sarsaparilla actually does that tells the story of its merit and his given it the largest sale of any medicine The number of cigars, cigarette and cheroots smoked in last year is placed at about 7,442,000 by a recent government re- port. The United States has more than 500,000 bearing banana plants, 200,000 bearieg lemon trees, 4,000,000 orange trees and 21,- 000,000 pine -apple trees. San Francisco has an earthquaktnproof hotel. It is constructed of iron and in the form of two hollow squares, one within the other, arranged so as to brace each other. The three longest rivers in the world are: The Missouri from its source to the month Of the lower 'Mississippi, 4,575 miles; the Amazon, 3,944 miles, and the Nile, 2,400 miles. Charles Wood, a druggist of Harlestom England, has a brood of kwhite blackbirde- a fact which is vouched for by Land and Water and by several prominent ornitho- logists and naturalists. A telegram received at the Pittsburg • Dispatch office a few days ago read as fol- lows: "James Danlin, an eighteen -year-old son of James Dunlin, a prominent citizen was killed in a shaft at Newburg. His re- covery is doubtful." Princess Marie Theresa of Bavaria, who has a mania for pets. travels throughout the Continent with four- teen animaIs of one sort and another, including several dogs, twoneagpies, ;in enormous rat and a diminutive- bear. ft is Vr1116. 000.000. • 14 lice holders should enjoy any of the Ninety-six millions of (tellers carried • -In you kill germs in the 11) dram water, -comforts of life. The farmer who bit ys from Anieriezt to Europe in a single- . ma'am?" queried the family physimaii. I cry te doctor.- -Yen boil the water, I suppose -Not tun% . .loutor. it's SO litill... v, 4, bake Chicago News. a new buggy or a piano for his daugin- year hy t ravelere alone. ff 1 le were •einis charged with "e.xtrava,gance." ton ! ned fur a few years Unele Sam might' ;t geoil slice of Europe and bring it tkie combinester considers lihnsell er here for exhibition purposes. -- •erty-stricken nnless he can build a /lilt- N,.". y„,,n tense. CANADA'S GREAT FA I It. eeaside three months in the year. go to Europe with his family when seen. :ern To 17To, 1S02. drive fas1 hm set: and lien dollar palace in the city. live at the he pleases. live higb in generally upon profits • squeezed out of the toiling farmers. nimbermen and fishermen. The coni- ifinester tells the fanners that he ninst gain and bear contpetition with the • Ilindocia, Russians and Algerians. but the conlbinesterhirnself is unwilling to to stand competition of any kind. He gets the tariff fixed to shut out vont- Pkition from abroad, and then forms torribinatiens to prevent home cOni- petition, ancl thus he has the consuming publie completely at, his mercy. Is it °not time that our farmer s asked them- . selves whether legislative machinery cannot be made to work for ',heir bene- fit? If it cannot increa•se the value of • what they produce it can reduce the tribtite now levied upon them by the mentopelists. The fact that our far - attars •tite 'obligea to compete with new agricnIttinitranfa AS a reason why their botligo shotild redireed, not RH ex- t,as thein. ThecomfithiestetohaVe been fat- . tetihig.upohthelat*.40atnhi6 104 6,00. ,106 nitAllee- • • The citizens of Toronto have voted $150,000 to tile Toronto Industrial Fair for improvements to lw made on t he ,Tounde for this vear's Exhibition. which is ((1 he held from he Cith to the 171h Sept. next. About, 50 act es have been added to the present grounds and a new race track and new grand stand to seat twelve thousand people is being built and many other improvements are made. Consequently this year's Fair promises to be greater and better than ever. A large number of fine special attractions have been arranged for and several new featti res are promis- ed. The exhibits in all departments will be larger and bett er t han at an y pre v ous Fair and will include man that have been prepared for the World's Fair next year. Cheap excursions will as usual be run on all railways and the at- tendance of visitors will 110 doubt bens large as ever. All entries have to be made on or before the lath of August but roost of the space in all the build- ingnifor the exhibit of inanufactures has already been applied for. For copies of the prize list and programmes drop a post card to Mr Hill: the Mana- ger, at Toronto. When, thekidneys are clogged, good health is an troppssibility; but when working properly the reVerfle is thanes°. That dub hack -ache is the Iddhey'a call for relief . If Dculd'e lIldney PHU . tided the teeult be inarVdlions, We inaftlatidalif state titabWO hat& tinVet known Et eitti kidtlele tdiablittethat pertdatptit. ,116q Of ;no WtIl rietnneti. Not Even Is Sister to flirt,. Franklin Why has Hari ey berie41 nen. self b:t going over to live in nrooklyn bearding.house? Guthrie Well, his engagetnei r as Imok. en all, you know. Franklin - -No. Who WKS hancet . einthrie -His New York landlady. Life. A Bad Thing for Alabama. Mr. Jenks -I see that a new lau Ala- bama prohibits the selling of liquor within three miles of a church or school- house. The Colonel (from Louie \ Mei That's a terrible blow to Alabama. Mr. Jenks -Think eo? The Colonel --I should say At k three years there won't be a chine+ er school- house left in the state. Thought It Wns PoisOn. A thrilling incident in New Jersey is re- corded in the New York Herald. The clerk in a di lig store had drawn what was sup- posed to he soda water for some men. when a party of women entered ;mil ordered soda, requesting the Clerk to hurry. Un handed the concoction to an assiatant, who by mis- take handed it to the women. Each as she tasted it exclaimed that she had been poisoned. The frightened clerk then ex- plained the mistake, and admitted that he had put whiskey in the drink for the men. One woman refuses to believe that the mix- ture she drank was not poison. She does, not Want to believe than she &tufa whiekey, tie she We, strong prohibitionist. 'rho clerk is lookiiig for a new position, and is ponder,. ing ono the wards of the poet: 'Oh,'ichtit AI:ogled *ebb we welts Whnt Met fits pfeetleatie dceente, , VOA/ow boogie aOmethlng besides appreciate- t, And alv,vays try and re- userc her that all that the faithful annual geto in return for all the work he does for yOn IS care an dt what lin eats, The balance,ls always on the side of the home. Try and make th.e books balance at the end of the year by hay. ing charges on your side of the ledger marked kindness and care. berm gyn once In rt•While; they Will A rather strange thing happened to Mr T. Thomas, an old resident of township of Darlington., who lives about three miles Irom Bowmaavillennuenniihn., laannaaatis He was awakened from his sleep by a peculiar sensation, and on arousing himself found two weasels gnawing at his throat. which they had torn severely before he awoke. Had the old gentleman, who lives alone, not awakened just when he did, the chances are the animalswould have bled him to death. Petcett 1 Shaw, a farmer living-. four miles north of Allis, Mich., while working in the fields received a visit frotn ins family. A six months babe was hid in the grass, and white the adults were engaged in, conversation a shortedintanee-a,w-ay,..an-eagle-swooped down on the infant and born it away. Shaw saw the Act, and knowingthe location of the eagle's eyrie, mounted a horse and rode rapidly to the base of The ClinOun Lodge, No. 144 meet in Biddle - o high hill. Climbing over the rocks. uombeHall on the lst and,Srd Fridays in each he reached the spot where his child moestnennintevoiliW.JliEAN,Recorder- adly„Invited. had laid A, moment before. but another _I1'e 1:52.YIN l eagle had clutched it and flown away. MONEY! MONEY! MONEY 1 The burden was too heavy and the eagle dropped the body in the lake. Shan- rushed down and SW11,11 I out. tmly to sescue a lifeless betty, both eyes having been pit -nett mit. Burglars entered the house of a family named Rubinstein. at Wareaw. on Wednes- day night and demanded front the father his money. He refused to say where he kept it and the burglars chopped off his lingers with an axe. He still refused to tell and they brained him. They then -- turned to, Mrs Rubineitein, who protested MRS. WHITT, M. 0. M. s that she did not know where the money TEACHER OF was. After torturing her also to no par - pose the burglars cut her throat. Use youngest daughter was killed in the same way, and three boys, of two, three, and five years each, who had begun to cry, were dashed against the wall until dead. The eldest daughter was hang up by her feet until she told where her father had kept his savings. The bnrglara found about 800 roubles in the chimney, to which he direct. ed them.. They then stabbed her in the breast and left her for dead. A rnarkotman who called at the house next day found the door open. On the floor of the first room was the eldest daughter, weak from the loss of blood, but able to tell her story. The police have a slight clue to the burglars, who have fled, they think, for the Prusgan Eli.011 MATO OF THE MYR:E,Navy ilDMV =SWIMS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared on] y from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its raany excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs la for sale in 750 bottles -by, all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it Promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., SAN FRANCISCO, OAL, L017ISITILLE, XL NEW YORK, VrofeOotonal and other ear40 MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, CONVEYANCERS, &c. Coinmissioners for Ontario and Manitoba °erica Nexr 1)0011 (0 NEW ERA. CLINTON. - ' MONEY TO LOAN. MORTGAGES auniought. Private Funds. C RIDOUT, Office over I Jackson's Store, Clinton. - MONEY TO LENT) .IN LA.RGE OR kVA. &nail 9111118 on good mortgage security, mode raterate of 1 u ferent. B [TALE. Clinton. - 36EL S. WEEKEIS, CIVIL ENGINEER, .ca. Provincial Lend Surveyor, Draughtsman, etc. Office, up stairs. in Perrin Block, Clinton, Ont. nR APPLETON - OFFICE - AT REST- DENCI: 011 ODUCIO street, 'Canton, op- posite English Church. Entrance by side gate. DDa. II, R. ELLIOT, M. D., L. R. C. P., Ellitilottrglir-L, -B. es., -S, -Edinburgh,- , tiate of the Midwifery-, Edinburgh. Office at Brucelield. • IN BRONZE LETTERS. NONE OTHER GENUINE, The Central BUTCHER SHOP Sebscriber demos to thank the public general- ly, for the patronage bestowed upon him; and at the same time to say that he is now in a bet ter position than over to supply the wants of all. As he gives personal attention to all the details of the business customers can rely on their orders being promptly mid satisfactorily filled. His motto is "good meat at reasonable prices." Choice Sausage, Poultry, &c., In season. Cash paid fon Hides, Skins, &c. JOHN SCRUTON, Albert St., netnews Mottillop Mutual Firs Insanities Cs. FARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OPVICKS18. D. Ross, President, Clinton; M. Mir die, nos Pres.. Seaforth ; W. J. Shannon, Secy-Treaw Seaforth ; Jno. Hannah, Manager, Seaforth, DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot, Seafortb ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton; Geo. Watt. Hetrlook ; Joseph Itvano, Beechwood; Thos. Carbet. Clinton ; Alex. Gar- diner, Leadbury ; M. Murdie, Seaforth. AGENTS. Thos. Neilans, Harlock; Robt. McMillan. 80a - forth; 5 Carnoeban, fiesfortb; John 0 Sullivan ud Geo. Murdie, auditors. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or tran- sact other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above °Moen addressed to their respeoltve offices. " GEO. D, DIcTAGGA.RT, BANKER, ALBERT ST, - CLTNTON. A genera, Banking Busismeesa ti ansaeted NOTES isISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. FAR,RA.N & TISDALL BANKERS, CLINTON. ONT ndvances made to farmers on their own, notes, at low rates of interest. A. general Banking Business transactece Interest allowed on depoaits. Sale Notes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manager DRS.U,UNN & GIBSON, C "'VICES :ONTARIO 11./Street, a few doors 'East o Albert Street. W. GUNN, R. J. GIBSON. TAR. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON. l_lAccoueheur, etc., office in the Palace Block. Rattenbury St. former/3r occupied by Dr. Reeve, Clinton Ont. rut STaNSCIRY, 'GRADUATE OF THE 1.1 Medical Department of Victoria Univer- sity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and Dispensaries. New Coroner for he CountroffIttrou, Bayfleitl,-Ont, - A. 0. VW. We can make a few good loans from private funds at ow rates and modate expenseer. Terms inade toult borrowers. MANNING & SCOTT, - • Clinton JF.1. BLAORALL VETERINARY SUBSTEON • HonoraryGraduate of the ontarioVeterinary College. Treats all diseases or domesticated ani- mals on the most modern and scientific Office - immediately west of the Royal Hotel. Residence - Albert St., Clinton. Calla night orday attouded to promptly. COMA) NOT TELL A LIE. -Tommy, how did you get the back of your neok all sunburned ?' "Pullin' weeds in the garden. "But you haw is all wet, my son ' "That's persp'ration." "Your vest is on wrong side out, too.' "Put it on that way a-purposen "And how does it happen, Tommy dear, that you have got Jakey Du Bois's trousers on?" (After a long pause.' "Mother, 1 cannot tell a lie. I've been a-swimmin." ASK YOUR FRIENDS Who have taken Hood's Sareaparilla what they think of it, and the replies will be positive in its favor. One has been cured of indigestion and dyspepsia, another finds it indispensible for sick headache, others report remarkable cures of scrofula, salt rheum and other bloodsligases, still others will tell you that it overeomes "that tired feeling," and so on. Truly, the best adver- tising which Ilood'e Sarsapb.tilla redeivilfl is the:hearty °Alderson:lel:dad thiS array Of friendir it 'has *on by its petrItitos nitdicindl dietase., Piano, Organ and Tochnicon,or Musc) developer, for use of pupils. Rooms at Mr. A. Cook's, Albert Street, Clinton. R. AGNEW, Licentiate ot rental Surgery, Donor Grad natc of the Toronto School of Dentistry. Nitrous 0.84de (las administered for the painless extraction cf teeth , Office in Smith's Block 5' Emerton' Barber Shop, Clinton arNight bell answered. DR. TURNBULL. J. L. Ture.bull, M. B., Toronto 'University, M D. C.M., Victoria University, M. C. P & S., Ontario Fellow of the Obstetrical Soeiety of Erlinbnrgh late of London, Eng., and Edinburgh Hospitals. Offlar-Dr. Dowsely's old office Rattenbury St. Clinton Night • lis answered at the same place DDICKINSON, THE OLD & RELIABLE Auctioneer Benin the field, able and will- ing to conduct any sales entrusted to him, and takes this opportunity of thanking his patrons for past 'favors. Also Chattel Mortgages closed and rents collected. Charges moderate. D DICKINSON, Licensed Auctioneer for tho County of Huron. Residence Albert Street. Clinton. rp C. BRUCE, L. 0.9, SURGEON DENTIST, • Coats' Block, Clintcn, over Taylor's shoe store. Teeth extracted without pain by the nee of a newly discovered local empathetic, no uncon- sciousness nor ill effeets accompanyieg the using of tibia remedy. It is perfeetly safe and harm- less, and is highly spoken of by many in Clinton and vioinity who speak frotn experience. Refer - °flees may be had by inquiry at my office. WORTHINGTON,-PHYSIOIAN SUR owe; Acconeher, Licentiate of the College of Physicians, and Surgeons of Lewer Canada, mad Provinoia Lioent ato and Coroner for the County of Huron. 0 oe and residence. -The building formerly (=puled by Ur Thwaites Huron Street, Conton. Jan 11. 1870, The -Mcilsons Incorporated by Aet of Parliament, 1856. CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. REST FUND,- $1,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. IL MOLSON Pres. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Geseral Manager Jllotes (*.'.3counted, Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex- • change bought and 801d at lowest cirrent rates. intotesv allosia-on ir.A.IELM YE RI4 . Money advanced to farmers on their owl, note with ono or mor• endorsers. No mortgage requi d 8(1 security. J. T. WILKIE, SURGEON, DENTIST Heide the exelnisive right foi the county for the Hurd process ,of adininistering eheinioally put Nark:igen Monftide, *hi& is the safest and Ott Osten'. /et.diseoverefd for the pale - less itteaction .of teeth. Olum Itges oslerste satis etion gllatisliteed.- Ofhtte, 'ELLIOTT'S IlL0 t K e'rer Jankeattal Reitittop, Intro Stree If . C. BREWER, Manager January 1887. Clinton HURON AND BRUCE Loan & Investment Co'y nis Company is Loaning Money or Farm Security at Lowest Rates of Interest. MORTGAGES - : - YUROHAREI SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3,4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposits, according toamount and time left. OFFICE -Corner at Market square and North Et tIORACE HORTON, Marra°, 5th 1886 HOER T AKIN The subscriber would intimate to the public generally that he has added to his bnsiness that of UNDERTAKING And is prepared to supply all fan- eral necessaries at short notice and in a satisfactory manner. Coffins, Caskets, ShroudS, &e., CARRIISD IN STOCK. He has also purchased a first -clam Hearse, and can therefore meet all requirements in this line. Night calls answered at residence, Iaaao Street, Clinton. JOS CHIDLEY Undertaker and dealer in Furniture, Clinton. .A COOK BOOK FREE By matt tojny Nay tending usher post ones stildnein Telles Macho CO4i %monk ...._. ....,..16‘11L.Ars-an. -I....\ L.. .1,-.