HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-07-29, Page 8tit VAI.P4%0X0X4I gi); ISO X,O0AX, liOTICMg Ea WANTP15-iiislAe$ V&A Price WC X.PN BOPS, TifiriTiMISLV 140 14W Viiirriagte /15b AsSilll wt niamillmorosiopur epeetalty, isnd visoffos wails ssei very cbewp.--./ anises Asnova Air John Pisber whs scut i resisters(letter 1,400 Jast, will bowl llics address` $ 1, plintep, be will leArn of eohsethluS to rimtage, 0. BKICX. V. D. 0., SIIIIDEON DENTIST, ate niock,Olintte, or Twyler's shoe re, Testa extutatea without pain by the Urie neitlY diesovered leas' antesthetio, nouncon. Owes' nor /11 effoots aocorapanyiss tile using remedy. It, ie perfectly safe And bann- s,. Anil is highly spoils* o by many in Vlinton tl,,Aoinity who epeak from experience. lister- sArtnliw be )44 by inquiry al my °Sloe, 4prARTISE2S.--In order to insure .11M40.974 r7ie,840te week, ropyfor"404ange8" (ii:.:04kedisenzint, moot be bonded in not ei•:Ohen. W4n.e4day non. ?fawn aoPuo. FOOLISIINIMS....—On Mon.- l4f,. Mang a young man was guilty ... .Veryfoolish act at the Grand Onk otatioo, just as the train was few feet distant be jestingly caught PMP Yelmg lady and gave her a. Flpg to the front of the platform, as h.elvenld thret v,v her in front of he ' 'least slip or struggle lithe Put her where nothing sSibly have saved her life. VATALL ACOIDENT.—Mrs J. Cotton *eiVed the sad intelligence on Friday nl.t.,11er snur, john Cook. had met his sath, . near Amherstburg. lie was Wing, and had fallen from the roast- eadnf,the vessel to the deck below, eing.killed instantly. Deceased spent art. (*the past winter in town, leav- *In the spring. The captain of the easel interred the remains, securing a plNdid coffin for the occasion, the ces'Ot a Methodist minister, and iying the' lad what he considered a etahle fc1LOSB CALL.—Mr and Mrs Sweet - pan and Mr and Mrs Bates, of Ux- fridge, had a narrow escape from ' ing on Friday last. They were w boat on Lake Scugog when Nu name up, ,and for haJf an eye linable to make any pro - do aught but keep the boat in . They were anxiously watch - tie shore and it was a sur - Wet° most of the spectators that hey got in safely. It was an exper.i- lnee that we hope none of them will wet ;have -again.—Uxbridge Journal. •e/iSrkt Sweetman and Bates are form- enaPlo ees of the Doherty Organ TO1141.TOUS).-0.M7, Way, of the loatie line, brought to tOW11. onTnesday,good. Sted riper- tornatoeS that had groWn in OWX1 garden, Ti ti heats thereeerd, ftE.A.011 SHONE. -10 j. W, hill met with a slight accident, On Mon, day, that might easily have been nauelt more serious, While driVing at a good, pace the reach -bar Of his buggy broke, breaking both springs also. Ws horse was pretty lively, but he pulled it up before it mold get away. PRONOTED.---Nir W, Johnston, (formerly of Goderich) junior judge of the District Court of Algoma, -has been promoted to be senior judge, vice his honor Walter McCrea, deceased. When Judge jolanston was appointed junior to Judge McCrea two or three years ago the Government's choice was generally applauded throughout west- ern Ontario, where Mr Johnston lived, as a most excellent one, and his pro- motion now Will doubtless be well re- ceived and commended. 1'ERSONAL5.—M11/ James Steep has gone on a visit to friends at Alpeena. Miss Helena Ilawke, of Grimsby, a na- tive of Clinton, and daughter of the late RAN W. llawire, was married last week to a gentleman of "Clifford: Mr Thos. Couch and wife, of Mitchell, are visiting relatives here. Rev. A. Mc- Millan, and wife, forinerly of Auburn, but who have been inScotland for some time, have returned and are visiting friends here. Mrs Joseph Taylor, and children, Torbnto, are visiting here,— Mr. Janaes Fair, jr., and wife, have gone on a visit to friends at Galt and else- where. • Mr. Wilbur Manning is spend- ing his holidays at Ridgetown. Mrs Geo. Harland, Detroit,is here on a visit. Miss Tena Cooper is visiting relatives at Kincardine, Mrs Watterson, Wood- stock, is visiting here. Miss Hanks, of Brantford, is visiting her cousin, Miss Powell. Miss L. Menzies, of East Wa- wanosh, has returned home after spend- ing a few weeks with her cousin, Miss L. Powell. NOTEs. —Mr Ink. Cantelon, of this place, had a stroke of hard luck the other day; he is now living at Calgary, and had sent some of his clothes to the Chinese laundry to be laundried, when it was discovered that John Chinaman had the small -pox; all the clothes in his possession were confiscated and burned, so that Inkerman was out his underwear. Mr W. C. Searle has p.ur- chased the Brown property, adjoining his residence; we don't know what he purposes doing with it, but one thing is certain he will not leave it in its present condition very long. The re- gular meeting of the town council will be held here next Monday evening. Friday next will be observed as Clin- ton Civic Holiday. Mr James Shep- pard is over hauling the house former- ly occupied by the late Hugh Moore, and it is said that he will occupy it himself. It is said that Mrs George Grantham will move into town to re- side. Henry Thornton, son of Mr W. Thornton, who has been living in the Northwest for several years, has mov- ed here with his wife and purposes to firellates being's, daughter residing here in future. The other MeKoWna LT' STONAL—People in this Initne ate.locality experienced &storm On:Saturday night that was about as rv:Orif as most people care for While it fed. The lightning was exceeding- yiyA and seemed like an unbroken eet,: of flame, while the thunder &touted and rolled like the roar of agtillety._„—A—chimney—on the' hchilie- r_Ounied by Mr McNeil was entirely. oftli$OPIed by lightning,, and the stove- pmeasattered in all directions, while thehriCks were thrown through the Odows of adjacent buildings. A blenwned by Mr Arthur Canteion the house occupied by Mr McNeil is alee) was also struck and slightly AaMaged. Every telephone in town op. burned out by the electric fluid. HE :SALT ,ASSOcIATION WINS.—In AirS-cptthe Canadian Salt Associa- vp„' the People's Association, of rdineAlie former have got final ent, by consent, in their favor. articulars briefly are that the err/ of the People's Salt Associa- n, *lib—are—ineinlad•S 810e—Cana- ;Salt Association, wished to with- * -before the expiration of the • eithey had agreed upon. The LISA -hat Salt Association, on the and that they were not a combine bin, the meaning of the Act, applied injunction to restrain them from thdrawing. The matter came up 0Sgoode Mall, last week, Mr Gar- capc,appearing for the plaintiffs, and e jPeople's Salt Association with - their defence entirely. XIVER.ANCE.—The members of the oa. Texoplare lodge provided the pro - for the meeting of the Young oD1eSoeiety of Ontario St. church, ueSdayevening. .,The committee inted in connection with the e to raise money for "a defense "..,have Succeeded in collecting OfirlY .120, The election of officers keg. place in the lodge this (Friday) ening and a frill attendance of mem- j• is asked tor. An invitation to hilt the Londesboro lodge, on the ehiog of the %rid of August has been tett The Use of the Oddfellow's its 'a lodge room, is being nego- for. R. Holmes has been art - a Provincial. Deputy of the Lodge, vtrith power to organize instal officers, &c. 711114AUTEN IN OM Sc1100LS.— stesi of our Public school have e had under discussion the of a Kindergarten class lib's With our Model school, ..,he meeting held last week it aindiseuSsed, and it was pro- tapbetpotte the meeting for two :kit' and also advertise for a teacher WOuld teach a Kindergarten class • horning and the prarary work 'bilk afternoon. Sinc,e the resignation ...Me of the stall this summer, a vied,' and the Principal by a re-ar- slingeMent of the classes has ma.de it 1thetruttees could engagealKinder- li teacher, provided one can be got • Would take up both work at no tional expense, excepting the • pplies, 'which xvould cost in the hterhood of $Z, We aresnre the Weifid Only be acting wisely to t the Eitidergarten class, it is ow in use in all the cities and large and it WoOld only' be a matter ftime before it will he a um, Alta we kl like to gee bull town take the futile Mater. To those who do iandetstand the Zirulergarteii We feelstrathat if they SaW it in order :they Would be tratly day one of our locai bicyclists was coming up street at a pretty good pace when a horse and rig came out of an open stable, and before the cicylist could pull up he had struck the horse squarely on the side; fortunately no harm was done, but for a moment things looked ticklish. Mr George Swarts has bought out Tenant's Liv- ery, Wingham, and takes possession -at once. Cantelon Bros. have put in a telephone. Miss Bosmin, of 'Morris, aged 143 years, neice of Mr John Ste- phenson, died on Monday last. We are sorry to learn that the illness of Mr 'Robt.,Fox, of Winnipeg, has become so serious that his medical adviser has ordered him to Denver, to try the effect of a change. Cantelon Bros. made a shipment of apples this week—the first of the season. Mr Richard Dowsling who has been ailing for some time, died yesterday; he was 72 years of age. Mr.Will Robb, of town, now Secretary of the Denver Canadian Club, says that there are 2000 Canadians in that city; still,some people say there is no exodus Several of our crack shots are already looking forward with prize-winning an- -ticipationsto the matches -of-the Onta- rio Rifle Association, which take place at Toronto, in September. The lbody of Miss Ellen Fogarty, of London, who died in Ashfield, of inflammation of the lungs, after only a week's illness, was taken down on Monday. Mrs.W.Haw- kins, of Toronto, has sold her house and lot on James St. to her son-in-law Mr John Johnson. he G.T.R. expect to give excursions to Toronto, Buffalo, Detroit, Bre., on the Civic. Mr. R. H. Chown is confined to the house by ill- ness. The Clinton Organ Factory ex- cursion to Kincardine, on the Ifith of Aug., promises to be an enjoyable af- fair. Judge Toms, J. E. Heuston, of Exeter, and W. Coats, held their final sitting here on Monday, as arbitrators in the Stanley and Hay school dispute, and will make their report to the coun- tycouncil, by which they were ap- pointed. The weather has been some- -what warm for a few days, and the mercury has kept about as far above zero as it could get. Miss Jean McTag- gart, who has been ailing for the past nine months, died on Wednesday. after- noon. Mr. Geo. F. Emerson claims to have covered the distance between Clinton and London, 51 miles, on Tues- day, on a cycle, in 3 hours and 47 minu- tes. Mr. Campbell, brother-in-law of Mr. H. Foster, was one of the success- ful Liberal candidates in Manitoba elec- tions. The Fossils beat the Freshies in the lacrosse contest last week, by 3 tol; some extraordinary play was witness- ed. Seaforth and Clinton Lacrosse clubs played here yesterday the last of the Association games. Mr James Graham, ofGoderich township, and Mr Peter Brennan, of Hullett, were each purchasers of fine covered buggies, from Mr Leslie, last week. •11 EE Ladies' Surat Silk Ties 26c., all the leading colors Lathes' Black Silk Lace Mitts 26o per pair Ladies' Good Ink Cotton Hose, 2 pair for 26c Ladies' Absolutely Stainless Blk Hose, 26c A lot of Ends, of Embroidery bought at a big sacrifice. Thelengths are 4i yards. Price is 40 cents a piece These are the best values in these goods we have had this season. They were bought cheap, they will be sold cheap. $ aved is a $ Earned." ' You can save them buying your Summer Dry goods from us now. Money -saving prices on all summer goods we don't want to carry over. In Parasols, Chilies and Prints wt are informed at..in .9Wiaeka there is O'ne it is gito,•t Satlitrfaditin ad it only Sean to be appretiated. • Church, Notes. Rev A. Stewart has returned 4rorn his holidays and resumes his pulpit work on Sunday next. The choir of Ontario St. church ad- vertise their first garden party on the lawns of Messrs Alex Armstrong and Walter Manning, lest (Thursday) ev- ening; a good program was provided. The picnic of Rattenbury St. S. S. to Goderich, on Tuesday, was well at- tended, and all spent a very enjoyable time; it used to be a standing joke that every time this school went to Goderich it was sure to rain; now the joke is reversed. Mr Alexander Broadfooi, Evangelist, *ill preach the gospel on Sunday, the. aist, in the bath at Stapleton oWned • by R. Earisford, Esq servite to corn. Mende at 3 O'clotk • And iti the meet., thg rMa•PerAngf 'Illock, Clit nton, a We are giving some decided Bargains. 5 per c. off for cash. 41.1.•••••=•=•=••••••••••••• state J. Hodgens THE ma GOOES PALACE, CLINTON. . „,,4,;4.01t.• • .HAIVI MOCKS ariCkFANS A FEW DROPS OF PERSPIRATION Observe the man with a Black Stiff Hat, a Suit like unto a mid -winter wedding suit, with collar like a throat protector on a coat that reminds one of 20 degnies below zero, as he mops his brow, keeps pulling his shirt down from between his shoulder blades and is continually drinking sour lemonade and the like, and then look at this man in one of Jackson Bros. straight brim Mackinaw Straw Hats, a Neglige Shirt, a Light Summer Suit, and as he engages in his ever day duties he does not lose half his time in trying to keep cool. He is wise in a matter of pounds while his pennies are safely spent. k,\ CA ON BROTHERS, CIothrs, Furnish4rs and Hatters, LIATOX ANX) tSZAVOIVVIL If you intend to take an outing this summer you can get a good split leather satchel' at a very small Basket that will be very price, or a Fancy conven- ient, We keep all sorts of Fishing Rods, Hooks, Lines, Camp Stools, -&c. ROBINS BROS., Book Store and News Depot, Clinton. INEPNI.0.10,11.0111.110MOMINIPMW thAEMNANT SALE We have picked out all the remnants in stock and will oifer them for sale on SATURDAY, 23rd inst., at a price to sell. Don't miss this sale. SPECIAL VALUES During July in Ordered Clothing choice Suits to your order for $12. It will pay you to investigate. HOSIERY— Some fine lines in Black Cashmere going at 25e and up OEt A CHANCE to buy Straw Hats at your own price Saturday. You may have any Straw Hat we have for 25c BOOTS 8z SHOES —Sweeping Reductions in this depart- ment in order to make room for fall goods - Dont-Forget our Remnant Sale on Saturday Plumsteel Gibbings, MONTREAL HOUSE, 01.11141TC:).1•1" ttrgg WE ARE AT IT Not Giving Goods Away but Bargains Our entire stock of summer gdOds ONE BIG BARGAIN. Our reason for making this statement and our determination to carry it out, is that we consider it a sound policy to clear out every season's goods before another arrives, and people like bright new goods to choose from, so we shall give our at- tention for the next six weeks to clearing out our Sum- mer goods, not forgetting that point of particular interest to all buyers, the price. Note a few All Silk Black Lace flouncing at 98c. worth $1.5. ,Ladies' White Skirt, Embroidery at 35 cents Lace at 15 cents, regular pine, 25 cents. (Naves at 10 cents, regular price 25 cents. Parasols at reduced prices that are selling them quick Short ends of RIBBONS less than half regular price. LACE CURTAINS at prim that are the talk Millinery Departml Low Prices and Stylish Goods are the favorites. here. Ladies' and Children's HATS at 35 cents SAILORS at 10 cents. ki Ltrille Fowl% Estibirshosimt BEAVER BLOCK, CLINTON 4.