Clinton New Era, 1892-07-29, Page 7-
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Ans.—THE galena OF Dili Mtaikette
Lq$11400'fflag INVREITI04TEP
Moonte E,,
wore thoo a yeatapeet the rea era of
the Empire have been given the particulate
emete a the meet remaeltable (sum of the
1,0,t4 QoPtalaY, all, or pearly all of them, in
(MISS hitherto held by the most advanc
MOdheal eaientiete ,,' inogral4e,
partimilare ibif-Wial kithses were yodelled fe
by Buell leading neWspapers an the+Ilanii
ton Speetator and Times, the HalifturlE0
alcl, Toron040folie,' I4eonde, Montrin
Detroit,New0,,, Albany N. .Y,, jonrliai; 14
bany'Expresis and otherS, whose reputatio
Pla004 them beyond question and state
merits made.
Recently rumors have been afloat of
remarkable case in the pretty little town o
Oakville, of a young man recovering after
-yeers of helpieesness end tegonye The PIll-
Plge determined to ftibient theCeaae tohe
moot rigid tinvestigation, andinceordingly
detailed one of ottr best reporters to make a
thorough and inapp.rtial ,inVestigation into
the case. Acting upon these instruotions
our reporter went to Oakville, and called
upon Mr John W. Condor ,(,who it was had
00 Tir.iNtlftelY,r9rvered) and had not long,
beetrin notiversation with 'him when be was
oonvineed that the statements made were
notAtly tryie, hut that. "the half had,not
beau tOltl.",-,The: reporter found MT 0011. ,
dor atiworlOn.4 e otthe 'heaviest alga*.
meiltref q, Qc ifila.)Basket Factoeyeeiatad,'
was mirpridiiitiJII0 tame of what he, knew
of t4lOaMtlitold;ii3 corkfrionted by a strapping
young fellow of good physique, ruddy coun
*mance 'and buoyant bearing. This now
r ugged young man was he who had spent a
:great part of his days upon a sickbed,..auf-
tering almost untold agony. When the
Emptre representative announced the pur-
posemaihis visit Mr Condor cheerfully vol.
mitepred a statement of his ease for the
benefltabf ether suffere-s. "I am," said Mr
Condor, "an Englishman by birth, and
.canae to this country with my parents when
nine years of age, and at that time was as
rugged and healthy as any boy of my age.
I am now 29 years 101 age and it was when
Omit 14 ,ear e old that the first twinges of
inflatrimatoem rheumatism came upon me,
and during tlae 15 years that intervened be-
tween tnat tinie and. my recovery a few
months ago, tongue oan hardly tell how
much I suffered. My trouble. was brought
on, I think, through too frequent bathing in
the cold water. The joints of my body
began to swell, the cords of my legs to
tighten, and the muscles of my limbs to
oontramt. I became a helpless cripple, con-
fined to bed, and for three months did not
leave my room. The doctor who was called
in administered preparations of iodide of
putassium and other remedies without any
material benefioial effect. After some
months of suffering I became strong enough
to leave the bed but my limbs were stiff-
ened and I was unfitted for an active vo-
cation. I was then hampered more or less
for the following nine years, when I was
again forced to take my bed. This attack
was in 1886, and was a great deal more se-
vere than the first. My feet, ankles, knees,
legs, arms, shoulders, and in feat all parts
a my frame were affected. My joints and
muscles became badly swollen, and the
disease even reached my head. My face
swelled to u great size. I was unable to
open my mouth, mv jaws being :fixed to-
gether. I,,of course, could eat nothing. My
teeth were pried apart and liquid foodlpour-
ed down my throat. I lost my voice, and
could speak only in husky whispers. Real-
ly, I am unable to describe the state I was
in during those long weary months. With
my swollen limbs drawn by the tightening
cords up to my emaciated body, and my
whole frame twisted and contorted into in-
describable shapes, I was nothing more
than a deformed skeleton. For three long
weary' months I W13,8 confined to bed, after
-which I was ,able to get up, but was it
complete physical wreck, hobbling around
.con crutches a helpless aripple. My suffer-
ings were continually intense,and frequent-
ly when I would be hobbling along the
:steed I would be seieed with a paroxysm of
pain and . would fall U11001180lOUB to tbe
ground. During all this time I had the
coast Int attendance of medical men, but
their remedies were unavailing. All they
could do wee to try to build ;up my system
by the use of tonics. In the fall of 1889,and
spring of 1890 I again suffered intensely
:severe attacks, and at last my medical at-
tendant, as a last resort, ordered me to the
'Toronto General Hospital. I entered the
Hospital on June 20th, 1890, and remained
there until. Sept. 20th of the same year.
But, notwithstanding all the care and at-
tention bestowed upon me while in this in -
-stitution, no 'improvement was noticeable
in ray condition. After using almost every
-available remedy the hospital doctors -of
whom there was about a dozen -came to
the conclusion that my ease was incurable,
and 1 was sent away, with the understand.
bag that I might remain an outside patient.
Accordingly from September 1890 to the
ond of Jannary 1891, I went to the hospi-
tal once it week for examination and treat-
ment. At this stage I became suddenly
worse, and once more gained admission to
the hospital, where I lay in a miserable
suffering condition for two months or more.
In the spring of 1891 I returned to Oak-
ville, and made an attempt to do something
-toward my own support. I was given light
work in the basket factory, bnt had to be
conveyed to and from my place of labor in
a buggy, and carried from the rig to a table
in the works on which I sat and performed
my. work, In Angust, 1891, I was again
stricken down, and remained in an utterly
helpless condition until January 1892. At
this time Mr James, a local druggist,
strongly urged me to try Dr Willianas'Pink
Pills for Pale People. I was prejudiced
, against proprietary medicines as I bad
spent nearly all I possessed on numerous
highly recommended so-called remedies.
I had exhausted the list of linaments, but
all in vain, and I vas therefore reluctant
to take Mr James' advice. L however,
saw several strong testimohixls as to tbe
valae of Dr Williams' Pink Pills as a blood
builder and nerve tonic, and thinking that
if I could only get my blood in better con-
dition my general state of he -title might be
he improved, I resolved to give Pink Pills
a trial. With the courage born of dispair
I bought a box, but there was no noticeable
improvement, and I thought this was like
the °thee es;rneaies I had need. But urged
on by friends I continued taking Pink Pills
and after 'using seven boxes I was rewarded
by noticing a decided change for the better.
My appetite returned, my spirits began to
rise find Thad a little freer use of my mus-
oles ii'aid limbs, the old troublesome swell-
-inga,nlibsiding. / continted the remedy
until Iliad used 25 boxes when I left Off.
By, this iirrie I had taken on censiderable
-toll and weighed:as. retch as' 160 Patinae.-
'Thilta `gain of 60!pouncis in it few weeks,.
My joints asatirned their nov110'1420, toy
Mthstilesheeatie flrnler, Main' fact 1 Wee
'tlitta.„ ,13y Aptil I *As Able to go to'
WOak tia0 baal et falltalaY, 'Ad lae* X;0111 NIS 7 0-toLoor FAIEND
w,oraten ornirs' day Witle.aay man, Tete • ,
,ten itr 0a, (int' '011101natollthont feeling ,
143.4r laffe0t10 A ' tlY -, Oat ' in , V3a
the bRY0. Why L' t feel WM datkohlg far very
joy at the relief trerc tthject 'misery 'stiffer.
ed se 1000, Many 0 time I.prayed for death
to releine inc frem roxy (sufferings, but now
he can who suffered agony for years.
have given yea a brief ontline Of My tcIf-
feriPg0, but-from,what I have told you can
guest; the depth 1 -of my gratitude for the
great remedy Which has restored me to
health and strength.
. Wishing to substantiate the truth of Mr
Condor's remarkable story the Empire re-
presentative called upon Mr P. W. James,
tleci3Oahville drµggiet referred to above. Mr
Ames fully,aorroborated the statements of
Mr, clbudor. When the latter had first taken
Dr W,41.4010e! Pink Pine he was a mere
like1eto-a wreck of humanity. The peo-
Jpie.of the town had longmiven him up for
as ppd. as dead, and would hardly believe
the 'man's recovery until they tom him
tbeenselvee. • The fame of this cure is now
spread throughout the section and the re-
sult is an enormous sale of Pink Pills. "I
sell a -dozen -and -a -half boxes of Pink Pills
every day?". said Mr James, awed this is re
inarlatble ; mat town the size of Oakville.
and better stillathey give perfect eatisfea-
time, Mr James recalled numerous instan-
eta; of remarkable cures after other reme-
dies had failed. Mr John Robertson, who
lives midway between Milton had Oakville,
who had been troubled with asthma and
bronehitie fer, ebent 15 years, has been
cured by the use of Pink Pills, and this af-
ter physicians had told him there was no
12130otortng further, Mr Robertson says
4is appetite In4', failed completely, but a.
)ter taking seve%bcote,a of Rink Pills he wee
eeadrandeiVei :a for each meal, ,He re -
garde his oa As a, remarkable one. In
fact Dr Williil ii' Pink Pills are recognized
as one of the greatest modern medicines -a'
perfect blood builder and nerve restorer -
curing such diseases as rheumatism, neu-
ralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor, ataxia,
St Vitus dance, nervous headache, nervous
prostration and the tired feeling resulting
therefrom, diseses depending upon humors
in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic ery-
sipelas, eto. Pink Pills restore pale and
sallow complexions to the glow of health,
and are a specific for all the troubles peoul-
iar to the female sex, while in the ease of
men they effect a radical cure in all oases
arising from mental worry, overwork or
excess of whatever nature.
The Empire reporter also called upon Mr
J. C. Ford, proprietor of the Oakville Bas-
ket Factory, in which Mr Condor is em-
ployed, Mr Ford said be knew of the piti-
able condition Condor had been in foryears
and be bad thought be would never recover.
The cure was evidently a thorough one for
Condor worked steadily at heavy labor in
the mills and apparently stood it as well as
the rest of the employees. Mr Ford said
he thought a great deal of the young man
and was pleased at his wondrous deliver-
ance from the grave and his restoration to
vigorous health.
In order to still futther verify the state-
ments made by Mr Condor in the above in-
terview, the ;reporter on his return to To-
ronto examined the General Hospital re-
cords and found therein the entries fully
bearing out ill IVIT Condoretad Plaid,- thus
leaving no doubt that his case is one of the
most remarkable on record, and all the
more remarkable because it had baffled the
skill of the best- physicians in Toronto.
Tiara pills are manufactured by the Dr
Williams' Medicine Company, Brockyille,
Ont., and Schenectedy. N. Y., and are sold
in boxes (never in loose form by the dozen
or hundred, and the public are cautioned
°pleat numerous imitations sold in this
shape) at 50 cents a bee, or six boxes for
$2.50, and mita 'belisan of' all druggists or
direct by mail from Dr Williams' Medicine
Company from either address. The price
at which these pills are sold make a course
of treatment comparatively inexpensive ea
compared with other remedies or medical
even gs and can, ',rtni,"bitiell with any et
that ie Talton° and' enjoy health as onl
James Knight, a saloon keeper at
Halifax, separated from his wife some
time ago, and since has been living
with another woman. On Monday,
while Knight was out of town, Mrs
Knight and her eldest daughter, pro-
vided with a clothes line and an axe,
entered the saloon and assaulted the
other woman. They succeeded in get-
ting a noose around her neck and drag-
ging her+, into the street. Just as they
were about to throw the rope over a
sign to lynch the woman the police in-
Ayer's Hair Vigor
IS the
stores the color to gray hair ; Promotes
"ideal" Hair -dressing. It re-
fresh and vigorous growth; prevents
the formation. of
dandruff ; makes the
hair soft end silken;
and imparts a deli-
cate but lasting per.
"Several months
ago my hair com-
menced falling out,
and in a few weeks
my head was almost
bald. I tried many
remedies, but they did no good. I final-
ly bought a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor,
and, after using only a part of the con-
tents, my head was covered with a
heavy growth of hair. I recommend
your preparation as the best in the
world. Munday, Sharon Grove, Ky.
"1 have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a
number of years, and it has always given
me satisfaction. It is an excellent dress -
Ing, prevents the hair froin turning
gray, insures its vigorous growth, and
keeps the scalp white and clown"-,
Mary A. Jackson, Salem, Mass.
"I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for
promoting the growth of the hair, and
think it unequaled. For restoring the
hair to its original color, and for a dress-
ing, it cannot be surpassed."-Mra. Geo.
La Fever, Eaton Rapids, Mich.
"Ayer's Hair Vigor is a most excel.
lent preparation for the hair. I speak
of it from my own experience. Its nee
promotes the growth of new heir and
makes it glossy and soft. The Vigor is
also a cure for dandruff." -J. W. Bowen,
Editor "Enquirer," MeArthur, Ohio.
"1 have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for
the past two years, and found it all it is
represented to be. It restores tlae natu-
ral color to gray hair, causes the hait
to grow freely-, and keeps it soft and
pliant." -Mrs. M. V. Day, Cohoes, N. Y.
"My father, at about the age of fifty,
lost all the hair from the toped his head.
After one month's eselal of Ayer's Hair
Vigor the hair began coining, and, in
three months, he had a fine growth oil
hair of tho natural obber."-P. J. Cullom
Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
yees Hair Vigor,.
Dr. J. be Afet,14 1..0104Als MOIL
aota lartiototo tiodIsmditmotg.
"Ever,y merld4, aa Watit Work*--titit.
Mg myself 10 40, reeseli the. Oleo l)y
iti freest of Qom. Pees.' atere,
tteo girla hurrying le the oppeeite Aire°,
ei,on, siva ebeee,me evident; to tile thet
eaey likewise timed tbemselvee to reaeh
°mama place ay 7, via ehet our respective
soloadelee ineeesected cootie/. at tide point,
At first we tweed each other withahe
etudied unconcern- ot entire strangers. In
time, however, Om meetinga became ee
gular, smelt a ;rialto of ',Coarse, I: ,
flko myselfe-they began to expect .thero,
and I nogced` thaIi3hey, catty not Irepres0'
a'smile gleams' my direbtion.
Omega ttetie male wale rether and
cearseefeet With frowsy hair an. obs
teuslye areaklea. afies -looked like a
kindly, tloilraon,, ferni I reeky Jett. mora geed
fweall,oavi:tept Qtroi bhieariAtainmfote ptlilueo po t tire,0.741h4
witlaeaelearbomplextion'ana a remarkably'
pretty face, ,
Oeaditiat 'Qua worditii15 aOqUItncGft
proved untd, by and by, tile morning greee•
ing wee quite frank and accompanied be a.
nod and that soundlees movement of by
sliopnstitmhaent ts.ignifies a variety of unanalyzed
One da" as I passea theee two, I happened
to be in the company of a young elan with'
whom I hed a slight aoquaint0ece. As,we;
met them, I sa* thet he lifted his hat aud
was evidently a friend.
"Will you kindly tell Mo who are those
young ladies ?" I enquired when we were
out of hearing.
"Certainly, two drese-makers-work fop
Mme. De Land."
I did not pursue the subjeet, having for
Borne reason no curioaity regarding their
names. .
It Was,. diming the month of September,
that I .one maiming. met the larger girl
alone. She retarned my greeting' with'
smile that was so expressive of grief that I
concluded her friend must be seriously, 11
not . dangerously,. ill-, The next morning
was a repetition of this, and upon the thir
morning I felt conatrained to accost her.
She flushed painfully as I did so and was
for some moments silent, as one unable to
utter bad news. "No," her friend was not
My curiosity carried me beyond the limits
of curiosity.
"Site has gone away, perhaps ?"
"Yea, she has gone away."
"She will return soon ?"
"No, she -ah e will never return -to me."
There were tears in her voice although
her eyes were quite dry. I murmured an
apology and lifted my hat was about to pass
I paused abruptty etid turned full upon
the large, ill-favoted glrl who was blushing
hotly beneath her freckles.
"I-must-tell--aomeone," she gasped.
"I haven't a friend in the world, now -you
ook good -I must tell someone."
I had turned and was walking slowly
with her. I would be late at the office -it
was no matter. We turned into a side
treet that, at this hour, was nearly desert -
"We knew each other for two years," she
aid a little brokenly, but growing grad -
ally calmer. "She name to me a waif ; I
eased her on the bridge one night as
ame home ; she was leaning over looking
nto the vveter. I went back and spoke to
er-1 saw by her face what, she wits going
o do. She was alone in the city with no
work. and had eaten nothing for two days.
took her home and taught her to sew. I
as a stranger in the city myself, but had
my trade. Then I got her a place with
madam ; before long she was a better seam.
tress than L
"By and by, Jack came to the city, too.
Ve had been engaged -from -our -school _days.
Ve were both orphans -I was the strongest
-I used to take his part. He got a posi-
ion as a clerk and we were all so happy.
on have seen him; he was with you one
iorning last summer -perhaps you re -
leather ? He came to see Us every Sunday
nd took us to the park. Sometimes when
e could get off, he took us to the play. He
lways took her along and I was glad for
er sake. They seemed fond of each other
nd I was glad of that, too, because I loved
lem both so much ; I had no one else but
hose two.
"One night Jack came tor us to go to the
lay -only a few days ago, but it seems
ears. I could not go -I was not well, so I
gd them to go alone. We were to have
eon married this inonth; she was to live
; we had all planned it over to -
ether --often.
aThes, never canie back. I sat up all
ight waiting. I did no believe in Omit
reachery at first -I thought they were
larder -ed.
We turned and walked silently back to
le main thoroughfare. I do not know,
OW, what I said to her, I know that I said
ut little-thete was so little to say.
After that I could not bear the thought
meeting her. It was a cowardly thing
do but I took another street.
One evening, a week later, I picked up
puper and read- this item :
The body of a young woman was found
the river this morning at the 'foot of
arket-street. It was taken to the morgue
d lat er in the day identified as Jennie
iller, a dressmaker employed by Mademe
e Land. It is said that her health had
en poor of late, and it is supposed she
rived from the bridge in a fit of tempor-
y insanity.
But there were three who read that item
at knew the truth,
t I
A Cure for Mosquito lutes.
The best antidote for the bite of a mos.
quit° is undoubtedly arinnonia weakened
with a little water or salt and water. Some
people go so far as to press the poison out
of the bite with some small metal instru-
ment like the point of a watch key before
applying the antidote. This prevents the
painful swelling that sometimes occurs. As
in other cases, "One man's meat is another
man's poison," and the same remedy will
not apply to all individuals. Some find
eirephor most efficacious and salt and watet
will not avail. Ammonia, however, seems
to be generally eaceesaful, as a neutralizer
of the mosquito poison. Where there are
large quantities of mosquitoes and no reason
for their appearance is apparent, it is well
to look about the premises for something
which attracts them. An uncovered barrel
of rain water will bring them in hordes,
and damp places and stagnant pools are
spots where they delight to congregate. -
New Yotk Tribune,
To Our Ilierd Milkers.
The opening in the end of the teat that
seems obstructed should he dilated either
gradually by intredneing a small perk° first
and followieg it by others of graduaIly's
increasing SiZe, or, if there it a veterinarian
at hand, an .operation may be deed. That
the hard Milking is due to natamaiiig 6f the
outlet of the teat is Moyne by the fact that
the milk flews freely- dorm to thd and, btit
can be forced oiat only by latch pressure.
As a temporary help yea might etriear, the
loWer third Of the teat a half -hone before
'Milking with a Mixtinei of belladonna shit -
Meat tWo parts and glyeepine etas 'pert at
Woe a milkitig tube tat bitter -tett t�
tilted off jult before
• —11111131,412.12•A
Vitiding up. 4th Land County
(imPb) rn,rweri the etittoirogyis oWith
Auttice "t0w4:010 400e Rod obo,rttir tor
Vlap4ef.tet4inreci tArm.Pnlretalloopttilgen
:toi9ozt'' Irete
'bInthelutryes4 fiekt,"
Our whole Stock at Half Prioi
Hr. David M. Jordan
of Edinesten, N. Y.
Colorless, Emaciated, Helpless
,e1. Complete Cure by HOOD'S
This is from Mr. D. M. Jordan, a re-
tired farmer, and one of the most re-
spected citizens of Otsego Co., N. Y.
"Fourteen years ago I had an attack of the
gravel, and have since been troubled with my
Liver and Kidneys
gradually growing worse. Three years ago I
got re own so low that I could genre ly walls.
neighing but gruel. I was bad% emaciated
I looked more lthan Ike e corpse an soli ng belPg.
I had no appetite and for five 4 ks I sul
and had no more color than n insar le statue.
Bood's Sarsaparilla was recommended and I
thought I would try it. Before I had finished
the' first bottle I noticed that I felt better. Suf-
fered less, the inflammation of the bind.
der hod subsided, the color began to return to
my face, and I began to feel hungry. .After
I had taken three bottles I could eat anything
without hurting me. Why, I got so hungry
that I bad to eat 5 times a day. I have now
fully recovered, thanks to
Hood's Sarsaparilla
1 feel well and um well. All who know
me marvel to see me so well," D. M. JORDAN.
HOOD'S PILLS are the best after-dinner Pills,
assist digestion, cure headache anti billowsnesa.
axp —'—‚-
Having decided to close out our whole stock of Hats an
Caps, we _offer them at
lYiela's $1.00 Hats for 60c
Mpn's $1.50, Hats for 75
Men's $2.00 Hats for $1.
Men's $3.00 Hats for $1..
1000 Hats at half price. Best Bargains to earliest callers
Robt. Coats & Son, Clinto
Glasgow House, Bruce&
he Great, WeelrlY CorasaIIficat �f -The
Ladies' Nome'. Miliftskae:. —
Backward as Forvrardr This iiiiportamity tor
Which word in this adreittiightli the same
every Me.dam.and Miss, levely Von, to secure
• splendid Prue, .
WEEKLY. Paizas,:-Evorysreek throughout this great
competition prizes -will 'b.: distributed as follows; The
first correct answer received (the postmark date on each
letter to betaken as the date received) at the office of the
LADIES' HOME MA0a2INE leach and every week during
1892) will get $200; tho second Correct- antiwar. $100 ; the
third $50; fourth, a beautiful silver service; fifth, llve
o'clock silver service, and the next 50 correct answers will
let prizesranging from $25 down to $2. Every correct
answer, irrespective of whether aprize winner or not, will
get a epecisl prize. Competitors residing in the southern
states, as well as other distant points, have an equal
chance with those nearer home as the Bender's postmark
will be our authority ki every cue.
Rux,f.s.7-Each list of answers must be acclompanied
by gl to for six months subscription to one of the
beat orag.Naoaziwes in America.
Norg.--.-Ve want half a million subscribers, and to
-secure there: wepropose `o giveaway in rewards one half
our incomih 'Sherefore, In case one halt the total
receipt* during any week exceed the cash value or the
prizes, such excess will be added pro rata to the prizes.
II the reverse, pro rata discount will be made.
RxwElmscitis.,—"Tux Lan ASHOME IdAOSA.Ersa Is
well able to carry out (Moro —Peterborough ((?au,
su—E)retrelcaeaajZ :tart ne
es,- sp endid pa flnaticiallY strong.
winner will be
!Canada) Register. . Address vto.'—Norwood
Hosts Ititeoazr,ss, Peterborough. uta,
Repairing ot all kinds promptly attend es
ons)'le rates. A trial solicited to
WM. sour', au 00
Wholesale and retail dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS,,
Highest Cash prioe paid for all kinds of Grain, Dressed Hogs, Hides, Wool and Cord
wood. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Agents for G. N. W. Telegraph Co., with tel
graph connection to all parts of the world. a.
We beg to thank our numerous cnstomers for their long and liberal patronage for.the
past 30 years, and hope by strict attention to business, and rock bottom tripes, to Ella!
sontinne in line with our old and many new customers. -
11 -ala
00 DO'S
C. M, & J. F. BROWN, Clinton & Seaforth, Agti
Or apply to 0. JOHNSTON, Clinton.
means the kid-
neys are in
trouble. Dodds
Kidney Pills giue
prompt relief."
"76 per cent.
of disease is
first caused by
disordered kid-
"Might as well
try to have a
healthy city
without sewer-
age, as good
health when the
kidneys are
clogged, they are
the scavengers
of the system.
"Delay is
dangerous. Neg-
I ected kidney
troubles result
in Bad Blood,
Dyspepsia, Liuer
Complaint, and
the most dan-
gerous of a//,
Brights Disease,
Diabetes and
"The abotle
diseases cannot
exist where
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Pills are used.'
Sold by all dealers or sent by mail on receipt
of price so cents. per box or six for $
Dr. L. A. Smith & Co. Toronto. Write for
book called Kidney Talk.
L. CAVE!..:.
Toronto. Trieolli
, Says: Anti•DandrnuirlPsaaTonrrort rAM:vt.errOinils;;:
druff - ita action is marvellous—in my OWII CWIC
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excossivo dandruff aceurno.,,tlon hut oh:pv.1
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When I say I cure I do not mean merely to stop them
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BY or FALLING SICKNESS a Iltedong study. I warrant
my remedy to cure the worst eases. Because others have
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K. G. RQOT, M. 0.,186 ADELAIDE ST.
End at the Same Time Earn One:Hun-
dred Dollars in Gold. 4, '
The first letter containing the correct answers to the
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180 Lexington Ave.
New York City, Sept. ill,
I have used the Flax-SecrI Emulsion in several
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Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb. idth,1::s.
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I can strongly, recommend Flax Seed Emulsion as
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have used ytntr Flax -
In a severe csee of Mal-butritiori and the result was
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