HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-07-22, Page 73433004,-BRINfitS $1700Es4 pretrinutinal tTOW/Wortni00404.:MYR14,1 9114104 • rt - The purellaser regards the prioe when he is buyingbgt the quality when he is inipos. session.- -Toannot be inktruted by or get t p f I dont buy hie Vapor. It ielpubli to supp1y. the demand it oreated—by own merits it will stand or fall. These trite ft a which everybody adraita. ply them here. Three and a half years I 'stated in these mammas th,at my Sy? Renovator would'adverciae itself wher fintroduoed,—by its owu tnerita h w etand or lalf.s , It has been well taste that standard all over this country and United States acr well. As no one can t it without being benefitted by it, and be an antidate(fiMentative)there would be aiokneseittntiturtle if ttOsen in time, By use your sycdem is strengthened to re disease, clears the complexion, purifies blood, giving tone and action- to•thelsect liver and ludoeys. It has therefore st the test, advertised Wolf, and aupplied with mans exoellent testimonials, uncle! ted, of cores affected when others fai most of them serious and hopeless oa SUCH ARE THE OASES.I GENE ALL Y GET. LET THIS SPEAK F ITSE L}. The medicines are pure, g and expenaive—skilled labor and oonsid able time are required in their =mut ture. I get two of the principal ingredie used direct from England, because these not to be obtained. here, nor yet in States, in their purity, therefore 1 oan afford to flood the country with adverti Manta and give you value 1 or your mon "The liquid prepared is of itself," (says independent physisian,) "a first-class m &eine and better than anything I know to Mists* th, Ireputation of your Rano (ti tor.' tfAhl n be said of the vehicle (t liqusd) Oats putt be product be—but al getlier a•tevi edielne obtained by a spec 'lioness olf manufacture. There are no m aoulons cures in our day—there are mea used to effect a mire ; these I use with su ease and in that I am well rewarded. • The following are a few of the many te timonials I might quote, and no doubt so of the parties speaking are known to t readers of this paper. These are not mira ulous cures, but the result of cause and e fect—the right remedy in the needed phi. hence the cure: Mr Ralson, Bruce, says:—"My broth , was sick for a long time, the dootore he could not make out what was his disea He took your Renovator and now he is be Mr Clendining, Mich., says:.—"The do tom here had no hope of my wife. S took the renovator two months; now she well." Mrs MoDonald, Amberly, was told th she had a oanoer or some foreign grow in her stomach, For weeks she could n retain anything on her stomach; her oa was hopeless. Immediately on taking t Renovator she was relieved and in 871so four weeks drove into Goderich to thank m in person for saving her life. Miss Mallough, Eucknow, thinks her ca almost a miraculous one. The Renovat in three months made such a change CI her friends did not know her after her r oovery. Mr McLean, Egremont, writes :—"Po years I was not well and could rich do an work. I took your Renovator-Llwo bi bottles -Land now I plow, team and wor on the farm as well as ever. Lots in th township took your medicines and a known to be better." Miss McKay, Sydenham, writes :—"Fo 15 years I suffered severely from inflam matory rheumatism—pained and crippled lately I could not turn about and had to b nursed. I took your -mu -dieing, Prbfie Resurgam and System Renovator and ap plied R. A. McLennan's Linament. I go rid of all pain right away; joints are yet stiff, but I am able to go about and do a little work. My brother you cured of the pain in his side; he is as well as ever now All those that got medicines from you when here, got better." Mr Tebutt, from California, writes his gratitude for the good the Renovator and Specific Cure have done his wife. The _ ewelling in the-lirobshas-disappeared..and_ now she is beginning to build up again. Mr and Mrs Connan, Brussels, writes:— Your Renovator oured us both; others opal news from the editor of this pa. shed tits are Ay. ago tens ever ould d by the eke ing less its eist the ski ood toe lei, led, ses. R - OR ood er- 50- nta are the hot se- ey. 110 e - of va- he to - lel ir- ns 0- 8- 100 he 0- 0 ce, er re se. t- o - he is at th ot se he ut se or at e - is re • failed to (mut our dyspepsia. Now we than you,,, Mrs Snowden, Stanley, says : —"The six patients I took to you got quite well an are likely to continue well." Mrs Harrison, Glammis, says:—We hay several of the best testitnonials living'around here. The Renovator has done well wit] them. Their faces show it. Renovator sells well. Mrs Gilchrist, Tiverton, writes much to the same effect. Names are too numerous to mention in this space. Mrs Jothan, Detroit, writes:—'1 never got anything to do me any good until I took your medicines. I have sent several to Windsor in search of it there. Miss Mo - Lean, of Tiverton, is here and says she thinks hat had you not called at 'Tiverton . when she was so ill, her case then, two years ago, was serious—her kidneys and liver, and dizziness in the head would have killed her. She is strong and healthy ever since she took the Renovator. She thinks there is nothing to equal it. A gentleman in Grey county recommende the Renovotor as a cure for the jealous fe- ver among the doctors. When an article is good the people shou,aknow it." Miss Anderson, Ashfield, writes:—"413' conscience would accuse me if I did not thank you for curing me. was afraid I was to be lame for life." Mrs McKay, Longside, writes:—"Your medicine cured me of the severe pain inlmy feet. I eat and sleep well now." Miss Awdry, Toronto, writes:—"I took the Renovator and Specific Cure and I am wonderfully improved. I can eat anything that comes before me, and I sleep well.'' Robt. Dunlop, Kincardine, writes:—'For four years I was obliged to crawl on my fours between the lounge and door for fear of falling. I was taken on a bed to Gode- rich to see you. You gave me the first dose then, after my having a fit on the way down. You told me I would never have another. Many call to see me. I tell them -vho cured me. My case should be known. 1_4ive my name to the public, 16th conces- sion, Kincardine township. I continued the Renovator and the Protien Resurgam for three months and I have never had a fit or anything else to ail me since—now three years since." This Protien Resurgam is specific for cerebral and nervous disorders, epilepsy and kindred diseases. Patented 1891, sold at $1.50 per pint bottle. The Renovator, 51 and 52 per bottle. Specific cure 75 cents and $1.50 per 6ottle. There 18 00 water ad- -tied to any of these medicines. Call or or- der, if not kept in stock by your druggist. Laboratory, Goderich, Ont. J. M. McLeon, Manufacturer and Proprietor. SOW by J. H. Combo, Druggist, Clinton. • Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Wawa? cWhioh de XIRWI beet-rmyourIplieaded boy, 0,101i4an)Y oWn, they Say, Or my dnitity, cooing baby girl, With eyea as blue as the skies in May? How Oita X tell? When into my life, Like a Strain of ramie strange and sweet, Came the mother's love and the mother's care For the buoy hand° and restless feet. I thought I was happy as could be, That life could bring me no raore of joy. o never oan any be dearer than he, My first-born darling, my precious boy 1 But my little daughter sits on my knee, And in baby lore ehe is wonderous wise; And I love her better, I know, because s4 She looks at me with her father's eyes. To hear me speak or eee my face Will make her little heart rejoice,! And the touohof her helpless,clinging hands Calls for love like a mighty/voice. As well could you choose, from the rays of the sun The one which alone should light your way As for we to choose, from the joy of my life, The one whioh I soonest would. bid to stay TO DISPELL COLDS, Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the system effectually, yet gently, when costive or bilious, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, to permanently cure habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritat- ing or weakening them, use Syrup of Figs. The appointment of Mr A. F. Cham berlain,. M. A., as lecturer in anthros pplogy Clark University, Worcester, Massa., is a triumph for a Tordnto boy-. Mr Chamberlain graduated from the University of Toronto, and held a fel- lowship there for some years. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem- ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold y J. H. Combe, Drug- _ ist. Mrs Joseph Sweet placed her baby in a hammock, outside of her residence, at North River, Orillia, and built a smudge to keep away the flies and mos- quitos. The child kicked off some of the wraps, which, falling on the fire, brought the fiames in connection with the hammock, and the child fell on the blazing einbers. It survived only a few hours. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per- manent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical our for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com- plaints after lutvig tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suf- fering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will seed free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. Norge 820 Pow- ers' Block, hochester, N.Y. tune.19,91...y_ . - ODD JOTS. Dancing is taught in many of the public schools in Scotland. There is a baby at Heppner, Ore., which weighs less than a pound. Minard's Liniment is the Best The heart of the poet Shelly is pre- served in the house of his son, Sir Percy Shelly, at Boscombe Manor, ,Bourn_emonth,_England— Ladies appreciate Anti -Dandruff from the fact onlyIbat it not t °roughly removed Dandruff threesith far uttos tiotism ofailingigt olotl1.4 k and makes it soft and pliable without leaving any indication of a dressing being used. Clear as crystal, clean to CSC, it ts a valuable toilet pre- paration. Bees are said to have such an antip- , athy to dark colored objects that black chickens have been stung to death, while white ones of the same brood were untouched. No man ever smoked "Myrtle Navy" tobacco for a fortnightand then took to any brand in perference to it. It bears its own testimony of its qualities, and it is testi- mony which is always convincing. The smoker who uses it isnever annoyed by get- ting it sometimes of good quality and sometimes of bad. The arrangements of the manufacturers for keeping its quality equal are very elaborate and complete, and are the results of many years of experience and close obsrvation. A Presbyterian church in Lancaster, Pa., decided to give a medal to each person who attended all the services throughout the year. Last year the sexton was the only person who won a meda THE H AD SURGEON Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at Toronto, Oanada, and may be oonsulted either in person or by letter on all chronic diseases peculiar to man. Men, young,old, or middle-aged, who find themselves nerv- ous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following syreptons : Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vital- ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight,palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, head- ache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks be- fore the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye- lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby mus- cles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, oonstipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with lead - encircle, oily looking skin, etc., are all sym- ptoms of nervous debility that lead tolinsan- ity and death unless eured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send your address for hook on all diseases peculiar to man. Books sent free sealed. Heart disea'se, the symptons of which are faint spells, purple lirs, numbness, palpitation, skip beate, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, du 1 pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, tic., can positively be oared. No cure, no pay, Send for book. Address M. V. Lubon, 24 Mac - dation Ave., Tortnto, 'Canada. Jan. 1,` 92. H CLIATTON. PERSONALS, Queen Victoria's recent continental trip cost the British taxpayers $75,000. Illinarci's Linament is used forhorsesctoattle Thomas Sexton, M. P., one of the anti-Parnellite leaders, is the son of a poor apple woman in Waterford, and 18 almOet entirely seittedu.cated, Characteristics of Hood's Berwyn* The largest sale, the most merit, the greatest cares. Try it, and realize its benefits. Levi K. Fuller, Republican candidate for Governor of Vermont, has been a member of the Estey organ company since 1800, having been in, its employ as engineer and machinest for six years prior to that date. lam' Mange an Soratdohesjof every kind hunman or animal% oured in 30 minutes° by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by J. El. Combo, Druggist. Hon. Edward Blake, ex-M.P. for Durham, Ont,, whom the McCarthyite faction in Ireland chose to contest the County Wicklow, is a direct des- cendant of one of the most unpopular land owners that ever territorized that country. And yet he was elected last week by a majority of 2167 votes. His opponent did not get 400 votes all told. THE GENUINE MERIT. Of Hood's Sarsaparilla wins friends where. ever it is fairly and honestly tried. Its proprietors ate highly gratified at the 1 - tot's which wine entirely unsolicited from men and women in the learned professions warmly oommending Hood's Sarsaparilla for what it has done for them. • -- Hood's Pills cure liver ills, jaundice, bil- iousness, sick headache, constipation. NOBODY KNOWSPUT MOTHER Nobody knows of the work it makes, To keep the home together; Nobody knows of the step it takes, Nobody knowe but mother. Nobody listens to childish woes, Which kisses only smother, Nobody's pained by naughty blows, Nobody only mother. Nobody knows of the sleepless care Bestowed on the baby brother; Nobody knows of the tender prayer, Nobody—only mother. Nobody knows the lessons.taught Of loving one another; Nobody knows of the patience sought, Nobody—only mother. Nobody knows of the anxious fears, Lest darlings may not weather The storm of life in after years, Nepdy knows but mother. Nobody kneels at the throne above, To thank the Heavenly Father For that sweetest gift—a mother's love; Nobody can—but mother. The evils resulting from habitual costive- ness are many and serious; but the use of harsh-drastia purgatives is quite as danger- ous. In Ayer's Pills, however, the patient has a mild but effective aperient, superior to alliothers, especially for family use. The :search light]: to be placed on Mount Washington will be the most powerful in the world, and in clear weather will be seen from sections of all the New England States, as well as from- parts of New York and Canada. Sufferers CROM Stomach and Liver derange- ments—Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick - Headache, and Constipation—find a safe and certain relief in Ayer's Pills. In all _cases where .11 ca- thartic is needed, these Pills are recom- mended by leading physicians. Dr. T. E. Hastings, of Baltimore, says: "Ayer's Pills are the best cathartic and aperient within the reach of my profes- sion." Dr. John W. Brown, of Oceana, W. Va., writes: "1 have prescribed Ayer's Pills in my practice, and find them ex- cellent. I urge their general use in families." "For a number of years I was afflicted with biliousness which almost destroyed my health. I tried various remedies, but nothing afforded me any. relief until I began to take Ayer's. Pills."—G. S. Wanderlich, Scranton, Pa. "I have used Ayer's Pills for the past thirty years, and am satisfied I should not be alive to -day if it had not been for them. They cured me of dyspepsia when all other remedies failed, and their. occasional use has kept me in a healthy condition ever since."— T. P. Brown, Chester, Pa. "Having been subject, for years, to constipation'without being able to find much relief, I at last tried Ayer's Pills, and deem it both a duty and a pleasure to testify that I have deriVed great ben- efit from their use. For over two years past I have taken one of these Pills every night before retiring. I would not willingly be without them." — G. W. - Bowman, 26 Ef,e6 Main st., Carlisle, Pa. "Ayer's Piris have been used in my family upwerds of twenty years, and have comp'.e.ely -rifled ell that i9 claimed fa, .hem. :If piles, f rom I suffered ma-, yearz., they afforded 7., a greater relief than an:, med- icine I e• tried."—Thomas F. Adams, Holly Springs, Texas. Ayer's Pil PREPARED BY 1B'. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. MS by all Druggists at;cl Dealers in Medicine Near Nisch, Servia, a building whol- ly constructed of hutnan skulls and bones was recently discovered. Cold, cough, coffin is what philosophers term "a logical sequence." One is very liable to follow the other; but by curing the cold with a dose of Ayer's Cherry Pentoral, the cough will be stopped and the coffin not needed just at present. M B Bleadel, of Paris, has discovered an apparatus by which the driver of a vehicle can release a carriage from runaway horses. The action takes place in the traces. In Austrdlia there are caterpillars from six inches to a foot long, and when a young lady has one ot them drop on her back hair she says softies thing in a seven octave voice with a calliepe aim:4113cent rung �ti to it. Nzvv ,Ttoy 22, isq02 1R. COATS .ltflt. IL D. West Of Cornwallis, Nova Scotia. ,;/ $200 Werth Of Other Medicines Failed But 4 Bottles of Howl's Sarsaparilla Cured. "It is with pleasure that I tell of the great benefit I derived from Hood's Sarsaparilla. For 6 years I have been badly afflicted with Erysipelas breaking out withrunning sores during hot summer months. I have sometimes not been able to use my limbs for two months at a time. Being induced to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I got one bottle last spring, commenced using It; felt 80 much better, got two bottles more; took them during the summer, was able to do my housework, and Walk Two Miles which I had not done for six years. Think I am cured of erysipelas, and recommend any person so afflicted to use Hood's Sarsaparilla Four bottles has done more for me than $200 worth of other medicine. I think it the best blood purifier known." Mas. H. D. WEST, Church street, Cornwallis, N. S. - — - — HOOD'S PILLS cure liver ills, constipa- tion, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache. 25e. A RE NOT g ritt s gative Medi. eine. They are a BLOOD BUILDER, Toto and RECON- STRUCTOR, as they supply in a condensed form tto substances actually needed to An ich the Blood, cu all diseases comi m rem Poon and VVA RY BLOOD, or from VITIATED HUMORS C lie BLOOM, and Dice nvigorate and UP the BLOOD WIC SYSTEM, when broker mdoownntai whyorryovIdeirwseoarslt.e. excesses and indisere. Cons, They have a SPECIFIC ACTION on the SEXUAL SYSTEM Of both men and women, rastoring LOST VIGOR. s LsosArrinoeiNcTstrEi. nag sill EVERY NIAil 1,u1rith,(,),6dullf1rmt:fa:; _his_nkysical _powers flaYgini-,1„.ellouirLtake Lute_ Pita.% Thov will restore his lost energies, botb 5i i, EVElalf .1V11#47 7-,:rn,I1,titakelthera. ressi rie a 1 r'eueavitaTy ei stela*, ss'-v-711.'en""nf;14ect youNG EIEN sults of ycutiiu a 1 1 .1 Jtrengthen thee system. YOUNG-WaP,E4 make them reht....r. For sale byall druggizts, or will be sent upon receipt of price (Sue. per box), by addressing TSB DB. WILLiAms, MED. CO. Brockville. Ont. 'THOUSANDS IN REWARDS. *he Great Weekly Competition of The Ladies' Home Magazine. Which word in this advertisement spells the same Backward as Forward This is a rare opportunity for every Madam and Miss, every Father and Son, to secure a splendid Prize. WErirrt, PRIZES,--ICVery week throughout this great competition prizes will b, distributed as follows; The first correct answer received (the postmark date on eaoh letter to betaken as the date received) at the office of the LADIES' Homo MAGAZINE (each and every week during 1892) will get $200; the second correct answer, $100 ; the third $50; fourth, a beautiful silver service; fifth, five o'clock silver service, and the next 50 correct answers will get prizes ranging from $25 down to $2. Every correct answer, irrespective of whether a prize winner or not, will get a special prize. Competitors residing In the southern states, as well es other distant points, have an equal chance with those near, r home as the senders postmark will be our authority in every case. RULEs.-Each list of answers must be accompanied by $1 to pay tor six months subscription 10 000 of the best Home MAGAZINES in America. NOTE, -We want half a million subscribers, and to secure them we propose fo giveaway in rewards one half our income. Therefore, in case one half the total receipts during any week exceed the cash value of the prizes, such excess will be added pro rata to the prizes. If the reverse, a pro rata discount will be made. REPERENCES.—"Tux Lomas' ROME M000znrit is well able to carry out ltspromises."-Peterborough (Can. oda) Times "A splendid paper, and financially strong." -Reetinge,(Canada) Star. "Every ,prize winner will be Sure tO receive jut What de b entitled to." -Norwood [Canada) Register. Address all lettere to Tux LaDIES' ROME MAGAZINE, Peterborough, Canada. S. WILSON, GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE HURON STREET, CLINTON Repairing of all kinde promptly attend es tumble rates. A trial solicited to HAVE YOU BACK -ACHE DODO'S KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU "Backache the scavengers means the kid- of the system. neys are in "Delay is trouble. Dodd's dangerous. Neg- Kidney Pills give leo ted kidney prompt relief" troubles result "76 per cent. in Bad Blood, of disease is Dyspepsia, Liver first caused by Complaint, and disordered kid- t he most dan- neys. gerous of all, "Might as well Ilrights Disease, try to have a Diabetes and healthy city Dropsy." without sewer- "The above age, as good diseases cannot health when the, exist where kidneys are Dodd's Kidney clogged, they are Pills are used.' Sold by all dealers or gent by mail on receipt of price so cents. per box or six for Use. Dr. L. A. Smith & Co. Toronto. Write for book called Kidney Talk. nflE WHER ALL LS= AILS. Beet worth Syrup, TagasiGood4 , future. Soid hydra gist's. HATS, H, Our whole Stock at Half P Having decided to close out our whole stock of Hats aii Caps, we offer them at PRICES RIDICULOUSLY Men's $1.00 liats for 5 Men's $1.50 Hats for 75e Men's $2.00 Hats for $1 00 Men's $3.00 Hats for $1.05 1000 Hats at half price. Best Bargains to earliest callers Robt. Coats & Son, Clinton. Glasgow House, Brucefi.el --ESTABLISHED 1851 WM. 600=1" & 00 Wholesale and retail dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS., CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY and PROVISIONS. • Highest Cash price paid for all kinds of Grain, Dressed Hogs, Hides, Wool and Cord wood. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Agents for G. N. W. Telegroph Co., with tele: graph connection to all parts of the world. We beg to thank our numerous customers for their long and liberal patronage for did past 30 years, and hope by strict attention to business, and rock bottom prices, to kites •ontinue in line with our old and many new customers. WK. SCOTT & CO., FIRUCEFIELA:'. - • - - • - - TOLTON PEA HARVESTER C. M, & J. F. BROWN, Clinton & Seaforth, Agts Or apply to 0. JOHNSTON, Clinton. FLAMED 'EMULSION COMPOUND 'BRONCHITIS 136 Lexington Ave.. New York City, Sept. 19, I have used the Flax -Seed Emulsion in several eases of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stages of Phthisis, and have been well pleased with the results. JAMES K. CROOK, M.D. CONSUMPTION Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 14th, 1889. I have used your Emulsion in a case of Plithisis (consumption) with beneficial results, where padeu. could not use Cod Liver Oil in any form. J. H. DROGE, M. D. NERVOUSPROSTRATION Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 20th, ISM I can strongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsion as helpful to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung. 13ronchial and Nervous Affections, and a good gea eral tonic in physical debibtv. JOHN P. TALMAGE, M. D. GENERAL DEBILITY I Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 10th, regard Flax Seed Emulsion as greatly superior LO :be Ccd Liver Oil Emulsions so generally in use, D. A. GORTON, M. D. WASTING DISEASES 187 West 84th St., New York, Aim. 6, ISM have used your Flax -Seed Emulsion Compound in a severe Tse of Mal -nutrition and the result was trOra than hoped for -it was marvelous, and con- tinuous. I recommend it cheerfully to the profession and hunlanity at large. M. H. GILBERT, M.D. RHEUMATISM Sold by Druggists, Price $I .00. FLAX -SEED EMULSION CO 35 Liberty St., New Teri - For sale by j. H. COMM, Clinton. 40 cthents in advanc will pay e CLINTON NFW ERA for the e for balance of this year. 1 CURE FITS! When I say I mire Ido net Meals ratter to stop them for ti Orrin and then . have themretuni again, I mean a rndical Mut. I twee made the disease of FITS, EPILEP- SY ot VALLING SION:NESS lifeamig two. I Warrant my reiried,y tO tore the werst Catlett Beeittlins others have oti fat Ireallse_and Prea nettle of My Infallible d Dino realest Stithot tow reeelving a Imre. sem ia 113 t Ohs 5.*- POST.OBNICIL 0 Meet, U0,1.,J138 ADELAIDIE STv I OROSTOli READ THE BIBLE,17 And ,at the Same Time Earn Orie:11142,' dred Dollars in Gold. 6.` The first letter containing the correct answer* to 011 following questions received 81 10. office of TifilLOzzlia DIAN AORIOULTURIST(each vreek *minnow unturne of December, 1892) will receive $100 in gold; the Nt will get j50; third, 525; fourth, handsome silver se to the next 50 correct anewere we will sendiprizes from $5down 10 52 MrEvery answer, whether A D winner or not, vvillireceive a speoial VISO. QUESTIONS RE ANSWERED. -(L) How many books decal the DI contain? (9 )1low many chapters 1(3.) Row many 'mei RULES, (I.) We commence to open letters on Monday mambo& of each week. If more than One letter is received by the same mail with correct answers, the first opened count, the second will take next plac_ ,e and so On, Each letter containing answers must be accompanied $110 pay for six months subscription to Tax Annus TUEIST-One of the very best Illustrated Home Jo In Canada. (3.) People living in the United States hays precisely the same privilefes in connection with this dont, petition as those residing in Canada. They can easily gaff* 0;2' their letters each week so as to neon us in the begin- ning of the week, when they will be almost eure 6Q a good prize. WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY OF US. "Received $1,000 prize all right "-M. M. BriAMBffs Vancouver, B. OD. "1 shall recommend my Mende enter yourcompetitions.' -Loan Krixouitsix.,. A. D. to thc Governor, General, Ottawa, Canada. Seen& , prize reeeived.' -C. F. MeComaek, fit Stephen, N. "Prize of 0235 received." -D. MA anrsottr, Syraouse.N. "Handsome prize received."-M,,S RETIA RENTZ, OE. ford, Mich. Over 5000 receipts from prize winners former competitions on fyie in our office. Letters co taining money should in all cases be regestered. dress, Tax Aomoutruatar Pi.:BLISHINO 0o., Peterhof. ealgh, Canada. Rr1P' ORI ki ANDTHE BUSY WOMAN'S "It is not only the 91asy Walk% bat is especially adopted to the 'Boer Women'-etieb as Snotty? (Era) LUCY A. 08fitirD._ _ Michigan State Normal Scheel. * IT PLEASES EVERYBODY. /Miss France § Winard.--4The bright • est outlook window in Christendom for bu people who want to Boo wheals going on In the world," Providence Telegrani.-"Agreat been to the busy, the lazy and the economical." The Congregationalist. -This mcinthlk has no peer in originality of design, scope Ana • acimracy of vision, thoroughness in executioli ' and ability to transform Its renders into citizens of the tread: Chicago Interior.—"The Review ofR • views, of New York, has come to the restate Of busy. people. We know of one high <Oct 1 who for a month has woficed flail 11 o'clock at Bight, and yet has kept well infornaed of current world events. He reads this Magellite, It gives him a ru nn'ng commentary on idipoffitit events, besides a dicst of the ben anklet conteraporary magailnes. ' , Price 0150. $2.50 it irdaire salsas Menixncatmints* 011Arkileinitito sieiii Tee Ceiier TYTE REVIEW 'atavism, 50 Snip& Copy. is Amer !line§ 80s.