HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-07-22, Page 61
JuIv ,‘?,, 1192.
iliE UORS.13X411.
F40e.a.ny horses Are 414 a great
, 7f eookell food,
1101140 , Sage earl he soaks his hor-
0,04111 Skint -Milk, "and it makes
;3eir erte shine, and- they feel very
Pact.' Alloth0reted, of exceptional
Mitt 'Well ktiOvn to -us, was readily
;l4t. to drink the Same Sweet refuse
le dairy, and has for years, taken
etimes aft much as several. quarts
1.,, 41ways with obviously excellent
Thereon who Will 'run a horse into
own, tie him 'to tillost and, let him
tiFka tilero nearly QV night withOut a
tlanketin order to /save 20 cents in
Itahle„ fees, while he 'Olows in four or
0 'tunes that artiptint 'on his 'Own
worthless ea,rea,Stis, is 'ir meaner man
Uri the one whp. would come aleng
ItTifi steal Said hor$11.'
Minerds Linament is used by physiaians
In sununer the 'proper and natural
rieeretor a far111,11Prise is the pasture.
iters may give remp,oEi for keeping
0 stabled, bil,iil on nights of fan'
weathergood pasture Or ration,
mother earth for '0floor and the can-
opy /Or a roof is an Ideal equerry. A
horse cannot be kept as healthful even
'Iyilpriteticing the soiling system as by
ryung,hint his unshackled freedom
in ;an open field where everything his
,0d)Petite crail'irs frorn a mouthful of
' 14Alticalre elmicess morsel of herbage
IX 'Oil 1•5e had: If there be a pastur.fle
elldicOnstenient turn the horses into
1t,and:they will by their actions vote
trir..gor* majority over the stable.
-741r, r -T
Kits' Maggie Dunlop, Mackey's, Ont,
was a great sufferer from bil-
neke and headache and Dr. William's
ak'Fills cured me." All dealers or by
bil at,50e a box or 6 boxes for $2.50. Be-
ir4ctimitations. Dr. Williams Med. Co,
!fidiville, Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y.,
Gernunry has 385 military bands.
Cosmetics cost the fair Amkricare 62.
000,000 a year.
The great Si. Paul's cathedral, in Lon.
don was built from taxes levied on coal.
Next to pork, the banana is said to
be the most indigestible thing that a person
can eat.
If London streets were put end to end
they iv otild reach from that city to St
More than 20,000 persons have been
divorced in the Mate of Connecticut fuer,'
The rcvee collected from last ye
afteents to the t91) of the Earei to.
amounted to $115,0.00.
The region about the OW sea is one of
the hottest places on the globe' and the sea
ie said to lose a million tuns ofwater a day
by evaporation.
A Philadelphia funeral team did service
at a wedding a few daya tiga; and the doz-
inipdriver allowed the berse to carry the
bridal ceuitig into the emnettfry.
The largest,of turtles is„said to be the
speeies known as the loggerhead, which
grows to the enormous weight of 1,600
pounds. These are found in the sea.
The business of preparing shrimp for the
Chinese market is assuming important pro-
portions in California. The shrimp are
taken in huge nets and boiled in great iron
An umbrella company has been incorpor-
ated with a capital of $8,000,000, and i to
carry on business in all the states and terri-
tories of the United States and in foreign
Above the length of 19 or 20 feet, snakes
in the Phillipine Islands increase greatly in
bulk for every foot in length,,so that a
snake 19 feet long looks small besides one
22 feet long.
There are in London 980 common lodging
houses which have nearly 60,000 inhabi-
tants. In these warrens are about 9,500
women and girls, and of this number some
4,600 are under the age of 22.
The greatest enemy of auburban tele-
phone and telegraph poles is the wood-
pecker, whose search for the numerous in-
sects which inhabit the wood often leaves
the pole literally honeycombed.
A small cabinet containing an alarm
clock, a three candle-power lamp, a medi-
cal coil and a gaslighter, all operated by
electricity from four cells of dry battery,
is among the novelties recently devised.
New Yorkers have formed a society, with
branches in Philadelphia and other Ameri-
:can cities, for tire suppression of the "in-
tolerable annoyance created by the fre-
quent noisy clanging of inharmonious
church bells."
In ancient times Greece possessed Borne -
thing 1ikR,7,500,000 acres of dense forest,
and she;ffil.s comparatively rich in timber
until half a ceirtory ago. Many forests
have now disappeared, and the result is
seen both in the scarcity of the water sup-
ply and in various injurious climatic ef-
A brilliant young London surgeon has
aroused the hostility of the profession by
his out -spoken denunciation of over -drug -
It costs no more to raise a good horse
An a poor one; and a poor, weak,
My horse is 'dear at any price The
;12r.ss time required by a poor horse
440 inferior work, soon amounts to a
oOd,deal, not counting the "wear and
lairNiii theatience orprde o
if the man
ho works. ha. When farmers and
'petite/1 re Inquish the idea that any
are that -will breed, no matter how
iany ringhenes, spavins, or other
ilmence Ate has, is good enough to
tise',Et colt; when' they pay as much
ttention to selection of dam as of sire,
rep it is just as important, better
orses, freer from common lameness,
hat Irene of horseflesh, and more econ-
tnk!al in every way, will result.
;)11.1nrird's Liniment lumberman's friend
.1'her,ohrts hem of late, no little in -
090 otAgt** the Shetland pony and,
ki,,na'small extent, in consequence of
tifi dinrinutive size. It is the childs pony
trathe pit pony above an others; and
wirys the further distinction that it is
.11g,iply ollhoal of which the dealer's
k0iprim does not alwrys come true,
•, if "A good little un is a good
g a good big ma is a better." A
rate Shetland may be carried in a
namper,, and probably does not exceed
30, inches. At all events the smaller he
IS the nsibre,he is worth. This must be
taken as the very antithesis to the
tieaiT draught gelding, of which it
may, with equal truth, be asserted that
the'bigger he is the better he is.
'..tire foo.1 of ti dts shc;uld vary. Ti.
bhey are to be broken and used -daily,
kOpd sound oats should be the main
food. If not to be worked, give winter
wheat bran and one-tenth in the bulk
of old process linseed meal. Carrots
Wi.ed mangold beets should be fed
daily. -The amount of food should be
CArrefrilly looked to, as any food in ex-
cess,of the amount digested is not only
wasted but an injury, promoting in-
digestion, colic and worms. A good
1nagnifying glass will, by examination
1:if..the.droppings,show_if the grain is.
all 'assimilated or not. You can keep
.the colt in good health and fine conch-
1lon with a little care, and not be
.'tiowding him with grain and then con -
'clition powders to try and counteract
'the overfeeding.
Gezira -1 have used your MINARD'S
'LINIMENT in my family for some years
.::and believe it the best medicine in the
'st as it does all it it recommended todo
;401truntan Forks, N. B., D. KIEBSTEAD.
.'130hp Mader, Mahone Bay, informs ns
bathe was cured of a very severe attack
rheumatism by useing MINARD'S
NVQ/c10 illirWhig ii ibit b1014 0,t$1
esomittiaoh,111 coloi rerrhOes fair
to eine, Aeld to Ayer's ffarsispW1104
Fresh ob010.a.,
tion of this statO.
mint domes to
band dail. Even
auch deelit•ileated
and stubborn 60:m-
0 -elute as Rheu-
matism, llbeumee
tie Gout; and tho
Uke, are thorough-
ly eradicated. by
the use of this WW1.
derful alterative.
Mrs. R. Irving
Dodge, 110 West
125th etreet, New
York, certifies t—
" About two years ag7, atter sufferjng
gout, being e o great
discomfort, and having tried various
remedies, including mineral waters,
without relief, I saw by an advertise -
meat in a Chicago paper that a man had
been relieved of this distressing cow-
Ayer'e. BarSap, a. I therrdielded to
plaint, after 104 suffering, by taidag
make a trial of t is medieine, and took
It regularly for eight months. I ain
pleased to say that it effected a •com.
pieta cure, and that I have since bad no
return of tie disease."
Mrs. L. A. Stark, Naskua, N. H.
writes: "One year ago I was taken ,
with rheumatism, bong confined to my
house six months. carnet out of the
sickness very much debilitated, '1.1th no
appetite. and my system disordered in
every way. I commenced to use Ayer's
Sarsaparilla and began to improve at
once, gaining in strength and soon re-
covering my usual health. I cannot say
too much in ',raise of this well-kriown
"I have taken a great deal of medi-
cine, but nothing has done me so
much good as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I
felt its beneficial effects before I had
quite finished one, bottle, and I can
freely testify that is the beet blood-
medicine I know of." —L. W. Ward, Sr.,
Woodland, Texas.
for ItearlY twoabl/ears 111walk only with
•Barkwairs Sure Core Cure, wilt cure Corns, Warts,
13unsleas, Moles,
Shingles for Sale
• I oemry oh hand a etock of first•chtee Cedar
Shingles; twotMalities, Which X will 6011 at a very
I low rate. Orders large or small -filled on the
shortest notice. Please give me a call.
W. RILEY, Londesboro. 8m "
Shingles and Lath for Sale.
subscriber bas purchased a large quantity of
No. 1. shingles. These shingles will be made to
order out of the very best quality 01 north sbore
coder. All Who want a firat•Olatie eidetic will
find it to their advantage to ask for pricesliefore
buying eigewhere. Orders large or small deliver.
ed at any station along the line,
W H. WHITLEY, Loildesboro.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Prieti$1; six bottles, $5. Wont 0 a sae&
Bull for Sale.
' For Sale a thoro-bred Durham ;Bull, twelve
months old. of first -clams pedigree. Dark red
color, with a little white. Will be Bold at reason
able price. JORN CHIMING, Londeebore, P. 0
1 Car Iota
Composed of Flax,Sdver Com-
posite and Best Brands Man-
illa. Leave your order with
us at once in order to insure
prompt delivery. Quality. the
best and Prices Guaranteed
as 'low as the lowest.
Shorthorn Bulls For Sale.
For sale two yearling Thoroghbred Shorthorn
Bulls, aired by the Cruickshank bull Perfection.
They are extra good animals and will be sold on
reasonable terniii. Apply on lot 26, con. 10 Morrie
or Blyth, P. O. , NEIL MoDONALD. pd 41
Next to Commercial Hotel.
This eslabli,snment is in full operation anclgal
orders filled in the most satisfactory way, Ceme-
tery and granite work a specialty. Priceslas
reasonable as those of any eatablislment
SEALE, HOOVER & SEALE, Clinton. 1m
This session the Ottawa Government has
supplied honestly independent journals with
abundant reason for fault-finding, and the
opportunity to serve,the copntry by fearleas
criticism has been fully inaproved. As a
result public opinion has been stimulated
until it was strong enough to demand from
partisan majorities some show of respect
for the laws of decency and fair play. Jus-
tice has compelled Canadian journals to
coincide with Opposition organs in their
denunciations of some acts of the Ottawa
Government. Truth would be outraged if
this fearless service of the public implied
any acceptance of the Grit theory, that
Canada, aliove all other countries, is the
in and his advocacy of dietie treatment
home of Acoundrelism or the play -ground
of corruption. The Dominion Govern-
ment has been denounced, and justly de-
nounced, because it followed even afar .')ff
the bad example of United States politi-
cians. Outrages like the gerrymander or
the London steal s:•0 deplorable, becanse
they are wrong a nd because they degrade
Canada in its politics to the American
level.—Toronto Telegram, Intl. Con.
of disease, and as a result his name was
removed from the medical register. He has
taken action to have his naine restored.
Insects have recently destroyed whole
forests in Powhatan County, Virginia, and
among other trees the famous Pope's vine,
a noted landmark in the old dominion. It
stood for years on an eminence from which
it was visible for twenty miles or more
around, and towered high above all sur-
rounding trees:—
The Gila monster, helodertna horridum,
is the ouly species of known poisonous liz-
ard in the world. It is a native of the
Gila River country in Arizona, and has sel-
dom or never been seen at any great dis-
tance trom that stream. The Indians of
Arizona believe the spittle, or saliva, and
even the breath of the animal to be deadly
South Africa has been scourged by a lo-
cust pest and considerable t Waage is still
-being wrought.- A swarm of locusts cross-
ed over one place in a column over six
miles wide, clearing pretty much every-
thing before them, The mealie crop in the
Orange Free State has been destroyed by
the locusts, causing a loss of over $1,000,-
Electricity has recently been applied to
establish the state of a horse's foot. Usage
is to put one pole of a battery in contact
with the -inside of a hoof, the other pole in
connection with the iron shoe. If the hoof
has been pierced with a nail to the quick,
the horse will feel the electric current, and
become irritated ; in the other case, the
current cannot pass through the foot.
It is reported from Santa Fe, N.M., that
in excavating some Aztec ruins near Chaco
canon Governor Prince has unearthed
twenty stone idols of a different type from
any before discovered. They are circular
in shape, forming disks varying from six to
fifteen inches in diameter, the upper half
containing a deeply carved face and the
lower half rudimentary arms in relief. The
idols are believed to be at least GOO years
The government of Holland has a project
on hand to drain the nyder Zee. It is a
vast lagoon of some seven hundred square
miles superficial area and is useless on ac-
count of its shallowness for purposes of
navigation, while as agricultural land it is
estimated to be very valuable. The cost of
the dam is estimated at £3,673,000 and of
the drainage at ill:3,000,000. It is estimated
that thirty years will be required to corn-
plete the whole.
: An Indiana paper found it necessary
to publish the following correction:
'Ter `Burglar Meeting' in the heading
461 an article in our last issue relating
..to the proceedings of the town council,
liread 'Regular Meeting.'"
,VO'fien Baby was sick, we gave her.Cantoria.
When,shewas a Child, she cried for Castoria
became MhB, she clung to Castorla.
nali-;114.01fildreat; she dav'e them Castoris.
Tested Remedies.
For rcpare, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa-
tation of the Eieart, Liver Complaint,
Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis,
Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid-
ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregnlarities and General Debility
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton
nplian, Medical Record, Montreal -We eon
et it the Most valuable yet invented, The
n, then& light and neat in appentanee, is
tkingly made and is provided with a rubber out-
let On either sides of pan,whith conveys the used
leiter into a pail under tbe bed. Another com-
fort tiOnneeted with it is a waterproof cushion
broad on the limn upon which lien the woman's
*eight. Physelans and ladies who have once
the pati and fountain would use them to the
of all othetti.
lir,Laptliorn Selitb, Prof. Biship College, on-
1-,rea1-e pan and fountain deserveall the
waist, you gtiveit and a great deal more; I will
iliditreeclminencl it a.11 lents.
licifted A. Pciwell; Lecturer TrinitY0olleg,e,
TorontoP-It hi in in opinion :he heat fdt all its
Otis Win, to be obtained', tot the treatment Of
tee Ott It in well Werth its mint.
Sold by pit tiggsAsit
Headquarters for Hot Air
Furnaces, both wood and
coal. Call and get quotations
Valley COAL
HARLAND BROS have secured control
for this seetion, of the celebrated Lehigh
Valley Coal, and have purchased several
()aria- to areve this month. it is admitted '
by all to be the hest, and it is SIM clain‘ed
that it will give 25 per cent more heat than
any other coal produced • Why use com-
mon coalAiren this coal ean be purohased
at the same price. Order early so as to se-
cure low price, as owing to thebstiong com-
bination of the railroad and coal compan-
ies, high prices are anticipated this fall. ,
.A.11.413F:iarr cuLANr-rcorr
— - - -14131-11EN I M M-E-DIATE.
Used and approved of by the medical profession
Price $1 per box. For sale by Drug,a ists, or by niail
on receipt of priee. Prepared by
W.T.Strong, Druggist, London, On,
The new model of the Rockford Watch, whe.,
placed in a ecrew bezel ease, will fill a Ion felt
want among farmers, as it is not dim proof
only, but very strong. The plate *which the
wheels work between, not being separated by
pillars as in the ordinary
But by the bottom plate being turned out of a
solid piece of metal, with the edger left of the
top plate to rest on; it also being pendant or lever
set with sunk balance to prevent breaking, mak-
ing in all a good rong watch
For a Farmer
Via the Chicago, Milwaukee 6/ St. Paul
It'y, on Tuesday, Aug. 30, and Sept.
27, 1892.
Where the grosses are kissed by, the wand'ring
And the fields are rich with the golden grain;
Where the schooner ploughs through the prairie
To its destined p )rt on the western plain';
Where homes may never besought in vain,
And hope is the thriftiest. plant that grows;
Where man may ever his rights maintain,
And land is as free as the wind that blows.
For further particulare apply to the nearest
Ticket Agent , or address A. J. Taylor, Canadian
Passenger Agent. 4 Palmer House Block, Toron-
0, Ont. 4
The Great Modern Oivilizer.
The railroad is the great civilizer of
modern times, and recognizing this fact the
Egyptian Government is now surveying a
route for the extension of its railroad along
the Nile as far south as Wady Haifa. It is
estimated that it will cost $4,000,000 to
build a narrow-gauge road from Oirgeh to
Wady Haifa, which forms the present
southern frontier of Egypt. When the mai
reaches Wady Haifa it will not be d!!fiimlt
to extend It farther south to Dongola. Tn•
establishment of rapid Communieation be-
tween Cairo and Upper Nubia would enable
the Khedive to rapidly transport an Egyp-
tian arrhy to the frontiers of the Soudan,
and all the British officers now in Egypt
believe that as soon as such an improve-
ment is carried out the Soudan will fall
again into the hands of Egypt, and with-
out a blow.
J, C. SR,' SO
The bestEmbalming Fluidused
Splendid Hearse.
Residence over store.
We have Sugar by the car loadoan give you Sugar at wholesale prices. Ex-
tra Standard Granulated by the 100 lbs or bbl lots. Big rednctien.
Sole agents for Hillwattie Tea. Orders taken for the best Scranton Coal.
01-3110 evr.A.-ismo-vr
The most Interesting Contest ever offered
by The Canadian Agriculturist.
One Thousatal Dollars in Cash. a Pair of Handaome
Shetland Ponies, Carriage and Harness, and over two
thousand other valuable prizes for the Agriculturist's
brightest readers! Who will have them? According to
the usual custom for some years mutt the .publishera of
THE AGRICULTURIST now offer their Sixth Half -yearly
Literary Competition. This grand competition will, no
doubt, be the most gigantic and successful one ever pre
sented to the people of the United States and Canada.
One Thousand Dollars in cash will be paid te the per-
son sending in the largest het of English worths con-
structed from letters in the words "The Canadian Agri.
Five Hundred Dollars in conh will be given to the
aecond largest list.
A Handsome Pair of Shetland Ponies, Carriage and
Harness, will be given for the third largest list.
Ove one thousand additional pizes awarded in order
of merit: One Grand Piano; $300 Organ; $400 Piano;
Dinner Sets ; Ladies' Gold Watches.; Silk Dress Patterns;
Portiere Curtains; Silver Tea Services; Tennyson's Poems,
bound in cloth; Dickens' in 12 volume bound in cloth, etc.
As there are more than 1000 prizes, any one who takes
the trouble to prepare an ordinary good ist will not fail
lo receive a valuable prize This is the niggest thing in
the competition line that we have ever placed before the
public, and all who do not take part will miss an Grump
thin y of a Ide"timO.
Rucrs--1. A letter cannot be used oftner than it
appears in the words " The Canadian Agriculturist" gard only to claims of which raotice shim ave
For inatance the word " egg" could not be used, as there
d I . ore been iven as above required. And the execu-
For Your Russet Shoes,
Here is a line of informs,tion that is worth
dollars to the man who is continually hav-
ing his russet shoes rubbed with vilriou
s s
creamand dressings, and that will bring
comfort to the man who dislikes the sticky
polishes in use and whose sheer! perforce
present a suburban road appearance.
Just wash off your' shoes every morning
with a damp cloth and rub them vigorous-
ly With ii:Soft, clean, dry 'brash. They:Will.
take en a surprising polish, without ,
trace of stiekiness ana will 'teen assume a
darihiny k color, like that on e well see- ,
riffled reetissehatim pip.—New York IiItET
Choice -
1.• oods
New Valencia Raisins off stalk, New Sultan Raisins—extra value,
New Black Basket Raisins, New Currants, New Greaoble Walnuts,
New S. S. Almonds, New Filberts, New Candied Peels—Citron,
Lemon and Orange, New Extracts—Essences of all kinds.
Splendid values in choice Green, Black or Japans. Try our
Special Blend of pure India and Ceylon Teas put up in one,
potthd packages. Best value in package Teas in the market—Try it.
Adams' Emporium
A First-class Step or Long Ladder? .
A Handy Wheelbarrow ?
A Splendid Churn, or anything of like
nature? Then call on.W. SMITHSON, at
shop, No.7 Frederick St„ or E Diusley
Will be at Dineley's corner every Saturday
We invite the attention of our customers and others to the fact that we are prepared
to supply them with the following amongst other goods.
Sugar at lowest prices, Tea, Coffee, Fruit Jars and Ben ies
Harvest Tools such as Forks, Rakes, Snaths, Scythes,
IIoes, &c. Machine Oil and Raw Castor Oil, Paris
Green. Royal Canadian Clothes Wringers at
not much over the usual half price. Ask
our price for Dingman Soap and
Starches. Produce taken in
Notice is hereby given, purser' Tit to section
36 of Chapter 110, R.S.O., 1887, that all poraone
having claims against the estate of Thomas
Welsh, late of the Township of Goderich, in the
County of Huron, yeoman, who died on or about
the and day of June, 1892, are required to send
or deliver to Messrs Garrow & Proudfoot, Gode-
rich, Solicitors for Jane Welsh, Robert Thomas
Erratt and George Green, Executors of the said
deceased, on or before the 31st day of August,
1892, their names, addresses and descriptions,
with full particulars of their claims, and the
nature of the securities (if any) held by them.
And the execturs will after the 31st day of Au-
gust, 1892, distribute the assets of the deceased
among the parties entitled thereto, hay -in re -
is but one g In the t ree wor .
than one meaning but spelled the same can be used but
once. 3. N roes of places and persons barred. 4. Errors
will not invomItte a list- the wrong words will simply
not he counted.
Each list mto t. contain one dollar 10 pay for six month's
subsoription to To R AoZ,uU1TlnTsT. If two or more
tie. the largest list Mtn bears the earliest postniark will
take the Stet mine, and the others will receive prizes in
order of merit. C nit ed States money and stampe taken
01/jt.el, ir OffiTing these magnificent prizes in to
introduce out unpular magazine into new homee, in every
art 00 1.10 American continent.
Every emnpetitor • neloeing 30 Cents in atamps extra,
will receive free, by_rnall,postpaid,One to THE AGRIVIII,
TURIST'S Ele;aut Souvenir Spectral of Canada.
rrizeti awarded to persons residing in the United States
will be shipped from our NeW Voris office free of duty.
All money letters should he regiatered.
n FORMER COMPETITION—We have given away
$25,000 in prizes during the laat two years, end have
thousands of lettere front prize -winners in every state in
the union end every part of Canada and Newfoundland.
Lord Kileoursie, AB.0. to the GnVernoe General of
(-'-nada , writes: "I shall recoMmend my friends to enter
your competitions," M. M. 'Inman, Vancouver, C,
receivcd$1000 in gold" and we hold hia recent for same.
A few of the - prize wineers: MISS J. RobletsOn, Tor:into;
$1500; 3..7. liranden,,Ferialon raniq.,Ont„ $1500; David
Harrison, Syractine, N. Y., S.15; ti. BE. LOUIE'
Mo., sassi.latt Mantle, West Duluth, Minn. 151-07, Atlas
latorgnfa Roberteeir, Osk'St, Brooklyn, 410(1 n
0; Fred .
anis, 359 State St, Bridgeport,.Coha, and tlioteinds Of
. • AdateSS iejettithileatieqa tOTEM'Aisittellaalearst.
I Fe&
tors Nvi11 not be liable for the assets or any part
thereof toany person of whose claim notice shall
not have been received by them at the time of
such distribution.
Dated the 20th day of .1 une, 1892.
Solicitors for Executors.
r -ew Z.9" ze -Ter9tf0 Zo-
Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted
or delivered to the persona mentioned in sections
5 and 6 of the Voters' Lists Act, the copies re-
quired by said sections to be so transinitted or de-
livered of the list made pursuant to said Aet, of
all persons appearing by the last revised Aseess-
ment Roll of said municipality to be entitled to
vote In the ti.ia nounicipaiity at elections for
merhhers of the Legislative AsSeinbly, and at
Municipal Elections, and that said list wad Bret
posted up at my ofeceLat Clinton, on the 26th
day of June, 1892;'find remains there for inspee-
tion, peeters are called Undo to et lii,,tlie
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