HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-07-15, Page 7!Y.* AN ATWATIO 01401. ,' Two hoya *no cinite illelr,t4xtio; ep.iattinhvtigteAre, 'ether day, and after e0ansthig their re. volitive vooabularies the fell to pummelin naqh ether viciously. T oy were of *tong iipeoies, both physically and socially. Their altercation naturallyattraotedzuupiWen. tion in that bustling thoroughfare and a more* more peroonli etopped to watch the coati*. Islobodyahawoci anY desire te in- terfere, until along came a bright and breezy tailer.made girl, walking as ereet as a soldier, and with a quick, springy step. ping withini,an• arM'e leng pf the ceonbat- She, took in the fight at a Flan0e,Arldatop. ants commanded, them desist. Eaph by with ecant breath, conveyed to her in * rude slangy way, bis desire that she abould:Mbei littnwn' 46h:ices. " Whatetrittai YVte ?"Iid y,010"fg woman," as' She etret bed lit two 0+Ovw hands toward the heys. "Mind My own hued:less, eh?" and the next minute the lands were drawn back with a vigoroua jerk, with a boy dangling from each. baud'. ith a firm grip on their coat tiollani-the athletic girl knocked the heads of the bell- icose boys together as easily as if she were handling a pair of three -pound dumbbells. Then she shook out what little breath -hid remained in the lads and threw them away from her, one toward Fifth avenue and the the other toward'Sixth avenue. The lads gasped and madelis ranch haste as they possibly could to 'get away frorn the pretty A.mazon. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old phyaician retired from practice, hpving had pleieed in his hands by au East irtffia raissionary the formula of a simple veetbIe rewdyler the speedy and.:;per nit opt litiWOI COnanniption, roiitis Catarrh, 'Aillinesand sl throat',and Lung Mootione,-1106 a PliSitive' mid radical cur Ftii•Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com- plaints after having tested its wonderful Alt ilativeTers in thousands Of MOB, has ty to make it known to hie suf- Alifiat ws. Actuated by this motive desire to relieve human suffering, will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe; in Gernian French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, ndrningthis paper. W. A. NOYES 820 Pow- nrs'Itlooki hochester, N.Y. June 19-91-y CRISP AND CASUAL. --- Ducks fly at an average rate of ninety miles per hour. Minards Linament is used by physicians St. Paul is the first city to make no dis- tinction in the wages of male and female teachers. Once every eight years all locks on the United States mail bags are changed to insure safety. . One hundred millions of dollars are spent annually for newspaper advertising in the States. Hood's Pills cure Sick Headache. A. man breathes eighteen times a minute :and uses about 3,000 cubic feet or 375 hogs- -heads of air per hour. The United States of Colombia contains ,more lepers than any other country in the Ivorld, they number 100,000. The value of fur skins shipped from Al- .aska since the territory came into the pos- session of the United States is given at 433,000,000. The tortoise is the longest lived of all animals, it frequently reaches the age of 251 years. Wellsville, Mo., has twice as many dogs as inhabitants. It has 1,740 residents and 3,580 dogs. Minard's Liniment isumberman's friend The original portrait of Pocohontas, painted in 1612, now the property of a ',Londoner, will be exhibited at the World's Fair. As there is no royal road to Learning, so there is no magical cure for disease. The effect, however, of taking Ayer's Sarsapar- illa for blood disorders comes as near mag- ic as can be expected of any mere human agency. This is due to its purity and strength. _ Thedeepest hole in the world is bored at Schradeback, Germany. It is 5,735 feet in depth, and for geological research only, The Methodists of the IT. S. publish 147 papers, the Roman Catholics 127, Bap- tists 126, Presbyterians 53, Protestant Episcopals 47. Itcn‘ Mange and Scratches of every kind hunme.n or animals, cured in 30 minutes° by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never SOld by J. H. Combe, Druggist. The "Sampson" well at Waco, Texas, is the largest one in the United States. It throws up one and one half million gallons of pure hot water daily. James Cope, of Martin's Ferry, Ohio, kes an almanac for the year 1669. Six millions of dollars are invested in the saanufacture of dynamite in the United States. It has been stated that for every 80 ballets afired during the American war a man was killed. The tobacco of Maztinico was once the favorite with the smoking world, and when old Father Hennipen descended the Miss- issippi about 1680 the Indfans were much surprised to see a European with such an excellentsample of their native plant. But the smokers of the "Myrtle Navy" would give but a poor account of the once cele- brated Martinico. Their favorite brand is as much surprior to it as it was to the raw and uncured leaf which the Indian of that day smoked. English Spavin Linirnent removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem- ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, -Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, -etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure -ever known. Sold by J. 11. Combe, Drug- gist. From an old account book it appears that in 1797 tobacco was sold by the yard in Eaatport, Maine. Photographers eay that the facial resem- blance of huebands and wives is closer than that of brothers and sisters. A POINT FOR YOU. In view of what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for others, is it not reasonable to sup- pose that it will be of benefit to you? For Scrofula, Salt Rheum, and all other diseases of the blood, for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Lolls of Appetite, That 'Tired Feeling, Catarrh, Malaria, Rheumat- ism, Hood's Sarsaparilla is an unequalled remedy. Auk* uw13111,10 Pitcher's Castorka. TilfrESATENOS, 'The trtith neVer 4,00154/13, ae matter yvite Shoots, Don't look back and you won't want. to go hack. A hypocrite s mootia has more death in it than that, of mad dog. The_party who won't forgive is the one who is always in the wrong. Beware of the rnan who alwys clips his tongue in oil before he speaks. Until a man has been tried he will always have reason to be afraid of himself. Don't have much to say about your- Seif if you want to keep clear of hypo- crisy. It is only those who are afraid of the light who are afraid of their own *Wows. It 'never makes the church any stronger to have the man join who is mean to his wife. There is something wrong with the man's head v'ho falls down on the same banana skin twice. DELAY 18 DANGEROUS. When the Kidneys are oat of order delay ie den. gerons. Any disease may follow and become so well eatabliehed that mouths of suffering will tollow. A geutle tonic like Dodd's Kidney Pills is always acceptable to the kidney') and protects then' from dieelent. They are kidney food. If irioni3yeOti1d be bc,ofrOwed as easily as trouble this world would be full of round shouldered people. Some people wouldn't get so tired on Sundays if they would do more work for the Lord during the week. Is there any difference between the pride a preacher has in a title and that a woman has in a breastpin? Ayer's Hair %ger has loniheld the first place, as a hairm#essing, in the; estimation of the Refill°. tadies find that this Proper. ation gives a beautiful gloss to the hair, and gentleinen use it to prevent baldness and cure humors in the scalp. The Man who is always going to move a mountain to -morrow never does anything worth speaking of to- day. Putting your hand in a man's pocket by sharp practices in trade is no better than putting poison on his bread. "Minard's Liniment is the Best Boys have been ruined because they had to stay at home and turn the grindstone when they should have been allowed to go a -fishing. IT COSTS LESS THAN A DOZEN OF ORDINARY DRESS BUTTONS. Buying new dresses at each season is to many ladies a serious and important mat- ter, for the,reason that all women are not the wives and daughters of wealthy men. Fashion however, demands that the new dress must.be forthcoming to suit the sea- son; and thousands of women who really cannot afford the money are compelled to Obey fashion's imperious commands, in order to uphold their status in society. We 'are an extravagant people, and must change our mode of living, if we wieh to be happy, prosperous and independent of others. Let us ahow the ladies how to do this. It isa recognized fact, that no more fash- ionable or becoming dress in color and ap- pearance can be worn to -day by ladies, than a Black dress. A Black looks well upon any occasion, and under all circum- stances, for young and old. In order to dress well and cheaply, it is only necessary for a lady to take one of her colored wool dresses, no matter how old, dingy and faded it may be; and -with the aid of one or two packages of Fast Black Diamond Dye for Wool, she can transform the old and cast-off gamier t into a thing of beauty and utility, for less rnoney than a dozen of ordinary dress buttons would cost. With this magnificent, rich and brilliant Fast Black Diamond Dye, the work of dye- ing 18 rendered easy, light and quick; and the resulta are invariably satisfactory. No other dyes can give the same satisfaction and pleasure; only the Diamond can give that perfeot and rich tone of Black, so much looked for. Every department of the Diamond Dye establishment is now being worked to its ut most_ sepaeity to supply the increasing demand. That novel and interesting "Diamond Dye Competition" is the talk of the ladies all over Canada: and the number of ladies -who are entering into it as competitorsis in- creasing every day. The Competition be- ing free to all ladies who wish to show their werk, and the prizes so very liberal, are certainly weighty inducements for all wives, mothers and daughters to take a part in the great work. The Wells & Richardson Co., Montreal, will send, post free to any address in the Dominion, a book explaining the scheme, and giving full particulars. When Baby was sick, we gave bar Caatoria. When she was a Mild, she cried for Castoria. Mee she became Miss, elm clung to castoria. Men ,.be had Children, eke gave them Caatoria. The World's Fair managers recently off- ered $500 for the programme held by Lin- coln when he was shot. Mrs. McClintock of Philadelphia, now has the paper. Minard's Lina men t is used for horses & cattle Th e tallest chimney in the ;world in'at Po tDundas, Scotland. It is 454 feet to itecopestone from the ground. David Scott, of Thurlow, Waft thrown trete a waggon by a runaway team on Wednesday and so seriously injured that his recovery is doubtful. Mrs Elizabeth Sutherland, of Woodstock, aged 78, took a dose of carbolic apid in mistake for ginger, andi died in half fan hour. Prof. Shaw, of the Ontario Argricultural College, Guelph, is still confined to his house from the fracture of the scapula bone, which he sustained the other day. Fortunately it was the professor's left arm which was broken, so that he is able to em- ploy a great portion of the time, which would be otherwise monotonous, in writing. The professor will be confined to the house for some time. CURE GENERAL gDEBILITY. A. W. Beard, Iron Hill, Que., writes: - "I used Dr, Williams' Pink Pins for gener- al debility and found them a wonderful medicine." Sold byall dealers or sent by mail at 50c per box or 6 boxes for 82.56. Dr. 'Williams Med. i' 3o,, Brookville, Ont., and Schenectady, Y. Beware, of imita• n.rr ..litrr,iememerriaare-rp-mrr-4,T, IsTotolier $00apArino poset-irrjets 14„ hIuitoarroportion, And Proceaa which make1I0ocra iiiaraApArilla peculibe ar to,iyey „ block which.pkoably has the lar_.geo population of Any io tbe wold la in Now York, bounded by %Venues D andO, Second and Third etroote. It Luta a population of 6,00, or at the surprising rate of 1,000,000 to the square mile. THE HE ttl) SURGEON Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at Toronto, Oanada, and may be consnited either in person or by letter on all obronio diseases peenliar to man. Men, young,old, or middle.aged, who Iliad themselves wiry - res, weals and exhausted, who are broken down from exceaa or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptons : Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vital- ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness ot sight,palpitation of the heart, eroiesione, lack of energy, pain in the kielneya, head- aehe, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about -the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizzineepopeolts be- fore the eyes, twitching of the Witioles, eyO. lids, and elsewhere, biiehfulneea, depoeite the urine, loss pf will power, tendernelis of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby OMB. oles, deeire to Sleep, failure LO be rooted by sleep, constipstion, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, destr0 for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes surrounded , with lead - encircle, oily looking Elkin, eto., are all sym- ptoms of nerveus debilitythat lead tolinsin. ity and destl?: maim Pined. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in oonse,quenee. Those who through abnee committed in ignorance may be permanently oared. Send your address for hook on all dipeeses peculiar to man. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the synaptone of which are faint spelle, perple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, 110 flushes, mail of blood to the head, du 1 pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart,quicker than the first, pain si.bout the breast "bene, eto., nun positively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. Lnbon, 24 Mace donell Ave., Toronto, Canada. Jan. 1, 92, DRIVEN FROM OFFICE. Ube Catutant Whloh Led to the Resigns" - Hon of the Mayoress of Klima. Mrs. Paxton, the Mayoress of Kiows, Kan., has resigned, or, rather, she has been driven oat of office by the united howls of the town which she attempted to govern with the assistance and advice of the Women's Christian Temperance Union. Of come there is a section of the community that will hee-haw infer Mrs. Paxton's ap. parent failure, but thete is nothing wonder. ful in tbe fact thab. one woman out of 60,000,000 of people should not succeed in properly sizing up the igagoitude of tho forces with evfila. a/te hitd 14 deal. According to Bibffeil chronology it has taken the world nearly 6,000 years to estab- lish democratic government op a firm basis. During all this time woman has been the slave and the toy of man rather than his co- equal partner in the spode of time. Until within the memory of those living, man has monopolized the gold, the land, and the learning of the world. Even the lighter arts, where the enforced seclusion and com- parative idleneas of woman gave her a chance to become supreme, have not been held sacred by relentleits and intrueive man. Worth, the male dresemaker, outshines the fame of any womaa that ever threaded a needle. What female cooks can compare its reputation with Vatel and Ude? The trouble with Mrs. Paxton was that she mistook the strength of men's appetite for strong drink. She closed effectually the saloon doors of Kiowa. The neighboring cowboys who were accustomed to visit Kiowa at periodic intervals to obtain sure plies of firewater, stormed and proteFsted in vain; when they took practical revenge by deserting the town, and did their trading elsewhere. In a short time ruin stared tile shopkeepers, who had before applauded to the echo of Mrs. Paxton's efforts at ideal government, soon began to realize that no trade meant no money, and that no money meant no new gowns. Mrs. Pax - ton's methods, in tact, were heroic, but not practicable. From a diurnal condition of Connecticut blue and dry Sundays, the towmof Ki0VVIL passed into a condition of anarchy. The Mayoress and her laws were openly despised and flouted. So she per- force resigned: Looked at in a personal light, Mrs. Pax- ton mad ii the iniS-take - MU)" allioh all wo- men and most men too easily fall, namely, of generalizing too • hastily. If she had al- ways found her husband pliable and sub- missive, she argued that other men would act in a similar manner. But, then, Mrs. Paxton forget that all men were not, like her }unbend, in love with her, and that it is only by personal fascination ti r et woman haa ever been able to turn tile world, upateire down, -New York Sun. Clifford Rlacicatan A Boston Boy's Eyesight Saved—Perhaps His Life By Hood's Sarsaparilla -Blood Poi- soned by Canker. Read the following from a grateful mother: " My little boy had Scarlet Fever when 4 years old, and it left him very weak and with blood poisoned with canker. His eyes became so inflamed thathis sufferings were intense, and for seven weeks he Could Not Open His Eyes. I took him twice during that time to the Eye and Ear Infirmary on Charles street, but their remedies failed to do him the faintest shadow of good. I commenced giving him Hood's Sarsaparilla and 11 soon cured him. I have never doubted that it saved his sight, even if not his very life. You may use this tes- timonial in any way you choose. I am always ready to Sound the praise of Hood's Sarsaparilla because of the Wonderful good it did my son." Amite F. 131,ac1e5zkie, 2888 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Get HOOD'S. HOOD'H Pi)..t.s are hand made, and are pee feet in eci position, properties% and iippearsece. EACEl r1.17G Or THE MYRTLE Navy Is ItlAlticED IN BRONZE LETTERS. NONE OTHER OENUINE, The Central BUTCHER EU Subscriber dealres to thee* the public general. ly, for the patronage bestowed upon him; and at the Herne time to say that heels now in a bet ter poeltien dem ever to supply the wantof all. As he gives personal attention to, all the details of the ,besineee qustoneers oanrely 'on their orders being promptly aud etetisfaotorily BI inotto le "good meet et reasonable prime)." Choice Sausage, Poultry, .11e., in season. Caah paid for Hides, Skins, ete. JOHN SCRUTON, &wort St., Clinton. MaKillop Mutual Firs losorano• Co, FARM dr ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OPFIONAEL D. Rose, President, Clinton; M. Mu tie, Vice Pres., Seaforth ; W. J. Shannon, Seoy-Treas. Seaforth ; Jno. Efennah, Manager, Seaforth, nutacTorte. Jas. Broadfoot, • Seaforth ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton; Geo. Watt, Efarlook ; Joseph Lyme, Beeohwood; Thos. Carbet, Clinton ; /ilex. Gar. diner, Leadbury ; M. Murdie, Seaford'. AISFENT8. Thos. Neilans, Harlock; Robt. Sea. forth; Pitmen:Than, Seatorth; John 0 Sullivan nd Geo. Herdic', auditors. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or train mot other businese will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers addressed to their reepeeitve offices. GEO, D. MeTAGGART, BANKER, ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A general Banking Business ti ansacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest' allowed on deposits. FARRAN & TISDALL BANKERS, CLINTON. ONT Advances made to farmere on their own notes, at low rates of interest. A general Banking Business transactor' Interest allowed on deposits. Sale Notes bought J. P. TISDALE, Manager The Molsons Bank„ Incorporated by Act or Parliament, 186b. CAPITAL, 82,000,000. REST FUND, - 81,000,000 HEAD OFFIOE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLSON. Pres. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex- change bought and sold ae lowest current rates. Interest allowed' en deposits. .1FA.11,MIBRS. Moneyadvanced to Varmers-tre-their &wit note with one or more endorsers. No mortgage requt d as Becurity. H. C. BREWER, Manager January 1887. Clinton HURONIMAND BRUCE Loa,a Investment Co'y This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at Lowest Rates of Interest. — MORTGAGES rURCHASEI SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 6 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposits, according toantount and time left. OFFICE -Corner or Market Square and Nor th t dORACE HORTON. MANSON 6th 1886 CERT AKIN G The Embecriber would intimate to .the public generally that he has added to his bneiness that of UNDERTAKING And is prepared to supply all fun- eral necessaries at short notice and in a satisfactory manner. Coffins, Caskets, ShrondS, ske OAIIRTED IN STOOK. He has also purchased a first-olase Hearse, and can therefore meet all requirements in this line. Night calls answered at residence, Isaac Street, Clinton. JOS CRIDLEY Undertaker and dealer in F rniture, Clinton. analariewitoiaiiiewovat . A COOK BOOK Gy mall te any lady terellegualieriest AO. addiSts, ',fdlIsiRiebazdtaa & tdit HATS Our whole Stock at Half Price 1••••••...••••••,...1 .0..r..••••••••••••... Having decided to close out our whole stock of Hats and Caps, we offer them at PRICES RIDICULOUSLY LOW ••••••••••=mommmNoomonNOIN4454•••• Men's $1.00 Hats for 50c Men's $1.50 Hats for 750 Men's $2.00 Hats for $1 00 Men's $3.00 Hats for $1.05 1000 Hats at half price. Best Bargains to earliest callers Robt, Coats & Son, Clinton. THOUSANDS IN REWARDS. 'The Great Weekly Competition' of The Ladies' Home Magazine. Which word in this advertisement spelb) the same Backward as Forward This is a rare opportunity for evety Miulam and Miss, every Father and Son, to secure a splendid Prize. WEEKLY PnizEs,-Every week throughout this great competition prizes will L distributed aes follows: The first correct answer received (the postmark date on each letter to betaken as the date received) at the office of the LADIES' BONE MALIAZ'INE (each and every week during 1892) will get $200; the second correct answer, $100; the third WI; fourth, a beautiful silver service; fifth, tive o'clock silver service, and the next 50 correct answens ab get prizes ranging from $25 down to $2. Every correct answer, irmpective of whether &prize winner or not, will get a special prat. Competitors residing in the southern states, as well as other distant points, have an equal chance with those neare.r home as the sender's postniars will he our authority in every mute. Brr.Em.-Each list of answers mutt be accompanied by 81 to pay tor biS months subscription to one oe the teem Flom MAGAZ/NES in America, Nom.. —We wan, halt a million eubacriben., and to aroure 11,1» Me propm,e o give an ay in rewards on, hag our ineotne. Therefore, in erne one holt the total re ,,, pm during any a. eek ascot d ti e rash value. of the pru, n, Nuch oea, au v d I be added pro raia to the prises. If the e erre, v pro rata dimount .111 he made. F.PEGENCEri. —"THE LADIEs' Mom,: b.a,enzitnt we i tele to era, I y , ts pr..joes. ' —PeteiLtiugt Inc, ads. I Tenn a, "A Pb,eo,'No pane, and tinaiimally strong." — 114,- .,g. (( a,la, star. ' rAvry po, u inner s ill ref. pure to receive 111,ei tvlitit Le id ecu ot to. — Nor, 01 NI 'Itratla11. 08: r. elareftS (et. -r, to To te; flutdre MAGAZ/NE, P .rhorotadi. Canada BUSY wows "It Ss not clay the Buy Itaa,s negadee,1 bet to erpeetalty adapted te the 'Sail Wearee,--eitee aa tweeter 54 MU. (1111e) LUCY A. 0811511D, Ifflehtgan State Normal Selsool. a IT PLEASES EVERYBODY. miss Francon Willard.-" The bright- est outlook window in Christendom for busy people who want to sec wheel's wirer on la the world." Providence Telegram.-'Aereat boon to the busy, the lazy and the econOmical," The congregationallet.-This monthly has no peer in originality of design, scope and accuracy of vision, thoroughness in execution and ability to transforrn Its readers into affirms of the world'. Chicago interior. -"The Review of Re- views, of New York, has come to the /*Mlle of busy. people. We know of one high railroad offic2a1 who for a month has worked until 11 o'clock at night, and yet hes kept well informed of current world events. He reads this Magazine. It gives him a running commentary on important events, besides a digest of the best articles in Contemporary magazines." Price 25c. $2.50 a Year* tentitT8 WANTED. CLUB RATES ON APPLICATION., seas Tem Gees THE REVIEW 01' REVIEWS, kr Sample Copy-. 12 Astor Place, New Yea Send for a Catalogue and Price List. Organo taken in exchange. Second hand Organs for Elate or to Rent. Two Organs manufactured by the Oakes Organ Co., as good as new, will be sold at a bargain. OnaPiano Case with four sets of reed. One Orion, three sets Call and see them G. F. EMERSON. CLINTON 1 CURE FITS! When I say\I entre I do not mean merely to etop them for time and then have them return again, I mean a radical cure. 1 have wade the &tease of FITS, EPILEP- SY or FALLING SICKNESS a life.leng 'Andy. I warrant my remedy to cure the worst cwses. Became ethers breve fatted is no teased for not tow teething 5 mire. Send at once for a treatise ahd a Free Bottle orrity Infallible remedy. GIVe EXPRESS and POST.OFFME. k.k. G. FloaT, M. C.,_186 Ansi-lama ST. WHET. 1 ORONTO, UNT. NERVE BEANS NERVE BEANS are Eli new ate coven, that tura She worst eases of Nerrous Debility, Lost Vigor and Felling Manhood; ref&ree the weakness or bode or mind eali&VI by overwork, or the errors 00 81' mese of youth. Thin Remedy ate tolatc."y turee the most ()binned eases 'when all other xnakrttesTs have failed events) relieve. old by drug- gists at Viper peek:eke, or sit forge5, or gent by mall on reedit of priest:, by erlateetileg Tin:JAMES IdEDICINie 00.b Toronto. ()lie Write friv pamth'es. Sold in.e. 01111 tOri by . 11. Corol-e. SOOTHING, CLEANSING,, HEALING. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. Many so-called di/mesas are simply symptoms of Catarrh, such as headache, losing sense of smell, foul breath, hawking and spitting, gmatral feeling of debility, ole. If you are ',reedited With any of Mase or, Madred symptoms, you have Catarrh, and should loso no time procuring a bottle of Nem. Baize Be warned in time, neglected cold in head results in Catarrh, followed by consumption and death. Sold by all druggists, or sent, post paid, on receipt of price /SO cents and $1) by addressing vFULFORB& CO, Week iiitAIL FLAXSEE EMULSION compouND BRONCHITI •ef 186 Lesington Ave., New York City, Sept. 19, 1 have used the Flax -Seed Emulsion in severs/ eases of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stages of Yhthisis, and have been well pleased with the results, JAMES K. CROOK, M.D. CONSUMPTI ee Brooklyn N.Y., Feb. 1dth- 1 I have i'isecrYcruir-F.Murstan-iii a cansof (consumption) with beneficial results, where patieet , could not 050 Cod Liver Oil in any form. J. IL, DROGE, M. D. NERVOUS PROSTRATION Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 20th, 1 I can strongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsion as h el pf u I to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung., Bronchial and Nervous Affections, and a good ged eral tonic in physical debility. JOHN F. TALIVIACE, M. D. GENERALCIEBILIT Brooklyn, N Y., Oct. idth, 1518. I regard Flax Seed Emulsion as greatly ,uperior the Cod Liver Oil Emulsions so generally ,ae use, D. A. GORTO,t, 11. D.* WASTING DISEASES 137 West 04th St, New York, Aug. 6, . 1 Five used your Flax -Seed Emulsion Compound in a ,eoere ease of Mal -nutrition and the result wee more than hoped for -it was marvelous, and GM. tuitions. I recommend it cheerfully to the profession and humanity at large, M. H. GILBERT, 24.13. ' HELIMATIS Sold by Druggists,Priee ;140. FLAX -SEED EMULSION C.,0 35 Liberty St., New Yorl- For sale by J. IL COMBE, Clinton. ; READ TI -IE BIBLE: - And ,at the Same Time Earn One:Hutia • . dred Dollars in Gold. 0— The met letter containing the oorreck renewers to following questions received at the °Mee of TRH OANAA DISH Amturovresise(esok week tromnow WHAMS of December, 1892) will receive 5100 10 geld; the will get 550',third, $25; fourth, handsome dbree so to the next 60 correct answers we will send from 46 (10IVIk 104421: OtrErery snorer, w a rennet. eenot, rtil active a epecial prize. Quern° • Aserne11at..-0.) How many beekt defre the contain? (1)How many chapters (1) Haw meatier/gat RULES. 11.)We commence to open letters en Monday m of each week. If more then One letter Is rifeeivee Immo mail with correct ansWers, the first openl count, the Boosted will take next plies, and so lin Eech letter containing answers 01501 10 aeoompanied $1 10P0 for ale months subscription10 TM" AGiltE TURI8T-011t of the very beet Illwaretedlicitingle In Canada. (3.) People living In the thittedfitittall, precisely the same privilegesie connection With thtl 50*' petition its those residing in Canada They can eag their letters eseh week so as to resell us in thee ning of the week, when thee will let elinosteute ter en a good prize. WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY OE trie "Received 31900 prize all right "-M. if, BMX/ Vancouver, 13. O. "I shall recommend my kiendil enhsr yourcompetitions; -Lono Biter:outset, D to the GovernorGeneral, Ottawa, Canada, "S prize received.'. -0. id McComack, St, fitephen, -Prize of 3235 received." -,1 HASIIIBOII,81k$dUle,Na "Handsome prize received,",,Mise ROTA. Ream ford, Mich. Cher ROO receipts from Oita idadert fernier competitions on tyle in our eMce. Totter* 'brining money ihauld in all cases b \reordered,. dress, Tat tritu aolactuarPtraLnath 400., Mot Otigh, Catisda.