HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-07-15, Page 63u1v 154 1891
itit4$ f401*410141$400 ot fa*,,Algee
149,04041104 10.920 liifet.iGOAQPIT•
la NMo he peprete of suoceogil
talent 44c1;t4ati Ilk, Well PAPOrinnee.,
Wee#1349 4Y44149relOok, aP4 041WAYS b
i 0
114,r0O.P.qntip4f,3 for the next work of thelarna.
Prtifith^yeur experience. The wieeman
learristfrom his,ninitakes as well as from
White helleecire powder is the best sub-
titling° for killing currant worms. Apply
'W4tbon frf?akilPg
State Of Obio have de -
created. 1t 4n n the decade endiug witli
Te wirielit teenier is he who has the'most
experienne tg lighten his way'. Tile experi-
MlaStpf per.we11Aoted and applisd with
dsgretion 151aY raiike the young farmer as
'W49.1#7190PWageS PAd te farm laborers
Ontarld'iti 1891, Were' $158 with hostd,
*Ad 1007 without board; for the yiorking
Sea8etr#10 '66 was the average per month
with board, and $25 81 without board; de-
l:acetic itervante ayeraged $6 25 per month.
Thelawn should be mem), as often Ike a
• dittle growth of grass is made, once in ten
daye,er „oftener if the season proves wet
tiaid thegeasa ansikee rap41'grow.th,�iip
'•the edgings of grass borders occasionally,
and allow no weeds to grow in either walks
Or betle.4 Maintain neatnese in all parts of
the grotinde.
Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the
eyatern effeetnally, yet gently, when eoetive
or bilious, or When the blood is impure or
!Inge* ,to permenently oure habitual
, nonetipation, to • awaken the kidneys and
-liver to a healthy aotivity, without irritat-
' 'hag or weakening them, use Syrup of Figs.
aniall handful of fine charcoal may be
given with advantage to all kinds of live
istook two or three times a week. Given to
()Owe When first turned to pasture or on
heavy clover it will prevent bloating. It is
excellent for pigs, and prevents the sour
'Stomach which causes bad teeth, thought
fiSkS,orge tiribea iseaep instead of a result
Of at;
- The m ici1a1 returns show as that in
1891 there were 22,535,983 acres of farm
hude lessfisWir p,11;004:, of whiela 946,-
41 ariteiSliW Vied 4tim1it 'nonLtellidents.
There were thee 11,802,487 acres of cleared
leaving 8,376,762 acres inewoodland
and 1,356,734 sores in swamp,l'marsh or
„rut lanai,. Of cleared lands, 187,832 acres
•,tiere in orchard and garden, while 2, 721,-
":'201 scree (23 per cent.) were devoted to
SIOnett faring lands in 1891 in ()M-
O) lf2T,StPer acre for the whole
a*Xoreei*lai 6145e -every &aired dare there
•`Vrere 316 21 in buildings, 34 29 in impele-
• lielite, and $9 21 in live stock. The latter
three averages are allimat identical with
he figures for ten years, so that the
pgrty„;aegiltiSivet'of the land has kept
ace with the area cleared. The rental of
eased terms was $1 95 per acre based on
Jim whole farm; or $2 70 on the cleared
,peitign, being decreases of 6 and 11 cents
reepeotivelk; Worn the averages of six years.
0.0.• RICHARDS & Co.
GENTS. -I have used your MINARD'S
, LINIMENT in my family for some years
and believe it • the best medicine in the
mar as it does all it it recommended to do
•'CForks, N. B., D. RIERSTEAD.
• 4"ohn Mader, Mahone Bay, informs us
that he witocured of a very severe attack
Of .rheomatism by useing MINARD'S
Via the Chicago, Milwaukee ce St. Paul
It'y, on Tuesday, Aug. 30, and Sept.
27, 1892.
ere tile grassee are kissed by the wand'ring
• breeze,
Wherethe fields are rich with the golden grain;
Where the schooner ploughs through the prairie
• To its destined port on the western plainl;
Where homes may never besought Wallin,
Andhbp� is the thriftiest plant that grows;
Vilere man may ever his rights maintain,
: ,Aad land is ea free as the wind that blows.
, „
--:.--For-further-partioulars--apply- to -the nearest
• Wicket Agent, or address A. J. Taylor, Canadian
Re.stienger Agent, 4 Palmer House Block, Toren -
0, Ont. 4,
borne of the African tribes pull their
Angers till the joints "crack" as a form of
• Salutation.
. ,0 1 wo der
: , .„ ., .: , , . ,
.,,XVIIEN they find how rapidly health
V v is restored by taking slYeeS. Ser-
f.. Ili:patina. The reason is that this
'preparation contains only the purest
•, and most powerful alteratives and
tonics. To thousands yearly it proves a
;Veritable elixir of life
4 Mts. .70E1,, Lake, Erdokway Centre,
k 1611116., writes: "Liver complaint and
'Indigestion made my life a burden
Said, came near ending my existence.
,Ifair 'more than four years I suffered un-
tied agony. I was reduced almost to
ii Skeleton, and hardly had strength to
rag ',myself about. All kinds of food
, (listreased Me, and only the most dell -
ate oonld be digested tit ,all. Within
the time mentioned, several physiciafie
• treated mewithout &Jaw relief. Noth-
'kg that I took seemed to do any per-
manent good until I began the use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which has pro-
twonderful results. Soon after
Oomtnencing to take the Sarsaparilla I
• ectitld see an
In -thy condition, my appetite began to
',Shun and With it came the ability to
• digest all the food taken, my strength
improved each day, and after a few
Xiimiths of faithful attention to your
.iditeetiOns, I found myself a well
*mien, able to attend to all household
• antlers. The medicine has given me a
' )20* leaili of lifk and I cannot thank
' yen tod frinchi"!
”Wil,the 'Undersigned, eitizeis of
Breekway„Centre, Mich., hereby certify
r4he ,,t1b0170: btektiefaeliti, Ibuld0 :b3r
Lake, „"iiilttie- m 0-00 itiettlar
Said entitled to full credence.
-O. P.
Cliainberlain, G. W. Waring, C. A.
Wells, Druggist.
'_, “My btother, in England, was, for a
Jon timid, unable to attend to his occu-
On, ;by reason of pores on his foot.
Sent Milo AyeekAlniiatlikerind the tea-
titironiala' `it Ciantained induced hint to
trtAtees Sarsaparilla. After using it
al , tt e while, he was cured, and is now
arell men, worldng in a sugar mill
'• Bibilitine Queensland, Australia." -
Attliwelf, Shatbet Lake, Ontario.
ors arsapan
J, D. Ayer & C9.0 Lotrellt Mist.
ad; els botties,tt. Troett, 0 about*.
xi:mention and DIscovery-Geo. Ilea Writes
About the Brooklyn Bridge -A' Simple
Scientific Lesson With the Cone es the
One of the noblest bridgea in the world
is the structure which unites New York and
Brooklyn. A curious fact in regard to it,
and to every otber bridge of the auspenvion
tYPd, thdt, were its design turned Upaide
down'the outline would indicate a, capital
plan for in old-fashioned arched bridge.
The strength 9f the steel in the cables
spanning the East River is employed to
hold up a burden hanging beneath them.
The him, along which the metaLis 'nest cf.
fectively disposed for this duty are sub-
stantially the reverse of the lines most suit.
Mlle were the load not beneath the steel,
but above it. As in the case of the Brooklyn
Bridge, so with other familiar objects. We
are ant to think of them only in the single
aspect in which we usually ace them. NVe
forget that the rule according to whit+ t hey
were imilt or made wor t both ways, so
that were these fainiliar things but looked
at in the reverse they might be quite as in-
teresting or useful.
Ask the next schoolboy you meet to di aw
for you the outline of a cone
His sketch will give you the figure resting
very naturally on its base. Were you nex
to ask him how an apparatus for extracting
cube root could be put together he
would very probably shake his head and
fall to thinking about highly eomplicated
cogwheels and levers. And yet a simple
cone has only to be immersed in a cylindri-
cal jai half full of -wafer to extract cube
root with, precision. It must, however, be
invetted44thii, that the water may rise as
miseli as pdseible the jar should be only a
1100 Wider than the base of the cone, and
he :one fillOtliti be tall and slender.
A cone increases ill contents as the cube
4 its height --.hardly any fact in Euclid is
re familiar. A 1) in the figure has
went y•seven times and A C eight times
he contents oi A B. Inverted - aml ini-
.00rsed in water, displacement increases in
•:iietly the saine ratio. 11ad i he 0011C been
its often with its apex up ward as in
ts erdinau position, tiliS little invert! ion
1 have been given to the schools long
and not, as is he case, only the other
'lay. -Geo. Iles, in New York Sun.
A Hint to Canadian Inventors.
A potato spraying machine is figured in
the Mark Lane Express that niay suggest
ideas to Canadian inventors and manufac-
turers. It is so generally necessary to
spray potatoes with the Bordeaux mixture
and some poison added, so as to both pre-
vent blight and kill bugs, that a machine
to do several rows at a time is needed. It
should also be adopted for similiitr use on
tomatoes and other crops. The larger cut
outlines the machine : A, hood for passing
over rows of potatoes to confine the mist -
like spray, and thereby prevent waste of
the mixture ; B B B, discs for arresting
the forced, sharp streams, and dispelling
them at3 miat ; CCC, nozzles for discharging
the streams from the force -pump tubes ; D,
air chamber for caueing the streams to be
uniform or coustant, and not fitful; E,
pump; F, chain for driving pump ; G, re -
or 11011 for carrying a supply of the
riPxt lire ; H H lf, separator and elevator,
10 the form of a suspended cm ved steel nal
saline of wood, foi dividing and raising
f,lieti stems to an erect, position, and guni-
thr,tigh the hood over or clear of
he Muer discs. The small figure in the
,.f -hand corner is a section of the hood ;
troughs for catching in the hood the
.lic‘y condensed there, which would other-
s ;se tly to waste : U U C, the spray-produc-
, c. discs ; 1) 1), the spray or mist us
',to -rated, and showing th,t, about otit••
'.711i of the mixture is utilized by impingle,
in t he potato leaves and stems, and 111.,
oili fifths strike the hood for condensation
STORI Cir‘:13'11.4X#S.,
The peculiar condition of the atroos.
phere, or something of the kind, has
Caused the chxdle and common place
snake to doa great many strange nend
IlllaCCOUntable things.
' On a farm a few miles eaet. of Rome,
me time ago, 'a huge chicken onalre
nt to a nest where an old Iduok was
tting on a dozen eggs, The snake re-
eved the old duck from thenest, suck.
six bf the eggs, and then complacent-
" coiled itself upon the others and pre,.
eeded to "sit" a la the duck. In due
time the remainder of the eggs were
atched, and mamma snake led the lit.
t e dueklet down to the brook and sang
•errily to them, The,ducklets differed
om the others in that they had spots
lke,the snake and would lick out their
tongues when they weVe wade Mad- "
, The othdr day t`i/e0 }Wine boys were
fishing in .Arnauchee creek and caught
o fltielyellow catfish. Whenithe fish Wasi
cut open they found within it a sight
c.raft on the Atlanta National Bank,
duly signed and indorsed. The draft
called for $50, and was sent protestable
from Buffalo, N. Y.
Recently some boys up in Murray Co,
saw a black snake run at full speed
down a steep hill and jump ten feet
high and capture a sapsueker which
was drilling a hole in the bark of a pine
tree with its sharp beak.'illft V
A- musical snake has just made its ap-
pearance over in Bartow county, m
Hon. Tom Ioyon's community. It was,
seen last Sunday afternoon wearing a
lace scarf and carrying a gold -headed
cane. It had a brown moustache like
Lord Beresford, and stood up in the
road and sang "Comrades" and "When
the Owls Nest Again."
The most wonderful snake of the sea-
son is the flying snake, which has jrist
made its appearance out in the flat
woods. It was seen the other day lying
by the hot, dusty road asleep. 'It was
snoring audibly, and appeared to be
enjoying the snooze. A gentleman
stabbed it in the short ribs with an um-
berella, and the thing immediately
stretched out two long wings like a
goose and sailed away across the field
and perched in the top of a fall pine,.
Used and approved of by the medical profes.ion
Price 81 per box. For sale by Druggists. or by mail
on receipt of price. Prepared by
W.T.Strong, Druggist, London, On,
Why Ilion', cies A re So Dear,
The question why the high-grade bicycle
.70,1a SO much —a sum beyond the means of
:no ordinary wage -earner --is often asked.
rim li•on Age gives some interesting 111-
:o1i050100 in answer. 1i the tirst place the
.-teyele must be made on the interchare-m-
tole principle, so that a missing or broken
!art van be supplied by the factory at once.
A,1 of such parts undergo a rigid system of
inspection, being submitted to the severe
AtiLiUS which they must stand while the
machine is in use. Main parts, like the
sprocket wheel, hubs, bearings, etc., are
gauged, tne allowance for variation being
one-quarter of a thousandth. A variation
in excess of this throws the piece out. The
method of "stringing" the wheel is thus
described: "The outer ends of the spokes
are threaded in order to enter the hardened
brags nipple, the rap of which is, of course,
on the outer side of the rim. The boy who
strings the wheel up merely tightens the
nipples sufficiently to hold the parts to-
gether. After this the wheel goes to an
expert workman who tightens the spokes,
bringing them all under the desired tension. •
The Wheel is thee mounted on in axle and
turned, a piece of chalk held near the rim
serving to indicate any irregularly. To
correct such defects and make the wheel
perfectly true, the nipples are tightened or
loosened, This is a simple matter, and yet
orie requiring great judgrkent.” The litiit;
ing of the joints and the making at the
fellott or iron te receive the rubber titate
MAO operatietta requiring the greatest. pre.
elision and delicacy of handling. chi emit,
t ere ia no part Of the model's bicycle that
is be made factory -fashion.
PISO'S Remedy for Catarrh is the
Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest.
Douch Bed Pan and
Sold by druggists or cezt oy mali
t‘l .0 wieseltiee
Fountain Syringe
Canadian Medical Record, Montreal—We con-
sider it tho most valuable yet invented, The
pan, though tight and neat in appearance, is
strongly made and is provided with a rubber out-
let on either sides of pan, which conveys the need
Water into a pail under the bed. Another com-
fort connected with it is a waterproof cushion
laced on the pan upon which lies the enormous
weight. Physcians and ladies who have once
seen the pan and fountain would use them to the
exclusion of all others.
Dr. Lapthorn Smith, Prof. Biship College, Mon-
treal—The pan and fountain deserves all the
praise you gave it an mgreat deat mere; I will
gladly recommend it to all my pa, lents.
Dr Newton A. Powell, Lecturer Trinity College,
Toronto—It is in my opinion the best for all its
various uses, to be obtained for the treatment of
a.single'ease; is is well worth its cost
, Sold by all druggists.
Manufacturer. Clinton
Repairing of all kinds promptly attend es
onstdo rates. A trial solicited to
The most Interesting Contest ever offered
by The Canadian Agriculturist.
One Thousand Dollars In Cash, a Pair of Handsome
Shetland Ponies, Carriage and Harness, and over two
thousand other valuable prizes for tbe Agriculturists
brighteet readers! Who will hat* there? According to
the usnal custom for some years past the publishers of
TDB AGRICULTURIST now offer their Sixth Half -yearly
Literary Competition. This grand competition will, no
doubt, bet the most gigantic and successful one ever pre-
sented to the people of the United States and Canada.
One Thousand Dollars in cash will be paid to the per.
son sending in the largest list of English words con-
structed from letters in the words "The Canadian Agri.
Five Hundred Dollars in cash will be given to the
second largest list
A Handsome Pair of Shetland Ponies, Carriage and
Harness, will be given for the third largest list.
Over one thousand additional pizes awarded in order
of merit: One Grand Piano; $300, Organ; $400 Piano;
Dinner Sets; Ladies' Gold Watches ; Silk Drees Patterns;
Portiere Curtains ; Silver Tea services; Tennyson'sPoems,
bound in cloth; Dicicens' in 12 volutes, bound in cloth, etc.
As there are more than 1000 prizes, any one who taken
the trouble to prepare an ordinary. good 'let will not fail
to receive a valuable prize. This is the biggest thing in
the competition line that we have ever placed before the
public, and all who do not take part will min an oppor.
tunity of a life time.
RULRA-1. A letter Cannot be used oftner than it
appears in the weir& " The Canadian Agriculturist"
For instance the werd "egg'could not be used, as there
is but one "g" in the three words. 2. Words having more
than rine meaning but spelled the same can be used but
once 3. N..mes of places and persons barred. 4. Errors
will not invaielate a list -the wrong words will simply
not ba counted.
Each list mmt contain one dollar to pay for six month'e
sutmeription to ffinE AGIt/cULTURUIT. If two or more
tie, the largest list which bears the earliest postmark will
take the first prize, and the others will receive prizes in
order of merit. United States money and stamps takep
at par.
The object in offering three magnificent prizes is to
introduce our popular magazine into new homes, in every
nrt of the American continent.
Every competitor enclosing 80 cents in stamps extra,
will receive free, by mail, postpaid, one to THE AoRICUL-
TURIST's Elegant Souvenir Spoons of Canada.
Prizes awaided to persons residing in the United States
will be shipped from our New York office frea of duty.
All money letters should be registered.
$25,000 in priz.M during the last two years, and have
thousands of lettere from prim -winners in every state in
the union and every part of Canada and Newfoundland.
Lord Kdeoursie, A.D.C. to the Governor General of
Genade, writes,: "I shall recommend my Mende to enter
your ,empetitions," M. M. Brandon, Foineouier, B. C.,
' rceeived$1000 in gold" and we holdhla reeemtforeame.
A few of the prize winners: Mitts J. Robinson, Toronto,
;MON J. J. Brandon, Fenelon Falls, Ont. $1500; Onvia•
Harris ,on Syracuse, N. Y. t535; H. Bemis, St. Louie
Mo.1 $300; Jas. Rapti% Wes1 Duluth, Shim, 0500; MIA
fherginriTtObertsbn, Oek St, Brdoklyri, $1000; .1"1 -ed H.
Hills, 359 State St, Bridgeport, Conn., and thousandalif
Address 111 conominteationa tie bite Aoittotirritarsr,
reterbermigh, Ontialti, •
Sae) Coin'Outeiswili mite
litMslensi Moles, 54„y
• MiseEritANEQus•
• Shingles fOi Sale
OttYXY 0X1 bo,nd 4 Seek of, aritleheis Redari
Shingles; t wo qualities, whieb I will sell at every
loY1 rete < Ordere Ist80 Or Mail on the
shortest netice. Please give me a call.
• IW. 111L4Y. Dendeeboro. am *
Shingles and Lath for Sale.
Subscriber hes p u r t;i7a707d a' large quantity of
No, I, shingles. These ghingleirwilt be.,niitde to
ordsr out of to very best quality et took °here
wdar. All Nvlito want a firtatualass, pug)e will
nd it to their advantaget0,ank for price befere
buYing elsoivhere. Orders large or small deliver-
" ed at 'any station along the line.
W IL WHUDICY, Londeaboro.
Bull for Sale,
For Sale a thore-bred Durhaid, Run, twelve
Months old. of first-class pedigree. xissk red
color, with a little white. Will be,sold atree,soo
able price. JQIIN OUldINO, LOndesboro, P. 0
Shorthorn Bulls For Sale.
Per sale two yearned Theroghbred Shorthorn
pulis,Eired by the Onlickiihank bull Perfection.
They WV extra good animate find Ws/ be soki 00
reasonable terms. Apply on lot 26. con. 10 Monis
or Blyth, P. 0. NEIL MODONALD. p441
Next to Commercial Hotel.
This establishment is in full operation andfai
orders fiIledJn the most eatisfaettory way, Ceme-
tery and granite work ft specialty. Pricesias
reasonable as those of aby establishment
SEALE, HOOVER & SEALE, Clinton. lm
Tested Remedies.
For tr pure, Weak and Impoveriehed
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepiesenese, Palpa-
tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint,
Neritalgia, Loss of Memory, Brozichitle,
ConeuMption, (1a1l Stones, Jaundice,,DiO-
ney,s4a Vrins,ry Diseases, 4-t: Vitus'Dimpei
Female Irregularities and General Debi4ty,
Prop. and Manufactiner.
Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton
The new model of the Rockford Watch, when
maeed in a screw bezel ease, will fill a Ion felt
want among farmers, as it lb not dns proof
only, but very 'atone. The plate which the
wheels work between, not being, eeparated by
pillars as in the ordinary
But by the bottom plate being turned out of a
solid pieco of metal, with the edger left of the
top plate to rest on; it also being pendant or lever
set with sunk balance to prevent breaking, mak-
ing in all a good rong watch
For a Fanner
ThebestEmbalming Fluidused
Splendid Hearse.
Residence over store.
A First-class Step or Long Ladder ?
A Handy Wheelbarrow?
A Splendid Churn, or anything of like
nature? Then call on:W. SMITHSON, at
shop, No.7 Frederick St., or E. Dinsley
Will be at:Dinsley's corner every Saturday
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section
36 of Chapter 110, R.S.O., 1887, that all persons
having claims against the estate of Thomas
Welsh, late of the Township of Goderich, in the
County of Huron, yeoman, who died on or about
the 2nd day of June, 1892, are required to send
or deliver to Messrs Garrow tic Proudfoot, Gode-
rich, Solicitors for Jane Welsh, Robert Thomas
Erratt and George Green, Executors' of the said
deceased, on or before the 3Ist day of August,
1892, their names, addresses and descriptions,
with full particulars of their claims, and the
nature of the securities (if any) held by them.
And the excitors will after the 31st day of Au-
gust, 1892, distribute the assets of the deceased
among the parties entitled thereto, having re-
gard only to claims of which notice shall have
been given as above required. And the exeou-
tors will not be liable for the assets or any part
thereof to any person of whose claim notice shall
not have been received by them at the time of
such distribution.
Dated the 20th day of June, 1892.
SolicitOrs for Executors.
• VOTERS' LIST 1892.
Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted
or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections
5 and 6 of the Voters' Lists Act, the copies re-
quired by said sections 00 be so trareimitted br de-
livered of the list made pursuant to said Act, of
all persons appearing by theiast revised Assess-
tnent ROB of said 'municipality to be entitled to
vote hi the said inneicipality itt elections for
members of the Legislative Assembly, and et
Municipal Eleotiona, and that said list WaS first
posted up at illy office, at Clinton, on the 250h
day of ,June, 1892, and reinains there for inepec-
tion. Kir:eters ere ettnea upon IA expiablethe
said list, and if any emissiOns or any rother:ete-
ors &relent:id therein, to take immediate proceed.
Inge to have the laid errors joreotee1 aec tiling'
o baw. 0./. STEI ART, glkof stela y.
Dated this 1st day •taly I
4116*,0409,4' gkAllkie
1892 -
Lou: sttfi)
CoP3pow4 offla)Oilver Com-
posite and Best Brands Man-
illa. Leave your order with
U8 at ODCQ in order to insure
prompt delivery. Quality the
best and Prices Guaranteed
as low as the lowest.
ffeadquarters for Hot Air
Furnaces; both wood and
coal. Call and get quotations
, .
Le 401'1/bailey CsAls:
HARLAND BROS have secured control
for tide eeotion, 'of the celebrated Lehigh
yalicy Coal, and have purchased severa
care to arrive this month. It is admitted
4y all to be the best, ancLit is oleo glaimeil
that it will give 25 per cent more heat then
any other coal produced. Why use com-
mon coal when thie coal can be purchased
at the Paine price. Order early so as to see
euro low price, as owing to the strong com-
bination of the railroad and coal compaa-
ies, high prices are anticipated this fall.
A.I.13E:11,717 Srr., CLOEN9PON-
We have Sugar by the car load. Can give you Sugar at wholesale prices. Ex-
tra Standard Granulated by the 100 lbs or bbl lots, Big reductien.
Sole agents for Hillwattie Tea. Orders taken for the best Scranton Coal.
GI -3330
Choice Goods
New Valencia Raisins off stalk, New Sultan .Raisins—extra value,
New Black Basket Raisins, New Currants, New Grenoble Walnuts
New S. S. Almonds, New Filberts, New Candied Peels—Citron,
Lemon and Orange, New Extracts—Essences of all kinds.
Splendid values in choice Green, Black or Japans. Try our
Special Blend of pure India and Ceylon Teas put up in one
pound packages. Best value in package Teas in the markei—Try it.
Glasgow House, Brumfield
WM. SCOrlur & 00
Wholesale and retail dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS,
Highest Cash price paid for all kinds of Grain, Dressed Hogs, Hides, Wool and Cord
wood. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Agents for G. N. W. Telegraph Co., with tele
graph connection to all parts of the world.
We beg to thank our numerous customers for their long and liberal patronage for the
past 30 years, and hope by strict attention to business, and rock bottom prices, to stil
•.iontinue in line with our old and many new oustomers.
WM. SCOTT & CO.; *
1-Inron Street, Clinton
We have on hand an assortment of splendid
Which we guarantee to he of first-class material and wol kmansbip.
If you want a good article at tbe price of a poor one, call and see us.
171;1[1.1111AB4LI4T4, CLIEN9PCO1N
AN I 01' DAN
laToronto, Travelling Passenger Agent, C. P. It.
D. L. CAV1CN. Restores Fading hair to tio
original color.
Says: Anti -Dandruff is ',perfect remover of Dan. Slops telling of hair-
druft-tts action is marvellous -in my own ease Keeps the Scalp clean.
a few applications not only thoroughly temoved
falling of the hair, made It soft and pliable and Rlakes hair soft and Pliable
PaCMIldV0 dandruff accumulation but topped
Promotes Growth.
promoted a visible growth.
Adams' Emporium.
We invite the attention of our customers and others to the fact that we are prepared
to onpply them with the following amongst other goods.
Sugar at lowest prices, Tea, Coffee, Fruit J ars and Berries,
Harvest Tools such as Forks, Rakes, Snaths, Scythes,
Hoes, &e. Machine Oil and Raw Castor Oil, Paris
Green. Royal Canadian Clothes Wringers at
not much over the usual half price. Ask
our price for Dingman Soap and
Starches. Produce taken in
• tontspotto
• Alger