HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-07-08, Page 874:f 7,1C Trir; %7K '1•17ceni-,31, 1 R, 31 0,,19,2 ' LOCAL BOTIPIllil wUlttpend his bollday8. Mies ,BOPIlle Xiltz left Munthy kar 04410404 MiC114 (on Lake •pil *here 'she hoe se. •eured s situaiIon as telegraph opera- tor, *les 0 eill of .the Model, is <apendIng the holidaysinTorontO.'Mr .10;*00, Johns, harborinspecter, 0,00th». •,aln ton, is vlsitinw his nephew„... Mr 4, H. °moll, )fr fir‘itaM ofeitail liniVstionitootto eur asikulallz Tteetteri let. who Went to the old courttry with VAlittP--fleinvaielnlieltOurrauta.Hisb- Some asset* vqqlibeliP,^7,40Pala0k0,‘"gt hi !Cattle 'retUraed on Saluda eYen,, into he to have made' a patio" factory trip. MissniepherSOP440•1141A" ter of Mr Macpherson, • of 'Ole Berlin Telegraph) and Miss Wallace,. of Gode- rich. were this Week the euesta Afro • 404•4740e Exion imos. , . Toon r est Wade nerasitneea bearlas tha oati h gond yin t t X esatine moo 3 Ilrin 9131 441.t gliderwroTi gO#467 • boinititni Ook Bedroom 'Snit. now, tor solo ZWIZZ'Aneuelemmuitiarime .31041114 TWITOBI4M sato i;onn4 not to baandits01 In no* 'and nolo, Harness, poi:a • 70dri40447404ididiti a'Oomplaof .1"ndoo .41'94i • • 01 " , 4 00.10,4Fitir,.. uterei anowarom 7n ots tol 40 • „ , • Vitonsn's Patna Boots 0 so , ... • ... WomOn't ...4 ad woroin "Ma Minna* 0 60 onion a Loma 13094 0 70 , , Worto,dre4 'Rubbers, „ . .. . .. .. •, A.DERRVISERSorkt foxier to inure iltserttott ooze 104. oPtirr Mango of aik'rtisolitaf, witi4t he andat in not •, , ' later Men Wedaeakti/ Poo& • , 40031 44000. ;$TATIATIOS,—The vital statistics re- corded with ,the , Division Registrar, W. Coats, for the half year ending June KO, is as follows:—Births, 33; Marriages, 12; deaths, 15., ' Ttontims.—W. jaclison ticketed the ' persons to their respective destinations this week:—J, .Johnson • AO wife, Southcomb; and A . Leed, Winnipeg: D.. McAllister, Port- • land, 0,; Bert godgens, Mackinaw; Miss Rilty. gout htoir A Plummer, aw City. NOT Hie FIRST.—The GaltReformer • of last Week Makes the follooving ;re- ference, to Clintonian, 10,fr •, Frank Paltridge, Of Los Angles, Cali- - • Urine, formerly of Galt, dropped into „ this office yesterday. He is on his Wedding trip, having been married at Detroit on Monday, to Mrs Annie liongh,,Of that city. • Mr Paltridge is ' looking and, feeling extremely well, t. and seems to be prospering in the Gol- den State.", • CoNviarioNse—For the three months • ending June 14th' there were 71 con- ' Vir#ons ;made by the county magis- • trates;"17 of these were by Goderich 'magistrates; • 13 by Seaforth, 13 by , Clinton; 7 by Brussels; 9 by Manchest- •er and the rest scattered over the county. There were 9 violations of ',License Act,, the fines for which amounted to$2f0; there was one fine • • also of $100 Unposed .for illicit distill- ,' ing;,the 'fines collected over the sums • mentioned amountedrto $71.50. • The complaint made by Mr Ferran, to the council, on -Monday night, was a just one, and not a member of the ' board but inwardly felt that the griev- ance was one that should • be remedied at once. There is only one way of doing it, and that is only providing Weigh scales for animals in a less public place. The matter of expense • is not one that should deter action. The cost is nothing as compared with the injustice that those living there - „abouts. have too long. had,. to onlegY, allbmit to. 'Hun= CENTRarn.—The Directors of the Huron Central met on Tuesday ' • last, to complete arrangements for the coming Fair, the, days were changed from Sept. 22-23 to Oct. 4-5. The resig- nation of W. Jackson as Secretary was accepted, and Coats was appointed to the position. Mr. Jackson it; one of :those whose close personal attention AO the interests of the Society have • made it what it is, and it is to be re- •'gratted that he found it necessary to i;. resign, which was due to his -many other engagements. ” A good successor , has been appointed. • •' 4 AceIDENT.--On Monday evening as •Mr j. Robb, of Tuckersmith, acccom- ,W0Men'S rt0001414 fr001, ,up • Montreal;J". Eag,e_sp.4nd wife, Sagin- • Panied by his sister, of town, was driving home, tbe horse got frighten - e41 by the reflection of some water, and before it could be controlled had shied off the road, turning the to buggy upside down in the ditch. Mr C. Avery i' haktened along at the moment and : . helped to straighten tip the rig, , •which had turned as exactly upside down as was possible. bliss Robb was . ' quite, severely shaken up and felt ,• pretty sore; Mr Robb was unhurt. The ,''-,,,\, - )• , • buggy was smashed somewhat. , -•LAWN SocrAms. — Although last ',,,, • 'iThursday evening was somewhat cool o , i F• . No large number attended the lawn f - .• social on the 4 -rounded MeW. Cooper, Which was brilliantly illuminated with 5- Chinese lanterns; the Seaforth Brass • Band was present and added very , rnuch to the pleasure of the evening. 1• • The receipts were in the neighborhood ' ' ' Of $10, On Thesday evening the , ° gradual; of Mr John Gibbings were lit • • up with the electric light purposely for the benefit of the social held there- - on, and which was well attended; a • pleasant tinie was evidently spent by alL The recei ts Were just $10. On MeGarra. Mr and. Mrs , Colvi IN' Of Jaektinn, liteb_L. are visiting_th_eir old Mends here, mr DM uncan cAllister left on Tuesday for Big Timber, Mon - taint; he may go through to the coast Wore lie decides to nettle, blithe x- pecto 'make 'UM *west dna'future oype, Jude Toms, r W. coats, .of. Climtnu; Ail ' Hellatim of B3keter: are Oils week sittipg at gluten as ar, bitrators over a disputed senool ques- tion, $3 a day for each and mileage is what it Will coat the township. Mr Jos. Clark, of Toronto Saturday flight, is spending his holidays with friends here, Mr Mos -Jackson, jr., will land in Moill&eal• on Tuesday next, on his return from the old country. Mr and Mrs W. H. Goodfellow, of Detroit, are visiting the latter'sorarents, Mr and D Mrs . McDonald, town. Conduc- tor Snider will occupy Dr. Wild's pulpit, Toronto, next Sunday morning and evening. Miaa Cora, Williams, of Brampton, is recruiting in the Hub. Misses E. Doan and H. Combe return-, ed to spend their vacation at home. Mrs Searle g, oes this week on a visit to friends at -Woodstock. Mr H, Hale, who has been in the eastern States for several weeks, arrived home a few day's since. NOTES.—Victoria Cricket Club went to Forest on the lsts, and succeeded in defeating the club there by a good score. Mr. John Gibbings is putting a stone foundation under one of his houses on Gibbings street, and other- wise improving it. Our marriage coluran contains the wedding notice of two former Clintonians, in the far west, in the union of Mr. Jos. Mona- ghan and Miss Bennett. The 12th of July will be celebrated by the Orange- men of South Huron at Bayfield. Life insurance agents,in order to legal- ly do business, will require to take out a license now. The firemen were out for practice on Monday night. The Civic Holiday, coming somewhere about the 5th of August, win -be the next publicly -recognized day of pleas- ure and recreation. The excursion to Goderich, on Friday last, was very liberally patronized, the train being crowded to excess; 231 tickets were sold here. Now is the time when mothers are wondering how they are to amuse their children during the long vacation; pity the mother who lives en a muddy street! Mr G. D. McTag- gart has put telephones into his house and bank. The friends of Mr David Cluff, of Goderich, formerly of Clinton, will regret to learn that he has been compelled to quit work, owing to ill- ness. Sunday morning twenty-two cows were counted in one herd, /3fts- turing, on the street; that would be a nice drove to get into one's yard or garden. Mr. Thompson Cluff, for several years a resident of town, ex- pects to leave shortly, having received an engagement elsewhere. Bert Davis, (son of Mr. S. Davis) leaves home in a few days to take a situation in Wood- steek,-vvherelie geree-ti5 learn the drug business. We are pleased to see Miss Michol out again, after &severe illness. In the school report last week, where it reads "promoted to jrsection of sr. 3rd.," the letter U should be an N. — Mr Geo. Swarts sent us a Sample of new potatoes yesterday; they are of a new variety, imported from British Columbia. and are unusually protefic. The C.P.R. Ticket Agent, A. T. Cooper treated some of his friends to the elegant new Map of "around the world" by this popoular route; the harvesting i scene n Manitoba and Steamship pictures are also very flne. BiTY We take -stock rerAUgust 1st; ' Shrt4r1 ., buyers otDry ,Goods 'know what this means. 'They know our stock must be down to the lowest possible notch by , that date and that to get it as low AS we \oil,' Summer stocks are sold at prices conSiderably below what they had been, for it pays us ,better to sac- rifice the odds and ends of our summer stock now than to carry it into another , season.. This semina' stock -taking of OUTS is your opportunity to save a little money—to make a dollar do a little more than it usually does. • Just a rev 'Examples. We will give. you, your choice -of our SA.TEENS for 15 bents per yard; you know they were 20 cents. In our Millinery Department Any, of onr Trimmed gats can be bad at a very low price, and any untrimmed one for 50c., no matter what the former price was. If 5ou have not bought a Parasol re- member we are selling them at prices that are raoving them out quickly, and dont forget that WO have the finest stock of CHA.LLIES and. SUMMER DRESS MATERIALS in town. ••••••••••••• 5 per cent off for cash. Estate Juo. llodgens 1",=":::.•rz.v. • -- .,„ limit rtlis—clur bestvaine inl'anwsisrass Unir Pins are • , four for 5 out% CkeaPer and more costly ones in great variety, BAsKETS —See our' Yancy, Baskets, Lunch Baskets and Picnic Baskets. Big variety, small price, WINDQW SRADES.—Oreat bargains in smallelots of Win dow ancies. sitoomms, Cuff Buttons, Collar Buttons, §40.; geed, and. ° -0116ap. • CURTAIN FOLES.,---We sell our Curtain Poles with Brack- ets, ends and rings for 25 cents each, and make you a present of enough screws and pins for each one you buy. OUTING OUTFITS Church Notes. The Presbytery of Huron will meet at Goderich on Tuesday next. The doctors have given up all hope of the recovery of Rev. Thos. Cosford, of London. Mr. Mitchell, who occupied the pul- pit of Willis Church, so very ably and acceptably on Sunday last, will do so again next Sunday. The united excursions of the Willis, St. Pauls and Ontario Street Sabbath Schools, carried to Goderich yesterday between seiren and eight hundred peo- ple. The day was a delightful one. • Rev. S. A. Laidman, from the vicin- ity of Hamilton, issupplying the pull - pit of Rev. Mr. Shilton, during the lat- ter's absence, he is a yOung man of ability and makes an acceptable supply. The Baptist Sabbath School picnick- ed on the flatiNjust behind the Colborne bridge, on Tuesday last, and had a splendid time; there was a good turn out and the day was all that could be desired. On Sunday last the people of Ontario St Church were surprised to learn that they were likely to lose the serVices of •Thuraday even ng2lstinst., the Mission Rev. J. Galloway, and 141 that day Band of Rattenbury Street church hold would be his last as their pastor. The • a, laWn social, under the auspices of the reason of this was that in order to Dairymaida on the grounds of Mr. R. amicably settle matters at Seaforth, • /min • it was deemed advisable toremove him to that place and appoint Rev Mr. Smyth as pastor of Ontario St. church. This was laid before a special meeting of the Official Board, on Monday even- ing, when the following resolution was passed:—‘yResnlved that as brother Galloway' believes his removal from us would be in the interest of the church in general, that the Board, 'while wish- ing Mr. Gallo -way to remain with them, does not desire to be &hindrance to the interests of the church." A resolution was also unanimously sassed, accept- ing Rev. Mr. Smyth, as pastor for the current year. Mr. Galloway will be in his new sphere on Sunday next, and Mr Smyth will also comMence his pas- toral duties here. The people of Sea - forth will find Mr. Galloway a- good worker, and his ronadal is generally regretted, the entire family having triode Many warm friends during their year's residence here; at the same time we believe that his successor *ill be found aneteellentpreacherandfMtbfUi 'Pastor, notWiths&nding the miuthal des- that cast his lot here. • sAtz REGISTER. Auction Sale of iieW ies, rood arta, federate, eto., ttuMay, -July 23rd at Hayward's Carriage Shop, aneille, where he Cliuton. DavidDickinisin, 1•Ia AL" Iht a TUE On0Ps.—The Empire, of Tiles - • day, contains reports from various sectiOns furnished by the G. N. W. Telegraph Co:, as to the effect of the the late ream on the crops. The re- port sent from Clinton is as follows, • and is pretty actUrate:—"The grain • traPS 'Adder looked better or more promising than they do at present, and ,. this 'statement applied to all general grains. Fall Wheat promises more ' than an average, and has not suffered perceptibly from the continued rains, other than to be beaten down sonie- *hat; but it iellikely to rise again. As farina °Warded no rust has yet appear- ed, Spring *heat barley, Otifa and pasts'are looking well, but are not, far enough advanced to be hurt by the *at weather. The outlook its decided- ly promising." To this May be lidded the stateinent that the farmers are all • busy haying, and in &week or two will nearly through therewith. Pall Wheat isloeginning to time and WM be 'ready also for harvesting in a few Says. PntsonAts.-4fts J. A. Croll IS vis- ' %lug her daughter. Mrs Green, at ilorrie. Mr Yenowletis, of the Doherty Org&flFaet4rYJ sft OnMOndaLf bit liOniest The warm weather is upon us, and after the rush of springbusiness the thoughts of the ma- jority of people turn to picnics, lawn parties, and general holidaying. This, in our estimation, is right; give the people of any community lots of Heaven's pure air and the companionship of so- ciable fellow friends, and you enoble and enrich the moral and mental condition of that people. We have no doubt but that the people who go holidaying will increase from year to year. If you decide to go, one thing we advise all to re- member: never go away from home wityout suit- able wearing apparel in outing goods as ROBINS BROS., Book Store and News Depot, Clinton. REDUCTION 1 Dob'olligrasp the meaning of the word? We have reduced all our PRINTS and intend to clear them all at Wholesale Price'—for instance 12ic Prints for 11c., 11c. Prints for 90., 10c. Prints for 8c. This is a genuine sale and no clap trap nonsense. SATEENS also REDUCED -200 Sateens going at 16c., 18c. Sateens for 14e., 15c. Sateens for 12-/c. choice patterns. PARASOLS— Only.a few left, come and get one at cost. BOOTS and SHOES We wish to clear out all odd lines before our fall stock conies in. • You may have Boots and Shoes at Cost for the next two weeks MILLINERY— Great Reduction in Millinery; Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats very Cheap. ORDERED CLOTHING—suits from $12 up. . A Black Worsted suit at $20. Caps,bnirts,Stravi Hats WITH NECESSARIES SUCH AS Summer Underclothing, Hosiery, Linen Collars • and Cuffs, • And lastly, never take away your best suit to go- on an excursion; always have a summer Euit. •. Ask us for our.line of m il<SOIST ROTHEES, order at Plums-teel - Gibbings, • MONTREAL HOUSE, CIA1•111101•1" Street SUMMER MILLINERY 7 .47 , •, • 'o Summer Millinery from the Cheapest to thellest at greatly reduced Prices Special is our great Bargain Sale of LACE in Oriental and Cretonne, Laces in Cream, Brown and White, and our Black Lace Flouncing and allover Net. "T. PARASOLS ---Having bought a job lot at a price .we are giving exceptional good value in V Black. A line of Cream at less than half price to clear. . .. ._ fl , Clothiers, FOrnishers and %Sat, tfai Ladiscravalit Establish*** . ' ! suAvtin Atoo*, " , 4wSgA001111414- . ,. . ourrros 21L • liatiii' , . ' .....dikiiiiat.,A,, — — iiisilit.L4i'l—L ,