Clinton New Era, 1892-07-08, Page 7Armi
144 sre
fte •
While ita
ble „flavor
°4•310110 by ,
had large •serOfte.
. • 10145)400Welt bus
neck and 'throat
-froin which he
Beiretfid terrihiT„
• Vera) under theiteate; and • everybody
OXPeotecl, he Wenid. die. I had befod of
ftbe reinarkelle.Ottresrnected. b Ayer,.
''.90#11apernodamt doeitidd' to have re.Y' •
tiev114%'ItirtatireliVor tlidiarbottlea,' ho wae ontiroly cured. H6 Is,
now as healthy and etrOng as any boy
of ble DOnEttertY•
Riampton, Va. '
In May litst, ,611F Yoptges3,.
fourteen months olt,t, bean to
gather on IIS bend anck;:b, y, 'Wo ap-
pliedvartonesitneflelliefifellAWIthoet •
avail. The SoteS" moreased. Inuntier
and dirmberged, copiously. A' plush:Ian
Was qggsmeavz matgli*:44'
nearly covered the child's hoed and body„
5.04 I t We ga t e Use, '
taitparl a a
'Adieu e b er Was nlfest.Tho
%;Itsres a •reliteal e,ondi on,
Ana eft re gradunhly in-
' abed na eeaaed altogether.
he o d Ivel Oritits sldn is freshet •
• and its, appetite better than we have ob-
served for' roonths."—Frank M. OTIffint
Long 'Point, Texas.
• "The formula of A.yer's Sarsaparilla
pre9ents, chronic diseases of almost
very Idlid; the beet remedy .known to
tho medical world." —D. Mt Wilson,
111.1), Wins Arkansas
nyer's .oarsaparillai
' Dr. J. C: Ayer 84' Co., Lowell, Masa
. reheat.; six bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle.
IND THE •,enti Wetly the G111,131101 HeSisits_
'BUSYtau especially adapted to tto `oloW
"aef '—'aeb " .cat !)f °WAND
OMANI t I i .711:11kPAIL amoo Aiwa
as ranee, ar e .rg.
est' outlook Window ia Christendom for bus
peva who want to see whittle going on 10 the world."
Providence Telegrans.-"Agreat boo
o the busy, the lazy and the economical."
• The Congregation alist.-Thii monthly
• no peer in originality of deSign, scope and
ocuracy Of vision, thoroughness In execution
• abuity to transform' its readers into citizens orate world,"
Chicago Interior.—"The Review of'
fewsog New York, has cometo the rescue
usepeoplc; W,e.ithow of one high railr
ifictal who...for a•Month has worked until
•'thick at night, and 'yet has kept *bll Jarertp
• f current world averts; Be reads thlsildagaz
t Ores him a Tanning commentary on importaa
events, .besidirs digest of the betit articieste
conteinporary magazine's." • ;.
iiiibe" 256. $2.60 a Year.
re Sample PM.
le Awer Naze. New Ea
Send ter a Oatelogue and Price List. Organs
taken in exchange. Second hand Organs for Sale
or to Rent. Two Organs manufactured by the
Oakes Organ fio„ as good as new, will be sold at a
bargain. OnaPiano ease with four sets of reeds.
One Orion, three sets Call and see them
u2,14 1)1,1 iV611.11.40,1.
WE8 ALL E RI •Beatugh114asa:t,: T* 'intime8011trti+eco
Seven -eights of the bread used in London
is made of American wheat.
Cold, cougb, coffin g wiatt philosophers
term "a logical sequence." One is very
liable to follow the other; but by curing the
cold with a dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
the cough will be stopped and the coffin
not needed—just at present.
it requires $1,000,000 every twenty four
hours to run Uncle gam's government.
English Spavin Liniment -removes all
• hard, soft or calloused Lumps Mid Blom.
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Garbs,
Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs,
°to. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War-
rabted the Most wonderful Blemish Cure
ever known. Sold by J. H. Combo, Drug-
undrecl typewiitees are manufao-
ted ,every day between Bantle° and
.„ 111188t.s • • •• •
The sterna of the tobationleaf is so coin.
pletety • eetieerved in the Manntestute of
"Ntyttle Navy," that age has no effect in
diminishing it; even after the plug has
been kept for 'years it gives out its lull
flavor tinder the combustion in the pipe,
ingloWed in tone by its age aha making
IMOst ectcitileito Striae Which tobae00 can 120
&gad togive. Age, too hattletle the ettne.
into tf•Ptbai5idg• tad to the . telt*"
when cat, that almost granular appearanep
ftdren C for
BU ,,DarmaI),. .a.nonter UmUton*Iraplat,
deflattitel, row .
toIWwngare- 0'0 the,, hest de..
44,•Of truth.
et A I '• •
itord'i Liniment ii,the 15est
tipMeoycot deceit:
• 4 01.9r, plansibiliv from the mint
or4eaep low;
. 19,1,01 gli..'one. Bq of colorsand fighting
A gilt pill i.?'or rnoter.
d.hy:(4.- lurk' i and ewellew-
bliPotteoe,it .faln 9ne11y and eheerfu1l.7
Mjne.prgUnementio tuzedfOrhOreeedieettle
Tbk gager epetjeo on the pill of deceit.
The Philosophy of 1001e.
The front of hypocrisy,
The Meek of truth. Yrblettitigenione.';felea-
boa wears, ,
Whitevraels and glitter Over pretense and
to•prnoAtpnphne:r•40,14thrt4.93011h,aeili,lbio. f which fa PhtheihilitY
SoCietY furnitUre polish—cheap and
ot A.darte 4inthation ,of virtue in a eetting
The stook in trade of the hypocrite.
Marriege oOngrattdationa from a river. „
• "When(tonr heed IstgA, and year head
g baa, an you e.rebed clean through, whet
brIleVeartfagbIld a.04(115541012001 teach*
oilier chum. "I know- Ayet's Sareapar-
ilia," answered a little giri, whose molt.
MOthlarifird'retitettlY beenratite:MAIO Wealth
by the medioine.
Theveoul of queskery, thei,heart of wag-
gery and the kernel of mendaoity;
If yon,ftre inniiatinnt, Sit &wit qtfietly
and have a talk with job. -
If you are just a little strong headed, go
to see Moses.
If you are getting weak kneed, take a look
at Elijah. • „
If there is no song in your heart, listen
to David.
If you are s polioy man, read Daniel.
If you are getting sordid, spend a while
with Isaiah.
It yonfeet chilly,eget the beloved• dieoiple
to put his OM around you. •
If, your faith is below par, read Paul.
If you are gettinglazy, watch James.
If you are losing sight+ ofthe future, climb
up to Revelation and get a glimpse of the
promised land.
The pleasant effect and the pi:great safe-
ty with which ladies may use the liquid
fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all
Conditions make it their favorite remedy.
It is pleasing to the eye and to the taste,
gentle, yet effectual in noting on the kid-
neys, liver and bowels:
The decimalists say that the twenty-
four hour day,is doomed. The day to
to consist of ten hours; the hour wilPby
divideplinto ten decades, each of which
will contain ten minutes, each minute
ten seconds and each second ten flash-
es. Upon this basis a clock has alreade
been constructed.
Buying new dresses at each Season is to
many ladies a serious and important mat-
ter, for the reason that all women are not
the wives and daughters of wealthy men:
Fashion however, demands that the new
dress must be forthcoming to snit the see;
son; and thousands of women who really
cannot afford the money are compelled to
obey fashion's imperious ,commands, in
order to upholdtheir status in society. We
are an extravagant people, and must change
our mode of living, if we wish to be happy,
prosperous and independent of others. Let
us show the ladies how to do this.
It is a recognized fact, that no more fash-
ionable or becoming dress in color and ap-
pearanee can be worn to -day by ladies,
than a Blaok dress. A Black looks well
upon any occasion, and under all circum-
stances, for young-am:I-old:-
In order to dress web and cheaply, it is
only necessary for a lady to take one of her
colored *ool dreams, no Matter how old,
dingy i.tncl ..faded it may be; and with the
pf One.. or two packages of Fast Black
Diam'end,l)ye for Wren, she can transform
the old and.past-off gaimert into a thing of
beauty and titility,.for • leas money than a
dozen of cirdittary dress buttons/would cost.
• 'With this magnificent; eioli and brilliant
Fast Black Diamond Dye, the work of dye-
ing is rendered easy, light and quick; and
the results are invariably satisfactory. No
other dyes Call give the same satiefaotion
and Pleasure; only the Diamond oan give
that perfect and rich tone of Black, so much
looked for. •
Every department of the Diamond Dye
establishment is now being worked to tts
utmost capacity to supply the increasing
That novel and interesting "Diamond
Dye Competition" is the talk of the ladies
an over Venal:* MA the another: of *dies
who anibntering into itasoompetitorsis in-
creasing every day. The Competition be-
ing free to all ladled who wieh to show their
wcrk, and the) prizes so very liberal, are
certainly weighty inducements for all wives,
mothers and daughters to take a part in
tha'great work.,
The Wells & Richardson Co., hlontreal,
wM eend, post free to any address in the
Dominion a, book explaining the soheme,
and giving' full 'partiartlars.
Pennsylvania firm will exhibit at the
World's Fair a map of the United
States 18 feet by 24 feet, made entirely
Of pickles, vegetables, fruit, etc., pre-
served by the company which makes
the exhibit.
In behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla ia strictly
true and will bear the closest investigation.
No matter where it may be feota; it in as
tenable and worthy yoer confidence as if it
came from your most respeoted neighbor.
Have yell ever tried this e,Fellent medicine?
• t
For a genets' family oatlartict We oonfi.-
den* recommend Hood's Pine: :They
be in 'every hOnte medicine (sheet.
New YOrk Oti 31Ine 13,consumed
989146 gallons' of Water,the largest
amount ever used in a single day in
the city.
CURED kliMAT1B wvAisnes.
Att thigh cias*en,
danghtc wat under th,6 careJ)Caddfot4 for
morethsi a yearlOrleM14104000gagi With"
brit getting ' that proOtirol 14,2
Pal Obterl All (101E4 0o,ot
hot o6 Wei for *AO: Ds. Williattue
Med. Go., Broek*ille, Ont.,andSoheneetady,'
N. T. DeWitt of •
pluxorm tolioofoo 4 row yr, mias4
• PRO( 74#441f4f0
ii9W4 ftIlt, of Vortir4t0:-'r,11e.opciall'
.11.0„littlit in i.!•, floapitei and 333:piseharged,
onlyto.cafter great agony.7-MOnthe with.
Ont./400p, and a Viotim of' 'Nervelltirres,
tratiOn.7"An *WOO . Of hie • Miraeole
Cure as fnve000,Sted by it.•4.1iMetf!'"'
Ilamilton Tano,, Juno2Oth,. 1892
'"In the spring at 1.1.387; WW1° WOrici0fi
abuilding in Liverpool," eitid•-Mr,Ohatc
soaffoldanrril oh. 'X wag standing col,
!apso and ;1541, to the Valefialeat ft 400,008
of forty arifl bleeding 'X we
I (104‘.004 'Olk klgrffikre 009.1144, s,p4
095' '90 of the 4Q9forP 1v40". Qit00404‘ PAP
'held out any kokft*
pry. The Mtge .PD.,10;kplOe eeetnea to .be
etuashed into pup, ',Oct 'thh efforts of. 'OM
rigir gei .t,t9,41414.9"
ed rethe .than towitiffir'eeriti tei,eelpev•
I had the eenetitntio#.4, a*ANk tb041)Pir
and the speaker .threw mit his chestand
squared a pair Of -ritiouldere %that, 4:Wettld
lifOre done Oredit-to a prince ameng-athIeteet
"and zte I.eeemred to 'have, treinendonk
grip on life, the doeterdlOOkheerralt4tee
remaining in the • heePPOI.;,fetty Wee
was dieoharged se being reo6reratae_.
I would twin. be. , For twenty-six weehe
had to lie in 048 position, and any &teen*
to place Me on my batik . made me ;meant
of Work, and could.:With clifilonOY.e1191•91
7111Y 01.1ibdoir the it1;111111°' agitt5111duringl71
e f ern es. that
time I underwent operations at the bands
of eminent surgeonsovhp,were, amazed at
the fact my being alive 'IttkittRatteitlitheyi
had been informed pf the extant of my 2,1n -
juries. -On the lasteeobiloix 'znY :bkolt:rivee
out open and it was. diseovered .that the
bones which had been shattered my fall -
had, byrcioess of time! -gottipletelY, over-
lapped each other, forming kiknuolile tha;
you see'here,'' and Mr Church showed the
reporter a ogrtinut ,liren near ibe base of
nle MAMA at the head f modem' medlasq
oiseaveries, • .
04030:4414tFoebirstr:Si t all tsehrhmaol FYI wore
nythior *go °t.
bus 6ipie haVing given bite up. months ago
fkQ rapidly approaching She, PorOtle pt the
great UnktiOWO, •fle fee Mei that•
now . Hie eye is eiege, his chook
us as rgClaY, and, atell as 0100510 as a; yontk
•, . "33. bi3i: tem*. Ile: t for sem years a,
mainbar of tite:74le ,Driardk god. for Bozo
time tiOnditetaire'gyonolulo in Liverpool.
Ho expectsoetexercises
orci got i .012k0001fotocin, bus atictIVIO dmetItot
h Alated at the euccese'Of hie treatment .
• The reporter theroalled,aporki Messrs
Harrison Bros., James street north, ..‘rotri
whom Mr church bad purchased -Ole rein°,
tfclurtthheere'nvgeuriiiii4dbily_lat jaElotaxteepmoretnetrst.
vlx..i?r7r,s,p,.7rn,1114iP:th.l:e' Ire;
.017411;.yd, •rathete.',thotiziand horse
!dealt get long. &Nen pee Our btalitlefie 114
1044Y WAtb mere, we&en '.4414 erls enip10,.
ectle thelifg feetoriesAml minin this
osiitylag, the moorninendetiene we hear
from thee peoPieldeVfter day, month
'affeit 'irourbb",, Would inqps,c1 make the tar-
lifitekne„er 9, t4igie wonderful little pet ets
think her WO bettefteztOr Of human tY.
7',,ek&I'06048 t.lierkronine. under rev Own
by the use of these pills and I tete Mein
peeling to and from work daily and looking
as though life was worth hi** and well
worth it too. ball my ,expeOenoe in the
drug business I gayer maw 'onytbing like
WOO' 'Pills," and Mr glarrietni related a
number of oures that had come under his
observation in addition to that of Mr
Dr.(Xillizteer'tePink Pills for Pale Peo-
ple otnitaiii'41e le condensed, form all the
elements necessary to give; new life and
eiohness to the 'blood and restore shattered
settee. .They are an unfailing i.lpeoiflo for
such diseases ere lboornotor Matta, partial
paralysis, St. Vitus' dance i' soiatioa, neu-
ralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the
after effects of la grippe, palpitation of the
inert; pale and sallow complexions, and
the 4tired feeling resetting from nervous
prostration; all clieettses depending upon
vitiatedbuntors in the bleed, such as sorer -
Ula; ohronieerysipelas, etc:. They are also
Speoific for; troublesipeculiar to females,
such as supressions, irregularities and all
forms of weakness. They build up the
blood and restore the glow of health to pale
and sallow, cheek. In the case of men
they, effect a radical cure: in all cases aris-
ing from mental worry, over -work or ex-
cess Of whatever nature.
. These pills are manufactured by Dr.Wil-
limns' Medicine Company, Breckvillle,Ont.,
and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold in
•boxes (never an loose form by the dozen or
hundred; and the public are cautioned
against numerous imitations sold in this
shape) at 50cents a box, or six boxes for
$1.50, and may be had of all druggists or
direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Company from either address. The
price at which these pills are sold make
a coarse of treatment comparatively inex-
pensive as compared with , other remedies
or medicai treatment.
his spine.. "All:Offe tit t6Eftlaighten tbos
bones oontinned unavailing, end finall
the doctors told mit that iii theoprse co
a few months patitysie i would set in att
my troubles would be increased tenfold
Their predictions proved only too' true an
before long I was in almost as bad a con
dition as ever. No tongue Gan tell the pai
I suffered as the dieeeee progreessed, an
eventually I decided to go to Arteries. ' Id
in 1890 I closed up thy affairs in Beglan
and on arriving in galifax, tip clone up wa
I with the journey aorpits the Ocean, tha
I had to take to my 'bed and was •
oloae prisoner for several. ,weeks. ept.,i
a brother living at MOorfteld, near G lph
• ant
I with difficulty adooroplished the jantney
there and tried to do some work. Aly ut
most exertions could accomplish but little
however, and as the result of my trouble
nervous prostration, in its worst form as
sailed me. I remember once being over
taken by a thunderstorm while about
mile away fronithe house, and while I wa
Making my way there I fell no leis than
eight times, completely prostrated by par
tionlarly vivid flashes of lightning o
heavy/jars of thunder. About a ,year and
a helUego lemma to this city and' seemed
work at the Hamiltozi Forge Werke; bu
before long had to quit, because I could
not attend to my duties. I used to think
that if I could only get a little sleep onc
in a while I wouldfeel better, but even tha
boon was denied me. Night after night I
tossed from side to side, and every time my
backpressed the bed the pain that sho
through every limb was almost unbearable
Thelootors prescribed chloral and bromide
of potash, and for weeks I never thought o
going to bed at night without having firs
taken powerful doses of either of these
drugs. • Towards the last these doses failed
to have the desired effect and. I increased
the size of theta until I was finally taking
thirty grains of potagt: and ten grains, of
chloral every night, enough to kill a horse
I became so weak that I could hardly get
around, and my lower limbs shook like
those of a palsied old man. When every-
thing seemingly had failed me and I was
about to give up what seemed a vain bat-
tle for life andheslth my wife here read an
account in. one of the newspapers of John
MarlihalITiTinfiderful cure by means of•Di.
Willittzdrrink Pills, and although I had
lost all faith in any medicine I rescilved to
try onqe more and accordingly procured a
box of those little Pink Pills from Mr Har-
rison, the druggist, and commended to rise
hem- e000rding to the directions. This
*as in October of last year. I had not
aken them a. week till I began, to feel an
mprovement in. my genera t health. In a
month I slept every night like a baby.
The pains left my back entirely, and by
he beginning of the new year I could lie
in my ortok for hours and never feel the
lightest pain thetefrom. Prior 0 taking
he pillssuffered terribly with fits, many
f them so: severe that three or four men
rere required to hold me. The pills knook-
d those all out, though, and all the time
used them I did not have even the Ems.
ioion of a fit, and as for my weight, well,
on will hardly believe it, but honestly in
hat time I gained forty pounds. Well,
to make a long story short, I went to work
gain a few siontheago, this time in the
Etamilton Nail Werke, Where I west se
hipper, and I have worked *there steadily
inee the first day` I went in. Last fall .1
as too weak to walk a mile, now 1 work
rom 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., and my work is no
hild's play either, I can assure you. I
(ladle about 500 kegs of nate every day and
soh keg weighs one hundred pounds and
as to be lifted a distance of from five to six
eet. All my renewed strength I as,oribe to
he use of Dr. Williams' Pink kills.Whieh.
consider have worked wonders in my own
ase. For anyone troubled with nervous.
ezei, eleepleesnese or lose of stterigth, in
ny *ay, in my, opinion there is nothing,
existence like those. pills ter' restoring;
eople who are thus afflicted. Yielding to
he advice *friends, who claim that any
enewed health was not due. to Rink Rilla.
quit using them for about a month. but
he recurrence of those terrihte fit; warned
e of My folly and I commenced 'using the
ills again,, and I will certainly' never be:
ithOut them in tbe home."
"Not if I know it, anyhow," remarked
tre Chntoli. "1 know only too well the
Odd they have done you, and you would.
nt lidvetheetcenything iike.the man you
tertoi day if it had not bean itittbode inlls;
nd no one on earth, know's' better than I
"OVi greatly. you have heed helped, eind 'Mit
nly you lint °theta in the family Wild
ere thought to be going Into a 4001ine;be-
to they We're restored by taking tubs°
SOme of the pAitiettlete of the marvel -
ns reef:meet Mt. :Ohttrith *Ina life of
tiffeting Whig reached the, Public, a re -
Otter of the 'Votes tlibileit It Werth • his
hile to investigate the. MAO& for the
nefit of other kunetetts, ma it wan. in te-
ponse table entituriet that. the shove re-
oikable -stet, waohirraida tof Itte
akin in conneetiOn with the reports of
her Welly tentatkable, ottreze;-the 'Per-
aulets of *blob have been publish • from
meta it eons to .„.of
• •
In the first three weeks in June Mon-
tana had five stages held up.
Hood's Sarsaparilla absolutely cures all
diseases caused by impure blood and it
builds up the whole system.
A stream near Tuscon, Ariz., petrifies
all soft substances thrown into it.
HAMILTON, March 21s1, 1892.
DR, L. A. SIMI & CO..
538 Bloor St., Toronto:
GeNTe,—Please ship us per G. T.IR,, freight perpaid,
three (3) gross more of your Anti -Dandruff. This
makes six gross or 864 bottles purchased from you
since Januar) 18th, 1892 a little More than two
months. The demand is due to the merits of the
prepa'ratlon, as our customers to whom we have sold
it certify. We find it not only removes the dandruff
and scurf. but it is an elegant hair -dressing for the
hair. Clean to use and has an agreeable odor. It is
one of the best preparations we know of to promote
the growth of the hair and prevent its falling out.
Wishing you continued success and an extended
sale, We remain,
Yours truly,
JNo. A. BARR & Co. J. A. 13.
-.-The original "kicker,"in a metaphor-
ical sense, is mentioned in the first
bookof Ssmuel, second chapter, twenty
ninth verse, where a man of God said
unto Eli, "Wherefore kick ye at my
sacrifice and at nine offerings?"
Minard's Liniment lumberman's friend
A deck of cards can be dealt out in
000,000,000 ways.
Miner& Linament is used by physicians
The Fifth of June is the Mexican
Fourth otJuly.
Strychnine is now used as an anti-
dote in snake poisoning.
0. C. RICHARDS & Co.
Gents.—I have used your KINARD'S
LINIMENT in ray family for some years
and betide° it the best medicine in the
Mak as it dem all it it reoemmended todo
(lawman VOrke, 1% B., D. Kiiiterzen,
• John Mader, Mahone Day,. Wet= no
that he' was mired ef a very severe attack
ef rheumatism by nseing [MrSARD'S
, Notice Is hereby gibed, plitirualit to section
46 -of Chapter 110,11.5.0., 188r,.. that all rpersona
'having claims against the estate of Thomas
Welsh,Iiate of the Townbhip of Cloderith, ill the
°entity Of Hur014:Yecolnen, Who died on Orebtint
She sne day of Julie 1899, ate required ,4,6 bend
or deliver to,Messrs e.trovv. & Proudfoot;Godo,
Solicitors for JSnO Welsh, RObert Themes
Erratt ahd 6gootge Green, Executors of the said
deceased, On OP before the Sid day of August,
1898, their nobles, addresses and dfikeriptioirs,
with full partictilars of their claims, and the
nature thb SetturItio16 (if any) held by them.
And the exeoturs Will after the 31st day of Au -
gest, 1892, distribute the assets ef the deceased
among the parties entitled thereto, having re-
gard only to claire° of Which notice shell have
been given as abriVe required. And the eleem
tors will not be liable for the assets or any part
thereof to any person of whose claim notice shall
not bave been received by theta at the tittle of
Stith distribution-, .
Dated the glith!ditY fit Mine 1800.
• SoUd1tdttbr MtbeutOrs.
VOTEItSi. lAtigek 1892. '
mtdooniAmest oy tint tomeno or 819ALtaz
. Conety Intate14. •
Mitre° IS hereby given that Ilinve transmitted
or delibered td the parienuf Miiiitieried: in salons
5 and (Vet the YotiefiellidtirAol, thq seklart Ye«
gaited-n*11dd BeCtieriiithbasb trataipitted etch:-
1101ot the lietiffutdirlstierit tri iseid iteret
Mcornp�tition h tbe;life el tradej_ bayo decided,
to ,C,0,14, INVE OUR DISOOVNT OF.'20 per et..
SO dis,ON 'PkrE gDOLTAR.fOr Ocolt-ptrella§e0 fpr apOthq r'Egg s takezi as eas11,,
Soutii of ij.Pv9xk' gall; 41:6er
,Eityepti ClutQp,'
: A
• 4 itcs;:). • v
ILIWIXI iii5• 111.,v
?At f
• ,
6 • 676'6',6
tir *hale -.8tOOk at
6,6 •.•••=r•Am.AAA•"
Having decided to close out our vilhile stock of Hats au
Caps, we offer them at- '
Men's $1.00 Hats for
Men's $1.50 Hats for
Men's $2.00 Hats for
Men's $3.00 Hats for
1000 Hats at half price. Best Bargains to• earliest ollerft
obt, Coats & Son, Clint
-KT 76- 7.9.N c4- 79
ORGANS, 5 and 6 Octave
Best makes of PIANOS
-geeenci --h-ai;d ORGANS to rent
RENTS Mg for
reraty moved
PIANOS packed for shipping
' Organs repaired and retuned
REPAIRS Piano Tuning attended to
Sheet Music&Books ordered
Shop on Main Street
Residence on James Street
Box 11, Clinton
Send for catalogue
And ,at the Same Thne Earn One:Hun-
• dred Dollars in Geld.
The Just letter containing the correct answers to the
following questions reeelved at the ONIOO of Tax thus.
DIANAOR/OLIZTORIBTP3i0b reekhlulano* until the 3
of December, 1822) will, rev, -$100 In gold; the seeeil
will iret $50; third, 525; fourth, handsome silver sent
to the nett 50 correct Answers we will sendiptims ranging)
from $5 down 10 52. SII-RWry answer, whether • prize
winner orliot, willireceive a special prize. Quart -tors TO
BM ANNIVER111).--0.) How many_ books does the Bible
contain? (2.)Now many chapters (3.) How many verses?
BULBS. • •
(I) WO erimemenee to open lettere on llainday morning
of eliffiimek. If Satire than one letter Is rtieelved by the
sante mall With correct mowers; the first opened will
count, the nomid will take mixt plack and so on. (2,
Mob letter containing anindirs tribal* rierempabled
51 1,0 for Wit menthe eubseriptlon to Tan AOBIODT.,
Tr:rain—One of the very best Mustrated Heine Jeinnali
hi °anode. (2.) People living in the United Moos have
precisely the same privilegesin connection with this con,
petition as those residlibr inealiads. They tan easily gag*
their lettere each week qb to reaoh us in the begin-
ning of the week, when they will be abnost sure ti) get
lb good prize.
WIMP 1TE tkoPLE Emit OP Vs.
"Itebeleed $1,000 prize all riglic"-11. 3f. Moan%
Vaberiiiver, B. o. "I shall lteofttinteid frieridis to
eirtnyourcompetiticiin. —Unbar 'thorMari, A 23.0.
Write 'Goienior General; Ott)" Canada. °Splendid
oda/ risielted."-0. IP. McCoy:rack, fitephei2(
"'„Prize Of $235 teo,eived."—,D. llatiltrads,SYradieeN,Y•
"Hahilsoine Prize' rebelfed."—Mrin Serra REIM, '41
fore, hitch. Over 5000 reeellita iron( peire_,• *Innen In
framer 'ootipstitiona On tile irk tint 00106. Lettere
taining_Money all tang tie reentered. Art -
Tat Ainuctlx,reltztrittiitttatita 420,i
pe atirfetafilitli alegt.rethietb A 184' . •
tient BOICot SaiktiunieiPaligy to 60„5.entitleci
Vete in the alcl niunbc1p1lty• at ofetticitia' for •
Inetebeie 01 the.,Iiegtotatitod• -AattetilblY, &nd et
eird thitt: 'Add Ilit was firat "
Petted rip 4.5 .hay eMceirtt :01112thiti.4. On, the Sinsh • ; -
d ay Of Mine, 1892,inateinehletlitire far into&
Elbetri itteitelled .titred to 'eXittuite 4be
if ether -
O▪ M rite Math
Mgt b Vel
traffe.tie bet IOW
then • • 2.611:4111
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A BE NOT a t
•,•••• gatiVe• „Medi.
dine. They are ft
BL000 Bumnint,
TONIC and Yarcanr-
supply in a oendebse
form the •stibittariteb
y nitiod,utib
all din:deed cOrniag.
litre Poen 'afia. wk.‘„ -
13',0035, or from
• sIT.7. UBral) Rtaroat
are beerk, and, ,alitO
• ibigoratti and Btrimv
It1 a.the Br.00D ant:
Snirsst, whorl broker-, •
4trantat vrb3rerr:Zeetrars14
extiens. They baye:a
theito and 11111110*. , •
StbOriutt Acta)*00
. ah Merl inidkinhiaiii.
the Siattatifiriernitef
teetering Lott: trieent
Ilta,salluttritteltiraeosi°AartiEnti:tlft, -
Eli 15 IRAN Wl1oftndshIdmetItalfad-
„Ities dull or failing. or
his phyaiOrd'.powers-Lifaggiug,tbouid take-theee
Puss. The/ reeterelds Onergiesi, bOtb
IhE31111:E"ht:',1701114 itheald tele..theiM
They titire 111 Stia
atif yeet—ex nbati plat Wallower) the
yoillie„11EN ‘tne144-'.
"'” " " bike tbes"
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Yopitt 10 OMER ritt. yjj4 o,
Olaf) OM reStaler.
wocilat ot Pet box), by