HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-07-08, Page 1.4/ "Vite olabn 010 giVeil More hOOM 110We every we.* than apy Other ti.a Year paper IP 'the' PreVilleee ROBERT H?LMES, Editor and. Proprietor CLINTON, 'ONT., JITLY 8, • 1892, 04, a Tear in advance, *MC liben covr vat July We will offer our Summer SUITINGS at Reduced pri- ces in order to have our stock as low as ' possible when we take stock on Au- gust 1st. If you are thinking of invest- ing in a. light suit, see our Goods and get our prices. . They will interest you. 5 per c. off for"cash. Thi litto John Stu CLINTON Our Weekly Budget Nile NoTas.--Mr. J. W. Jackman is hav- ing his barn re -shingled; Mr W. Mc- Whinney has the contract. Mr. A. Tiffin, whohas been engaged as teach- er near Kippen, left his home at the Nile last week to go to Dobbington, where he is stationed as a young min- ister; we wish him much success in his new field of labor. Nile L.O.L. No. 1052 held a meeting last Monday even- ing; they intend celebrating the com- ing 12th of July in Dungannon. OF INTERESTING NEWS From all parts of the County—by wide-awake and lively Correspondents Goderich Township , EXAMINATION. AND PRESENTATION, -It was some time ago learned that Mr Harnwell, teacher in S. S. No. 10, intended giving up the profession for a short time. To the sorrow of his many friends it was too true. On Thursday, June 30th, he held his final public eX- amination in the school. The first part of the day was taken up with an oral exarciination of the pupils, follow- ed in the afternoon, in the preeence of a large number of visitors, by a very entertaining program, consisting of recitations, dialoguesand singing by the children, in all of which, they show- ed great proficiency; an important feature in the entertainment was a spelling match between two classes chosen from the school. Mr HarnWell then made a few presentations to his pupils, Mabel Chuff receiving a large volume for best attendance, and Susie Elliott for best standing in the spelling matches during the term. Then fol- lowed an exhibition of drill and 'Cal- inhenics by the school, in which they showed that they had been well kale ed by their teacher. A scene followed which will not soon bd gotten by those who witnessed. Foar girls of the sch ol entered with handsome presents and an address for their teacher. The following address, which speaks for itself the high esteem which the children had for their teach- er, was read by Alice Burnett. WEDDING. -On Wednesday of last week Rev. E. A. Fear was called upon. to perform a very interesting opera- tion. This was the uniting in the bonds of matrimony of Mr W. J. Hoover, of Westfield, to Miss Emely Currie, of the Nile; the bride was as- sisted by her sister, Miss Maria Currie, and the groom by Mr Treleaven, of Dungannon. When the ceremony was concluded, the large company proceeded to dispose of the good things which were temptingly spread on the tables. After doing justice to the bountiful repast, games of croquet and football were started, when a team of eleven from Westfield offered to play a • game- of leotball-with• eleven picked from the crowd; this offer was accepted and the game began. It lasted about an hour, and resulted in the Westfield team corning out second best. Instru- mental and vocal music and other •games were carried on for some time, after which the large assemblage dis- persed, seemingly well satisfied with the pleasant time they had spent. There were five millions and over one hundred and thirty people present. We wish Mr and Mrs Hoover a pros- --perous-journey Ihrou_gh life. _ • Summerhill. WEDD1NG.-0n Wednesday of last week the residence of Mr Isaac Hop- son was the scene of a very pleasant event, it being the marriage dif his daughter Emma to Mr Frank Lansing, of Hullett. The bride was supported by her cousin, Miss Emily Watkins, while the groom was assisted by Mr Jos. Rapson, brother of the bride, the ceremony was performed by Rev Mr McKinnon, of Clinton. It was wit- nessed by a large number of guests. who, after the congratulations were extended, sat down to a sumptuous feast prepared for the occasion. The bride was the recipient of many and costly presents, which showed the high esteem in which she is held by her friends and acquaintances. The happy couple have the best wishes of the community in their launching out up- on the sea of life, and we agree with all in wishing them a safe and prosperous voyage. To Mn BARNWELL, TEACHER OF S. S. No. 10, DODERICH TOWNSHIP. DEAR TEACHER:—We, the children of S. S. No. 10, Goderich township, hearing of your in- tended departure from our midst as teacher, desire to extend to you our most heartfelt thanks and appreciation of your untiring efforts in our behalf in preparing and storing our minds with knowledge for our future life work. Since you came among as you spared no pains to advance our interests, and there is a feeling of deep regret at your separation from us. How. ever in this life we must expect changes, for our life is made up of a string of changes, "we are here to -day but away to -morrow." We un- derstand you are going back to school to ad- vance yourself in learning. We join heartily in wishing you success,and will be muchipleased to hear of your success at school college or univer- sity. Although you will be absentfrom us, still there will lingerprt our hearts and minds sweet memories of our school days passed under your tuition, wishing that you may be reminded of us, we here present you with these articles, a writing dcsk, a photo album and a cuff case, as slight t.A..ns of our esteem for you as teacher, trustin;: that we maybe spared to ineet again i on this rth, which s the school to prepare us for the le above, but if we may meet no moro here beow, may we meet in that Home above, where our Heavenly Master and Teacher of teacher.; dwells at God's Right Hand. Signed in behalf of the school. Sus= ELLIOTT JENNIE RATHWELI. ANNIE CARTER ALICE Bo worn, East Wawanosh. NoTas-The picnic, which our young folks held at Point Farm on theist July., was a Success, and each one re- ports having a good time. Misses Sellers and Watson and Mr McCallum have closed their schools and returned to their respective homes. Thos. Ross sold twenty one head of fine cattle to Mr T. Watson, cattle buyer, this week. We are glad to see Mrs Wm Ross able to be around again after her severe illness. Miss Ida Rath returned to her home after four weeks' visit at the Nile. Nothing further has been heard of the sneak -thief who visited the neighborhood; he was traced as far as Belgrave. Will Ross, M. A., of Knox College, Toronto, will be home for his holidays this month. 111110IHISIMAN CLINTON NOTES. -Quite a number of pupils from here wrote at the entrance ex- minotion held in Clinton last week. e Tpmperance lodge will meet every weeks during the slimmer months 'Ail further notice. Quite a number from here spent Dominion Day in Goderich. The picnic on Saturday last was not up to the mark, owing to the rain. Miss Ward is visiting at Mr W. McBrien's. Mrs Kilty and Mrs J. McLaughlin are both on the sick list; we hope soon to see them fully recov- ered. Mrs John Johnson had the mis- fortune, the other' day, while using a drawing•knife, to fall on it and cut both her knees; it is said that both knees will be stiff. Haying has com- menced. ^ /$0311‘30, No Pvirr.-4t protoineoO.NopoclIlor I 1 , itaid the other day, "There is not a' cent Pf debt against the village at present. Since last elections we have had to pay off the balance of that curse to Hayfield, the mill law Ault, ;debt; and we did it, We -have kept :the roadsingood repair andarethink- !big of painting the ,Town Mr Harnwell replied to this ap- propriate and affective address, • in which he expressed his heartfelt thanks and gratitude for the way in which he has been used by pupils and parents since he came to the school two years and a half ago. We believe that Mr Harnwell intends taking a course in 'Toronto University, in order to prepare himself for higher duties. He will be missed by the pupils and people as he was not only a 'trainer of minds," but a staunch supporter of all good things. He is a prominent mem- ber of the Methodist church here and one of -Ille-principal -members of the choir, where his absence will be deep- lyregretted. We all join heartily m wishing him success and prosperity duringhisschool career wherever he may be stationed. Cornscrx..-Council met on June 28th pursuant to adjournment, members all present. The following accounts were paid, viz. News Record, for printing. $8; 0. W. Potter, mending scraper, 50e; J. Mude, half year's rent for hall, $25; Wm. Colcolough, opening gravel pit, $2; T. Lobb, mending scraper, 85c; road commissioner's salary, $105. The sum of $50 was granted to repair Hay- field road near Clinton. Adjourned to meet second Monday in August. NIXON STURDY, Clerk. NOTES -Everybody and their wives are going to Hayfield on the 12th. The hay harvest has commenced. Miss Plewes continues in delicate health. - Mr. Lamprey, of the Huron road, had a large barn raising yesterday. Oar sales ot Gents Fine Rats in both Straw and Felts continue to roll up, and to gather strength with each re- volution. Probably you ask the reason of this. 'The an- swer is plain and very short. It is because every article we offer throughout the whole store is of this season's buying cOnsequently very, stytish j new and cheap. ailroyfiWisematt 04114T 314 ALMOST FATAL. -What might have proved a fatal accident to the little two year old child of John Hurd turned, out to be a very painful mis- fortune, The child got hold of akpife, and was running acijos8 the floor with it when he fell. The blade struck his' mouth and pierced deeply into the roof, causing an ugly gash. Dr Stan - bury was called in and dressed the wound. Westfield. SCHOOL REPORT FOR JUNE.—Sen. 4th class- Hannah Stackhouse 795, George Buchanen 719. Jun. 4th class -David Patterson 442, Etta McDowell 258, James Redmond 194. Sen. 3rd - Charlie Redmond , Frank Campbell 717, Eva Jackson 519. Jun. 3rd-Bertie Carr 645, J. H. Buchanan 575, Harvey McDowell 400, Wellington Henry 192, Herbert Henry 125. Sen. 2nd -Phoebe Jackson 403, Louie Campbell 324, Frank Campbell 315, Christie McClinton 310, May Redmond 268. Gordon Johnston 280, Annie Buchanan 247, Wesley Stackhouse 230, Rosa Whitmer 165 Ettie Whitmerl24, Josie McDowell 91. 2,:st AN HOTEL STABLE TAKEN FOR THE TOWN HALL, -On Dominion Day a etranger, misled probably by the out- er appearance of the Town Hall and the herderof cattle, sheep &c in front of it, drove up for accomodation for his horse, but not seeing the hostler about proceeded to the River Hotel, Where he enquired what big meeting was going in the nicely painted hall to the rear. Constable Jack will have to stand guard on the 12th or the alder- men's seats will be converted into donkey's stalls. CONTRACT LET. -The school con- tract has been let to Mr Kalbfleisch at 8600; S. S. Cooper's tender was $550, but later be revoked that and put it at $650. Mr Kalbfleisch's tendor was $750, but he finally reduced it to $600, which was accepted. It will be seen by this that the unhappy occurrence of a superfluous man on the trustee board at the time the tenders were opened means a loss of $50 and pro- bably more to the corporation. REmEmpEn THE 12TH. --000d weath- er is all that is required to make the 12th celebration the biggest ever held in Hayfield. Every accommodation has been provided for both man and beast. The procession will be formed at 1 p. m. on Clan Gregor sgua,re and proceed to bfr Jowett's beautiful grove, where several prominent men will de- liver:addresses. Come along and don't forget your girl. The famous 33rd battalion band of Seaforth will be present. THE PLACE TO CAMP. -Bayfield iS fast becoming the popular place to camp. For some years past small parties have come, but this .eason they are coming in scores. The fol- lowing • ved on Monday and pitch- ed thei te ts on Jowett's grove.. The tw t named are the chaperons:- . VanEgmond, Mrs C.W. Papst, M le Porter, Maggie McDougall, H. W. Cresswell, Bert VanEgmond, Sreita Papst, all of Seaforth; Donald Hamilton, Ed. Litt, Geo. Hamilton, Chas. Welsh, Ida, Coulton, Belle Bown, all of Stratford; and Florence Coulton, Cleveland, Ohio. Wingham. NOTES. -Mr Walter Scott, a former esident of Wingham, but now of To - was renewing, acquaintance in town. Mr Elliott, of the Tinies;*nnd-- wife were in Brantford this week. Mr Gilchrist, of Ti verton, is visiting friends in town this week. Mr Robt Main - prize and wife were visiting friends in Lucknow last week. Teeswater vo- lunteers passed through Wingham on their return home. Mrs Walter Green, who was visiting friends in Huron township, returned home on Monday, on account of the illness of her child. Mr Geo McTavish was notified to meet the Huron township council with Ire- ference to a river which had been stop - Tied -by -them -some -eighteen yearsago... opposite lot 17, 2nd con, of said town- ship. Shortly after six o'clock, on Monday morning, the valve between the two boilers, in the Union Furni- ture Factory, bursted, and the fireman narrowly escaped being dangerously scalded; there was no work in the ma- chine and cabinet shops until noon. ruekersinitit. PICNIC. -A large number of the young people and old folks as well picnicked at Hayfield on Friday. As the lake was rough until evening, the row boats were confined to the har- bor, which •proved rather sinall to contain so many boats. Other amuse- ments were alse engaged in, such as foot ball,swinging,&c;and all were well pleased with Dominion day at Hayfield. NOTES. -As the weather has been rather disagreeable for--bleycling couple of the noted riders have com- menced riding around on a barn floor so as not to get ont of practice; advice should never be given except it is ask- ed for, but they should be careful and see that all the hatchways and trap- doors have been closed before com- mencing. Miss Fanny Townsend, who hat been teaching near Orillia,,is spend- ing her holidays at home here. Mr and Mrs George Crich spent a couple of days at the county town last week. Ashfield NOTES. -Maple Grove L. 0. L. No. 1044, intend to celebrate the 12th of July in Kincardine. The recent heavy rains put down the fall wheat in some places pretty badly. The public school closed June 30th, and will re -open August 15th, in ri ral sections. The Sunday Schools of t ie Ashfield circuit cnic on Dominion h's grove, 12th con. id spring crops are there is at present prospecte of ait a undant harvest for whieh We have re ;On 10 IX thniikkill. hicd -their animal day in Mr McDou The root crops a looking very well . .4T,Be.:-,-Mr Win Moore is suffering blood poisoning caused by natio green; the poison entered a scratch on his hand. Our Orange friends go to Bayfield on the 12th, where the day is to be celebrated. outwit FONDS. -According to the published report of Kippen. Circuit, Methodist churches, the following monies were raised last year towards ministerial support: - Kippen, $215; Chiselhurst, $2.81; Hills Green, $135; Drysdale, $70; total, $701. Total mo- neys raised on the circuit: Quarterly Board, $701; Missionary fund, $86.30; Superannuation, $44; Educational fund, $13.71; Genrl. Conf. fund, $6.22; Contingent fund, $4; Un. Chinch re- lief, $4.40; Sustentation fund, $4.29; Sunday School aid, 66c: S. 8- & PP. Leagues, $69.50; Trustee Boards, $288; All other purposes, $130; total, $1352.- 08. Total for previous year, $1043.08. Increase for present year, $309. Colborne. NoTES.-Rev Mr Thibadeau preach- ed his first sermon on this district at Bethel church last Sunday. ;A S. S. anniversity will be held in Rethel church on Monday, July 18th, tea will be served from 5 to 7 o'clock. A great number of people took in the first at Goderich, while the C.O.F. lodge went to Wingham. Mr Roland Switzer and sister, of Buffalo, are visiting friends around here. ,44'44•444,4•1 1111.1.10ftp , FARM SOLD. -Mr Joon SnOcoroo has sold his farm on the llth coii. . _Mr Oaldwell. fiPtalletrfekt-There were recorded wittlrar 'Campbell, Clerk, for the six. nths ending June 30th, 40 WOO, 18 i,larriages and 22 deaths. SCHQOL REPORT. -The following 18 the report of S.S. No, 7 for jniatfia, Sr, 4th, -Robert Pate, Gilbert Coming* Maggie Murphy; jr. 4th -Clara Sander. * son, Thos Knox; 3rd class -Rosy NY0,1144- er, Harvey Morris, Wesley Shobbroolt;; 2nd class -Ella Caldwell, Bussell 4 Sundercock, Minnie•Lear; sr, part Rosy Bows, Harvey Sunclercock, Nelile Brigham; jr. part I -Albert Bedford, - Fred Caldwell. The report is based on diligence, demeanor and punctuality. EsalamaTioN.-The annual examib,i‘ ation in school No 4, was held ,on Thursday of last week, and was v(07: successful. It showed good results of the work of Min Ferrie, the teacher, during the past haf-year. The teachet:" was assisted in the work of examining ; by Messrs Doig, King and LoWeryV,, and all expressed themselves as weir,' satisfied with the work of the pupilS. At the close of the examination prizes were given to the pupils in order ,of? merit for the work of the year. At noon all repaired to the woods near hy!,:' where a picnic was enjoyed. After sumptuous dinner aprogram was given,:,, the musical part being supplied ify the: Kinburn choir. Racmg was then 4r4::' order, after which the young folks;): enjoyed themselves in -swinging, dand.,,i ing etc.; altogether it was a pleasant affair. Hill's Green. NOTES. -The two Sunday Schools held a most enjoyable picnic on the grounds of Mr Isaac Jarrott last Tues- day; the weather was all that could be desired, bountiful tables, high swings, foot ball, fine grounds and most agree- able people all went to make up a delightful day for children and adults. A number from this section will cele- brate the 12th in Hayfield. Chisel burst. Nores.--There is considerable sick- ness in our neighborhood, but most of • the sick are improving. We are pleased to see Mrs J. Shepherd quite restored; and Mrs Hol ton is also keep- ing a little better. Mrs Donald Stew- art is very poorly.and her life was zies- paired off early in the week. W. L. Parish left for Edmonton, Alberta, to labor in the ministry of the Metho- dist church, on the Woodville Mission, Calgary District; we are pleased to send young men from our Methodist church into such noble work; Lewis takes the kindest interes:Wi1any warm friends into his new field of work; he is alone on the circuit. Foot ball is as popular as ever with our boys; practice every night. Rev H. Irvine has announced for the distribu- tion of Financial reports of Kippen circuit next Sunday, and also a special collection to pay for them. DOMINION. -The 1st at the park was a day of picnics and pleasure parties. Hundreds drove in to enjey the oasis in the desert Of rainyand disagreeable days. From early in the morning the rigs streamed in till the whole of Zurich arrived in a procession about 10 a. m. The Evangelical church held their pic- nic here this year for the first time, and were so delighted that they mean to repeat their visit. During the after- noon several speeches were delivered, some in German and some in English. Rev G. L. Heist, of Zurich, spoke in German at some length, expressing amongst other things his delight at the choice of the new picnic grounds. DOMINION DAY -The 1st of July was celebrated in Wingham by the For- esters demonstration. The events of the day were successful. Forester came from Kincardine, Listowel, Brus- sels and other places. The Wingham, Kincardine and Listowel bands pro- vided good music during the proces- sion, which started from the park at one o'olock. Refreshments were to be had on the park, to which there was free entrance. In the forenoon Wing - ham and St Helens played a friendly game of base ball, which resilited in rn favor of Wingha. by 10 ri s‘tb 4. At two o'clock in the afternoon peech- es were made by prominent Foresters, between these speeches 100 school children sang a number of patriotic songs, which were well rendered, the singing and speeches were followed by an excellent tambourine drill by about fifteen girls. under the leadership of Miss Houghton. At four o'clock the foot races took place, and were well contested; at five o'clock a lacosse match between the Wingham and Palmerston teams, Wingham was vic- torious by 2 to 1. At eight o'clock a grand concert was given, under the auspices of the C. (). F. Miss Agnes Knox, of Toronto, delighted the audi- ence with several excellent selections. Mr G. W. Cline, of Hamilton, and Professor Scott, of Wingham, gave several vocal selections in good style. Mr W. G. Logan, the comic singer, kept the audience in roars of laughter. The concert was a decided success, and • the place was well filled many having to go away. 'Turlock. SCHOOL ItnronT. - The following report based on proficiency, regularity and good conduct, shows the standing of Mario& school, from Easter to the holidays: -Si'. 4th -Olive McGregor, Maggie Parsons. Annie Watt. Jr. 4th -Mary Parsons, Wallace Allen, Wil- liam Smith. Sr. 3rd-Kizia Mills, Ce- celia Staples, Cameron Allen. Jr. 3rd -Archie "tVatt, Jamea Hannah, Alice Smith. Sr. 2nd -john jaraieson, Elias Parsons, Wallace McGregor. Jr. 2nd -Edith Mills, Phemie Reid, Mary J. Reid. Part Il. -Jennie Staples, John I Wilson, Ina FothS. Part I -Angus l.Taylur, Charles Ednarerria Nor-sm.-Rev- Mr -Oliphant was well received upon his first appearance in the Methodist pulpit on Sabbath even- ing last; Rev J. Gilpin, his youthful assistant will occupy the same pulpit next Sabbath morning. Misses Dollie and Dot and Masters Frank and Percy Fair, of Clinton, spent Tuesday at the lake. Ex. Ald. E. A. McDonald, of Toronto, has speculated in some land here, known as the Govenlock pro- perty, and was up to view his purchase on July 1st. Miss L. Burgess, of Port Edward, is home at present. Miss Nora Ferguson returned from Detriot on Saturday. Mr James Whitten is having his house raised and otherwise improved. The big garden party, got up by the R. T. of T.,. for July 12th promises to be a good thing; a cordial invitation is extended to the brethern in other towns. Major Baugh and others from London, Eng., entertained the Salvation Army ansl friends, on Monday evening, with stories con- cerning the Whitechapel murders, Mr Watson, wife and family, of To- ronto, are stopping here at present. The first instalment, of summer visit- ors arrived at the Commercial hotel on July 1st; they are Mr and Mrs James Anderson and family of five children from London; more are expected this week. Miss Maggie Gairdner returned from Mobtreal on Friday. Mr Sam Moore, Oti thSprings, has moved into a house op osite e late Dr. Wood's. Mr John Ason, of London, has arriv- ed for the summer; he will likely take up his abode here in future. Mr Ern- est Davis, Clinton, spent Tuesday evening in town; he returned per Beatty line. Rev Mr McConnell, of Chalk Lake, and formerly of Varna, preached in St Andrew's church last Sabbath morning. Miss Maggie Beat- ty has returned from a visit to Clin- toh. Miss Lena Gemeinhardt very ably wielded the birch at No. 3, Stan- ley, on Thursday last, Mr John Stahbury, Toronto, was homeefOr a fess days holidays last week. Mr A. Fowlie was home from Goderich on Dominion Day. Mrs Martin, wife of Abe Martin, and sister of James Arm- strong, Bronson line, died on Satur- day morning and was buried here on Monday. Mr A.Ferguson, who sprain- ed his arm severely some weeks ago by falling from a tree, is now able to use it freely agaih. The yireht, Duffeti•ii, Blyth LECTURE. -Mr Eshoo, a Persian stu- dent, lecturedin St' Andrews church, - on Wednesday evening, on the man- ners, customs and religion of his native country. Unfortunately the lawn social being the same evening, many were debarred the pleasure they could otherwise have had in listening to this very interesting lecture. LAWN SOCIAL. -The lawn social at Mr Henry's, under the auspices of the Epworth League, was a very success- ful affair. The weather was all that could be desired. Swings, croquet, strawberries and cream with music in attendance, provided by an excellent brass band, taken together made a most enjoyable evening. • Holmesville. NOTES. -Miss Ida Much returned from Algoma on Tuesday last, Where: she has -been teaching for two years)1 past; on leaving, her section presented her with a purse containing a hand- some sum of money; she intends tolikt tend the Normal school next year. .r John Holdesworth is spending his holi- days in this vicinity. TheVaptists o Clinton held their annual pic ,d on the banks of the Maitland, on ''''esdrs last; Mr B. Forster has secure 'Aver boats for the benefit of visitors, the Maitland is now becoming a favor- ite summer resort. A number of the farmers are having hay forks placed in their barns this season, among thein 3.10 R. Holmes, H. Elford, G. Tebbutt, 3. Marquis, S. Phipps, and J. Rutledge A number of our villagers spent Do- minion Day on the shores of Lake Huron. From an occasional Correspondent. HIRED. -Mr F. Marquis has secured,'. for the summer month, the services' of Mr P. B. Kennedy, of the Ontarjo'.., Agricultural College. From the alto? , pearance of Mr Kennedy, we W0111(0A suppose that Mr Marquis had obtained ' a good man. W. M. S. -At the Women's Mission- ary Society, held on Wednesday last,:! it was decided to have some kind of an. entertainment at an early date. Tbe,f. nature of the entertainment, whethen, lesture-. or r.social,.....is. _not yet, ,c1..ec,140,,;, upon. s, RARE TREAT. -The sermon delivere by Mrs Pentland, on Sunday mornin was indeed a rare treat. Though 'the; rain fell in torrents it: was unable "kr., prevent the church being crowded '01 hear her. Everybody was delighted .a her, and should she ever favor Us,;,1, with another Sunday, we predict • fbr.;4 her even greater crowds. lire under»:' stand the W. M. S. have invited her tO.:!,1 give them a lecture in the nehr future. PERSONALS. -Dr aollife au wife, a Detroit, called upon his mother; llit*'' J. Holmes, on T-uesday ___M.r....J 4 returned from Detroit on Monday last. being greatly pleased. with his trip Mr Will Elford spent last Sunday .jtn. Goderich. • Mr D, n.,. Calhick-ana, wife' ' Misses Sarah and Emma Acheson, all of Goderich, spent the 1st at Achssoii'Sis', Miss Susie Rumball spent the lstaik.''.; Wingham, visiting her sister. Mt* 'I McKenzie is at present. visiting 116104 mother, Mrs J. Holmes. Mrs .1. Muritili nings, of Stratford, is visiting her far' 61! ther, Mr Thos. Cottle. Mrs Hill,'., WI Brussels, called on her dau hteef iv E. Levis, last week. Mr Will Picirec spent a very .pleasant day in ingincin( on the lst, visiting an intimate Wend, Mrs J. Holdesworth, is visiting ' her:• sister, Mrs Jos. Cook, of Colborne, yrho'.:,, is very low with inflammatory feVOIC ',: Mrs Yates, of Goderich, was Visiting Mrs W hi tingbam last Tuesday. NOTES.- The remains of the late Mrs E. Jameson, who died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs Thos. Ashbury, on Saturday, the 2nd, were conveyed by train,- -on- -Monday,- t,o the family cemetery at Lynden for interment; Mrs Jameson had attained her 76th yearlend for months was a greatisufferer, the victim of cancer. School closed on Thursday; Miss Reid left for her home in Brisbane for the holidays. Mrs Shane and family spent a few days in Brecon this week. T. W. Scott paid a business trip to the Forest city on Thursday last. W. Sloan, Toronto, well and favorably known here, has been a guest at Oakleigh, Mr N. H. Young's reeidence, this week; he re- turned home on Wednesday morning, J. A. Tanner, M.A., Listowell, is spend- ing the holidays with friends in town. Mr Plummer, our principal, is attend- ing the Provincial Teachers Associa- tion in Montreal. Geo Perkins, Sarnia, formerly of Myth, was in town this week renewing oldnecinaintances. Mr J. King, Detroit, is Visiting his parents here at prescint. Mrs Curtis enter. tained her frielids pleasantly on Mon- day evening. 1 Mrs Meiklejohn, of Harriston, is visiting friends in town this week. The annual union S. S. picnic will take place in Mr A. Sloan's grove next Friday, and should the .weather be favorable a jolly time may he anticipated. Blyth was almost deserted on the 1st, a few of the faith- ful taking care of the town great numbers went to Wingham, Goiderich, Point Farm. and where ever inclina- tion guided. Mr Robert !Forsyth, Wroxeter, spent Sunday in town. A, carriage load of young people drove to Wingham on Tuesday evening, to at- tend a garden party at Mr Sperling's. Mr Rennin *and Miss Levings: of Sen - forth, were guests in town this week. Albert McDowell left on Tuegday morning for Woodstock. where he has secured a situation at his Wade; we wish him every success. Mrs H. Wright, of London, is visiting her parents here at present. Miss Shane enjoyed the lake breezes for a few days this week at Goderich. Mr D. Met- calf. of Toronto, was in town this week etanbitung business with pleas - Captain Ross, which Was up Mirth, tire. The Rev Mt Canapbell, of Lind - was brought back to its dock here last say, will officiate in the Methodist week. it, ood Adquisitica to the cuureh nett Sunday evenint Mrs in town this week. on Saturday to With friends in -*dent, now o Luck - the Messrs Irwin were atnottrt the • nowt visited hien harbor fleet. r BreWer and Wife abd ga do o res 01intahians who spent the It; 1iere:131ft'0. E. Tanner MisseS. M. .1.,.,ana L. ITKIPHII .41M,Ve 1141:tattiua few ,,t, ed fro 'brisinesitit.riptoVerOnlo' .m,r41."1.0Y emu Varna FESTIVAL. -The strawberry festivat, held by the Foresters of this village., on Monday evening last, was A grata' success, although the rain preventait from being held outside, yet a very joyable time was passed in the perance Hall.' After all had done ample justice to the viands provided- re magnificent eroseam was rendered the leading musicians and elocutionists of the neighborhood. The Mettirig,„' broke up at a reasonable hour, anda111 declared that, rain or 'shine, the Varna' Foresters could give a grand entertain- 'm e n ot T. NOTES.-A stalk of rhubarb wee falt.9 en from the garden of Mrs Hamilton, the leaf of which measured nine: feet, around -how is that for big ? s Maggie Wanless, principal of the luth .Academy, and Miss Murray, Rodgerville, are visiting friends in vicinity. Miss Sarah Noble, of forth, is the guest of Miss Addle Aria - strong. Mrs Thos. Johnston, Wife Of, our, worthy mayor, is enjoying town life in Seaforth. Mrs Duncanson, of. Clinton, is visiting her sister, Mrs MOrt, row, of our village. Seitforth. Final -Fire broke out shot* after two o'clock Tuesday morning injoifitita, Wattle's harness shop, and before, could be got ender subjecticei Watara' shop, together with Jones &Mega butcher shop Stewartls restatitantan the office !of 'Lawyer Best were ba, gutted. The loss is unknown,' ThI is the second fire that has brpken otft in this Wink of frame_builatats. locendiation is suspected,