HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-07-01, Page 6YL 18924
orh (36)05,1, nrop$ Pr910/Re maU
t413 ffil§', Year, '
Oecorge ThUir,00*V,, died
arOdaY, ttPeterhefo. ‘4-
trlir.AT COU014 CURE, this sacc.40.
.114 9$STAIll'IVN CURE, is witboat a par.
edlel pa tbe *story of medicine, &1 dreggists
we atitliOired 'Wien it ort.,a poiltiVe gnifiltee,
IqtVOtfi", OPKT.care can succeSsfullItStatid.
V7911 41i.l'alt CiPagh, SateThroat, or Bronchitis,
IWO iCwill4014 you.If.Yoar 'child' has
the CIPillIt'orNWRofillgceugh, irseitprepRtlyi
vicrelierie^ we, If you dread that insidious
dbeaa'acONSUli&P'rION,'d•Witail tO use it, it
care you or cost nothing. Mk your
Dniggist to SLOB'S CURE, Price to cts.,
So cts. and $1.00. If your Lungs are sore or
Pack lame, use ShUoh's Porous Plaster. 25 cts.
Shingles for Sale
I carry on hand a stook of first-class Cedar
, ,: ers large or tinasH tilled on the
Shingles; two ralities, which I will eell at a very
• shortest notic 'Meath give me a call.
kW. RILEY, Londesboro.
Shingles and Lath for Sale.
purchaped a large quantity of
NO. 1. Shingles. These shingles will be made to
order out of the very best quality ot north shore
cedar. All who want a first•class mangle will
• find it to their advantage to ask for prices before
buying elsewhere. Orders large or email deliver-
ed at any citation along the line.
.W H. WHITLEY, Londesboro.
Bull for Sale.
P For Sale a thoro-ored Durham Bull, twelve
months old, of tirst-class pedigree. Dark red
color, with a little white. Will be sold at reason
.able price. JOHN CIIMING, Londesboro, P. 0
Shorthorn Bulls For Sale.
.ecir sale tvirci yi3arling Thorog.hbred Shorthorn
eire4, by the flrulekshank:bull Perfection.
'They tire extra good animals and will be Bold on
reasonable terme.' Apply OD lot 20. con. 10 Morrie
orBlyth, P. 0, NEIL McDONALD. pd 41
Neat to Commercial Hotel.
This establishment is in full operation entail&
ordelafilledlq'the meet satisfactory way, Come
tell' and 'granite .work a specialty. Prices/Az
reasonable aa thoile of any establishment
SEALE, HOOVER & SEALE, Clinton. lm
1 Barkwell's Sure Corn Cure, will cure Corns, Warts,
Bunsions, Moles.
All persons holding accounts against the estate
of the late John Farquhar, are recpiested to
roger' the 3Iirtda,y of MtiY," arid all persens indebted
,the ^Sarqs,to-,the undorsigried notSlaties
to the' dedisheed'are haretiymetified that the,same
must be paid before the date mentioned.
Hullett, May 20th 1892.
Tested Remedies.
For =pure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa-
tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint,
Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis,
\.Gerniutrintions_G al 1St epe Jaundice, Ilia -
hey and Urinary Diseases, St.Vitue*Datice,
Female Irregularities and General Debility.
• J. M. MeLEOD,
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton
_The ne% model of the Rockford Watch. when
placed in a scrim- bezel case, will fill a lon felt
ant apiengiareciers,_ae_i0_netslus_preet
only, but very strong. The plate which the
wheels work between, not being separated by
pillars as in the ordinary
But by the bottom platob`eingturned out of a
Solid piece of metal, with the hdger left of the
top plate to rest on; it also being pendant or lever
set with sunk balance to prevent breaking, mak-
ing in all a good rong watch
For a Farmer
The bestEmbalming Fluidused
Splendid Hearse,
Residence over store.
A First -clue Stop or Long Ladder?
A Handy Wheelbarrow?
A Splendid Churn, or anything of like
nature? Then call onIW. SMITHSON, at
shop, No, '7 Frederick St., or E. Dinsley
Will be at,Dintiley's corner every Saturday
SI *I: f14:$01:)
0016AL DeAtitnii ,
•tablet StitteT, enisiton
Itetairtrei of in siaile roisptIy attend *a
enable rates. A trial 144;110lb:4, to
Ware during the Past 14lyeitre have
Ceitt 2,504,000 men and $3,000.0Q0,000.
OUt of the 2,000,000 that inilabitNeW
York and Brooklyn only 13,000 own
their own homes,
The daily total water supply in Lon-
don is 181,t)07,649 gallons, representing
a daily consumption of 13.80 gallons
per head'for all purposes.
Three factories in the United States
cone:tune over 3,000,000 eggs per year in
making albumen paper, extensively
used in photography.
At a demonstration promoted bythe
South London (Eng.) trades Unions,
John Burns said that Europe had be-
come one vast economic club.
Mrs Potter Pahner, manager of the
woman's board of the Columbian Fair,
refused to allow an exhibit by the
Women's Industrial Union. It was
really too common -to find a place!
.The Western Union Telegraph Com-
pany has won a suit against the Bell
Telegraph Company for $12,000,000. A i
little item like this s not likely to in-
flate the stockholders of the company
or raise the salaries of operators.
Bad luck is simply a man with his
hands in his pockets and a pipe in his
mouth, looking on to see how it will
come out. Good luck is a man with
pluck to nieet difficulties, his sleeves
rolled up, working to make in come
out all right.
Thousands of ladies are continually ask-
ing themselves this question, and many of
them find it difficaltto satisfactorily answer
The lady whoa las but an ordinary in-
come to depend upon for the maintenance
of house and family, is apt to debate long
upon this important question before a final
resolve is made. Even should the way
seem clear to warrant each an item of
expenditure, regrets are afterwards express-
ed, when it was found that the money was
more needed in another direction.
To the thousanes of ladies of Canada,
with whom this question is.one of :perplex.
ity and grave doubt; we would remind them
of the fact, that an agent comes to their
rescue and assistance, known as Fast Black
Diamond Dyes for Wool, whioh can re-
move all doubt, and give to the heart its
wish. At the present time Bleak dresses
are fashionable for the best dressed ladies.
'Old and, young—the blonde .and brunette,
always leoli etylieh when wearing a neatly
ins& Etta& 'dress.
Let us strongly recommend you to take
what you now call,—"my old, soiled and
faded light-colored Cashmere; Serge, Soleil
Cloth, or Nun's Cloth dress" and buy a
package or two of Fast Black Diamond
Dye for wool, follow closely the directions,
and with very little trouble and loss of time,
and for an expense of from tem to twenty
centasyou will have a lovely, rich Black
dressi'equal to new, and the satisfaction of
knowing that you have saved a snug
amount of money. If you have never
tried thie operation before, rest assured
your work, and the results, will agreeably
aurpriee you.
While engaged at the pleasant work of
home -dyeing, remember the fact that, you
may also do some work for the "Diamond
Dye Competetion," in which large cash
prizes are offered. You can easily make
up some of the articles called for, and send
them in with every chance of success. It
costs nothing to try, and the advantages
are all in your favor. All information and
a book of rules sent post free to any
address by the Wells dz Richardson Co.,
Mr Gladstone sent out on Friday his elec•
tion manifesto in the form of an address to
the electors of Midlothian. It is undoubt-
edly the ablest political paper that has come
from the old natn's hands in years. In it
he discusses at some length the Irish ques-
tion, touches upon the minor issuas of the
campaign, and closes with a pathetic illu-
sion to the probability that before the open-
ing of another campaign he will be in his
_grayesIre_loind_ was_ never. so _ loyal to the,
Crown, he says, never so closely attached to
Great Britain, never so united in herself as
in the years following 1782, when she en-
joyed self-government, and until concord
was disturbed after 1795 by the wicked ma-
chinations of her English enemies. For a
generation after the union Ireland had slept
the sleep of physical misery and political
servitude. The reform victories of 1829
and 1832 had given her consciousness and
voice. Thereafter her heavy grievances
and her battling aspirations had formed
the great standing ' barderi of the British
Parliament and had been the principal
impediment of its work. In the bye-elec-
tiens: it had been shown in recent years
that tl*.JPebple of Great Britaie retegaised
thb irrehistible claim whieh Irelalid Made
upon their sense of justice. Ireland was
calm and peaceful to -day because she re-
lied upon the British electorate to relieve
her (Aber sufferings and burdens. This
patience under wrongs was a happy omen.
ciprocal saffastion sandoribtedly would
follow the frank 'eoncession of self-govern-
ment to the afflicted country. Home rule,
sheltered by imperial supremacy, should
be granted, and England and Ireland
vvould then be at lasting peace: Calm
reason would soon bring Ulster back to its
senses and to brotherhood with the rest of
Ireland—to the brotherhood which existed
before the anion. Mr Gladstone then cri-
ticised recent England legislation and at-
tempts at legislation on the part of the
Goveinment, incidentally describing Lib-
eral Unionists as"dissentient ex -Liberals."
He admits the importance of the labor
questions and approves of referms in elec-
toral registration as well as the payment of
members of the House of Commons, so that
labor members may have means of sup-
porting themselves and their families. The
.manifesto cloaca with these words:—"In
the 601h year of my public life, I necessar-
ily feel that this is the last general election
at which I expect to solicit your suffrages.
Only a small special share can belong to
me in the work which I have sketched, I
am sincerely grateful for your past confid-
ence and I humbly trust that I have done
nothing to forfeit it. Even now, closely
circumscribed as is the space before me, I
trust that I shall still be permitted, through
the Almighty's bounty, to render for a
while to you my imperfect but devoted
Goes the story of the excellence of Hood's
Sarsaparilla and what it has accomplished,
and this is the strongest advertising which
is done on behalf of this medicine. We en-
deavor to tell honestly what Hood'a Sar-
saparilla is and what it will do, but what
it has done is far more important and far
more potent. Its unequalled record of
cures is Imre to convince those who have
neter tried ficiod'a Sarsaparillathat it is aa
excellent 'medicine:
Good sweet inty to hetter for liorees
that have te Werlc hard than tender
rses are shod in Spain..withoUt
the application of heat, and very few -
horseshoers there' have bellews or
forges in their shops. They alsosnake
their shoes without the aid Of fires, a
fact largely due to the pure, soft, duc-
tile iron primarily manufactured with
wood and soft coal.
The orophippus, the ancestor of the
noble horse of to -day, is first known to
have existed in the eocene period of
geological epochs. Some of the species
were as small as the cominon silver fox
of to4lay and all has sixteen hoofs,
four on each foot, just like the cow
brutes of the present age.
Many people'suppose that the light-
ness'of sulkies is largely responsible for
manybroken records, when in fact
such s hardly the case. Of course it
is necessary that a sulky shall be light,
but it can be made too light. An ex-
perienced driver says thatsulkies are
oft-thnes made rigid enough, conse-
quently friction is increasing.
The grooming of horses is only se-
condary in importance to that of diet.
Health is secured by keeping the skin
pores open, and this can only be ob-
tained by the currycomb and the brush,
removing the dead epidermis thrown
off in the fcaan of pellicles. He is a
bad groom that employs the comb
roughly and the brush lazily. Not
only comb the main and tail from time
to time, but occasionally wash the
latter with soap and water. It iS a
bad practice to cover saddle and car-
riage horses with rugs when in the
stable, with a view of preserving them
from catching colds, keeping the skin
cleaner and the coat shining. The best
service to render such horses is to ac-
custom them to cold, to harden them.
A rug ought only -to be thrown across
the horse when, being warm, it enters
a cold stable, and only allowed to re-
main on the animal till the normal
temperature of the body sets in.
Horses with short tails may be covered
with a light linen, in order to keep off
the flies when in the stable during
summer. Pending the latter season
bathing is excellent, not omitting to
rub the animal with a wisp of straw
and walking it about for some time.
Clipping horses the horse breeder ob-
jects to. Let the old hair in the cast-
ing season be more scrupulously re-
moved by the brush, while supplying
the animal during the period, with
easily d igested food. When the casting
of hair does nottfollo w its natural course,
give the horse a small ration of linseed
cake or linseed meal, or barley that
has been well pounded in a mortar,
wetted and well mixed with a good deal
of kitchen salt.
A. P. Noakes, Mattawa, Ont., writes:—
"I have been troubled for year3 with irheu-
matism and nervox s debilit). Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills entirely restored me after
all other remedies had foiled." Sold by
all dealers or by mail at 50c per box or 6
boxes for If 2.50. Dr. Williams Med. Co.,
Brockville, Ort., and Schenectady, N. s.
Beware of imitations.
The deepest mine in the world is the
rock salt mine near Berlin, which is
4,175 feet deep.
The largest telephone switchboard
in the world is that in the exchange at
Berlin, Germafiy, where 7,000 wires are
connected with the main office.
.Thelargest town clock in the world.
is in the tower of the Glasgow Univer-
sity at Glasgow, Scotland. The clock
weighs about a ton and a half, and has
a pendulum weighing SOO pounds.
The three tallest trees in the world
are believed to be a sequoia near Stock-
ton, Cal., which is 325 feet high, and
two eucalypti in Victoria, Australia,
estimated to be 485 and 450 respec-
Minard'e Liniment lumberman's friend
The largest band sawing, machine in
the -world has recently -been completed
in England and sent to Tasmania.
The machine can saw through it maxi-
mum depth of 75 int -hes, and the car-
riage will accommodate logs 50 feet
long and weighing about 50 tons.
A Fact
lAJORplignowipg I$at blood dial
VY . easee which alkotter remedies UR'
to core, yield to Ayer's SarseperlIle=
Fresh confirma=
tiOn of this state-
ment comes to
hand daily. Even
such deep-seated
and stubborn com-
plaints as Rhea-
lia.---- =thou, Rheuma-
;-- Apok,. ; '-. tie Gout, and the
I/4,, like, are thorough-
.'. y:r ly eradicated by
,L....:•-• the use of this won -
1 -Al-
,i1".‘‘, derful alterative.
Dodge, 110 West
Mrs. R. Irving
ervi ...., , ' 125th street, New
York, certifies "About two years ago, after suffering
for nearly two years from . rheumatic
gout, being able to walk only with great
discomfort, and having tried vasions
remedies, including mineral waters,
without retie!, I saw by an advertise-
ment in a Chicago paper that -a man had
been relieved of this . distressing com-
plaint,.Ay0Pe aparilla, I then debided to
'Itong siierin
rair lffR y taking
make *Aria of this medicine; and took
it 'regular* for eight Months. I am
pleased to say that ;it • effected a com-
plete cure, avid that I have since had no
return Of the disease."
Mrs. L. A. Stark, Nashua, N. If.,
writes: "Oisa,•;year• ago I ,waa taken ill
withrheumatism, hemt.conlined My
house Sixmenthe. I tne OM cif the
alettneae Very rorichdobii to ittited; tth no
appetite, and my sytatem, disordered in
every way. I, dommenced to use Ayers
Sarsaparilla and began to improve at
once, gaining in Strength and soon re-
covering my usual health. I cannot say
too tench in -raise Of this well-known
"I have taken a great deal of medi-
cine, but nothing has done me so
much good as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I
felt its beneficial effects before I bad
unite finished one bottle, and I can
freely testlf 3r that it is the best blood -
medicine I know of." —L. W. Ward, Sr.,
Woodland, Texan.
s Sarsapan
• ' • a
rintrantis rev -.
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co,, Lowell, Mate.
kries $1; sit bottles, e . toll es a ihcmiu,
item sca
of LowerVat, Vt., formerly of
Pakten, N. ,
'A Taithiul POr
Is held in Iiigh esteem by Ms people,
and his opinton upon temporal as well
as spiritual matters is valued greatly.
The following is from a clergyman long
influential in New England, now
spending well earned rest in Cabot, Vt.;
C. L Hood& Co., LOWell, Mass.:
"We have used Hood's Sareanarilla in nlir
family for Imlay years past, with great bea-
con. We havet, with confidence, recom-
mended It to others for their various all-
nienta, ahnost all of whom have certified to
great benefit by Stange. We can .
Honestly and Cheerfully
recommend it as the beat blood purifier
we have ever tried. We have used others,
but none with the beneficlaleffects of Hood's.
Also, we deem flood's Pins and Olive Oint-
ment invaluable. Mrs. Stone says she
cannot do Without them." Rim. J. P. STONE.
Better than Cold
Mr. Geo. T. Clapp, of Eastondale, Mass.,
Pays: "I am 82 years of. 4e, and for 30
years have suffered with running sores on one
of my legs. A few years ago Iliad two toes
amputated, physicians saying I was suffer-
ing from gangrene and had but
A Short Thne to Live
Bight months ago SS a neighbor urged me, I
began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. The
whole lower part of my leg and foetWas a
running sore, but it has almost completely
healed and I can truthfully say that I am ha
better health than I havebeen for many
years. I have taken no other medicine and
consider that I owe all my itaprovemeot to
Hood's Seisiiarilla
It la better than told:, 4, XI ebeettnlly
veirIfY the above atatement of Mr. Clapp,
whom 1 have isnosva'30ears." J. M. How -
AM), Dragniat, anteridaie,asiass.
HOOD'S PILLS ap.re pure*, vegetable.
He was a prosperous and wealthy
merchant; she was a little bit of a clerk,
who lived and thrived, and took care
of a little sister on a few dollars a week,
aud was as bright and cheery as if she
had never a care in the world, making
her own sunshine out of the other side
of the cloud. She was saucy, too. No-
body could crush her with any grand
airs, and she had a pathetic little way
of putting aside snubs and insults, as
if she did not see them. So all her
crosses turned into crowns. One morn-
ing she was late. It was little sister's
fault entirely. She had a toothache -y
night and slept so peacefully that
morning on her big sister's arm, that
it made her late. And tlae merchant
saw her come in one hour behind time.
She was smiling and hurrying in, and
he stopped her. Pulling out a gold
watch he opened it, held it up before
her, and waited to see the effect.
"Isn't it lovely?" she said. "I never
saw it before. Thank you," and with
a smile still on her face, she tripped
away. You may call it what you will,
artless ingenuousness or artful calcula-
tion, but a more surprised man than
the time keeping merchant was when
she disposed of his reprimand would
be hard to find.
Minard's Linament is used for horses &cattle
A young lady and gentleman are in love
with each other, but will not marry because
the lady's mother's brother's brother-in-law
is the young man's father. What relation.
ship exists between the young lady and
gentleman? The first person sending the
correct answer to the above problem the
Ladies' Pictorial Weekly will give Seventy.
five Dollars in cash; for the second correct
answer Fifty Dollars in cash; for the third
correct answer an elegant Gold Wath; for
the fourth correct answer a first-class girre
rr boy's Safety Bicycle; for the fifth a
French Music Box; for the sixth a pair of
genuine Diamond Earrings in solid gold
setting; to the seventh a fiast-olass Kodak
Camera. with a complete outfit for using
same; to the eighth a complete Lawn Ten-
nis Outfit; for , the ninth an elegant pair of
Pearl Opera Glasses; to the tenth a Silk
Dress Pattern (in any color desired). Eve.
ryone answering the above puzzle mnat en.
close with the same Thirty Cents in silver
(or ten three cent stamps) for one months'
trial subsoription (five copies) to the Ladies'
Pictorial Weekly, Canada's High -Class Il-
lustrated Newspaper. The envelope which
contaiasscorrect answer bearing earliest
pqatmark will receive firet prize, the,balanoe
strictly in order as received. All answers
must be mailed on or before July 15th.
Names and addresses pf prize winners will
be published in our journal. Address La-
dies' Pictorial Weekly (44) Toronto, Ont.
June 17, 3w
Children Cry tor
Pitcher's "Castoria.
Edwin J. Ryan, a clerk of the United
States Express Company in Washing-
ton, D. C., has escaped from that city
with $50,000 in bank notes.
Miner& Linament is used by physicians
The collector of customs at Chicago
announces that samples ot articles im-
ported free of duty as exhibits at the
World's Columbian Exposition may be
freely distributed by the exhibitor,
provided such samples are of no com-
mercial value.
LTEE(1 and appr ed of by the medical profeaodon
1 Pnce al perbox. For sate by Druggists. Or by nail
on recei t of price. Prepared by
W.T.stroi d, Dittgiti et, London, On's
We have anticipated a big season's trade, and have prepared for itstccordingly.
If you want a dandy ROAD CART, a light and servweable DEMOCRAT a
well-built, easy -running LUMBER WAGGON, a beautiful and stylish OPEN
or COVERED BUGGY, or even a DOURLpspARRIA.GE,ave catirmaply your
wants, and guarantee to give you satisfaction. Our goods are'their own re-
commendation. Call and see us and we are sure you will be pleased.
Composed of Flax,Silver Com-
posite and Best Brands:Man-
illa. Leave your order with
us at once in order to insure
prompt delivery. Quality the
best and Prices Guaranteed
as low as the lowest.
Headquarters for not Air
Furnaces, both wood and
coal. Call and get quotations
ma got
Lehigh Valley COAL
HARLAND BROS have secured control
for thie petition, of the celebrIated ;Legh
Valley Coal, and have purchased several
cars to arrive this month. it is admitted
by all to be the beet, and it is also claimed
that it will give 25 per cent more heat than
any other 9061 produced. Why use (ma -
mon coal when this coal can be purchased
at the eameasrice. Order early so as to se-
cure low price, as owing to the strong com-
bination of the railroad and coal compan-
ies, high prices are anticipated this fall.
Choice - •• Goods
New Valencia Raisins off stalk, New Sultan Raisins—extra value,
New Black Basket Raisins, New Currants, New Grenoble Walnute
New S. S. .Almonds, New Filberts, New Candied Peels—Citron,
Lemon and Orange, New Extracts—Essences of all kinds.
sSplendid values in choice Green, Black or Japans. Try our
, Special Blend of pure India and:Ceylon Teas:put up in one
pound packages. Best value in rackage Teas in the market—Try it.
Glasgow House, Brumfield
INTI42. SCOTT ex 00
Wholesale and retail dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS,
Highest Cash price paid for all kinds of grain, Dressed Hogs, Hides, Wool and Cord
wood. Issuers of Marriage Licenaes. Agents for G. N. W. Telegraph Co., with tele
graph connection to all parts of the world.
We beg to thank lour nnipaerque einsfornisre for theirlong and liberal patronage for the
past 30 years, and hopaby strict attention to businesa, and rock bottom prices, to stil
sontinne in line with our old and many new customers.
WM. SCO- T 84 CO
• 9
We this:week announce to the purchasing public that we have received a fine supply co.
SEOES—Gentlemen's Shoes, Ladies' t3hoe, Youths' Shoes, Misses Shoes, an
Children's Shoes, in various styles and prices.
HATS—A large stook of Hats and Caps—Felts, Straws, &a
Are going off rapidly as they are nice nna cheap.
MILLINERY—We never had such a fine display of Millinery. This will be pleasing
to the ladies especially.
We have on order some beautiful Wool Carpets to arrive -shortly.: Dontimiss them
Our TWEEDS are excellent value and selling E0 well our tailor has to get a bustle
on. You would do well to compare prices.
SHIRTINGS and COTTONADES moving lively—prices low, quality good
SEEDS—Field and Garden Seeds in stock.
We cannot mention everything as the:store (is filled in all departments. We
are constantly having visits from new customers who are well pleased with our goods
and prices. A trial respectfully solicited—it will pay you. We want to make room for
more goods yet to come in. Produce taken in exchange at:higheet prices.
1-inrc-on Street, Clinton
We have on hand an assortment of splendid
Which we guarantee to be of first -sloes material ard workmanship.
If you want a good article at tbe price of a poor one, call and see us.