HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-07-01, Page 2Juiy 1i892 MWS NOTES, The, atiti.Earnelllea '00ovention' in Dublin haa'ainttgd Aire cOostitueney oi South T4onsforcljo 1100. Edward lake It is coneldeMd. a Safe Condit - tunny, 111Xeept far as his address to the ehetere, Of Uhikthian Wiii c.re,hr,a00 hI •, pomitism. on . the leading questions of the dtAY,„, fatlatt Airitain epri Ireland, Mr OlatliitOne will Woe Inenifestoon the Pitbreot Of the ()Ming eleetien. •.,NO. Matter what may be ;he ills you boar rom hicligeetiOn, a dose of AYer's Gather - 410 ,Fills Will We yeti without question, 4nst try them once and In assured; they have &web, worse dyspeptics cured. You'll tierithent nice and AMSY worth the edge - Bee 'liar Waddell of Dort Isligist who MOentlY went over front the Beet fit to the MObccliet ehareh, has lieen accepted as a • mmieter. in good standing by the Mobilo- ' diet Conference whiehhatitist °Irma'. He ;vaa ordained at St Marys on attach*" Meenip_g, Rev J. Scott, president; and Rev J. W. Hohnes ex -president of the Guelph • conference, officiating. _,' Sir Edward Watkin, of channel tunnel • fame, has said and others have aaid it bo- lero he did, that the safest plaoe to spend , an hour or two is an express train on one of the British main. 'Laos. The atatistio ilond has found 090101)9TOtiPll cir 513m in,„the published statement that , only four ,iminions'isvere killed oe all the, railways of the United Hirigdom during lea year, .whereas 147 deatha entl 5.94 'pereonal injuries resulted OM aamdent° in 61" , otreets ef I.Jondon alone , 'That is a rather racy piece of news that eennee worts the A.thintio from Forest of Dean. Xiady Somersoit has offered to itnnin the constituerrOy on inoral grounds against the candidature of Sir Charles Dilke, and the Forest of Dean miners threaten to duck Her Ladyship in the earest horse pond if she dares to show ereelf, as well as to tar and 'feather Edi- t:tie Stead if he is found on the same mile jai. Lady Somerset is fond of cold water, ut she would not likely oare for the hreittened mode of application. Corisiderable commotion has been caused y the publication of a report of Surgeon - General Sir William More,of India, treat- ing of leprosy in that country. Sir Wil- liam tells a terrible tele of a leper wh3 beseeched his people to bury him alive, and thus get him out of misery and sight 43imultaneously. The people, more than half willing to oblige theanvalid and re- lieve themselves, forthwith dug a hole. -gathered their neighbors about; beat drums and tum-tums in order to &own the regret - '111.1 cries of the prindipal rester in the tra- gedy, and buried him aliv The experience of the anufacturers of the "Myrtle Navy" tobacco is a valuable lesson in political economy. Previous to their commencing that heand, the tebacco made of the finest Virginia leaf, was always held at fancy priceet,ithd put up in some s fancy style_ of inannfitoture. It was ',thought that only the rich would buy such taacco, and at the old prices none but the rich could buy it. The makers of the "Myrtle Navy" resolved to strip the manu- tactile° of the tobacco of all its fancy costs and put their profit at so low a rate that no • 'ocimpetitor could possibly undersell them *th the same quality of article. From e very first, until now, their rate of pro - has, been a uniform perceetege upon the est. It is their enormous sales which • ake their low rate of profit hold upon the market. Their success is an excellent les - Son for manufacturers to study over. - T e expected has happened, and iskiii r Cleveland for the third time ,Je s received the nomination of the rDemocratic party as its Presidential •, ) candidate. Like Harrison at Minne- ' e' apolis, he was elected on the first bal- lot, Hills his only dangerous opponent, being practically nowhere. His nomi- nation brings Cleveland again face to • face with Harrison, but under some- what different conditions from those of the last Presidential contest. Since then the Democrats have shown that they are not afraid to grapple with the tariff question, and the condemnation Which the McKinley Bill met with at the polls two years ago shows that the 'rnspeople-areeripe for a change.—Th6-eben- , - mg struggle will be an interesting one s-. -for Canaria. , A, Democratic victory • watild mean a lowstariff if not a reve- nue tariff for the States, and with such a tariff the Dominion would be forced ......to lower the bars also. If Cleveland , can win Tammany to his side the chances are that Baby Ruth's nursery will soon be located in the White • House. FALL rAIRS. ,the prize list, Of the Western Fair, which is to be held in London Sept. 15th to 24th, is again to hand, and we are pleased to notice that the unprece- dented success which attended the ef- forts of the management last year has been of tangible benefit to the breeders of live stock and agricultural producers, the Directors having added nearly •"$2,000 to the prize list of 1891. A long • list of special prizes are offered, one or more in each department. The Direct- ors have decided to adopt the one judge system, and appoint good, relia,b1e competent men, from names submitted b the principal live stock associations. is is the plan adopted by all the leading Fairs in America, and the Exe- • cutive of the Western Fair are deter- as Mined to keep pa,ce with the best,. I P' " Should any of our readers wish a prize list address Mr Thos. A. Browne, Sec- H 4r<r7 7--wsyrresurrint” "7-7% THE CLINTON NEW Z114.. cRISP NDilASVAL. TIM VITRO VNISIMENT, , The story la Old Ota Miesionitry who, u as a certain Old VOPM011t farmer 'ree_ Marked, .411,4e been unfortunate In his wives" This misslooary had mar lad In this country and taken his Wife With him to India.. Them, after two years, she died, and the broken-hearted wid- the h to ' ind, con - gond ORM t the turn but did giv- two tely, re - was d to joYe did, ence ved ride his sig - own ried r to his lars me the the ht - hat Ce, her ted ra- for hand UP, Ave, has More thUlltieretOrrt tha aBy: other regiOn In the world, aeffersonville,Ind,,boasts of a lemon ade well. A Stockton (0a1.,) 010 ban decid,ed to use limburger cheese as a cure dye pepsin. Neiv tork city has 157 Waghtngton believg that there is a vast, underground ocean in Dakota. -trui TestaitienVOhlY one wo- man's age is recorded, that of Sara, Abraham's wife. The increase of population in France during the last five years amounted to only one-half of 1 per cent. Minard's Liniment Is the Best • A brain specialist says that nearly a quarter of all the case e of insanity are hereditary. A tree near Jackson, Miss., was used as a gallows recently. It is now with- ered and dead. (Mark county, Ind., has a prisoner in its jail who has seldom been out of "dur- ance vile" for the last fifty years. Joseph Ruby, of Columbia, Pa., suffered from birth with woeful& humor, till he was perfectly cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. The elephant's sense of smell is so de- licate that when in a wild state it can sent an enemy at a distance of 1,000 yards. Kansas has four cities in which the vote of the women is larger than that of the men. One entire set of council- men is women. itca, Mange and &retches of every kind, on human or animals, cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by J. H. Combo, Druggist. It is estimated that over 100,000,000 of people now _speak the English lan- guage. over 69,000,000 German and over 41,0M,000 French. The Salvation Army publishes sixty- one weekly newspapers and five month- ly magazines, with a total annual cir- culation of 45,000,000 copies. Frederick Schwatka, the traveler, once experienced a temperature of 71 degrees below zero in the Arctic re- gions, near Burk's Great Fish River. It is said to be the coldest ever endur- ed byman. The Scotch papers tell of a lady near Edinburgh who keeps a cat farm and finds it a profitable speculation. She rears kittens for sale—Tortoiseshell, Angora, Persian and other varieties. The tortoiseshell are the most costly. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem- ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save 550 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by J. II. Combe, Drug- gist. THE LADIES DELIGHTED. The pleasant effect and the perfect safe. is, with which ladies may use the liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all conditions make it their favorite remedy. It is pleasing to the eye and to the taste, gentle, yet effectual in acting on the kid- neys, liver and bowels. THOUGHTS THAT BREATHE. The only way you can bring a child up is the way you're going yourself. Some peo' ple object to mutual admi- Ety ration_societies, but I like them thanmutualmutual detraction societies. flu Each man can learn something from in his neighbor; at least he can learn this irr --to have patience with his neighbor, firs to live and let live. The harder our work the more we for need solitude and prayer, without don ower received permission from zoissionart soda,- of :chum come home. Here he Ipromptly Soled himself, and with ;_his se spouse returned to the mold of former ,labor. But fate WSE4 unk and at ,thecood. of a. year 110eVeaft,t More a widower. Again .110hOugh permission from his Eoard, to re bonne, but this time they gently firmly declined, saying that they not feel juotified in the expense of ing him two vacations within years. They suggested, delica however, that if his desire was to coup himself for his recent loss it possible for him to deputize a frien secure for him a new partner of his and sorrows. This he accordingly and after considerable correspond and sundry delays the twice berea widower received word that the b selected for him was on her way to arms. The day the steamship was nailed the bridegroom -elect went d to meet it, accompanied by a mar friend. On the return of the latte his house he was pounced upon by wife, who demanded all the particu of the meeting. "Did Dr Smith seem much overco when he saw Miss Brown ?" was first question. "Well—yes--a little." "Wasn't he overjoyed ?" "Well—overjoyed is not just word, perhaps." - "Why, didn't he say he was delig ed?' "Well—no—not exactly." "But at least he seemed pleased?" "Well—I don't quite know." "For mercy's sake tell me just w he did say and do." "Well," with evident reluctan "when he saw her she was at the ot end of the deck, and she was pointed out to him by the friend she had t yelled with. Smith looked at her a minute, and then he passed his ha over his eyes, and I heard him mum 'Red hair—for the third time—and after so much prayer 1" THE HE AD SURGEON Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted either in person or by letter on all chronic diseases peculiar to man. Men, young,old, or middle-aged, who find themselves nerv- ous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptone : Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vital- ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight,palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, head- ache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks be- fore the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye- lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby mus- cles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of bearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, 'excitability of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with lead. encircle, oily looking skin, etc., are all sym- ptoms of nervous debility that lead to,insan. ity and death unless eured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease the Inneepsof whisth are faint spells, purpl s, nuaiiass, palpitation, skip beats, ho shes, rush of blood to the head, du 1 pai the heart with beats strong, rapid an egular, the second heart quicker than th t, pain about the breast bone, etc., ca itively be oared. No cure, no pay. Sen book. Address M. V. Luben. 24 Mac ell Ave., Toronto, Canada. Jan. 1, 92 A ggsv.rxiNe MIEtt4.10. studied tablee Over and over, and, backward and forward, tocii But I couldn't reraSraber pia times able, and I didn't know what to do, Till sitter told me tO play vdth my doll and not to bother my head. .If you call her 'Fifty-four' for awhile, you'll learn it by heart," she said. So I took my fivorite, Mary Ann (though I thought 't was a dreadful shame To give such a perfectly lovely child suoh a perfeotly horrid name), And 1....calkatilettnyclearlittle "Fifty-four" a hundred times, till I knew The answer of six. times nine as well as the Ammer of two times two. Next day Elizabeth Wieglesworth, who always acts so proud, Said: "Six times nine is fifty-two," and I nearly laughed aloud! But I wished 1 had't when teacher said: "Now, Dorthy, tell if you can ;" For I thought of my doll and—sakes alive! I answered: "Mary Ann." DEACON SKINNER'S IDEA. They tell me there's persuinin' man revis- es' of the Bible! Some folks is so allured smart, or think they be, they're li'ble To hev theaters all painted green, an' then, some futurteday, They'll all conclude to mike the sun go round the other way They'd like to keep on 'ith their everlastin' tinkeriu', till They burst up ever'thin' and mike the riv. ere run up hill ; An' if we give em time enough, I ha'nt a bit of doubt, They naehelly 'ill turn the hull creation in- side out! Now, just as if the prophets an' the 'pestles an' the rest Of them as writ the Bible, warn't the ones to know the best What orter be put in it ! An' a man who takes away Or adds te it, '11 ketch it on the final judg- men., day. You can't raise crops by sittin' round and simply writin' "corn," An' folks as tries '11 come out the little end th' horn. It ain't no trick to make a book 'at says we all can go A-glidin' into Heaven; but that dont' make it so. They'll learn the way's es narrer an' es dif- ficult to climb, An' es thorny ee it used to be in our gran' - fathers' time, An' find too late the other place es easy of admission, An' jest es hot es 'twas before they writ their new edition. OH, WHAT A COUGH I Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask your- selves if you can afford for the sake of say. ing 50o., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never ails. 6 -Dec -4-91 The total population of Canada is 4,- 829,411. Of this number 615,705 are natives of other places than Canada. The native Canuck is thus decidedly on the top. "Excuse me, George, but when I saw you a year ago, your face was covered with pimples; it seems to be all right now." "Yes, O sire that's becliese I stuck to Ayer's Berea - t 'patella, the greatest blood medicine in the n world. I was never so' well in my life as. 1 d am now." e A shocking accident occurred on the n Buffalo and Goderich Railway, near d Port Colborne station, Wednesday - night. While express No. 75 was pass- . ing the cattle guards near the station, it ran down a man named Lindsay, who was walking on the line. Both the poor fellow's feet were cut off. He W as taken to Port Colbornewhere he is in a very -precarious condition. which work becomes mechanical and insincere. The German churches always carried out the rule of asking every member, "What are you going -to do -for Christ?" - and they put the answer down in a book. When Itaby was Id*, IVO gave her castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. 7Then she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. -..en she had Children, she gave them eastern. Christianity is more than a belief, it is a life. It furnishes not only truths to be believed, but things to be done, and the doing.of them is by no means a secondary consideration. The truth which we believe is to be exemplified in our life. The life that we live is to he "by the faith of the Son of God," who bath loved us and given himself for us. Uric acid h, the blood is the cause of nearly all dis- ease, it visits every part of the body and is liable, to fasten disease on any organ ; the duty of the kidneys is to extract wastes hom the blood; a cold will stop this action, a pain in the back follows, and unless re- lief is obtained, permanent inability of the kidneys to perform theirfunctions follows, which may terminate in lint complaint, dyspepsia, blood disease, dropsy, diabetes or Bright's disease. Dodd', Kidney Pills gist the k dheys to natural work, and cure all corn - mints and resit' tit arising from same. A man's realest, self is his hest self. e can never do better than to do as he was originally designed to do. It was when the prodigal son "came to himself" that he was ready to return to his better life and his father's house. Before that he was beside himself, or away from himself. In every man there is a bett,er self to which to ap- peal. He who would win souls should net, on this conviction. retary,who assures us he will be pleased •to forward the same. • The prize list for this year's Indus- • trial Fair to be held in Toronto, from the 5th to the 17th Sept., has been is- sued. Many changes have been made , in the various classes, and about $2,000 • added to the amount of prizes offered • last year. The Association have oh- , teined about 50 acres more ground, and a newhalf-mule track will be construct- ed, and a monster new grand stand. • capable of seating over 12,1300 people, is to be erected in time for the fair. New stables and cattle peneare also to be ereeted,and many other improvements made at a cost of one hundred and ' fifty thousand dollars. This year's Fair Win evidently be a great one. For copies of the prize list drop a post card toMt H. J. Hill, Manager, Toronto. TERRE THINGS TO REMEMBER Hood's Sarsaparilla has the most MERIT. Hood's Sarsaparilla has won unequalled Sucoess. Hood's sarsaparilla accomplishes the gretsteat Coats. Is it nbt the medicine for yen? Constipation used by 11:188 (if the per. istaltio aistiott cievele. n000,a Pus testers the act vigotate the live? CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, baying had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per- manent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical our for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com- plaints after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of oases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suf- fering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe. in German Feench or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A Noyes 820 Pew- ee Block, Rochester, N.Y. June 19-91-y Zhild.ren Cryfor Phelierge CaStOria4 OLD BUT VIGOROUS. rs Priscilla Scroggins, of Hare Co., -Ga., who issad to be 115 -years -old, has - living 12 children, 103 grandchildren, 636 great-grandchildren, 272 great - great -grandchildren, 250 great-great- great-grandehildren, in all a family of 1,274 souls. Mrs Laura C. Fowler, of Durham, Conn., hopes to win the prize at the county' fair for the best crazy quilt. She is 80 years of age, and in one month she has cut and sewed together 2,000 pieces for a bed quilt. In doing so she threaded the needle 1,000 times. Capt. Chas. Richardson, who at one time, it is said, was the confidential secretary of Boss Tweed, lives now in Covington, Ky. He is 88 years old, and recently gave evidence of his juve- nility of spirit by taking to himself a blushing bride of 19 summers. Jacob Kerns, of Monongalia county, W. Va. 90 years old, walked recently to his daughter's house, a distance of about seven miles. Mr Kerns has thir- teen children living, eighty grandchil- dren, 127 great-grandchildren and seven great -great-grandchildren. A Manchester, Con., Telegram says: a few years ago the man who would ride a bicycle on Sunday was looked upon here as a sinner almost beyond redemption. Last week the committee of the CenterChurch voted to set apart one of the horse sheds in the rear of the church for a bicycle shed. A great many persons, ladies as well as gentle- men, who live in the surrounding coun- try, now come to the Sunday and week -day services on wheels. When they are listening to the words of the sermon mischievous youngsters experi- ment with the bicycles. and not a lit- tle damage has been done by their care - lees use. Now they will have a bicycle stall in which to store their wheels while attending services. The shed will be fitted up with stands, a whisk broom, clothes brush, mirror, wash- stand, and toilet articles will be pup - plied, and all will be under the guar- dianship of a than especially selected for his inability to master the untamed steed. So far as known this is the first church in the country to take this step. C. C. RICHARDS & CO. GENTS.—I have used your IIIINARD'S LINIMENT in my family for some years and believe it the beat medicine in the ma s st as it does all it it recommended to do Cannaan Forks, N. 13., D. RIERSTEAD. John Mader, Mahone Bay, informs us Shat he vnis cured of a very severe attack Of rheumetism towing k MINARD'S A PRIZE PORTRAIT' REBUS. This young lady has three brothers, each one of whose picture is combined in the above portrait. The manufacturers of PEARI.I. FOAM, THE LATEST SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY POR CLEANSING AND PRESERVING THE TEETH, Will give a handsome Gold Watch to Ole person who can make out the faces of the three brothers FIRST ; to the second an elegant pair of genuine DIAMOND EARRINGS; to the third a PIANO LAMP in Antigua Silver ; to the fourth either a SILK DRESS PATTERN Or a SWISS MUSIC nox playing six pieces ; to the fifth a beautiful pair of -PEARL OPERA GLASSES; to the sixth an elegant MANTEL CLOCK ; to the seventh a pair of SOLID GOLD CHA/N BRACELETS, with Padlocks, and to the eighth a COIN SILVER WATCH. Each contestant is to cut out the picture rebus and make a cross with a lead pencil on the three brothers faces, and send same to us, with ten three -cent Canadian postage stamps Ler 30 cents in silver) for one package of rearlifortin, before uly soth, 1892. The envelope postmarkedfir which contains the three brothers' faces correctly marked will re- ceive thefirst prize, the balance in order as received, For the last correct answer we will also give a handsome Gold Wath; to the next to the last a complete BUSINESS EDUCA- TMN ; to the second to the last an elegant pair of genuine DIAMOND EARRINGS; to the third from the last a PIANO LAMP in A ntique Silver ; to the fourth a swiss artiste BOX playing six pieces; to the fifth a Sim< DRESS PATTERN: to the sbcth a pair of PEARL OPERA GLASSES; to the seventh an elegant MANTEL C.LOCK„ and a valuable trize will also Ire given to every person who is able to answer this picture rebus cormtly until roo prizes have been awarded if there should be that numb'er answering correctly. Nothing is charged for boxing and packing prizes. We shall offer extra premiums to all %Nilo are willing to help as iutroduce Pearlifoain. Our prizes am ent'rely FREE. Our obk ct is to introduce and attract attention to Pearlifoam, which is the only preparation whoa manufacturers are willing to offer a re yard of Sroo to any dentist who can show that it contains anything injur- Ills to the tceth.j Lades who have used 4'03ne1/foam can ot say too much, in its favor. A rnouthfuj of pearly white teeth is the sure result c'fjts constant use. It is re- commended by t e leaders of the profession everywhere, ask our dentist what he thinks 01 It. Pearlitoa Is sent by mall eosteakl- Prizes in the oove Portrait Rebus arc to be carefully ase led strictly. as eeserVed. Ad- dre-s, rSITE TOILET 11PFG. CO.,,' 170 no St.. TOteirito, Chits .J. Tkg eress ot two le: iingllfoiu.' f41,01400 mules in ,9411ternia is Mid to receive 4,009 a Yetteeepeftelbly the ' 141'ffefit Qtalisalary paid to a woman M on O e has over it hundred; women under her roar()) and regulates the insurance 00nOerne over it large area. 1:1P 0243Z 314242rOVISI Both the metnc, and results.ivhen Syrup of Figs is taken. it is pleasant and refreshing. to the taste, and acts gently yet %reMptlyontkeiCidneys, Liver and , Bowes, cleas the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and Curds habitual constipition. Syrup Cf 'Figs is the only i•emedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in i its action and truly beneficial n its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances its manyexcellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs ia for sale in 750 bottles by all leading; druggists Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., BAN FRANCISCO, CAL* LOUISITELLE, T. NEW YORE. E.'Z Vrefeonanni and ointr ear40 MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, CONVEYANCERS, &C. Commissioners for Ontario and Manitoba OFrICE NEXT DOOR TO NEw ERA, CLINTON. ONEY TO LOAN. MORTGAGES .4.T.1 Bought. Private Funds. C RIDOUT, Office ever J Jackso n .13 Store , Clinton. ONEY TO LEND IN LARGE OR -0-1- Small sums on good mortgage security, moderate rate 01 10 Wrest. 13 HALE, Clinton. A BEL S. WEEEES, CIVIL ENGINEER, ..cm. Provincial Land Surveyor, Draughtsman, etc. Office, up stairs. in Perrin Block, Clinton, Ont. nR APPLETON — OFFICE — AT RESI- 1-, DENCX on Ontario street. Clinton, op- poeite English Church. Entrance by side gate. D El. le ELLIOT, M. D., Ii. R. C. P., L./Edinburgh, 54 R. C. S.. Edinburgh, Li3011- tiate of the Midwifery, Edinburgh. XlIce at Brucefield. DR13. GUNN di GIBSON, C N.FICES ;ONTARIO Street, a few doors East o Albert Street. W. GUNN, R. J. GIBSON. DJ. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, cheur, etc., office in the Palace block- Rattenbnry St. ,formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve, Clinton Ont. nR STANMURY, 'GRADUATE OF THE Medical Department of Victoria Univer- sity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New York, Coroner for he Connty of Huron, Hayfield, Ont. A. 0. IT. W. The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meet in Biddle- combe Hall on the 1st and l'ird Fridays in each month. Visitors cordially invited. R. STONEHAM, M. W. J. BEAN, Recorder MONEY! MONEY! MuNEY 1 We can make a few good loans 1 roes private funds at ow rates and modate expeneeer. Terme made toe u it borrowers. MANNING dr SCOTT, - Chntob j E. BLAORALL VETERINARY SUB aEON tI . HonoraryGraduate of the OntarioVeterinary College. Treats all diseases of domesticated ani- mals on the most modern and scientific princi- ples. Office — immediately west of the Royal Hotel. Residence — Albert St., Clinton, Calle night or day attended to promptly. MRS. WHITT, M. C. M. s TEACHER OF MUSIC,. Piano, Organ and Technieon,or Bluael developer. for use of pupils. ROOMS at Mr. A. Cook'a, Albert Street, Clinton. R. AGNEW,. Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Graduate of the Toronto School of Dentistry. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painless extraction cf teeth, Office in Smith's Block over Emerton's Barber Shop, Clinton. arNight bell answered. ly DR. TURNBULL. J. L. Turnbull, M. B., Toronto University, M D. C.M., Victoria University, M. 0.8' & S., Ontario Fellow of the Obstetrical Society of Edinburgh late of London, Eng., and Edinburgh Hospitals. Office—Dr. Dowsely's old office Rattenbnry St. Clinton Night • ils answered at the same place fl DICEINsON, THE OLD & RELIABLE -IL/ Auctioneer still in the field, able and will- ing to conduct any sales entrusted to him, and takes this opportUnity of thanking his patrons for past favors. Also Chattel Mortgages closed and rents collected. Charges moderate. D DICKINSON, Licensed Auetioneer for the County of Huron. Residence Albert Street, Clinton. IT 0. BRUCE, L. D. S., DENTIST, GRADU- A- • ate Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. All operations of modern dentistry carefully performed. Antesthetics administered for the painless extraction of teeth. Office Reefeee old stand, Coats' Block, Clinton. Will vieit Blyth professionslly every Monday, at Mason's Hotel. nR WORTHINGTON,—PHYSICIAN SUR Ge .1-1 org A econoher, Licentiate of the College of Physicians, and Surgeons of Lewer Canada, and Previnola Licentiate and Coroner for the County of Huron. Office and residence.—The building formerly ocepnied by Mr Thwaites Huron Street. Conton. Jan 11. 1870. J. T. VirILKIE, SURGEON, DENTIST -- Holds the exclusive right for the county for the Hurd proceris Of adMinititelnng chemleally pure Nitrogen monoxide, which is the safest and hest system yet discovered for the pain - leen extraction of teeth, (Merges moderate satiataction ,gUaraisteed. ORM% ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, trier Tabinionis Tenet Sinai, . Efurob Se set.motet./ Paoy MAIM Or LE. Navy, IS MARERD • IN BRONZE LETTERS. NONE OTHER GIETVINE, The Central 1UTCHER SHOP Subscriber desires to thank the public general- ly, for the patronage bestowed upon him ; and at the same time to say that he it how in a bet ter position than ever to supply the Wants of all. As he gives personal attention to all the details of the business customers' can rely on their orders beingproraptly aud satisfactorily filled. Ells motto Is "good meat at reasonable prices." Choice sausage, Poultry, &c., In season. Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &o. ' JOHN SCRUTON, Albert St., Clinton. MoKIllop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. FARM & ISOLATEINDsTuoRWAPROPERTY ONLY o—sr—ica—ns. D, Rose, President, Clinton; U. Mu -die, Vice) Pres., Seaforth ; W. J. Shannon, Seciy-Treaa. Seaforth; Jno. Hannah, Manager, Seeforth. ranee:mons. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton; Geo. Watt, Harloek ; Joseph Evans, IBeechwood; Thos. Carbet. Clinton ; Alex. Gar- diner, Leadbury ; M. 5f urdie, Seaforth. Thos. Nellans, liaArlGoEcNkT;aft.obt. McMillan, Se. forth; 8 Carriochan, Seaforth; John 0 Sullivan nd Geo. Murdie, auditors. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or tran- sact other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers addressed to their respecitve offices. GEO, D. MeTAGGART, BANKER, ALBERT ST, -•CLINTON. A general Banking Business tt ansacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. FARRAN & TISDALL BANKERS, CLINTON. ONT Advances made to farmers on their qwn notes, at low rates of interest. A general Banking Business transacted Interest allowed on deposits. Sale Notes bought J. P. TISDAEL, Manager -The Masons—i3ank. Incorporateby Act of Parliament, lfffib. CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. AL. F. WOJI;R11.FAESTMOL SON General Manager Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex - j • citange bought and sold at lowest • - current rerd Interest allowed on deposits. Er A.11. M—XiC It . Money advanced to farmers on their own note with one or more endorsers. No mortgage requi d as, se January 1887. H. C. BREWER, Manager Clinton HURON AND BRUCE LOU at & Investment Co'y This Company is -Loaning Money or Farm Security at Lowest Rates of Interest. -- MORTGAGES - : - PURCHASEI SAVINGS BANK BRANCH, 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFFICE—Corner of Market Square and Nor th Ft dORACE HORTON, MANAG1 5th 1885 UNDERTAKING. The subscriber would intimate to the public generally that he has added to his business that of UNDERTAKING, And is prepared to supply all fun- eral necessaries at short notice and in a satisfactory manner. Coffins, Caskets, ShrondS, &e , CARRIED IN STOCE. He has also purchased a first-class Hearse', and oan therefore meet all requirements in this line. Night calls answered at residence, Isaac Street, Clinton. JOS CHIDLEY Undertaker and dealer in Furniture, Clinton. A COOK BOOK FREE • By Ma to gny lady sending Lieber post olik) addrota weils,Richaniren a Co.1 Menoest..