HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-07-01, Page 1• iente Pe% in advance'Slt.eeelerre the leerve fee, the 'beilenee of ale rear* Sent to 'Stir.* defele in Oarttnla Or theVnited State § fortiele aneleenet. We elahre that 'Oe NOw Ntiok eves, rActre llopaq vows every week,than,anY' Other:0 year Paper' the Province., , RIPERT EOLMES, Editor and Proprietor CLINTON, ONT., JITIlyz, 1892. *1 a vear Jn adVaUBOR $1.50 When Pet PO Pei During, July We will offer our Summer SUITINGS at Reduced pri- ces in order to have our stock as low as possible • when we take stock on Au- • gust lst. If you are thinking of invest - hg in a light suit, see our Goods and get our prices. They will interest you. 5 per c. off for cash. ,moni••••••••=011•••••• The Itito in fliIini CLINTON Our. k From all parts of the Conuty--hy wide-awake and lively Correspondents Weekly Budget OF 114TBRESTING NEWS • NOTES, -j 'NOS Seandrett has a geed • , BalmY BreezyBay field Mews Wheeler and Barclay. e COMMIS; BUT Tat73. -Another At? e•Tlen•PATE Weer- thre tee lle • • Belgrave , stene foundation beneath bis barn, the work was done by himself misted, Iv Scandrett has started the brick -work populter fair ones. is to be w eleel on - on Mr Watson's bourse. 'Prank 11Vheekir jute lett to gentleman Chicago, bas linisbed the stone-werk under where IMO has MAW 'for some menthe; - Peter Scott's drilling house. Mr. J. IL Tile cream of. Bayfielder fair (Mee are , McBain, of Attwood, called at Mr R. always captured by the Yankees, • ' Erskine's last Saturdefe, Rev. D. FaREwEree.-Rev. Alex. Thibadeate • Rogers and wife, of Attwood, called at the parsonage, on Wednesday, enroute Goderich Township Varna tor Dungannon, their new field of NoTEseeeeer Geo Levis is unfortun- NOTES. -Miss L. Wanless haS re- labor. ate; last week while bringing some turned from Myth after having spent QUITE AN EXCITEMENT. -On Thurs- cattle borne one of them, in crossing a pleasant time; she was the guest of day, the 23rd June, this little village a railroad track, was struck by ,the her uncle, Mr Thos Wanless. was excited from the foundation to thr train and killed. Mr Jas Laithevaite e oof; the cause of the high pulse had the misfortune to lose nine lambs last week; they had been Washed 111 solution of arsenic, to destroy ticks, but the solution was evidently too strong, as the lambs took sick and died. On Sunday last the wife of Mr Geo. Miller presented him with twin boys; this is the third pair of twins she has been the proud mother of. Mr Jas. Johnston has traded the well known trotting horse, Roan Billy, with Mr R. Baker, for a splendid heavy draught horse, to mate a fine sorrel mare,which he bought some time ago. Mr Win. Nesbitt is laid up with a very sore hand, caused by a horse biting it; we hope to see him all right again soon. Mr R. Thompson lost a valuable cow 'ethe ether day, by the bursting of the sto- mach. Mr T. Churchill has raised his barns and is putting a stone foundation beneath them, and when completed he wili have one of the finest stables in Huron; Mr P. Cook has the contract for the stone work, and we predict an Al job. Mr M. Annan, of Pickering,is visiting at Mr A. Courtice's. The picnic held atSwitzers Corner last Friday was a decided success, each school rep- resented itself to the fullest, football and races for the children and other ,games were the chief amusement of the day. Miss Lottie Canleton has been spending a few weeks under the parental roof. Rev. *A. Thibadeau • ' preached his farewell sermon at Cole's to a large audience last Sabbath and enters his new field of labor atBenmiller next Sabbath. Mr Jeptha Holland is limping around on crutches, the result of running a spike into his foot. • (Too late tor last week) Proem -The fourth annual picnic of 8.13. No. 11 was held in the usual .place, Mr Jos Izzard's grove, on Friday, 17th June. The morning being rather threatening detracted greatly from the collection of a large crowd early in the day, but in the afternoon the people turned out in large numbers, showing that their interest in the pleasure of the chii(lren's day was not on the wane. The prizes, which formed such a very intereseng feature on similar occa- sions in former years, were dispensed with, but notwithstanding this fact, all, both old and young, enjoyed them- selves to the utmost. A. good number of swings were provided, which were much in requisition. Dinner was ser - v -at two -o'clock, and then again in the evening lunch was provided, after which a very friendly game of football was indulged in between the Beavers. of Holmesville, and the Clear Grits. of Goderich township, resulting in a vic- tory for the Beavers by two goals to none. traction for the ,I2tit arrived on Satur- day. It is a two -heeded Pelt Mr john Gemeinharde, Loulerestreet, was more than surprised, in gang Out to his stable, to find there a calf good sized, but with the remarkable feature of two perfectly formed heads. They are preached his farewell mermen, in the, joined far back, all the organs working Methodist church, on Sabbath were* separately. A curious thing is that in jug, to a well filled church. His sup.;.., McKillop. WEDDING BELLS. -On Wednesday evening of this week a pleasant affair took place at the house of Mr Duncan McGregor, 6tb con., in the event of the marriage of his daughter Annie, to Mr Samuel Smith, a prosperous young farmer, son of Mr S. Smith, Seaforth. The many costly presents showed the esteem in which the young lady is held. Aeon:mem-What might have prov- ed a fatal accident occurred at the rais- ing of Mr Alex. Ross' barn, con. 13, on Thursday last. It seems that one of the plates, when being placed in posi- tion, slipped and fell to the ground, taking with it Mr A. Dundas,who also fellto the ground. His fall was some - whet broken by first boming in con- t..t` with a temporary flooring that had been placed on the building, and off this he fell to the ground, getting a severe shaking up, a sprained wrist, and having Several teeth knocked out. NOTES -A grand picnie is to be held on Thursday of this week in Mr. Mc- Culla's grove, Leadbury, by the Lead - here school: The Pate ons of the Rose of McKillop, will hold an open meeting on Tuesday evening. -- -Clitse1hurst. DEATIL-After a lingering and pain- ful illness, Mrs George Dobson passed away at 5 p.m. on Thursday June 23rd, at the age of 55 years. The body of the deceased was laid in Maitland Bank cemetery on Saturday afternoon. Mrs Dobson was one of the most highly respected women in our neighborhood, and many were deep in their sorrow at the loss we have sustained. She Te-avereTiel, Iiiideiiiffeenffeighteeleildeeenetee mourn the loss of a loving wife and mother; they have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their sorrow. The funeral sermon was preached on the lawn at Mr. Dobbin's residence, on Saturday; by Rev H. Irvine, from the words, "I bowed down heavily, as one that mourneth for his mother.'" Psalm .36, 14. NOTES.- Mrs.aohn Shepherd was ser- iously ill last week, with a touch of in- flammation, but she is now recovering rapidly. Mrs Horton, sr., has not been so well lately. Mr George Mitchell is sufficiently recovered to drive himself out to Hensell andhack; his prospects seem good now for recovery. MrThos. Dobson is home on a visit from Souris, Manitoba. The County Council of Bruce has decided that all taxes for county purposes be raised <in land values, with the exception of five per cent. on personalty. GILIOTHISIMAN CLINTON *A GOOD OUTLOOK. -It Lute been said by some old settlers, who have been residents of this counfy for over fifty years, that they have never seen be prospects for an all round crop of everything than the present one pro- mises to be if there is -favorable weath- er for harvesting it. TALL WHEAT. -We noticed in some of the papers last week about some fall wheat that measured four feet some inches high; why that ain't a circumstance to the wheat that we can raise in Stanley; Mr John Sparrow, near Varna, has a field of 15 acres, which will average over six feet high. FESTIVAL.—The strawberry Festival under the auspices of Varna Council R. T. of T.,came off last Tuesday night, and it was a grand success, over fifty members were present, and after the berries were disposed of an excellent program, consisting of instrumental and vocal music, songs, readings, speeches, etc. And every body went home delighted with evening's enter- tainment. Oar sales ot Gents Fine Hats in both Straw and Felts continue to roll up, and to gather strength with each re- volution. Probably you ask the reason of this. 'The an- swer is plain and very short. It is because every article we offer thraughout the whole store is of this season's buying consequently very stylish, new and cheap. 1 oravvisema cit'arvox lay in the fact that a genume burglar was in our midst. The man had en- tered a house on the Oth Con: of W a- wanosh the previous evening, and stolen some six dollars of genuine money, helped himself to a good meal, washed it down with milk, and then wended his way to the village, no doubt to try his fortune here, but Mr. Taylor, the Reeve got on his track, and was in the bar room of the hotel giving his story and describingthe man to i willing listeners, when n walked the culprit; sundry looks and nods were exchanged, when Mr Burglar saw he was beieg closely eyed, so he walked out, when the cry was raised, stop himl but the fellow had the start, and though he was pursued by several anxious to catch him, yet he left them all behind in a short rapid dash around the first corner, up a little hill, around another corner, sleep like spring heel- ed Jack over a feece, across a wheat - field for the bush, and liberty, and so the game was sighted, chased, lost. Roeeville NOTES. -The prospects for a large yield of fall wheat and spring grain in this locality are most encouraging. Mr R. Armstrong, one of the Goshen's oldest and most esteemed residents, has taken up his residence in Bayfield; Mr Armstrongwill be greatly missed by his manyfriends here, and by the Orange Lodge, Goshen, of which he was a faithful and devoted member. Mr Wm Peck, one of the pioneers of "the land of milk and honey," is, we understand, makingpreparation to launch exteneively into the sheep industry this season; Mr Peck will erect a monster sheep pen, which bids fair to eclipse the great wigwam of the late Repnblic Convention at Minneap- plis; may our esteemed friend's shadow never grow less. The members of the Orange Lodge, Goshen, are putting in some hard practice for the 12th; Bay- field has been selected as the district plaee of meeting this year. The gar- den social at Mr Clark's, Babylon, on Wednesday evening of last week, pass- ed off most successfully, and the funds of the Presbyterian church, in connection with which it was held, will be swelled to the amount of $18 in consequence. Tuck ersmith. NOTES. -Mr Fletoher Turner, son of Edward Turner, came home from the west on Monday; Are-haiTheen aWay from the parental roof for about 12 years, and we are sorry to state that he comes suffering from a severe at- tack of hemmorhage of the lungs; we trust that he may speedily recover, though at present be is very poorly. A large number of young people Of the West End and the surrounding country picniced. at Bayfield on Friday east. As the weather was fine a very enjoy- able time was spent. The last few days have not been very good weather for hay making but those who are want- ing a second crop for seed are at it. Master Will White, has engaged with Mr Geo. Crich, for the harvest. A couple of teamsters who were doing statute labor last Saturday had narrow escapes from being caught with the train; perhaps the picnic had affected them in the form of an opiate. Miter Sarah Watters left this week on a visit to her sister Mrs Jas. Else,of Pierce Co. N. Dakota. Mr Fred Johns of Thessa- Ion, Algoma, is visiting relatives here. Mr andeers Sandich, of Ingersoll, ,are visiting at Mr Frank °rich's. , Hensall LIBERAL CONSERVATIVE COTS %TEN - TION. -A meeting of the Liberal Con- servative Association of South Huron was held in Hodgin's Hall, here, on Tuesday Wit. Prominent members of the party from all parts of the riding were present. After the disposal of the preliminary business, the question of selecting a candidate to contest the South Riding of Theron at the next Provincial election was discussed and it was unanimously decided to put a candidate in the field at once, and the choice of the meeting fell upon Mr D. Weismiller, of Kippen, who gracefully accepted thehonor. NOTES.- The Hensall foot ball team played with Chiselhurst on the grounds ot the latter on Saturday, which re- sulted in a tie; neither team scoring. A football match between the Exeter junors and Hensall juniors was played here on Tuesday evening; the ground after the heavy rains was in a bad condition, the result was a tie. Mr H. J. McNaughton, who has been with Mr J. C. Stoneman, Jeweller, for some time past, left on Tuesday for Brussels. Master Willie Elder has returned home from Toronto, where he has been at- tending the Collegiate Institute. Mr Chesney, V. S., is having the front of his office and house beautified by a coat of paint. Large classes from Hensall school are -writing at.the ,E1.1,7-. trance and Leaving examinations held this week. Mr W. J. Miller has pur- chased the lot directly opposite Car- mel church; we may look for further developments. The masons have com- menced the work on Mr Jarrott's resi- dence.. The brick work on the new school room is nearing completion. Quite a number of our citizens took in •the races in Wingham on Tuesdaj. Rev J. S. Henderson riirriv-'ea" lican-e from the meeting of the General As- sembly at Montreal, on Wednesday last. On Monday evening a straw- berry festival was held at Hensall Methodist church as a farewell to Rev H. S. Magee and a reception to Rev G. McKinley. On Mohday evening the children of the Saturday class gave an entertainment in the church, and also presented Rev J. S. Magee, who has been leader of the class for the past year, a kindly worded address and a coat. Messrs Jas Beverley and J. C. Stoneman, from the Epworth League of Christian Endeavor and, Messrs R. A. Buchanan and W. Elder, from the Christian Endeavor Society, attended tete convention in Seaforth last week, at which a County Convention was formed. , Leeburn STONE BEE. -On Wednesday a large number of the neighbors with their teams turned out to help Mr Johe Chisholm draw stone. In the evening the lads brought their lassies, and a lively dance was kept up till the wee sine hours. NoTEs.-Mr James Linklater left On Saturday for a week's holiday with friends in Hamilton. Mr P. Potter, Miss E. Holdesworth and Mr and Mrs T. Huller, of Holmesville, spent Sun- day with relatives here. .A large nuniber of people passed through our burg on Saturday to attend the picnic, under the control of the Foresters and A. 0. United Workman; we under- stand they had a very good time. Mr J. G. Clutton left this week for Guelph as a delegate to the Grand Lodge held there. Miss Adeline Stirling left this week for Goderich township, where she will reside for the summer. TEA MEETING. -The tear:meting held here on Thursday evening was largely attended and a very nice social time enjoyed. The tubles were heavily laden With good things, and the after program was also splendid. The sing - leg by the union chior was especially good. Ree Mr Howell, atter his tetra', good jokes; Spoke of a few things ne- cessary to a successful chneche then Mr Blair gave a Very nice address, touching on the brotherhood, or tette that Should exert between all Chris- tians and church members. Dr. tree live a stirring address in his usual joky manner. Bee E. H. Pear, from Nile, although arriving - Itlate; believes in the Old rietedin, "Tested, late 'thee never," and gave an interesting ad- dress on "Wetted, il man," MeJe An- derson occupied the 'chair and every- thing Went along hirrobtbly. The Meet, - in leas ended by all 'bible inele ng Constance. ACCIDENT. -While assisting at a barn raising last week at Mr John Mc- Millan's, Mr Richard Anderson met with a serious accident. He was as- sisting in raising the plate when it fell on him, bruising him badly about the shoulders and chest. Had 14fr Ander- son been standing a few feet forward -the- -ehances- are that he would_have_ been instantly killed; as it is it will be some time before he is able to resume work. NOTES. -Mr R. Stephenson left last week for Manitoba to visit his daught- ers, Mrs Tyerman and Mrs Snowdon. Rev. Jas. Ferguson preached his fare- well sermons on Sunday last to a large congregation; Mr Ferguson closed a very successful term of three years, and his many friends were sorry to part with him; may success follow him to his new field of labor. Mr Robt. McMillan spent a few days lase week visiting friends in Stanley. The en- tertainment, given by the Good Tem - piers, on the evening of June 22nd was a complete success; notwithstanding the wet evening the hall was packed to the door. • AA Master I. Ramon and his brother were engaged cutting thistles with a sickle last week, Isaac was so unfortunate as to get the little fingers of the right hand almost sever- ed from the hand, but with good medi- cal attendance he is doing as well as be expected. East Wavra,nosh. TEA MEETING. -On the 27th June a tea meeting was held in the Bethel Methodist Church, East Wawanosh.- Sermons were preached on the Sunday by Rev. De. Henderson of Kincardine. At the tea the ladies eliowed they had expected a crowd having good taste and capacity, and the crowd no doubt reached the standard. The Westfield choir gave choice selections of music. Addresses were given by Rev. J. H. Dyke, of Belgrave, J. Kermer,Ashfleld; S. Sellery, otingham, and President Dernell, of Oshawa Ladies College. Dr Chisholm, of Winghaue in the chair. Benmiller TEMPERANCIL-Ai the regular meet- ing of the Sons of Temperance last Tuesday night, the :following officers were elected for ' the ensuing term: - Wm Stewart, W. P.; Miss C. Snyder, W. A.; H. Morrish, R. Se Miss L. Walter, A. R. S.; Snyder, P. S.; J. Gledhill, .Trease A. Dewar, Conductor; Miss P. Moore, A. Cone E. Fisher, O. S.; Miss F. Gledhill, S,; 11. Me*, Chaplain. NOTES. -Mrs J. Jewell left here last week for Dakota, where she intends spending the trummer witli herelatigh, ter, Mrs J. Morrish. Mrs N. johns, of London, is the geese of her sister, Mrs It. Bowden. Master Willie McLean, of Buffal°, visiting renting friends and relatives in this Mee 3. Almon Of Windsor, is spending _tt few days ekelreeet parents, Mr and Illrie T. Ashton. The Orangemen are increas- ing SO rapidly in melba, that they have been ceMpelled to Otte' arr addl. tien of tWelve feet on the t'ear tini of Kippen. CANiionuaTE—Mr Weismiller, of this place, has been selected by, the Conser- vatives as their candidate for the Local for the next Provincial election. Ile's getting a pretty early start, anyhow. CAMP MEETING. -The following is a financial statement of the recent camp meeting held at Kippen:-Receipts- Collections, etc., $155. Disburse- ments:-Tofreightageon tentsetce$20.- 17; Conductor Snider, and Misses Hall, and Miss Williams, $26; railroad fares for ministers $16.75; rent of tents and camp beds $69.70; gate keeper, $4; hay, $6; printing, $1,75; nails, roper, lumber and repairs, $5.45; postage and post office orders, $2.18; lance given to treasurer of parsonage trustee board, $13; total expenditure, $155. Rev. II. Irvine, secretary; W. Cutimore Treas- urer. enuneer.---Service in the Methodist Church was withdrawn last Sunday, to allow the peeple to attend the church opening in Brecefield. A large number attended and enjoyed the services by Misses Hall end Mere Wil- liams. -Services Will be at 2:30 p.m. in the Methodist church here the ftl- ture. Drysdale church has beee at- tached to Bayfield °front, leaving Mr. leviee only three churches, which he can supply regular every Sunday; this will be a mot satisfactory Axe- raegement than the equent changes there Will be a cob* f Mule tis - of the past two Years. It is dIte4fed irne in the Metherliee c erch meet, 81111 - day afternoon. Mr Ire re has already reeehted flee perieenti ,riel into the the centre i)f the head is a long ear which faces both ways, and is evident'. ly intended for the use of both beads. Mr Gemeinhardt has taken the curiosi- ty to Zurich, where it will be stuffed. Hundreds went to see it On Saturday evening and Sunday. WO expect it will be on exhibition on the 12th. . WAVELETS.-Oome. -rouse up, good councillors, and don't sigh over the negligence of your predecessors, who have done more than you to beautify our well favored resort. They planted a forest of trees, delicious for their shade, and have earned a brilliant epi- taph on the hearts of future genera- tions. What have you done? Could you not do as much as paint the town hall with the public money? Or pro- tect the seats at the bank, which they placed there. You ought to have seen that enterprising man's, J. W. Cook's, eye twinkle, when he heard about the two headed calf. He had his camera in front of it at short notice, and will be happy to show his many friends a good cabinet of the curiosity, if they call at the gallery. A PROBABLE SETTLEMENT. - The Card -Gallagher case, which has re- ceived quite a bit of local interest and attention for some months, but which - never was reported in any of the pa- xers, has been brought to a probable end at last. The following, as far as we can ascertain, is the substance of the trouble :-At intermission some months ago, a number of small boys and girls were playing outside the school yard, among them Nellie, the little daughter of the complainant, and John Gallagher, the defendant. It ap- pears the other children were calling him "emigrant" and "orphan," at which he would chase them, but still in fun. Some would pull his coat tail and then be caught and given a swing around. One of these was Nellie, but she fell after her whirl. An action was brought for indecent assault, and John was arraigned before the reeve and other magistrates. Immediately it was discovered that such a charge could not be sustained, a charge of common assault was entered. The boy was asked if he put "a hand on the girl," and, answering in the affirmative, he was convicted and sentenced to a fine of $10 and costs, amounting to $5 more. Friends immediately advanced the mo- ney, but the case was taken before His Honor Judge Toms. Quite a number of the children were at Goderich as wit- nesses, where their evidence amounted to "It was all in fun. We were all playing together, Please fez les.pulled considerable improvement to her house 1WeIt'S-135MVtlIefillim names, and and store. Two icnics, one from Tuckersmith, and the other from the . 2nd con. of Stanley and London road,, occupied the grove on Saturday last, At election tiine it was hard work tO • coax anyone to fill the position of school trustee, now they are fighting . -for a seat. Several scholai s from the public school are attending the diffe- rent examinations held in Clinton this week- -The-Royal Templars_ef_Terne Eippeu -cher& AA ettre eindt of the their hall; tamp, ati4 he elTeeta e.e1ye wire' •cessor, Rev Mr Oliphant, occupy the pulpit next Sabbath evening. The . latter's assistant will be the Rev Men . Gilpin. A PRETTY SERVICE. - On Sabbath last a very pretty children's service was held in St. Andrew's chervil. The Sabbath school scholars occupied the ' centre pews. The pulpit was buried in a perfect mass pf rich house planes, while bouquets ornamented the organ. TAKE WARNING. -There is a fine not 4 exceeding $25 above the price of the tree, and imprisonment not exceeding three months, for persons destroying trees when attempting to steal fruit. Some of our boys seem to forget this, but we hope they will take warning; before some one enforces the 1 SCHOOL MATTERS. -"NO, Y It'll take a pretty big man t off this seat. The people put and I intend to stay." So sal trustee John Pollock, last evening, at the meeting .of the Mr Pollock has been away fo time, and as it was expected h remain all summer, Ur Jas. T was appointed in his place. returns and claims his place. dere for the new storey were rec S. S. Cooper's, Clinton, being th est, but as the board was not in ing order, the job was not let. hope the matter will be settled sh and the woele begun. PERSONM..-Rev G. Newton atto ed the meeting of Synod, at Lon last week. A nephew of Mr H. Woe wright is visiting him at present. .. Geo. King and wife are at Winghane' this week. Miss Flo McDonald, of Porter's Hill, was visiting in town On Sunday; we hope she will return again soon. Mr Robt. Blair was home from Benmiller on Sueday. Miss Grace, Cameron is home on a visit from De- troit. Mr Kenny Moorehouse returned this week from a trip to Pinconning, Mich. Miss Fannie Wild, who has been in St. Louis for about two years • and a half, returned home last week. Mr Wm. Attwood, who was acting as cook on board one of the lake vessels came home last week. Mr Alex. Fra er, of Milverton, is visiting his brotht Councillor Frazer, at present. Me Maggie Beatty is visiting friends I Clinton at present. Messrs J.W. Cook and J. Card were in Zut ich on Tuesday. , NoTEs..-The enterprising correspon- dent here is writing up our pictureeque, resort in the London Free Presereen- Friday, July 1st, Me Clark commene running the stage between here an Seaforth. Miss M. J. Martin is making 11 he chased us. Before the case was finished, His Honor stopped it, passing some very scathing remarks on the manner in which it had been conduct- ed. He styled it "very fishy," and said "it should never have come before a magistrate at all. If a child does any- thing wrong at school it should be at- tended to there. The little boys and fOreverebeinjuriouslyeffected by such a case as this." A few days since His Honor gave his decision, which was that Gallagher should get back his $15 fine, and each pay his own lawyer. Much sympathy has been ex- pressed here for the expense and dis- grace which the children have received through the thoughtlessness of a rash father. Hullett. REPORT OF S. S. itIck 2, FOR JUNE. - 4th class-Zemma Cornish 722. Sr. 3rd John Snell 386. Jr. 3rd -Annie Noble 386. Sr. 2nd -W. Noble 436, Lena Pope 420. Jr. 2nd -Eva Noble 280, Wreathe Snell 268. lst-Eva Brown 250, Maud Porter 242. SCHOOL REPORT. -Report of S. S. No. 5 for the month of June, 5th class -George Cunningham. 4th class -J. Thompson, A. Smith, A. Tyner. Sr. 3rd -Fl. Jackson, L. Vodden, J. Carter. Jr. 3rd -V. Thompson, R. Cunning- ham, L. McCool. 2nd class -J. Thomp- son and L. McCool equal, H. Snell, J. Cunningham. Sr. 2nd part -C. Eidt, A. Eidt, R. Youngblut. Jr. 2nd part -J. McCaughey, A. Radford, L. Car- ter. let class -J. Vodden, C. Hoggart, S. Radford. NOTES. -Mr H. Livermore has just completed the stone work under Mr John Hughes house; Harry is a hustler. Mr Harry Taylor, of the 9th con, has raised his barn and put a stone founda- tion underneath and otherwise im- proved his buildings. Mr Will Carter now wears a pleasant smile; why, be- cause its a girl. Mr and Miss Dawson, of Kincardine, are visiting their sister, Mrs Tyreman. On Friday last Mr John Hughes was helping Mr H. Liv- ermore to fill• a limekilnhe by some means fell into it, cutting his face and head rather severely, lbut escaped without any broken bones; be careful John next thee, Quite a number from this section attended Mr ' Lowery's picnic, on the 13th Con, last Saturday. .A picnic and examination was held in connection with S. S. No. 6, on Thursday,. Haying has alreadycom- menced, but has not as yet become general. School elbees Thersdity for the summer. holidays; it will re -open A uguiet 15th. , 0.011.10rne. NOTHIRo 1Z -A certain lady in thtis' to*tisliii, whose absence freni hobae eautied lier friends some uneasi- ness, and anxietY, and to *lion refer- ence was Ms:dein some of the papers, has111 , tatted up all tight; there was no. fOntiletliali Win/toyer for the vepoitir circulation, and the friends of the " rip Ged from W oni 1 bieanes1 perty in nuestien repudiate all theirght I Of aterthinte ere the ktoa. flow." the ptviteede athertin 44-00 4... N., eic to,ittdt Whieli will go towards the paihtipg.. ye,givera y �n letely done. to triebdiht ehigen. ( perance intend holding a big garden party here on the 12theeeverybody is ' invited. A club of about a dezen biy- ciists passed through town on'Seineetje Quite a number from here attended the picnic at Switzer's, Goderich township', last Friday, and report leaving a goeie, time, ES 1111; v. R. en- _LaINAstrtseirin'sdaHly derson held his annual children's meet- ing; the front part of the church was fileed with the children; whose bright happy faces showed that, they enjoyed:, the services very much; the tables atel, desk were decorated •with bertutitede bouquets of flowers; his addressewate very mteresting, and was etliveried by the singing of several hymns; thte.ene tire ceremony was pronounced by OW and young, to be one of the nicest ser- vices ever held in Bethany.- Notwith- standing the disagreeable night, thee e strawberry festival- at Mr. John Corege was largely attended; the cOntinittee,;; did all in its power to Make everything as agreeable as possible; the address by Rev. W. Ayers, of Holmesville; and the instrumental selections by Misse Crabb, of Goderich, beitig highly 'tipt. preciated. Mr. Johnston, Of Gait, is spending his holidays here, being the guest of Me. John Pickard. Londe:Ahoy°. NOTES. -The Rev. Mr. Hainikeot 11 started evening service and. will. del tinue the meetings. a9. inilittber fee the village took in the picnic at, E liott's school last Saturday. TIleneer, ball teams of Blyth atid 'Lendesbort5. did not play the match, 'Meese* 4.e Woodman and B. Levetatein lefte Tuesday morning for Geeleeh, . to Ate tend the Grand Lodge of I.0404; M. J O'Brien hag his restatuttie tate ning in full blast now. Rain • did con- siderable damage here to fall Wheitt last Monday. The balance of Me New- ton's stock has been left With Me Wee* kie for disposte. • • . Minummate—The Rev', Ji Fergu- son left for Grantoia lest We4reesdayj , we are very sorry to part with Mr: FergUeon, as he Wits a good ' reran MAL' was Well liked by all Who knew hint. The Members of the MoledaY night elate resented him with a beautifully 1 upho stered there; Mitre E. edit rend the address, and Xessre Jett*. and Wilken handed *hite the, chair, 11r. Fergesen Made. klatitable reply, and thanked them kindly; After this they an partook of strawberries and cream, which luid been provided by 'Bente •at t the friends. At an early heat all re- tired to their homes happy and pleased With the eVeht, but it feteeftetlea, eet teiVe the greater • The ReV Mr Mere"; bieeereel to ci0