HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-06-24, Page 7„
se) ••••'
199 Ave.; i'
New York C tss gest 19, 11196.
1 have used the Elas-Seed Emuuton iti several
eases of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early Ones of ,
Ric 1 t, ' iliro‘ yliiNt*i Ng. iiiii080:,,_
I hie/eased your Emulsion le a CARO of rhtlitsis
(consumption) with beneficial results, where patIern;
tiCountiiii4l not ISO Cud LivitisriOil in sul fliaratiiiii
I 41i litibiebiltrtellekof jilt ?Ali rear 'aa
.bel f l to hOjelitit and possihly the gum of all Low.
il dIfetroitt affeedotts.tbd'a Ic ood goa
qrndtyre!li re. crodobrAta&AGisoc 0:
I regard FIRE ard N; IV °l'Itlette fitidintlyiTTo
the Cod Liver Oil gen y itt,use.i
I d .. • GORTON, M. D.
"New reek; Aug. 0,
luwe used your Fiat -Seed EtnuisionCompohnd
n vere ot Mal -nutrition and the rmult
d co
a enil Cheerfullyko.the fession.
1044,411. Ift•gABLPik
Sold by DruggIst‘PrIce $1.00.
FLAx-sggp-ogingtstoN co
35 Lifiertitaliew Yoe --
For sale by J. H. COMM, Clinton.
Pia new Standard Sawing Machina
Ono of the most attractive displays for the ladies
*the Toronto Habib ition,was the ne w 8rawnsan
zwytitc.fogrrxr4. sw,g,k4cmitrip, making
biespecmintite. T machine inns' 50
perces lighter than. other ict soh inlee., Delicate
ioies can 813W With tr STANDARD withoet, gett-
ing tired, asIt oniv, re' hires a pdwer Of ounces
to run it, The fastest sewingi lignteet and qqiets
est ruiningSowing 'Machine Made. It will pity
you to examine the Swaspaiip before„buying.
Wrery bobbin holds 100 yarchs, sixd,'every iiitaohine
fully warranted. The reliable Warm and fast
l'Untling STANDARD Machines for sale cheap at
n 11- wottsgur.es,
s dl,repaired
uryailtreet, Clinton
A ma NOT a Po. •
gative Medi-
ine. They are
Bump Berm:inn,
Tomo and Recoer-
rem reT011, as they
allPtaly in a condensed
orm the substances
actually needed iss en.
Mb the Blood, curing
alt dissases ConninR
tom Poon and WA,
ho IlLoOD, and 'als•-
nvigorate and SIDTLI
P the. BLOOD an,
SYsT:1141, when broke!.
dow ; by overwork
mental worryldisease,
exeesses and ndiscre-
Lions. They have a
ligzhs iounni
SpEcaz•10 .ArXt(' on
w(loth men an 'woriien,
• 'boring LosT VIGOR
.• I • correeping..... all
telAtatrucorrwinee4ts and
•pilyiliCal tiiko tbie°ner.
Plia.s. They restore his Lett anergies, both
DliyaiCal and co intal.
EVERY 61' —Tut take them.
• • '1 •Iire . all sup
••••• irregule,;.ibitse 'qeviteibly
a. ..%1! idel111,9A When nsel••••
*sae Isr.x.s.
t& bt youthful bad bah
YptyNe ;I:TaLL: Partetil
rnatk tenjeelb sr.
Por sale 1.iy all :Ire egists, er will be sent npon.
Ceeeipt of price (50c. per box), by addressing
THE DR. WILI441118' NED. C0:1'
Brockville. Otilt
wit k not cuily the 'BOO Mai% gargine0
but Is espetially adiplerlyt• Rio 'limy
Woment-strch aa model Its ar&P
Michigan State Name School.
/Miss Frances `IVICIard.—" The bright-
est outlook window in Christendom for busy
people who want to see whelk; going op in the world."
PrOwIdence Telegram.-"A•great boon
to the busy, the lazy and the economical."
The Congregutionallet.-This monthly
has no peer in originality of design, scope and
acceracy of vision, thoroughness in execution
and ability to transform its readers Indochina's ofthe world."
Chicago Interior.—"The Review of Re.
views, of New York, has come to the rescue of
busy people. We know of one kiArli railroad
oi'ficial who for month has worked until 11
o'clock at night, and yet has kept well informed
of current wald events. He reads this Magazine.
It gives him a ru nning commentary on important
events, besides a digest of the best articles in
contemporary magazines." '
Price 250. $2.50 a Year.
Rend Ten Cools THE REVIEW 01' REVIEWS,
for Sample Copy. III Astor rime, New Took,
euFIE Firs!
v„,fin. Say enro 1110 riot Mean Merely stop thorn
for time and then have them return again, I mean a
rodkal cure. 'I hese made the dlseaso Of MB, EPILEP.
EY or FALLING SICKNESS life-long study. I warrant
romedy to cum the Worst eases. BOCAUS6 others are
e.yes ts no reaiion for not him reoelshls & mire. sena se
Oneo for a treatise arid Eree Dottie of my Intsulble
on44.013. AD-El./110E ST.
My allaying-1)mb la Missing, and inv shoe.
hamomit be fella&
My acti,ob owl bpoh X mum seer MY Pane
Ito, ow, here otiria,
sitwoittx hot is railed up, my pens hsve
•A gone astray—
this woe is naught to me, for baby's
hia his any,
Whst'though,my 'Shoes are minus etringe.
my tthintisoripts awry?
I know that this ,betokens babe's been spar.
ed a heartfelt cry.
What though the floor is even strewn with
• bye, by night and day?
Is there not pleasure in the thought that
babes had his way?
It hurts'to have my mustache pulled, and
Pines et 4.m.
Are not just euited to my mind; but John
le fond of them,
And, after all, it seems to me, no men can
well gainsay
That there is lots and lots of fuu when
lathy has his way.
So, soniand heir, continue on thy happy,
blest etireer;
Ne'er shall iliy!daddyinterpose to raise the
sealding tear.
Whate'erdiacomfort comes to me, cease not
thy joyous play;
A.s far as I'm eoncerned, coy boy, go on
• and have tby way.
• toidiAliTION CURED.
An old physician, retired from pretetice,
harsingAn4P1P.944 M-Itie.haadvbramgast
India missionary the formals of a simple
vegetable remedy for the epe,edY .ppd er7..
aterrh, Asithina and' alt tl* atirind, Lung
anent cure of ciotiocimpol,,woliq (4(0.
Affections,' Slid 'a beehive and radii:el our
for Nervous Debility and ill Nervous Com-
plaints after having tested its wonderful
curative powers in thousands of oases, has
felt it his dety to make it known to his suf-
ferieg .falletvs. .40tueted. ,by,..this motive
, '004Si.40 to reilitve" hisinan suffering, I
will send free Of charge, to all *lib desire
it, this recipe. in German French or English,
With full directions for preparing and using.
Sent by mail by addressing with stamp,
naming this paper. W. 4. NOTES Ei20 Pow-
rs' Block, hoolreeter, N.Y. June 19-91-y
A Bangor somnambulist while walk-
ing in his sleep hooked a five pound
black, bass in Lake Chemo and awoke
to find himself struggling in the water.
Probably the largest mountain trout
ever caught in the United States was
caught at Twin Lakes, Cols recently.
It mea,sured26i inches long and 7 inches
It is stated that there is scarcely a
liying fish in any of the creeks or rivers
in Sweet Home, Tex., or vicinity, incon-
sequence of the late rain, which washed
down so much sediment from the black
land that the water became so thick -
the fish could not breathe.
Goes the story of the excellence of Heed's
Sareaparilla and what ft has accomplished,
and this is the strongest advertising which
is done on behalf of this medicine. We en-
deavor to tell honestly whet • good's Sar-
saparilla is and what it will a°, but what
it has done is far more important and far
more potent. Its unequalled record of
cures is sure to convince those who have
never tried Hood's Sarsaparilla that it is an
excellent medicine.
An electric omnibus company has
been formed in London.
Cosmetics cost the fair Americans
$62,000,000 a year.
There are twenty representatives in
• Congress who are under 36 years of
Peterge Zinnchzizkouskekowlouki is
a native of Buffalo, according to that
city's direetory.
A Dublin doctor recently sent in a
bill which ran thus:—"To curing your
husband till he died."
Minard's Liniment is the Best
It is interesting to learn that we live
a distance of only twenty trillion miles
from the nearest of the so called "fixed"
Truckee, Nev., had a shaving contest
recently. The successful artist scraped
his man in 45 seconds and no blood was
The poorest paid parson in America
is said to be a Mr Wainfieet, of Moles-
worth, Me., a very small village. His
salary is $3 a week.
The region about the Dead Sea is one
of the hottest places on the globe, and
the sea is said to lose a million tons of
water a day by evaporation.
ltcn, Mange and Scratches of every kind,
on human or animals, cured in 30 minutes
by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never
fails. Sold by J. H. Combe, Druggist.
There are several instances on record
of the complete destruction of whole
regiments in one battle. On Septem-
ber 8, 1812, Napoleon's Fifty-third re-
giment perished to a man in storming
over the Roman positions. On Janu-
ary 6,1842, only 65 out of 14,500 British
soldiers emerged alive at a battle
fought near Jagdulluck. In November
1883, the whole army of Hicks Pasha,
11,000 strong, was cut to pieces near
the fifth cataract of the River Nile.
Children Cry tor
Pitcher's Castorla.
vra„ro,' X.1;'°0:=1
The people of this country do not
yet know how to use the banana. In
the tropical climates, where the banana,
furnishes the principal article of diet,
the inhabitants have found numerous
methods of utilizing this delicious fruit
which render it at once nutritious and
palatable,. They boil it, as we do sweet
potatoes; they peel it, cut it in slices,
and fry it in butter; they mash it into
a paste and dry it in the sun, as we do
apples and peaches; they make it into
puddings, pies, comfits and preserves,
and even smother it in sugar nntil it is
candied fruit. In every one of these
ways it is both pleasant to the taste
and wholesome as an article of food.—
St. Louis Globe -Democrat.
, John ,/#1cens
Of St.N46.1-'3r', Ont.
A Great Sufferer from
l'eqsql,Y clued by
Hood's ,Sarsaparilla
The best stomach, tOpics known to
medical science are_,,sp happily' com-
bined in Hood's 'Sgrsa0.41U1 thg' it '
cures Indigestion, and Pyspepsia in its ,
severest forms, when other medicines
fail. In many cases146at.P6'18diikPa.
rilla seems to possess a magical, touch,
SO quick and so gratifying the relief.
Read the following from an aged and,
respected citizen of St. Mary's; chic:
"I am very glad to give this testimoilai as
to what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for me.
I suffered verymueli with dyspepsia. I have
been taking medioine
For 25 Years
and 1 never bad anything do me as much
good as florid's Sarsaparilla. Every symp-
tom of the dyspepSia has entirely disap-
peared and I feel that I cannot praise the
medicine too highly. I
Eat Better, Sleep Bettor
and feel stronger than I have for many
years. I have taken six bottles of Hood's
Sarsaparilla bought of Mr. Sanderson, the
druggist." JOHN AntuNs.
Prom Mr. Sanderson, the Druggist.
'1 know Mr. Aiken§ to be a strictly honest,
straightforward man, and take much pleasure
in testifying to the truth of the testimonial
he gives above." F. G. SAimensok, Drug-
gist, Queen street, St. Mary's, Ontario.
HOOD'S PILLS, the best after-dinner Raba
assist digestion. prevent constipation.
Rennie Stewart, aged nine, waded beyond
his depth into the river at Chetharn and
was drowned.
The extremes of temperature on the
Sahara are such that while the day may
be oppressively hot at night it is freez-
ing cold.
.A middle aged man and an entire
stranger, called on Friday at the jew-
ellery store of Felt Bros., Oshawa, and
'asked Harry Jackson, the clerk in
charge, to show him some gold watches.
The clerk took three gold watches out
of the show case, when the stranger
proceeded to examine them for a couple
of minutes, the clerk looking on mean-
while quietly. He put the three watch-
es in his pocket, whipped out a revol-
ver from his clothes and pointed it at
the clerk, saying, "If you make a noise
or attempt to follow me I'll shoot you,"
and thereupon started to retreat from
the shop. It happened that -me Felt
was in the back part of the shop, but
hidden by a screen. and heard the
threat. Pluckily he ran out after the
thief, who, finding himself followed,
took quick aim at Mr Felt and fired.
The shot did not take elleCt. Mr Felt
then cried "stop thief," and it happen-
ed that the town constable was near,
vralking about, and the thief virtually
walked into his arms and was very
soon safe in the lockup. The robber
gives the name of Phillips, and says
that he came from Philadelphia. This
is the most audacious attempt at rob-
ery ever known in this locality, and
theinhabitants are very much excited
Over it, while all congratulate Mr Felt
on his escape and the recovery of his
Ayer's Hair Vigor
"ideal" Hair.dresaing. It re.
18stothroe the color to gray hair ; Promotes
a fres . and vigorous growth; prevents
the formation of
4. i5- dandruff; makes the
hair Soft and silken;
,--. and imparts a deli -
.,„. fcaumtoebu. t lasting per.
"Several months
t ago my hair com-
menced falling out,
. La., and in a few weeks
-,..., my head was almost
bald. I tried many
remedies, but they did no good. I final-
ly bought a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor,
and, after using only a part of the con-
tents, my head was covered with a
heavy growth of hair. I recommend
your preparation as the best in the
world?' --T. Muiaday, Sharon Grove, Ky.
"1 havd Used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a
number of years, and it has always given
me satisfaction. It is an excellent dress-
ing, prevents the hair from turning
gray, insures its vigorous growth, and
keeps the scalp white and clean." --.
Mary A. Jackson, Salem, Mass.
"I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for
promoting the growth of the hair, and
think it unequaled. For restoring the
hair to its original color, and for adress-
ing, it cannot be surpassed."—Mrs. Geo.
La Fever, Eaton Rapids, Mich.
"Ayer's Hair Vigor is a most excel-
lent preparation for the hair. I speak
of it from my own experience. Its use
promotes the growth of new hair and
makes it glossy and soft. The Vigor is
also a cure for dandruff."—J. W. 4owen,
Editor "Enquirer," McArthur, Ohio,
"I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for
the past two yearsoind found it all it is
represented tto be. It restores the natu-
ral color to gray hair, causes the hair
to grow freely, and keeps it soft and
pliant."—Mrs. M. V. Day, Cohoes, N. Y.
"My father, at about the age of fifty,
lost all the hair from the top Of his head.
After one nionth'r '-zial of .Ayer's Hair
Vigor tht hair began coming, and, in
three months, he had a fine growth el
hair of the natural c,olor."—P. J. Cullem
Saratoga Springs, N. Y., l
1YeeS Dar' Tr"./ r,
Pl,tro* '
De. J..C.he . ass.
Thomas ].1eelian,a riverman ,ig thie
city, has saved twentptive live.
William Pawning, a, railragl- Oen-
ductor of 011; MY? 4tVed five,113r00,0uV-
lag the recent catastrophe ir(tha34. city.
Frank D. Ring, of Penveri ;ben
given a gold medal by the government
for saving fly° liVes. WS' stets of
heroism were, ,performed w1111tS4,p was
a citizen of Jersey Cit „
The son of Adnural Ira :Wog;
centlyreceived a silver me al' riflU
Massachusetts Humane Soojity tbr
rescuing an older comrade fra rown-
ing while ,swinarning in Bosto, arbor,
Captain Nicholas Murphy, if OSton
IS pue Of the most noted lif v, ers 111
Aineriea. During the perio tisjrty-
Ave years he has saved upw EA 100
persans from drowning, histia 'reseue
being made when he was 14 Ytiaris old.
Father Duren, a Catholic priest of
Spring GardS11, near MAdison, WiSs
Who rescued the daughter of M Orsini,
a Paris millionaire, from drowning in
the Mediterranean Sea last winter,-chas
been presented by her father with $55,-
000, which the good prieSt will devote
to charitable purposes.
attracted by any new feature in news-
paper .advertisiog.,; but it must be striking-
olyo,nndoytieml Ire advertisement is read a se-
) The, display edvertisecrients of retail mer.
Op* are artfully worded and appeal
etrongly to the0 'economical housekeeper.
'1,94tironfl,S, seven Dcents and a Monday
bargain sale in ribbons open the pocket
books of the modern Mrs Toodles.
Ilie real cditateitt'OtitA with town lots for
tatelnein earthly' Paradise, ' ten Miles from
the Court House, furnishes free transpor-
tation, a brass band and a free lunobe on
,for prospective home seekers.
The railway companies do their share of
contributing to the support of newspaper
proprietors. 'Their time tables, , showing
arrival and departures of trains, are paid
for in. cash or in tickets which will enable
the editor and his best girl to ride on the
One railway, company will advertise that
it is a "short line to Omaha." A compet-
ing line then positively states that it is "a
shorter line to Omaha than any other,"
and now the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul Railway insiets that it is "the short-
est line to Omaha," and proves it.
The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway Co. also says that it is the "best
line to St. Paul and Minneapolis," with
"electric lighted trains" and reading lamps
n each berth so that one can read all night
oug if he has a book and don't want to
sleep. It brags about the finest dining cars
in the world," with the best of meals served
on imported china by the most expert and
civil of coloredwaiters, at seventy-five cents,
while the lines east of Chicago charge a
whole dollar.
And—once more—theOhioago,Milwankee
& St. Paul Railway opens up a new through
car line from Chicago to Denver, via Omaha
and Lincoln; arid it isn't king before the
whole world rivet() itself that "shortest
line tol Omaha, that "best line to St.
Paul and Minneapolis," and that "new
route to Denver," must be the only firet-
class railroad in the western part of the
United States, and what the whole world
Bays must be true.
All Conpon Tickete Agents in the United
States and Canada sell tickets via the Chic-
ago, & St. R y.
For information concerning the line,
time tables, etc., address A. J. Taylor,
Canadian Paesenger Agt , A Palmer House
Block, Toronto, Ont.
C. C. Breams & Co.
GENTB.—I have used your MINARD'S
LINIMENT in my family for some years
end believe it the best medicine in the
ma: •st as it does all it it recommended to do
Canneen Perks, N. B., D. KIERBTEAD.
John Mader, Mahone Bay, informs us
that he was cured of a very severe attack
of rheumatism by awing ,MINARD'S
Mrs Danagan was kilted in a runaway
accident at Pickering on Wednesday
The wheat harvest in ?southern Kansas
is now in full blast, The yield will be
-larger than- that -of last years. - • ---
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem-
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs,
etc. Save 950 by 'use of one bottle. War-
ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure
ever known. Sold by J. Combe, Drug-
It is understood that Sir John Caldwell
Abbott has asked Mr Laurier to meet him
with a view of laying before the latter the
raising of the sessional indemnity from
f$1,000 to. $1,500. This Mr Abbott suggests
to become permanent. If it is not made
permanent there will be no temporary
arrangement for the present session. A
large number of the Conservatives refuse
to stay arid see the Redistribution Bill
through if their indemnity is not increased.
It is not likely that Mr. Laurier will take
any responsibility in the matter. The
Government have a large enough majority
to put it through if they are disposed to do
Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at
Toronto, Oanada, and may be consulted
either in person or by letter on all chronic
diseases peouliar to man. Men, young,old,
or middle-aged, who find themselves nerv-
ous, weak and exhausted, who are broken
down from excess or overwork, resulting in
Mally of the following symptons : Mental
depression, premature old age, loss of vital.
ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness
of sight,palpitation of the heart, emissiona,
lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, head-
ache, pimples on the face or body, itching
or peculiar sensation about the scrotum,
wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks be-
fore the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye-
lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in
the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of
the scalp and spine, weak and flabby mus-
cles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by
sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss
of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of
temper, sunken eyes surrounded with lead.
encircle, oily looking skin, etc., are all sym-
ptoms of nervous debility that lead tolinsan.
ity and death unless mired. The spring or
vital force having lost its tension every
function wanes in consequence. Those wild
through abuse committed in ignorance may
be permanently cured. Send your address
for book on all diseases peculiar to man.
Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the
symptons of whieh are faint spells, purple
lir s, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot
flushes, malt of blood to the head, du 1 pain
in the heart with beats at/4:111g, rapid and
irregular, the second heart quicker than the
brat, pain about the breast bine, etc., can
positively be cured. No care, no pay. Seta
'for book. Address M.V. Luboia, 24 Mad -
&tell Alre., Toronto., Canada. Jan. 92,
s, vidd.2.1.11.[Iilt,41111'.aifilArdesk eytild
We poSpoee to adept the following me, od of increasing tile eircelatien of the Oran
'MIMIC; Folio and eetending,our music trade, very Noon whohatl 4 Planer ergots bsti41
il,'*WA4It4,404rees"nhetzuthenlueessnts1 earenYdkirseincit:erdtuipnp°Isresaptecttliel',Oen "tc4eteiclatiPAltretiwPMetYtweiell'ePigutalTojailignirtesse‘%' iet '
'pO,Oof Of which we quote the,following copyright music anion: the conte.nts o our next needier, yrNith,
ni a, retail way would cost Use: "Peteerik•rasAbOOnS (Polka , 4.L.E.D., 4oc.; Oa, ratellinbOrtiffid. • .
Hutchins, 6oc.: SYlvitu(Libil-Ton). Monk, 40c;; 11.0wo's oreoW (Vocal). 'Sbellefi 40F,) .91/0111,
Prom's. (Vocal), Ilowat'sl, ve. We ask our subscribers to send us the name ot one,pieee tisp_ y '
desire, and thet selected by a IneleritY will be Peblished in our next issue. HO not lose aight Oldie do
that in addition to receiying$0.5.00 worth of music in our Polio per year, VOLI COM ISIMMIli
oweryttliast wo advortioo, and would ask von not to associate our business or methods
or Mere on all orders, you ce wit
plah us. We do iest advertise to give everything, but WO
thee° that might ppewith
aar at first light to be of a sem ar nature. Read this Carefully, tithdreiVer
it, aild in addition to your own judgement we invite the inspection of Toronto's three loading dallg
papers to corroborate our statement regarding the merit of it.
A *Precleal offer to Randle. The town or village sending in the largeot number of, au
Scribers over thirty for one year's subscription at Sa.00 each to b
their and will be given a couiplets
Guilt of uniform or 1,.,,,,! instruments to the value of $.3Fio, and to the smallat number abovev
ten 'sent in, •a conifilete set of caps. HacheObs/iptien received from ludivicluals •frola towns' :aid
villagee is els° credited to their band list, thereby pi cing your band At a position to win the pr4e....
beast PulleI'dOwn and is being rebuilt the rds wrci misplaced. Cut out the letters, palitelitern On a
9 'The *have , mit rdprepents a fence onihich. a ,.in of three Words has beeri painted, which haa
pieee a psper so that the three wotds tlidr ' n Will re,iJ at their proper ease, and enclose with Pante .
thirty conti in. silver (ta• to three-teeta etattspei liv letter to us for one month5,1 trial subecription to the
Folio. The proprietors,of the Canadian fAttialo Folio will gwe an elegant OprIght Plane
IlleiiittoteeefIrl !y
manufactur0 by This ap& Company.. Telronto, one of the most
.P011111b10 nsaRero la Calmat' st; (VatalS ped.pihh
ice of wicis $sso.00 with manufacturers' guar-
antee for five yedVs.p. to the Mtn to 'seri mg in the correct anawer Fp, above pulzle. :R,7,4,9ta
pending. Ma cermet ' aesWer will be given *891101 ,tolld Waite!, MS.011)•• 05 tIll, Solb• 40th •k. sofhR
acme bf nati Otof ar. ,* blar(fo 'or Violin Otis. each); to the faith, a b•a• ittit'ul.,'Imitittlicimost-
a pair of Illerat Dlewnonel Marring. $3o.00 each): tO the 6oth, eoth: Sddren ' qbth,
($0.'esk ti, Vabh s ceading leth . to the elose w'll be teiven a valellis boprid iallnimi of iiPesig miih•
fillnliC (Pt AO VokT or iniiqument Related by 'the•wiener, and to each q the (net fiftY,will tierfbeest the
Follb trawl, for one year. This is your .oppoetunitY 'tri get 'k • indhld'clippiillit/i -ri
edickly and indlleing all your friends to do likey'ruie.; To all tholie:who are balscleitmnioe hit ilk in
bind ,buAllieis' We call mii•dculie 'anent:kin' te-this their greatest channel' Of not delyi eOurpaing •
thenbeives. thoroughly With •elthei instrumentii Os' Itmitomm, but of placing themselves in connatlen
with the publishers direct, thereby sectiring,t01 'inesic they desire at trade rates. iDo not feriSettets
under"aey eireilinstaries you will:receives:is !filmes the Waltle of Your ,telvqttiluinu in
,We corriiiily. INV Assn s o ' fi
14nnYC°hiananellimis,behrap' :inalcd1hy .lec toet°sealelvted,111 totbeAtiii:p'en 6ethe ititer"'Sid4eNirri•ec64.4evoalmeb:(7° bele:e7el:;:e.ftwIrid:":1'16
Thos. Fano, of Torontoi tha b .l no n hod 'llstriralst ittneruhl froluitifolOt'AroP
i ili,cOlkO. Ittoi , Lin elatifte nay Alt Vt.t.TriUlitig. 'i,l114teft" ;:t° 'II
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TO i
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TS and
As competition is the life of trade, we have decided
ON THE DOLLAR for Cash purchases for another
30, days, or'Eggs taken as cash.
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Street, Clinton.
Our whole Stock at Half Price
Having decided to f,I'lose out our whole stock of Hats and
Caps, we offer them at
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Men's $1.50 Hats for 750
Men's $2.00 Hat A for $1,00
Men's $3.00 Hats for $1.50
1000 Hats at half price-. Begt-BargainsTo earliest callers—
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CeN., 'c,"ze 79"e -ke" •••‘YG
ORGANS, 5 and 6 Octave
Best makes of PIANOS
Second hand ORGANS to rent
carefully moved
PIANOS packed for shipping
Organs repaired and retuned
REPAIRS Piano Tuning attended to
Sheet Music&Books ordered
Shop on Main Street
Residence on James Street
Box 11, Clinton
Send for catalogue