HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-06-24, Page 64,04e,•14, 1892
Au old man Callg.Itt PA a hook in friat.
()reek 431001104, last week, a•rock tieh
• weighiPg.' nitY pOnndF3. It was three
•"'ap(terte-nalt feet 1014gs and in stom-
ach there VAS st Pr* fIh 119114.0 measur-
ed thirty 140116B ai,4 .eighteen
' behee Jong,
'Thti GREAT COUGH CURE, this Sttecess.
. fel CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a par-
tdilel in the history of InediCille. All druggists
are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee,
a .texCltliarno other cure can suctessfully stand
,Ifypo Inlet P, otsgh, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis,
Ilae it, 'erg:Will cure you. If your child hal
the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly,.
and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious
disease CONSLIMPTIONsIferetfAto X* it, it
will cure you or costs,nothingsAsk'S your
' Druggist for SHI.LOH'S CURE,Trice to cts.,
so cts. and 41.00. ,H your Lungs are sore or
.b*ck1aazeS1ii1obs Pons* Plaster. as cts.
• Shingles for Sale
1 Carry on hand a stook of firsbele.ss Cedar
binges; two qualities, which I will sell at a very
„low rate. Orders large er emell filled on the
eherteet notice„ Please g.ree me a eall.
ii111C:931LEY, litincleaboro. 3m .
shiogumr' and Lath for Sale.
Outeoriber hap pureed a largo quantity 0
rt"). 1 p1IpgIe9, Thesetehillffles will be made to
order out of the very best quality of north shore
tislarr, Allryho„,went a,t• timbehtsat, soingio
Hridit,tetAkilir adVantage to alit ter priees before
• buylng elsewhere. Orders large or small
n .. 4d
•,•4I}apyet.t„rtnalogthe les.tWt. rt.,vwninKit, Lonelesboro. •
HMI for Sale.
or Sale a thoro-bred Durham Bull, twelve
ontlis old, of fint-class pedigree. Dark red
color, with a little white. Will be sold at reason
.able price. JOHN COMING, Londesboro, P. 0
Shorthorn Bulls For Sale.
For sale two yearling Thoroghbred Shorthorn
Mille, aired by the Cruickshank bull Perfection.
They are extra good animale and will be sold on
reasonablg terms, Apply, on lot 26, con. 10 Morris
or Blyt)37 . 0, • NEIL McDONALD. pd 4i
colorEn S OLD STAND,
Next to Commercial Hotel.
This establisnment is in lull operation andlal
orders filled it the most satisfactory way, Ceme-
tery and !granite work a specialty. . Priceellas
reasonable as those of any establishment
'1 1F's,•-• (,t1 0"OlOtle4Net-O,
,.6,4+ACIt 4,
All persons holding accounts against the estate
,of the late John Farquhar, ate requested to
render the same to the undersigned not late -
than the 31st day of May, and all persons indebted
to the deceased are hereby notified that the:same
meat be paid before the date mentioned.
Onliett May.2001,1892- • - _ pd
Tested Remedies.
'Foe ixtpure, Weak and Impoverishe7d
Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa-
talon of the Heart, Liver Complaint,
Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis,
Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid-
ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General Debility.
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton
The new Mode i of the Bonktord Watch, when
placed Masotti bezel caseS*111.1311 a lon felt
want ambnchl Mrs, at; it is hot dna proof
only, Mit, vetry , orig. The plate which the
wheels_wqrk betwe.emseot_beingsteparated _by_
Pillars as In the ordinary
put bythe bottom plate being turned out of a
-solid piece of metal, with the edger lett of the
top plate to rest on; it also being pendant or lever
set with sunk balance to prevent breaking, mak-
hag in all a good rong watch
For a, Farmer
ThebestEmbalming FluidUsed
Splendid Hearse.
Residence over Store.
POrtcou WANT
A Firat-class Step or Long Ladder?
A Handy Wheelbarrow?
A Splendid Churn, or anything of like
nature? Then bell on,W. SMITHSON, at
shbp, No.7 Frederick St., or E. Dinsley
Will be itt:Dineley's corner every Saturday
•,."4 ,--;7-
The Scope, Powers and Organization 9f
• Lontionets New County Connell Cleariy
soul Encelently Ilitatell,-Ths Population
Affoote0,-,/tu Incortuptilile Hedy of Mem
The most remarkeble experiment ever
made in the way of municipal administra-
tion is now going , on among, that twit cola-
glomeratien of Litman being* which De
Quinces, celled the "nation" of London.
The scope, powers, end organisation of the
new London Count4Couticil and the pro-
gramme's of its leaderare dieoussed at
length in the April number of the Review
of Reviews. We are indebted to the Ameri-
can" ediror Of that **dreg, pr . -Albert,.
Shaw, lo`initsre light'upen this interesting'
subject than has hitherto been attainable on
thie side of the Atlantic,
What, is known as the Metropolitan Po-
lice District coyer e an area defined by a ra-
dius of fifteen miles from Charing Cross, and
eolnprieesseeveeel.hundred equstresmilmis, ,It
0)MP/41;4414 Popidartion of ,neor1y,6,000,,
000. Outside of the small inner mrleus bear-
ing the historical title of the City ot London,
which at present has only about 30,000 resi-
dente, the huge British metropolis was up
to 1889 split into a number of irregular
1014, divieions toad governed by ..perish
vent -lee and distiiet 'boards. There Was no
unified, mauicipal spirit, and there wes
universal `aPathy and ignorance with regard
to the inethedssand, doings of the perish
vtietrieri. Foui years 'ago' it man' might
have walked thu utmta, of Iseudon ten
hour e a daSi for a Month, buttOnholing
every intelligent citizen he Met, an the
cfianoes were that! he %%NAM not in that thee
have found a solitary person who could
have explained to him how London was
governed. It is true that for the main
drainage system and some of the..nmare im-
portant street improvernentes together with
few other Purposes of genera cOncern,
there was established some twenty
years ago a so,called "Metropolitan
Beard' of Works," made tip of delegates
frean the local district , boards :and parish
vestries'. This body, 'hiving no direct ac -
°dilatability to anybody,, watt neither effi.
cent nor well constituted.
The great change which has taken place
is not the outcome of any vehement agita-
tion in London itself, but an iucidental reT
suit he County Councilvtapplieds t
the .,,le 0%04 ciii I fe #1, tAat
the Iiigers starto •,fel! siarnffieS
which had comeVs be known as the metro -
ROW', istaWItected into a separate county,
and Previllen was made for a County
Council, which was, in fact, to be a great
Municipal Parliament, elected by the peo-
;Preiit LiindOMY.i The distridir of the Metre -
polls, from each of which two councillors
are 'chosen, are for the :Present identical
with the fifty-nine electoral divisions from
which members are sent to Parliament.
The old City of London is thus far
pernaitted to retain its separate govern-
ment, and it is allowed representation in
the County Council as one of the districts
constituting the larger municipality. We
add to their number by choosing nineteen
citizens to it and act with them under the
title of Aldermen. They are presided ovet
by one of their members, who is chosen
Chairman, and who exercises some of the
functions which in other cities pertain to
the office of Mayor. It should be mention.
ed that the County of London, imposing as
it is, is not so large as it soon will be. It is
by no means conterminous with the
Metropolitian Police District. It has an
area of only about 120 square miles,
and the population under the jurisdiction
of its Council ecarcely exceedes bons
millions and a half, One of the extentions
of •„power which will probably be demand-
ed' by the Progressives, who control
Cie -C 'Mined receiitly elected by a majority
of some'3 to 1, is the concession of control
over the Metropolitan Police. When that
demand is granted, the area governed by
the Council will coincide with that of the
Metropolitan Police District, and will em-
brace a population of about 6,000,000.
y.ktis(*.kr-Ofs,.! 1;t31 ,:b°4\1t3'
&until is only a framework of a great
musleissal 'Recent:Rpis. nih.tifture acts of
ParhatHantione4xPecto4,fioAfin and corn
piste. For the moment its authority is
taigetrafivolyt lii,orktv. It took over all the
paeoills that'. had been veeted in the old
Metropolitan Board of Works, and various
L ell Jfe)st were conferred by the statute
eria ng'it. But many matters of munici-
pal COnce94 wers.left oudervthe manege-
'01444 14`4,..iiiii6ikt it, Psikk„."
water supply, its markets, its gas works,
• ite,tganweys, toad its‘doelste remain in the
•,liLiicli 4 Private onel'ersI,The programme
of the Progressives, who are now the un-
challenged masters of the London County
Council, contemplates a vast expansion of
its powers, and there is no doubt that their
, wishes will be heeded if the Gladstonians
are dominant in the next House of Com-
• mons. ,Among, the demands in , which all
the Pricigresisives are,zgreed are the follow-
ing : 'First; that taxation reinim shall make
the great landlords and holders of ground
rents pay their share of Municipal revenue;
secondly, that the rights of the eight pri-
vate Water companies shall be transferred
to thS !municipality; and thirdly, that
trenchant Measures shall be taken for an
amelioration of the housing condition!' of
the poor. Not included in the official
programme, but urgently prettied by the
representatives ot workingmen to whom
the recent victory of the Progressives is
mainly due, are demands for an equalization
of taxes throughout the metropolis, for
trade unite wages and an eight-hour day in
the case of all persons employed by the
Council, and for the substitution of public
for private ownership and management, not
only as regarcla the Water rinfidjs" but as
regards the gam works, tramways, markets,
and docks. The workingmen insiat, more-
over, that the people of London Onght,
through their County Council, to manage
their police and all their parks and open
*wee, and it is probable that this demand
will be backed by a largi majority of the
newly elected Councilmen.
,TheiiLondon Council:is serve With4ntitay
cokthriaation. As to th fidelity itifIt Which
they" apply theriselees to th'slit dale* we
110.1,' i'?•,4411,12041 of Mr. W. T. Sum]. its
,$4 WILS014
otnioo stitoo,ettwits
.46* prohiPtly atterel Zee.
00914 tee. A trial tooth:44 to
Wins that beside, the Own men %vile Innr
be said to live in committee roentr4nd in,
tbe supervision of the fnunieiraksieevioel'
there ore at least fifty Me1143,10P, give ,11111
their time to the goVerniruirkek Leaden.;
The retneining sixty probably do net! We,
more than one day in the *pelf. Pl1.491,
average, it appears that each Councillor de-,
votes two days a week to the service of the,
town. A more incorruptible body of mil
never assembled for the government of a
great city. Ffttni Lord Rosebory, Lord
Compton, Lord Linger], Lord
and Sir John Lubbock at the top, td Mr.
John Burns, the Socialist, at the bottom,
there is not one of the 137 members who
has even been suspected of corruption or of
abusing a trust. A new broom sweeps' claim,
and how long this exemplary state of thing.
will continue to exist is of course open to
question ; but that it is the present outcome
of the London municipal experiment is ac-
knowledged on all hands.
Some Bright and Breezy Paragraphs of
Carious Information.
Should a man in Chinas be unfertunate
enough to save the, life of , another from
drowning he is saddled with the -expI5iiie
of supporting the saved olio for the re-
mainder of that person's life.
A superb new bridge hart been construct-
ed in Rome over the picturesque' Tiber, and
it is cowsidered one of the finest modern
works in the city. It has been christened
Ponte Margheeita by tlieir majestiee of
Paper quilts are said to be pining into
extensive use abroad for the poorer classes.
They are coinposed of sheets of white paper
"pawed together and perforated all over at a '
distance of an inch or two apart.:
Dr. Herzog recently disuovered in a
library at Aarau, Switzerland, a copy of
the first edition of Holbein'e "Dance of
Death." The same volume includes forty-
six wood cuts of the same artist, illustrat-
ing Scenes from the Bible.
Mrs. Newberry, a'very wealthy woman
who resides in Detroit, is having the Her-
reshoffs,baild for ler a large steam yacht
in which she can cruise on the lakes.
Among other luxuries it is to have a ma-
hogany dining room on deck. •
The man who lifted himself over a fence
by hie boot etraps was rivaled by an old
German bachelor in Iowa, who put a loop
armind hie no*, threw the rope over a
knob, put his foot in the loop in the other,
end, hoisted hieseelf up ind henged,himaelf.
The minimutn age of employment on the,
continent is.geeerelly 12 or, front 1,2 to 14..
But then English children Orly work
twenty-eight. 1.so,111re- per, sKeek, while in
France and Germany the ileum are thirty-
six, in Italy and Hungary forty-eight, in
Holland sixty-six, and in Belgium seventy-
There are amidto be 200 women in New
York mho go to Europe twice a year to buy
their dresses. The number of men who
cross the water for their new wardrobe is
much greater, as many men take the op-
portunity to run over to the other aide
for rest, recreation and business all com-
A notable decrease in the number of.
deaths from hydrophobia is observed by the
registrargeneral of • Londo n, The deaths -
from this disease had been thirty in 1869
and had averaged twenty-four annually in
three years, 1887, 1888, 1889 : but there
were only eight in 1890 and fewer than in
any year since 1868.
Instinct teaches the hen that it would be
no good to warm only one side of her eggs,
and so when she feels that they are "done"
on one side she turns them gently round.
Anyone who has watched setting hens has
seen them rise every now and then ahd
shuffle about for a few moments on the
nest. That is when they turn the eggs
The Influenza Bacillus.
Drs. Pfeiffer and Canon, to whom belongs
the -honor of Ile discovery of the influenza
bacillus, have been lecturing upon that pes-
tiferous atorn before the surgeone of the
Charite Hospital at Berlin. There is noth-
ing particularly cheerful to the victims in
what they had to say, for they evidently
have no idea of what to do with the mi-
crobe now that they have got him. One of
hie peculiarities is said to be hie immobility,
a most discouraging attribute so far as man-
kind is concerned. He is found, it appears,
in various positions, singly, in chains, and
in strings. His chief characteristic, how.'
ever, is his size, or rather his lack of it.,
He ie the smallest microbe yet known to
science, not half so big aa. his congener, the
bacillus of blood -poisoning, hitherto con.
sidered the least of the tribe. The new
microbe, moreover, possosses the further
distinction of being oval, not round, though
a creature so minnte has very little cause
for priding himself on, hie shape. Of his
activity, malevolence, and'potency there is
no 'doubt, as the unlocky rats, guinea:pigs,
mice, pigeons, rabbits, and monkeys into
whose veins he has been injected know only
too well. He has been propagatedlelready
to the fifth generation, and(thue(-will soon
be able to boast of a pedigree,'
A Good setent,ess
Many eastern drug stores have adopted
the precautionary measures of having two
persons attend the preparation of, any pre-
scription containing poistonoes drugs. The
Medical Records calls attention to the
Harris murder trial in New„York as an
illustration of the importance;ef this check,
because "if a single clerk reselyed the pre-
scription, prepared the capsuleand deliver-
ed them it might readily have been claimed
by the defense that a Mist:aloe had been
made by the druggiet. At is Was, the drug-
gist was able to goop the stand and testify
that an assistant lied also read the prescrip-
tion and seen the amount of morphine which
it called for properly weighed and dispens-
Cholera and Coffee.
It seems like taking a wild premature
leap to talk of cholera, but it's a well thing
to know that every home in tlio land has in
it the neceseary amplunitielts to Silay the
cholera bacilla. It el some; tines prince a
Duteh physiolegist antiounceditatehis die-
ceveryi that toffee iis. a germicide -a sure
kflr Of the eholera UAW@ in few hours.
h ;Ii nv reperted :,,from' North BhangulPlar,
itilergitl, that thaeoffee unlikely for cholera
ikTieing put Mt° practice thiiifft &sten,
4 -
42L1 -1: -
Pao report ot the commit*, OE
ties of the prostwterima General Aseembly
for the ye ending Pee, $1st, 1091, after
, giving .detailed figures for ail the CPPgregk'
ti0P14 isa the Thrimt141.11 states that the,en-
tire contributiona for 'Aridly oougrugatton-
il for the isOlieines of' the church,
for Presbytery and SYried: fandit. And for
other ,:religious and benevolent purposes
amounted to $2,006,39*, agaiint $9,002,8A0,
the year before, or an ineteano (41424,
Mission stat,lOns raised:$63,pao, againet
.050,484 the 'yeir befOre,,or an increase
04,512. ThetOtal 'payments' "for
all vur-
poeas, therefo-
re, amounted' to 04041,2A4e
as against 02,062,,298 the year before, or on'
increase of 111.942,an average of 22.35$to`,
each family, a decrease' of 'nearly, 45 cents,,
and of pearly $12 to each communicant, it
'cleercazo of about 20 °plata,
Used and ' apprdved Of by the; niedical protescion
Pnce $1 per box. For Bale by Pruggios: or by mall
on receipt of price. Prepared by
W.T.Strong,Dra,ggist,iLondon, On
1 ill
s;',„i• or ajojatiet(mealtsliRgiceoLielza (Anal
taken in exebange, ond hahd Orgeng or Sal
or to•Rent. T'We' 0 genii Mantitaiitured th
Oakes Organ CO., asg005 &Mew, will be sold ata
bargain. One Piano Case with four sets of reeds
One Orion, three eets. Call and see them
,THE 443
Mario 1:so,,
Coal in Car lots sold direct to
No intermediate profits.
Write for Prices.
Special Attention Given to So-
eietleg and 'Clubs.
-means the kid-
neys are in
;trouble. Dodd's
Kidney Pills give
--prompt relief -v
"75 per cent.
of disease is
first caused by
• disordered kid-
; " Alight as well
try to haus a
',healthy city
without sewer -
'age, as good
health when the
kidneys are
-clogged, they are
the ackwengers
of the system.
"Delay is
dangerous. Neg-
lected, kidney
• in Bad Blood,
Dyspepsia, Liver
Complaint, and
the most dan-
gerous of all,
Brights Disease,
Diabetes and
Dropsy." ;
"The abou•
diseases cannot
exikt whers
Dodd's Kidney
Pills are used."
• Sold by all dealers or sent by mail on receipt
of price so cents. per box or six for es.scs
Dr. L. .8. Smith & Co, Toronto. Write for
book caliallfidney Talk.
Administrator's SAL
Valuable Real Estate
With the approbation of John Hoskin% Esq, Of-
ficial Guardian of Infants, there will be sold by
public auction, by Devito Moralism, Aection-
eer, at the CENTRAL HOTEL, in the Town of
Clinton, on SATURDAY,the 25th DAT of JUNE
18e2, at 2 o'clock p.m. the following property, viz
Building lots or Sub-Snotions Nos. 3, 4 and 17,
in Crombie's survey, of Town Lets numbers 252
and253, in the Town cif Clinton, hi the County of
Huron. There are ereeted upon said lots 3 and4,
two substantial Brick Stores, two stories high,
having each a frontage on Albert Street of 22 feet,
and a depth of 50 feet, and S. fiat -footed extention
to rear of 8.0 feet. The main imildinge are roofed
with shingles laid,in :mortar, classed aa.A1 for in-
surance. The foundations ate stone, with good
cellars. The stores are fitted with shelving and
eountere mitable for ordinary mercantile Mati-
nees. Said lot 17 is situate in the rear of said lot
4, separated therefrom by a lane running at the
rear of said building lots fronting on Albert St,
and has erected there'll a large frame ethrehonee
The property is situate opposite the Prince of
Wales and Central Hotels. the farroers hotels, of
the town, on the main business street, and axe ip
every way convenient and commodious bushiest
TERMS: -The property will be offered (let) en
bloc, (2n6 ) lots 4 and 17 together, (3rd) in separate
lots. The properties will be sold eubject to res-
erved bids fixed by the official guardian. Ten
per cent of the purehase money down en day ,ot
sale and the balance in thirty days thereafter
without interest, or if the purchaser desire one.
haif of the purchase moneysnay remain on mortt
gage, at 6 per cent interest for a term of years • -
The purchaser will be requited to sign an agree,
ment for the corepletion of the purchase. The
other conditiona shall be the standing conditione
of the High Court of Justice.
Further terms and particulars made known ou
application t� 0. R. COMMANDER, Esq., London
or to the undersigned.
D. DICEINSON, Auctioneer.
Solicitors for the Trusta Corporation
of Ontario, Administrator.
There will be offered at the same tiree and
place, and eubject to similar terma and condi-
tions, builditig 1 t 16,15 Cromble'e survey afortl-
said, in the said rown of Clinton, itt the resl.01
saidlot 3, the pr perty of Chitties IL COnniendek
Es9" rj°nacin' MaNNitsel & SOOrIS,
ienatre olielto
A Atm
We have anticipated a big season's trade, and have prepared for it accordingly.
Well-built, easy -running LuNtsgR WAGGON, beautiful and Oyltsh OPEN
you want a„ dandy ROAD CART, a light serviceable DEMOCRAT, a
'or COVERED BUGGY; or even a DOUBLE CARRIAGE, we can supply your
wants, and guarantee to give you satiofilnt0n, ,Cue g9,9ds, umtbwr own re-
commendation. Call and see us, and we are sure you will be Pleased.
,;4PPOSITE FAIR'S 31-1,,,,L, a7,7rqp,n ;
41: Et
po;spp. ;
1892- .1892
Composed of Flax,Silver Com-
posite and Best Brands Man-
illa. Leave your order with
us at once in order to insure
prompt delivery. Quality the
best and Prices Guaranteed
as low as the lowest.
f Headquarters for Hot Air
Furnaces, both wood and
coal. Call and get quotations
Lehigh Valley COAL
HA.RLAND BROS have secured control
for this section, of the celebrated Lehigh
Valle; Coal, and have purchesed several
cars to arrive this month. it is admitted
by all to be the best, and it is also claimed
that it will give 25 per cent more heat than
any other coal produced. Why use, mon coal coal when this coal can be ,PntAleSed
at the 'same price. Order early siCkatilthe-
oure 'Ow price, as owing to the stiortill-
bination of the railroad and coal compan-
ies, high prices are anticipated thie fatty
s POO'
New Valencia Raisina, off stalk, isTewSuttan Raisins -extra value,
New Black Basket.Baisine, New Currants, New Greaoble Walnuts
New S. S. Almonds, New Filberts, New Candied Pools -Citi -o,
Lemon and Orange, New Extracts -Essences of all kinds.
Splendid values in choice Green, Black or Japans: Try our
Special Blend of pure India and:Ceylon Teas put up in one
- pound -pack ages,- Best•valne-i-n-fack age -Teas- in the mu rket=-Tryit.-
4 II
Glasgow House, Brumfield
WM. SCOTT 86 00
Wholesale and retail dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES,HA-TS,-- -
Highest Cash prioe paid for all kinds of Grain, Dressed Hogs, Hides, 'Wool and Cord
wood. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Agents for G. N. W. Telegraph Co., with tele
graph connection to all parts of the world. . • I t
We beg to thank our nnmerons customers .for their, king and liberal patronage for the
;intet '110 years,- and,,hopedty _Stiitit attentiOrPO)biliatM4S, qtpek botteinftrices' to atil
NkCentiniiii in linerie
Vith olWatitud manyn1 'fitomer4 ,,i1.:= If,'
4, .. .tiL ,t .CO... ,'': - ,e't. - '1313:11
. • ,.''' '.,4„''i
We this:week annonnce to the purchasing pnblio that we have received a Sue supply
SHOES -Gentlemen's Shoes, Ladies' Shoes, Youths' 'Shoes, Misses Shoes, an
children's Shoessti various styleand prices. , Y '
_ 14
HATF,LA large stek of Hate and Ortpass-Felts, Stralft, die. ,
Are going off rapidly as they are nice and cheap.
MILLINERY -We never had such a hne display of Millinery. This will be pleasing
We havetoonthoredleardiseosmeesbep6acuiatlifiy.
ulWool Carpets to arrive -shortly.: DontImiss them
Our TWEEDS are excellent value and selling to well our tailor has to get a hnetle
on. Yon would do well to compare prices.
SHIRTINGS and COTTONADES moving lively -prices low, quality good
SEEDS -Field and Garden Seeds in etook.
We cannot mention everything as the:store is filled in all departments. We-
ar° ConstfOly visit, frotrt ire* customers Who are, well pleased with our goods
arid prices. A Wel respectftilly tioliefted-it will Vey you. We want to make room for
Intim gOOde yet to come inS 'Prcidticia taken in eXtinge eghighest prices.
Huron Street, Clinton
We have on hand an assortment of splendid
Virhieh we guarantee to bo of first-class material and workmanship.
,you want a good article at the price of a poor one, call and see ns.
Ft.A. Ot411CritloW'