HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-06-24, Page 5IS you, try us, we wilt, give Yoit great value in
ERY, VIOLINS,Mouth Organs andiriolin Strings;
every one warranted, if they break you get an-
ot,h.er for nothing. We have everything that
is found in a first-class Jewellery Store
' OX4INVON 11XA1UUlari
, corrected (ivory Thursday atteraeon. l' T.HOUSANDS IN- REWARDS
Wheat, old or nTeliwu.r.s,(1Y
.6..', j, •u*ne0276‘ 0‘ 1:9.
0281 The'eat Weekly Competition of Th
Wheat spring . 0 78 a 0 78 ' , Ladie4. Home migaz.
Oats 4, ...,,. O ., * . ** • 91,P 0 •••• 0 29 II 0 30
. 0 88 ,5 0 415. BacWh,kwicohrdW4rdp, Ittorwt4hrl ildTv beriottale*maetont•rea %wile puenitirtioer
Barley i
cl 57 el 0 60 •eterf madam and bum; every Father and on to secure
1:::er 0 12 a 0 18 tccunpetition woes will L distributied iul followin Tint
4 50 a 4 50 '6 IN711.4 Pgigs,,,,Every week throughout this great
Flour per ball
first coned unswer resolved (the postmark date 110 each
Potatoes 0 tli i 0 Ofj,
11$92) will4ret POO; the second eorract ansWer,cce; the
Eggs per lb letter to betaken la the date received) at the effice or the
0 20 $ 0 .20 LAD1X8' Hems MatIAZINZ (each and mil' week duritu.
Pork 5 50 a 6. _LIT thint $50;. fourth, a bsautlfult silver serviee: pith, the
Hay 10 00 all ov o'clock sliver seryke, and$T5ednoewnxt60(000$70CA,,IvIellryaaeooterra4Iti
Hides, No. 1 trimmed 4 00 a 4 05 get Prizearingini haw
snower, ilTelpeOf 111 of whether .prize winner or not,. will
11141, rough 8 50 a 8 50 get a *eels' print. Competitors residing In the southern
Sheep SiOns 0 50 a 0 70 CtAbateanoe' rvitvgetiblore nlikaCrr, r dbforittnaen titaP°thine l, enbduevre's itain telt) r41.1
nthorilityt ofn
itount. td accoropant,u
by *1(0 pay for Six months subscnption to one et the
hest Hosts Matiazin as in America.
Nort.-We want hull a million subscribers, and to
secure IlleI0 MP PrOpOre •O SIMI away in rewards one ball
our income. Thtrefore, In case one halt the total
receipts during any week excee d the cash value of the
prizes, such excess will be added pro rata to the prima.
If the reverse, k pre rata discount will he made.
well able to carry eta iteprozulties.' —Putt riurotigh it'an.
oda) Times .I.A splendid pais r, and financially strong."
-Hastinge'(Canada) Star. "Every mite witiner s ill be
sure to receive jUlit, what he is entitled to. —Norwood
(gonadal Register. Address all letters to Tux LADIES
HOUR MAGAZINE, Peterborough, Canada
Apples, per bag 0 00 a 0 00
Wood short 2 25 a 2 50
Wood long B 00 a 3 DO
Clover 7 00 a 7 50
Timothy 2 00 a 2 25
Wool CI 16 a 0 16
\ Administr,ators sale of Stores on Albert
St. Clinton, on Saturday. June 25th. D.
Dickinson, Auot.
.Taork ons ions whatever expressed under this
We are not responsible for any opin-
To ehe Ed
1 CLINTON, June 22, 1892.
.......-....—. DEAR Sin,—A few business men have
been talking of the advisability of establish-
ing a drying and canning factory here, and
it dooeoms company
t000utle treiefoirdmeaela aagnli20;36
. raise in s aree o or each; plenty
so there would be no trouble in getting from
would take $2 to $10, and some $50 to $300,
62,000 to $5,000. The stock could be in.
°reseed as the thing prospered, liability to
be limited to the amount eaoh person sub -
OF i
scribed. Dried apples and other dried and
canned goods are as staple as wheat, and
their market is the wide world. Our own
, 0 e Imaragreketa,neaspeeocnisalalyntlhye iNnoorrtchziensgt., wo Vet
he no donbt the thing w�uld pay 1
Will be continued during the month of June. Our sales in
May far exceeded our expectations, there being such a de-
mand for certain lines that we have bacito replace them, and
our stock is now well assorted.
See our Ladies' Kid Ties at 75 cts
Ladies' Kid Oxfords at 75 cts
Ladies' Dongola Kid Oxfords at $1
Ladies' DongolalKid Button Boots. $1.25
Men's Fine Balmoralslat $1.25
Men's Fine Oxfords at 95c and $1.15
------- -Men's--Now-Bals-Bellowsed_Tongue at $1
These are New Goods and great value. All other_goods at
equally low prices.
Eggs taken as Cash.
interest on capital invested, if properly
managed—all would depend on the man-
agement. There would be no trouble in
getting advances from banks, on dried and
canned goods of all kinds, the same as on
grains. There are plenty of idle stores and
cellars in town, that could be rented cheap
for storing, till sales could be effected. I
think I know a man,well known in Clinton,
to take hold, manage It, and put some
money in it also. The manager should
have some practical knowledge of the busi-
ness, (the more the better) and be a geed
business and salesman, as all would depend
on the management. The present dry kiln
could be got reasonable (it should be owned
in Clinton) and is all ready to run. The
canning business could be carried on in the
same building, at least till a more suitable
building could be arranged for. The thing
should be ready to start by August. Of
course there will be some to say the thing
won't pay, and can't be done, there are all -
ways pullbacks in every town, but surely
Clinton has few such, and if so they will
only be flies on the wheel. All that is
wanted to make the thing a success is the
will and energy to go ahead.
Last fall I visited Waterford and other
-places AIM03
e drying and canning busi-
ness was cairied-Otraticcessfullye • Water
ford_has three drying factories, arid employ -
at some seasons of the year from 200 to 300
rren, boys and girls. They make all their
own cans, and raise a large portion of their
strawberries, tomatoes, corn, etc., but also
buy largely from farmers. Farmers told
me the thing was a great benefit to them,
to the town, to the merchants, and to all.
There is a gentleman in town who knows
all about the Waterford business, and had
two daughters, who worked in one of the
factories for three years. I eaw at places I
visited oar loads of peaches, apples, etc.,
coming in bulk, at a low rate of freight.
Some cars came 80 miles, sothat if fruit, etc.,
fails in one section, plenty can be had from
another section. We have all the railway
and other advantages necessary to carry on
such a business successfully. There is no
town in Ontario that has the advantages
for carrying on this and other industries
that we have, why not utilize them.
How easy, if all would pull together. Every
man, woman and child in Clinton would be
benefitted. The stook holders would make
money, merchants and all classes would
reap advantages as well as the farmers, on
whom we all mainly depend. Why not give
it a boost, and where is de "Moses, to lead
the people ?"
I do not wish to say anything against
the value of education or religions training
for the youth, two things all all important
and essential, but it does seem to me that
it is about time the people spent a little
less money on schools, missionaries, etc.,
and a little more to encourage industries at
home. It is as natural for a boy or girl to
work as it is to eat, besides you cannot
make a good Christian out of a boy or girl
that will not work. A child is born like a
wild ass' colt, all will work, and delight in
it, if trained to it when young. There is no
happiness without work, neither a healthy
body nor sound mind without reasonable
work. A boy or girl out in the world,
trained to some industrial calling, can and
will hold rip a manly or womanly head, and
are sure to Emceed. Send them out other
ways, and ten chances to one they go to
the bad, and it is not the child's fault.
either. It is the fault of the parent, the
church and society, all three are equally
responsible. To whom? To that boy and
girl now in the Central Prison and other
places of confinement, and to God, if there
is one, and who can for one moment doubt
it; there can be no possible doubt of that.
Whilst Clinton can beat the Province in
raising money to send ten thousand miles
away, to civilize a people whom many think,
and history teaches, were as well civilized
a thousand years ago as we are to -day, in
most things that pertain to the happiness
and welfare of mankind. Surely there is
work here to do. See in Wentworth coun-
ty, where there are over 100 boys and girls
going around on suspended sentence. There
is a cure for this, that is, employment.
De devil don't come around where every-
body is at work, he knows de kind that
don't stand fooling. De Lo'd he likes to
hear the music of the hoe, and de hammer
and de anvil, and de prayer what hab de
elbow grease behind. it. Ye doubtful grants,
fresh courage take, and put your shoulder
to the wheel. Let all help according to
their means. The thing will pay good in-
terest. 'Think of our responsibility. We
have the farm, why not work it? Do
the watchmen sleep on the guard? if so,
the city fella. W. H. PERRIN.
cents in advance will pay for
the CLINTON NEW ERA,for the
balance of this year.
Valuable Farm for Sale.
The North hallo! lot SO, 2nd ooncesaion Has
Wa wanciah. Apply to CAMERON, LIOLT do
CAMERON, Goderieh
To Rent or for sale,
Good brick store and dwellitig, formerly occupied
by C. Cruickshank. Albert SL,Clinton. Apply to
Good general servant wanted at once in small
family. Oood wages to smart girl. Apply at
NEW ERA Office.
We anticipated the wants of the people for the First of July and the Twelfth,
of July, so paid a visit to the markets again, and succeeded in piekg
some of the greatest snaps in hot weather stuff, whiell we feel sure eaptiOt
fail to bring satisfaction to the people. Everyone almost worna ' •
All parties in this vicinity requiring or having
purchased a Whiteman Pea Harvester, had better
forward their °titter bars at once for attachment,
to JAS FLYNN'S Shop, Ontario St., Clinton. T.
BROWN, General Agent, Seaforth. *ffi
Womankind certainly places much stress on presentable handwear. cilevea
for every people—Gloves and Mitts for all seasons at thin store. At 'Otis
time changeb are made in
Property for Sale or to Rent
That desirable house and lot in the Village of
Holmesville, known as the Lobb Estate. The
house is 1 stories, contains 7 rooms, with wood-
shed attached. Hard water well and a good frame
stable on premises. Five minutes to Post Office,
Church or Railway Station. Apply to JAMES B.
LOBB, Galt, or G. HOLLAND, Holmesville.
Jackson's Shoe Store.
Eggs taken as Cash.
The undersignei offers for sale his farm, being
lot 29, eon: 7, Hallett, comprising 75 acres, 50
acres cleared. The farm is about 4 miles from
Clinton, and has plenty of water, good orchard
and barn, frame house and every convenience.
The farm is in a good state of cultivation and
convenient to church and school. The reason
for selling is because the proprietor wishes to re-
tire. For fUrther particulare apply to GEORGE
WESTACOTT, Clinton -41
The season requires it. Our Elasti3 Ribbed Undervests fill the bill exactly
so far as ladies are concerned. The range is large, BO that whatever one'a
desire may be, we can certainly meet them.
Certainly—the fashion is against going bare footed, not to say anything of;
comfort, as this store sells the really only Solid Everfast Stainless Black "
[Cotton Seamless Hose; people know it and come directly here.
Farmers Beware, as we hereby caution you from
purchasing anything but the genuine Tolton Pea
Harvester. Dealing or haVing anything to do
with imitations as a rule are unsatisfactory and
dangerous as we will rightly protect our latest
patentedjmprovements on the genuine Tolton
Pea Harv ter. The following are the agents sell-
ing this Harvester -C 2.1 BROWN, Seat orth; F
BROWN, Clinton; JAS HUTCHINSON, Mitchell:
Ladies' Stainless Black Hose, Ladies' Full Fash-
ioned Hose, Ladies' Fancy. Ribbed Hose, Ladies'
Lisle thread Hose, Ladies' Cashmere Hose,!Ladies
Colored Silk Gloves, Taffata Gloves, Half Lace
Mitts, Half Mitts Plain,Childrens Mitts it Gloves.-'-'
The most Interesting Contest ever offered
by The Canadian AgriculturiSt.
One Thousand Dollara in Cash. a Pair of Handsome
Shetland Ponies, Carriage and Harness, and over two
thousand other valuable prizes for the Agriculturists
brightest readers! Who will have them? According to
the usual custom for sorne years peat the publishers of
TIIE AGRICULTURIST now offer their Sixth Half -yearly
Literary Competition. This grand competition will, no
doubt, be the !neat gigantic and successful one ever pre-
sented to the people of the United States and Canada.
One Thousand Dollen; in cash will 'be paid to the per-
son sending in the largeet list of English word e eou.
structed from letters in the words "The Canadian Agri-
Five Hundred Dollars in cash will be given to the
eecond largest list.
A Handsome Pair of Shetland Ponies, Carriage and
Harness, will be given for the third largest list.
Over one thousand additional pizes awarded in order
of merit: One Grand Piano; $300 Organ; $400 Piano;
Dinner Sets; Ladies' Gold Watches', Silk Dress Patterna ;
Portiere Curtains; Silver Tea Services; Tennys on'a Poerna,
bound in cloth; Dickens' in 12 volume, bound in cloth, etc.
As there are more than 1000 prizes, any one who takes
the trouble to prepare an ordinary good fit will not fail
to receive a valuable prize. This is the biggest thing in
e competition line that we have ever placed before the
„and all who do not take part will miss an °ppm,
tun'ty ora 1100 11080.
RULES -1. A letter cannot be used oftner than it
appears In tbe worde 'Tho Canadian Agriculturist.'
For instanoe the word "egg ' could not be used, as there
is but one "g' in the three words. 2. Words having more
than one meaning but spelled the same can be used but
once. 3. N .ea of plume and pereons barred. • 4. Errors
will not invaii.late a fist—the wrong worde will simply
not be counted.
Each list mut; t contain one dollar to pay for six month's
subscription to THE AGRICULTURIST. If two or mom
tie, the lareest list which bears the earliest postmark will
take the Mat prize, and the others will receive prizes in
order of merit. United States money and stamps taken
at par.
The object in offering these magnificent prizes le to
introduce our popular magazine into new homes, in every
part of the American continent.
Every competitor enclosing 30 cents in stamp extra,
will receive free, by mail, pootpaid, one to Tun AGRICUL-
TURIST'S Eleeant Souvenir Spoons of Canada.
• Prizes awarded to persons residing in the United States
will be shipped from our New York office free of duty.
All money letters should be'regiatered.
°tat FORMER COMPETITI0N—W0 luIV13 given away
$25,000 in prites during the last two years, and have
thousands of lettere from prize -winners in every state in
the union and every part of Canada and Newfoundland.
Lord Ktledursie, A.D.C. to the Governor General of
Canada, writes: " I ,shall recommend my friends to enter
your competitions,' M. M. Branden, 'Vancouver, B. C.,
"received$1000 in gold" and we hold hie receipt forsame.
A few of the prize winners: Miss J. Robinson, Toronto,
$4500; J. J. Brandon, Fenelon Falls,_,Ont, $1500; David
Harrison, Syracuse, N. Y'
. $535; H. Beams St. Louis
Mo., $390; Jos Bantle, West Duluth, Minn.,' $500; Miss
Georgina Pabertaon, Oak St., Brooklyn, MN; Fred H.
Hills, 359 State St., Bridgeport, Conn., and thousands of
Address all communications to THE AORIOULTMILIST,
Peterborough, Ontario,•
BEAUTIFUL New Prints only Sc., worth easily 10c. Another bale Scotch.
Ginghams 5c., worth easily 10c., lovely Art Muslins, China Silk patterns, tic
worth 12e. Fi e Art Mulins, fast cold plain pattern, 15c worth 20c. NeW
washing Challies only 5c. worth 8. New Grey 36 in. Cottons only 5c worth.
7c. New Blouse Waist Materials, fast colors, handsome. New Brocaded
Black BuntIng, the newest. New Bengaline Silk, all shades, washing. New
Cream Tndia Muslin. New Spotted Muslins. Black Satin Lawns.
The wit of' a successful trade in dry goods depends on Style, Quality Com-
fort and price. This fourfold combination finds fullest expansion at our store
Gilroy 86 Wiseman,
Gladstone is sail to be one of very few
• men who can address a Greek audience in
their native tongue.
Mr Thomaa Shaw, professor of agricul-
ture, College at Guelph,ltae consented to
act as judge of the dairy b Ilea of cattle at
, 3, JAG SON Clinton
will tilset visit the shows at Drandon and
the Winnipeg Indtistrial xhibition.
1, Portage la Praitie.
" • •
Orders taken for the best Scranton Coal.
Before •you
Go to the summer resort
you had better drop iti at,
Foster's and sit for some
Photos to leave with your
For the Hot Weather
WHITE MUSLINS, Check and Stripe
CHALLIES and Bedford Cords
BLACK MUSLIN Checks and Stripes
For ten days we'll have a BargainTable filled
'with goods selected from regular stock at
away down prices to clear. Do not fail to
see this table, as there is sure to be some-
thing that will interest you.
We are constantly adding some new lines of goods. This
week it is a full assortment of
Binder and Driving WHIPS, prices 15c. to $1.50
We try to make it pleasant and profitable for you to trade
with us.