HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-06-24, Page 4akegtVittOnktnIffi
Furniture for eah-G. F. Einersen=
'Bats 44 Ties -4310y: & Wiseman •
Befote Ho1ida370-4)11/1.0r* Wia9Mall
COOlDreSeefissOftittaiJ, neditens
BOye• sulte--Zackeion Brea iv,;:„„.;
'Qitrriegea-Rebiliti Bros
Jewellerys-Stunball 84 Co
weather -W. L. Oubliette
BOA the Bible,--trictilturist
Boy'Vratitiat-L aalkinshaw
rin for sale
(NUT Orders -4.. Vuoinghame
• Hahn for Salee,Garrow & Proudfoot
Onee fpr Pale e.-'eli‘s Gaeyey
• Iteffranene---W jacks=
,0 enrsions-c.f,R.
• (Alpe- (*arrow & Proudfoot
RewardS-Ladies Heine Journal
cantoncstui tra
FRIDAY, -UNE1 24, 1892
'The various "drink cures" advertised
May have their virtues, but the best
cure for the drink habit is to leave it
seVerely alone.
The Americans did well in giving
'Wilco Michael" five years in peniten-
tiary, with hard labor, but if they had
•Made it -25 they would have done
,jt, is said that the inmates of the
Central Prison will be put to work
making binder twine, and, it is thought
.this will reduce the price. It won't
affect ft this season, as it is already too
ler advaneed.
Replying to a request that he should
take up some other • necessary reforms,
vIr Gladstone stated that his life was
devoted solely and entirely to the
:Home Role cpiestion. Most married
;men, •Mader different circumstances,
'.however, •are compelled to make the
stone adinispion.
The Conservatives claim that in
Winnipeg Mr Greenway's registration
elerks have left nearly two thousand
names off the voters' list. This is cer-
tainly wrong if it has been done, but
the Conservativeshould not blame Mr
6reenway for doing what they :com-
mend when done Under the Dominion
Franchise Act.
Mr. Mowat has dismissed Mr Elgin
;0.Myers, County Crown Attorney, of
Dufferin, beeause that gentleman pub-
, licly-advoented politica:11min With the-
ttl.tes. We are inclined to think that
the Premier has acted a little hastily,
•mot that Mr Myers' conduct should go
unreproved, but because a precedent is
established that may lead to difficulty,
'if the same principle is to apply to all
'employees of the Ontario Government.
Bast winter the Crown Attorney of
'Wentworth, Mr Crerar, stumped this
•Riding in the interest of Mr Cameron
and Commercial Union, and did it well.
Now if Myers' action was wrong, so
Was Crerar's, though both spoke oa
different subjects, and we fail fa see
t.aicew, Mr Mowat can dismitav the one
no...retnin-the other...T.On the _other
liand .it must have taken considerable
iiimness to seesend one of his own sup -
Aerie e are of the opinion that
4/man takes office, Liberal orCon-
rvative, he should take no further ac-
tive part in politics than to cast his
'Emerson Coatsworth, M. P., for East
'•Terohto, a well-known Methodist, wro te
tter defending Sir John Thompson
,Teom the attack of Rev Dr. Douglas.
Le Toronto Telegram, which supports
Coatsworth politically, hits him
lth thefollowing vigorous language:-
"44raerson Coatsworth, M.P., scarcely
On78 toadvantage in the act of rebuk-
ing. Oise of the distinguished divines of
,denomination that numbers him
cailienng its members. The member for
Beet Toronto is one of those whose re-
JElon4 is Toryism and whose politics is
Aethicidism. Party, in all reverence be
itssald, is the God whom he serves at
Ottawa,• The nod of the leader is the
Tort Commandments, the Sermon on
heitMottnt that rules his political life.
it one of many and one of the worst
f the blind devotes who worship at
6 shrine of a mud idol. Emerson
atsWorth could not vote as he has
nen voted since he went to Ottawa
OA retain his church membership if he
'ere not shielded by this country's
bit of tolerating in public weaknesses
a make a man despicable in private
ife. The Methodist who, for the sake
f party, votes like a pagan, ought not
• :advertise a great denomination's
omiection with him. Methodism has
mon to blush for the dishonour which
gond men gone wrong, like Mr
datsworth, have helped to bring upon
country. His place in Methodism
it the :penitent bench, not the pulpit,
nil it is indiscreet in a lightweight
titan to lecture a man who, accord -
his lights, is publicly as faithful
the bays of God as Mr Coatsworth is
Whet he regards as the more than
Vine decrees of Sir John Thompson."
iarCoatfiviorth, M. P., objects to Dr.
gleteiteriticisto of Sir John Thompson,
lot hire apply the Golden Rule to the
Vaittion. How would he like to be gerry-
.defed Out of his refat in Parliament?
1tvelald be his opinion., of a Liberal
ter of Jtietice Who woud refuse in.
substantiated charges
teatiiPtion and bribery? Whet Would
think 'of a Man'e tjiligion who &mild
nothirigierengte tliteptaatioe of such
iiihnoralikeit, and uphold them by
and totet-atotittdki Witness.
Additional •log ilow8.
0101'0 Notea,
The offering in St. FaUl's Ohni•ch, on
Sunday next, wilt be in aid og the sun, -
clay School,
uo• E, 4., rear, of Nile, and Mr
DilOtQW passed through _tOwn on Fri-
day, on their wax to the Juppen caw,
whore they remained over 0-upday.,
St, Paul's, Willis Church, and Outs-
rio street Methodist °burgh Sabbath
Schools, will go to Goderich for their
picnics on the 7th ofduly.
The ladies Ma Society of Rattenbury
Street Methodist church, will hold a
lawn social at the residence of Mr. W.
Cooper, on the evening of the 30th of
The Bishop of Huron has appointed
the Rev W, A. Young, B. D., rector of
Goderich, to be canon of the cathedral,
in place of the late Rev Canon Patter-
son, of Stratford.
Next Sunday the Methodist minis-
ters in, Huron, who tnove to new ap-
pointments, will preabh their farewell
sermons, as they are to be on their
new stations the first Sunday in July.
As the grounds at kippen, whereon
the Rattenbury St. Sabbath School
picnic was held last year, cannot be
secured this year, the picnic will not
be held at Kipper), but at some place
yet to be decided upon.
On Sunday last Mr Patterson, of the
Collegiate, filled the pulpit of Willis
church, morning and evening, and will
do so again on Sunday next; he is not
only a fluent and easy speaker, but
presents truth in, a thoughtful and
forcible manner.
The following are the officers elect'
for the Young People's Association of
Rattenbury St. church for the ensuing
six months: -Pres., Miss M. Washing-
ton; Vice, Mr Wilbur Manning; Rec.
Sec., Miss A. Holmes; Oorresp. Sec.,
Miss Allie Taylor:Treas., Miss I. Boles.
The financial report of Rattenbury
St. Methodist church for the year, end-
ing with May last, shows that $1031
were raised towards ministerial sup-
port; $848 towards the various funds of
the church, and $605 from pew rents.
The quarterly board states the current
ecclesiastical gear with a small balance
on hand, which is an unusual exper
ience, as a balance ahead is a rarity in
ehurch finances.
clever Clinton correspondent of th eSig-
nal says :-If there is one we respect
more than another in this our town, it
is the genial editor of the CLINTONNEW
ERA, and not often do we differ from
what we peruse in his valuable paper,
bat at the same time we must admit
that he is rather hard on the "cow bos-
sies" which eat the sweet herbage on
our wayside. He contends that they
are a nuisance, and often in one night
demolish a garden and destroy much
labor. That may be so, but at the same
time we wou'd like an answer to this
question, Which is it the easier for a
poor man to be deprived of, the pri-
vilege of feeding his cows upon the
comanons, or for a real estate owner to
build a good solid fence around his pro-
perty? It is a fact that must be admit-
ted by all, that allowing cows to run at
large during the Summer months is a
great boon enjoyed by many a poor
man. Our worthy mayor says? Let
us have more flowers and less_cows....
We --naeriff -ffie-OPTiiroirthat flowers
would not flourish very well upon the
highways, and that instead of having
more flowers, we would have more
[Our esteemed friend makes a mistake
in the argument regarding the real
estate owner building a good solid
fence. The law has already decided
that a man is not bound to erect a fence
to keep any animal out, but that it is
the duty the owner of animals to see
that they don't gehin- ,tv.revever,e11114i
one is entitlei: weir own opinion and
as we dUn't profess infallibility, we
hav,.i no hesitation whatever in publish-
leig opinions that are not the eame as
ours. -ED NEW ERA.
St. Helens.
NOTES.-Mp Wm Webb is getting an
-extension put-th Ins Muse; what -A lot
of new houses going up this summer,
it looks like business, especially out
east, but, of course, Wat and George
are to keep batch. Messrs Thomas
and David Todd have returned from
Manitoulin Islaud, where they have
been buying cattle. Mr Ed. Haines
has returned home from Preston, hav-
ing been a couple of weeks at the sul-
phur spring there; Mr H. McDonald let
last week for the sulphor spring too.
Services were held atChrist's church at
11.30 a. m. last Sabbath instead of the
usual time. The communion of the
Lord's Supper was dispensed in the
Presbyterian church here on June
12th. Miss Campbell, of Whitby, is
visiting at her uncle's Mr John Gor-
don's. Mr Will Frrguson and wife. of
Belgrave, paid a flying visit to friends
here last week. Mr Wm Gordon has
returned to his home in Toronto, after
visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr
Chas Reid, of Stanley, who has been
staying for some time past with his
sister, Mrs Robert Woods, purposes
leaving for home this week. I wonder
if the ladies of Stanley will be as con-
siderate as those of St Helens, for I
believe some of our fair ones helped to
mow thistles. Mr Robt Sturdy left ,
on Tuesday of last week for Manitoba, ;
where he intends staying for the sum-
mer months, also Mrs John Joynt and
two children, who have gone on a visit
to friends out there. Mr Geo Webb t
was the delegate appointed from this
lodge to attend the Grand Lodge of
the I. 0. G. T., to be held in Guelph
next week. MrAlexWoods had a very
large barn raising on Thursday of last
week, things went well with the ex-
ception of a few slight accidents, and
in the evening the young people en-
joyed themselves tripping the light
fantastic until the wee sma' hours
were fast passing away.
known as Thaina9 Murphy, was toujui
In a heirdels condition lying at the'
side of the road in ktibbert last week,
and before aid could be got he hard ex-
pired. The deceased was well known
ageund. here', having been around for a
number of years, but being too old to
work he stayed (00%4- his friends as
he had no relatives rn this country.
It was generally stippeee4 that he was
stralglite,ned oirentnatitUSSe, but
aftee his death ,the stun 414 was
found PeNvr 418 coat. were Intert d at Irishtowno .9 was a
Person who 04. Seep bet,Wr, ys, and
would refuse aid or help that Was of-
fered him.
NOTES.-Messers Brown & Menzies,
have now on hand s teel elevating
Binder without canvas which atracte
considerable atteation, it is considered
by many to be the coming Binder of
the day. Messrs James Watson and
and John Darwin, two enatusiastic
young Liberals, went down teeMitehell
on Monday eveningand organized a
Young Liberal Association ther eXiich
starts under the inbst favora
FOOTBALL. --A team from the Wootk
stock Athletic Association played a,
game of football Wednesday afternoon
with the Hurons of this town. The
composition of the teams was as fol-
lows - Woodstock, - Goal, Brown;
backs, Gunn and McDonald; half -backs,
Dunning, McPhinnie and Plasket; for-
wards, left, Caister and Rarnsa,y• cen-
tre, Kay; right, Wilkinson and Watson.
Hurons -Goal, Campbell; backs, Ole -
man and Willis; half -backs, Living-
stone, Stephens and Crawford; for-
wards, left, Govenlock and Cresswell;
centre, Smith; right, Dewar and H.'
Jackson. The excessive heat prevent-
ed fast play, and the game was rather
slow, and much in favor of the Hurons,
who pressed their opponents through-
out. Owing to the very safe play of
Gunn at back, and the loose shooting,
many of the attempts of the Huron for-
wards were foiled. However, Smith
managed to get through in each half,
leaving the result 2 to 0 in favor of the
Hurons. For Woodstock Gunn and
Dunningiwere best behind, and Wil-
kinson n front showed good speed.
• Nile
NOTES.- Rev. Mr Fear was away
last Sunday and his work was supplied
by R. Holmes, of Clinton. The hotel
property that has been vacant for some
time, was burned down last Wednes-
day night; it was clearly the work of
an incendiary.
ACCIDENT.- On Tuesday afternoon
the raising of the timbers of a barn
took place on the farm of Mr John
Prout. A large number of men were
present, which made the task,tan easy
one. During the progress of the work
Mr John Perkins, son of Henry Perkins,
narrowly escaped being killed. It ap-
pears he had surmounted a beam at
the top of the frame and when in the
act of crossing some men stationed at
one end had occasion to remove it,
not noticing Mr Perkins, when he and
the beam took a tumble letting him
down a considerable distance, and no
doubt would have been killed had he
not by chance lit on his feet. However
in passing between two jointe.in„the_
.fall his badly bruised thee
he had to consult a physician. .e•
News Notes Around 1)8/ Comity
• Rev. Mr Brownlee, er Lion's Head, has
been appointed taafie Episcopal church at
Mr Jre:e.Horn, Seaforth, got his leg badly
freeired by being kicked with a horee on
Mr Jarvis, of the out line, Goderich
Township, who was very ill with pleurisy,
is somewhat better this week.
Misses Bella and Kate McDougall, for-
merly of Grey, are engaged as teachers in
McHenry Co., North Dakota, and are do-
ing well.
_ Charles .Casson, son of Rev. W. Cas-
son, Seaforth, returned home on Tuesday
last from an extended visit to friends in
England. '
U. McFadden, teacher, Morris, talks of
leaving the teaohing profession and resum-
ing the study of law with bis brother at
Sault Ste. Marie.
We have to chronicle the sad death of
Mrs John_Goggin, widow of the late John
Goggin, of Fordwich. The deceased had
been in poor health since her husband's
Last Friday afternoon a meeting of the
creditors of McIntosh & MoTagg,art Brus-
sels, was held, and among other business
transitoted was the declaring of a 25% divi-
dend to those interested.
On Wednesday of last week Mr John
Woods, of the 4th con., Goderioh Township,
was tied in the bonds of matrimony to Miss
Mary Ann Blairof the cut line. We wish
the happy couple every success in life.
Mr W. Perdue has started his saw mill
this week on the premises of Mr C. Wallis,
Goderich Township, were he will be
through shortly and purposes moving to
the old place where it was set, on the 4th
con .
Luke and Hartwell Sperain, of Grey, be-
ong to a long lived generation. Their
ether died at the age of 82 years • their
mother is 98 and still healthy and able to
walk a mile or so. The grandmother itt-
ained the great age of 107.
Quite a number of bank barns have been
erected by the enterprising farmers of Mc-
Killop this year. Mr James Lawrence
held a raising which was very largly at-
tended on Tuesday last and erected a fine
large one on his premises.
Amongst the cattle purchased by Mr
Hamilton, of Gorrie, and brought into
Wingham on Tuesday for shipment, was a
thoroughbred Durham bull, purchased from
Mr R. Stonehouse, of East Wawanosh,
which weighed 2,310 pounds.
Mr Will Folland, of the &in of Cobble -
dick & Folland, Exeter, was in Columbus,
Ohio, last week on business, and while alt.
ting in one of the hotels heard some young
man talking of foot -racing. Folland said'
none of them could run. They offered te
wager $50 to $25 that they could name a
man who could beat him (Folland). Fol -
land promptly accepted the bet, went out
and beat his man quite easily and won the
$50. He handed the money back with a
little advice, but this would not do • the
Colt:mobile boys met and presented ihina
with a diamond get ring. The 10 yards
were run in 10/ seconds.
Tuckeram ith.
NoTEs.-Messrs T. Britton, James
Noble and T. Fowler took a trip to
Port Huron on Wednesday. Mr Alex.
Broadfoot, of Iowa, brother of Mr W.
E. Broadfoot, of Tuckersmith, is visit-
ing here at present. One of the bi-
cyclists of this section has discovered
an easy mode of getting through gates
without dismounting. Mr Frank Lay-
ton has recently re -roofed his cattle
shed. Mr J. E. Bali has also re -shing-
led his barn. At the last review of
Kearns Tent No. 66, R.O.T.M., a reso-
lution was passed, thanking all who
assisted in making the entertainment
such a success. A large number of our
citizens attended the camp meeting at
Kippen on Sunday last.
Fontim MAO. A. noted figure,
A barge load Of goal from Netwittatle,
Bng., has arrived at Ottawa. It is said
Mitt coal can be pot on the market in Can-
ada chespee than all rail Aniericau Coal.
Politipal Potato,
Uen. E. awara Bloke: has conditionally
accepted ;be Otter of a seat in the Enolion
tarlismOuti .
A. petitiOn Ilea been flied spinet the
return of r. W.Maclean as Member1 fOr
Bast York.
Tilers will be the biggest kind a a kick
if the ,indeMnity of the membere of Bailie -
Meat be increaried from iii„000 to 01,500.
The will of the hate Hon. A. filabkensie
ehows an estate of about 04000, It pro-
yidee for all annuity of 51,590 for hie
Senator Boulton gives notice that when
the #edistribution Bi11 comes up he will
move for a reference to the Supreme Court
of the whole matter of redistributisn.
Premier Mowat gives an emphatic con
tradiotion to the report that Hon. G. .
Rose, Minister of Educatien, is about
retire from the Ontario Government.
Hon. G. W. Ross, Mirdster of Educati
is confined to his bed with rheumatism.
Mn Etoss is one of those conscientious m
who, in their eagerness to serve the pub,
overwork theinselvee.
Poor Mr. Blaine's cup of grief is full to
overflowing. It is only two years since
eldest son, Walker Blaine, died, and n
his secoud and moat pronaising son Em-
mons luta been carried off, while his third
sou James G. is involved in a diroredita
dieorce scandal. These several family
flictions added to the politioal dissappoi
malts he ha e reoently experienced, certa
ly entitle 'Mr Blaine to the commiserati
of lie countrymen.
A eaessage from President Harrison in
relatitM to reciprocal trade with Canada
was laid before the Senate on Monday and
referred. The paper was sent in answe,r to
a resolution of Feb. 24 last calling for in-
formation ralativejto the reciprocity negotia-
tions with Cenads. The President, it is
stated, souude the knell of that project by
deliberately, in effect, recommending that
Congress prooeed to retaliate upon the
Dominion for its persistent denial of the
rights of American citizens (guaranteed by
the treaty of Washington) in connection
with the navigation of Canadian cabals.
One of the principal eharges in the pe-
tition reaently filed against the return of
Mr. Lowell, M. P. for Welland, °lieges
that the voters' list used at the election was
not the finally revised list, i electors as
forwarded to Ottau a by the rtvising officer
for the county, and that conseqeently the
election should be voided. This 'imdicates
that the Tories of Welland propose to
plead their own rascality as a reason for
setting aside the election of a Reformer
who polled a large majority of votes.
They had the fixing of the lists to suit
themselves. If the government party lees
a bogus list instead of the proper legal list
at the Welland election they perpetrated a
gross fraud upon the electors, and they
now have the audacity to claim an ae.
vantage because of their own criminslit5.
the lista used at the Welland election
were not those finally revised by the county
judge then the responsibility for the wrong
rests with the government and not with
Mr. Lowell.
An interesting case, arising ost�! the
last Dominioc election in,Addington, was
tried at the County cork at Napanee on
Tuesday, June 14, 1e, before Judge Price
and a jury. Ther...es Tapping, reeve of the
Township of Brie, who was a 'very active
Tory politioian and supporter of John W.
Bell, the '6onservative candidate, in oppo
tio9,fo Mr George W Dawson, the present
eMber_fer Addiegten,iyaa _appointed -de -
pity; retureing officer for polling districts
No. 36 in the Township of Barrie, and as
such deputy returning officer refused and
neglected to take the vote of one Samuel
Cuddy, jgn., whose name was on the voters'
list for that polling division, although re-
quested several times by both Cuddy and
the Reform scrutineers to give him a ballot
paper. Tapping looked upon himself to de-
cide that Cuddy had no vote, and therefore
refusedhim a ballot, although the poll clerk,
who was perfectly satisfied that Cuddy had
a vote, had taken down hie name on the
11 book. Mr A. P. Wickivare, of Cloyne,
brought an action against Tapping for the
penalty under the statute for refusing to
give Cuddy a ballot, and the jury, after be-
ing out less than ten minutes, brought in a
verdict for plaintiff for $200 penalty and
_ —
Wheat is begining to head in Manitoba.
George Oeborne, aged 12, was drowned at
Brantford on Saturday evening while bath-
Guy Simpson, teller of the Bank of Com-
merce in Montreal, was drowned on Satur-
day night.
Emmons Blaine, son of State J. G.
Blaine, died rather suddenly in Chicago
on Saturday of blood poisoning:
Prince) Michael, was sentenced on Friday
at Ann Arbor to iftri3 years' imprisonment
-the full penalty of the law.
A farm hand named Alexander Scott
was killed on the London and Port Stanley
railway track near Glanworth the other
Rev. Adam Spencer, formerly minister
of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Bow-
manville, dropped dead at his residence
Saturday evening.
Wednesday afternoon Mr jahnston,
merchant at Lamlash, in jumping from a
sulky during a runaway, as caught in the
vehicle and dragged to death.
The Canadian Order of Foresters' High
Court meeting at Stratford was concluded
early Saturday morning. Next year's
gathering will be held in Stratford.
Rev. Father Brady's horse ran away at
Woodstock, threw Mies Honlon and Miss
McDonald out of the buggy and dragged
the latter nearly a block, injuring her
probably fatally.
At the meeting of the Committee on
Agriculture, Mr John Lowe, Deputy Min-
ister of Agriculture, while making his
statement as to the immigrationof the past
year, was handed a retern from Dominion-
Statistican Johnson showing that the total
foreign population in Canada by the census
of 1891 was 645,705.
G. F. Frankland, the cattle king, writing
from England, says: -We are losingheavily
with our Canadian bullooks this season, as
the United States are sending their cattle
by thpusands. I believe Canada will lose
£2 per head -I mean the shipment -on
their first 21,000 head. In all the time I
have been in the trade I never sold at such
low prices.
A remarkable find was made on the
Island at Toronto, Monday morning. It
was a boy of 18 or 20, tied hand and foot
and laid on some l,arda. A big piece of
brown paper was t* id over his face. Be
was scantily clad .n a new nightshirt, a
new pair of slippe 3 and a pair of ladies'
stockings. He wai4 resuscitated, "and in
answer to inquirie he told a wonderful
Story, which inolndej at least four murders:
He knew neither hP name nor anything
about hiesseff. Efe Jad evidently loit his
reason, and Whethe of net there 18 any
'truth in hie vona ry eannot no* be
M tbo (4eneral Sefilkaa of the room for
the county of Bruce, .11fm Garrett hayinlg
IMOD. found guilty of an indecent eosin*
WM atuttanoed o the:Kin/044m Penitentierlr
for three years.
ROWE-eIn Exeter, on the 17th Wt., tin) wife
of Robert X, Rowe, of aalaueliter.
LITTLE—WESTCOTT-4t the raildeneenee
of Mr W. H. FarauhaA brother-in-law of the
bride,.on thell2nd inst., b7Revol, Fergueen, Mr
J. B. Little to Miss Jennie Weeteott, Youngest
daughter of Mr OM Westo00, all of Hulk*.
M0RRIS-0A1TELON.—I5 Ashland,. Wis., at
the reeidenoe of Dr. Ward, brother-in-law. of the
groom, on the 8th of Juue. by theaev Mr Wright,
Luther Morrie. to Miss Lille Cantelon, (daughter
°Ulm Cantelon.lQueen SO. Clinton.)
BAYNE—McALLISTER.—At the residence of
the bride's parents, on June 15th, by Rev D. B.,
McRae, Ur Jae. A. Bayne, of St. Pan!, Minnesota,
to Mies Jane, eldest daughter of Mr John MeAllis-
ter, of Grey township.
TUOMPSON.-In Huron Township, on the Slat
Inst., Margaret Thompson, relict of the late John
Thompson, of 0 clench Township, aged 87 years.
RODGER.—In Morri4, oh June 6th, Hugh
Rodger, aged 81 years, 6 alontbs and 6 daye
GREY.—In Bluevale. on June 10th, Annie, R.
eldest daughter of Mr Wee env, aged 14 years, 7
mouths and 24 days. .
SOUTHCOMBE.—At Pilot Mound, Man., en the
17th Juue, Mr Will Southoombe, wend son of
Mrs Southoombe, Clinton, aged 36 years.
HOLMES.—In Toronto, on the 17th of June, Mr
J. 0. Holmes, barrister, second son of Mr nos
Holmes, of Wingham, aged 28 years.
f ew A•dtttriionntuto.
A stout lad about 16 years of age, accustomed
to farm work. Apply to JAS. WALEINSHAW,
Lot 13, con. 2nd, Mullett.
The undersigned offers for sale the house and
lot on the corner of Albert and Whitehead Sts.
The lot is / of an acre and some good fruit trees
on it, also a good well. The house contains five
rooms and summer kitchen. For further par-
ticulars apply on the premises. MISS GARVEY
The undersigned offers for sale his farm, being
lot 31, con 2, Mullett, comprising 50 acres, all
cleared. The farm Is about 11 miles from the
town of Clinton. Pientv of water, good bearing
orchard, bank barn, can iage house and other out-
buildings, also frame dwelliug house containing
7 rooms, kitchen and woodshed; bard and soft
water and every convenience. Terms made
known by application at residence, Rattenbury
8-., new organ factory ur by writing. JOHN
BBICKENDEN, Clinton P. 0,
A Great Convenience.
Orders sold payable in Canada, United
States and Europe.
We also pay all orders for American Ex-
press Co., U.S. Express Co., Pacific Express
Co., Wells, Fargo & Co., Northern Pacific
Express, or Denver & Rio Grand Exp. Co.
• All information as to cost and mode of
remittances can be had on applicstion to
J. CUNINGHAME, Express Agent,
Huron Street.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section
36 of Chapter 110, R.S.O., 1887, that all persons
having claims against the estate of Thomas
Welsh, late of the Township of Goderich, in the
County of Huron, yeoman, who died on or about
the '2nd day of June, 1892, are required to send
or deliver to Messrs Garrow & Proudfoot, Gode-
rich, Solicitors for Jane Welsh, Robert Thomas
_Erratt_and_George Green,-Executors-of-thesaid-
deceasedon or before the 31st day of August,
1892, their names, addresses and descriptions,
with full particulars of their claims, and the
nature of the securities (if any) held by them.
And the execturs will after the 31st day of Au-
gust, 1892, distribute the assets of the deceased
among the parties entitled thereto, having re-
gard only to claims of which notice shall have
been given as above required. And the execu-
tors will not be liable for the assets or any part
thereof to any person of whose claim notice shall
not have been received by them at the time of
such distribution.
Dated the 9,0th day of June, 1892.
Solicitors for Executors.
The executors of the late Thomas Welsh offer for
sale the following valuable property, forming part of
his estate, viz: Lot No. 38, in the 6th con., Goderich
township. The lot contains 96 acres, 83 acres clear-
ed, the balance timbered with beech and maple, The
soil is a clay loam and is well watered: The build-
ings are a briek.hause and xtirame barn with stone
stables underneath. There is also a good orchard,
The property is well situated, being 8 miles from
Clinton, 3 miles from Bayfield, and within 2} miles
of Porters' Hill P0,, and is a most desirable (arm.
Tertns reasonable. Title perfect. For further par-
ticulars apply to the Executors or their solicitors.
Solicitors for JANE WELSH. ROBT. T. ERRATT
and GEO. GREEN, Executors.
Bodo: Bay
Single Fare Tgoo ajltirnoienti gaceolotg
July 1. Return, good for commence-
ment up to midnight July 4.
GODERICH and Return 40c
Special train will leave Goderich 10.30 p.m
WINGHAM and Return 75c
Special train will leave Wingham at 7p.m.
For all information apply to
—F R 0 M—
All Stations in Ontario °N:FH=Es
NAL! 'pi CirICT.
Tickets will be sold
For Excursion leaving TORONTO 11 p.ni. on
JUIN VI 28, 1892,
Good to return until AUGUST 71h.
-0 N-
T_T 4.1( 1 & 19, '92
Good to return until AUGUST 288h,
To the following points at rates named:
Nesbitt, Oxbow,
Deloraine, Moosomin, $28.00
Regina, Moosejaw, $30.00
Yorkt )n
Prince Albert, Calgary!35
The Winnipeg Amicultural and Industrial Ex-
hibition will beheldfrom July 25th t6 30th, in-
clusive, and July 18th and 1988 have been fixed
upon for excursion to enable passengers to at-
tend the Exhibition.
An Auction Sale of Canadian Pacific Railway
Londe will be held at Edmonton on July 5th.
Passengess taking advittage of the exenrsion bf
3n1ie'28th. 'will reach Edmonton in time to At -
7000 Dollars worth of
Our goods gives us a well
assorted stock, but our
motto has been to keep
it New and Fresh.
As stooli-taking time approaches we
are anxious to lower our stook as
much as possible, and we know that
to do this is to offer epecial induce-
ments. Our stock of
Wall Paper
Must go; you know what that means.
Prices that will induce any intending
For Ladies, Men and Children.
The best stock we have will be
offered, some as low as half
price. The reason being we
want our assortment to be al-
ways new and fresh, so last
season's goods are not needed.
Are a necees ty on these warm
days. See our stock of nobby
ones, and cheaper lines if you
Books, Stationery and Fancy Goods,
And at the Same Time Earn One„Tua,
dred Dollairs in Gold.
The cunt letter containing the correct ILLISHCSB to the
following questions receive/1 at the office of Tan CIANA.
DIAN MIRIOULTURIST(SfiGh WOOS from now until the 31.st
of December, 1892) will receive $100 in gold; the second
will get 550; third, 525; fourth, handsome silver service:
to the next 50 correct =ewers we will send prizes ranging
from 55 down 80 82 leirEvery answer, whether a prize
winner or not, will receive a
DOB sp.Seis...kalm_IVIOTMLIFLTO_
-11E—AITSWBBK0.—(II-Hblir nadny nes the Bible
contain? (2.)Nuor many chapters? (I) How many verses/
(1)Ws commence toopen letters on Monday morning
of each week. It morn than one letter Is received by the
Beane mail with eorrect °newer/4 the first „opened will
conut, the second will take next place, and so on. (1)
Each leiter containing answers must be accompanied bp
to pay for six months subscription to Tea AHRIOUTe
renter—one of the very best Illustrated Home Journal'
in Canada. (3.) People living in the Vetted States have
precisely the eame privilegesjn connectioo with this com-
petitionaa those residing I:IC/made. They can easily gage
their letters each week so as to rewah us in the bezel -
fling of the week, when they will be almost sure LGI get
a good prize.
"Received 51,000 prize all right "—M. M. BRADIN,
Vancouver, B. C. "1 shall recommend my Mende
enter yourcompetitione,"—Loan K fLOOURBIE, A. Di
tothe Governor General, Ottawa, Canada. "Splen
prize received."—C. F. MoComaek, St, Stephen, N. B.
"Prize of 5235 recelved."—D. Hxameow,Syracuse, br. Y.
"Handsome prize received."—Miss Rams KENTS, Ox-
ford, Mich. Over 5003 recelpta (ram prize winners In
former competitions on tyle m our office. Letters cots
taining. money should in all eases be ref:entered. Ad -
ough. Canada.
Just Issued, No. 4, The
Containing 77 of the most Popular Songs of the
day, Sent by Mail to any address on receipt of
price, 50 cents
Always show respect, Joe Dresser
Annie 0' the Banks 0' Dee Glorer
Annie Rooney's Baby Jassett
Annie Rooney's Sister Andrews
An Elegant Irish Gentleman Mitchell
An leen Toast........... • • . ... ......... ....Spiers
Are we forgotten when we're gone ..... .......Bartou
b '
Barney, come home Chambers
Barney Maehree Hays
Beautiful Girl of Kildare Lavelle°
Branigan's Bank Wellman
Bye -Rye, Baby, Bye -Bye Scanlan
Castles in the Alr .,.0 Pratt
Come down MrsFlynn ' Kelley
Cottage by the Sea, (The) Thomas
Dese Bones shall riee again 8 Scott
Dreamy eyes are closed forever Rutledge
Farwell, Marguerite Boardman
G...indiather's Cloak Work
Hannah, boil dat Cabbage down Lucas
He ain't in it ' .Hastings
Homeless and alone to -night Thompson
How the gates canse afar Eastbura
I win be true to Thee
PH but you a dollar you don't Fe 'Meld
I'll meet her when the snn goes dow n Harris
I'll wait till the °Iowa roll hy Fulmer
I'm Ii hustler lust the same .... .. Wheeler
Pm waiting, my darling,/ for thee Evans
Is that Mr Reilly 7. Rooney
Love Letters Newcombe
Love lives forever Winter
Lovers once, but Strangois now Brown
Maggie DarrowSi /Welcome Winter
Mother comes to me in dreams Winehell
Mother, is the old home lonely Blake
My little side door •.Braham
Now that's what I i think, don't you, neer
. unan
Oh, my Molly is waiting for me . Braham
Old Blaek Joe Foster
Old man's drunk again, (The)
Old Wooden Rocker, (The) ..Harper
Only to see her face again Stewart
Over the hill to the Pom -house Brahara
Peggy 011oore Sranlan
Pease give me a penny •.Siebert
Put me in my little bed
See that my grave's kept green Williams
Shivering and shanmg out in the cold Lucas
Since Benny went over the sea Thompson
Since Maggie learned to Sing ...... .... . . Janssen
Still I love Thee Lockwood
Sw(et Violets Emmet
Ta-rix-ra Boom -de -ay
The Old Home ain't what It used to be White
The Old Home down on the Farm Whittaker
The Old log Cabin in the dell White
The one horse open sleigh ... ......... .... . .. Pierpont
The patterofthe'shingle Westendm f
There are Strangers on the Farm Shelly
There goes McManus .Janssen
There's one more river to cross Blackman
The Whlo.poor-will Hooker
The widow in the cottage by the sea .... Bishop
Thinking and Dieaming of Mother Ordway
Three Leaves of Shamrock McGuire
VIDA may steal the roses, darling Blake
'Pis but a little Faded Flower .Thomas
Vis for Money .. .Adani
Twinkle, Twinkle, little Star . MacEvovir
Waiting a letter from ovo r tho Sea. Huntley
Wait tiTi the clan& roll by Fulmer
We ought tb be thankful for that ....... —Gunnar
Whist ! the Bogie Man Brahma
Yott andA Lore . ....Scanlan
tehd the kale. ' ,
'For ftirthen parthinlitrii anoisto any Agenti„ • VIt0001441t 4:14)
bt thetompany. • "