Clinton New Era, 1892-06-24, Page 14•44.4,44.444.,•.*o.M448.4* SW
00enta paki I 400
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state0 Ter this at4914t.;
Ve 010A tat the,l'irtf Efla
givea Mere home new every
Ole *an klAY other /11 OkrAr
paper in 014 ProYincl
0)13011*JQ2dE Editor and Proprletoro
'• SAY 1!
' QTANTON, ONT., i, um%
Say you had twsenty-flve cents.
Say you wanted a new Necktie
Say you saw over 100 Styles.
Say they only cost a quarter.
Say it was at the Palace.
Say you ventured to buy one.
Say you liked it well.
Say you told your friends.
Tho• &till John Blip
Our Weelcly i3ucte
Trona all parts oithe County -by wide-awake
and lively 'Correspondents
' Kippen.
Robt hitellfordie, jr. has
returned home from Guelph Agricul-
tural College, to spend his summer
vacation. Camp meetings closed on
Monday last with a farewell service;
the meetings have all been well attend-
ed, the rain on Sunday apparently
stopped none from attending, and ex-
cellent addresses were delivered during
the day..
FOOTBALL. -A large crowd of specta-
tors witnessed a very interesting foot-
ball match here, on Saturday evening
last, between the Hermit and Kippen
aeaan. The visiting team had the ad-
vantage of the wind the first half time,
but although their forwards did some
smooth work, yet the Kippen defence
was always prepared to meet them.
During the second half time, the Kip -
pen forward did some strong playing,
and succeeded in scoring one goal, the
match thus resulting in a victory for
the home team. This is the second
contest these teams have had, the for-
mer one resulting in a tie.
G-oderich Township
Norss.-Freddie, the third son of
Mr John Middleton, who has, been ly-
ing in a very low condition, isamprov-
ing, but very slowly. One - day )rist
week a team belonging to Mr *James
Graham became unmanageable, and
ran away, making things exciting for
a time; no damage was done, except
the breaking of a couple of gates. Mr
A. Courtice is improving his house by
the addition of a new kitchen.
DEvrissf--,Mrs Margaret Thompson,
relict of the late John Thompson, of
Goderich Township, died on Tuesday,
in Huron Township, at the advanced
age of 87 years. She has for some time
been living with her daughter, Mrs
Pollock. She was one of the pioneer
eettlers of Goderich Township, and was
a particulary sociable and pleasant
• person. She resided in Clinton for
'some time with her son, Mr James
Thompson; she was the mother of Mr
John Thompson, andMrstlenry Beacon
of Goderich Township. Her remains
were interred at Bayfield, on Wednes-
WEDDING BELLS. -On Wednesday
last, Mr Alex. McKenzie, our popular
violinist,Swas united in the bonds of
wedlock to Miss Mary Proudfood.
The ceremony Was performed by the
Rev. A. McDonald, of Varna, at the
residence of the bride's father, Mr
Thos. Proudfoot, Brumfield. In the
evening a reception party was held at
residence of R. McKenzie. a very pleas-
ant time was spent, the chief amuse-
ment being the tripping of the light
fantastic toe, and among the many
enjoyable features particularly men-
tion might be made of the playing of
the bag -pipes by Mr. Frank McKenzie,
to the music of which a highland fling
was danced, recalling to the minds of
the older people present the -joyful
days of their youth, when they danced
to the same inspiring strain upon the
green hills of Auld Scotia.
Mcuiws POR-CEasED.-We-under-
stand that Mr Fred Tomlinson and Len
McConnell, of the London Road, have
purchased a threshing outfit, from Mr
F. Holnieeited,of Seaforth. Mr Tomlin-
son has been a long time in the busi-
ness and as they have secured a first
class outfit, we hope they will be able
to giye satisfaction to the farmers; we
have no doubt they will.
week, in stating that the Forester's Pickard H. Backs 1 svvitzer
CORBEOTION.-We were in error last
demonstration would be held on the Fora
9th of July. It will be held on the 1st. Mude L Elliotti nCeky
GARDEN PARTY. -A garden party Courtice
was given by the Maple Leaf lacrosee Crooks sRk out nis ens geelgrl
club, on .Mrs Kent's lawn, on Thursday Phippe
evening of last week. Refreshments Ayers
were served in abundance. The band When play was called the Clear Grits.
was present and gave some eplendid secured the ball, and made a fine run,
selections, and the evening being fine, but it was of short duration, for the
a very pleasant evening was spent.
001, a year In advanee, 1.6O 'when not so
liOhnesvme, BoYfteld
BEavsus - The football Tetialees-We are much oblifed to
mateh announced for Friday last, be- the a e ter p
tween the Clear Grits, of Goderich curd, for his complimentary reference
township, and the Beaver's; of-flolmes- to our budget 0110 • weeks ago. Our
ville, was played before a large crowd friend need. never be stuck for fresh
asf spectators, among whom was a large , news as long as the BRA is in print.
number of ladies. .About 6.30 the fol- 1 A 000X, RierstleaT-We believe there
lowing teams lined up before referee is to be a great number of picnics here
Ion the ist of Ally. People do not care
A. McLeod:
Position Clear Grits ' to be roasted and suffotated in the
W. Elfordl. Baca"kle Wigginton (wally choose Bayfield for the keeping
Scott of such holidays in a loyal manner.
Trick celebrations of dusty towns, and gen-
Huller j
Holland WELL PLEASED. -Mr Jas. Anderson,
of Londonv was in town last week,
making arrangements for a,ccoramoda-
tion at one of the hotels for the Kum-
mer., He is delig,hted with the beauti-
ful scenery and facilities for a good
time presented by the environments of
Bayfield. He says many in the Forest
City are awaiting his report.
A GOOD WORD. -A week or so ago
there appeared in the London Free
defence of the Beavers was lo ing for Press a long letter, from the pen of Mr
th rn and ,'et.tirnlrnl the ball to the hn sJuorm Eersrsoesno,rtrmanisdinrgpefuerriBnagyefineqlduiraseras
f t Re-
NOTES. -Mr Wm McCrae left for
Thessalon on Tuesday last, where he
will spend a couple of weeks settling
the affairs of a widowed sister. Mr
Charles McCrae has been confined to
his bed for a week or more with lum-
bago; we -he-will- -soon- recover.
Mr and Mrs Wray have returned from
Alma, where they spent a pleasant
time since Thursday last. Our surn-
mer butcher is again on his rounds.
NOTES. -Court Varna No. 294, C.O.F.
intend holding a strawberry festival
on Monday evening, the 4th of July, a
tip top time is expected. We are
sorry to hear of Mrs. Wm. McLymonts
illness, but hope soon to hear of her
recovery. We are pleased to see Mrs
James Duncan, a former resident of
this place, but who has been living at
Sault Ste. Marie; she is looking hale
and hearty. Messrs J. D. Morrow and
-John Foote were delegates of Varna
Council to the ,Dietrictnaeetin t
e _next_ meet,
ing 01 the District Council will be held
in Varna, in January, 1893. Mr. J. R.
Balfour, principal of the Verna School,
is attending the meeting of the Ang-
lican Synod in London, as lay delegate
from St John's church, Varela. Mr
J. E. Johnson, of Chatham, paid
friends in this vicinity, a flying visit
on Saturday last. Mr. Wiley, more
commonly known as Mr Morrow's
little fellow, has again assumed charge
of the peddling waggon; his smiling
countenance makes him a welcome
visitor to his numerous patrons.
UNION SERVICE. -The union eervice
was held in the Baptist church, on
Wednesday evening of last week. Rev
Mr Sellery addressed the meeting, re-
ferring to the importunate widow, and
her earnest pleading with the unjust
judge. From this scripture he showed
the necessity pi all being truly in ear-
nest in the Master's work., The meet-
ing was very interesting, the church
being crowded so that chairs had to be
brought and placed in the aisles. ..;
Porter's Hill.
NOTES.- On Monday afternoon a
large number of men assembled at
Robert Elliotts, 4 con. to assist in rais-
ing his new barn, the building went up
well and when completed wail -ye one of
the finest in this locality. The C. P. R.
boats have not =ZS their trial trip up
the Maitland, according to election
promises, but the NEW ERA with its
cargo of nbws will be sent from now
till -the first of January 1893 for 50ct.
A strawberry festival will be held on
the grounds of Mr John 6 go, eon. on
Tuesday evening, June 28th
Reces-Tuesday,June 28th; arrange-
ments have been made with the Grand
Trunk Railway to issue tickets to part-
ies of eight or mere flow all points on
their road at single fare and one third,
good to eturn within 30 days. A
special tram will leave Wingham de-
pot at 7 p. m. on the 28th, for Exeter
and intermediate points, connecting
at Clinton with evening train for
Goderich. Entries are already coming
in and the meeting promises to be a
grand success.
NOTES. -Mr W. Green wes in Toron-
to last week, on business. Quite a
number united with the Methodist
church last Sabbath morning, Mr
Oliver Gilchrist was in Woodstock on
Wednesday, on business. A large
number went to Port Huron Wednes-
day, on the excursion. There will be
garden party, on the grounds of Mr
Sperling, under the auspices of the
Ladies' Aid, this (Friday) evening; a
grand time is expected. Inspector
Robb paid Wingham school a visit this
week. Mr Mortimer Smith, who has
been employed in Mr Lloyd & Son's
door factory for some time, received a
very severe blow on Saturday last,from
a board that kicked back from the saw;
he will likely be unable to work for a
week or so.
Are the gentlemen of this place and vicini-
ty aware that the very latest in
Seaside Shirts with Ties
forwards, they, by a" iire piece of com-
bination, worked the,ball down on the
Clear Grits' goal, and scored the first
game in ten minutes. Play was re-
sumed with vigor, but after a long
struggle half time was called, without
either side scoring. In the second half
the eavers kept the ball well on their
opponents' goal, and it was seen that
the Beavers were more than a match
for them in checking running and
combination, which hitter the Clear
Grits lacked entirely, although they
played a good individual game. After
about twenty minutes play in this half
the Beavers again scored, thus winning
the game by a score of 2 to 0. Among
those who distinguished themselves for
the Clear Grits, might be mentioned
Russell and Clegg, of Belgrave, and
Scott, of Brucefiercl. For the Beavers
not one is to be praised above another,
for, without an exception, every man
played a,good game, endplayed to win,
and had the ground been other than a
hayfield, they might have succeeded in
addingto the score. Mr T. Calbick
was umpire for the Beaver, while Mr
McRoberts acted in that capacity for
the Clear Grits.
NOTES. -Mr Fred Elford, of Guelph,
returned home for his vacation, on
Thursday of last week. Mr W. L.
Parish,who was for some time connect-
ed with Sherbrooke street church,
Montreal, occupied the pulpit of the
Methodist, church on Sunday last. Miss
Flossie Pickard returned from Kippen
last week, after spending some time
among friends there. Holmesville was
well represented at the picnic in Izzard's
grove, last Friday. Miss Elsie and Mr
W. Pickard spent last Sunday at the
camp meeting near Kippen, Rev Mr
Ayers returned from Kippen, on Mon-
day evening. Mr M. Mugford and miss
Hamilton, both of Benmiller, were the
guests of Mr W. Ramsay, on Sunday
last; Miss lllay, of Colborne, is at pre-
sent visiting at the same place. Mr
John Marquis took in the trip to the
MosierFirrinr (ficelplirdesMairday:ij
reports himself as; pleased with the ar-
rangement of tlehigs there. Several of
the young people weep entertained at
a social gathering at the residence of
Mr G. Tebbutt, on Tuesday evening,
and all report having spent a pleasant
time. Mrs Leech, of Goderich, was
visiting her mother, Mrs John Holmes,
for a short time this week. Mr W.
Mulholland, who was recovej ing fa-
vorably from the effects of a, kick, rt
ceived another, which did not help the
first. Mrs J.Walker, of Goderich, and
Miss F. Carter, of Buffalo, who have
been visiting in Goderich, were the
guests of Mrs H. Elford,on Wednesday;
Rev ,A.,Birkssef D_urhana,- is also-visit--
ingsrittife -same place.
From our regulayobirapoudent
East W awanosh.
NOTES. -Messrs McCallum and An-
derson,ofBelgrave,wereSvisiting at Mr
McGowan's one evening last week.
Mr Irtvin, of Wingham, paid a flying
visit to a certain house in this section
last Saturday evening. Miss Watson,
teacher in S. S. No. 10, was hello visit-
ing her nsother Saturday evening.
Mr Geo McGowan has re -shingled his
barn, the amount of rain that has
fallen this season is showing the de-
fective roofs, and the result is euite a
number of buildings in this section are
being re -shingled. Messrs Bell and
Fenwich have each purchased one of
the celebrated Wortman & Ward
horse forks from their agents Mr Rich-
mond & Son, of Blyth, and they are
being put up in their barns this week
by D. -Stalker and A. McGowan. Mrs
Gregor McGowan is in Carslile this
week, visiting her daughter, Mrs Ship-
ley. The young peoele of this section
are talking up a picnic at Point Farm
on the ist July. About twenty of the
young folks of U. S. S. No. 3 drove out
to the river on Saturday last, and
spent a pleasant clite fishing, rafting,
playing games &c. The picnic in Mr
Bennett's bush, on Friday, was a suc-
cest, great numbers being present; the
weather was favorable. Mr J.Grahrim,
of Port Elgin, is the guest of his aunt,
Mrs McIlveen, this week. Jarvis E.
Henry, of Blyth, is engaged as teach-
er in 13. S. No. 1, Mr Henry's duties
will commence in August, as the
present teacher, Miss Watson, leaves
to attend the Normal.
To match is what we are selling just
now in great abundance. They are
Fast Colors made out of tbe fluent
Ceylon Flannel; do not shrink. They
wear to any one's satisfaction. See
them,. gentlemen.
HATS T00. -We feel satisfied from the
ode we are having of
Straw and Pelt HATS
That not only are °net tyleri Coereot,
but our prices are right, and then too
ovetTone knoc$8 we bave not an ola
bat of any deectiiption in the store.
Esetything boug,ht spit -Ming fret&
and riete,
SUDDEN DEATB.-The people of this
place were astonished on Saturday to
hear of the death of Mr John G.
Holmes, barrister, of Toronto, second
sc'n M.R.,Thomas ,Holines, of this
pace,. and Neere silL the_ more -grieved, -
on learning that his death was due to
an accidental overdose of morphine
taken to induce sleep; when it was
discovered what he had done every
effort was made to save his Mk, but
without any avail. Mr Holmes was
born at Blyth, in 1864. He was edu-
cated at Clinton High School and To-
ronto University, and graduated four
years egoe:this • month, with the gold
medal in modern languages. He was
a hard worker, whether at study or at
his profession. mi Hohnes had politi-
cal ambition, and, though a little over
25 years of age, when the last Provin-
cial campaign was in progress he went
into the fight and got nomination
for South Huron as an EquarRi
candidate. He was beaten by r A.
Bishop, the old Liberal member, but
had the satisfaction of pulling (low n
that gentleman's majority somewhat.
The name of the deceased was pro-
minently mentioned, too, in connect
tion with the vacancy that was recent-
ly made in the Ontario Legislature by
the death of Mr EL E. Clarke, and
there is no doubt that had he lived but
a few years he would have acquired
political honors and probab ly political
to huesself for more full particulars.
-Tlae letter is well written, and will no
doubt be of much value to the town.
Mr Esson has still a desire to see his
old home more widely known than
CORRECTION. -A typographical error
occurred last week in the item in which
we mentioned that J. W. Cook intend-
ed taking the photos of people coming
"ill to" the lake. It has shocked the
modesty of some of our readers. We
have Mr Cook's word for it, though,
that he does not intend to molest visit-
ors going "into" the lake. We beg Mr
Cook's pardon, for making such a li-
bellous statement.
gest demonstration that Bayfield has
seen for many a year, will take place
on the celebration of the battle of the
Boyne. The manifest zeal of the 'Or-
angemen and Young Britons here, to-
gether with the far-reaching popularity
of a day at Bayfield, gives .promise
that this 12th will be enthusiastic in
the extreme. Numbers no doubt will
come with lunch basket. to lounge
about the park, or row along the. wind-
ing course of the river. About fifteen
lodges are expected, whilst every effort
is being made to procure a good band,
committees have been formed to look
after decorations, arches, amusements,
etc. So that if the visitors Are not
well treated it will not be the fault of
the lodges here. We shall attempt to
keep the Fess posted as to new attrac-
tions. Watch for them.
NOTES. -Two very large picnics, one
from Hullett and the other from
Winthrop, occupied the park on Sat-
urday last; they enjoyed the rowing
and sailing very much. Messrs Shaw
and friend; from Seaforth, and James
Eagleson, of Clinton, were in town on
bicycles Sunday. Mr Thos Jowett is
having his houses on Clan Gregor
square refitted. R. Bailey, Commer-
cial hotel, is having_re lawn made As!
eastseflits-Volise, aiira neat fen -8e
in front of it. We understand that
Mr Rainey- Armstrong has made the
purchase of the two houses on Louise
St., formerly owned by the late Gil-
bert Thomson. Rev Mr Ryan, of Flor-
ence, made a business trip here last
weekseA young couple from London
passed through here on Wednesday
last on safeties; they are the advance
guard of the host of Londoners who
are corning here this summer, and were
sent to investigate the reports con-
cerning our famous resort( Master
Earnest Davis, of Clinton, spent Thurs-
day last in town. There was a disap-
muting crowd at the Salvation Army
Welsh Ministrel Staff Captain Griffith
Mr G. H. Heuson and wife were in
London for a couple of days this week.
Mr Powell and wife, of Blyth, who
have been visiting at Jas Switzer's,
Goderich township, were calling on
friends in town one day last week.
Rev A. Thibadeau preaches his fare-
well sermon next Sabbath morning in
the Methodist church. Mr Wm Whid-
don was a delegate last week to the
High Court, C. 0. E. held at Stratford.
Mr George Erwin is improving the
appearance of bis property with a
fancy wire fence. 11Ir Sam Moore
and family, who have been living in
Petrolia, have returned to town to
take up their abode here again. Mr
•Clarke, the new stage -driver, has
moved into town. The Commercial
hotel gets its first visitors on July let.
Division Court was held Friday before
Judge Doyle. a small list of minor cas-
es was shoved through in a short
time; during the court His Honor re-
ferred to the filthy state of the hall
and hoped it would be better attended
to in future. A man from Sarnia came
along the shore last week, searching
up timber supposed to have drifted in.
MARRIAGE. -The residence of Mr W.
H. Farquhar, of 8th con. was the scene,
on Wednesiay of this week, of one of
those pleasing events when his sister-
in-law Miss Jennie Westcott became
the wife of Mr J. B. Little, of the 13th
Con. of this township. The bride was
beautifully arrayed in a maroon triche-
tine silk and was assisted bylMiss Mag
gie Thompson, who wore a shot silk.
The groom was supported by his broth-
er Mr H. Little and the nuptial knot
was tied by the Rev Jas. Ferguson, of
Londesboro. There were a large num-
ber of guests who after witnessing the
ceremony sat down and partook of a
sumptuous repast so generously pro-
vided. This being over,. the whole
party took a drive to Chilton which
• was much enjoyed. The numerous
preeents -of Which the bride was the re-
NOTUS.-Several of our to • cipient testify to the fact that she is
Patrons of Industry took advan of held in high esteere by all her acquain-
the eeettesian ' to the provintial Expee- tances. Taken altogether it was a very
inserital farm, at Guelph, or Monday pleasant affair and we join with all in
lest. A number littheRoYalTeria_plaStof svishieglar and Mrs' Little trafe,haPPY,
Winthrop enjoyed a pienic to prosperolie and lengthy Vtlyage on the
Sattirday Wet; the day being flue, stores tossed sea of life.
NOTES. -Mr Malcolm McEwen and
wife have been spending it few days
this week among friends and acquaint-
ances in Turnberry and Brussels. Mrs
Charles Diehl, of Portage la Prairie,
Man., is spending some time with her
father -in -lave, Jacob Diehl. Miss
Minnie McDonald, a niece of Mrs W.
Moffatt, who lives near Lucknow, is
at present residing with her aunt.
FOR MANIToliA.-Mr Donald Camp-
bell, of Grand Bend, has gone to Win-
nipeg for the summer. He has two
sons in business in Winnipeg, and a
Married daughter in Portage In Prairie.
Blyth °
Norne.-it was decided at meet'
ing of the L.O.L. to postpone the 40101
bration, of the 12th here nelCt
Year;the Myth lodge .go. to 101000 .
dine and in probability . the bana '
will accompany them. Mr and XrP,
W. ,Tanner are visiting friends
Watford at present. An .excellent
discourse was attentively listened to 0
by mernben of the t),C0.1e4 who match-
ed in a body to Trinity aura JAW
Sunday, Rev T. E. Higley offielatetli
takine his text from 1 Om. liklA
Divisum Court was held on 407.10aY,
in industry Hall, judge Doyle presid-
ed, only one case came up for _hear,l0g.,!!,
D. B. McKinnon, P. Kelly, and a rag*
ber of Other citizens were in the crr•
cular town on jSionday attendiu
court. Mrs liodgehs and. farailn who
have resided here for a nurabOr
years, left on Wednesday to join Mr
Hodgens and other menabers of the
family in Cleveland, where they in-
tend taking up their abode fet the
future. Miss, Edith Young retatele
from 'Whitby Colle_ge on TReeday ev`-ce
ening for the holidays. master ff.'`
Young attended the closing exercisese,
of Whitby college and returned 0.0‘,
Tuesday evening. Miss Annie, Kell
who has been in rather delicate healtit
for some time, left on Wednesday for.
an extended -visit in Port Lambton,
and other places; we trust the change
may prove . beneficial. A number, Q
our citizens took in the excursioate
Port Huron, on Wednesday. l'eft,,
Christie, of Stratford, is a guest at the,
Methodist parsonage. We are pleased,
to learn Mrs Jas Anderson is improv-
ing rapidly., Banker 0. E. Tanner
took a day off this Week, hope to s
him round soon again. Mrs G.E.,T
ner entertained her friends pleas=
at a progressive euchre party lases
Thursday evening. Miss L. JamieSen,
is holidaying in Lynden, Niagara Valia%
and other places at present. The neves
band enlivened the town on Fridar,
evening with afew excellent selections'
showing great progress. Mrs Tanner,.
sr, left on Tuesday to visit her da,ug
ter in Danville, Ill. Robt Caliendo'
arrived from Buffalo list week, and i
spending a few days with friends her
The Misses Moffat and Master Jim,
tended the wedding of their.
Miss Blue, in Ailiberly, ' wee
Rev T. E. Higley lett on MondaY,to
attend a meeting of Synod in London
this week.
NOTES. -Mrs. J. Pope and sister, of
Hensallswere visiting friends in Zur-
ich on Thursday of last week. , Mr.
Fred Hess and John Prang, sr.,- who
were attending a sale near Tavistoce,
brought home two Jerssy cows, they
are really beauties, and a credit to the
owners; no doubt the town will be well
well supplied with milk now, there
being about half a dozen Jersies in the
place. Our towns people are all busy
doing their staute labor, end our
sidewalks are greatly improved, which
was needed in the worst way. Mr and
Mrs Richard Champion, of Detroit, are
at present visiting friends and Ivies
tives in the village. Mr. Emerson, of
Clinton, was in town quite often lately
selling bicycles, and a club is to he
organized in the near future. Mrs
Dan McCormic, of Detroit, is at .pres-
ent visiting at het parents, Mr Nicho-
las Foster, of this place. Mrs. Sal.
Hardy, who was visiting in Michigan,
for the last few weeks, returned home
this week. Mr. and Mrs Jacob Brown,
of this place, left for Michigan on
Monday, we believe Mr Brown is look-
ing for land. The menabers of the
Luthern church of this Village intend
holding a picnic on July 1st, et Taylor's
grove; an enjoyable time is expected.
Tut Rom:rel.-The pathmastets of
the second of Stanley ere making an
excellent road with statute labor and
the liberality of the colleen. The se-
cond am boast of a good toad made
chiefly b$ their OVM exertions.
ildeatiee pay for
balance of this yolir.
the GLUM* XILIVE02%, for the
FAREwELL.-A social party was held
at the residence of Mr H. B. Evans,
previous to the departure of his son
George for Port Hope, where he is
about to engage in the drug business.
Many of those present were the leading
musicians of the community, who fa-
vored the host with several choice
pieces of music, which were heartily
enjoyed. This was followed by a
bountiful suppiy. of provisions. The
company then named in singing "God
be with you till we meet again, which
was followed :by devotional exercises.
A most enjoyable time was spent. Mr
G. Evans left on Tuesday last for his,
NOTES. -Mr W. Cantelon has been
laid up for several days, and now,
though somewhat better, is still not
out of danger; he has reached the ad-
vanced age of nearly 85. Mr Alfred
Thomas, son of Rev R. Thomas, Metho-
dist minister, is visiting in Holmesville;
his home is at present in Omaha, Ne-
braska. A number -of our citizens took
advantage of the excursion, on Wed-
nesday last, to visit Port Huron; among
them may be mentioned Hugh Sturdy,
J. McLeod, J. Holmes, S. Ferris. Mrs
Love and dan.ghter, Settforth, spent
Sabbath last in the village.
Ben rniller
NorUe. - Miss Edith Stewast, of
Goderich, Spent Sunday with her cous-
in, Mrs Charles Walter. The mem-
bers Of Hem:tiller Lodge, No. 208, Sons
of Tertiperrinte, intend having e picnic
at the village cni Friday evening. The
Ladies, Aid of Bethel Methodiet char&
are making a great inaproVernent in
the appearance of the chureh, giv-
ing it and the fence a goba painting;
the ladies believe in leave* everything
twat. .,the reception of their new
tort, they are to be congratulated,
at their undertaking. A number of
out. yoinig pea& drove 'to the tainp
meeting Klppett On Sunday last.
Londesboro. •
Nores.-Mr A. Woodman retail/AP
from attending the High Court of ,pa.
o. F. last Friday. A numberof friends'. •
of Mr R. Sanderson assembled at his
home last Wednesday evening to,Neits:
nese; the marriage of his daughter
Agness to Mr Gr. Cockerline. lVish
you much joy George. There will be a
strawberry festival and entertainment
in the Presbyterian church on the even-
ing of the Dominion Day. Come one...
Mr Geo. Millin is to preach inethe
Methodist, Church here next Sunday. .t
morning, and it is to be hoped.thae
one will interrupt him. People who go';'
to church ought to know better thafX:'s
act in such a manner as was done a fete,s
weeks ago,when Mr Millin was acldreesS
ing the congregation here •
UrENERAL MOVING. -Mr G. Newton,'
is • moving up to Wingham, and Mr
John O'Brien is going to occupy his ,
store and house. • Mr .Tames Woodman:.
will then move into the house vacated
by Mr O'Brien. Dr. J. J: Walker will
then move in to the shop lately oc,cupled
by Mr O'Brien. Ni' G. Cockerline jr.
also_moving-ott-the farm -to-the-village
George will run the farm after this:
CHURell MATTERS. -The financial;
report of the Methodist church, laerce,',0
for the last year ending. May 4114,,,,,
just issued, shows that Lendesboro,
contributed $451.22 towards Ministee-
ial support; Kinburn, $2,50; and Ela6nre,,
zer, $60. The metobershipS of the;
churches in the circuit is W3, 'aia
crease of 9; Sunday School echolareS
310, an increase of 40; Missieri
• money raised $181.51. increase 22.5
moneys raised for all proposes, $l568.-
60, increase $146.22. This is a •
gratifying report, and shows that e
Tabors of Rev J. Ferguson have been; S,
suceessful in all directions, and he
moves to his new field with the good's'
wishes, good will and yet sincere re-
gret- of Ins many friends in this circuits':
He is a faithful ambassador for Christ,- ,•
and that Antilles that he is a good
round man both in the church and out
of it.
NOTES. -Mr Wm Carr was Eqlending
a few days with his son at Kirkton
this week. We would like to see our
Librarian in his place a little more
frequent after this. Mr Adam Hoover,
sr, and Vina, ieft for Manitoba on
Tuesday la,st. A number from here
took in the Guelph excursion on Mon-
day last. Mr Andrew Auld is at pres-
ent sick with an abccess gathering on
his lueg. Mr Richardson had the rnis-
fortune to have a valuable horse drop
dead the other day in harness.
ana the lake quite smooth, a very
pleasant time was Spent on the water,
itt :reef and sailboats. Mr O. T. Tiatit.
hullhaa returned from Gimp*, where
he disposed of it load of horses to Ono'
'tiderable.adrantage; Ifaximittliased,
a. sedond leak and-WilltliipthOhtti titiA
same market.
-0000 Caterstaa2Mi &Wailer bus sold ,
his rattle . to Aft 'Greif, ef Waterloo.
Ton head, thatliefol himself, averaged
17(10;.thle :114 anexceptionally heavy
average. Re. field§ altogether, '66 he
that averaged 1440 lbs. . .
NOTES. -A juvenile Templar Lodge
was otgainzed last Monday evening in
connectioa with Sunshine Methodist..
church; recitations and addresses were s ,
the order of the evening; we wish 15
succeSA The annual picnic in connec-
tion with Sunshine Methodist Sunday
School will be held next Friday hi'
Geo Parker's bush, if the Weather is
fine the children will have 0, merry -
time with swings and other amuse-
ments. , All kinds of crepe are eXceed-,
ingly promising. •for which we ,hope
the farmer is thankful.
- DOMINION DAY. -The 25th '
sary of Confederation will be cclebrat-
itt Goderich by a mest atteadtiaile
program, embracing childrer&gaMeiss
athletic sports, a western didt46t la-
crosse match, bycicle races anty, eat
tra fine display of fireworks surpat
anything ever showen here: The graf
War canoe "Menesetungo" the larges
in Canada, *ibis a crew of 26 Neill gito ,
an exhibition in, the harbor pia= to
the firewerks, and large fled Of rent
and sail boats Will be available for
those who desire a, 'spin" on Lake',
Huron dozing the day and evening.
The prizes are liberal for all the
and only the worst kind of bad weath-
er eark prevent it mosa. delightful day,
for/. air who attend. The auta. That.
Band hall been eni3hged for tho dayi-
and every rare Di beingtalten 130 maks
the arrangeinents continleanTher
morninft train will leave Stratford at
835 anotaBpeekl WM IOW to the -ev-
ening after the firetatirke display.