HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-06-17, Page 7Or
136 LeidIston Ave? '
Pew YeriK C tr, sert. 9, MEL
I have used the Flax -Seer!. Emulsion in several
eases of Chronic Bronchi Rad the earlistages of
isNind have been4I leased.wlk result+,
,a ,, J CRVY Ka
Eel Re Ill.* DO'', /4411443
(eenad don) with 'beneficial 'results, where path:nil
Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 2001. 1888.
Lout litrollerreeolanneed Flo Seed Emulsioa
Itch:du/to the rettef *Ad possibly the ctwe of all Lung.
Brouthial and Nervous Affections, itnd a f(00.4 gnt
eraitpute ia physi6sa debility.
fil ye,l't Y, Da. 10th, 1888.
I regard Flax Seed minsion as greatly superior to
the Cod Liver Oil Einsulstons so generally in use.
13 A, GORTON, M D.
s 197 West 84th St.
• .
Nely York;Atkr9i bag:
II have used your Flax -Seed Emulsioo Compound
In a nevem case of Mal -nutrition and the result was
more, thaw hoped Jor—it was marvelous, and con-
tiondloo4 meotuniend it cheerfully to the profession
inotrhuininityat large M. H. GiLpERT M.D.
Sold by Druggists,PrIse $t.00.
FLAX-sEgq ovipi.sloN co
Iiibtiirty S., Neje YOrli,"
For sale by J. Hi COMM, Clinton.
The new Standard Sewing Machine
One of the most attractive displays for the ladies
54te Toronto Dishibitiou,was tho new STANDARD
Stitches per minute. This machine runs 50
per cent lighter than other machines. Delicate
dies can new with the STANDARD without gett-
ing tired, as it only requiree a power of 7 Ounces
to ruu it. The fastest sewing, lightest and quiet-
est ru tt tit rig Sewing Machine made. It will pay
you to examine tue STANDARD before buying.
Every b nOldS 100 yards, and every machine
fully wary tilted. The reliable WHITE and fast
runnit: STANDARD Machines for sale cheap at
Rattenbnry Street, Clinton
5Iachines cleaned and repaired
Instant Relief, Permanent
Cure, Failure Impossible.
Many so-called diseases are
simply symptoms of Catarrh,
such as headache, losiug sense
of smell, foul breath, hawking
sad spitting, general feeling
of debility, etc. If you are
troubled with any of these or
kindred symptoine, you have
Catarrh, and should lose no
time procuring a bottle of
NABAL BALM. BO warned in.
time, neglected cold in head'
resulte in Catarrh, followed
by, consumption -and- deatkr:7
Sold;J* all druggists, or sent,
rUet VIM, on receipt of pride'
sents and $I) by addressing
LFORD & CO. Brockyll le , Ont.
"61 1, not may the 'Buy RAIN 112212104
but earlhelslly adapted to the 41
Mace—such as moat.? as are."
Michigan State Normal SehooL
Nies Prances Willard.—"The bright-
est outlook window in Christendoni for busy
pooplo who want to Boo what ts goIng on ha the world."
Providence Telegram.-"A.great boon
to the busy, the lazy and the economical."
The Congreo•ationallat.-This monthly
has no peer in originality of design, scope and
accuracy of vision, thoroughness In execution
and ability to transform Its readers into citizens of tho world."
Chicago Interior.—"The Review 7/Re-
views, of New York, has come to the rescue of
busy people. We know of one high railroad
offetal who for a month has worked until 11
o'clock at night, and yet has kept well informed
of current world events. He reads this Magazine.
It gives him a running commentary on important
events, besides a digest of the best articles In
conteinporary magazines."
Pride 25c. $2,50 a Year.
neutron Cents THE REVIEW OF.REITTI We,
for Sample Copy. 12 letor Plate, New York
1 CURE FITS!,m.—
When I nay I tore t to not mean
merely to stop em
for a time Ifild then have them totem again, I mean a
radical cure. I ho'm made the disease of FITS, EPILEP.
SV or FALLING SICKNESS a Ilfe.long study. 1. ',want
my remedy to outo the worst moot Bcoaaee others, haya
failed is no reason for net now receiving a cure. _Send at
(goo, for a treathie and Free BotUe of my =QUM..
VRZSIANE# -0AStr:44'
uato arq natives 9f,Ati.ifk
Leper are proof against Qleetrieity:,
MirB 1,401aMent Med by Phy'xicisne
ysieutnanbw recOlnInendpineapple
i.}ice for diphtheria,
tallta*, tree China yields a sub-
Eltanee OSSA for Mndles,
gave yen used 'Magnus Expeotorant ?
it will cure all colds in the head and throat.
05 gents per D941e:
There are at present only 1,022
Americans in China, according to a
recent Consular report.
This globe has had 60,Q27,842, 237,075,-
2513hiiman inhabitants since the begin-
ning Of time.
Foam' at last, a reraedy for piles, invest
50 cents for a bottle of 'Slagle Pile Lotion,
and be convinced.
The first consignment of camel skins
ever shipped to America arrived last
Oxford county, Me., turns out nearly
all of the spools on which the thread
of this country is wound,.
A German (scientist has shown that
the lands in Germanydevoted to grains
used in beer production would suppor t
50,000,006 people.
"My father, at about the age of fifty, lost
all his hair from the top of his head. After
one month's trial of Ayer's Hair Vigor,
thehair began coming, and, in three mouths
he had a fine growth of hair of natural
oolor."— P. J. Cullen, Saratoga Springs,
N. Y.
For fifteen minutes fish rained on
the farms north of Janesville, Wis„
recently. The whole county was full
of them.
A calf with a single eye, no ear and
five legs is the joy of Wayne eounty,
Iowa. It is now over a month old, and
bids fair'to grow into full cowhood.
A Knoxville man has captured a
curiosity in the form of a mocking
bird, or, in reality, two birds grown
together in body, but separate in head
and song
A citizen of Newcastle, Pa., has six
trained toads. The reptiles have been
taught to march or hop in squads and
to catch roaches. One has been trained
to climb a ladder, while another turns
the crank of a small churn.
Nervous headache, female weaknesses,
pale and sallow complexions, suppressions,
etc., speedily yield to Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. They enrieh the blood, restore
shattered nerves, produce rosy cheeks and
the growth ot health. Sold by all dealers,
or will be sent post paid on receipt of price
—50c. a box, or six boxes for 32.50—by ad-
dressing Dr. Williams Bled. Co., Brock-
ville, Ont., or Morristown, N. Y.
Jacob Fegley, living along the Perkio-
!nen creek., near Quarkertown, Md.,
gathered enough feathers to make four
good sized feather beds, after a flock of
about 500 wild geese had spent the
night in a swamp on his place on their
way north.
Is needed of the merit of Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla than the hundreds of letters continu-
ally coming in telling of marvellous cures
it has effected after all other remedies had
failed? Truly, Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses
peculiar curative power unknown to other
Dr.- Newman Hall, the eminent Lon-
don clergyman, expects to retire from
his pastorate in July. He is now 76
years of age.
Isaac Holden, M. P., has just returned
from a trip to Africa at the age of 85.
He attributes his remarkable physical
vigor chiefly to careful pedestrianism.
Mrs Hannah S Shute of Horse Heads
N. Y., in spite of her 90 years of age,
was one of the most earnest delegates
to the recent Women's Rights conven-
tion at Seneca Falls.
We can furnish you.with-the most con-
vincing Proof of the great merits of Salvator
Magnus as a conanmptiori mire, Salvator
,Magnus Medic* po., Brockville, Ont.
Dr Enoch Fithian of Bridgeton, N. J.,
who completed his 100th year, May 7,
remembers all thePresidents of theUn-
ited States and is the oldest living
graduate of the medical department of
the University of Pennsylvania, ancl;'
thinks he is the oldest Freemason in
this country, if not in the world.
THE $1,500.00
A satisfaction grand, supreme,
Extends throughout the land •
The people speak of one great theme—
One which they understand.
No other scheme commands such praise,
- No other deemed so wise;
None Cane so much commotion raise
, As well.tried Diamond Dyes.
The news has spread on wind's swift wings,
'Tis carried far and wide;
From distant -hills the echo rings,
'Tie floating with the tide.
Each town and village has a joy
Ne'er seen in former days;
And woman young and old employ
Their skill in various ways.
There is a wholesome rivalry—
A competition great,
A work that all, both great and small,
Can do e'er 'tie too late.
No maiden fair, or mother, wife,
Need linger, dread or fear.
As all can enter in the strife,
With courage and good cheer.
This competition is as free
As life's pure air around;
No charge is made, no entrance fee—
All stand on equal ground.
From North to South, from East to West,
Hundreds of women fair
Will for a season do their best,
That they may honors shale.
There still is ample room and space
With promise of success,
In this Grand Competition race,
Which must each honsehold bless.
President Harrison waS renominated
at the Republican Convention in Min-
neapolis on Friday, oh the first ballot.
Magic Pilo LotiOn, this latest and best
remedy in the market for the cure of any
and all kinds of piles no matter of how long
COildrein C for
-Pitcher's Mut Ala.
sosiositiaa-s,s '
‘)?U'Or4itr,OviOttO, *OW;
phii Armour* the fatuous pork Pack-
er of Oiti%go, WAS one a miner near
Dal; ths; etninent scien-
tist* kgarfOlis CAttreOr 1$13 as 4tfl WO,
sistant on the staff of the British Ordn-
ance Survey at twenty shillings a
r week.
Jacob Geotild Sehurman, Cornell's
new president, is yet a few years under
40, lint a noted scholars Twenty odd
years ago he was clerk in a grocerY
store on Prince Edward Island.
It is conjectured that a speoifio may. yet
be found for every ill that flesh is hen. to.
However this may be, oertainly the beet
specific yet found for diseases of the blood
is Ayer's Sareaparills, and most diseases of
the blood otiginate from impure blood.
President Clark of the Union Pacific
Railroad began life as a brakeman on a
gravel train. He is particularly pop-
ular with all the labor organizations,
and no trouble has ever arisen froth,
these sources since he became manager.
Is attracted by any_new feature in news-
paper advertising, but it must be striking-
ly nOvel if the advertisement is read a se-
cond time.
The display advertisements of retail met. -
clients are artfully worded and appeal
strongly to the economical housekeeper.
Flat irons at seven cents and a Monday
bargain sale it ribbons open the pooket
books of the modern tars Toodlea.
The real estate agent ,. with town iota for
sale in an earthly Paradise, ten miles from
the Court House, furnishes free transpor-
tation, a brass band and a free lunche on '
for prospective home seekers.
The railyvay cempanies do their share of
contributing to the • support of newspaper
proprietors. Their time tables, showing
arrival and departures of trains, are paid
for in cash or in tickets which will enable
the editor and his best girl to ride on the
One railway -company will advertise that
it is a "short line to Omaha." A compet-
ing line then positively states that it is "a
shorter line to Omaha than any other,"
and now the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul Railway insists that it is "the short-
est line to Omaha," and proves it.
The Chicago, Milwaukee & Bt. Paul
Railway Co. also says that it is the "best
line to St. Paul and Minneapolis," with
'electric lighted trains',: and reading lamps
in each berth so that one can read all night
long if he has a book and don't want to
sleep. It brags about the {Meet dining cars
in the world," with the best of meals served
on imported china by the most expert and
civil of colored waiters, at seventy-five cents,
while the lines east of Chicago charge a
whole dollar.
And—once more—theChicago,Milwaukee
& St. Paid Railway opens up a new through
car line from Chicago to Denver, via Omaha
and Lincoln, and it isn't long before the
whole world saysto itself that "shortest
line to( Omaha," that "best line to St.
Paul and Minneapolis," and that "new
route to Denver," must be the only first-
class railroad in the western part of the
United States, and what the whole world
says must be true.
All Coupon Tickets Agents in the United
States and Canada sell tickets via the Chic-
ago, Milwaukee & Si. RattLII y.
For information concerning the line,
time tables, etc., address A. J. Taylor,
Canadian Passenger Agt., 4 Palmer House
Block, Toronto, Ont.
An Ashboro, N. C., man hass_among
his deeds a land grant to a main-ber of
his.faraiittsfrornsGeorgestIls ss sss, ss-
Minard's Liniment is the Beet
The oldest spoon in the world be-
longs to George A. Warren of Indian-
apolis. It is 220 years old, and was
brought from England.
A set of false teeth made of ivory by
a New York dentist, for:George Wash-
ington, and used by him, is on exhibi-
tion at the Patent Office inWashington.
There are two yew trees in the de-
partment of the Eure in France which
are supposed to be 1,500 years old.
They measure about thirty and twenty-
five feet in circumference respectively,
Head and shoulders above any other rem-
edy in _the market, Salvator -Ma-guns-is
making a noise in the world as a remedy
for all troubles of the lungs and bronchial
While excavating for a house at
Pottsville, Pa., Hillary Skean found a
penny seven feet below the surface of
the earth. The coin bears the date
1787. On one side is written "Ameri-
can penny" and on the other "one
The World's fair at Chicago will be
the first exhibition that has ever done
justice to the minerals of Ontario.
Canada has been allotted 10,000 feet
altogether for minerals, of which On-
tario should have at least 4,000 feet,
while 5,000 feet will be used if it can be
obtained. These tninerals come froth
all sections of the Province. From
the immediate country north-east of
Toronto comes lead, copper, iron, gold,
marble, graphite, mica, asbestos, and
phosphate of lime. Then from western
On tario comes gypsum, petroleum,
marl, salt, terra cotta clay, and various
kinds of building stone. Around Sud-
bury and on the north shore of Lake
Huron are found rich deposits of nickel,
copper and iron, while further west
again are silver, marble and lead; in
fact these are found all over the north-
ern portion of the Province. A fact
not generally knowr, even in the Pro-
vince itself, but which this exhibit will
fully show the world, is that in various
parts of Ontario, such as Renfre*,
Cornwall, Frontenac and some of the
northern districts, the finest marbles
and granites, grey, black, white and
brown, to be obtained anywhere in the
world are found. Hon. A. S. Hardy,
Commissioner of Crown Lands, is de-
termined to have the mineral resources
of this Province properly advertised to
the world, and looks at the coming fair
as Ontario's opportunity. By his di-
rection every effort is being made to
assist the Ontario Cominissioner for
the fair to secure a collection. vyorthy
of the Province, and which it is hatur-
ally well able to produce.
• Rev. John E. Emmens was on Frida
elected president of the Methodist Con
ference for Manitoba and the North
Minard's Linimen Intaborman's friend
Turkish WOnien eat rowleavcs With
butter, to secure pinumness,
1*M thy Airs. Glatistonn the
§,he hasfl an orphanage p.t
I-lawarden with thirty -SIM or fortY
boys 0. or Q yearsokrin it, and she
gives the lads her personal attention.
Yellow is die prevailing craze now in
dresses. The particular shade worn
depends upon tlie skin., The dull, riph
oranges shonid be selected by brunet-
tes, while'the blonde of 'red headed
Wolnen Shonhi niathh her hair as
nearly as possible if she want's' to be a
delight to the artistic eye.
The custom of using more than one
Christian name 'Fos introduced into
Eqg!and with the ecaning of Henrietta
Maria, the bride of Charles 1. after
whom a large number of British in
feats were soon loyally christened.
The rolling resonance of the double
name so tickled the ear of the public
that soon other combinations of the
same kind came into fashion.
You naay tell a woman's character
by her hair. Fine hair indicates one
of gentle and amiable traits. Brown
hair shows common senae. The
straighter and less yielding the hair
the firmer and more positive is the
woman's nature. Treachery and
jealousy hide beneath lusterless or dead
black hair nine cases out of, ten. The
lighter colored the hair the more
"touchy" is the owner.
The home of Mrs. Buffalo Bill is
Scout's Rest, a long, low building four
miles from North ,Platte, on the Union
Pacific road. It is a roomy, hotel like
old house, surrounded by 3,000 acres of
prairie land and magnificzent stables
and pasturage, where are kept many
thousand line blooded hosses and
cattle. Mrs. Cody is described as an
amiable, housekeeping woman, greatly
liked by her Western neighbors, of
whozn in turn and of their customs
and habits she is fond.
Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at
Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted
either in person or by. letter on all chronic
diseases peculiar to man. Men, young,old,
or middle-aged, who find themselves nerv-
ous, weak and exhausted, who are broken
down from excess or overwork, resulting in
many of the following symptom;: Mental
depression, premature old age, loss of vital-
ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness
ot sight,palpitation of the heart, emissions,
lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, head-
ache, pimples on the face or body, itching
or peculiar sensation about the scrotum,
wasting of the organs, &kw:nese, specks be-
fore the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye-
lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in
the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of
the scalp and spine, weak and flabby mus-
cles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by
Bleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss
of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of
temper, sunken eyes surrounded with lead -
encircle, oily looking skin, etc., are all sym-
ptoms of nervous debility that lead tolinsan-
ity and death unless eared. The spring or
vital force having lost its tension every
function wanes in consequence. Those who
through abuse committed in ignorance may
be permanently cured. Send your address
for book on all diseasee peculiar to man.
Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the
symptons of which are faint spells, purple
lirs, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot
flushes, rush of blood to the head, du I pain
in the heart with heath strong, rapid and
• irregular, the second heart quicker than the
first, pain about the breast bone, eto., can
-positively-be cared, -No care, no pay. _Send
for book. Address M. V.-
Queen Victoria is said to be one of
the shrewdest political observers in
Europe, and the fact that she has
intimated that she will shorten her stay
at Balmoral and return to Windsor on
the 22nd is taken as evidence that she
believes a change of Ministry is im-
minent. If Mr Gladstone is successful
she desires to spare him the longjourney
to Balmoral. After Parliament is dis-
solved he will proceed to Edinburgh
and begin what will likely be his last
campaign. If expectations arefulfilled,
he will be Prime Minister of England
in about six weeks from now,_and he
WilbTh fifgt British statesman who
has held the office four times.
People Wonder
WHEN they And how rapidly health
Y V is restored by taking Ayer's Sari-
iaparilla. The reason is that this
preparation contains only the purest
ind most powerful alteratives and
tonics. To thousands yearly it proves a
veritable elixir of life
Mrs. Joe. Lake, Brockway Centre,
Mob., writes: "Liver complaint and
Indigestion made my /ife a burden
and came near ending my existence.
For more than four yearsl suffered un-
told agony.' I was redueed almost to
a skeleton, and hardly` had strength to
drag myself .about. All kinds of food
distressed me, and only the most deli-
cate could be digested at all. Within
the time mentioned several physicians
treated ane vrithoiit 'eying relief. Noth-
' ing that I took Setpled to do any per-
manent good until t began the use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which has pro-
duced wonderful results. Soon after
'commencing to take the Sarsaparilla I
could see an,
in my condition, my appetite began to
return and with it came the ability to
digest all the food taken, my strength
improved each day, and after a few
months of faithful attention to your
directions, I found myself a well
woman, able to attend to all household
duties. The medicine bias given me a
new lease of life, and I cannot thank
you too much."
"We, the ,undersigned, citizens of
Brockway Centre, Mich., hereby certify
that the above stafement, made by
Mrs. Lake, is true in every particular
and entitled to full credence."— 0. P.
Chamberlain, G. W. Waring, C. A.
Wells, Druggist.
"My brother, in England, was, for a
long time, unable to attend to his occu-
pation, by reason of sores on his foot
I sent him Ayer's Almanac and the tes-
timonials it contained induced him to
try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. After using it
a little while, he was cured, and is now
a well man, working in a sugar mill
at Brisbane, Queensland, Australia." —
A. Attewell, Sharbot Lake, Ontario.
Ayer's Sarsapariila,
DP. J. C. Ayer & Co., L well, Mass.
PAN $1; shrbottles,to. Wor 0 A bottle.
•lli 1.171113/11.10/42//ith, 01/%11601.04,
1)4r0 propoSS'to' adept two i n:1414 WO h &I 'of inereasing the circulation of the Csitrliadlinft
Musics Feller and extend n8- our Music kick: Every peraon Wile has a piano, organ, bland illattameat4 '
0, toujoari imitnonoo of one kind pr is interested in Music in any way wilt. profit by helpiag noWiliti
want to reacli the consitmera direct and suppq all the stets:4*rd and latest en utile= at trade ottes.itar
proof of which W�quote the t011Owing copJrnght Music among the coti tents of our next numberiAl
lira retail way woold cost $3.40 : Tstortia-rsisbo.ort (Poll m)s,,,A.L.E.,.11, acted Chanattillf111(W
Pg447146.47i,Cir)r iftigrr T:';ir::). 15748ka'litiZr s .frig% ris ro"seWnd(V.V.s,,,h021:t soc'
desire, and thatielectedt by a iitagority will.be pliblished in our next iasue. Do not lose sight of,
that inadditioif to reeelviog $as,00 worth Of music in oar Folio per year, you pan pliant 9111
or more on all orders you placo with us. We do not advertise to sive everything', but:.
eiliprythinig smi adiVsurthas, and would ask you not to ctssoc.mte our Wiliness oralriff_,
these that might appear at 'first taght to be of a similar nature. Road this ostreifoR SdliRlit, °lief. „
it, and in ad on to yder own Judgetnent we invite the pecton o
f Toronto's threr
e e
papers to corroborate oar statement regarding the merit of it.
, A Yell/Oka offer to bnd.. The town or 'village sending in the largest aumber °Cants,
scribers over thirty for one year'0 subscription at $4.00 each. to their band will be giver: 4. am
fault of uniform or band instruments to the value of $o°, and to the stnallestmumber: a Stia
ten sent in, a complete set of caps. Each subscription received from individuals from torleaq,
villages is also credited to their band list, thereby placing* your band in a position to win the prize: '''
, The above cut represents a fence on which a sign of three words has been paintbd, which Isitfr
been pulled down and in being rebuilt the boards were misplaced. Cut out the letters, paste titian tua alt
piece of paper so that the three words thereon will read in their proper sense, and enclose withaesta
thirty cents in silver (or io three -cunt stamps) by let ter to us for one month's trial subscriptiOn't&the
Folio. The proprietors of the Cletriattiletts Musks Folio will give an elegant Upright Plano
manufacturygd by Tho alondolssohn Plans pompons!, Toronto, on of the moot ,
reliable makers in Canada, (catalogued prwe of which is $sp.o0 with manufact,ttrerS., VW-
antee for five years.) to the loth person sending in the correct answer to above puzzle. "..T6 this:
sending in a correct answer will be given a Solid Gold' Watch (99S -o0); to the soth, aotaPC
a pair of Genuine Diamond Earrings ($3o.00 each); to the 6oth. iyoth, Setb. and;
chow° of fine Guitar,
Banjo or Wolin ($15.00 each; to the tooth, a beautiful fAlsallikli
($sthook to each succeeding asth to the close will be given a valuable bound,alliturid of' Ugii
music for any voice or instrument selected by the winner, and to each of the tastfifty,will beigbosis 1101)
F0110 free for one year. This is your opportunity to get good music cheap byma
quickly and inducing all your friends to do likewise. To al those who are bandanna or interea itte
band business we call particular attention to this their greatest chance of not only. eq
themselves thoroughly with either instruments or uniforms, butt of placing thenuielves in
with the publishers direct, thereby securing 411 music they desire at tradeaatee. po net fora*
under any circumstances you will receive eight time* ths ratans of.I yowl! raiMittallet ,
any one number. Each letter , will be 'limbered in order received, Wort, babe opened. antl'ilkklia/-
In Canada, hkindly consented to open e letters mid announce the name of
Tho. Fanoof Toronto, the bsst.knovins and largest bloyolohe,th
We cordially invite all subscribers to our oflide when in the city. All answers must WI miallext'lki (Ia.
Is July loth. Address i CANADIAN ititUOID 'OLIO. SO Bay it., Toronto, Ont..
'i ' . • '7 '77e
Yon:can add to the list of household necessities and call on us
aLd we will complete that list with
Tea, Sugar, Currants, Raisins, Baking Powder, Extracts, all kinds of
Spices, tic. Canned Salmon, Peas, Corn; Tomatoes, Beans and
Pumpkin. Starches, ab grades
We can give you any kind of a Set, of DISHES or TOILET SET. GLASS-
WARE as cheaplas any other house in town.
As competition is thelife of trade, we have decided
ON THE DOLLAR for Cash purchases for another
30 days. ,Ive"Eggs taken as cash.
South of the Town Hall, Albert
Street, Clinton.
Our whole Stock at Half Price
Having decided to close out our whole stock of Hats and
_ --Caps,-we offer them -at
Men's $1.00 Hats for 50c
Men's $1.50 Hats for 75e
Men's $2.00 Hats for $100
Men's $3.00 Hats for $1.50
1000 Hats at half price. Best Bargains to earliest callers
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