HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-06-17, Page 6oe 17, 1$11/4 a ,e4 ROM flteMecli ..tUal Liver derenge. maiga-alltarspepaia, Biliottetleeei 101L- 110004CIteialad constipatioa..find a Safe VA certain Xeliet in A414'4,1'1014 Ili all cases ..where tltartie le neetle01 these Pills Merecoru- mOntled by leading adaysicians. , • • . "Dr, T. E,Varatings, Of, lialtiraore,-,says: "Ayer's Pills are the best cathartic and aperient within the. reach of nay profes. Sion," Dr. J:ohn W. Brown, of Ocestia,'W. Va., writes: "E have prescribed A.yer's Rills 43 llaY'Pructiee, and find them ex- cellent, 4 urge their general use in ' fattleillea." , ' a a tiurn3aer of yearja wa0sAfRicted tWithhilionsatetniaklaieValinoitdiatitroyed 'BY ,health. 1 tried various remedies, thing„affortled me any_relief until gen' ta, itika;Ayerls 'Tille."-G. O. anderlieh 8er:triton •Pa. 14; have need Ayerial,Pills r the past Y.:,'; YORVeizleilireatle,istatisfle ,I.35liorild ,lit aliVe',fd-dir if -it ha 'iiot been lox them. They'cured we of dyspepsia :wheuttll otherregiedies.failed, en0 their 1,ierAisionalaisehmleptc Me in '14,,laisalthj oontlithan ever since." -T. P. Brown, i Mee rqe. • pa v Ante,:tlitaiv,subjetat', fee &A4013, to ictenfi ipatimf, Without being able to find roach ;relief, I at last tried Ayer's. Pills, and deem it'hotia'4 datfand .a pleasure •to testifftlfat Iliiire derived great ben. ellt from their use. For over two yeard past I bap) taken; one eV these, Pills every nighla hetet elet1ring1 wouldnot willingly be without them." - G. W. Bowman, 2fiEr:es Main at., Carlisle, Pa. "Ayer's Pills have been used in i• n family upwards of twenty years, and • have completely --rifled aa that is claimed fct .hem. .i.- 'tick:: :If piled, ficon whia. I suffered ma...,- years, they sieforded ts a greater relief than any med- Wire I ea•rir tried." -Thomas F. Adams, ' :Willy Springs, Texas. . er's Pills, PRII:PASZD BY •Iff. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine WITH THE RED (AOSS. * SYrIBOI- OF MERCY AND CHARITY TO WHICH MONARCHS BOW. Story of Niers Clara Bartow, LIfe Work - She Ras Braved Danger and •Death o• the Battle Field and In the Midst of Pestilence -Her Boners. Chita Barton was an educated Massachu. setts girl of, Puritan stock, residing at 'Wanhington when the war broke out. With paternal and maternal ancestry gravitating om the battle of Bunker Hill on the East g to the fearless defiance of mad Anthony I pieeatatt Haat, olieti ,1,,terAtaa ttaq first Wo. frallt lb the world 1.00 bAlt 'eVer re.celi'ed eneh a ,ttihate that fioal the Oficial re. Presentativeti of all the gevernntente 'Europe and hem foreign 01;141r:ea, iv4 exos thie N west importeuee.° PRESBYTERIANISM, The General Assembly of the Pres- byterian Church in Canada convened in Montreal last week, with upwards of three hundred delegates present. This church has increased in wealth and numbers at a remarkable rate since 1852. In that year there were four or five branches of the Presbyterian Church in the country, all struggling for existence. The Synod of Canada, in connection with the Church of Scot- land, had six presbyteries, 67 ministers and three missionaries. The Synod of New Brunswick had two presbyteries, seven ministers and two missionaries. The Presbyterian Church of Canada, in connection with the Pree Church of Scotland, had eight presbyteries and 87 ministers. The Presbyterian Church Of Nova Scotia had four , presbyteries and 26 ministers. The Synod of the United Presbyterian Church had sev- en presbyteries and 44 ministets. Id June, 75, the union of the four Presby- terian Churchee izt the Dominion was consummated at the great gathering in Montreal. These were tbe Canada Presbyterian Church, Church of Scot- land in Canada, Church of the Lower Provinces, and the Church of Scotland in, the Lower Provinces. The united bodies assume the name of, the Pres- byterian Church in Canada, and had at that thne a total of 000 mini8ters,J,009 congregations, 3,056 elders, 89,260 com- municants, 7,471 Sunday school teach- ers, 78,394 Sabbath school scholars. Since 1875 the United Church was greatly increased. The General As- sembly, now in session, represents 53 presbyteries, 2,436 congregations and mission stations, 1,000 ministers, 7,078 elders, 1 I !,152 coir mun icants, 133,115 Sabbath school scholars, 15,040 Sab- bath school teachers, 90,851 families, 488,807 sittings in churches. The total amount of money expended upon church work at home and abroad in 1890 was $2,062,293. MISS CLARA BARTON. „ Wayne on the West, it is only natural that • a rumor of war should arouse her, or that P' she should be found at the station when the - -old SixthMassachusetts Regitneut_ entered_ Washington after the attack in Baltimore, April 19, 1861. Her proclivities from childhood 'had. been in the line of hirMairity and care for others, often to the rigid exclusion of her own personality. With a natural shrinking approaching timidity, where only her own interests were concerned, but a moral courage which de- fied criticism when the rights or welfare of others were at stake, her course in the terrible conflict of the Civil War was in somemanner determined by- her own eheteristice. Her ready service to the Is tiseops which entered the capital made hop,heorn to the people at large, and she at once became the accepted medium by which supplies could reach the soldiers. The spring and summer of 1863 saw her in the thick of the figh t carrying out her plans for relief, and she eimtinned this work until the clorse of the writ*. In the Franco-Prus- sian War, thirty nations, the leaders of the world, had pledged themselves by treaty to principles of neutrality in the treatment of all disabled men in war, and that their help should eittelad alike to all; that all hospitals, :wounded and sick, all sUpplies for their nse, all surgeons, chaplains, and attendants upon the wounded should be held neutral and not captured. Miss Barton taw no confusion in the administration of relief, no • preference hown to nationalities, all pris- oners kindly treated and well nourished, and the sign of the Red Cross everywhere respected, with perfect accord between it and the military officers. Under this beni- fleent rule she moved on from field to field With the siege of Strasburg, the wounded of Sedan, the starring at Mete, the siege of Paris, and the fall of the Commune. She was called to co-operate with the royal family of Germany in the organization of the hospitals, and reteived the highestdeco- Aittions from royal hands. nce then she has twice been a repre- tistative of the international conference, and this extraordinary incident is re- lated by a Swiss woman present on one oc- casion: "But the crowning recognition of her philanthropic labors at home and abroad was given when one of the Italian delegates, springing upon a platform, proposed"tertias aitseinbly a vote by acclamation that 'Mlle. Barton hien merite io l'humanite.' Eves, Miss 'Barter! Warrinavred from 'her Usual ioropeihre hY, the tin -Indere of ripplitutiCt. - do tot know Whether you in Atheriat 'are familiar 'With ').he Petard' .signifiesalee Of phrase•it. is an eiptission of the HIGHEST AWARD. . At the Universal C•aokery and Food Ex- hibition held in London and opened by the Lord Mayor, May 3rd, 1892, Messrs. W. G. Dunn & Co., of Croydon, London, and Ham- ilton, Canada, obtained the highest award for Baking Powder, iffAndttat Drager, a well -td -do farmer of Logan township, received injuries at a barn raising near Mitchell, on Fri- day, and will likely result in his death. When Baby was elek, we wive Iler,Clistorill• When she was a Dbild, she cried for Castoria. She becamellits, eke eleae to Cesterist. she had children,ahe gave them Castoria. At a political union meeting' in Windsor, on Friday, Elgin Myer, Or- angeville; D. McGillicuddy, Goderich, and James Gipson spoke, the latter be- ing opposed to the movement. A se- t.1..11ot was taken and resulted as tOffew=Ftif palitica1-nnittaa,-204 ; dependence, 8; Imperial Federation, 5; rernain as we are, 42. C. C. RICHARDS & CO. GENTS. -1 have used your MINARD'S LINIMENT in my family for same years and believe it the beet medicine in the mai -I as it does all it it recommended to do Cannaan Forks, N. B., D. RIERSTEAD. John Mader, Mahone Bay, informs ns that he was cured of a very severe attack of rheumatism by useing MINARD'S LINMENT. We are glad to notice that the Cana- dian women will have an opportunity ef-Whowing specimens of their handl- woek at the great World's Fair. Com- petent judges will be appointed to make the selection of the articles, and it will be necessary for the ladies to show their choicest productions at the provincial or local fairs in order to have them selected. The ladies of Huron are noted for the excellence of their fancy work, and we hope they will see to it that some of their best work finds its way to Chicago. OH, WHAT A COUGH Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask your- selves if you can afford for the sake of sav- ing 50o., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will care your cough. It never 6 -Dec -4-91 WP'Werverelerrelgry'aearta uTITT, W. A: A BANK PRESIDENT'S VIEW. Sir Donald Smith, who presidel at the annual meeting of the Bank of Montreal, spoke in favor of direct tax- ation. He is a good authority and his views should have weight. There is one big advantage of direct taxation over indirect taxation. When a man has to pay his municipal taxes he knows hqw much he pays, and he can judge whether or not he is getting value for his money. Under the indirect tax system the taxation is concealed, and a man can be imposed upon by crafty politicians and combine agents He knows he is taxed, but it is hidden away from view because collected in- directly on everything he buys. There would be few protectionist farmers, artisans, laborers or independent mer- chants and manufacturers if the full import of the system of indirect tax- ation practiced in Canada could be laid bare. ...mt.., -.ArrtroArrox PAINL vow 4t14,?. o4ait noell Per hex. Par tiA voni Atli; ' Ii*J131? IMMEMATN. aiieilleal professed - le Wits, ()thy mail • by . Arias tettis Hu,nttent Is the sister of Mr, W. S. Huntley of Cortland, N. Y., a well known car- penter and builder. Her frank state- ment below gives only the absolute truth conterrung her iless and mar- velous reccivery by the aid of Hood's Sarsaparilla. She says: "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Dear Sir: Twelve years ago I began to have hemorrhages and four years ago becaine so lovy that the phyalcian3 told me There Was No Hope and I should soon die. I could not be moved from my bed. under nay,face were napkins continually reddened with bleed from my mouth. 1- could eat sothhig and had, no action of the bowels for A week. The doctors said the cause was ulcers.in the Stomaeh. At this time my mother paid she aVanted to Make one more trial, and asked if I Would take 1109(.1'S Sarsaparilla. I tOld her it would be - A Waiie of Money but finding it would comfort her, I began tak- ing it. In a few days the bleating began to subside, I seemed to feel a littlestronger, but thought it only fancy. I was so weak I could only take ten drops of Sarsaparilla at filat. In two weeks I Was able to sit up a few min- utes every day. In a month I could walk across the room. One day I asked what, they were to have for dinner, and said I wanted something hearty. My Mother was so happy she cried. It Was the First Time I had Felt Hun- gry for Two Years I kept on with Hood's 8arsaParillmand ta months was as well as ever in- My life.?''/t now four years sincei reeovered, find I have not had a day's sickness since, nor any.hemor- rhage. If ever a human being thanked the good Lord on bended knees it was I. I know that Hood's-Barsaparilla,..andthat alone, unquestionably Saved my Life." Messrs. Sager & Jennings, the well known druggists of Cortland, say that Miss Huntley is a highly respected lady; her statement of what Hood's Sarsaparilla This GREAT COUGH CURE, thip success, ful CONSUMPTION CUR.E,, is without, a par, allel in the history of medieme. All dnzgglzis are authotired to Pell it on a positive guarantee, a test thst no other cure cin successfully stand. If yoa havq a Cough, Sore 'Ducat, or IIDNIYA.06t use it, for It will cure you. If yoq DP the Croup, or Whooping Congb; We it promptly, and relief, is sure, If you dread that insidieus disease CONSUMPTION, doOet fail Wyse it, it will cure you or cost nothing. Ask your 'Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE,-PrIce jo cts., coots. and $t.00. It your Lungs are sore or I Rack lame, use Shiloh's PorousPlaster. • 25 cts, Das done for hex is worthy the highest con& , Hided* Pills cura Liver Ins. kt• AcIministratOr's SALE ---0E--- Valuable Real Estate IN THE TOWN OF CLINTON I • , Plso'e Remedy far calarrb.i9 the I EaaV. Ch R R1-1 Sold by druggists or seat by 50e. E. 4saeltine, Wavren„, Tfe MISCELLANEOUS. Shingles for Sale I carry on band a stook of first-class Cedar Shingles; two qualities], which I will sell at every low rate. Orders largo or small tided on the shortest notice. Please mve me a call. .W. RILEY, Londesboro, 3m Shingles and 'Lath for Sale. Subscriber has purchased a large quantity of No. 1. shingles. These ehInglee will be made to order out of the very beet quality of north shore cedar. All who want a first-class suingle will find it to their advantage to ask for prices before buying elsewhere. Orders large or small deliver- ed at any station along the line. W H. WHITLEY, Londesboro. Witb the approbation of Jc..hn Hoskins, Esq., Of- ficial Guardian of Infants, there will be sold by public auction, by DAVID DICRENSON, Auction- eer, at the CENTRAL HOTEL, in the Town of Clinton, on SATORDAY,the 25th DAY of JUNE 1892, at 2 o'clock p.m. the following property, viz Building lots or Sub -Sections No. 3, 4 and 17, in Crombie's survey, of Town Lots numbers 252 and 253, in the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron. There are erected upon said lots 3 and4, two substantial Brick Stores, two stories bigh, having each a frontage on Albert Street of 22 feet, and a depth of 60 feet, and a flat -roofed extention to ;ear of 30.feet. The mein buildings are roofed with 'thifiglealiddlir mortar, olaesed,as Al loran - saran ce. The foundations are stone, with good cellars. The stores are fitted with shelving and counters suitable for ordinary mercantile buei- nese. Said lot 17 is situate in the rear of said lot 4, separated therefrom by a lane running at the rear of said building :eta fronting on Albert St., and has erected thereon a large frame storehouse The property is situate opposite tbe Prince of Wales and Central Hotels. the farmers hotels of the town, on tbe main business street, and are in every way convenient and commodious business places. TERMS: -The property will be offered (lst) en bloc, (2nd) lots 4 and 17 together, (Ird) in separate lots. The properties will be sold subject to res- erved bids fixed by tbe official guardian. Ten per cent of the purchase money aown on day of sale and the balance in thirty days thereafter, without interest, or if the purchaser desire one- half of the purchase money may remain on mort- gage, at 6 per cent interest for a term of years. - The purchaser will be regal, ed to sign an agree- ment for the completion of the purchase. The other conditiona shall be the standing conditions of the High Court -of Justice. Further terms and particulars made known on application to C. R. COMMANDER, Esq., London Otto the undersigned. D. DICKINSON, Auctioneer. MANNING & SCOTT Solicitors for the Trusts Corporation et Ontario, Administrator. Bull for Sale. It For Sale a thoro-ored Durham Ball, twelve months old. of first-class pedigree. Dark red color, with a little white. Will be sold at reason. able price. JOHN CUMING, Loudesboro, P.0 Shorthorn Bulls For Sale. For sale two yearling Thorogbbred Shorthorn Bulls, sired by the Cruickshank bull Perfection. They are extra good animals and will be eold on reasonable terms. App/y onlot 26. eon. 10 Morris or Blyth, P. 0, NEIL aloDONALD. pd 41 There will be offered at the same time and plaoe, and subject to similar terms and condi- tions, building lot 16, in Crombie's survey afore- said, in the said Town of Clinton, at the rear of said lot 3, the property of Charles R. Commander Esq., London, Ont. D. DICKENSON. MANNING & SCOTT. Auctioneer Vendor's Solicitors CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. COOPER'S OLD STAND, Next to Commercial hotel. This establithment is in full operation andial orders filled in the most satisfactory way, Ceme- tery mid 'granite work a specialty. Pricestas reasonable as those of any establiehment SEALE, HOOVER & SEALE, Clinton. lm ' Notice. All persons hadiniaccountin gaihet the estate of the late John arquhar.' are requested to render the same t.the wide -reigned not late than tbe 81st day of May. and rillaie 'Mons indebted to the deceased are hereby notified that the same tenet be paid before the date mentioned. JAMES VeNEGMOND. flu)lett, May 20th 1892. pd seia a', taiogue. and r ee 'List. 'Wean taken in exchange. Sthend hand'Organs for Sale or to Rent. Two Organs manufactured by tbe Oakes Organ Co., as good as new, will be sold at a bargain. One Piano Case with four seta of reeds. One Orion, three sets. Call and see them G. F. EMERSON. CLINTON oa 1 THE PEOPLE'S COAL COI% (OF PERN'A. MIHE OWNEROJ CANADIAN OFFICE, IIIMILTON, ONT. , cam In Car)os sold direct to consumers. No inter ediate profits, Write I' r Prices. SOMA 'ties:UE(0i iten to SO. tieti to: McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE We have anticipated a big season's trade, and have prepared for it accordingly. If you want a, dandy ROAD CART, a light and serviceable DEMOCRAI, it well-built, easy -running LUMBER wAepoN, a beautiful and etyliph OPEN or COVERED BUGGY, or even a DOUBLE CARRIAGE, we can birpPly your wants, and guarantee to give you satisfaction. Our goods are their own re- commendation. Call and see us, ana We are sure you Will.be pleased. For impure, Weak and Impoverished :c1,-D_yspepeisti_ghaeplessiaeSs, Flaps- ation of the Heart, Liver -GoiSpra-ixit; Niiiiralgia, LOBE of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid- ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. McLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton HAYWARD'S 'CARRIAGE F. ACTORY, • OPPOSITE, FA.1R'S 3414, „OLINT,N. OTISE CLEXNIINTG. THE RIGA' T , . The new model, of the Rockford Watch, when placed in a screWbezel Case, will fill a los felt want among farmers, as it not dos proof only, but very 'strong. The plate which tbe wheels work between, not being separated by pillars as in the ordinary WATCH But bythe bottom plate being turned out of a olid piece of metal, with the edger left of the top plate to rest on; it oleo being pendantor lever eet with sank balance to prevent breaking, snak- ing in all a good rong watch For a Farmer JOS. BIDDLECOMBE J. C. SIM SO' -THE LEADING- UNDERTAItER 7 -AND - EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPi STOCK The bestEmbalming Fluidused Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST. ,CLINTON Residence over store. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL 7 Now is the time for house-cleaning, and we have the goods to do it. New shades of ...kLABAsTINE and KALSOMINE. Elephant AixedPaints, all shades. Johnson's Decorations, No 1 pure White Lead. Paint, Kalsomine and Scrub Brushes. Win- doW Shades at reduced prices. Cintain Poles complete, 20c Bird Cages and Lawn Mowers at Rock -Bottom prices. ScoorPaltailarOcssFICI!, 14ARLAND BROS. STOVES AND RARDWAAE, A..7-4131EIELT Cia.,I.STrrOTV I , coke - •• Goods • JUST RECEIVED New Valencia Raisins off stalk, New Sultan Raisins -extra value, New Black Basket Raisins, New Currants, New Greaoble Walnuts New S. S. Almonds, New Filberts, New Candied Peels-Citroo, Lemon and Orange, New Extracts -Essences of all kinds. DO YOU WANT A First-class Step or LongiLadder ? A Handy Wheelbarrow? A Slakendid Churn, or anything of like nattre? Then call °MVP'. SMITHSON, at ehbp, No.7 Frederick St., or E. Dinsley W11 be at Dinsley's c.orner every Saturday afferToOD TEAS fs WILS NERAL DEALER. I 11171t0B Muria, 0 'eratintL i. TINWARE oft y *time is Witte, te Splendid values in choice Green, Black or Japans. Try our Special Blend of pure India and.Ceylon Teas put up in one pound packagee. Best value in aackage Teas in the market -Try it. , A CALL SOLICITED. N. ROBSON. - HIN.A HALL Glasgo-wHouse, Brucefield ___ESTABVSH,Ep , WM. SeCy±tp,:<7,'" au '0,1,00 Wholesale and retail dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and $HREs, IIARD,WARE, CROCKERY and PROVISIONS. Highest Cash price paid for all kinds of Grain, Dressed Hogs, Hides, Wool and Cord wood. Issuers of Iltartiage Licenses. Agents for G. N. W. Telegraph Co., with tele graph connection to all parte of this 'world. We beg to thank our numerous cnstorners for their long saad liberal patronage for the past 30 years, and hope by strict attention to business, and rock bottom' pricet, to stil lontinue in line with our old, and many new customers. WM. SCOTT & CO., - BRUCEFIELD mmosaMia, AINIMMINIMMINgpfi MAVIS' Ellnporhial We this:week announce to the purchasing public that we have received a fine supply o CLOTHING in MENS' SUITS- and BOYS SUITS. SHOES -Gentlemen's Shoes, Ladies' Shoes, Youths' Shoes, Misses Shoes, an Children's Shoes, in various styles and prices. HATS -A large stoPk of Hats and Caps -Felts, Straws, &c. Our DRESS GOODS and PRINTS Are going off rapidly as they are nice and cheap. MILLINERY -We never had such a fine display of Millinery. This will be pleasing. to the ladies especially. We have on orthr some beautiful Wool Carpets to arrive -shortly.% Dont:miss them Our TWEEDS are excellent value and selling so well our tailor has to get a hustle on. Yon wauld do well to compare prices. SHIRTINGS and COTTONADES moving lively -prices low, quality good SEEDS -Field and Garden Seeds in stock. We cannot mention everything as the:store [is filled in all departments. We- are constantly having visits from new customers who arewell pleased with our goods and prices. A trial respectfully solicited -it will pay yon. We want to make room for more goods yet to come in. Produce taken in exchange atthighest prices. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, LONDESBORO R. ADAMS. IVIUST BE S LD Having bought out a Harness business at viVinghtim and decided to move as soon as pos- sible, I have commenced selling off my WHOLE STOCK AT COST and und.3r. I cannot give prices of everything:0i* behaw. ie a list of aortae ertioles in each line, and all others are guaranteed equally ati low, Copper -bottom Boilers 31.40, 14 qt 10,tTarge Milk Straillere 76; nOWItildlidafd, Cur- rants 50, best clear Syrup 3c, Sib bar beet Soap ?Qt, Ivory Bar 5o, all 40c Spices for 25c, all 10o articles for 7o or 4 for 25c. Nails 30, Glass half price, Hinges 56, Spades 60o, Mannre Forks 6 o. Spools 3c, Butter Tubs 25e, Strew Hats 50 up, Lamp Glasses 5c, Coil 256 per gallon. Come (*Ay mad sedure seine Oil 15o per gall, XX White Wi of tinge rinape. 11er11s Cash or tier taken. Scrap Iron Ind Copper taken ' ei cent n all geode got le lea- ./ HOTICID.-411 ontrit ilieg s.ocieutt 41i. lection. er bEt00 0