HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-06-17, Page 5We will Five YGII a SOlid 14 X Gold Minting 6 Size ite,11,711b
'Pr CL NTON isrEw z
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/41...UE EVER
: Thuriday, Jona 10, 1892.
Whe14, ola or nelivt,r,t, r r t f Ot Q 78 a 9 83
'red to the Pep*
1 n',t I3
n 4 Peso
Flear per bal
• * 0 30• a 081
0 88 a 0, 45
•''".‚0 57 a 0 00
0 00 a 5 00
Ladies 'Watch With Elgin or Walthain, Jewelled
Otem Wind MOvement m f" the small price of $28.50
Also a SOLID SILVER JEWELLED WATCH for $10—Stena Wind.
Also a SOLID DIICHLE SILVER Stein Wind 3 oz, Case with American Move-
ment for $6.400 Theue prices.for 60 dive. Net Caah. Old Silver and (1o1d taken as cash
W.Taylork Sons
Willbe continued during the month of June. Our sales in
May far exceeded our expectations, there being such a de-
mand for certain lines that we have had to replace them, and
our stock is now well assorted.
See our Ladies' Kid Ties at 75 cts
Ladies' Kid Oxfords at 75 cts
Ladies' Dongola Kid Oxfords at $1
Ladies' Dongola Kid Button Boots, $1.25
Men's Fine Balmorals at $1.25
Men's Fine Oxfords at 95c and $1.15
Men's Plow Bah. Bellowsed Tongue at $1
These are New Goods and Kreatt value.AlLother goods at
equalry-low prices.
Eggs taken as Cash.
We have Sugar by the car load. Can give you Sugar at wholesale prices. Ex-
tra Standard Granulated by the 100 lbs or bbl lots. Big reductien.
Sole agents for Hillwattie Tea,. Orders taken for the best Scranton Coal.
C31-3330 IF:3177.A.1.11.10
Are now in demand by people living in the country, for until
the roads were dry it was impossible to use them.
A Cheap Carriage is required, and to meet this demand we
have chosen some extra values ranging in price from $3.75
to $12, and will guarantee them to be the best and cheapest
of their kind.
W. Cooper & Co., Clinton
Property for Sale or to Rent
That desirable house and lot in the Village of
Holmesville, known as the Lobb Estate. The
house Is ii stories, contains 7 rooms, with wood-
shed attached. Hard Water well and a ood ft',
table on premium e minutes to
Church or Railway Stat n. Ap 1
LOBB,alt, or G. ROL AM
from subscriber's pretaises, Lot 15,
a., Clolborne,about the middle of May,
r brown mare, young, ct a long said
'th long ears, MIA short under jaw.
at will lead t her recovery will
. BAER H. 1mo1IIe.
*, 0 1A 4 013
0 20 a 0 2t
rill, No. 1 trimmed 0.0: 5803 0:1 50N
, 4 00 a 4 05
Hideo, rough
Sheep Slane., 0 50 a 0 70
A_.ppleai per bag 0 60 a 0 90
Cloverw rw0000 ddlong s h o r t 225 a 200
Timothy 73 0300 : 78 5808
2 00 a 2 25
Wool • 0 16 a 0 16
0 64 4 0 6
Adminiatrators sale et Stereo on Albert
St. ciiutozt, on Saturday. Qune 25th.D,
Dicklueon, Anat.
At the eastern abattoir about 350 cattle,
200 calves, 35,0 sheep and laraba, 20 lean
hop and 40 fat hogs were offered. The
market was decidedly lively and butohere
were paying the price asked for good beef.
Balla and large, fat oxen were plentiful,
and most of them sold, although they
were being held back for better prices.
Prices of this grade were from 4io to lac
per lb. Milkmen's stripper's were not
wanted at all, very few being sold. Prices
average ho to no per lb. The sheep mar-
ket was very active,and prices ranged from
$3 to $6 per head. Lambs brought from
$3.50 to $4, and calves were selling at from
$2.50 upwards. Young hogs sold very well
at prices ranging from $1 to 31.35, and
lean hogs from $3.50 to $7. This last
grade of hogs were in fair demand and the
majority brought good prices. Good calves
were in active demand, but they did not
bring anywhere near the prices of hest
week. Liverpool advices say prices are
slightly better.
LivEnpooL, June 13.—Canadian cattle
sinking offal at 6id per lb for steers and
maiden heifere. Present high values for
cattle are mantainod only on short Supply,
and a reduction will come with increased
Irish supplies.
The LondOn Free Preee of We'dnestill•
in its ut arltegroporta,aayat—A 00osiderahle
qtiantity Of appl, <00** maci only until
now, olyi4g 01400014 the
local market` fairly opened: Tho i selk8ou
here hag opened itutuapioiously 4-* (that
ruounli Vi400 Ire ruling ./ow) and .1be eon -
sequence its ,fariners, are. not satisfied).
Sixteen cents,* pound le all that the buy-
ers here will pay for any grade, Whether it
be fine medium or wane, and "whether the
eonclitabri of the wool be washed or urt,
washed, patted! matted or clean; and:silky,"
This was the opinion expreseed:by it prom -
Went weer grower in London township to.
day. A large number of fat:Mere, on so -
count of the) low price, intend to "hold
back" as they eall it, andwait for further
A young lady and Riatleman are in love
with each other, but will not marry because
the lady's mother's brother's brother-in-law
is the young man's father. What relation,
ship (Wets between the young lady and
gentleman? The first person sending the
correct answer te the above problem the
Ladies' Pictorial Weekly will give Seventy.
five Dollars in cash; for the second correot
answer Fifty Dolla,ra in cash; for the third
correct answer an elegant Gold Watch; for
the fourth correet answer a first-class girl's
rr boy's Safety Bicycle; for the fifth a
French Music Box; for the sixtha pair of
genuine Diamond Earrings in solid gold
setting; to the seventh a fiast-olass Kodak
Camera, with a complete outfit for using
same; to the eighth a complete Lawn Ten-
nis Outfit; for the ninth an elegant pair of
Pearl Opera Glasses; to the tenth a Silk
Dress Pattern (in any color desired). Eve.
ryone answering the above puzzle must en.
close with the same Thirty Cents in silver
(or ten three oent stamps) for one months'
trial subscription (five copies) to the Ladies'
Piotorial Weekly, Canada's High -Class Il-
lustrated Newspaper. The envelope which
contains correct answer bearing earliest
postmark will receive first prize, the balance
strictly in order as received. All answ, ere
must be mailed on or before July 15th.
Names and addresses of prize winners will
be published in our journal. Address La-
dies Piotorial Weekly (44) Toronto, Ont.
Juno 17, 3w
cents in advance will pay for
the CLINTON NEW ERA for the
balance of this year.
Jackson's Shoe Store.
Eggs taken as Cash.
J. JACKSON, Clinton
1892 -HARVEST -1892
Composed of Flax,Silver Com-
posite and Best Brands Man-
illa. Leave your order with
us at once in order to insure
prompt delivery. Quality the
best and Prices Guaranteed
as low as the lowest.
Headquarters for Hot Air
Furnaces, both wood and
coal. Call and get quotations
Lehigh Valley COAL
HARLAND BROS have secured control
for this section, of the celebrated Lehigh
Valley Coal, and have purchased several
cars to arrive this month. It is admitted
by all to be the best, and it is ease claimed
that it will give 25 per cent more heat than
any other coal produced. Why 1188 com-
mon coal when this coal can be purchased
at the same price. Order early so as to se-
cure low price, as owing to the strong com-
bination of the railroad and coal compan-
ies, high prices are anticipated this fall.
kTune 17( IS
.Monq's Saved the Shopper, the way this' store sell
goods., Bear in wind this applies to the kind
GLOVES and MITTS we sell,for hot clkys, Ladie
VESTS too are wanted now, and if you only' sior the
prices we sell at, you would not wonder, that you
scarce can get waited on when you visit this st9*}fo
the people already in buying.
Grenadines from 121c to 650—Love1y Goo
Ceylon Flannels from 180 to 400—Pretty Stu
Teazle Clothes from 120 to 200—Popular Lie
Flannelettes' from Sc to 150—Handful Thick
Scotch Ginghams (Boiling) only 5c—Great Snap
Fine Prints, fast, only 6 cents—Wonderful
Boiling Mathes only 5 cents --A Miracle
No prettier costume is in vogue, and none more com--'
fortable for this hot season than the wearing of these
goods. Whether in Blouses, Waists or Skirts, a la-
, dies beauty is to be enhanced by a judicious selection
of these materials.
Gilroy & Wiseman
Before you
Go to the summer resol!
you had better -drop
Foster's and sit for ,some
Photos to leave with your
Mase Rudy Made Sun
---TO BE—
Cleared at Quick Sale Prices,
The month of June is between seasons with Clothing
Manufacturers—the spring trade over, the fall trade not be-
gan. This is the time when the buyer with cash in hand can
dictate terms and buy at away down prices.
We have been waiting and watching for this oppor-
tunity, and, at last it came. We found one of the best cloth-
ing houses in Canada had a surplus of
120 Mens Tweed Suits
'We made an offer to clear the entire lot and the consequence
is we are now selling Suits at retail for a lower price than
store keepers who bought two months ago paid for the same
The sizes are 36 to 42. The goods are honest CANADIAN
TWEED. The cut and style are correct—the lining and
workmanship all that can be desired—and we have confidence
in recommending them to our customers.
We have to clear them out in a few weeks. Our customers
are, quick to appreciate a bargain when they see it. This is
an opportunity that you may not have again. 'Don't you
think it would be well to buy now ? You can save a few
dollars by doing so.
olvic) *Bow)