Clinton New Era, 1892-06-10, Page 511P THE C usProw xzw 4RA. Thne 10 1692. OFEAtEST VALUE EVER Offered to the People of Clinton We will give you a Solid 14 K Gold Hunting 6 Size Ladies Watch with Elgin or Waltham Jewelled Stem Wind Movement in, for the small price of $28.50 Also a SOLID SILVER JEWELLED WATCH for $10—Stem Wind. Also a SOLID NICKLE SILVER Stem Wind 3 oz. Case with American Move - Meat for 16.40. These pricesgor 60 days. Net Cash. Old Silver and Geld taken as cash J. B. RUMBALL & CO. JEWELLER AND TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, CLINTON. W.Taylor&Sons GREAT CLEARINGSALE OF Boots&Shoes Will be continued during the month of June. Our sales in May far exceeded our expectations, there being such a de- mand for certain lines that we have had to replace them, and our stock is now well assorted. See our Ladies' Kid Ties at 75 cts Ladies' Kid Oxfords at 75 cts Ladies' Dongola Kid Oxfords at $1 Ladies' Dongola Kid Button Boots., $1.25 Men's Fine Balmorals at $1.25 Men's Fine Oxfords at 95c and $1.15 Men's Plow Bah. Bellowsed Tongue at $1 These are New Goods and great value. All other goods at equally low_prices. , _ Eggs taken as Cash. W.TAYLOR&SONS CLII1•71-101\T Valuable Farm for Sale. The North half of lot so, 2nd concession Eas Wawanosh. Apply to CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Goderich • To Rent or for sale, Good brick store and dwelling, formerly occepied by C. Cruickshank. Albert St., Clinton. ApPly to W. W. FARRAN, Property for Sale or to Rent That desirable house aud lot in the Village of Holmesville, known as the Lobb Estate. The house is stories, contains 7 rooms, with wood- shed attached. Hard water well and a good frame stable on premises. Five minutes to Post Office, Church or Railway Station. Apply to JAMES B. LOBB, Galt, or G. HOLLAND, Holmesville. Implement Agency. Subscriber has taken the agency for the well- known Cockshutt Plow Co, and will be pleased to sell to all who deeire any article of their make Such as Riding, Walking, or 24urrow Plows Belittlers, Cultivators, Land Rollers, Scrapers, &c Implements can be seen at my Warerooms Albert St. Clinton, nearly opposite Fair's Mill J. SNYDER. Ti4E. p1/41E.D :fl £P0 HEINTit#IAN 69To75 PIANO ,jE,,RBOURNE ST.TORONTO. Send for a Catalogue and Price List. Organs taken in exchange. Second hand Organs for Bale or to Rent. Two Organs manufactured by the Oakes Organ Co., as good as new, will be eold at a bargain. One Piano Case with four Bets of reeds. One Orion, three sets. Coal and see them G. F. EMERSON. CLINTON Baby CARRIAGES Are now in demand by people living in the country, for until kthe roads were dry it was impossible to use them. A Cheap Carriage is required, and to meet this demand we have chosen some extra values ranging in price from $3.75 to $12, and will guarantee them to be the best ail cheapest of their kind. W.Coo er &C . Cli ton 20 PER CEN EACH DOLLAR AT Jackson's Shoo Store. 0— Eggs taken as Cash. J. JACKSON, Clinton • BORN DRUMM-At the Manse, Avonton, on the 6th inst., the wife of Rev A. II. Drumm, ole son. CALLENDER.-At Newbury, OD the 30th May, the wife of Mr Robt Callender, of a son. RUTLEDGE.-In Goderich township, on the 3rd inst., the wife of Ur Wm Rutledge, of a son. ELCOAT.-In Tuckeremith, on the Tth inst.. the wife of Mr Appleton Elooat,tHawthorn Farm. de. daughter. GALBRAITH-In Wingham, on the 5th inst„ the wife of Mr John Galbraith. of a son MAINPRIZE-In Wingham, on the 9th inst., the wife of Mr E. Mainpnze, of a son. DICKSON-In Goderich, on the 3rd inst., the wife of Mr John T. Dickson, of a son RHYNAS-In Goderich, on the 4th lint., the wife of dr W. A. Rhynas, of a daughter MARRIED. DUNEIMORg=n1SLEY=At-thirreSideEFO' the bride's father, on the 7th inst.,!by the Rev A. Stewart, Robert Johns Dunsmore, of New York, to Margaret A., eldest daughter of Mr W, J. Pais- • ley, of Clinton McDOWELL-MoDERMID.-At the residence of the bride's father, on the Bth inst., by the Rev A. Stewart, John McDowell, of McKillop, to Isa- bella Burnside, daughter of Ur Angus MoDermid, of Mullett ELLIOTT-ESSON-InLondon, on the 7th inst., by Rev W J. Hill, at the residence of the bride's parents, Rev Jos. Elliott, of Nairn, to Rosa, only daugh ter of Mr John Esson, all formerly of Bay. field. SHERLOCK-FLOODY-At the residence of the bride's parents, Mullett, on the 7th inst., by the Rev R. J. Floody, of Boston, Maris., lassisted by Rev W. F, Campbell, of Blyth, and Rev A. W. M Tonga, of Flesherton, r G. M. Sherlock, of Win- nipeg, to Filina, eldest daughter of Mr C. Floody LIDDICOATT-TREBILCOCK-on June 2nd, at the residence of the bride, 406 Princess avenue. Loudon, by Rev Geo Boyd, assisted by Rev Jae .Ferguson, of -Londesbaro, brother-in-le.ar of the bride, E. J. Liddicotatt, to Annie, daughter of the late Wm Trebilcock. DYER -WILSON -In Goderich township, at the resioeace of the bride's father, on the first inst., by the Rev Dr Ure Wm Dyer, to Hannah, third daughter of Mr Jos Wilson DIED. CARTWRIGHT-In Hullett,at the residence of her brother, James Cartwright, on the 4th inst., Martha Cartwright, aged 59 years. WELSH -In Goderich township on the 2nd inst., Thee Welsh, aged 86 years, 4 months and 7 days. OMEARA-In Goderich township, on the 3rd inat„ Patrick O'Meara, aged 82 years, 3 months and 2 days. CANADA'S GREAT NEED. What Canada needs is men who will stand by the country's best interests all the year round, who can throttle evil and rebuke dishonesty, and thus be in a posi- tion to truly celebrate great national an- niversaries. Partyism in its worst mean- ing ia a poor school for patriotism. Has the course of the Dominion Government for the past year been such as to promote patriotism? kIneh might be overlooked in a ministry fighting for itslife,but thedomin- ant faction has saddened the heart of every true Canadian. Not the Opposition merely, but the whole country has bsen wronged by the Government's every crime. Will those London Grits, who have been swindl- ed out of one of the most sacred rights of British citizenship, be likely to join hands with swindlers in honoring the country that is the mother of us all? Will the Grits who are to be outraged by one of the meanest gerrymanders on record, fall into line with their fellow countrymen and shout for the nation in which partisan bigotry is making parliamentary govern- ment a farce? Strength to hymn the glories of the coun- try is less needed than strength to remove the evils that dim those glories. Honesty of action all the year round is more to be desired than one day's enthusiasm. If our politics each year are sinking to a lower and lower depth, then each year there is so much less reason to rejoice and be glad on Dominion Day. Canadians have much to be proud of and much to deplore. There is nothing wrong with the country. The wrong is in themselves. Canada is being degraded by the individual Canadian's easy toleration of political evil. Stuffed voters' lists, elections carried by persona- tion, judicial robbery of seats in Parlia- ment, and gerrymanders are the bitter fruit of individual faults.—Toronto Tele- gram, Conservative. Two Brantford boys were giten fif- teen stripes each for truancy, by order of the polio 3 magistrate, Mrs. Pat 'ink McNiff, near orest- ville, committed suicide by h nging herSelf with u iece of clothes li e. CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, June 9, 1892. Wheat, old or new 0 78 a 0 83 Wheat spring Oats Barley Peso Flour per bal. Butter Eggs per lb Potatoes Pork Hay Hides, No. 1 trimmed Hides, rough Sheep Skins Apples, per bag 0 60 a 0 90 — —2-2'5 a 270 Wood long 3 00 a 3 50 Clover • 7 00 a 7 50 Timothy 2 00 a 2 25 Wool 0 16 a 0 16 O 75 a 0 80 0 30 a 0 31 O 38 a 0 45 O 57 a 0 60 5 00 a 5 00 0 12 a 0 13 0 61 a 0 61 O 20 a 0 25 5 60 a 5 50 10 00 all 00 4 00 a 4 05 3 50 a 3 50 O 50 a 0 70 SALE REGISTER. Administrators sale of Stores on Albert St. Clinton'on Saturday, June 25th. D. Dickinson, Auct. John Nathan, a farmer, was killed by hailstones while plowing a field near Canton, Miss. The trial of the petition against Mr Pridham, M.P. for South Perth, has been fixed for June 27. John Reid, father of W. A Reid, grocer, of Woodstock, Ont., died on Monday morning at- the age of 100 years. • A farmer named David Bell was killed by lightning in Brant township, county of Bruce, on Wednesday. His horses, which he was:driving, were also killed. He leaves a widow and eight children. At Montreal on Wednesday, Rev. Dr. Caven of Toronto, was elected moderator of the Presbyterian General Assembly. His opponent in the con- test was Rev Thos Sedgwick, of Ta- tamagpuche, N, S. Administrator's SALE —OF— Valuable Real Estate IN THE TOWN OF CLINTON With the approbation of John Hoskins, Esq.., Of. ficial Guardian of Infants, there will be sold by public auction, by Davin DICKENSON, Auction- eer, at the CENTRAL HOTEL, in the Town of Clinton, on SATURDAY,the 25th DAY of JUNE 1892, at 2 o'clock p.mthe following property, viz Building lots or Sub.Secstions Nos. 3, 4 and 17, in Crombie'e survey, of Town Lots numbers 252 and 253, in the Town of Clinton, In the County of Huron. There are ereoted upon said lots 3 and4, two substantial Brick Stores, two stories high, having each a frontage on Albert Street of 22 feet, and a depth of 50 feet, and a flat -roofed extention to rear of 30 feet. The main buildings are roofed with shingles laid in mortar, classed as Al for in- surance. The foundations are stone, with good cellars. The stores are fitted with shelving and countere suitable for ordinary mercantile busi- ness. Said lot 17 is situate in the rear of said lot 4, separated therefrom by a lane running at the rear of said building lots fronting on Albert Rt., and has erected thereon a large frame 5torehouee The property is situate opposite the Prince of Wales and Central Hotels, the farmers hotels of the town, on the main business street, and are in every way convenient and commodious businees places. TERMS: -The property will be offered (lst) en bloc, (2n8) lots 4 and 17 together, (3rd) in separate lots. The properties will be sold subject to res- erved bids fixed by the official guardian. Ten per cent of the purchase money down on day of sale and the balance in thirty days thereafter, without interest, or if the purchaser desire one- half of the purchase money may remain on mort- gage, at 6 per cent interest for a term of years. - The purchaser will be required to sign an agree- ment for the completion of the purchase. The other conditions shall be the standing conditions of the High Court of Justice. Further terms and particulars made known on application to C. R. COMMANDER, Eery., London or to the undersigned. D. DICKINSON, Auctioneer. MANNING de SCOTT Solicitors for the Trusts Corporation of Ontario, Administrator. There will be offered a3 the same time and place, and subject to simil r terms and condi- tions, building lot 16, in Cr' Inble's survey afore- said, in the said Town of CI nton, at the rear of said lot 3, the property of Charles R. Commander Esq., London, Ont. D. DICIRENSON. MANNING & SCO'tT, Auctioneer Vendor's Solicitors 'tag THE MONTH OF ROSES is the earnest beginning or Sunimer, and Cotton Dress Qoods '11 be needed for comfort from this on. Our foremothers seemed to care for nothing so long as they wele comfortable, but present- demands inoiude stylish fabrics altogether, and nothing will do that is common- place. The printing and coloring on these goods are superb- ly clone. French Sateens English Fancy Zduslins FancyFrenchFlannels, Fancy Flannelettes, English Prints, Scotch Gingham, English Sateens, Scotch Lawns it Chamlnqs JUNE is. a month of radical changes in dress. It is as it were, the tollgate between spring and summer,when warmest weather has to be anticipated and one's comfort provided for. How shall we compass a store full of light clothing in a hundred words 1 How --unless we tell every man, woman and child that every regular comfort for eummer has been considered, and nobody need hesitate about buying here and now. Always' count our prices a little below the average. Expect to pay a little less wbero people trade most, Black Satin Striped \'Lawns are a stfiking novelty. White Satin Check and Stripe Lawns from 5c• ap. Lovely Black ground delainPrints as pretty as any delaine in all wool. Challies that astonish everyone who sees them—fast colors at 5 cents. A better line in beautiful designs and colors, only Sc. Double Fold Brocaded Black Grena,dine—fine patterns, only 30c. Another good Black Grenadine for only 121. But the greatest snapof all is our Black Silk Grenadine, both bro- caded and plain at 50c and 65 cents. Every lady should see this line, PARASOLS—Then in Parasols, our variety and selection is simply grand. Cool Gloves inBiack and Colored Silk. Gloves and Mitts in every con- ceivable Shade and Size and Price, and choice new things arriving altnost every expi ess. Gilroy 86 Wiseman, 01.1111'11'01r FOSTER Before you Go to the summer resort you had better drop in at Foster's and sit for some Photos to leave with your friends, YOU Soo the POI HERE IT IS: YOU COME TO OUR STORE. YOU BUY OUR GOODS. YOU BUY AT VERY LOW:PRICES YOU GET THE BEST VALUES. IF You are not Satisfied YOU GEir YOUR MONEY BACK We Keep DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, GLASS AND CROCKERY, HARDWARE, PAINTS AND OILS L. owing.