HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-06-10, Page 1'Onto .paid in advance will 000viro... Ow, NEW EAlA 'f9X #40 halance' Of the ycftr. Seat to any ad, dregiS IP Canada or the United $tateti for this AMMint, WO claim that the Nirw En. gives mere hems pews every W00 than any other 11 4 year paper In the Province. 01......••••••••11.0110.1.............••••••••••••••*••••00•••••• RoiEwr li(OLMES, Editor and Proprietor, CLINTON, ONT., JI3NE 10, 1.892. ssesessemimmummosememoiseiel $1 a year, in advance,'0,ar when not Jac', Paid SEMBIY,ii Uhi YOU CAN HAVE ANY HARD - FELT - HAT IN OUR STORE For a One Dollar Bill New Shapes. This Season's Goods. , Prices were from $1.25 to Se.50 See our Albert Street Window Full of Them Tio litati John btu CLINTON Our Weekly Budget OF INTERESTING NEWS From all parts of the County—by wide-awake and lively Correspondents Nile WEDDLNG..—Rev E. A. Fear, on Wed- nesday morning of last week, perform- ed the ceremony of uniting in wedlock Mr R. McIlwain and bliss Amelia Hetherington. Now they are married; we wish themjoy. The happy couple took a trip to London, and on their re- turn were tendered a very noisyrecep- tion by all the fowdies of the neighbor- hood, assisted by some from Dungan- non. Is there no way to put a stop to such dark night performances? It is the candid opinion of your correspond- ent that no one will take part in such a mean kind of business who has any respect for himself, his neighbors, his parents or any other person NOTES.—The scholars of both de- partments of the Nile public school enjoyed a holiday last Friday, as the teachers were at Goderich attending tbe Teachers' Convention. In the ab- sence of Rev E. .A. Fear, who was at- tending conference at Guelph, Mr Jos. Hetherington occupied the Nile pulpit on Sunday evening. Mr W. Morrow is again under the doctor's care; we hope soon to hear of his complete re- covery. Messrs J. Grummett and J.J. Tiffin are, we are glad to say, able to be about again, though still unable to do much work. The masons have fin- ished their work of building the found- ation of Mr Geo. Shepperd's barn. A gentleman, a stranger in this neigh- borhood, met with a narrow escape the other day; he was drawing a load of lumber to Goderich with a pair of colts; shortly after passing this village the colts turned into the diteh and the wagon and load were almost com- pletely overturned, a broken wagon was the result, the driver escaped un- injured: it is supposed he was asleep. Constance. NOTES. — Mr and Mrs Perrie, of Trowbridge, are this week the guests of Mr and Mrs Jas Stewart. Mr James Stanley is improving his residence by building a kitchen. Mr Millen, of Londesboro, preached here in the Methodist church last Sunday. The young people's prayer meetings, led by A. Rapson, are accomplishingmuch good; may they have continued prcs- perity. Mrs Wm McIntosh spent last week with friends in Staffa. Robert Smith returned home from Manitoba last week; he gives a hard account of the country. Brueelleld; PICNIC.—The Independent Order of Foresters, of Brucefield, intend to hold a picnic in Bayfield on June 21st. All are invited to take a basket and join them, and enjoy the fresh air of the lake. OFFICERS.—The Royal Templars el- ected their officers on Monday evening for the following term, they are: S. C., J. Snider; P. C., Rev Simpson;" Treas., Mrs Graham; F. S., Miss McIntosh; R. S., Miss Fotheringham; Chap. Miss Whiteman; Herald, H. Montieth; Sentinel. Mr Slaughter; Guard, J. Dallas; V. C., S. J.Pollick. With such — —a -fine setof.offiremas these we speak for them a successful term. NOTES. — John McIntosh's store is undergoing repairs. Jas. Robinson has employed Mr Smith, of Seaforth. John Swan has raised his barn and put stone stables under, the stone work is complete. Mr Thos Simpson has gone to Ethel visiting friends. s • Our tailor, Mr Proudfoot, is kept very busy. Alex Foot has improved his place by a new fence. Mr Will Rat- _tenbury_has purchased a new breaking Cart. Mr V. DeihT is improving -his house by a veranda. Mr W. Graham, who left for Chicago some time ago, but was taken sick on his way, has re- turned home. Crops around this vicin- ity are looking good and prospects for great crops are good. Mrs Barber is ,visiting friends around here. Mr S. J. s Pollick, our blacksmith, is laid up by a sprained wrist, getting it by a horse throwing him while shoeing; people should train their horses to be quiet. There will be no services in the Metho- dist church for the following two Sun- day's on account of the repairs that are being put on the church, painting and a general fix up. Why don't our boys kick foot ball outside of the village, as kicking on the street is not safe; they scare horses and break windows and such like; now boys take a tumble and i kick where their s no danger. Mr J. Young preached in the Methodist church here last Sunday.' Blyth CONCERT.—The concert, on Monday evening, in connection with Trinity church, was a decided success. The audience was large and appreciative, the order perfect and the program ex- cellent. Professor Meeke's selections met with even greater applause than before; Mr D. McGill's solos were high- ly appreciated, and the duets by Messrs Tanner and Gilley, on violin and gui- tar, were very sweet and much enjoy- ed; the quartettes by members of the choir were very appropriate. On the whole the committee are to be con- gratulated on the success of their en- tertainment. Proceeds amounted to $28 - Colborne. NOTES.—Mr John Wise, who has moven his family to Michigan, hasre- turned back for a few weeks to finish his contracts. The farmers are busy making new fences to improve their farms. Mr A. Malloy has moved his barn and intends putting a stone wall under it. Mrs A. Goebel, of Rigerville, is home for a few weeks' visiting. Mr Thos G )od has his lime kiln remodeled and is busy turning out lime. One of our neighbors is enjoying himself a couple sf hours every evening practis- ing his drum for the 12th, while one of his neighbors comes over and practis- ing on his mouth orga,n; the music is very nice, go ahead Pete the 12th of July is coming. Goderich Township RAIL SpLrrriNa.—Mr Dan McInnes, the well known rail splitter, while cut- ting rails on the farm of Mr S. Switzer, cut from one tree 800 rails and 80 stakes; from the butt cut he took 180 rails. This is considered a large number to take from one tree. Nome,—Mies Broadfoot, of Seaforth, is visiting at Mr George Middleton's. Mr and Mrs. Peter Cole, of Michigen, are visiting friends in the vicinity. Rev. W. Cole and wife, of Michigan, are visiting at Mr George Cantelon's. Mr T. Cook, who has been in Manitoba for the past three months, returned home on s Saturday; Tom don't give a very favorable report of the west. NOTES.—Mr Hugh McQuarrie was appointed delegate to the Presbyter- ian General Assembly, which is being held in Montreal this week, he left for Toronto on Saturday, where he spent a few days with friends before going to Montreal. Mrs McNally, we are sorry to learn, is seriously indisposed at present. Mre Jas Anderson, who has recently undergone an operation for cancer, she is, we are glad to learn, doing as well as can be expected; Drs Ferguson, Blyth, and Elliott, Bruce - field, were in attendance. Mrs Hod- gins; will sell her household effects on Saturday, and intends joining her husband in Cleveland next week. Mr N. H. Young attended conference in Guelph last week. Miss Jen. McTav- ish, Seaforth, was a guest in town this week. Miss S. Taman left for Detroit on Tuesday, where she has secured a situation. Rev Mr Henderson, of Bayfield, officiated in St Andrews on Sunday morning and evening, preach- ing to an exceptionally large congre- gation in the evening, owing to there being no service in either of the other churches. Mr Ed Floody, Toronto, was home attending his sister's wed- ding. Mr S. Gra,cey and family, of Wingham, spent Sunday in town. Rev A. McLean took Rev Mr Hender- son's charge in Bayfield on Sunday, conducting the anniversary services. WEDDING LLS.—On Tuesday after- noon at 1.30 oeloi., Woodmere, the home of Mr 'ha Floody, was the scene of a lar d brilliant gather- Holmesville. From an oecoaional Correspondent. RECORD BREAKERS—A recently or- ganized walking club, consisting of young laille-STsitlilifturstridHoirriesviller started one morning of this week for a walk to Goderich. -The start was made from Clinton early in the morning,and Holmesville was reached without acci- dent about 7.10 a.m. After serenading some of our citizens with "Greenland's icy mountains," and partaking of some of the lunch provided by their admirers the journey was resumed and Goderich was reached, We have not heard how many halts were, inatle, but jaciillg from the banana peels scattered along the way, we think they were numerous NOTES—Mr. Will Elford, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs (Rev.)Alex. Birks, in Durham, returned on Thurs- day of last week; Mrs. Birks is now visiting here. The Woman's Mission Society held a meeting on Wednesday of last week. Our popular teacher, Mr T. Murch, attended the teachers' con- vention in Goderich last week; he is one of the most active and useful members of the association. Mr Stanley return- ed from Conference on Tuesday. At a meeting of teachers and officers held last week, it was decided to hold a SA picnic; a committee was chosen to get up asprogram of games for the young people, and they will no doubt make things interesting; visitors will bema.de welcome. DEATIL—Mr Welsh, of the 6th con., who died last week, was one of the early settlers of the township, having been here for many years; he was one of the most honored and revered of men, being, when in his prime, one of the most active church workers; for years he has been identified with the Methodist Church and horonably filled its Various offices. For a year he has been helpless; he leaves many friends to mourn his departure. A wife, four daughters and one son survive him. RE -ORGANIZATION. — A meeting of the boys and young men of S. S. No. 11 was held on Monday evening last, for the re -organization of the football club, the following officers being elected for the ensuing season:—Pres., W. S. Lawrence; Vice Pres., T. Lind- say; Capt., A. Elliott; Secy. Treas. J. C. Lindsay; Com., L. Trick, T. Wig- ginton, D. McAllister, J. Skinner and W. Holland. It was also decided that a membership fee of 15c be charged, and that those living outside' the sec- tion be at liberty to loin if they wish to do so. They hold their first prac- tice on Saturday evening next, in Mr McAllister's field near town. MR EDITOR.—Happening to drive along the 16th con of this township,one day last week, I noticed a' pair of horses which are really objects of pity. They are very little more than skin and bone, and yet they are obliged to work,as can be seen by the shoulders, which are fearfully lacerated. Very little would transform them into beautiful anatomi- cal specimens for a veterinary college; assuredly they would be much better off acting as such. If the owner of these unfortunate brutes, is devoid of mercy, perhaps some one will have enough of that quality to see that some- thing is done to prevent the continuation of this utter disregard for the feelings of dumb creat ures. Yours respectfully. ISIEucss, BALMY BAYFIEL What a Hustler after news sees and bears at Httrou's Famous and Attractive Pleasure Resort. WELCOME.—Miss Francis, who is the some time. Mr Fred Roth,vshe started new captain pla,ced over the Salvation Army, arrived on Saturday, and was" given a splendid welcome on Sunday afternoon. She has a clear, strong voice, and will no doubt be an able leader for the corps here. ing, assembled witness the nuptials of a popular young lady, Miss Lino, his eldest daughter and Mr Geo Sher- lock, of Winnipeg. The ceremony took place on the lawn under the branches of an apple tree in full blooin from which suspended a bell of natur- al flowers. The bride was beautifully attired in white Bengaline, the bridal veil was held in place with natural flowers and a boquet of white roses. The bridesmaids, Miss Osborne, Al- bany, N. Y., and .1,00ked..-rery_pre henrietta, carryin OPENED Two Cases of Fine Mackinaw StrawHats These goods are the latestAmerican Sty) es and most durable in quality. Price's will be found =eh lower than the cOn4ton grade straw , hats W Ingham. RETURNED MISSIONARY. — Rev Mr Currie, who has been doing mission work in Africa, during the last six years, paid Wingham a visit on Thurs- day of last week, and gave an address in the Congregational church, in the evening, touching on many points of mission work there, relating his arrival there, sickness and death of his wife, costume of the people, manner of cul- tivating their soil, belief in the spirits of their deceased friends coming back, if they do not show them proper re- spect. At the close of the meeting Mr Currie was presented with a couple of fine quilts from the Mission Band. NOTES.—On Friday evening !alit six load of Good Templars from Isere paid Culross Star Lodge a friendly visit,and report having a good time. Mr A. Hood, of 13russels. was in town on Wednesday, renewingacquaintances. mi A number of the men in the employ of the Union Factory are laid up with the mumps. In the absence of Rev Mr Sellery, who has been attending Con- ference at Guelph, a young man from there occupied the pulpit in the Metho- dist church here last Sunday morning and evening, and in our opinion, if spared, he Will be one of the great men ot the near future. On Sabbath morn- ing there was a reception service in the Congregational church, when quite a number were received into the church. On Friday evening of last week a num- ber of young people went over to Blue - vale to a concert and -when on their way back their rig broke down; putting the young men to coneiderable trouble. A number ofS the Salvationists were over to Brussele on Tuesday evening. cents in i1vance will pay for theCi N NEW ERA fer the balanc 6f this year. Calroy&Wiseman CLINTNI s Crocker, Blyth, snalltesssilk and ouquets of and cream roses. The groom was ably assisted by Mr Wm Floody, of Rut- land, Vt., brother of the bride. The ceremony was performed by Rev R. Floody, brother of the bride, assisted by Rev Mr Tonge, of Flesherton, and Rev Mr Campbell, Blyth; after receiv- ing congratulations the party satdown to a sumptuous dinner. The presents were very numerous and beautiful. The bridal party left ....the finir—tratir for Kingston, after which they will visit New Orleans and Chicago before going to their home in Winnipeg; with them many friends extend con- gratulations and best wishes for their future. The bride receisred about 80 presents, including a Heintzman piano, silverware, bronze ware, ladies work, Stc., which were cestly and handsome. Heitman a blacksmith shop in Goderich tonna- ship, has quietly left these parts, to, the sorrow of some in town. lSfr Jas. Eagleson, of Clinton, was in town on Sundays On Friday last Mr W. Baker and Miss Duncan attended the teach- PROMOTED.—Mr John McLeod, ers' convention held in Goilerich. Miss , Shepard, Miss Gertie of Toronto, is visiting- her the Royal Oil Co., was home making brother arrangements for moving to Toronto. at present 13igs gar i who has been n Woodstock for 1 He has been promoted to the position of assistant manager of the buying de- partment of the firm, and will reside in the queen city. Though we are sorry to lose a citizen like Mr_Mcheod, we must congratulate Jack on the push which has merited the good position he holds. some time, returned home last week, Mr Wm. Elliott, of Goderich townehies . was visiting a "friend" in town. on , Sunday. Mr Chas. Gairdner left on Monday to visit relatives near Chicago. WEDDING.—On Tuesday afternoon - Rev Jos. Elliott, B.A., pastor of ttifi THE HEALTH RESORT.—In his ad. Presbyterian church, Nairn, and a; well - last week, Mr H. Foster, Clinton, ad- known Baeld boy, was united vises the readers to have their hoto in marriage to iss llose, only daugh- s taken before going, front which they to Goderi.pch, or ter of Mr John Esson, Londoo, alio an some of those resorts ii old resident of Bayfield. The ceremony may neyer return alive, or at any was performed by Rev W. J. Hill, roc - as ood looking. He can't mean Bay- rate tor of the Church of St.John the Hyen- g field, for our visitors always wait till gelist, in the presence of only the ions they return, or call upon our own pho- mediate relatives of the tographer, while their beauty is ye t Far many old friende here field, follow Mr Foster's advice. st! ties. Mr ontreal. Their Mrs Elliocoetracting tt left for i fresh. If you go anywhere but Bay- 1 , extend their warmest congratulations., 1 A PLEASANT OCCURRENCE.—The an*. SUCCESS.—We notice by the Toronto niversary of the induction of Rev R. papers that Mr Malcolm Armstrong, Henderson to the pastorate of Bayfield °-f • son of Mr James Armstrong, eth any congregations, was most , Bronson line, has succeeded 111 passini t -he and B enjoyaan bly d satisfactorily celebrated, .., the final examination at the Medico, on Sunday and Monday last. On Sals- Council, and is now a licensed practi- bath morning and evening Rev Mr ' tioner. Mr Chas. Logan,who has been McLean, of Blyth, preached appropri. attending a medical college in Detroit, ate and eloquent discourses in St. /Am.-. has also succeeded in passing tile ex- drew's church. His, powerful marshal-- aminations of this year. The ERA ex- i ling of facts, interspersed with unique tends its congratulations. 1 and happy illustrations, marked the , Too suers DourioNE.—Never before ability which hits always characterized , in the history of Bayfield have the peo- the rev. gentleman. His remarks re- ple been so preached to, as at the pre- garding the augnientation of members, sent time. They kept going from one and the fina,ncial condition of the cons to the other of the seven meetings, gregation, were very complimentary. during the whole of Sabbath last, and By Monday evening the rainy weather varied as the doctrines were, they had cleared off. The crowd kept ga-' seemed swayed bv each particular one thering till quite a late hour, but all in succession. "We would like to see the while vain attempts were being all possible good done, but such a state made within the hall to deplete the of affairs, when the heathen are crying rich festive board, spread so bountifully for aid, and should be assisted with the by the ladies of the congregation. money spent in these meetings, is out Every one was courteously attended of place, and only tends to unstable to, and spontaneous expressions of the minds of many. praise to the waiters were heard on FAREWELL. — On Tuesday eening every.side. The program, prepared by V last Lieut. Davidson farewelled to a a union choir erich, was from God large nurnber of soldiers and .citizens. highly appreciated. After the opening piece came the chairman's remarks, Since coming to the village, exactly , six months ago, the lieutenant, by his which were composed principally of statistics regarding the church. The genial manners and frank disposition, hg as won for himself the good will and followinare the most interesting admiration of the people, and for the ones:—No. of members two years ago, Salvation Army success in its efforts 50; No. since united, 55; removals, 8; • for good. Lieut. Davidson has been 'Present membership, 97. The statistics stationed at Palmerston, where we which affect Bethany congregation are, have no doubt he will be as warmly No. of meinbers two years ago, 26; No. welcomed as here. • since united, 14; removals, I; present , Qu ESTION. —At the Brethren meeting membership, 39. Bayfield congrega- tion has increased the amount contri- ' buted for the support of gospel ordi of Brantford, after referring to the - repentance after death teachings of an n_imes as nouch towards the schemes of and has given three ances by $50 , t Episcopalian der ayrnan, of that city, soid_that__Roysmeseshillipsr.o_methedist the church the past year as was given Hullett. Wesonnso.—The home of Mr Angus McDermid, Huron road, was the scene of a happy went on Tuesday, when his daughter Isabella B. was united in marriage with Mr J. McDowell, of Mc- Killop; Rev Mr Stewart, of (linton, performed the cercomony, and a large number of guests participated in the festiVities and joined in the congratm, lotions to the happy couple. SCHOOL REPORT.— The followingTis the report for S.S. No. 7, for the month of Mav. The pupils' standing is based on-dillgarmesierneanorandattendance. No on roll, 40; average :attendance, Senior 4th—R. Pate, Maggie Murphy, Gilbert Cuming. Junior 4th—Clara Sanderson, Thos Knox. Third class— Albert Brigham, Rose Walker, Henry Little. Second 6lass—Ella Caldwell, Albert Knox, Minnie Lear. Senior part 2nd—Nellie Brigham, HarveySun- dercock, Rosy Bowers. Junior part 2nd—Albert Bedford, Aggie Murphy. _Part 1st — Edmunds Bedford, Nettie Bowers, Gertie Lear. DEAT0.—Martha Cartwright, whose death we record this week, was born in Chinguacousy, Peel county, Ont., in April, 1883. She was blind. from the time of her birth, and also since her sixteenth year was very deaf. For the last eighteen years she has lived with her brother, Mr Jas. Cartwright, in Hullett township. In spite of her severe affliction she was of a bright and cheerful dispositicsn. She had a remarkable memory, and was able to repeat hundreds of scripture passages, which had been read to her, and give chapter and verse; in the same way she had also committed about a thou- sand hymns. She was of very reli- gious turn of mind, and spent most of her time meditating on spiritual sub- jects. The doctrines of the New Jeru- salem church (Swedenborgian) in which she firmly believed, were a great comfort to her, especially what they teach concerning the life after death. She was anxious to leave this world, and a few days before her death, real- izing that she was going, she exclaim- ed with delight, "'Thank God, I will see now." The funeral took place on Monday., the tith inst, and a large num- ber of friends turned out in order to pay their last respects to this much be- loved friend.—Cots. NOTES.—Mr W. 11. Johnston has sold out his confectionary business to Mr Troyer, who has moved to the store lately vacated by Mr M. McPherson, and will carry on a confectionary and ice cream saloon. The District Coun- cil of the R. T. of T. will be held in Hensall on June 21st. On account of the camp meeting in Kippen, services in the Methodist church here have been withdrawn. Mr Milson supplied in the Methodist church on Sunday morn- ing last, and Mr Blair in the evening, on account of the absence of Revs Fair and Magee at the Conference. Mf G. McEwen, reeve of Hay, is attending the county council meeting in Gode- rieh this week. Our football teem in- tend playing a match with Briseefleld on Saturday. A number Of our sports attended the races at Luean on Thurs- day last. Kippen circuit has built a new wire fence around the parsonage; Mr Wm. Lammie was the contractor. Mr J. C. Stoneman,who was appointed delegate to the Conference in Guelph, arrived home On Tuesday last. Mr H. S. Magee has been appointed _by Con- sereoce to Georgetown, and Mr Geo. McKinley, B. D., to his place at Hen- son. Rev J. S. Henderson and wife are attending the General Assembly at Montreal; his pulpit will be supplied by Mr Mitchell, a student of Knox College. 50 cents in advance will pay for the CLINTON NEW ERA for the balance of this year. Westfield. Sono OL REPORT.—Sr. 4th—Hannah Stackhouse 872, Geo Buchanan 870. Jr 4th-1)avid Patterson 689, Etta. Mc- Dowell 444, Jas Redmond 338. Si' 3rd— Frank Campbell 1365, Eva Jackson 509. Jr 3rd—jasl1 Buchanan 902, Herbert Henry 006, Annie McDowell 488, Ben - tie Carr 415, Willie Hem 881,1:Tars. McDowell 379. 2nd class — Phoe Jackson 574, Louie Campbell 553, G don Johnston 453, May'R',edmond 4 , Annie Buchanan 449, Wesley Steck:' house 431, Frank Carr 44, Christie Mc- Clinhoti 381. Rosa Vhrsier 311, Etta Whitiner 324. packed houses doctrines which were is l' t° lvm Ti aars-ncf'gv;r71‘tats-WorabilikyLlakownwhCshi minister, of Toronto was preaching "equally unscriptural." We would Bayfield audiences, rendersd a solo in ask Mr Somerville to tell us at next her own exquisite style, wkich at once meeting, whether he would repeat the captivated admirers, and deserevedly latter statement before an audience won for her the laurels of the evem se. who were versed as to the true facts of She is always welcome on the Bayflei& the case? NOTES.—About the nicest field of ' crisp and practical, though vet -tattle', • se:guse.b.17 G. Newton followe in a cal address on "how to pull down a fall wheat -that -we see -in -this section is Ms remarks were seasoned t tpeaotpolef at Tahllogs.oiSntgintsoonc,omSaeutoble aye: with humor, and—stigorid with comp1i" ments. He was not one of theso(as field on the lst of July anyway, and we saw last winter) who sometimeS, why not have a good program of speak of Bayfield as stationary or re games, etc, ready for them? When trograde, but, on the contrary, ceulds the publicity of Clan Greger square see vast improvements ever sli ince e does not restrain', young lichee from came to the 'village. He attributed a lar e share of the sixecees to the ear - embracing a "brother, ' we must in truth be -having "true brotherhood" introduced into the village. — One day last week two certain young men, whose temperature had risen to in one of (t.6 Stanley NOTES.—Mrs Peter McDougall, from Oak Lake, Man., has been visiting her father and mother, who are in ad- vanced years; she reports crops as looking well there. Mr and Mrs Brown, from the vicinity of Tiverton, paid a visit this week to Mr Wm Must- ard, Mrs Brown's father. Mrs Wal- ter Moffatt visited Lucknow last week, on the occasion of the marrieze of her niece, Miss Jeanie McDonald; Mr John Moffatt and wife also attended the wedding. Mr Donald Campbell, from Grand J3en1 is at present with his son, bell. Rev Mr Corriere end lestating for Montreal Mr ,John Gilmour is re - is shed; ie had some neigh- bors assisting hiiri on Tuesday. Mr Alex Thomson sold one of his horses laaIrweek at a good figure; he realized $1750, Mise Mal( McCowan us re- turned horne after asstay in Toronto. - , TB ' 1Ifdt, barriker recent VA , sp the welPknow and ex -M. P. Was stricken failure on illo Mr P.. C and wife, this ,we shingling neiLefforts of Mr Henderson, in his two years' ministry in St. AndreVeln, Mb warned the people that a very ef-,; fectuai way of pulling down a church boiling int, locked hornsv. was the inclination to run,after every„; Our leading stores, but after at few pas- teaching which was offered by people donate words, and some superfluous coming to the place. Let a mans bO. action, were forcibly ejected by the "new," even if be is a hang -man, and manager. Bayfield can boast gpofmoroef hiveewrIlitafintdionsti,pbpoy mrteisrsseracAev jerptne80theept.,=': rass widows than any other in ce its size in Canada; some one suggests was well received. Mr Be c er s fine, that as the ireason why this picturesque bass voice produced hearty cheers, atali resort is more beautiful than ever thip he was convened to answer to the en - summer. Rev hir Thibadeau kindly core. Rev Mr McLean delivered: a; deferred his evening service last Sim. lesigt!ty address on "Success for young day, on account of the anniversary men, after which Miss Graham mede... services in St. Andrew's. herself so popular with a couple of of , solos, that she was offered and grapoif PERSONALS.—Mrs and Miss Annie fully accepted a bouquet from some;' Cenickshank,of Clinton,were theguests admirers in the audience. After the of Mrs A. Grainger, last week; the program was finished a hearty vote of . Bayfielsl friende of the latter were thanks, pr ,sed by Rev Mr McLean, pleased to see her so far recovered after and second by Dr Stanbury, Was ac - her late illness. Mr McIntyre, of corded the choirs, for the very interests Strathroy, an old personal friend of1 ing and profitable eetertainment pro - M, F " Mr . . Edwards, is visiting him at vided. Ilene of the hest, meetings held in the town hall for eome time Wee closed at a late hour by the i'iriging Of .1 the National Anthem. Proceeds $45. The provisions were so abundant that eocial was held on the following • evening, when there was quite a num- ber present. are pleased to see P. aromid again after hie sition. Horace Horton, eit-rnaYer of Goderich, for old iCeritre Huron, ith on attack of heart 7 last. ---Signal. present. Mr Chas. Dewar returned from Manitoba last week. Rev R. Henderson preached in Blyth on Sab- bath. Mrs "Vanstone, of Blyth, was visiting her relatives and friends in Bayfield for a few days this week. Miss Mary Walwin,who returned from Goderich last week, will remain for Summerhill. Ni TES.—Statute labor is the order of the day. 'The Orange lodge is increas- ing in members and will likely tnake a good showing on the glorious 12th, the fife and drum band will bean additional feature in connection therewith. Mr G. M. Kilty, attended the Teachers' Con- vention in Goderich, last week. Mr S. Lowery, is recovery from hie recent illness. Mr C. J. Nesbitt has spring wheat that measures 25 inches; this is pretty good for the recent short period. of growth. Miss Flora Miller has re- turned from her visit to friendin Wingham. Miss E. Thompson, teacher of Varna, spent Saturday and Sunday, under the parental roe; she was ae- 1 eompained by Miss Kydd, teacher of Stanley, . . 6 . cents in adiance will pity fOr i 1 the Cetwrost NEW EnA for the ( . f,, Waned of this year. P. NOTES.—La,st week the rnajoritY o s our teachers took advantage of use, convention in Seaforth. Mr Jahn , Irvin, 12th con., had the misfortime to have a runaway accident last week and as a result was pretty badly shak- en up. Messrs Hillen, Ross and Gib- son have raised their barns, prepares, tory to having foundations built under them. Mr E. Lawrence, 4th cons had the misfortune to have his arikle sprain- ed severely the other dity, but welappe soon to see him around again. 4 Kippen. Tan CAMP MEETnses—The railway , authorities have granted fare -and -Ane - third tickets from Wingham and. Lon. don and interveting stations to th# Kippen Camp Meeting, will& coms mences on Sunday, June 121h, and at, ; • so arranged for trains to stop direetly.. < et tbe grounds. This will be a great , convenience. _1.