HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-06-03, Page 6PASEO EMULSION COMPOUND I act 041M knOW .1.314 111 lAik,t Wad Mai •111941whieh cotherrernyllWaif 7%4 to Are' sibruipsous; Fresh confirms -I. OR of WO Oat°, anent coulee to baitcldall)". EVpu EinOU deeV•liclit1(1 !Old Stubborn erina.. .Platata as Aheau, nudism, Rheuma- tic gout, and the like, are thorough - V eradicated by the Use ot tlits derful alterative. Mrs. B. Irfing Dodge, 110 NY)* 4Ple 120th..ertreet, Now York, certifies:— I' About two yeara ago, after suffering for nearly two years from rheumatic gout, being able to walk only with great .0.1090mfOrt, an baying tried -various remedies, including mineral waters, without relief, I saw by an advertise- ment in a Chicago paper that a men had beewrelleiretrof this distressing nom - plaint', after long, suffering, by taking Ayer's $atriaparilla. I then decided to A10.10 of this medicine, and took , it regularly' for eight months. I am , pleased to tiity that it effected a com- plete cure, and that I have since had no settiris of theAisease." 44fri,, L..4, 4ltiwk, Nashua, N. H. *tin* "Ono year ago 1 was taken ill Wlth rheumatism, being confined to my house six months. I eamo out of the .alekness Very nituilr debilitated, Vith no •PPegte, .eett my system disordered in everyaray. I commenced to uge Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and began to improve at woe, gaining in strength and soon re- covering my usual health. I cannot say too much in .raise of this well-known medicine." "I have taken a great deal of medi- tine, but nothing has done me so much good as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I felt its beneficial effects Were I had lieuite finished one bottle, and I can freely testify that it is the best blood- ' medicine I know of." —L. W. Ward, Sr., Woodland, Texas. Si "MY PAPA DRINKS." iiyor's arsaparlla, The policemen of Bloomington, Ill., see raMPAltill) BY many incidents and witness bits of life Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. which never corns to the public attention. primp; ex bott4„,.5. junk$6,,bonie. arniceexad bmple of this has lately been exper- y Officer Herron, who some time ago received a letter from a little girl named Florence Hoover at Waynesville, written in • childish way, but telling an affecting story. The girl wanted to know what had become of her father, George W. Hoover, who, she said had left their home some time ago, and had never come back. She said she thought that Mr Herron might know about him, because she heard he was in Bloomington. "My papa drinks," she wrote, "and we are all very sorry, but we don't know where to look for him. Please find him and take care of Iti*for me." The simple childish appeal attired up the sympathy of the policeman:and he made a most diligent search for the whereabouts of the missing father. It was of no nee, however, and he wrcte to the girl telling her of his failure to find her father. The officer will keep the letter of the girl as a memento, and says that such a stimuloue would spur him on to greater effort to find a missing man thaniwould the offer of a big reward. 1CRISP AND CASUAL. Mluard's Liniment is the Beet .. The new •Britiull eajuege will bear the Queen's head withMat her crown. Mere than 0. imillien dozen pairs of gleVes, valued at $7,200,000, are made at Greneble, France, every year, Found at laet, a remedy for pile% lavest ii0 cents for a bottle of 10410 Pile Lotion, and be convinced, Duringtheyear 1891 f,207 Tench page- sd throh,gh the Suez canal, arid et theee rhnly twenty six carried the American flag. The gastronoraio law that °piton slaould not be eaten in the months without an R in them wee laid down by a pigeon named ,Butler nearly three hundred yeare ago. The Chinese have a kitohen god, lahich ie supposed to go to the Calms° heaven at the beginning of each year to report upon the private life of the famillea under hie care. Have you used Magnus Expectorant ? it will euro all colds in the head and throat. 25 cents per Pottle. Japan has 700 earthquake observing stations, and the records Of the MO shocks that annually visit that country are ao- curately noted. - The longest bridge in this country is the trestle whieh crosses a portion of Lake Pontchartrain, in Louisiana. It is nearly twenty five miles long. The house of Jacques Flandreau, built in New Rochelle in the year 1700, la standing, and is aupposed to be one of the oldeet Huguenot houses in this country.j Itch, Mange and Scratches of every kind, on human or animals, oured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by J. H. Combe, Druggist. One of the most interesting results of the British occupation of Egypt has been the naturalization of the game of foot ball within earshot of "the murmur of the mov- ing Nile." We can furnish you with the most con- vincing proof of the great merits of Sedvator Magnus as a consumption cure, Salvator Magnus Medioine Co., Brockville, Ont. • DUNN'S BAKIN •POWDER Tituco.n,PEE4TCF111•IRID 1111111111111Nalealaciwwwwwl All men can't be Apolloof strength and form, but MI may have robust health and strong nerves and clear miifds. Our treat - Went makes such men. ,Vlie methods are our own exclusively, and where anything is left to build upon, the EGOR OF MEN is easily, quick- ly, permanently restored. Weakness, Nervousness, Debility, and all the train of evils f rom early errors or later excesses, the result of over -work, sickness, worry, etc., forever cured., Full *strength development, and tone giv- en to every organ and portion of the 1 -m- ediate improvement seen. Failure possible. 2,000 references. Book, lanations and proofs mailed ed) free. Address, RIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N.Y. ()NCH IT I $ 1381..e.tirtgton Ave.. New York City, Sept. 19, 1888. I have used the Flax -Seed Emulsion in several pms of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stages of and have been well pleased with the results. JAMES K. CROOK, M.D. CONSUMPTION Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb. 14th, 1:9. I have used your Emulsion in a case of Phthisis (consumption) with beneficial results, where patiehl, could not use Cod Liver on in any form. J. H. DROGE, M. D. NERVOUS PROSTRATION Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 20th, 1 can gtmliglYrec°rnmen • I the cure of all Lung. d Flax Seed Emulsion as helpful to the relief and possib y eralnchial and Nervous Affections, and a good gen tonic in physical debility. JOHN F. TALMAGE M. D GENERAL DEBI LIT Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 10th, 1888. I regard Flax Seed Emulsion as greatly ,superior to the Cod Liver Oil Emulsions so generally in use. D. A. GORTON, M. D. WASTING DISEASES 187 West 84th sc., New York, Aug 6, 1 . I have used your Flax -Seed Emulsion Compound In ti severe tase of Mal -nutrition and the result was note than hoped for—it was marvelous, and con- tinuous. I recommend it cheerfully to the profession and humanity at large. Id. H. GILBERT, M.D. JIHEUMATISM Sold by Druggists, Price $1.00. SLAX.SEED EMULSION CO S5 Liberty St., New Yoe - rot sale by J. H. .COMB,E, Clinton. THE WONDERFUL SUCCESS Of Hood's Sarsaparilla as a bleed _purifierr, entitles it -to your confidence. - - No other preparation has such a record of cures of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Blood Poisoning, or other blood disenses. To try it is to know its merit. Be sure- to get Hood's Sar- saparilla. -- WFor a geveral family cathartic' we con- fidently recommend Hood's Pills. They should be in every home medicine chest. OF FEMININE INTEREST. Mrs Stanley, the wife of the great ex- plorer, isa lineal descendant of Oliver Crom- well. A niece of James Russell Lowell, Miss Ruth Burnett, is, to become a Sister of Charity. Mme. Carnet, wife of the president of the French republic, is a countess in her own right._• It is considered unlucky for any of the wedding guests to be dressed in green or black, a black crape bonnet, or a band on a gentleman's hat; these accidents entail life- long misery to the newly married couple. Balla, carbuncles, and eruptions of all kinds are natures efforts to throw off poison from the blood. This result may be ac- complished much more effectually, as well as agreeably, through the proper excretory channels, by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. An old maid's insurance company has been opened in Denmark. Spinsters can insure themselves by a small sum on reach- ing the age of 13, and if still unmarried at 40 are entitled to a regular 'allowance. If they marry, however, they forfeit all claim. It was Queen Anne — Richard IL's Queen Anne --who introduced trailing gowns into England nearly 500 years ago. It was the same royal lady who first set the fashion of enormously high pfiaked head- gear, from which the "matinee hat" is no doubt descended; and also changed the mode of lady horsemanship from the cavalier style to the side saddle. For rheumatism and sciatica Dr. Wil- liam's Pink Pills have no equal. A. P. Noakes. Mattawa, Ont., Writes: --I have been troubled for years with rheumatism and nervous debility. After using six boxes of Dr. William's Pink Pills am en- tirely restored to health. Sold by all deal- ers or sent post paid on receipt of price - 50 cents a box or six boxes for 82.50. Dr. Williams Med. Co., Brockville, Ont., or Morristown, N. Y. According to foreign papers while the Duchess of Sanfelice was ws.lking along the Via Firenze in Rome recently the cord bolding her necklace of pearls broke and gems, valued at 850,000, rolled into the sewer. Alarm was sent to the Depart- ment of Streets, and laborers were instruct- ed to search for the pearls, the Via Fir- enze in the meantime being closed. The hunt was successful, and all but four of the jewels were found. St. Peter's at Rome has the finest choir in the world. There is not a female voice in it, and yet the most difficult oratorios, and sacred music are rendered in such a manner as to make one think that Adelina Patti's high soprano is leading. The choir is composed of sixty boys. They are train- ed in the work from the time they get con- trol of their vocal chords, and some of the best singers are not over 9 years old. At the ago of 17 they are dropped from the choir. Children Cry for Pitcher's Costo!la. Til,E CLINTON' NEWS NOTE§, lifinard's Liniment luMbermetee friend The official count for North rerth gives Mr. Grieve a majority of 91. The fruit crops in the. South of England have been greatly damaged by a terriflo storm, Mrs, Robert Leighton, ,who lived in To, ronto when - it was Little Yerk, has just died in Buffalo, aged 101 yeara. Illr. Vanflorn has given the people of Moose Jaw to uncleratand that the line will soon run to that point instead of Regina. John Fitzhume, a murderer, of Buffalo, N. Y., has been sentenced to be electrocnt- ed within a week Commencing June 28th. When you buy Your spring medicine you should get the beSt, and that is Hood's Sarsaparilla. Itthoroughly purifies the bloed. The cheese factery at Strathallen, a few miles north of Woodstook, was burned Fri- day morning, with some 360 cheese ready for shipment. Mr. Robert Wateon, Liberal M.P. for Marquette, was sworn in on Thursday as a member of the Manitoba Government, taking the Public Works portfolio. Magic Pile Lotion, the latest and beat remedy in the market for the onre of any and all kinds of piles no matter of how long standing. Israel Zipping and his 16 -year-old son, Maurice, were killed by a New York Cen- tral train, on Thursday, between Cold. spring and Garrison, N. Y. Buyers cannot be found for Russian oats liberated by the withdrawal of the prohibi- tion of exports. Foreign buyers have sup- plied their wants in other me,rkete. Illinard's Linemen t leased for horses &cattle A thresher shark, measuring 12 feet from tip to tip, and weighing over 1,200 pounds, was captured by nine fishermen near Cape May, N.J., after a fight lasting over four hours. In a runaway accident at London, Eng- land, on Thursday, the British Prem- ier, was badly shaken up. His carriage was wrecked and his coachman received severe injures. The epidemic of diphtheria with whirl the village of Platteville has been afflicted, is now subsiding. No new oases have been reported during the past week, and those under treatment now are recovering. James O'Rielly, sr., the first settler in the north of Percy township, Hastings county, died on Wednesday, evening, He was otter 91 years of age, and resided con- tinuoUsly orethe farm where he died,eince the yea* Mgt MYRTLE Navv.--The success which the Myrtle Navy tobacco has with the public is because it is composed of the finest Virginia leaf grown, and is manufactured with the most scrupulous care at every stage of the process. The United States House of Represent- atives adopted a resolution on Thursday, providing that no part of the amount appro- priated for the World's Columbian Exposi- tion shall be available unless the doors of the exposition shall be closed to the publie on Sunday. The supporters of the Greenway Govern- ment held a convention at Morris, Man., last night, when Mr Stewart Mulvey, exa Grand Master ofghe Orange Order in the Northwest, and once a prominent Conserva- tive, was nominated the Government candi- date for the constituency. fofialVatOr IPA" The Great Baler ourt aRdlOcoiem t,49 Wogs and Obeid, • Bryant Carndall, under art* at an Francisco for defr4i4ing iuStiran000OMpan/ les, has be positively identified by a man who ofilciated as a pallbearer At hie supposed funeral in Buffalo six years ago. How are,youM "Nicely' Thank You," "Thank Who," 'Why the inventor; of a - The original autograph commission of Captain Nathan Hale, of Connecticut, the martyr spy of the Revolation, was sold for 81,775 at a recerit auction in New London. The State of Comocticut sent in a bid of 8250, but it was bobght by a firm of auto- graph dealers,'who now hold it at 85,000. We do not know of any preparation that has caugl, t the public favor in so short a time as Dodd's Kidney Pills, but when we consider that Ore( -fourths of the Canadian people are afflict:2d with kidney troubles in Nom p form or other, and that Dodd's l'ills are a quick a nd permanent cure for all these troubles, the large and increasing demand can scarcely be wondered at. Sold by all dealerwor by mail on receipt of price, 60 cis. per box. Dr. L. A. Smith dc Co., Toronto. Children Cry Yoe -Pitcher's Castorla. THE HAPPY COLORED FAMILY. We are a happy, joyous throng, Theyeall us Diamond Dyes; From day to day we imirch along Neath bright and cloudy skies. We area color'd family, Some dark and others fair; No two of us are jnst alike, Yet all beyond compare. O'er Canada we scatter wide Our school of trusty dyes; The ladies in tis all confide— Greet us with loving eyes. We make no strikes for shorter time, Or system of eight hours; We're always ready for a dime To show our wondrous pow'rs. At early morn, with great delight We're ready for the fray; And da our work as well at night, As we can do by day. We are so brilliant, fast and pure, Have hearts true to the core; We never flirt, our love is sure— The ladies ask no more. The merchant's and the farmer's wife Make use of us each day; The pastar's spouse declares that life Is blank when we're away. Canadian girls young and fair, Are charmed by our dash; And often seriously declare That we have made a mash. To mansion, hall, and cottage plain, We carry mirth and glee; And always manage to retain A life of purity. Plso's Remedy for Catarrh le the Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest CATAR R Sold by druggiste or Gent by mall, Mc V.. T. lir' vAtine Wavnor. ;20, Iltil y011 Boy a Pim, BUY A PIANO WhIch cure me of CONSU Give thanks for its discovery. That it does not make you sick when you take it. Give thanks. That it is three times as ' efficacious as the old-fashioned cod liver oil. Give thanks. That it is ouch a woixler- ful flesh producer. Give thanks. Thatit is the beat remedy for Consnnaption,8cmiula, 2ronehitii, Wasting eases, Coughs and Colds. Be sure you get the genuine in Salmon color wrapper; sold by all Druggists, at socand ar.co. SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville, 01 McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OVUM Tested Remedies.l. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For rcpure, Weak and Impoverished ed, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa- ation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones; Jaundice, Kid- ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility. LABORATORY, GODERICII, ONT. 3. M. MaLIOD, Prop. and Manufasturer. Sold by.J. H. Combe, Maus not, the make -shift instrument for a few years which will disgust yourself and your friends, but a Piano which you can show with pride,one that you know will last a lifetime. Such is the cele- brated GERHARD HEINTZMAN. -- Buy it and you will never regret it; for sale by G. F. ENIERSON. CLINT'ON mg iiGT The new model of the Rockford Watch, when placed in a sore* bezel ease, will MI a lox felt want among farmers, as it is not ins proof only, bit Very Strong. The plate which the wheels work between, • not being eeparated by palm as in the ordinary WATCH But by the bottom plate being turned out of a solid piece of metal, with the edger left of the top plate to rest on; it also being pendant or lever set with sunk balance to prevent breaking, mak- ing in all a good rong watch For a Farmer JOS. BIDDLECOMBE We have anticipated a big season's trade, arid have prepared for it accOrdlit 17, If you want a dandy ROAD CART, a light and serviceable DEW) o well-built, easy -running LUMBER WAGGON, st‘ beautiful and stooti. 4 • or, COVERED BUGGY, or even a DOUBLE PA11B4-0Es we eaP faiXota wants, and guarantee to giVe you satisfaction, Our goods are them' commendation. Call and see totand we are euro yen will ben' ScibteuNoIINCL0E.ANSINia, ti Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, failure Impossible. Many so-called diseases are simply symptoms of Catarrh, such as headache, losiug souse ef BM011, foul breath, hawking and spitting, general feeling of debility, etc. If you are troubled with any of these or kindred symptoms, yon have Catarrh, and should lose no time procuringbottle of NABAL BALM. BeBwarned in time, neglected cold in head results in Catarrh, followed by consumption and death. Bold by an druggists, or sent, • t paid, on receipt of price cents and till by addreesing FULFORDA CO.Brockvlue.Ont. J. C. STEVENSON, --THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER • —AND— EN.BALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPI'111 STOCK The bestEmbalming Fluidused Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST.,CLINTON Residence over store. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL DO YOU WANT A First-class Step or Long Ladder? A Handy Wheelbarrow A Splendid Churn, or anything of like nature? Then call omW. SMITHSON, at shop, No.? Frederick St., or E, Dinsley Will be attDinsley's corner every Saturday afternoon S. WILSON, GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE HURON STREET, CLINTON Repairing of all kinds promptly attend to res onside rates. A trial solicited. 1 CURE FITS! When I say I chre I do not mean merely to stop them for a time and thon have them return again, I mean radical care. I have mado the disease of FITI3, EPILEE, BY or PALLING SICKNESS a lifelong study. I warrant my remedy to mire the worst eases. Bei:Anse others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a euro. Bend at oneo for a treatise and a 10106 Bottle of my infallible al ren,. Give EXPRESS and POSEOPPICE. H, G. RQ.OT, M. 0. 180 ADELAIDE Sr. WEST. TORONTO, ONT. HAYWARD'S CARRIAGE FACTORY, • OPPOSITE FMB'S M1L1 0I4NTON _ oust CLEANIN Now is the time for house-cleaning, and we have the goods to do New shades of ALABASTINE and KALSOMINE. Elephant Paints, all shades. Johnson's .Decorations, No 1 pure •W 'e Lead. Paint, Kalsornine and Scrub Brushes. Win- dow Shades at reduced prices. Curtain Poles complete, 20e ' Bird Cages and Lawn Mowers at Rock -Bottom prices. SucealcaliAlcssNE Villthohluit Fon HARLAND BROS. STOVES AND HARDWARE, C)1_,I.N9POINT Choice - J. Goods JUST RECEIVED New Valencia Raisins off stalk, New Sultan Raisins—extra value, New Black Basket Raisins, New Currants, New Greaoble Walnuts New S. S. Almonds, New Filberts, New Candied Peols—Oitron, Lemon and Orange, New Extracts—Essences of all kinds. TEASSplendid values in ckoice Green, Black orpapans. Try our Spopial Blend of pure Indinand.Veylon Teas put, sp in one. _ _ pound packages. Best value in lockage Teas initthe mai kei—Try it, A CALL SOLICITED. N1 ROBSON. - CHINA HALL Glasgow House, Brumfield ESTABLISHED 18M SCOTT & CO Wholesale and retail dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES,.HARDWARE, CROCKERY and PROYISIOITS. Highest Cash price paid for all kinds of Grain, Dressed Hoge, Hides, Weal Sill Cord wood. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. , Agents for W, Telegraph Co., Wilk tele graph connection to all parte of the world. We beg to thank our numerous customers for their long and liberal patronage for tke past 30 years, and hope by stridt attention to business, and reek bettorn prises,* ail lontinue in line with our old and many new rustemers. Vat SCOTT & CO., - BRUCEFIELD 1111/1/111111111. AMMO. Adams' Emporium We this:week announce to the purchasing public that we have received a tine supply o CLOTHING in MENS' SUITS and BOYS SUITS. SHOES—Gentlemen's Shoes, Ladies' Shoes, Youths' Efficest, Misses Shim, an Children's Shoes, in various styles and prices. HATS—A large stook of Hats and Caps—Felts, Straws, &e. Our DRESS GOODS and PRINTS Are going off rapidly as they are nice and cheap. MILLINERY—We never had such a fine display of Millinery. This will be pleasing to the ladiee especially. We have on order some beautiful Wool Carpets to arrive -shortly. Dont miss them Our TWEEDS are excellent value and milling so well our tailor has to get a hustle on. You would do well to compare prices. SHIRTINGS and COTTONADES moving lively—prices low, quality good SEEDS—Field and Garden Seeds in stock. We cannot mention everything as the:store is filled in all departments. We are constantly having visits from new customers who are,well pleased with our goods and prices. A trial reapeotfully solicited—it will pay you.. We want to make room for more goods yet to come in. Produce taken in exchange atthighest prices. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, R. ADAMS. LONDESBORO Have Wanted and Must Have 1 HAVE A full stock of D. M. Ferry's and Steel 13ros Field and Garden SEEDS and CORN. Fall stock Field and Garden TOOLS. A few pieces of CROCKERY and GLASSWARE which will be almost given away. Full stock of JEWELERY, TINWARE, HARD- WARE, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, OILS, HARNESS and all goods in connection with the Harness business. I WANT a continuation of my present customers patronage and a few more if I can get them by honest dealing— to close up at 8 o'clock p. m.; to give every oustoiner as much for 81 as they can get any place else; to take any kind of farm produce in exchange for goods from a pound of iron to a los.d of grain. Hides and Furs for whieh I will pay cash. I MUST HAVE all , my 1891 accounts settled by the lst of May, at the latest. The balance of my Crookery and Glassware will be sold or given away RS soon as possible to make room for other goods. Three more Robes to be sold this spring. I will give Crookery'or Glassware to the value of 5 per cent on all accounts paid during March. GEO. NEWTON' - - L ONDESBORO