HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-06-03, Page 5ALAR • AT J301$111 knialliSON-At Winnipeg, on May 28th, the wife OZI2r R. W. Emerson, Of a daughter. NEWTON -In Clinton, on May 29th, the wife of Mr G. 4, NoWt01, eta aoa, -BROWN,---1-11-141-1lett,- -Pia -the 29tb -may,- the wife of Ur Robt.13rown, of a son. MARRIED. WALKEJta-HOELAND.--At the resideiace of the bride's father, Goderich township, on the 1st inst., by the Rev J. Walker, Mr S. Waiker, of Springteldi_to Mist; Anna, yonligert daUghter of Mr Jeptha Holland, SMITH-STAIM-On the 24th of May, at the residence ot the bride's parents, by Rev Ur Casson, Mr Levi Smith, to Amanda, daughter of air Samuel Stark, all of SeafOrth • HAMILTON- RUTHERFORD.- At the rest - deuce Of the bride's father, East Wawanosh, the 23r4 Way, by the Rev W.f/I. Watson, Mr Hugh Hamilton, of -TUrnberry, to Hies Nellie Ruther- ford, of East %%Waned). RIOE-LINFIELD,-In Oolborue, en the 25t1I Rumballs Miss Mary Jane Liniield, eldeat daughter of Rev DI • A, Fear, Mr Rice, of the city of queiph, to of May, at the realdence of the bride% parents, by Samuel Linfieid, of Colborne. MoINTYRE-MILLS.-In West Wawanoah, on the 25th May, at the residence of the bride's fa- ther, John Mills, by Rev E. A. Fear, Wra Mc- Intyre to Miss Busy Mills, eldest daughter. MoILWAIN HETHERINGTON. -0» the let inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev E. A. FearaWoa. afoIlwain, of Nile, to Miss Amelia Hetherington, of Colborne. CLARKE-KERBLAKE.-In Exeter,on the a6th of May, by the Rev A. L. Rursen, B. D., Mr Thee Clarke, of Cobourg, to Mrs Pricilla Kerslake, of Exeter. CLINTON AR wo 8110 Gnat SLAUGHTER OF PRIC FOR 60 DAYS 20 per at. Discouut for Cash2 -AT- ; Jackson's Shoe Store, We have no lame excuse for Making a Reduction Sale at this time of the year. We simply want it to be DISTINCTLY UNDERSTOOD that In no case will we allow our competi- tors to undersell us. There- fore we offer you a straight 20 per cent discount off the regular prices. This means that Boots and Shoes will be sold in Clinton without profit for some time to come. We do not confine our • reduced prices to staple and low-priced goods only. 1-3t-- Our whole, Stock will be Slaughtered without reserve. Everything goes, J. JACKSON, Clinton MUST BE SOLD Having bougba out a Harness bUsinese at Winglietm and decided to move as Boon as pos- _-_-_aible,-I-have-commenced-selling-off-m-Y-WHIOLE--6TOCICAT-O04T-and under. I [cannot give prices of everything, but below is a list of some articles in each line, and all others are guaranteed equally as low. Copper -bottom Boilers $1.40, 14 qt Pails 20o, Dippers 50, large Milk Strainers 10c, 6qt Milk Pans 70, new Raisins 44o, Car - rants 5o, best clear Syrup 3o, 51b bar beat Soap 20o, Ivory Bar 5c, all 40c Spices for 25, 0 all 10o articles for 70 or 4 for 250. Nails 3c, Glass half price, Hinges 5c, Spades 60c, Manure Forks 65o, Spools 3o, Butter Tnbs 25o, Straw Hate 5o up, Lamp Glasses 5o, Coal i Oil 1543,per gall, XXX White Wine Vinegar 25c per gallon. Come early and secure soma of these snaps. Terms Cash pr Produce. No butter taken. Scrap Iron and Copper taken NOTICE -AD outstanding aocounte must be paid during June. 5 per cent on all goods got in 1892.- 4fter this date they will be placed in other hands for collection. GEO. NEWTON J - - - LONDESBORG Nothing Succeeds Like Soccess,... Re. Estate • 'Administrator's SALE -OF- IN THE TOWN OF CLINTON DIED. PEARSON.-In Stanley, on the 29th of May, John Alexander.S., youngest son of Robt. Pearson, aged 1 year, 6 months and 7 days. Valuable Parm for Sale. The North half of lot 30, and concession Has Wawanosh. Apply to CAMERON, HOLT it OADIERON, Goderich To Rent or for sale, Good brick store and dwelling, formerly occupied by 0. Cruickshank. Albert St., Clinton. Apply to W. W. PARRAN, Implement Agency. -- Subscriber ha a taken the agency for the well- known Cockahutt Plow Co, and will be pleased to sell to all who desire any article of their make such as Riding, Walking. or 2 -furrow Plows Scuffiers, Cultivators, Land Rollers, Scrapers, Jo) Iinplementa can bc seen at my Warerooms Albert St. Clinton, nearly opposite Fair's Mil/ J. SNYDER, 014INTON MAIIKET8 Corroded emery Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Juno 2,1892. Wheat, Oa or new 0 78 a 0 83 WOO spring 0 76 a 0 72 Oats 0 22 a 0 80 -- -- . 0 40- a 0 45- Peas Flour per bal 0 67 a 60 5 00 a 5 00 Butter 0 18 a 0 14 Eggs per lb s di Potatoes 0 20 a 0 25 Pork 6 50 a 5 $0 Hay 10 00 all 00 Hides, No. trimmed 4. • • • 4 OA it 4 05 Hides, rough .. 8 so 350 Sheep Skins .... 050 a 070 Apples, per bag 0 60 a 0 90 Wood short ' 2 25 a 2 50 Wood long 3 00 a 3 50 Clover 7 00 a 7 50 Timothy 2 00 a 2 25 Wool 0 16 a 0 16 LONDON MARKETS, Thursday June 2, Wheat " ' S082 a 084 Oats 030 a 031 Peas 054 a 057 Batley 0 43 a 0 48 Butter per lb. 0 12 a 0 15 Eggs per dozen 0 10 0 11 MONTREAL LIVE STOOK MARKETS. There were about 350 head of butchers' cattle, 350 calves and 250 sheep and lambs offered at the east end abattoir. There was a good demand for shipping cattle there being three buyers on the mar- ket, and they paid 42o per lb. for prime steers, and 4fo for good fat oxen. The market for butchers cattle was rather dull, and prices were lower, more especially for milkmen's shippers, of which there were a good many on the market. The best butch- ers' cattle sold at from 4i to 42 per lb.; good fat cows and rough steers at about 41,o do; Quebec oxen at from nto no, and bulls at from 3 to no per lb. The milkmen's strip- pers were very slow of sale and the prices ranged from $25 to $40 each, or from 3 to no per lb. THE BRITISH CATTLE MARKET Liverpool, May 30. -Cattle to -day sold at 6d. The markets are glutted with Canadian stook and prices are much lower. HUB CROCERY You can add to the list of household necessities and call on us • and we will complete that list with Tea, Sugar, Currants, Raisins, Baking Powder, Extracts, all kinds of Spices, itc. Canned Salmon, Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, Beans and Pumpkin. Starches, all grades We can give you any kind of a Set of DISHES or TOILET SET. GLASS- WARE as cheaplas any other house in town. G -I00 SW.A.T.J1_10-Vir - CLINTON BOOTS and SHOES As competition is the life of trade, we have decided to CONTINUE OUR DISCOUNT OF 25 per ct. ON THE DOLLAR for Cash purchases for another 30 days. • wr-Eggs taken as cash. C. CARLINE. South ofsttrheeetToovatlEoinall, Albert _FLOODS. FLOODS. -0- SUMS, Teas, Caned Goods and GENERAL GROCERIES, AT HOT WEATHER PRICES, LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. Special -mg- mr-SUG-ARS- in -barrel Icti, and on TEAS in Caddies, to the trade and jobbers. Large lot NEW RAISINS, 5c. per lb, or 4ic per box. 22 lbs.. CURRANTS for $1, or 5c per lb. Sole agent for RAM LAMS and SAL LY Brands pure Indian Teas, and St. Leon Water J. VV. IRWIN, NOTRAILONcER, -• Wis Taylor lic Sons GRE AT CLEARING SALE sc, far has been an unqualified success, and will be continued until further notice, at prices previously advertised. We have decided Bargains in every department Eggs taken in exchange as cash. W. TAYLOR & SONS, Albert St. Clinto . _ With the approbation of John Hoskins, Esq., Of- ficial Guardian of Infants, there will be sold by public auction, by Devm Drercrusotr, Auction- eer, at the CENTRAL EfOTEL, in the Town of Clinton, on SATURDAY,the 25th DAY of JUNE 1892, at 2 o'clock p.m. the following property, viz' Building lots or Sub -Sections No. 3, 4 and 17, in Crombie's survey, of Town Lots numbers 252 0.13(1.253, in the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron. There are erected upon said lots 3 and4, two substantial Brick Stores, two stories high, having each a frontage on Albert Street of 22feet. and a depth of 50 feet, and & flat -roofed extantion to rear of 30 feet. The main buildings are roofed with shingles laid in mortar, classed as Al for in- surance, The foundations are stone, with geed cellars, The stores are fitted with shelving and counters suitable for ordinary mercantile busi- ness. Said lot 17 is situate in the rear of said Int 4, separated therefrom by a lane running at the rear of said building ;ots fronting on Albert St., and has erected thereon a large frame storehouse The property is situate opposite the Prince of Wales and Central Hotele tho farmers hotels of She town, on the main businesa street, and are in every way convenient and commodious business PITacEeBM RS: -The property will be offered (ist) en bloc, (2nd) lots 4 and 17 together, (3rd) in separate lots. The properties will be sold subJect to res- erved bide fixed by the official guardian. Ten per cent of the purchase money down on day of sale and the balance in thirty days thereafter, without interest, or if the piirchaser desire one- half of the purchase money may remain on mort- gage, at 6 percent interest for a term of years . - The purchaser will be required to sign 811 agree- ment for the completion of the purchase. The other conditions shall be the standing conditions of the High Court of Justice. Further terms and particulara made known os application to C. R. COMMANDER, Esq., London or to the undersigned. D DI0EIN80N, Auctioneer. MANNINO ez SCOTT solicitors for the Trusts Corporation of Ontario, Administrator. There will be offered at tue same tirne and place, and subject to similar aortas and condi- tions, building lot 16, in Crotnatie's survey afore- said in the said Town of Clitifon, at the roar of said tot 3, the property of Oh les R. Commandor Esq.. London, Ont. D. DICICItiTO . MAN ci astir Yetidot'a ,PO,P7ii.A111 ttr ••••••••,......••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••,•••• DELAINES, 1 THESE LAWNS '• _ ARE CH A LLIES, GRENADINES. Ewere in Toronto for three days last week. picking up what was needful and desirable for the coming hot season. Besides getting a very\ large variety of siiitable stuffs, we were especially fortunate in obtainingsthern at prices far below the regular, as our prices will show you. For instance we give you a beautiful Silk Grenadine, worth $1, for 65c. Another bro. caded pattern worth 75c for 50c. Big lot washing Challies worth 8c, for 5c. .Another lot Washing Challies worth 10 for 8c. A pile of Fine -apple Tissues (fast) 15e worth 20. Black Satin Stripe and Cheek Lawns -these are great favorites for hot weather. Black double -fold Brocaded Grenadine only 30c. Another fine Grenadine only 12c. New plain Cream Lawns. New plain Black Lawns. New plain White Lawns. New White Spotted Lawns. New White Satin Striped and Check Lawns. New open-work Lawns. New plain fast -black Sateens. New fast -black Brocaded Sateens, These Goods have the appearance of Satin and of so fast a black dye that acid will not change them. New Delhi Blouse materials. - New Tournament Blouse materials. New Outing & Ceylon Flannels. New lot all colors Bengaline Silk, (washing) for Ladies Waists amd Blouses, only 45c. Besides new Gloves, new Hosiery, new linen and cotton Laces, new Para,soy, new Light Prints, choice things, fast, new Lace Curtains, 4th lot, new Curtain Poles, complete only 25c, new Window Shades, , all colors, 5th lot. For desirable stuff, always the latest, this is, without doubt, headquarters. Gilroy 86 Wiseman, Orall\T'Z'ON FOSTER Before you - Go to the summer resort you had better drop in at Foster's and sit for some Photos to leave with your friends, MONEY IM TALKS It buys in the best markets at the best discounts. It has no bad debts. It requires no expensive system of keeping books. It makes no enemies. The merchant who buys for cash is sought and found by man- ufacturers and wholesale dealers when they have any special values to offer. He holds the key to the situation and can hammer prices down to where they would be if all could pay cash. Having bought for cash, and at a cut under regular prices, if he decides to take no risk of loss but to sell for cash down, he can set such a pace in prices as will distance any competitor who may be struggling along dragging the dead weight of credit and bad clebts. He is simply not in, it. Cash was talking forcibly when we cleaned out a line of 50 ALL -WOOL TWEED SUITS, they would be good value at49. Our price ft,r thena is SIX DOLLARS. y•••••••• ..••••• Our Men's seamless Laced Boot at $1.50,. and Heavy Plow Boot at $1, are mag- nets that draw trade our way. We claim the inside track when buying, and customers get the inside track when buying from us. Cash talks for you as well as for us. . OUIMETTE Lroto 1 -ii •