HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-05-27, Page 8itri7r7r,
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'74r1r4T, r .1 .4' •
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OrTO*10r44 OttY0 Ue ill b0000, not to
01 ia *Otto ural %idea: Orwaes6,Baby
and keidur lea saarrio of Prides in loots
Men'. Xlire Gerters. ", ,.. .., 4 .1 00
• ten`s Vbilie 1464 01146 iii0IVid as 1 40
Or4066 E14. 110110a Becits,...0, ,...0 00
,IV006ileal$ Zt1400 EsOotri.,,...,,.,..... 0 00 ,
t :Flamm's Kid Bitpluirs.,,.......,.„..0 60
4 W4ngiOre5 t4/004 nooks., ,.,. , ,e,,...... 0 70
l, Weinon'sPrueellas !rear. ..,,,..,,.... ,.0 _60 UL)%Women.* Blii0aerii y .0.0.4 00 .,p,,,,o.., 4,
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.44,PleRitTIORA5 Order to insure
4i40'.040,0010.4reek., es/Vforifehope,e,
vOernent,;tattei k 4anaddf ;in. not
AO' .)Y,C4#,"1,0V noRr4
Z#kin .1001004.
of He
the ob
24th?MrFr0dUP11Ch, of
NoO4.14 aw of istifr %1 147
oeowledthe voltlit :of on ot thexet.bo.
.diet thurehes, there recent Sao,
tlernan present at 3?aa1'a',011oreti. oit
flon4laY., and hearing of the intended •
doparturo of Mr If. J. Conibes
rearario4-that0,93,0,1014.,Se2ry theehoir
was about to lose its-ffrarnr-tonei" • lir
Iuld gto ;fames soit3i aro ViOlthitt at
Weedete4. There has Nen eonsittev
ably , more Vet, ,days than dry this
month, and it has rained almost every
Sunday; It eei.4d net he nAneh worse, -
iiniess: itveined every Ts Misses 0.
aad13, IllenntoaStle aro t weekvisit
log in Toronto. Xegare 4 'I44.POUPrtY
P*111 A. Pier.. Of Toronto Un
• 09040 left for New
versity• are herne er the euraMee
days, Mr ):X0 )"4l,
t.*.ialT.141)4ireinedist4;;PPieirii Print-
t.ieoe olive for enisriro$, Pam Os* office
ooil*wr. Will. Atter (iia4 the
fortAlne to set 40uOix on tint eyelid
afal100110411'04 Friday' last, 044
•'#0401x9,04t1,04"' having
:Fiwir.--Tho prospects for fruit were
•••,-t.e,r .better' in :this section than they
ar. this 1.`Pai• : hr.' very great
rpFesion efigoesipol, and 41Pwa
York on Monday morning. 4fr fiydp
Oroll now oportea .40,10Y little hnginr
and driver; toe fOrinerie freM the swap
of A. 1$. liarVarcl• Mr 4.aines)fel9fli
Amherst ,Tslands OlfrsikiollfaWshote4
it is rumored that another wedding
will take ,place while they are there.
Mrs J. Brickenden slid Mrs' BodaWaY
are visiting at Mr G. V. Titioltenden'ss
in London. The OaltReformer speaks
highly of a Musicalaeleetion elyep at
ght !appear, there will be a large
01 vk'ything.
•'PXv*Wr.:77MD4V.p:"Kertriedy• has tall.-
1.00aessien Of his new stable, and
,nOW ,noinfortable, conarno-
ittiliZe",allithesp&ee thwbest possib e
Idionke,,Ond. weit-equipped The
ioternal,-arrangemetn nts are 'sum r
ra14ase,• .
;0010, -=Tile folieWin3assen-
': '..Jackson's ' ticket agency. Mrs
tor' Virden, 341,311.n., Aire Dowzer
• elitf*ertii0k03d: through "this week
om _disld.re atufliiiii,taoriston, • of 'Bay,
Witillegi"-anff easrs W. Cantel-
dWixtolr.,, *Ito salted on Wed,.
and wife leave this week for Stell,
D. Per -Steamship e 9ntario,
ontreal for Liverbol./
oilitinrCialloEs.—Mr W. East
b�ught.'the house and lot on th‘
er. of deen and Princess streets,
resent occupied by 'Mr Auttetson;
z -consideration is $500. Mr John
Inge • was the :purchaser of the
',property, sold by auction on
atordaYr',''14Yedvertiseinent elsewhere
11E;:,be seen the Commander pro-
erty, on street, is to be offered
.0..*.A.-il-t-The 'other evening as a
734111(30 Tiaithwaite, Goderich
wneblp";‘Nvis driving into town in a
air cart, the horse took fright at the
Otriolight and, bolted to one side of
e road, hrowirig him out and running
Lown .44 -ea, the cart sometimes right
ide up and sometimes not. It was
O_Wever, caught without doing much
101040; but a goat robe was lost frorn
he rig and' the finder will oblige by
etiirrinig it,
niiiiiber of very
:ne cattle 'were -tarried -Wier' to the
iu'ers on ;Wednesday. Mr Jas
a r 0641.' eithead • that weighed 92,890
,4:cir an average of 407 each. Quite
nunalrer " of really good cattle Were
106 delivered by farmers hereabouts,
`c1„:•among them, were three bulls,
eff. respectively _by "Messrs James
014. Thilrett"; McFa;rlane, Stanley;
Lfld T. O'Brien, Tuckersraith; that
flistqg Somewhere about three tons.
OXJ,E,GIATE Boxnp. The regular
044,4 of the Trustee Board was held
)fl:: Friday evening. It was decided
,batta Op of $1, belevied on candidates
er :Entrance Examination. Several
1,464 accounts were paid, The tender
f• bi,00 Bros. for paper for examina-
On-pnrpoSes' Was aceepted: It was-
odiaea,to. ,tvavproieit the Globe and
ail for a Science Matter, duties to
;Minenee,,in 'August. The Principal
alcs'ellaPaVvered to prevent pupils
.06,Ving the 'school voundadnring re-
•:cesS withinitPermissionfrom himself or
assistaflts.It was decided to expend
•175 in the Library.
• SoNs o ...Erie4.A.Nn.f—The, annual
, 4Chnieh parade of the Sens of England
held • on Sunday forenoon ia,st itt
:30 o'clock, to the Ontario St. Methc&
• 1, church, ,and despite the chilly
• eining and unfavorable appearance
f:the, sky, the turnout Was a large
one. The local lodge, which alone has
large niembership,was supplemented
dn. good number from Liverpool
)odge, and Londeelroro lodge,
ndesboro. The Sermon was preach-
" eaby the pastor of the church, Mr
Galloway, in n remarkably able and
eloittient" manner, and delighted the
entire esSetnhlage Of Englishmen, and
,elOsed _by singing "God save the
• Queen." The turnout on the whole
was highly Creditable to the society,
nrid,satiefactery to the members in at-
tendance. ' On their return to the
10a0 roolit, Mr H. W. 13a11, Vice Presi-
dent of Liverpool lodge, Moved a reso-
. ludo* thanking the Rev Gerttleman
for his trouble in preparing a sermon
appropriate and able, the President
of liontabotro lodge, Mr A. Woodman,
„second the resolution, which WAS
enteitainMenit that ace recent-
, a
to his hope. Messrs Seale, Hoover' $4
Seale, of the Olinhm Marble, Work?,
have securedthe Order for the erePtiOn
of 4 line mottunient to the reemc•ry
the late Mr Oakes, .r,, of Gederieh
township, whien is be placed • in
Goderich cerneteli ; they have alfio
four granite monnmenfe to be erected
in Clandeboye ,temetery. Dr. Asa-
gairhae genet() Portage du Fort, Que.,
where he eXpects to remain for some
time. Geo. Davis, of the West End
Livery, now sports A new buggy made.
at Runaball's catTitige factory. The
Dauntless Laerosse Club did not go to
Parkhill as expected, on the Zith, seve-
ral of the players being, out of town..
Several 'members of the Bicycle Olub
rode to Exeter on Tuesday, but as they
were caught in several showers on the
way, the runwas none too pleasant.
Miss Wesenberger, (who is employed
with Dr. Blackall, was called home last
week by the midden death• of her mo-
ther in McKillop. Mr David Cantelon
left on Monday on a trip to the old
country. Mr James Beattie added two
new buggies to his livery this week,
from Rayward's carriage works, and
IffrJos.-Izzard, of Goderich township,
has one from the Same place. Messrs
E. S. :Perguson, W. Shanneiisy and W.
Cluff, all of Toronto, are the guests of
•Miss Aggie Jackson, High View resi-
dence, this week. There was a fair
attendance at Hazel Kirk last week,
but not such as the merits of the occa-
sion called* for. A road cart left out-
side of Hayward's' carriage shop over
night was taken away on Monday by
some boys, for a lark; their sport may
cost them something, a gold watch
that was taken from the same place e-
centlY has netbeen recovered. We are
much pleased to see Librarian Scott out
again after his severe illness. Messrs
Ern Hovey and W.Cole have recently
purchased high bidycles of the well-
known Brantford make, and ride as
Well as the more experienced riders.
Mr G. F. Emerson has disposed of a
bicycle to Mr thrills, Manchester. Mrs
J151ins, of Winnipeg i who has been
here for sometime, returned home on
Wednesday. Mr John Hannah, of
Brussels; was over here the other day,
and took -home frorn_Rum-
ball's carriage shop, a new covered
buggy; Mr James Stevens, of the base
line, also drives one from the same
place. Handsome as was the house
pu,rchased by Mr G. I). McTaggart
from Mayor Doherty, the internal im-
proveinents he is having made to it,will
enhance its value very much; in ad-
dition to heating it throughout by hot
air, Harland Bros. have 'put in pipes
for the conveyance of hot and cold
water to the bath room, which is
elabrately filled up for its special pur-
poses; Mr McTaggart was married at
Morrisburg, on Wednesday, to a Mies
Broder, and will' occupy the residence
shortlyiafter his return to town. On
the 24th a boy not 12 years old was so
elplessly—drunk that he—could-not
move along the street. Miss Susie
Malley is visiting her relatives' here.
If the Salvation Army will accept ad-
vice from a friend they will not repeat
whagoccurred on Tuesday; it is notdis-
creet nor is it a considerate act to hold
exercises for nearly an hour immediate-
ly in front of a place of business, and
had the proprietor of the hotel where
this took place. resented the intrusion,
vei-y few would have blamed him. We
are told that Mr Jos. Raftenbury is
stocking a fish pond on the Glew farm
on the Huron road; a very good idea.
The CanaclaMedical Record,in addition
to a minute description of the article
pays this tribute to the merits of ler
oraell's Douche Pan:—"Wee consider
It the most valnable 'form of douche
pan that has yet been invented, and
phySicians who have once seen this pan
wouldprobably recommend it to the
exclusion of all others." Messrs.Taylor
& Sons received a large order this week
from a man at Qu'Apelle, N.W.T.,who
stated that he hud noticed their adVer-
tisement in the CLirrox NEw ERA.—
Jackson has put un a neat verandah
iss Ira (*oil, of e
liuton, Mr
Are Our—tliCli---OOlti-‘M. and Lisle Thread Hose for
Ladies aria C1,1,11,1ren.
They are cooler than CaPhalere for, Summer wear, are
cheaper, and keep their color just as
Why AO try a pair, we will guarantee every pair not
to stain or loop theircelor; if they do, bring them back
and we will gyre you back your flIconey.
We have a splendid male for boys, O. heavy rib, with
doable knees, heels and,toes, about, as good a thing as
can be got foryour boys,
e .leou seen our $4 B&B CARRIA0Ef.
eat bar
Ire' you bought some of our 00 cent Curtain
POW Tour neighbor did because they have
such, a beautiful ilutsho
id 011 toe a41afltage of our low prices iu
aper and "Window ShadesOur prices
ave attracted, customers from Seaforthtaud
disturbed the Wads of the tradesmen in sur
is the name of a Silk Glove 'we are selling a lot of this
spring; it is very stonrg and one of the best wearing
Gloves to be,had. '
We have a fine assortment of Summer Gloves of every
description, frandthe cheapest Cotton to the finest Silk
Our "Stainless" 131aok Glove, with double.tipped fin-
gers, is the best selling Glove we have.
See our great line of pure Silk Gloves at 25c, There's
nothing to equal them at the price.
rounding tors.
If you want, to make $1, or .26 go a long way
or "WALL PAPER, give wit a call.
Book Store and News Depot, Clinton,
Will you need a pew Parasol this season ?
,'We believe -we have the best assortment -,of Parasols in
Dozens of different kinds to choose from, and every
one net, this season.
Whether you want a claeap one or a good one, what-
ever price you want to pay, you can get the best value
for that price from us.
Stylish handles, strong frames, and tops that will wear
and keep their color.
Five per cent off for cash.
Estate J.liodgens
ou ht at 50c. on
We open for sale on Wednesday, the 18th inst.'the stock of
• GEO. GLASGOW, bought at 50c. on the dollar.
Now you Bargain Seekers,
We are loaded for you, and will fire bargains at you that
you veill jump at. —This Slashing Sale will go right on
until the stock has all been sold.
We are showing Great Bargains in
Dress Goods, Parasols,
Staples,. Boots, Shoes,
and Clothing.
Ceme light along and secure some of these bargains
Pluinsteel - & Gibbings,
QVITEA, DrkerataXen. --The Clinton
raW ,Erta. refers to the fact that the
editor of this journal has a son in Chi-
-•eage, and tries to make A point out of
this against the Conservative policy.
'Young men, as a rule, like to see the
world, but because they May, for the
tittle being, be residents of a foreign
"country, that does not make them
tlibilt any theleSil of the land of their
"birth; We knetV. Of Some Grits Who
110.14/6 relatives in the penithntiary, but
are we to take that as a reason that
the whole faintly should be there also?
Doea.irrether Holmes see the point ?--
Mitchell .Advocate. WO, we ,a0 not Se•3
an- tOitit nor dowe accept the =Aver
Church Notes.
Revs. A. Stewart and J. G loway ex-
change pulpits on Sunday la • ming.
nsiery and inderuar
LEY 8i,
How very few people there are who are blessed
with feet free from corns, and the reason for
such being the case lies in the use of bad -fitting
and poorly -made Hose. No matter what kind
of a shoe you wear; if your hose are a bad fit
you will never have comforIT-We are at present
offering a great line of
Sempless Black Cashmere Hose
at 25c per pair.
These goods were bought at a low figure and
are special value.
Next Sunday services will be held in
the Catholic church, Clinton, at the
u,sual time.
The regular meeting of the W.C.T.U.
will be held at the home of Mrs. Biddle-
coinbe, on Thursday, June 2nd, at 3.
Mr A. L. Budge of Toronto, former-
ly of Clinton, will in this summer's
Work at taysville, the same station he
was working at last year.
The last meeting of the official
board of the Methodist, churcl was
held on 1VIonday evening when the
business of the Conference year was
brciught to a suecesSful termination..
All the funds are paid up and every-
thing pertaining to the board is in a
position highly ercaltable to the pal -
tor, tteV S. ,tdge and eminently- sat
isfitoto - to the 'Board. and congrega.
as onebearing on the matter. Brothel blob.— °ten Free Press.
Diela Ital. have relationsi in the pent -
Mrs Chuninittga will give a Moat in-
t4ititn,°" fwel'quif /v.`" teresting lectdre iti St Panl's sehool
•IttitVe 4.0 fitit, that is neither here ran. twin on Friday evenings the ,27th,
itrilsit-vrettit: trot hriectirlift3a2figgailisosliosio Agraurri Vtr2 AM.
ht d'eleck, under the Mies Of the
lug, 4. he it helpingtO develop Arneritan ..kbeing it of her trip through
. , A. t
6 leettire
iiiidiiStries; it inatter6 tart Whether he.
wdtit, thor# t;ey see theNverIdier net; he -th6 l*T6ttlIv/.°0 alla British '°"bititilbia.
le there,:, tlios sho*ing the hytiodilgy, t *here:she vieltecl. Ini Skala atItiltialatt .
Recognizing the fact that but very few people
risk going without Underwear in our changeable
• climate, a few words as to the kind to buy and
also the place to buy, will not be out of order.
As to where to buy `Underwear, in fact anything
ih Gentlemen's FURNISHINGS, of course
J A CKSON BROS. carry the choicest stock
and the best value. Here are a few prices—:
BALBRIGGAN. Full Suit, at $1.00
A NATURAL ,WOOL, entitp Suit, at 426
UPERFINE SCOTCH WEAVE full Suit, at $1,60
For any article in the catalogue of Gentleinett's
wearing apparel, we elaiin to be proficient, '
of hut tittit61., whoi , does to$ toitetise. VItilOritta to actitiire it letter knoWledge
ks RI own f y *hitt ho twoactios to of the needs of the esionart as well
, utt
OAS thladfaiia.
Ors, hers oxt4 Hatters!
cLiQ tn BE 0 I!
-z4 dila
ow comes Spring, bringing its flowers, birds,
butterflies and—wants. Nature will attend to
the former, and we will look after the latter.
We ask the privilege of supplying your spring
wants for goods in our line, from a new and fresh
stock. We have -never -felt so -completely con- -
fident of our ability to serve you with the very
best, at prices generously • favoring the buyer.
New arrivals* this week
Ladies Straw Hats, Flowers
and Ribbons
See our seasonable Goods in White
Victoria Lawns and Indian Linen
Lawns, Skirt Embroideries, Black
Dress Laces
Our Black Silk Milanes GLOVE is
the best to be had, and for a choice
assortment of KID GLOVES ours
cannot be beat for quantity, quality-'*- -
or price.
have the cheapest to the
best. Choice goods that Eiell,
at siert, from 20c up. -
c /he Ladies Fivalts gdablishoht