HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-05-27, Page 714 ,t • " lele:••); T. .• ' 4, or -117W • ., 7' 4,haan,,,,aftitatvtio,vontiot • 4Yellitt 4041$013y• WA <ATP llahle to eaustirs,tion etother. d4raemeitsiftho whlcb, if neAleetell? 444 to fOrieue,04:" , sftenfatidoonaoquesees. The mommure :Inesnapteerreetingthese exile is thoOse 'of' *lee* . athartto FIUs. The Itht- tt 5.4Angono,ofer*,, aea:iirttliOutti*-41ironoMOto aa *004 PRIXot tioko,Pis,':'w1,190.0kpromnt, ; 'energitieln'OPO,thni, 470i's 'PIUS 110. 111 Offaa.Wi'AhaY, are.,,pnrely yogetablo ;',the'elifeag• omefer 014.00 70410 at home or kw( -. or eig t-Yeatl/ 1 was afflicted 'With • • eettstiPation,whiehnt, last lieeritne so had 'that 'the, doefore :Odd do no more r Ws' ;VW* •1 began to take Ayr's tiolikArtaa 4We1e reeeVered b1teIr' Warm' and regular tlOtleit se that ' 40t4i Exoellent Olark *004949,40tt* , A :0-!* reel 140.00 one Of the *Qat; rf.3 general ,remedies of our titaee, =Olt hai'a la3431) in uso Inoal7 tanally for :woo -Lena raluiStlir a raga... . ' and have given unveiling betide*- . 40% , We have found them an etcolle_nt NY -00410444 Port,Wortit, Telita. several years 1 have reliedmore npo 4yetois,Pilis then upon anything' 0180 I. the -medicine chest, to, regulato my haltele and theetiet .the shipte.ere*,,'• ThIe P1118 are titiMilorPre•AirAltit .seo' nsed t4On* With OW *Opt. for t de oiair work thormik 'X t ,of theintititigt0;''kffineY trou- •;lea, and ..Capt. Mueller, teaT0j.,,, P.041, NOW,Torlt 9*z, "•,i: 'have found Mien: Cathartic . to be a better laiellt P/ediChte for 00M- IWO .W10 than any other pills within my knowledge. They are not only very offeCtiVe; hut safe and -pleasant to take which must make thein 'valued ,by the, Jules •Hauel, Perfumer, ' yek's rititrannn Bt Ow -J. C. Ayer, & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Dealers in Medichrose The new Standard Sewing Machina One of the Most attractive displays for the ladies at the Toironto E;shibition was the new STANDARD Itavoronsibsuraratits Seired"Maconce, madng 2000 stft(heath1ji(Tbjemaeh1neruns.5O per cent lighter than °this Machines: Delicate ladies can ROW with the STANDARD without gett- ing.tired, DO It only1equires. a,power-of Teuneell to ran it. The fastest sewing, lightest and quiet- eat:running Sewing Machine made. It will pay yen to exemine the STANDARD before„b Every 1;ml:dila holds 100 mills, and every machine fully w.artented.• The reliable Warm 01dd/esti rtipnink STANDARD Maohinerr,for sale cheap* yfORSELL'ElL • Rattenbary Street, Clinton Machines cleaned. thia"appairee MISCELLANEOUS. Shingles for Sale I carry on hand a stook of first-class Cedar Shingles; two qualities, whioh I will sell at every low rate. Orders large or email filled ,on bhe ehortest notice. Please give me a call. W: RILEY, Londesboro. 3m * ShingloSs and _Lath for Sale. - Subscriber has parchaslaiTaily of No. 1. shingles_ These shingles willbe, made to Order out Of the very best quality of north , shore Cedar. Air who want As Ust-oraest,suingle Will find it -to their advantage to alik for 'prices beim buying eiseWhairre. Ordemlatge.or smell deliver- ed at any station along the line. W 11.,,WHTTLET, Londesboro: , Bull for Sale. For Sale a thoro-nrod Durham Bull, twelve Months old, of first-class pedigree. Dark red color, with a little white. Will be sold at reason• able price. jonii °GALIN% Londesbor8, 1.0 ThOro-Bred. B011 for Service Su scriber keeps for'ser ice at the premises of THOS. ARCHER, 5th con. of Hallett, a lirst-class Thoro bred Bull, of excellent pedigree. ,Terme $1 6010 insure. THOS. ARCHER, 41* B. CHURCHILL. Shorthorn Bulls For Sale. For sale two yearling Thoroghbred Shorthorn elted,bY•the Otalelarilerik bull .Perfeotion. They are extra good animitbr and will be old on reasonable terms. Apply owlet 26, con. 10 Morris or Blyth, P. 0, NEIL MoDONALD: pd 41 Thoro-bred Durham Bull for • .Service. The subscriber has just purchased and will keep for service at hie premiass, lot 27. con. 6. Hallett, a first class thoro.bred Durham 13u11, 64 excellent pedigree. Terms, to liana. 441.50 GEO. FARQUHAR, Hallett. CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. COOPER'S OLD STAND, Next to Commercial Hotel. This establishment is in full operation andral orders filled in the most Satiefaotory way, COW- tery and granite work a specialty. Pricesgair reasonable at those of any establishment . — SEALE, HOOVEtt dr SEALE, Clinton, lm Notice. All persons holding accounts against the estate of the late John Farquhar, ar0 requeated to render the same to the undersigned not lattr: than the filsb day of May, and all persons indebted to the deceased are hereby setutea that the:same must be paid before thet date mentioned. JAMES VANEGEIOND. Hallett, May 201h 1892. pd 1110110y to Loan: Private funds dem be botrowed at a low tate clf interest and upon easy terma upon applicattonito the undersigned. MAIINDId•& SCOTt, Barristers etc., Clinton &cos Feed & Soo] Sion S33:1711:) OC:):1:1\T /net lieceiVed, atar load, of AzdatniArr SiVitEl" ItsortataiCO1tz4 fOr lleed; WW be sold. cheap, •4011(10 1111111? LC "4 1/%4STXCA'' ho she had en instrumental in leading ' *1114 lir )'",99,.lu* of Afro Hunter Wi on to reprd„,,0,111mr work 44,4 clone unto the 'Lord. • , Aext.i've _ Olpoi WW1° tha 4.0M mourning.Otte boy in the neighborhood had n Veketl, in;tlie"hoo4 by a horse, carried 'WO the'ionse lnsensibh, and. oP#01.1y-baxl Ff4t1IM` ea wi0OUSettitleiteee, and Oat the sense of pain, Only to sink rapidly, until, in Pottm Wove, he. vireuh WOa 00tallOPO state,',ftiona. Whieliche *VIP ri*OVer4o During each etkoh stage of the trouble grs ,HUIIUr had beou,A, tho 93109, and clone all an lier poWerIO connort the :grief 'etriokenVarepts and, sisters, and now, during this clektVlike stupor, she iteCompb.Ried 1016 -deoter, whera the 4010140 parentsshadbe e WV. ck'fincl see their darlipg ho,ilit, be .doctor first rernSW saying• ,tt.he was : pow- erless to aid, but rs liunter joined her entreaties to thoea Of the messen- ger, gafing,‘"TIMy will feel relieved to know ` Yon 'Vero The busy doe - ter hard to hurry away to attend those whom he could aid, but Mrs Hunter remained., with them Wide the still fOrro; whiell•Would orily exchange this dea.th-like sleep 'fordeath's reality.; "Oh," said the mother, "if he would only rouse up to say something to each Of us before he left us forever," "Was he able to talk to you at all since the accident?" Pelted Mrs Hunter. "Yes, he, came to yesterday, tend•talked quite sensible like. He said he thought we would 80011 be able to take the bandage' off his head, and then he asked his fa- ther to lift hint!' Op to see the laniba playing in the fteld; And ,talkeda little, while, but soon he began to look sleepy, and"befere long he inst Went off into this state. Oh, it is bard to lose our only boy!" "Yes,'! said Mrs Hunter, but `how ,cernforting the thought that he will be safe from every 'snare of the tenipter, and safe on the.heavenly shore, where he will one day greet you and give you welcome to the same bright home. I must leave you now, but before I go I wilIplay and sing 'Lambs of the upr pet 'Md.'. It may be that little Willie may have some faint consciousness of the air and words." At the words "the tender Shepherd guards with are the lambs of the upper fold," the younger sister left the room, and as Mrs Hunter passed out,With a pressure of her hand, ihe said, "Remember, it is well with the child. I will come to -morrow." ,M midnight little Willie died. A few days after -the funeral Mrs Hunter called, and after a little conversation said, "This reminds me of the time my little brother Charlie died. I think I never told you about him'. I could not have been more than ten when he died. He Was only five, but he seemed wise for his age. I think it was ripeness for heaven that lent such a preternatural charm to his every look and action. It seems to me only fit that such sweet flowers as he and your little Willie should, unhlighted by sin, be trans- planted to the more congenial soil and purer atmosphere of the heavenly Pa- radise. We shall find them again there, you know." "But it is hard to miss them here," said the poor mother between her sobs. For tears had come to her relief, and this, indeed, had been the chief motive .which had,,,actnated Mrs Hnnter to be- gin the recital at Chid' tithe; `for -she knew that nothing is so strong 4n hu- man sympathy as that element which shows that the sympathiser has felt the dame. "Well, so I felt then, child as 1 was; he was such a pet with all of us too. One day he Was out in the lield-,,wath an older ,. brother of ours, and asked him, "Where is Heaven?" Robert told him, then he asked if that wasn't where nobody'was naughty and every.' one Was happy. "Yes," Robert said, there" we'll never be troubledbynaugh- ty people, and never be naughty oursel- ves again." Then Charlie said he would like to go there and see Jesus, adding, however, that he didn't want to leave papa and mamma and the rest of us yet. And then he asked mamma at home about the bad people, and finish- ed the coriversation by saying, "But can't they ever learn to be good?" It was not very long after that when he took sick, and we soon saw that death had' set its seal on the darling, or I would rather say that the tender Shep- herd Saviour loved little Charlie, had sealed himfor heaven, and was just going to take him to everlasting joy. So at least it seemed to the child him - 'self, for he showed no fear of the change -most of us so much dread. Hed asked' for some of his favorite hymns, 'Safe in the arnts of Jesus,' etc., and soon he was safe listening to the sting of• angels, borne ot;er the crystal sea. And shortly before he died the wished to,Say his prayers -to talk once more with 'Jesus before he should, gee him face to face -and then, just at the very last, he whispered as well as failing breath would allow, 'I see 1 I see I' He saw something better than we saw or can be seen by mortal eves -the things unutterable. Little Charlie's paha has" been over for many years, and now perhaps he arid your little Willie are together,waiting end watch- ing for tis. -Florence," went on Mrs Hunter, turning to the little girl who had been intently listening for some time, "Don't you want to be made flt to go to heaven, and see little Willie ?" "Indeed I do," sobbed the little girl, "but I am so nanghty."? • "Then just ask God, for Christ's sake, to take you and make you his own little girl, and he will, if you ask hire; he never re- fused to grant that prayer." Just then Mr Hunter Was announced, and to- gether they all knelt while the ruiniater led them in prayer to the God of con- sOlation, and the peace which pa,sseth all understanding settled &Vet on the wounded hearts, and once more there was joy in heaven, for Florence Bennet, at the early age of twelve, had entered on that patb Which leads to everlasting joy; frorn henceforth she was not her own, but Christ's, and ready to yield a life-long service to Him who had re- deemed -her, . But tittle was said On the Way.home, for the hearts of both Were full, but shortly after they entered their own little sitting tooth, Mr Hunter opened the organ, and said "Tanta, won't you play 'There were ninety and " Other sacred songs followed, and then those two, one in bort ahd purpose, as Well as narne, tokod together of their work, eth„ until Mr Hunter said, "Do you knew that 3rotir old acquain- tance; Miss Taylor, has Moved to the town near us? Would you not like to Call On lief, to-ntOrrOW? 1 can set; von doWit at the &lime tth my way to W15,• and call for you on My way back, ' As I shall be gone some hours,, you will have a good while to talk. with MO Ta. kyr on oldWes ete •ot$, kvaill ivy 'ttgifilatto it, for X *mild, like it very much, Of course. liow Wee of you to think of 4t.,, • L44,onorMuolyi on, OM unxt day1 Mrs, ' ttunterfounot herself in the 00Y:sitting , room of a ElMall cottap in Pl•-s An- ather QOM,wo tOsy enter Juts. the par. Waders Pf that, interview, now, how- ever, wo will only repeat Part of th& conversation that tow 'loon; botwoo huobond, and wife during the return ride. 40.14 you observeUiUCJL Chanffe in .your friend?" asked Mr Hunter. The' . game is still uneltittlgeSV he et1404. With avipilei • '911,, that 1 always eXPoTotOc3; VIA in •', answer to your question,: J.- eftUnOv sav • that 41s4 Tailon char Innek; hit* not as have, Wi ei but theih. yonknOWi"' Ow added, shyly, "that is certain .person's doings. Well, she was always given to,bitililing.castlea in, the air. She is engaged 'aglif P.1 literark" work, going Altto,it neot itmlom); and, think Sae is realVMetillag the public :Mind a WW1 by her appeals. And. there is something in her face,"4 mix- tui'e of satisfaction, and something else I can scarcely give a name to; that was not there ten years ago. *would like to knew the j story of these ten inter- vening years." But ust then,* and. Mrs Mutter reached their own door: - Another time we may relate to your private ear what Mrs Hunter wonder - cd about, but for the present, adieu. EvA. STITAST.' SMALLEST SHOP IN NEW YORK, A stranger might; pass the smallest 811%141 New York st dozen times and never dream of Its exastence,and even if thnehlldren,who knew it well, ail does everyone else in the neighborhood, should point it out, it would still re- main undiscovered until the stranger peered through the only pane of glass, now too,finsty to let the light thiatigh. It is situated in one of the dingy tene- ment houses in the Italian quarter, where the people are so closely packed ,that when one desires to turn round he gives the signal and all are obliged to shift their positions. Years ago, no one knows just how many, a hallway led into this tenement. The owner de- cided that it was a waste of valuable space, and he sealed up one end of the hallway, compelling the tenants to use the outer brick alleyway. The sealed hallway he then offered to rent as a shop, and the result is that its tenant is distinguished from all cobblers and other shop keepers whatsoever by the smallest shop in this city. Its width is three feet three inches fromwall to wall. There is not room for a window, and the door serves a double purpose. The shop is about seven feet deep. The cobbler is obliged torkeep the door wide open all the time or else tight shut to obtain:room for his bench and tools. In summer he moves his bench out on the doorsill. In winter it is abont two feet back. Those who go in or out never open the door wide, but put it a little ajar and then squeeze through. Many of his stouter customers have never entered the shop. -They tap on the window part ,of the door, which Father Crispin, then oens I *My* the weary and worn out soles and to wrangle about the price. It is also worthy of notice that no bargain has as vet 'appeared that was to for Father Crispin to dive threat& that little -window.- Neither is it -cin record - that the big footed girl from Ohio has sent her shoes there to tie repaired.. Events may prove interesting . when she does. sae It is reported in Ottawa that the Government will drop the Redistribu- tion Bill for this session. Thirty Methodist candidates are in the field for the next parliamentary election in Great Britain -all Liberals. Rubber heels for marching have been introduced by a French army surgeon. • The infantry have tried them with good results. A subscription of $32.37 from each inhabitant of the United States would wipe out every nations, State and municipal debt in the country. A Philadelphian has educated a home fly to resptind to a prolonged "buz-z-z'" which brings it from , its cranny any time of day for its supply of sugar. Head and shoulders above any other rem- edy in the market, Salvator Maguns is making a noise in the world as a remedy tfouras.11 troubles of the lungs and bronchial be Owing to the low prices prevalling in_Livernool, the Montreal live stock Men who sent consignments of 'cattle by the steamer Lake Huron will lose $7 or over per head. It is said that should the Liberals be successful at the coming general elect tions in Great Britain Mr Gladstone will enter( the House of Lords, from whence he Will difect the party. The entering wedge of a complainnhat may prove fatal is often a slight cold, whicili a dose or two of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral might have cured at the commencement. It would be well, therefore, to keep the remedy within reach at all time& A dastardly attempt atmurder is reported frem St. Casimir, Portneuf County,.Que., a younggirl heing struck down with an. axe by a suitor whoria she had rejected. The girl's death is expected. English Spavin Liniment removes ail hard, soft or oalloused Lumps and Blem- ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, eto. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the moat wonderful Blernigh Cure ever known. Sold by J. II. Combe, Drug- fliet. • . Bill Dampman, a miner in Idaho, missed a geod deal of rich amalgam from his sluice boxes, and conelibled to watoh for the thief. He noticed a calf coming daily tolrinkfrom the box, shot the animal, and the suppoialcitalf turned out to beia yourlig woman. Two trains came together at full speed Sunday at Cleves, Ohio, on the Big P'our line. The wreck was appalling, and not a paseenger °soaped Without injtiry. FiVe, bodieshad been taken from the Wreck when the latest diepatob was sent. The full ex- tent of the balainitsilanot knOWn yet. hIr Hugh daldwell, Olydeedele, Ont., writest-Mr daughter Wail ttetibled With lenitle Weislitegg,Ista fei more that: a year was under the Care of doiderg and taking medicine without getting relief: I then got Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for ,tier and they haVetomplebily tora,liet. Sold ere. Or Sent On receipt:Of priois-450e, a box or ifiX boxed for 110.M. .A.daresS DA, Williams Med. Co,, Broekville, grit, Or MOrristOWit, • Child*** 4vt�ir ritkilLsekcititteki, " 1ST REIQLLEOTION$ OF Tkig: ,11014sAk, Aing, CAREER OF CANADA 011.4 , rireti-narli h4mtititfau W•10.ot,4011 ,•41. 0.00d li/ttaaink 41,mat elmisetiON ,litlo Story of Uhi .sisrr0.4 goolowt • *ho ‘1'4414.4 a•Ciesralso.: .":',Whoic 1 arrived in 44;50 44 Satur.'"' day evening," isaid 0, V. TA of, 0huira; "I Met Mallea Long of Pori Warm, X04,, ;in the depot,. and the:sight of IIh Wsikrsmombered„face.ree,sile4 many ,ister• Sating rseellect1c.44.,te MY WA XickPg 4a. been for a nnooer 91 -Yeats: one'OC•010 IMO kuewit evsngelist. in the emintry, thoro ough Chtisilan and Wive leader la all good va9YealanitrOo' but 'there Was a tira4 Waaa h wa0:4,11lied a. citizen as you could Meet in a mouth's journey. He was a gambler and three-card moat° man, and travelled for elite a time with the, notorl-• puts 'Canada pu,, who was nocionbforily the plevefeat taente man thOt Over operated: in the United States. 'Abitegit 4' -eighteen years age, when 'Canada Bill' was at his' best, I saw considerable of him, and *de- ispite tho felloaria roguery and crookedness there was something about him that I Couldn't help -but admire: Ile was a large - formed =hi with a cleanly ahaven face, a oguare, jaw, cleeP"isot WI the elpres- Wen Of iisPhinx. His favorite dieguise was the make-up of • cattle drover; and as there were more members of that class on the road in the days referred to than now, Cask ada Bill had no difficulty in passing himself off as one ot them.. Ile always carried two or three confederates or 'coppers' with him, and the money that he won with his three little cards during half a dozen years, chief- ly on the Lake Shore Railroad, would buy a bank andpay officeris' salaries for twenty years. Whenever arrested Bill would plead guilty when arraigned, and nomatter how large a fine might be imposed on him he would flash up a bundle of greenbacks, count out the amount of the fine, thank the court fob doing its duty and bow himself into the street. As an example of his audacity I may cite the instance of his offer- ing the Union Pacific Railroad Company $10,000 a year for the exclusive right of operating his game on their road, and fur thermore, he said he would agree not to fleece any one but ministers of ,the Gospel. Needless to say, his generous offer was not accepted by the •railroad • company. "In the spring of 1874 I was on a Lake Shore train, between Toledo and Chicago, bound wegt, when 'Canada Bill' and- denly appeared in the Brno king -car where I was sitting, and after a few desultory remarks produced his three cards and began carelessly throwing them around on the seat facing him. In a. few moments he had a crowd around him, and after twit of his 'capers' had won $15 or $20 apiece picking tile right cards, a rustic -looking fellow :with a pipe in his mouth, who had been intently watch- ing thegame, produced a fat pocketbook, from which he took $10 and bet that ..amount..he cold. plok Aye right card. He doubled his money in less time than it takes te count five, and ventured again. He kept on winning and evidently thought luck was with him, and in a few minutes he had won six bete. Flushed with succeas he became reckless, increased the size of his bete, and in less than a quarter of an hoar 'Canada Bill' had drained him of every cent he had, something over $600. This greenhorn reeled out of the car compleily dated, went forward to where his wife was and told her that he had lost all the money they possessed. The woman hastened back to the smoking car, and with tears streaming down her cheeks told 'Canada Bill' that her husband, herself and, their two small children had sold out everything they had down in Mercer tin', Pa., and were en thew way to Kansas to start anew itt life. All the money they had was•the six hundred and sonie odd dollen that her husband had- just lost at three-card monte, and concluding, the heart -broken creature exolaimed as she sank on her knees in the aisle beside 'Billie' meat, 'the children and I must starve, mis- ter, just because my man was a fool.' Can- ada Bill's' stoical expression never changed a partiole, but he put his hand in his- pock- et, drew; forth a big vied of Money, counted out joist the &meant the man had lost and handed it 'to the forlern woman by his aide, saying'! 411erel- yetr money, madam. I never rob women and children, but I want you to keep it to yourself in the future, am that husband, of yours doern't know enough to go out without a guardian.' Then giv- ing her $20 more, he continued: 'Here's a present for the babies. New run back to them and stop your crying.' So you see, swindler and scoundrel that he was, the king of monte 'men • had some redeeming qualities, and maybe they will be remem- bered when hie final account is made up. 'Canada Bill's' full name was , William Jones-, he came originally from down Mon- treal way, and has been dead ten years or more." -Detroit Free Press. IA man was arrested at Chigago, on Thursday for stealing a cage of lions. He is Henry Yarnell, a runaway from w• 1ocJ at Jaif Having decided to close out our wholo stock ot Hats , Caps,, we offer them at PRICE S RIKOULOUSli Pon...11•111.11m•• , Men's $1.00 Hats Men's $1.50 ilats for Men's $2.00 Hats for Men's $3.00 Hats for t.A 1000 Hats at half price. Best Bargains to earliest callers Rat. Coats & Son , Clin .OTS and. 9 , For the next thirty days per dt on the dllir fo we will give a discount of '• , cash, Eggs taken 4,S.CitS C•CARLINE South of the Tow? Hall, Alke, • • Street, Clinton. • — RUMBAWS CLEM FACTO Huron Street, Clitktcol We have on hand an assortment of splendid EttfiGth ES:CARRIAGES- -a-WACO Which we guarantee to be of first-clars material and woikmanship. If you want a good article at the price of a poor one, call and see us. F. niu11i3.A.E4L4, cLarwrcew The Lion After Death. The most superb of fur rugs are made from the skin of the lion. When the lion is 5 years old its mane has attained its full growth, and he is then ready to be, sacri- ficed at the altar of civilization. Next in beauty comes the tiger. The graceful, cat- like neck, and sleek, glossy skin, make a truly effective rug -indeed, many prefer it to the lion akin. The bears, and especially the grizzlies; are very popular. The white polar bear is arranged in a very realistic meaner, with his great, tnouth open and formidable eleds projecting grimly from the soft fur. All these animals are displayed with one-quarter, one-half and ftill fteade-4,1 that is, raltsed and 'stuffed in these shapes. The 'bat style ifs the handsomest, of courge; and the most desirable rugs are the animal ahapes with the head artanged as in Ilia. VO Believe Palplte,tion. Palpitation 01 the heart IS much benefit by the application of cold over the hea particularly if the tronble is Of nerve gtt. A *et apiffige laid over the a pleaaatit mode ef applyie art is ; If the patient, fir in bed,it cloth Ine, iwrung out of told Wattle, Mid, folded 0 fetin ctifit, •own, and: laid Oh the t: this Vein- titess tihoftld be well tint wh.b As>, olottoi to Piitdat ireitrug 'the elating and alit& bias tapiabatio. Barnum and Bailey's circus, who left the show at York, Pa., the previous Friday, taking with him.. a cage con- taining a lion, a lioness and two small cubs. Varnell was a driver on one of the cages and also drove a chariot. He had become dissatisfied with the money paid him and had a row with the foreman -of the -drivers; restilthi in a hard fight. That night, after the tents had been struck, he hitched his team to the wagon containing the lions and drove away. In the, hurried confusion the cage was not missed until the next day. Detective Loner- gan found his man in a box car in the Northwestern freight yards. He was on his way to the West to join a circus in Nebraska. The lions are valued at $3,500. The robber, the lions and the cage were returned to Pittsburg. The demand for the "Myrtle Navy" tobaccq is still on the increase, and from every quarter the firm who make it are re- ceiving nmelicited testimony of its growth in pnblioVivor. A gentleman from one of the mining islands of Lake Huron writes, "Your Myrtle Navy" is aninvaltiable solace to the loneliness of the miner's life. I dont know bow our ,men could get along without it. If their stook ran out they would risk swimming to the mainland to replenish it, heedless of danger, and I be- lieve they would cross the ice in winter on the same errand if it was not more than an inoh thiolc„ No other tobacco will satisfy them?" The statement has been made, and we have an idea that it is correct, that during the last twenty-five years each dissolution of the British Parliament has been followed by the return to power of the then Opposition. History often repeats itself. The Liberals are now in Opposition, and the chances are that even Salisbury's flop on the trade question will not save him. Mr James Grieve, Liberal, was re- elected to the Commons in North Perth by 87 majority. His majority at the general elections was 71. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practiee, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the epeedy and per- manent cure Of Consumption, Bronohitio, Catarrh, Asthnla and all throat and Lung Affections, also a pogitive and radical our for Nervone Debility and all Nereus Com- plainte after having tested itss wonderfal curative powers 18 thousands of cases, has felt it his dtity to make it knots% to his suf., bring fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to telieve hninan Ratekingf will Rena free Of eliarge„ ate all Who desire ittthis recipe. in, Gera:taxi Freneh or English, With fullthriotions fot preparing and Using. Sent by Mail by Addressing with Stamp„ timing this pair. , W. A. Nina, $.20arcitv-, ere' moot; itoohootot, z June 197-91-y 1140 etir.itir , 'o• et' - coNsumpTi . CURE • • • 41... OREAT_COTTG'Fl ful CONSUMPTION CURE, is wittift 'a iker< allel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it On ,a *nye &tithe a tett that no other cure can succestfu*,dfa If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, Or BronChW use it, for it will cure you. If your Child'ba the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use itpthinp and relief is sure. If you "dread thatihsidi011e disease CONSUMPTION, deietfaii to use it., ; will cure you or cost nothing. Ask 'yolk Druggist for sinLows CURE, Prtce to cts.',; so cu. and $z.00. If year Lungs are sore Or, Bach lame, use Shiloh's POTOILS Plaster. 25 Cts, TO • TO RENT OR ypit, SALE. ' To Let. House on Albert Street, suitable:tot, inia4 family, Large Garden. MRS THOS. poorm If you want to buy a Ititstwdia,'S Brick Store or a nice DiVelliiit House on easy terms, alnilytov W. C. SEARLE, CHOW • House fit0:7 Sale or .to en House on corner of Rettenbury and Erie Gontaining 7 romps and good cellar barn, hatcl • and soft water. good bearing orchard and all con* veniences. Terms ea -y. Apply to JAS. snnr- PARD, Clinton, or T 108. TiPLING, 344 Batter' nut Street, Dot" it. HAVEYOU. ."litto k ac he the scaoengers means the hid- of the system, siege are in "Delay la trouble. Dodd's dangerous; Meg - Kidney Pills glee looted ,kidney, prompt relief," troubles result "76 per cent, in Bad Diciettl, of disease is Dyspepsia, Liner flest caused by Complaint; and. disordered Irld- the meet Elitk. neyk gerouS of all, ii Mightaa Well BrIghts Disease, try to haw a Diabefee and healthy alty Dropsy." tarthaat sawal- ' "the above age, 428 good diseases Camicit 1 ' heetith when the '4 kibt miter° kidney& are ' Doddie leidsisty olOggiscl, they are PIM are yeeW Pkild by all deeleri or sentbyrnkii on tedeljE bees EP T t., 9 (