HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-05-27, Page 6Poo le Wonder VV1Eftlq thoY find how rapidly health is reame%1 by taking Ayees Sar.. TialtlarIlloa The reason Is that this preparation coistains only the purest itnd Most POWerful alteratives and tortice, o theasands yearly it p'rQVCS a veritable elixir of life Mrs, Jos. Lake, Brockway Centre, Web', writes 1 "Liver complaint and indigestion made my life a burden and came near ending my existence. For Pere than four yearn I suffered un- told agony. I was reduced almost to a Skeleton, and hardly had strength to drag myself about. All kinds of food . dintressed,me, and only the most deli- cate could be digested at all. Within .• the time mentioned several physicians treated me without giving relief. Noth- lug' that I took seemed to do any per- manent good until I began the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which has pro- duced wonderful result°. Soon after sionunencing to take the Sarsaparilla I *Add see an Improvement In my condition, my appetite began to return and with it came tlse ability to digest all the food taken, my strength improved each day, and after a few months of faithful attention to your directions, I found myself a well woman, able to attend to all household ' duties. • • The medicine has given me a new lease of life, and I cannot thank you too much." "We, the undersigned, citizens of „ 1Breekway Centre, Mich., hereby certify that the above statement, made by Mrs. Lake, is true in every particular and entitled to full credence."—O. P. chamberlain,G. W. Waring, C. A. Wells, Drligist. "My brother, in England, was, for a long tinse, unable to attend to his occu- pation, by reason of sores on his foot. , I sent biro Ayer's Almanac and the tes- timonials it contained induced him to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. After using it a little wbile, he was cured, and is now a well man, working in a sugar tau at Brisbane, Queensland, Australia." — .A., Attewell, Sharbot Lake, Ontario. yer's Sarsaparilla, 111.111'.A.RED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Prias air. Bit bOttleipt5. Werth $6 a bottle. DuNN,s THE COOKS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. ,MAN ! 111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111NIIIIIIMMINO1 VIGOR ar0 STRENGTH! For-LOST-or-FAILING-NANBOOD,- General and NERVOUS DEBILITY, Weakness of BODY AND MIND, Effects of Errors or Excesses in Old or Yining. Robust, Noble MAN- HOOD fully Restored. , Row to en- large and strengthen WEAK UN- DEVELOPED ORGANS and PARTS OF BODY. Absolutely unfailing nou TRE4TMENT—Benefits in a day:, Ilea Willy frill"' fifty States aad Foreign Countries. Write them. Book, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) FREE. Address ERIE MEDIOAL 00., .1 BUFFALO, N.Y. , FLAXSEED 'EMULSION comPtim BRONCH IT I S I83 Lexington Ave.. New York City, Sept. ID, 1 . I have used the max -Seed Emulsion in several eases of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stag en of Phthisis, rind have been well pleased with the results. JAMES K. CROOK, M.D. CONSUMPTION Brooklyn, N.V., Feb. ldth, 1 I have used your Emulsion in a case of Phthisis (consumption) with beneffcial results, where pada,. cotild not use Cod Liver Oil in any form. .1. H. DROGE, M. D. 'NEOLIS PROSTRATION Brooklyn, N. V., Dec. 20tb, 1 Ie.= strongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsion as helpful to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung. Bronchial and Nervous Affections, and a good gen catatonic in physical debility. JOHN F. TALMAGE, M. D. GENERAL DE13ILITY 1 te Flax sEtritlYnisN. V., Oct. 10th, 1 the dr ciieLn En I uoDn orn si 0, 8g r e sot 6y 14.1,p pure..0DrIo. „WASTING Dit§,..6,R.ES New Voile, Aug, 6, 1:41, t have Used your Flax -Seca Emulsion compound ,Tleaseliere Oat of Mal-atitritioix 'rind the result was ,nee chart hoped for—it sval niarVelout, and con. *kittens. I recommend cheerftilly to the profession huinitaitYit hage,M.11. GILBERT, M.D. 1'18 ;, Saki by briiitaltits, Pr140iii I .00., ED ti Jottings. TORONTO, May, 1,892, 1r There is much to be seep and heard in a city, and it is in this fact that we may find a cause for the exodus from our towns and villages, of inftny young men and WO - men. We live in an age of inquieltiveness —using that word in its best Benue— "busy in search of information." We wieh to see and hear all that it is possible for us to see and hear. Curiosa and I are two lone, lone females possessed to a large extent of this grace of inquisitiveness and although being by circumstance, deprived of that necessary (?) attendant of unmarried wo. men—a chaperone—yet we try the unaid- ed strength of our wings and lilt about independently, sipping the sweets of this concert, that lecture and the other mati- nee. And now that we are introduced, perhaps you would find some amusement in hearieg of some of oar wanderings. There was to be a social for a little churoh near by, and after some pursuasion Outiosa, another of our galaxy, and I pro- mised to assist in making the social a profitable and pleasing entertainment. This was to be done by our playing a duet; at least two of tie would do that, while Curiosa turned our music, whieh, in her mind, was no small duty, as she felt that the eyes of the public) would be upon her, noting the slope and angles of her train. To be caralid, I am no musician, but years ago, in my youth, I learned the notes, so the galaxy decided that I could practise keeping time, and bring in at least enough bass notes to give the treble an excuse for being played. Well, we practised and practised, till the whole household, if musically inolined, might have sat down and played that duet without any reference to the well -fingered and thumbed pages. At last the auspicious evening arrived— be it remembered that I had not heretofore made my appearance on the musical plat- form; this may explain the too evident lack of confidence shown. Determined that if we could not command the applause of listening social-(ists,) we would at least arouse the expectations of that social, so we dressed as stars (I speak metaphorically) and after one last practise, in which I ex- celled myself in making mistakes, we took ourselves to the scene of festivity. On the way Curiosa, in one of her deeply pene- trating moods, aroused new fears in my mind by mildly wondering whether I would know the notes on a strange ,piano. Oh, why had she so ruthlessly opened a new channel for my fears? But by this time we were in the building. How I trembled for the fate of that duet, and how sorry I felt for the assembled ones. We were in- formed that we were to open the program, and after a short delay I found myself seated at the piano, clinging tenaciously to the first note (I had found it you see) waiting for my treble tosay "four." Then off we started, I making strenuous efforts to keep up with my partner, whatever happened. The suppressed, but frequent giggles at my right were not needed to tell me of my mistakes, but I kept my resolution and the time heroically, and at last we reached the grand finale, which we executed with a kind of unshouted hurrah Then we took our seats amid the thundering applause of the gentleman who had escorted us and the chairmau. The other pieces on the pro- gram need no explanation, they all came off with the usual great eclat. We now •felt free to look-around,•andssve_hal ample. time to observe our quondam audience, as the chairman announced that there would be a few minutes' intermission, while the remainder of the program was prepared. Then we discussed the cake, the coffee and the crowd, and decided that on the whole we had not contributed to a failure. We have often noticed St. James' Cathe• dral, with its friendly old clock looking down on the busy bustling crowds. It seems to sptead a calming influence, si- lently inviting one to pass over its thresh- old, out of the noise and haste and worry, into its dim quiet interior, and there for a few minutes to turn one's attention from without to within—to one's real self. On a working day this feeling of protection is pleasant, but on Sunday St. James seems to be changed. Its vastness seems increas- .edsby-the-number---of-gassly-dressedspeople there seated. Its shadows, yesterday so calming, seem now discordant with the bright colors and general air of fashion. St. James has been renovated within the last few years, and several innovations have been made, but one thing has remained in spite of the opinions of the public grumblers —the poor seats, or, better explained, the row of seats set apart in the centre aisle. We often wondered how the ushers classified the strangers and how they knew when to show people into those seats for there are poor and poorer. So Curiosa and I decided to learn, if posaible, by experience. To give our scheme a fair trial, Prudentia went with us, or rather after us, having ar- ranged herself in what was most becoming from our several wardrobes. Of course about her there could be no mistake, while, on the other hand, Curios& and I wonder- ed, as we walked, whether each of us bad not made a mistake about her own ident- ity. Such a metamorphosis as can be made by an old-fashioned gown, last year's hat, a worn jacket and a general "Biddy" like air. Arrived at the church we stood awkwardly enough till one of the eidesmen told us we "might it anywhere," so we crept into a book seat and watched an usher take Prudentia in her feather and furbelows up to one of the chief seats. We sat trying to feel worshipful and glad that "the poor" were made more welcome than we had expected. When service began one of the sidesmen brought us hymn -books, a person sitting near gave us prayer books, and soon an usher came to ask if we ladies would not take seats nearer the front. This was adding to the coals of fire already on our heads. We felt that we had wrong- ed the great old church by expecting to be set apart fronn the rest of the congregation. After service, Curiosa trne to her name, asked a sideman "what was the use of those seats," and was told they were for those who could not afford to pay pew rent, and that they were used only in the morning. We came away wondering where we would have sat had we gone to St James in the morning. SANS Nom. "I AM SO TIRED" Is a common exclamation at this season. There is a certain bracing effect in the cold air which is lost when the weather grows warmer; and when Nature is renewing her youth, her admirers feel dull. sluggish and tired. This condition is owing mainly to the impure condition of the blood, and its failure to supply healthy tissue to the vari- ous organs of the body. It is remarkable how susceptible the system is to the help to be derived from a good medicine at this season. Possessing just thoee purifying, building -tip qualities which the body craved; Hood's Sarsaparilla soon overcomes that tired feeling, restores the appetite, purifies the blood, and, in short, imparts vigorous health. Its thousands of item& vvith one voice declare 1•It Makes the Weak Strong." - Moat ta the Men tit iItti'slain of Moutlaweiterri le, liveit IF I ONLY lEIAD CAPITAL. ."If I only had capital," a young ma said as he puffed at a 10.cent doer, " would do something." "If I only had capital," eaid another a he walked away from a dram -hp," would go into business." Young man with the cigar, you are sinok ing away your capital. You frorn the dram shop are drinking youre and destroyin your body at the same time. Dimes mak dollars, Don't wait for a fortune to begi with. Our men of power and influence did no start with fortunes. You, too, can mak your mark if you will. But you most sto squandering your money,and spending you time in idleness.—Selected. THE LONGEST WORDS, Here are the nine longest words i the English language .at the presen writing: Suticonstitutionaept. Philoprogenitiveness. Incomprehensibility. Disproportionableness. Honorificibilitudinity. Velocipedestrianistical. Transubstantionableness. Proantitionsubstationist. Anthropophagenerian. PROGRESS. It is very important in this age of vas material progress that a remedy be pleasing to the taste and to the eye, easily taken acceptable to the stomach and healthy in its nature and effects. Possessing thes qualities, Syrup of Figs is the one perfec laxative and most gentle diuretic known. A MATCH FOR THEM. A party of commercial travelers were holding a festive session at a hotel. In the course of time they became hilarious A pretty girl came in to assist in wait. ing_upon them. "What's your name?" several of them inquired in a breath. "Peat 1." "Are you the Pearl of ;great price ?" "No. I am the Pea7r1 before swine." THAT TIRED FEELING. Is often the forerunner of serious illness, which may be broken up if a good tonic like Hoods Sarsaparilla is taken in season. This medicice invigorates the kidneys an liver to remove the waste from the system, purifies the blood and builds up the strength. --- • Constipation is caused by loss of the peristaltic action of the bowels. Hood's Pills restore this action and invigorate the liver. CENTENARIANS. Miss Jessie Russell of Bay Ridge, L. I., is 105 years old, and is still quite vigorous. Patsy Sears, of Howard county, Ind., aged 108 yea's, has been a church mem- ber 100 years. Aunt Sally Smith, a colored woman of Chicago, was 100 years old on Marc 27. She was seventy years a slave. Iiinards Liniment is used byiphysicians Mrs Charlotte Post Smith, who die last week in Chicago at the age of 101 years, retained her •faculties to th last. Mrs Anna Catherine Sharp, of Pila delphia, and Mrs Lucy Evans, of lnde pendence, Mo., are two splendid -ex amples of healthy old age, one ha,vin recently celebrated her 114th and th other her 108th birthday. We can furnish you with the most con vincing proof of the great merits of Salvato Magnus as a consumption cure, Salvato Magnus Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 7 Hinton Jurictch, a peasant who still labors in the district of Mostar, in Herzegovina, has in his possession -documents —which; - together- with his personal experience, afford reason- able ground, it is stated, for the belief that he is 130 years old. Alexander Hockaday of Blue River township, Ind., is 112 years old. He is the father of twelve children, and his wife, who is thirty years his junior, is still living. Mr Hockaday never took but one close of medicine in his life, and did not take that until he was more than 100 years old, He is hale and hearty, and bids fair to live several years. "Salvator Magnus” The Great Healer cures all diseases of the lunge and chest. THE HAPPY COLORED FAMILY. We are a happy, joyous throng, They call us Diamond Dyes; From day to day we march along Neath bright and cloudy skies. We are e color'd family, Some dark and others fair; No two of us are just alike, Yet all beyond compare. O'er Canada we scatter wide Our school of trusty dyes; The ladies in us all confide— Greet us with loving eyes. We make no strikes for shorter time, Or system of eight hours ; We're alwas,ei ready for a dime To show our wondrous pow'rs. At early morn, with great delight We're ready for the fray ; And cla our work as well at night, As we can do by day. We are so brilliant, fast and pure, Have hearts true to the core; We never flirt, our love is sure— The ladies ask no more. The merchant's and the farmer's wife Make use of tis each day; The paster's spouse declares that life Is blank when we're away. Canadian girls young and fair, Are charmed by our dash,• And often seriously declare That we have made a mash. To mansion, hall, and cettage plain, We carry mirth and glee; An always manage to retain ALlife of purity. 0. C. Ilscrootes ciENTS.—I ho LINIMENT in end believe it ma as it do Calumet' Forks Jobb, •Mader, iht he was en of rb tanatis Co. used your MINARD'S y family for some years e best medicine in the I all it it recommended to do N. B., D. KIEBEITICAM, Mahone By, informa ns a bf it very severe attack by dating Minims I b ) • 1 ney 's$0 '•-,...' SOW . eti • ., \ Oktioliren 0 Ai i Orrowat° , s. East become listtesel fretfid, without gy, thin and Weak. Fortify and them Urn by the use of SCOTT'S ,. OF PURE COD LIVER OIL AND HYPOPHOSPHITES Of Limo and Soda. Palatable as Milk. AS A PBEVENTIVE CURE OF COUGHS 011 COLDS, IN THE OLD AND YOUNG, IT 18 UNEQUALLED. Genuine made by Scott & Bowne, Belleville. Salmon Wrapper: at all Druggists, 60c, $1.00. g eadr- huild . f 1 • 011 BOTH and McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Rentedies.,_ SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For rcpure, Weak and Impoverished 1 td, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa. ation of the Heart, Liver Conipiaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid- and Urinary Diseases, St Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility. LABORATORY, GODERIDN, ONT. J. M. MeLEOD, Prop. and 'Manufacturer. Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton r THE The new model placed in a screw want among farmers, only, but very wheels work between, pillars . WATCH But by the bottom solid piece of top plate to rest set with sunk balance ing in For JOS. BIDDLECOMBE RIGHT of the Rockford Watch, bezel ease. will tin as it is not strong. The plate not being eeparated as in the ordinary plate being turned metal, with the edger on; it also being pendant to prevent breaking, all a good rong watch a Farmer when a Ion felt this proof which the by out of a left of the or lever snak- h.r' ;, a : ; , , - 2 • l' ,Iii ' ' ',03 's• EVERY MAN his physical powers Pmts. They will lhysical and mental. EVERY WORAPII TeRp: -,,,,Elp-i a ec -.ail Si cluv.uu ..Tlicu YOUNII .iit. of youthful system. YOUNG make,them regm. For Bale byall receipt of pricc THE An. ; • , -; , ' „ , '' • , , . ,.. .,,,1 .., `:. 1,4 \ , .. :icosnl, `A',. flagging, restosolais irrogulaz-aries..-,•4int noglc.:;, MEN ;17:1.-1-,trlre..,I:Th, had 1111).) . 7:V1E11 drui.ets, ir (50cpc c bar), WILLIAMS' a RE NOT a Pa • " waive Medi. ine. They are a BLOOD BUILDER, TONIC and nessox- 0 writoomon, as they 3upply in a condensed form the substances actually needed toen- recce the Blood, cunng all dice:I:cos coming_ Tfon.11.'0oit and Nric,. ItY BLOOD, or from VITIATED HUMORS ix the., l'i,00n, and alsc uvic,,rete and Hutu UP the BLooD an SYSTEM, WIEMI brOkeI down by overwork, mental worry, disease, excesses and indiscre- lions. They have a SPECIFIC AcrrioN on the SEXUAL SYSTEM of b.ortlmen aLoodwzGeoT teui) asr ad correcting all r i E mu-LA.1111,1Es and LUI P10338'0E13. u, ; 1 bis or11;2113 f aoar. chonld take these lost energies, bab C'P, 71- a" tire °a1lthseulap 'sseyitatey 1. .:,.,: iT,I, a..d .;treugthou •.13.c :PIZ!: ktutb.wetfl . or will be soot upon by addressing MED. CO. Erochwille. Ont. 11 CO --THE UNDERTAKER A GOODS The bestEmbalming Splendid ALBERT Residence OPPOSITE wonmannusiaramornions. STEVENSON, LEADING -- —A ND_ EMBALMER. FULL LINE OF KEPi' ill STOCK Fluidused • , Hearse. ST. ,CLINTON over store. TOWN HALL DO YOU WANT A First-class Step or Long,Ladder ? A Handy Wheelbarrow ? A Splendid Churn, or anything of like nature? Then call on,W. SMITHSON, at shop, No.7 Frederick St., or El. Dinsley Will be a tlDinsley's corner every Saturday afternoon oweommv... S. WILSON. 7 GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE HURON STREET, MINTON Repairing' of all kinds promptly attend to reit enable rates. A trial solicited: 1 CURE FITS! for a time and then Aana them nava oi BO Stith o man ,inerely to e ern radical earn. I Vitild the ftase of PTia, 2 P- ax et iramtuck •at Reed.teneaboy Onrestelbet . We have anticipated a big season's trade, and have prepared for it accorclio ly. If you want a dandy ROAD CART, a light and serviceable DEMOCRAT ., a well-built, easy -running LUMBER WAGGON, a beautiful and stylish 01" or COVERED BUGGY-, or even a DOUBLE CARRIAGE, we can supply y ur wants, •and guarantee to give you satisfaction. Our goods are their own re- commendation. Call and see us, and we are sure you will be pleased. , HAYWARD'S CARRIAGE FACTORY, levormvenomemer OPPOSITE FAIR'S MILL, CLINTON HOUSE CLEANING. ..0111.111••••••••M. Now is the time for house-cleaning, and we have the goods to do it. New shades of ALABASTINE and KALSOMINE. Elephant Mixed Paints, all shades. Johnson's Decorations, No 1 pure White Lead. Paint, Kalsomine and Scrub Brushes. Win- dow Shades at reduced prices. Curtain Poles complete, 20c Bird Cages and Lawn Mowers at Rock -Bottom prices. See Our NM, 111111)loss F?iNCE WIRE16 Future kV HARiAND BROS. STOVES AND HARDWARE, A_I.113EY1,7V Srr., 401.41EINTOINT Choice "I 1. Goods JUST RECEIVED New—Vile-net-a BRIM -rig -off stalk; Now-Saitan Raisinsextra- — New Black Basket Raisins, New Currants, New Greaoble Walnuts New S. S. Almonds, New Filberts, New Candied Peols—Citren, Lemon end Orange, New Extracts—Essences of all kinds. TEAS Splendid values in choice Green, Black or:Japans, Try our Special Blend of pure India and Ceylon Teas put tip in ono pound packages. Best value in rackage Teas in.the market—Try it. A CALL SOLICITED. N ROBSON. - CHINA HALL Glasgow House, Brucefield ESTABLISHED 1851 WM. SCOIrrill & 00 Wholesale and retail dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY and PROVISIONS. Highest Cash price paid for all kinds of Grain, Dressed Hogs, Hides, Wool anal Cord wood. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Agents for G. N. W. Telegraph Co., with tele graph connection to all parte of the world. We beg to thank our numerous customers for their long and liberal patronage for tlae past 30 years; and hope by strict attention to business, and rock bottom prices, te stil -zontinue in line with oar old and many new easterners. WM. SCOTT it CO., - BRUCEFIELD Adams' Emporium We this:week announce to the purchasing public that we have received a tine supply o CLOTHIN G- in MENS' SUITS aid BOYS SUITS. SHOES—Gentlemen's Shoes, Ladies' Shoes, Youths' Shoes, Misses Shoes, an Children's Shoes, in various styles and prices. HATS—A large etock of Hata and Caps—Felts, Straws, ate. Our DRESS GOODS and PRINTS Are going off rapidly as they are nice and cheap. MILLINERY—We never had such a fine display of Millinery. This will be pleasing to the ladies especially. We have on order some beautiful WOOI Carpets to arrive -shortly. Dont miss them Our TWEEDS are excellent value and selling so well our tailor has to get a hustle on. You would do well to compare prices. SHIRTINGS and COTTONADES moving lively—prices low, quality good SEEDS—Field and Garden Seeds in stock. We cannot mention everything as the:store Eis filled in all departmente. We are constantly having visits from new customers who are well pleased with onr goods and prices. A trial respectfully solicited—it will pay you. We want to make room for more goods yet to come in. Produce taken in exchange at highest prices. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, R. ADAMS. LONDESBORO Have Wanted and Must Have I HAVE A full stock of D. M. Ferry's and Steel Bros Field and Garden SEEDS and CORN. Frill stock Field and Garden TOOLS. A fenv pieces of CROCKERY and GLASSWARE which will be almost given away. Full stock of JEWELERY, TINWARE, HARD- WARE, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, OILS, HARNESS and all goods in conneetion with the Harness business. I WANT a continuation of my present customers patronage and a few more if I can get them by honest dealing— to !dose tip at 8 o'clock p. in.; to give every onstomer as much for $1 as they can get any place else; to take any kina Of farm 'unarms in exchange for geode from a pound of iron to a load of grain. Rideand Vera for Which I will pay cash. I lalfiT HAVE, all fey 1891. ateotinte moo -by the 1st of May, at the West. The balartee of My Creakety and Giaatiware will he sojd tot giVen away &u soon as possible to male room fox other goo& Thredeirtire Eob4e to be eta this sprng. I will give Crookerror GIasstrare to paid dnring Maw*,