Clinton New Era, 1892-05-27, Page 2iirr sn— imir rrs
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PItIPAT. M V* 1892
th Gouty
A. Marten,. Mrs F. Clegg, Mrs D.
S. Taylor,. and Mrs 0, Horton, all of
aowt4, aled last
;few,itt and family, of Morris,
have 600V4611 into Brussels and will be-
Wrin POrreanent residents -we hope.
On IfiseldaY,• a young rean of Mr D.
Riellardn, in the employ of Mr John
Hunter Jr„ of Elimville,bad his ear bit-
ten off by a horse.
Aft 3. X. Wright, of Point Farm, was
Called bni)bicago last, week to attend
the .funeral of his mother, who lived to
sthe great age of 90 years.
Andrew Auld, of '.Westfield, re-
turned home from Dakota on Thursday
',OVening.. He reports nothing to do and
Oars° supply of hands to do it.
U. S.' Consul Chilton returned to
Oderich last Friday after *ix month's
tibif in Washington, and is now
dy to attend to the wants of (the
marcl's Liniraent lamberman's friend
e Exeter people will build a branch
,e from the L. H, & B. Railway to the
rity Plow Works, rather than have
em removed to Hamilton or Brant -
,.Mr White, Winnipeg horse buyer,
red Mr Jas. Reynolds, Hullett, $400
team of heavy horses, but Mr
Ids 'stuck to $500, so there was no
William Me, Of the 8th concession
ullett, has an Qxforddown ewe
,Ph gave birth to three Iambs. He
'seven lambs from three ewes and
'aping well,
r James Landsborough, student of
x College, and son of Mr James
b rough,. of Tuckersmith, left
ek for Maganetawan to spend the
r in missionary work.
y every one needs a good spring i
e, and Hood's Sarsaparilla s un-
tedly the best. Try it this season.
Ir. Holmes, of Brussels, intends re-
' oving to Detroit, where he will take
arge of a city practice. He has taken
le an interest in church and society
ork and will be greatly missed.
Mrs Alex. Stewart, of Seaforth, had
be misfortune to fall down the cellar
' Wednesday last, and broke two of
.r ribs. the cellar door had been
tivertently left open, which
*yoked the above accident.
he Exeter district meeting of the
the -Mat church was held there on
uesday and Wednesday. There was a
large attendance of clerscal and lay de-
legates. The finances of the district
s were found to be kgood shape.
Found at last, a remedy or piles, invest
50 cents for a bottle of Magic Pile Lotion,
•and be conainced.
Mr J. T. McNamara, of Leadbury, has
sdisposedof his store buisiness and stock
in that place to Mr B. B. Gunn, of Sea-
forthand left on Tuesdayfor Houghton,
„Michigan, where he -haatakerno good
:situation as manager of a lumbering
' Mann will regret to learn of the
death of Mrs John Galbraith, of
the Bayfield road, near Varna, which
sad event took place on Tuesday last.
Mrs Csalbraith was 50 years of age.
She had been in delicate health for
some years.
Have you used lningnus Expeotorant ?
• it will cure all celdesin thelead and-throatn
25 cents per wattle.
A statement of claim has been filed
in a libel suit at Goderich growing out
of the scandal which has been so much
discussed for the past few months.
The complainant is R. J. Gore, who
charges *,,W. G. Smith with alleging
that he himself was the guilty- party,
and that he had made contradictory
'affidavits in the matter, The case will
;will be watched wi th a good deal
,of interest.
A Morris cattle buyer, living not far
front Winglatun, purchased six steers
from. a farmer residing in Turnberry
:township, the bovines being brought
into town on Saturday to be weighed,
be bargain being that they were to
-stand MX hours to allow of shrinkage.
The buyer not wishing to wait so long,
:Or thinking to get the start of the far-
' User, offered to have them weighed im-
mediately if he would throw off 25
,permas per head; this was out of the
•question with the farmer, who in turn
said he would take $300 for the lot and
• give the buyer back $1. The purchaser
wouldn't do it. The buyer brought
other schemes to bear upon the seller,
but they were of no avail, and [again
't..„the $300 offer was made, butnot taken.
'Before the time was up the buyer made
'another offer—throw off 100 pounds,
Which was taken and the cattle were
,duly weighed. Bythis time several
persons interested n cattle had head
of the case and were on hand to see
'-now it would turn out. The scales
showed that the buyer, by not taking
the farmer's $300 (Ater, had lost $5.60
and those present laughed at him.
. The shrinkage amounted to three
-pounds per head during the time they
s were standing.
,Minard'sLinamentis usedfor horses &cattle
Betlin Will crenlate tspadpers.
Uncle Sam has %WO Wozne* printers,
r, S. z'ailroads set $4009,099 a year
for carryin the mails,
* estimated. that there are 1,990, -
MO Irish in Australis,.
rToicularts toinc9immeonot,aistlittetABeat
oanwo elev.
I hold him to bo 'dead la whom shame
:Moonlight is smilpture; sunhiht is
The fortsaroundParisbave sufficient t painting,—(liewthorxie.
food, to last three years. , Common sense in. an 111100/1141011
Tire eboir of the Mormon temple at
Salt Lake city is 300 strong.
A eulprit . in Tiffin: Ohio, was sen-
tenced by telephone last week.
A man obtains his maximum height
at 40 years of age, awoman at 60 years.
The University of Oxford has ap-
pliances for printing in 150 different
Live: fish have been sent in safety
in the niails from India to the British
A merchant in Germany has been
fined heavily for using a quotation
from the Bible to head an asivertise-
It has been ascertained the cost per
family of food in the United States is
$243.05 a year, against $=.22 in
Delivery wagons, the motive power
of which rs electricity, are the newest
vehicles in London. A green grocer
had the first.
The paper for Bank of England notes
is made from new cuttings of white
linen, never from linen that has been
worn or soiled.
The earth at the equator, moves at
the rate of a mile in 3.6 seconds, four -
tenths of a second slower than the
velocity of a cannon ball.
There exists in Chicago an organ-
ization called the Manasseh Society,
in which membership is restricted to
colored men with white wives.
A short tirue ago the Moorish Kaids
gave the Sultan of Morroco and his
son a present of 200 male and female
slaves to celebrate the event of the
marriage of the heir to the Moorish
throne. Girls from 10 to 13 years of
age fetch about $80 to $120 each, and
the slave merchants find the females
more profitable from 10 to 20 years of
In California it is found that peach
stones burn as well as the best coal,
and give out more beat in proportion
to weight. The stones taken out of
fruit that is tinned or dried is collect-
ed, and sold at the rate of $15 a ton.
apricot stones also burn, but not so
well as peach, and do not command as
good a price.
A modern compilation of engineer-
ing maxims states that a horse can
draw, as compared with what he can
carry on his back, in the following
proportions: On the worst earthen
road, three times; on a good. macadam-
ized road, nine; on plank, twenty-five;
on a stone trackway, thirty three, and
on a good railway, fifty-four times as
By a novel legal technicality Mr
"Nig" Seering, of Crawfordsville, Ind.,
has escaped a term in the Northern
Penitentiary and now poses before the
community as a martyr. He was in -
dieted for stealing a box of cigars
from a grocery store, but in the trial
it was proved conclusively that he left
the box and only took the cigars. On
this ground he was discharged.
Magic Pile Lotion, the latest and best
remedy in the market for the euro of any
and all kinds of piles no matter of how long
They tell a story of a little Kentucky
lad who went up to Louisville to visit
the city cousins and while there, at
Sunday school, was a little noisy and
was asked, while being repriman-
ded, if he knew what gocd breeding
meant, and he replied: "Yes,. five
pure crosses." _
Dyspepsia has driven to an early and
even snioidal grave many a man who, if he
had tried the virtues of Ayer's Sarsapar-
illa, would be alive today in the enjoyment
of health and competence. Sufferer, be
warned in season, and don't allow the sys-
tem to run down.
The earlier the training of a colt is
commenced the better, but he should
not be put to hard labor till his bones
are well solidified. The headsand shafts
of the long bones are united only by
cartilages, which do not ossify or hard-
en into bones till the horse is about 5
years old. Before that time heavy
work or hard straining is likely to
produce unsoundness and deformity of
the joints.
"A good-looking horse, but a trifle
under sized," is a remark you will of-
ten hear passed when a trotter or gal-
loper is the theme under discussion.
May be the horse is not over 15.2 hands
high, but yet may have proportionate-
ly larger bones, and be deeper through
the heart than his sixteen hand stable
mate. Good bones and an immense
lung power should be sought after at
all times in a horse kr track or stud.
Height should be secondary considera-
Thomas Oliver, a Hamilton shoe -
Maker, committed suicide Wednesday
night by cutting his throat.
Patrick Dougan, age seventeen, was
fatally injured while attempting to
board a G. T. R. car at Montreal last
TueSday night.
Acarpenter named Andrew McWhin-
ney; living at Galt, is wanting atBrant-
ferdton a charge of indecently: assulting
9 -year-old girl named Lynton. Mc -
:Whitney hasIcleared out, butid etectives
are on his track.
Will you heed the warning. The signal
perhaps of the sure approach of that more
terrible! disease Consumption. Ask your-
*Oa71 On can afford for the Sake Of tea.
ingtdc., to ttin the rialc and do nothing for
We intoW from 0145drielloa iliat8uitotoff
,Cru wil ooni your tot*. It never
, e.Doet-441
gree is what the world eallo wisdom.,
Knowledge Is the hill which few may
hope 1.4 climb; duty* the path that all
may tread.—g.ewis Morris.
Ships, and armies you may replace if
they are lost, but a great inteilect,once
abused, is' a curse to the earth forever.
Children have two inalienable rights
—the right to be well born and the
right to be well reared.—[Rev. Anna
H. Shaw.
I would rather be the grandson of
my grandson than be the grandfather
of my grandfather.—[Rev. Dr. Smith
The pillow is a dumb sibyl. To sleep
upon a thing that is to be clone is bet-
ter than to be wakened up by one
already done.—[Balthazar Gracian.
Don't let your heart grow cold, and
you may carry cheerfulness and love
with you into the teens of your second
century?, if you can last so long.—[0.
W. Holmes.
The [pantie and the noble alone can
carry blessing or cast out evil. It is in
proportion as we are faithful,humble,
industrious, single -hearted and gentle
that we can do good.—[Octavia Hill.
When a book raises your spirit, and
inspires you with noble and courage-
ous feeling, seek for no other rule to
judge the event by; it is good, and
made by a good workman.—[Bruyere.
Truth and the search for truth are
the great food and discipline of human
nature. Good is it when a man, sweep-
ing around some sudden corner in his
life, sees looming up before him a
truth which he has not known before!
—[Philips Brooks.
To him whose elastic and vigorous
thought keeps pace with the sun the i
day s perpetual morning. It matters
not what the clocks say, or the atti-
tude and labors of men. Morning is
when I am awake and there Is a
dawn to me. --(Thoreau.
There sometimes wants only a stroke
of fortune to discover numberless
latent good or bad qualities which
would otherwise have been eternally
concealed, as words written with a
certain liquor appear only when an.
plied to the fire.—Greeville.
And, believe me, the highest spirit-
ual training is contained in the most
paltry physical accidents, and the
meanest actual want may be the
means of calling into life the possible
but sleeping emlarycs of the very nob-
lest faculties.—[Charles Kingsley.
There is a French saying that "It is
women who make the morals of a
country." That is not true, so long as
men alone make the laws. For the
law is a mighty teacher of morality,
Justice or unjustice.—[Mrs. Josephine
E. Butler.
Selfishness lies at the root of every
evil from which we suffer, and indi-
vidually as a nation. It is the utter
disregard of the effects of our acts on
the lives pf those about us that is re-
sponsible for the indifference, the folly,
the crime of which we are guilty.
No human being can violate the la
.o.f..hia-who-regarder ati-d--respeW
responsibility to those about him.
Uproot selfishness from character, and
you have eliminated nine -tenths of the
evil in it.
Selling eggs by weight bas long been
advocated by many, and is a more just
way than to sell them by, number. An
English poultry er LandsandsWan
ter,--gie following interesting
table about the various breeds :—
t t tr.9:
g,,.; .0 .
al § 5 0,.,
O.n .
Z= D., z2 a; &
150 9 17
Leghorns . to
Hamburg • 175 9
• Wyandotta 150 8
La Fleche 150 7
Black Spanish 150 7
• Dominiques 130 9
Games 130 9
Plymouth Rock 100 8
80 7
Light Brahma 1
Dark Brahma 70 8
Cochins 90 7
While the force of heredity may be
weaker than many breeders are willing
to admit, yet it has a close and dii ect
relation to the profits of the horse
breeder. To it, in the majority of
instances, we may charge the multi-
tude of defects and diseases that at-
tach themselves to the equine body.
It is well to remember that the in-
heritance for good or evil limits source
of strength in repetition. If the grow-
ing prevalence of hereditary diseases
is to be checked, a refusal to patronize
any horse or use any mare so afflicted
is demanded of all. More important
still, do not breed from animals that
have the conformation that gives use
to these diseases. Type is undoubted-
ly one of the most hereditary fixtures
of animal life. The narrow knee, the
straight pastern, the hock with weak
foundation and little breadth, is more to
be shunned than the disease given
birth to by them. A horse may be
spavined and yet be fit for breeding
purposes, provided the hock is con
structed on right principles. On a
properly built hock socla a disease
could only originate through a severe
When Baby wag Mek we We her Catitarh-
%Then 51101/18 sChildiatforied for Cardona.
Warm f110 beeszxieMs is thing to Castoria.
When the had &stare then% CattoetiL
It will be seen the Leghorns are peers
among the breeds, both in the number
nf eggs laid and their total weight.
Hamburgs are second in numbers and
La Fleche and Black Spanish second in
total weight. Now is it not unjust to
the breeders of these last two breeds to
make theratake one-third less for their
total egg product than the Leghorn
breeders get for theirs, while the total
amount of matter in each is nearly the
same? The American estimate of this
table would probably place the number
of eggs laid by the Dark Brahma a
little higher, also the Wyandotts high-
er and the Hamburg possibly a little
lower. The Wyandotts are considered
next best layers to Leghorns, and are
far superior table fowls.
$04NPALOVS VirAka4
1101(tWaS when -004t0AllalleCOtticl)2910t
to the Postotliee as one ilpan011 or the
nlIblicsierVieeitiVehiat bur3inese Inethede
Pgmlied, and where politics or any -
thug einnOning Of gerrtsntiOn Was un.
known, But that time is past. The
department presided (Mr by Sir
Adolphe Caron has now become a
means of corruption second in extent
only to the Public Works. Postoface
buildings are provided by the Govern -
Ment, and free delivery arranged for,
not according to the public neceesitiee
but the fealty of ridings to the Govern
Went Barrie, in a Conservative con-
stituency, has a free delivery. while
Guelph, with double the population,
but which forms part of a Liberal
stronghold, has none. Perhaps the
most glaring instance of jobbery in this
branch of the public service ever re-
corded was that ventilated inthe Com.
mons Wednesday. An appropriation
Was approvedfor the building of a new
post office in Laprairie, the total costa
which is to be $1(3,000. The revenue is
only $433, so that the interest on the
cost of the building will be nearly $200
a year more than the total income that
wIll be collected in it. Could a more
glaring instance of the shameful waste
of the hard earnings of Canadian tax-
payers be conceived ? This is even
worse than $200,000 for a property in
St. John, which a Government spar -
porters -declared to be worth only $60,-
000. There might be an error of judg-
ment in the latter case; there, is none
in the first, it is plain, clear-cut bood-
ling.—Toronto News, Conservative.
There are more cases of sickness and
death from diseased kidneys than from
all other diseases combined. It is your own
fault if you allow your kidneys to remain in
an unbeaitlay condition when the cure is at
hand. Dood's Kidney Pills are guaranteed
to cure the worst cases. It costs but little
to give them a trial. They are for sale by
all druggists and dealers or by mail on re-
ceipt of 50 de. or 6 boxes for if2.50. Write
for book called Kidney Talk.
An interesting notice has appeared
in the press from Mr C. W. Nugent,
Sharbot Lake, calling on all ministers,
notaries, issuers of marriage licenses,
or others having power to communi-
cate marriage contracts, to refuse the
Ste to William Dudley Joyner, Shar-
t Lake, and Annie May Nugent,
d 14 years, such contract being
aga at the wish of her family.
A rport of the sale of 300 boxes of
CanadYan eggs in Liverpool at 13
to 13f cents per dozen is cabled. Eggs
in New 7brk were quoted on the seine
das? at 16 per dozen. Which is the
best mar et? asks the Chathath Ban-
ner. The obarttercial quotationespeak
herder fa than the apologies of the
:trade restri tion.
0 'Wren 060for
Dun iAtitii.deggiaiti
The Montreal Star of Wednesday
contained a strong article regarding
the necessity of the Governor -Gener-
al's interference in the present politi-
cal crisis. Even the Star, which is
ultra -loyal and Conservative in its
utterances, is forced to admit in the
course of a leaded article that the
Governor -Generalship of Canada is on
trial at this moment, and that Lord
Stanley cannot shirk his plain duty at
this crisis without forever weakening
the office that he as an English peer
pledged himself to maintain. After re-
ferring to the cares of Lords Durham,
Elgin and Dufferin, the Star concludes
a striking article as follows: "Lord
Stanley has come to us at a turning
point in our history. He stood under
the trees at Earnscliffe when Sir John
Macdonald was dying, and he aided in
setting the new Government upon a
path whose deviousness has plainly
shown the absence of the guiding hand.
He watched them finishing an investi-
gation that the Premier had frankly be-
gun, by whitewashing the chief culprit.
He saw a member saved by what
Conservative, Lieut. -Col. O'Brien,
called 'a miserable piece of special
pleading.' He stood -by while grave
charges against a Minister were silenc-
ed on the contradictory pleas that
they were too old and that they could
wait until anotner session. This year
he has seen charges against another
Minister diluted because they were too
indefinite,' and the accusers of a judge
told that they should leave the matter
in the hands of the very men for whom
he was charged With having sinned.
On top of it all comes a bill to load the
electoral dice in favor of the Govern-
ment, and prevent the people from
speaking their mind. If this is not a
case that calls for the exercise of the
Governor -General's prerogative, we
see the day when his intervention will
be necessary."
The money loss by the floods in the
neighborhood of St Louis is $10,000,000.
Rev Frank W. Palmer and wife re-
solved to live without eating, but the
effort was a failure. Both died.
Burglars entered the store Of Mr E.
Kitchen at Delhi, Ont., on Thursday
night -and got -away -with about $100
worth of jewellery and clothing.
.0,01S; oeoretar:y
e40400,4f Niftto Waaappointed ,by the •
laat..,:eeneral .Conference as the 'repo,
reeentat.iveto the., Methodist Confer-
ences.of gtigland t3egeo,
by, the rarisian on Saturday .t,t! .1111011
The disastrous lioeds in IOWS.t Ne
broke., Wisconsin and other States
continue. The number of people
drowned is estimated at several bun,
(Mg) UNrileda
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Fi yt is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bow.els, cleanses the sys-
tem effectually, dispels colds, head-
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro-
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac-
ceptable. to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances its
manyexcellent qUalities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs in for sale in 75o
bottles by all leading druggists.
Any reliable druggist who may not
have it on hand will procure it
promptly for any one who wishes
to try it. Manufaettired only by the
BAN 1rRANOI1500;
totrxsvu.a.s, NY. 1mwTosas..17.5
EAfitt rpufa QHE
Vrafeos tonal mut other eardsi
Barristers, Solicitors
Commissioners for Ontario and Manitoba
.19IL Bought. Private Funds. C RIDOUT,
Office over J Jackson's Store, Winton.
-1.11 Small sums on good wortgase security,
moderate rate of interest. B. HALE. Clinton.
1-1. Provincial Land Surveyor, Draughtsman,
etc. Office, up stairs, in Perrin Block, Clinton,
, '-
NOE -asii Ontario street, Clinton, op.
posite English Church. Entrance 537 side
TXR. H. R. ELLIOT, M. D., L. R. C. P.,
XJEdinburgh, r. R. C. S.. Edinburgh, Limn -
Matt of -the Midwifery, Edinburgh. 3ffice at
•Street a few doors- Kest o Albert Street. W.
Accoucheur, eto., office in the Palace J3lock.
RtatealsurrSt. Ifomotty osoupte-Thy Dr. Reeve,
Clinton Ont.
William A. Lehr
of Kendallville, Ind., says Hood's
Hood's Sarsaparilla is
King of Medicines
And His Cure Was
Almost a Miracle
"C. L Hood az Co., Lowell, Mass.
" Gentlemen: When I was 14 years of age
I was confined to my bed for several months
by an attack of rheumatism, and when I had
partially recovered I did not have the use of
my legs, so that I had to go on crutches.
.A.bout a year later, scrofula, in the form of
White Swellings, •
appeared on various parts of my body, and
for eleven years I was an invalid, being eon.
fined to my bed six years. In that time
ten or eleven of these sores appeared and
broke, causing me great pain and suffering.
Several times pieces of bone worked out of
the sores. Physicians did not help me and
I Became Discouraged
" 1went to Chicago to visit a sister, as it
was thought a change of air and scene might
do me good. But I was confined to my bed
most of the time. I was so impressed
with the success of flood's Sarsaparilla
in cases similar to mine that I decided to try
It. So a bottle was bought, and to my great
gratification the Sores soon decreased, and I
began to feel better. This strengthened my
faith in th e medicine, and in a short time I was
Up and Out of Doors
To make a long story short, I continued to
take Hood's Sarsaparilla for a year, when I
had become so fully released from the chains
of disease that I took a position with tho
Flint & Walling Mfg. Co., and since that tiMe
-hare not lost a single day on account of
sickness. I alWays feel Weil, tun in good
spirits. and hare a good appetite. 1 enders°
Hood's Sarsaparilla
for it lies been a great teeming tellies rind to
my Weeds rey *Ovary Senna airient nether
hlou 1 think 110611% .Sataraplarillajn the
malt °tan rnedieitinao Wintratt . rattan
No, filloalt lienread. at, Kentiallvi b,, Mi.
flood's FWidW0%*lt.
IN none mawits,
Subscriber desires to thauk the public general-
ly, for the patronage bestowed upon him ; and
at the same time to say that be is now in a bet
tor position than ever to supply the wante of all.
As be gives personal attention to all the details
of the business custo:ners eau rely oh their
orders being promptly :mid satisfactorily filled.
His motto is "good meat at reasonable prim."
Choice Sausage, Poultry, &c.,
in season,
Cash paid for Hides, Skims Bro. •
Albert St., Clinton.
MoKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
D. Ross, President, Clinton; M. Mudie, Vioe
Pres.. Seaforth ; W. J. Shannon, Secy-Treas:
Seafortb ; Jno. Hannah, Manager, Seafortb.
Jas. Broadloot, Seafortb ; Gabriel Elliott,
Clinton; Geo. Watt, Harlook ; Joseph Evans,
Beachwood; Thos. Carbet, Clinton ,• Alex. Gar-
diner, Leadbrary ; laurdie, Seaforth.
Thos. Nellans, Harlook; Robt. McMillan, Sea -
forth; El Carnoohan, Seaforth; John 0 Sullivan
nd Geo. Murtha, auditors. .
Parties desirous to effect Insuranoes or tran-
sact other business will be promptly attended
to on application to any of the above offloere
addressed to their respeeitve offices.
A general Banking Business
t) an sae ted
Drafts issued. Interest allowed on
Advances made to farmers on their own
notes, at low rates of interest.
A general -Banking Business transacted
Interest allowed on deposits.
Sale Notes bought
_J.P, TISDALI3,-Manager
The Molsons Bank.
Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1856.
CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000.
REST FUND, - $1,009,000
.1. H. R. MOLSON ..Pres.
• c
Notes discounted, Collections made, .t14jgs
issued. Sterling and American ex-
eiange bought and sold at lowest
1J Medical Department of Victoria Univer-
current rates.
say, Toronto, formerty of the Hospitals and Interest allowed on deposits.
Dispensaries, New York, Coroner for he
County of Huron, Bayfield, Ont. .
Moneyadvanced to farmers on their own note with
osenoeuriortymore endorsers. No mortgage requi d as
II. C. BREER,Managerntoi
January 1887. cn
A. 0. AT. W.
The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meet in Biddle -
combo Hall on the let and ard Fridays in eech
month. Visitors cordially invited. It STONE -
HAM, M. W. J. BEatl, Recorder
We can make a tew good loans from Private
funds at ow rates and modate expenseer.
Terme made to e alt borrowers.
MANNING* SCOTT, - • Clinton
e/ • HonoraryGradnate of the OntarioVeterinary
College. Treat° 031 diseases of domesticated ani-
mals on the most modern and Boientifio princi-
ples. Office — immediately west of the Royal
Hotel. Residence — Albert St., Clinton. Calle
night *day atteisdedtopromptly.
MRS. WHITT, M. 0. M. s
Piano, Organ and Technicomor Missal developer.
for use of pupils. Roome at Mr. A. Cook's,
Albert Street, Clinton.
Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Graduate of the
Toronto School of Dentistry.
Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painless
extraction cf teeth,
Office in Smith's Block over Emerton's Barber
Shop, Clinton.
tarNight bell answered. ly
J. L. Turnbull, M. 13., Toronto University, 14]).
0.14., Victoria University, M. C. 1" & S., Ontario
Fellow of the Obstetrical Society of Edinburgh
late of London, Eng., and Edinburgh Hospitale.
Officir—Dr. Dowsely's old office Itattenbury St.
Clinton Night • Ms answered at the none place
Auctioneer still in the field, able and will-
ing to coaduct any sales entrusted to him, and
takes this opportunity of thanking his patrons
for past favors. Also Chattel Mortgagee closed
and rents collected. Charges moderate. D
DICKINSON, Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron. Residence Albert Street. Clinton.
C. 1311005, L. D. S., DENTIST, GRADU-
• ate Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
Ontario. All operatione of modern dentistry
earefully performed, Am:esthetics administered
for the painless extraction of teeth. Office
Keefer's old stand, Coats' Block, Clinton.
Will Visit Blyth profeesionally every Monday, at
Mason's Hotel.
•Ii -r GESS Acconcher, Licentiate of the College,
of Physicians, and surgeone of Leiver Canada,
and Provinela Licentiate and Coroner for the
County of Maim. Offlee and residence.—The
bisilding formerly ocepuled by Mr Thwaltes
Interns street., contort, San 11. 1870,
tterditheereolitetteinight for the dolorty ter the
HUM tireciella
Welfare** Metielride* Irina tlie ;Safe* COOK BOOK
r!bt 040* YOt 'Otte0Verld Of Oh frt.
rie:MOM :Of Ohiarteletederatea , .
' DVS 8 *Alain rio Sersingetbstratteilkin ,
la Kishririana* Cira
Loait & Investment Co'y
This Oompany is Loaning Money or Parm
Security at Lowest Rates of Interest.
3, 4 and 5 per Gent. Interest Allowed on
Deposits, according to amount and time left.
OFFICE—Corner of Market Square and Nor th St
615 1886 MANAGE
The subscriber would intimate to
the public, generally that he has
added to his business that of
And is prepared to supply all fun-
eral necessaries at abort notice
and in a satisfactory manner.
Coffins, Caskets,
ShroudS, ,
He has also purchased a firstaness
Hearse, and can therefore meet all
requirements in this fine. Night
calls answered at residence, Isaac
Street, Clinton.
Undertaker and dealer in
Furniture, Clinton.
`• •