HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-05-20, Page 7emasiseuessa PRIZE PICTURE PUZZLE, fe Tht above picture contains four faces, the utatt d his three daughters. Anyone can find the n's face, but it is not so easy to distinguish the ma of the three young ladies, he proprietors of Ford's Prize Pine will an elegant Giold Watch to the first sob who can make out the three daughtersfaces; the second will be given a pair of genuine tsmond Ear -Rings; to the third a hand - e 'Silk Dress Pattern, i6 yards in any or; to the/aura a Coin Sliver Watch, M8.nr 9tW Order of merit.. Every mpetttor must cut out the above panic picture, stinguish the three girls' faces by marking a cross al, feed pencil ott each, and enclose same with three cent Canadian stamps for one box Of OD's PRIZE PILLS, addressed to ME DAD LOOIIIMITT, Wallington et. West, Toronto, Can., he person whose envelope is postmarked will be awarded tbe first prize, and the tern in order of merit. To the person *end. Ing.the last correct answer will be given an elegant GOld Watch, of fine workmanship and first-class timekeeper; to the next' Io the last a pair of genuine Diamond Ear -Rings; to the second to the last a handsome Silk Drees Pattern, 16 yards in any color; to the third to the last a Co n Silver Watch, and many other prizes in order of merit counting from the last I WE SHALL; GIVE AWAY 100 VALUABLE PREMIUMS (should there he so many sending in correct answers). No charge is made for boxing and packing of pre- miums. The names of the leading prize winners will be published in connection with our advertise- ment in leading newspapers next month. Extra premiums will be given to those who are willing to assist in introducing our medicine. Nothing is charged for the premiums in any way, they are absolutely given away to introduce and advertise Ford's Prize Pills, which are purely vegetable and act gently yet protnptly on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels, distelling Headache, Fevers and Colds, cleansing the system thoroughly and cure habitual constipation. They are Sugar-eoated, do not gripe, very small, easy to take, one pill a dose, and are purely vegetable. Perfect digestion follows their use. As to the reliability of our com- pany, we refer you to any leading wholesale drug- gist or business house in Toronto. All premiums will be awarded strictly in order of merit and witb perfect satisfaction to the public. Pills are sent by mail post paid. When you answer this picture puzzle, kindly menton which newspaper you saw it in. Address THE FORD PILL COMPANY, Wel- lington $t., Toronto, Can. The new StandardiSewing Machine ee. ea et ea, te .fie- • • eeSe.2t e SCIENCE AND PROGRESS. INTERESTING PARAGRAPHS CULLED ,pROM VARIOUS FIELDS. — All A.looak Steam. PuMprr—The Diatimoit x . .., rump Will Lift or Draw Water—The OondiSions Required for Perfect Science L. -Science in DrieL The distance that a pump will lift or draw weter, as it is termed, ie about 33 feet, because water of one -inch area 33 feet weighs L47 pounds ; but pumps must be in good order to lift 33 feet, and all pipea 1 must be air -tight. Pumps will give better satisfaction lifting from 22 to 25 feet. There are many thine to be considered in locating steam pump% such as the source from which the water is obtained, the point of delivery, and the quantity required in a given time ; whether the water is to be lifted or flowed to the pump; whether it is to be forced directly into the boiler, or raised into a tank 25, 50, or 100 teet above the pump. When purchasing a steam pump to supply a steam boiler, one should be selected ca- pable of delivering ono oubic foot of water per horse power per hour. No pump, however good, will lift hot water, becauee as soon 0.8 the air is expelled from the barrel of the pump the vapor occupies the space, destroys the vacuum, and haterfers with the supply of water. A. a result of this the pump knock. When it becomes necessary to pump hot water, the pump should be placed below the supply, so that the water znay flow into the valve chamber. • The most necessary condition to the. sat• isfactory working ot the steam punip is a full and steady 'supply of water. The pipe connections shouTd, in no ease, be smaller than the openings in the pump. The sum tion lift and delivery pipes should be aa straight and smooth on the inside as pea - tibia. ' s When the water contains chips, ehavings or sawdust, a strainer should be placed on the lower end of the pipe. When the lift is high, or the muction long, a foot valve should be placed on the end of the suction pipe, and the area of the foolvalve should exceed the area of the Pipe - A suction air chamber is a great advan- tage to the pump when the lift is high. The area of the steam and exhaust pipes should in all cases be fully as large as the nipples in the pump to which they are at- tached. The cylinders of steam pumps should in all cases be oiled before starting in the morning or stopping at night. Stuffing boxeis on the piston and valve rods should in all eases be kept with soft, moist packing, as, if the packing is allowed to become hard and dry, it will flute the rods, inducing leakage, and necessitating repairs. The air vessel on the delivery pipe of the am pump should never be less than five mes the area of the water cylinder. When pumps are standing still, idle or t ofeservienin coldevrea-thereall-the drain; ip and pet cocks should be left open.-.. nadian Electrical News. One of satins ItInTOLVING-SMITTLE 2000 stitches per cent ladies ing tired, to ran eat running you to Every tatty warranted. running 110 , . ,,.t'; • . --, --... . • 1 z e. , „I •ir // ladies making runs Delicate gat- ounces quiet will pay buying. machine and fast Clinton 50 - — di G IN ce . tn he On ee bu ae, or , tw of lor etc int for bol air ma ant It 1 , 2 feel the but tak tut, are a ee A woo Mg min, NI 1 A co f Th , oe , •••• . • • S's ue e---e— the most attractive displays for the Toronto Exhibition was thenew STANDARD &WANG NIACIIINB, per minute. This machine lighter than other machines. Critt mew with the STANDARD Without as it only requires a power of 7 it. The fastest sewing, lighteat and Sewing Maohine made. It examine tne STANDARD before bobbin holds 100 yards, and every The reliable Warr ii STANDARD machines for sale cheaMat J. a. WORSELL'S, Rattenbury Street, MaChiffes Cleaned and repair -ea MISCELLANEOUS. I carry ShingICS; low rate. etiortest Shingles for Sale Cedar a very on the 3m • — on hand a stook of first-class two qualities, which I will sell at Orders large or email filled notice. Please give me a call. W. RILEY. Londesboro. Shingles and Lath for Sale. Subseriber has purchased a large quantity of No. 1. shingles. Then shingles will be made to order out of the very best quality of north shore cedar. All who want a Ant -Maas suingle will Audit to their advantage to ask for prices before buying elsewhere. Orders largo or small deliver- ed at any station along the line. ev H. WHITLEY, Londesboro. Bull for Sale. — For Sale a there -bred Durham Bull, twelve months old, of first-claas pedigree. Dark red color, with a little white. Will be sold at reaaon, able price. JOHN CIMINO, Londeaboro, P. 0 lubi sole solu dry, pro( nick elect varh pera grad for ance inget force porei in the Thoro-Bred Bull for Service Subscriber keeps for'service at the premises of THOS. ARCHER. 5th con. of Hullett, a fret-elaris Thor° bred Bull, of excellent pedigree. Terms it 50 to insure. THOS. ARCHER, 4i* B. CHURCHILL. Shorthorn For sale Balla, aired They are reasonable or Blyth, Bulls For Sale. on Morris pd 4i — two yearling Thoroghbred Shorthorn by the Cruickshank bull Perfection. extra good animals and will be sold terms. Apply on lot 26, con. 10 P. 0, NEIL MoDONALD. Thoro-bred The subscriber keep for Thrum, a excellent GEO. FARQUHAR, Durham Bull Service. for ... Will 5. of $1,50 — has just purchased and service at his premises, lot 27, con. first class thorc,bred Durham Bull, pedigree. Terms, to insure Hallett. CLINTON This establishment orders filled tory and reasonable SEALE, MARBLE WORKS. im 1 COoPRers OLD STAND, Next to Commercial Hotel. ' is in full operation and:al in the most satisfactory way, Cense- granite work a specialty. Pricesias as those of any estainish7.ent — HOOVER tt SEALE, Clinton. Notice. An persons holding accounts against the estate of the late John Farquhar, are requested to render the same to the undersigned not late': than the Sist day of May, and all persons indebted to the deceased are hereby notified that theeame must be paid before the date mentioned. JAMES VANEGIVIOND. Hullett, May 20th 1992, Pd Money to Loan: Private funds can be borrowed Otto low rate of interest and upon easy terms upon applicationito the undersigned. mANNING £3C0TT. • Barristers eto., Clinton The Unit of Horse Power. The horse power unit was established by urea Watt about a century ago, s.nd the uree were settled in a curious way. att, in his usual careful manner, pro- ded to find out the average work which e homers of his disti Mt could perform, and found that the raising of 22,000 pounds e foot per minute was about an actual rse power. As a method of encouraging siness, Watt offered to sell engines rec- ning 33,000 foot pounds to a horse power, one-third more than the actual. Fungus Growth in Cellars. o kill fungus growth in the cellar, pour o ounces of sulphuric acid over one ounce ommon salt. This generates hydroch- ic acid. Close all the doors and windows sely, and do not allow any of it to escape o the rooms above, and do not enter it 24 hours. Then ventilate from the tom to the top (this gas is heavier than and settles to the bottom) without re- ining long in it, and if possible withoub ering it, as one cannot breathe this acid. ills all vegetation. Aconite as a Venom Antidote. correspondent from Durango may that erly about one-half of the children in city died from the sting of the acorpion; now nearly all the lives are aaved, if en in time, by the use of a strong tine - of aconite, ot which five or six drops put in a tumbler half full of water and aspoonful given at frequent intervals. A Vast Advance. n improvement in the _preparation of icants is a soap, formed by treating 1 grease with alkaline lye. This is dile. ed in water and filtered, and to this tion another of alum is added, form- a brown precipitate. From this, when lubricating oils of any viscosity may be aced by simply dissolving it in fluid rid oil. An Electrical Alloy. anganin, which is an alloy of copper, el, and manganese, has remarkable rical properties. Its resistance hardly a at all even through a range of tem- ure varying from 15° to 97° centi- e. It thus becomes a superior metal he construction of artificial resist - n Ingenious Frietional Machine. Frenchman has invented a new and ions frictional machine. Mercury es d by means of a pump through the of a piece of chamois, and electricity siderable quantities is generated by iction. Dots of Science. telephone has been euccessfully used in surgery to locate the position of metallic subetances in the body, thus enabling an operation to be performed in the right di- rection at once. Paper i8 now being made fireproof, and is extensively used in the construction of dwellings. It can be made of anry color desired, and can be polished and worked like most woods. Receet inveatigations show that the av- erage speed of the transmission of earth- quake shocks is nearly 18,000 feet pee tee- ettcL 1 Tkit CLINTON NEW ERA "SalVatfar 1V149111118" The Great Healer cures all algal:sea of the lungs and chest. Have you used M.agnue gxpeotoraut ? it will cure all colds he the heed and throat, 25 cents per bottle. NEWS NOM.. There are 300,000 commerical travel- lers hi the United States, A Presbyterian pastor at Greenville, Ill., has h pulpit Made of olive wood from the Mount of Olives. Jones Elliot, a, farmer of Adjala, Sim- coe count y, met with a sudden death on, his way home frstrt Tottenham with a grist. He M supposed to have fallen asleep. His team climbed a steep hill and rolled down the embankment. Mr Elliott was found dead underneath the load. An old teamster that has been down the line more than once writes: "Nothing will help racing as much as to stop betting on heats. Any tnan an bet his pile on the result and get a race for his money, but heat betting does nothing but play the game for some one. A few men have the public at their mercy when it comes to bett- ing on heats, as almost any of them can tip the favorite and make a nice little bundle by doing it." We can furnish you with the most con- vincing proof of the great tnerits of Salvator Magnus as a consumption cure, Salvator Magnus Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. The Mail recommends the appoint- ment of Hon. Peter Mitchell as Lieu- tenant Governor of New Brunswtck. He is one of the few surviving Fathers of Confederation, and was a inembex' of the first Macdonald Government of the Dominion. Mr Mitchell is well qualified to do the honors of the posi- tion, and he would be strictly im- partial. Never had a preparation a more approp- riate name than Ayer's Hair Vigor. When the capillary glands become enfeebled by disease, age, or neglect,this dres ing imparte renewed life to the scalp, so that the hair assumes much of its youthful fullness and beauty. The first trouble at Montreal over the new Government cattle regulations occurred Friday, when 31 cattle were ordered off the steamship Canopus by the Government inspector. The regu- lation space had not been given the cattle. Some 70 cattle had to be re- moved, which at 55s a head means a loss per trip of $960. Cable advices say that in the last ten days prices have fallen $12 per head. John Geiuer has begun a damage suit for $25,000 against Valley Forge Lodge of the Independent Order of Oddfellows and its officers, James Donahue, John Riordan and John Nolan, all of Chicago. Geiger says that et month ago he Joined the lodge. On the evening of his initiation he was forced to jump into a supposed lake of fire to show his courage, and fractured one of his legs in three places. Then he was lowered into a well, where he encountered an unknown monster that hit him on the cheek and injured his spine. After being hauled out he was painted like an Indian and flour thrown into his face. The lodge offered to compromise with Geiger for $500, but he -refused: One of the sights of the Cityof Hamilton is the factory in which the celebrated "Myrtle Navy" tobacco is made. Some people may suppose that putting up plugs of tobacco must be a very simple matter, but a walk amidst the ponderous and com- plicated machinery of the establishment would speedily undeceive them. Here are hydraulic presses, screw presses, iron frames, all of enormous strength, besides a steam engine and many other pieces of machinery. John Carling, in spite of many good qualities, in spite of old age and years of public usefulness by his presence in the House, saves Baird, of Queen's County, N.B., from being the meanest figure in Cana,dian politics. He has sacrificed, or has been forced to sacrifice it good name, Ile has disgraced him- self and his friends, and all for a license to occupy for Tour sessions the seat to which a free constitueney elected an- other man. Poor John Carling! Poor old Judge Elliot! Hyman is young. He hrs lost nothing that time will not restore to him. The men to be pitied are the two aged, but no longer hon- oured, politicians, who have thrown away that which true men have died to keep.—Toronto Telegram. THE FOOT ON THE STAIR. Hush! Let each footstep be light, And unerring; as those that she bent To my chamber of pain, in the night, When the sickness that often approached And pursued me, and took unaware, And hold me in cold, icy clasp, Till I shrieked in my anguish and fear; Ah then, as that cry smote her ear, How quickly she sprang from the couch; And I heard her light foot on the stair. Look!. How silent she lies! Her pnre spirit left me last night, Last night on its way to the skies. She is freed from all burden and toil, From weariness, watching, and oare; And I, when the torturer comes With his deep thrilling anguish of pain. May listen, and listen in vain. In all the drear midnights unknown— For the sound of her foot on the stair. She is dead. 0 God! she is dead. She is wan, and breathless, and still; And I, what was it I said, When she stole in the dead of the night On my innocent sleep unaware? Did I say she disturbed my repose? Did 1 bid her keep silence and restl Did I say that my sleep was distressed, That my brain would be softened and turned By the creak of her foot on the stair. A pitying angel of light Heard a low awful cry as it rang On the shuddering dark of the night, An agonized pleading for aid, A cry of remorse and despair That quivered to silence and space; Yet is heard by no slumberer nigh, A shuddering, soul -reaching cry, "Eliza! Eliza! 0 God, For the sound of her foot on the stair!" CUM li. MOUNTCASTLE (CRT1S SiTTIA.) When Baby WAS Sick, we gave her Castoria. when she was • Child, she cried for Cestoria. 'Men she bectune Mks, eha clung to Castoria. Mum Bile had Cb.ndren, She rave them Castorke. ORISP AND OASUAL. Europe uses 00.000,000 matches daily. Great Britain has e.bout 18,000 land- lords and 88,000,000 tenants. George Eiffel is said to have made $10,000,000 as his share in the Eiffel tower. A new herring bank 100 miles long has been divovered off the west coast of Newfoundland. The Hindoo nose ring is to be aban- doned and a flower worn instead in the nose of Indian women. The Joins of India frequently un- dergo fasts of forty days, partaking during that time only warm water. A family now living at Helena, Mon., possesses bones so brittle that they are broken by the most trivial accidents. It is not what its proprietors say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that makes ,et sell, and wins the confidence of the peo- ple. The "angry tree," a woody plant which grows from 10 to 25 feet high, and which was formerly- supposed to exist in one State in the Union, Neva- da, has recently been found in eastern California and Arizona. If disturbed this peculiar tree shows every sign of vexation, even to ruffling up its leaves like the hair of an angry cat and giv- ins forth an unpleasant, sickening odor. The Osage Indians are said to be the richest conanaunity in the world. They are but 1,509 in number, but they have $8,000,000 deposited to their cred- it in the Treasury in Washington, on which they draw $100,000 interest every three months, and they own 1,470,000 acres of the best land in Okla- homa. Most of 'them wear blankets, despite their wealth. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an Emit India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per- manent cure of Consumption,. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, aleo a positive and radical our for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com- plaints after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to rdhke it known to his suf- fering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. NOYES 820 Pow- ers' Block, hochester, N.Y. June 19-91-y MODERN RESPONSIBLE GOVERN- MENT. --- Once Whig suffered Tory as brother, And Tory was playful with Whig, Now each side addresses the other As pig. Now honesty's not worth respecting, While false yotes are quite bona fide, Provided they're used in electing Our side. When commissioners play at dissecting The shady exploits of their tribe, They never are caught in detecting • A bribe. But Oh, how thdy sit upon tenter Hooks,how to make all the sports show In the action of a Parliarnenter Y foe. _ How judges have found that their duty Is to favor each silvery knight, And to teach us that MI G HT Spells right. Poor members have only a poor show, For Loyalty now is the cry Be loyal to what? Why to M 0 N EY To such trifles we never object for Our protests are laid on the shelf; Love of country just now means respect for Its pelf. In our method of representation We follow the Moneyed Interest Orly fmatice say Population Is best. And our dear handy old gerrymander, When it tackles the long voters' list, Just envelopes theaspect instanter In mist. Every country it cute for dealings It changes each boundary line To create cosmopelitan feelings 'Tis fine. Protection—dear little pet poodle Will now clear the track from Free Trade, For the triumphant march of the Boodle Brigade. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. This GREAT COUGH CURE, this success., ful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a par-) allel in the history of medicine. All druggist/ are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test that no other cum can successfully stand., If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis,' use it, for it will cure you. If your child h4 the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly; and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease CONSUMPTION, don't fail to use it, it will cure you or cost nothing. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price 10 cis., 50 cts. and $Loo. If your Lungs are sore or Back. lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. nes cts. X • • "Backache tne scavengers means the kid- of the system. neys are in "Delay is trouble. Dodd's dangerous, Neg- Kidney Pills give lected kidney prompt relief." troubles result "76 per cent. in Bad Blood, of disease is Dyspepsia, Liver first caused by Complaint, and disordered hid- the most den- neys. gerous of all, "Might as well Brights Disease, try to have a Diabetes and healthy city Dropsy." without sewer- "The above age, ttS good diseases cannot health when the exist w he kidneys are Dodd's Kid clogged, they are Pills are use Sold by all dealers orseethymail rece of pike so, meta.: pee boit oe six feee $as Dr. L. A, Smith & Co. Terinite. Write f book ealled Kidney taw. HAVE YOU BACK -AC H E. DooD:5 KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU NOTRIZES FOR STUPID PEOPLE. who g ,;$ th withoutts-D 'IF you are One of the bright ones and can read the above rebus_you may receive a reward which will pee von many times ov,tr for your trouble. The proprietor of THE ' LADIES' PICTORIAL WITIELY offers either a hrst-class upright Piano or. a cheque for Throe Hundred Dollars to the person who sends the first correct solution of the Above rebus, a reward of a pair of genuine Diamond Ear itungs for the second correct solution, a complete Business Education at a commercial College for the third correct solution ; a solid Gold Watch for each of the next three correct eolu- tions. a Silk Dress pattorn_(i6 yards in any color) for each of the next five correct mho tons. an elegant Diamond Brooch (solid gold) for each of the next ten. . -. Every one sending a solution must enclose with the same ten three cent stamps (or 3o tents in silver) for one month's trial subscription (five copies) tp THE LADIES' JPPIU. TORIAL WEEKLY, Canada's high-class, :71as/rated newspaper. iThe envelope which contains correct solution bearing first postmark will receive first reward, and the bal- ancreoirnthoerdceornaesctrescottoneid. received last is offered it Swift Safety Bleycie valued at lies for the next to the last will be given a pair of genuine Diamond Ear Maga, for the thi,rd, fourth and fifth from the last will be awarded an elegant solid Gold Watch; to the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth from the last will each be awarded either a SU& Dress :pattern (ze yards in any color) or a Swiss letuele Box. playing six pieces. If there should be as many as one hundred persons sending correct solutions to this rebus, each will be rewarded with a valuable Prize. Names of Moe° receiving leading rewards will be published in prominent newspapers throughout Canada. Extra premiums will be offered to all who are willing to assist in increasing the subscrip- tion list of this popular illustrated weekly. The object in offering, this prize rebus is te at- tract attention to and. introduce our _phblication, It should not bo classed with eateh-penny affairs. You can easily ascertain as to our reliability by inquiring through any eommercial agency. Perfect Impartiality is gUarolitoediarZell:NthAeorilie i t- , wards. All solutions must be mailed on or before June'est, 692. Address e LADIES' PICTORIAL WEEKLY, . (33) TOIROn rir Cut the above advertisement out. 004.040 HILLWATTEE TEA. TEA Flillwattee is the name of a Blaok Tea, 11. blend of Indian and Ceylon, put up ia Eng.. land. The English people are noted for having the finest Tea. We guarantee fan weight in every package. Draws very smooth and of rich flavor. You can only procure it from AB as we control the sale of it in Clinton, and our trade for this Tea has increased very fast, far beyond what we anticipated. We have just got a fresh supply. Try a package. Fresh GROCERIES all in Stook G.S WALLOW Have Wanted and Must Have I HAVE A full stock of D. M. Ferry's and Steel Bros Field and Garden SEEDS and CORN. Full stook Field and Garden TOOLS. A few pieces of CROCKERY and GLASSWARE which will be almost given away. Full stock of JEWELERY, TINWARE, HARD- WARE, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, OILS, HARNESS and all goods in connection with the Harness business. I WANT a continuation of my present customers patronage and a few more if I can get them by honest dealing— to close up at 8 o'clock -p.m, to give everyoustomer as -much for-Sleas-theyecaneget-ntv-- place else; to take any kind of farm produce in exchange for goods from a pound of iron - to a load of grain. Hides and Furs for which I will pay cash. I MUST HAVE All my 1891 accounts settled by the lat of May, at the latest. The balance of my Crockery and Glassware will be sold or given away as soon as possible to make room for other goods. Three more Robes to be sold thie spring. I will give Crockery ;or Glassware to the value of 5 per cent on all acconnte paid during March. GEO. NEWTON1 40 - LONDESBORO 1. RUMBALL'S CIRRIIN FACTORY liurt->n Street, Clinton' INe- have on ban'd on assortment -of ,3plendid BUGGIES. CARRIAGES, & WAGGONS Which we guarantee to be of first—class material and woi kmanship. If you want a good article at the price of a poor one, call and see us. I. A.1LT 4, -- CL4I]Nrir CON VialwanwealeallWallew. -tet***10 '76` "te 74i 7.9. eer THE RELIABLE ORGANTIANO DEALER G. F. OAKES, ORGANS, 5 and 6 Octave SELLS PIANO -CASED ORGANS Best makes of PIANOS 'Second foriland ORGANS to rent RENTS 1.3Dt _I_NOS carefully moved PIANOS packed for shipping 'Organs repaired and retuned REPAIRS' Piano Tuning attended to ,Sheet Music&Books ordL7,d Shop on Main Street Residence on James Street Box 11, Clinton Send for catalogue tratiL941'' a is oArtzs, Ina • MANTON • _ 441111bL••••-•