HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-05-06, Page 6May 11$92 THE ,CLINTON NEW ERA. e a io,3) feed Predtleed by Sikyeee Cherry Oral, Colds, Coughs, Croups 0 Threat are, in zuost a9es, im- mediately relieved by the use of this Wonderful remedy. It IltrQngthens the Vocal organs, allays imitation, and pre- vents the inroads of Oonsuroptlon; iii every stage of thet dread disease, Ayer' s Cherry Pecs- torsil relieves cough - lag and induces refreshing rest /MO Med Ayer's Cherry Pectoral My family for thirty years and have Wage found it the best remedy for tlea SO which tomplaint my children Yie'been subJect."—Capt. U. Carley, own, N. Y. "Froin an experience of over thirty In the gale of proprietary medi- feeleustified in recommending WI Cherry Pectoral. One ofathe reeranntendations of the Pectoral is eilattaing quality of its popularity, it ore palable .now than it was •tiseyeare ago when its great cemsidere'd marvelous."— e, Mb., Benet, Kans. 440 little sister, four years of age, ea ill from bronchitis that we had eet given up hope of her recovery. *witty physician, a skilful man and large experience, pronounced it use - 'to give her any more medicine; g that he bad done all it was pes- eta do, and we must prepare for the 00. A8a hist resort, we determined terAyer's Cherry Pectoral, and I can y say, with the most happy results. tar taking a few doses she seemed to 0atibtieeasier, and, within a week, was e of danger. We continued giving the ectoral until satisfied she was entirely elle This has given me unbounded faith ithe preparation, and I recommend it eseefidently to my customers."—C. 0. Aepper, Druggist, Fort Wayne, Ind. Tor Colds and Coughs, take yers Cherry Pectoral, THE ARIZONA KICKER* PREPARED ET . J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Trim al : six bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle., -\„M1 HE NOW POSES A$ A PURELY AGRI- CULTURAL EDITOR. He Don't Want Shooting callers While Working For $8 a Weelre-When He Gete Reified to $30 He Will elepect to Take Chances—A Newsy Budget. EXPLANATORY". —The editor of the Kicker started for Lone Tree on Friday lest to col- lect some overdue subscriptions, but fully expected to bo back Monday morning. Thut day and yesterday passed without bringing him, and we- have taken charge and issue the inside pages. We are the agricultural editor. LATER. —Early this morning we received a telephone message from Half Way to the effect -that the editor was seen on Sunday riding in hot pursuit of Tom' Jackson, of Lone Tree, who owed for two years' sub- scription. Tom was ahead, but the editor was gaining. THE LATEST. —Just as we go to press a telephone message from Lone Tree announce' that the cowboys on Col. Kyle's ranch have got hold of the editor and will probaby lynch Ihim. We wore asking for further particu- lars when the wire was cut. DON'T CALL. —We respectfully request of those who have a grievance against the edi- tor that they delay calling at the office un- til his return. Maj. Henderson came in yesterday tb shoot him for an article which appeared two weeks ago, and although it was explained to him that we were only temporarily in charge and not personally responsible, he shot two bullets through our hat and otherwise unnerved us. We don't want any more such callers. We are a purely agricultural editor from Boston and a man of peace. When our salary has been 1AX-SEED EPASION toMPOUND R NCHITIS 186 Le.eington Ave., New York City, Sept. 194881 `I have neer! the Flax -Seed Emulsion in several Nits.a.. of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stages of •irtftthisis, and have been well pleased with the results. • JAMES K. CROOK, M.D. THE JOY OF SPRINOTIDE JOKERS WHO FEEL THE PURIFIED OZONE THRILL THEIR NERVES. Paragraphers' Jolly Hits at the Volliest and Foibles of klaukind—Short, Snappy Sayings of Pith and Moment — The Newspaper Wits Coe Amore. NSUMPTION Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb. 14th, 1839. have used your Emulsion in a- case of Phthisis :1T4consumption) with beneficial results, where patio.. sireelsi3Oet usetrasklaven,Qitimanysenen._ eeseeese J. IL DROGF, BUS PROSTRATION • Brooklyn, N. Y.. Pee. 20th, •1can strongly recommend FlaxSeed Emulsion as helpful to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung. Altonclual and Nervous Affections, and a good gen Cationic in physical debility. JOHN I.. TALMAGE, M. D. -GENERAL DEBILITY Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 10th. 7888. rega4plax Seed Emulsion as greatly superior to 'the Cod Liver Oil Emulsions so generally in use. D. A. GORTON, M. D. 'WASTING DISEASE 137 West 84th St., • New York, Aug. 6, 1888. • II have used your Flax -Seed Emnlatem Compound Wbsever of "Mnr-iiiiiiititin aiiTth-e-restilt NOES - more than hoped for—it was marvelous, and con- tinuous. I recommend it cheerfully to the profes.sina *ed humanity at large. M. H. GILBERT, M.D. ,.„ RHEU MATISM Sold by Druggists, Price $1.00. 'FLAX -SEED EMULSION CO 35 Liberty St., New Yoe- sTorale by J. H. COMBE, Clinton. 4\7hen Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. Men she became Kiss, she clung to etastoria. Mon she had Children, aim gave them castoris SE JA 'MAN! .11111111111111111111/11/1111110111.11111111MBINIII INIMPIMEINL VIGOR ridITRENGTH! For LOST or FAILING MANHOOD, Llieneral and NERVOUS DEBILITY, Weakness of BODY AND MIND, Effects of Errors or Excesses in Old or Young.. Robust, Noble IRAN- 11001fully Restored. How to en- large and strengtben WEAR UN- DEVELOPED ORGANS and PARTS OF BODY. Absolutely unfailing HOME TREATMENT—Benefits in a day. Nen testify from fifty States and Foreign Countries. Write them. Rook, explanation and proofs ailed (sealed) FREE. •AddresS M JICAL Oa. A PURELY AGRICULTURAL EDITOR. raised to $30 per week we shall expect te take some chances, but we can't do it on $8. Weems His TIME. —Yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock an individual known as Jim Furlong, who supposed the editor of the Kicker was at home, rode up and down the "Meet in front of the office for half an honr on an old mule, daring the editor to come out and shoot the icicle off the end of his nose. He was finally informed of how mat- tersaifoixtrrtreffifefirerP-three bulIeta Isto the front door and rode off. It is needless to observe that had our chief been home Mr. Furlong would have made No. 11 in his private graveyard. As it was, we made no demonstration. We were not only very busy reading proof, but as stated elsewhere we can't afford these luxuries on our present salary. AE EXTRA.—It is very likely that an extra will be issued from this office to -mor- row or the day after containing the latest news from the editor. We do not consider the second message as to his whereabouts reliable Knowing that Col. Kyle's cow- boys were hankering to get hold of him, he would give the gang a wide berth. If by accident he fell into their hands they would have allowed him to --at, least for- ward a brief note. Cowboys are rather odd in their ways, but they try to hang a man decently. We think the first report is the key to the situation. Tom Jackson has refused to come down with his cash. The editor sighted him and gave chase. We think he run into the Black mountains, sixty miles beyond Lone Tree, and there lost the trail, but is still looking for it. We have many reasons to hope that he may turn up eats and sound.—Chicago Ttibune. Go Slow. The nights grow shorter— The old man's daughter Will see her courter Soon by the gate. The sun's slow sinking— It's time for thinking Of new Spring prinking Ere it's too late. We spend our dollars Por shirts called "hem" And bright -hued collars That soon will fade. We see our tailor, And dream of squalor, With cheeks grown paler, And what he's made. The sun's so sunny, We think it's funny To spend our monoy, But how we'll foam ! When comes vacation, We'll skip flirtation And osculation. And stay at home. Pot ti cal P rov erbs. The peanut pollitishan is in it rake-off. A man's polliticks goes the way his in- terest goes. The dollar mark is plain' to be our nash- unal emblem. A member of Parliament erns his gallery tryin' to get elected. Thar aint cnuf money in cerculation to buy a desent man's vote. A man that kin talk tairif and won't talk tairif ought to he made a prime minister. It's hard to beleave, but it is ackshally fack that some men air in politiks for on- ner a.nd glory. •es Pr:N. fer the SHILOH'S CONN M PTION CURE. This GREAT COUGH CURE, this successl ful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a per4 allel in the history of medicine. All druggist are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test thatno other cure can successfully state1.1 If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, knit will cur‘ you. If your child h The Croup, or Whooping Cough, use itpromptly and relief is sure. If you dread that insidio disease CONSUMPTION, don't fail to use it, it will cure you or cost nothing. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price io cts., 5o cis. and $1.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 25cts., AN INNOCENT WIPE.—Mrs. Latelywed— Did you ever commit murder, Charley ? Mr. Latelywed —Of course not. Mrs. Latelywed—Then what does ma mean when she says you used to be a great lady-killer? —Texas Siftings. A "rattling good fellow" is often one who shakes dice.—Philadelphia Record. In the spring the young man'e fancy lightly turns to thoughts of loaf.—Elmira Gazette. The chorus girl who is pretty but can't sing moat pass at her face value.—Washing- ton Star. Man formerly had four feet, babe decid- ed to deal the carda with two of them.— Galveston News. Some people seem to think that talking in a moral way is leading a religious life.— Somerville Journal. DeLink—Is the editor in? Editor—He will be in—a dollar when you pay your sub- scription. —The Club. She—Do you think Penelope will be able to land the baron? He—,1t depends upon how much land it will take.—Life. Bank president—What is the new watch- man's name? Cashier—Jimmy. Bank presi- dent—Discharge him at once.—Ex. "Soled out," he murmured to himself, as the father of his beat girl gave him a lift at 2 o'clock in the morning.—Burlington Press. If the parlor rocking chair could talk it would put a stop to much of the grumbling about crowded street cars.—Binghamton Republican. "I wish I was twins," said Willie. "Why ?" "I'd send the other half of meto school, and this half would go fishing."— Harper's Bazar. Languid Cholly.—Cholly. (languidly)— Jeames Jeames—Yes, sir! Cholly—Come to the window and wink at this guhl foh me. —New York Herald. Tramp Philosophy. —Raggles—Say, Bilk, when I looks on the miseries of them wots lost their good name I'm kinder glad I ain't never had none to loose.—Judge. Visitor—Well, Tommy,... what are you g CT/ 11 -Tommy- 1 'spect I'll follow the alderman business, same art paw does.—Chicago Tribune. De Chappie—Aw, lonny, hov you is lift here? Store Boy (confidentially)—Yep. That there big fellow wid red hair an' freckles is the bouncer. Wat yer sellin' ? —Good News. A Natural Supposition.—Mr. Tulking- horn—There is a very fine picture of our minister in to -days paper. Mrs. Tulking- horn—Indeed ! What has he been cured of ?—Boston News. Bertha—Grandma, is oor teef good ? Grandma—No, darling ; I've got none now, unfortunately. Bertha—Then I'll give oo my nuts to mind till I come back. —Pacific Methodist. He—Why don't it Nublres Come on deck and be wooed by the brezes, toot She—Her mother wouldn't let her. She heard the captain say this wan a trade wind.—Funny Folks. Quite the Reverse.—Nobby—There goes Waltman kiting along like a deer ; I won- der if he is training for a run. Oddie— No, on the contrary, he is running for a Solomon Vind tested. "Solomon mid some mean things," said Mack, tentatively. "What ?" aaked1Samjoiees. "Go to the ant, them sluggard." "Well," rem8rhed Titziothy Tuzzle, notsit Malay slugger go ti; their mints C. C. RICHARDS BL CO. GENTS.—I have used your 41INARD'S LINIMENT in my family for some years and believe it the best medioine in the market as it does all it it recommended to do Cannaan Forks, N. B., D. EIERSTEAD. John Mader, Mahone Bay, informs us that he was cured of a very severe attack of rheumatism by useing MIN A RD'S LINMEN T. From the beginning of its manufacture until now not a single ounce of any but pure Virginia led of the finest quality has been used in the "Myrtle Navy" tobacco: - The manufacturers of it have a settled belief that the public cannot be misled on this point, and that any tampering with the quality of the brand would be a monet- ary loss to them. Thousands of dollars is year saved by mixing with an inferior leaf, would not repay them for a doubt on the part of the public as to the quality of their tobacco. Children Cry for train.—Boston Courier. . The Thoughtful Friend. —On the Home —Did you think Miss Morton and her mother discovered that I was tipsy last night? The Other—Oh, no ; I explained to them that you were crazy.—Life. Reason in Everything.—"I never thought you were the sort of a man to get married." "No ; but you see I go about a good deal, and I found it necessary to have some one to leave cards for me."—Fun. A Sleeping Car Annoyance.—First wake- ful (in sleeping car)—What's that old rooster coughing so violently about ?" Sec- ond wakeful—He's sucked a pillow down his windpipe, I presume.—Truth. Rather Invidious.—Chollie—Think 111 change my bootmaker. Chappie—Ilaw ? Haw. The beast awaked me if I would wather have me shoes well -shaped or did I pwefer a fit.—Indianapolis Journal. The quickest way to reduce liquid meas- ure to dry measure is to take a quart of nitro-glycerine and hit it with a hammer. You will then have a ton or more of debris, yourself included.—Dansville Breeze. Pretty Nick Looking. —What portrait, is that in the paper ; It is the portrait of a man who is taking a pateut medicine. Well, I never saw a man who seemed to need medicine more than he dces. —New York Press. A Cool Parrion.—A clergyman one hot Sunday, observing a deacon asleep in .church, called out: "Brother Austin, please open the window a little. Physicians say it is unhealthy to sleep in a hot room." - -Worcester Light. 1M re. Brush—Has the hanging committee decided about your picture yet? Brush — Y es. Mrs. Brush—Are they going to hang it. Brush (dubioue)—I heard the chairman say he thought hanging was too good for it.—Brooklyn Life. "Don't like your place? Why, I thought you had a first-class situation." Boy of all work—It's all well enough except in the 1 morning. There's hardly any passing at that tene, and you can't imagine how diecouraging it ie to atash tliwindows, sweep the sidewalk and shaket e mats, and t a 'sold itig by to lansfit , Of Pitcher's Castorla. In hie sermon last Sunday night Rev. Clifton Parker, of Toronto, declared that if "Mr Mackenzie had held the reins of power instead of Sir John Thompson when Mr Edgar's chargewas made against a mem- ber of the Government, the light would have been turned on andthe fullest investigation made, and Canada to-cley would not have been a bye -word and reproach to the natione of the earth." CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of is simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per- manent cure of Consumption, Bronohitis, Catarrh, As• hma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cur for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com- plaints after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases', has felt it his duty to rnake it known to hie suf- fering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge; to all who desire it, this recipe. in German French or English, .-mith-frillelireetiOn&fer..PreNtring-taaminge Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. NOYES 820 Pow- ers' Block, hochester, N.Y. June 19-9 1-y In a settlement adjacent to the Moose Jaw district a woman and her grown-up daughter undertook to kill a calf. They placed the animal on a eawhorse, and while the woman held it the daughter cut off the young bovine's head e ith is bucksaw. A freight train over one mile in length and numbering 131 cars passed over the Central Hudson road Thurs day, the longest train on record. It was drawn by engine 51, of the Adiron- dack and St. Lawrence road. Children alWisTEt Enjoy It. saws ULSION of pure Cod Liver 011 with Hypo- phosphltes of Lime and Soda Is almost as palatable as milk. A MARVELLOUS FLESH PRODUCER it 19 Indeed, and the little lads and lassies who take cold easily, may be fortified against a cough that might prove serious, by taking Scott's Emulsion after their meals during the w' ;War season. .Beutare of substitution' and imitations. SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville. McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested]Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE We have anticipated a big season's trade, and have prepared for it accordingly. If you want a dandy ROAD CART, a light 8,nd serviceable DEMOCRAT, a well-built, easy -running LUMBERtWAGGION, a beautiful and stylish OPEN or COVERED BUGGY, or even a DOUBLE CARRIAGE, we can supply your wants, and guarantee to give you satisfaction. Our goods are theur own re- commendation. Call and ale us, and we are sure you will be pleased. HAYWARD'S CARRIAGE FACTORY, OPPOSITE FAIR'S MILL, CLINTON pring Importations. Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoe s • Nails,I Locks Hinges, Paints, Oils and Glass, Barbed & Black FenceWire Alabastine & Kalsomine Bird C ages Cl othe sWringer s White Steel Granite Ware. For re,pure, Weak and Impoverished cl, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa- ation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid- ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General -Debility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M.. MeLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton THE RIGHT The new model of the Rockford Watch. when placed in a screw bezel case, will fill a lon felt want among farmers, as it is not nue proof only, but very strong. The plate which the wheels work between, not being separated by pillars as in the ordinary WATCH But bythe bottom plate being turned out of a solid piece of nletal, with the edger left Of the top plate to rest on; it also being pendant or lever set with sunk balance to prevent breaking, mak- ing in all a good rong watch For a F rmer DD H ARLAND BROS. STOVES AND HARDWARE, A..I.41E11101L9r C)1_4INTC)Thr Christmas GoodS JUST RECEIVED New Valencia Raisins off stalk, New Sultan .Raisins—extra value, New Black Basket Raisins, New Currants, New Gredoble Walnuts New S. S. Almonds, New Filberts, New Candied Peels—Citron, Lemon and Orange, New Extrauts—Essences of all hinds. _ Splendid values inlchoice Green-, Black or Japans. Try our Special Blend of pure India and Ceylon Teas put'np in one pound packages. Best value in package Teas in tke market-7ry it. A CALL SOLICITED. TEAS N. ROBSON. - CHINA HALL Glasgow House, Brucefield --ESTABLISHED 1851 WM. SCOTT & CO Wholesale -and retail dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, 11A_TS4 CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY and PROVISIONS. Highest Cash price paid for all kinds of Grain, Dressed Hoge, Hides, Wool aa Cord wood. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Agents for G. N. W. Telegraph Co., with tele graph connection to all parts of the world. We beg to thank our numerous customers for their long and liberal patronage for the past 30 years, and hope by strict attentiou to business, and rock bottom prices, to stil lontinue in line with our o1a. anti many new customers. WM. SCOTT ft CO., - BRUCEFIELD Adams' Emporium We this:week announce to the purchasing public that we have received a fine supply o CLOTHING in MENS' SUITS and BOYS SUITS. SHOES—Gentlemen's Shoes, Ladies' Shoes, Youths' Shoes, !Misses Shoes, Children's Shoes, in various styles and prices. HATS—A large stock of Hate and Caps—Felts, Straws, &s. an Our DRESS GOODS and PRINTS Are going off rapidly as they are nice and cheap. M1LLINERY—We never had such a fine display of Millinery. This will be pleasing to the ladies especially. We have on order some beautiful Wool Carpets to arrive -shortly. Dont miss them Our TWEEDS are excellent value and selling so well our tailor has to get a hustle on. You would do well to compare prices. SHIR,TINGS and COTTONADES moving lively—prices low, quality good SEEDS—Field and Garden Seeds in stock. We cannot mention everything as the store is filled in all departments. We are constantly having visits from new customers who are well pleaeed with our goods and prices. A trial respectfully solicited—it will pay you. We want to make room for more goods yet to come in. Produce taken in exchange at highest prices. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, R. LONDESBORO ADAMS. x-xow nO TOT? ENOW the great value of our goods nn less you can see them. We have a line of MEN'S SUITS at $7.50, $10 and $12. Also MEN'S OVERCOATS at $8.80, $9 and $10. YOUTH'S SUITS from $3 up that can't be duplicated in value within $3 to $5 of these pricert, and no where else can you get the faultless fit which characterize our clothing. Examine and judge for yourself. Remember that we keep in stook is well selected ._...t.te variety of the moat fashionable in the Furnishing and Hat .,,v and Cap Department. Our Seaiette Goods ere hand- eome and away down in price. S ' ,, Searles Block, next to J. W aka . Irve 's Clinton.