Clinton New Era, 1892-04-22, Page 6• A4.41 T!, 1, Ptent `oritt 1, 1, WON*life ell 70,7.1.0bAltsti ° V rectOrall will relieve you f Try it. lirseP IS In the house. on aro liable to bars a cough at any time, and no other remedy is so effective ' se this world- renowned prepare, tion. No household, with young children, should be without it. •Sooree of 11,VOS are -sawed every year by It timely nee. streenda /3. /miser, Northampton, Magee writes: "Common gratitude im- aneto acknowledge tho. great bene- •Pbave-denvedlorany 'children Isom 'alhwuseaot ,Aweeta moat excellent Cherry -'Petoral. ail lost two dear children jtioan cretin slid consumption, and had tU, greatest fear of losing my only re - staining daughter and son, res they were delicate. Happily, I find that by giving 1411014-r's 10herry Pectentl, ea the Ong bymPternsef throat or lung trouble, they are relieved from danger, and are be- eisming robust, healthy children." "In the winter of 1885 I took a bad cold whiehe in spite, Of every known xemerry, Araw Worse, so that the family phyvidan considered me incurable sup- CIZroig APAPii_e-;triludarri; ;eAcBte: ral, and, in a short ume, the cure was eomplete. Since then I have never been walkout. thte mediplue. I am ilfty years of ego, weigh over 180 pounds, and aa tribute my good health to the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral."-G.W.Youher, Salem, N. J. " last winter X contracted a severe told, which by repeated exposure, be, same guile obetinate. I was mud troubled with hoarseness and bronchial initation. After trying varioua medt eines, without relief, I at -last purchased a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. On "eking this medielne, ray cough ceased almost immediately, and I have been well ever since."-Rev.)Thos, B. Russell, Secretary Holston Conference and P. E of the Greenville District, M. E. C. Jonesboro, Tenn. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral PREPARED Bp • Dr. .1. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass ao)d by all Druggists. Price $1; .lx bottles,gb THE IIURRY IN OHICA.(3/0 • blt•Ye ollokeit'Of tho roar and. bindle 1144 Offlor$Sr of Plii la most nOtlOeable,in'the bu1neat4 Dnrt of the *ben Baby waa nick, we give her Castoria. When sierras a Ched, ishe tried for C,astoria. Whew idle' became Mien, she clung to Oastorla. When she had Children, she gave them Gaston& I/MEE „EMULSION COMPOUND BRONC H IT I $ 188 Lexington Ave„ saNeseYerkaCity,Seetale legs, the Flax -Seer': Emulsion in'several eases of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stages of thiRig, and have been well_ pleased vrith the results. JAMES K. CROOK, M.D. CONSUMPTION Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 14th, 1:1.9. • ' have used year Emulsion in a case of Fhthisis (consumption) with beneficial results, where paties. could not use Cod Liver Oil in any forrn. DROGE, M. D. WOW. where the Iritatee -um ber of men are crowded together. 11 aeerne there aa If the men would run er the horses if the drivers were not areful. Everybody is in such at harry and go - ink at such apace that if a s ranger asks his way, he Is apt to have lo trot along with his neighher to gain .the information, for the average Chicago- an cannot stop to talk. Tho whole business of life is carried on at high pressure, and the pithy part of Chicago is like three hundred acres Of New York Stock Exchange when trading is active. European visitors hairs) writ- ten 'filet there are no such crowds any- where as gather on Broadwky, and this is true most of the time; bat there is one hour on every week da,Y, when certain streets in Chicago are so pack- ed with people as to make Broadway look desolate and solitudinous lby com- parison. That is the hour between half -past five and half -past six o'clock, when the fatuous tall buildings of the city vomit their inhabitants upon the pavements. Photographs of the prin- cipal corners and crossings, taken at the height of the human torrent, sug- gest the thought that the camera must have been turned an some well-known painting by Dore. Nobody but Dore ever conceived such pictures. To those who are in crowds, even Chicago seems small and cramped; even her street- cars, running in breakneck trains, prove far to few; even her streets that connect horizon with horizon seem each night to roar at the city officials for further annexation in the morning. We shall see these crowds simply and satisfactorily accounted for presently; but they exhibit only one phase of high- pressure existence ; they form only one feature among the many that distin- guish the town. In the tall buildings are the most modern and rapid eleva- tors, machines that fly up through the towers like glass balls from a, trap at a shooting contest. The slow -going stranger, who is conscious of having been "kneaded" along the streets, like a lump of dough among a million bak- ers, feels himself loaded into one of those frail -looking baskets of steel netting, and the next instant the ele- vator -boy touches the trigger, and up goes the , whole load as a feather is caught up by a gale. The descent is more simple. Something lets go, and you fall from ten to twenty stories as it happens. There is sometimes a jolt, which makes the passenger seem to feel his stomach pass into his shoes, but, as a rule, the mechanism and management both work marvellously toward ease and gentleness. These ele- vators are too slow for Chicago, and the managers of certain tall buildings now arra,nge them so that some run "ex- press" to the seventh story withot stop- ping, while what may be called accom- modation cars halt at the lower floors, pursuing a course that may be likened to the emptying of the chambers of a revolver in the hands of a person who • is "quick on the trigger.' It is the same everywhere in the business dis- trict. Along Clark Street are some gorgeous underground restaurants, all marble and plated metal. Whoever is eating at one of the tables in them will see the ushers standing about like sta- tues until a customer enters the door, whed they dart forward as if the build- . FOPVLAR SITPRRSTITIONS, The littehlet 6f N'e'Vr Metelco' betteni- ed snakes as sacatanintale. To kill tineWarya'capita Use, , The Scotch have tie 'euperatition that a oplder on pant' eldtbell Itt the morn - lug is not goodlubk, but40 the after- noon or e'veninganis In Scotland and Ireland the entrance of a bee into a cottage le looked upon as a, certain eikn of the death of some one then residing there. • It is a common belief in South Ger- many that if children play soldiers very often in the street there is a War com- ing, and if they play "funeral" an epi- demic will result. The people of South Germany have superstition that if the (Aster, a species of raven, comes near the house in which a person lies sick, that person Will sur'ely' die. Minards Linsment is -used by physicians NERVOUS PROSTRATION Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 20th, 1 I can strongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsion as helpful to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung. Bronchial arid Nervous Affections, and a good gen en:atonic in physical debility. — JOHN F: TALMAG-ETM:D. GENERAL Dflii LIT siss4 )14; Xs, :eat 10tb,1868. mond Flan liTroistuoton jer ly-superior to the Cod Liverli),11 go kesitsag„4,,,,,,e. • . .ssi, D. A.:PDISTON, M. D. WASTING DISEASES West Mth St.„ • •av he nsed yowl rtaisSeedletilitston NeW leork,.Autpl sit.11112B. • ion severe case ittt oketritterliited the nwectinkli bnPe -isit'watt auseve1ous,aniecon- .1,t4indos. eerfassel to theOe •fftilou " ity a9e, . E M TIS Sold by Druggists, Price 41.00. fLAX,SEECC EI‘1441,4tON CO SS Liberty St., New yori- For sale by J. II. COMBE, Clinton. rE3E„A wnn AN La6066n itt e coils of e fatal ser- pents was not more helpless than is the man who pines under the ef- fects of dis- ease, excesses, loverwork, 'w"Orr-yrEon se etc. 'kees yourself. Take heart of hope again and im A MAN 1 We have cured thousands who allow no to refer to them. WB CAN CURB YOU la, We Of eur exclusive methods and appliances. Simple, unfailing treatment at home for Lost or Failistaanhood, General or Nervous Debility Weaknesses of 'Body and Mind, iffeets of Errors or Illnesses in Old or Young. Robust, Noble Mrs NHOOD fully Restored. Improvem3nt seen the first day. How to enlarge and strengthen, WEAK, sINDETELOPED ORGANS AND PARTS Dit BonY. lien testify from h0 Staters a/id Foreign COttiltii6a* and 1'roofs untiligt (goofed) free. Addre§ t. , ERI tAtblOAL 00., ti4Y SHILOH'S / 10? CONSUMPTION 'CURL 71111 MAT CCU CURE, this success. rnt COS ION „Is without a par- aUel 10 he ty of ,111 Ole; 1 druggists are int StPositi e guarantee, tittneOther alautsuaceasfullygitand. Ryoit have a' CotiVi Tinnita Or Bronchitis, use it, forit odic -116a. Ifyour child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use itpromptlya and relief is mire. If you dread that insidious disease CONSUMPTION, am'ffaa to uso it, it will cure you or cost nothing. Ask your Druggist for SHILOW5 CURE, Pace so cu., 5ocis. and isi.00 It your Lungs are sore o Back lame, use oh's Porous Pla.0er. 25 ets, Getting Down to Hard Pan. — The result of the by-elections has been disappointing, but there is no rea- son for discouragement. Canadians are learning to call things by their pro- per names, and after a while they will cease to be frightened by shadows or scarecrows. In the Globe a Woodstock correspondent writesMy plea is for absolutely free trade and 'direct taxation for all riatonal needs. Nothing would tend so quickly to right our social wrongs of all kinds, and reduce and put a stop to all reck- less expenditure. Why should I not know precisely how much I am taxed? If we are robbed of our mbney on the highway we know what the robbery costs us, but a Government tax upon imports takes our rnoneyin such a way that the consumer does not know his contributions to funds that are fre- quently used against his freedom, and his honest rights and liberties. Not only unconsciously robbed hut malic- iously maltreated with_ the moneys wrung from him by excessive taxation. We gave a synopsis of Senator Boul- ton's letter the other day. Mr Calde- cott, a Toronto wholesale merchant, says of it: 'We have tried the nostrum called National Policy, and even its most ar- dent advocates, who are mainly these personally interested in the monopo- lies it has created, must confess it has not accomplished for Canada what was foolishly promised, and even more foolishly believed by a large 'oody of the people. Facts -those stubborn things that stand in the way of false or half true theories -have convinced Senator Boulton, as 50_years ago they convinced Sir Robert Peel, that what the country wants is the freest possible trade with the nations of the earth, and that the sooner we get dowr to this doctrine the sooner we shall be able to fully enjoy the grand natural advantages that are ours. I am glad also to observe that the Senator has pride in his country, and feels that we have no occasion to beg for trade with the United States. The time is rapid- ly coming when much that we'produce will be needed so imperatively by our neighbors and so efficiently will the truth that free trade is the nation's hest policy, as advocated by David Wells and Henry George, permeate the masses of the working people of the United States that they will de- mand the razingof the frowning vvalls ing was falling. It is only done in or- of protection that at present eo thor- derstossentsthes-visitor promptfra -Be; atighly - antitgainize Ilie -best-interests- 1 ing of a sympathetic ad impression- of the workingman. Meantime let the n able nature, I bolted along the streets Liberal party show themselves anxious all the time I was there as if some one for truth rather than eager for office, on the next block had picked my pocket. and when the people have clearly seen, In the Auditorium Hotel the guests as they rapidly will, their true interest„ communicate with the clerk by electri- they will call to their councils the men city, and may flash word of their who are now advocating the nattfN thirst to the bar -tender as lightning doctrine of bnying in the cheapest and dances from the top to the bottom of a selling in the best market, with no steeple. A sort of annunciator is used, legislative restrictions, nn custom andbyturning an arrow and pressing houses to hinder the people from trad- a button, a man may in half a minute ing with one another." . order a cocktail, towels, ice -water, sta- tionery, dinner, bootblack, and the For nearly half a century A: er's Cherry evening newspapers. Our horse -cars Pectoral has been the most popular mush in New York move at about the rate of remedy in the world. .The constantly in - six miles an hour. The cable -cars of creasing demand for this remedy proves it en- to -be the -very bestspeciflaforeeldsacoughs, Chicago make more Than nine %Res hour in town, and more than thirteen and all diseases of the thoat and lungs. miles an hour where the population is less dense. They go in trains of two cars each, and with such a racket of gong -ringing and earth a grinding and whir of geip-wheels as to make a mo- dern vestibuled train seem a waste of opportunities for noise. But these street ears distribute the people grand- ly, and while they occasionally run over a stray citizen, they far mose fre- quently clear their way by lifting wag- gons and trucks bodily to one side as they Whirl along. It is a rapid and businessare city. The speed with which cattle are killed and pigs are turned into slabs of salt pork has amazed the world, but it is only the ignorant portion thereof that does not know that the celerity at the stock- yards is merely ah effort of the butch- ers to keep up with the rest of the town. The only slow things in Chica- go are the steam railway trains. -Har- pers Magazine. Minard's Liniment lumberman's friend Canada has a standing army of 769 exclusive of the Northwest mounted police. Now is the time to take a good tonio med. ioine. Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses the greatest merit, end is peculiar to Waif. Mrs Lizzie Loshen, forty-two years old, wife of a well-to-do farmer in Centreville, N. J., went out to give a cow Kline feed on Friday night. The oow overturned the tub in which the feed was placed. Mae -Loshen attempted to right the tub, when the cow suddenly raised her head and Mt s Loshen was impaled on its horns. She screamed for help, and when rescued it was found that she had been dangerously wounded in the stomach. Why squander tnon es/in expensive doctors bills when Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People offer so cheap and positive a blood budder, nervetonioand epringreconstructor? The moat marvellous remedy of the age. Cures where dootore have pronounced oases incurable. Sold by all dealers, or sent on receipt of price -50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50. Address Dr. Williams Med. Co., Brookville, Ont., or Morristown, N. Y. Beware of imitations. The Rev J. H. Cannon, formerly pastor of the Free Methodist church, of Crown Point, is now employed at Knox, Indiana, in the Niokle Plate railroad yards. The cause of his change of avocation is a long, luxuriant beard. At the last quarterly meeting of the Knox District, in which the Crown Point Church issituated, some mem- bers raised the point that mustaohes and beards were spiritually and otherwise un• clean. The Rev Mr Cannon was presiding at the time. There was a hot debate. The smooth -faced element insisted that the bearded should not partake of the sacra- mtint from the same cup as the hairless. They carried the day, and the Rev Mr Cannon resigned his pulpit and went to railroading. [The peoplo were a lot of asses.] ABOUT THE WEED. In thirteen years the manufacture of cigarettes has increased from 238,276,- 817 to 2,877,692,440. Ex -Governor Booth, of California, lies critically ill from a cancer under the tongue:caused t excessive smoking. Governor Russell, of Ma,esachusetts, has been ware al by physicians that if he does not quit smoking he will surely lose the use of his voice, The- Boston Herald asks Senator Hill to take to smoking. Senator Palmer, of Illinois,who con - hat be 'has ehewedtdbacco since he was a boy, fells an interviewer that he has neVer had a dentist care for his teeth, and their are still in an excel - twit State of 40eri'ervatioii.! This is an 'interesting corffirinatinn Of the theory advaaced by modern dentists that to - 18 unsurpassed as a dental an- tiseptic. C. C. RTCHAND8 & 00. GEN28.—I have used your MINARD'S LINIMENT in my family, for some years and believe it the best medicine in the market as it dwell) it it recommehded to& Cannata Forks, le,B li.XiIIMBTEAD. John Mader, Mahone Bay, informs us that he was mired of a very severe attack of rheumatism by , ageing MINARD'S LINMENT. "How are youT" "Nicely, Thank Yon," "Thtanth-. Who?" -Why the inventor of OT 10- 1 ULSIO Which cured me of CONSUMPTION. it Give thanks for its discovery. That it does not make nu sick witehyou Give tnanks. That it is three timee as efficacious as the old-fashioned cod liver oil. Give thanks. That it is such a wonder- ful flesh producer. Give thanks. 'That it is the best remedy for Consumption,Serojula, 23ronehitis, Wasting Dis- eases, Coughs and Colds. Be sure you get tee genuine in Salmon color wrapper; sold by all Druggists, at 500. and $1.00. SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville. Meesrs. Moody and San key's Scottish campaign being itlmost over, they have resolved to rest in the South of England -prior-to-setting--out _on their English campaign. They will also spend a part of the summer in an evangelistic THE THREE FAVORITE BLACKS tour in Norway and .Sweden. When Mr Moody was addressing a meeting at Helensburg recently the babies of some mothers that were present were looked after in a side roorn by young ladies -a good example, said the evan- gelist, of practical Christianity. --- Three names there are of great renown, Well known in each Canadian town ; They have acqu:red a wondrous fan- e - Are friends of every country dame : These characters throughout onr land Have made a most determined stand, And, in a bold ana hotieet way Have come to every home to stay. Kind fate to ladies did ordain, That they should kindly entertain These three black characters of note, And to them special care devote: All this was done, because fair eyee Discovered they were Diamond Dyes - Three members of a noble clan Who've blessings broneht to home of man. The first of frame is Black for Wool, Giving .let or Blue so full -,A one -dip dye of wondrone pver, And fast e'en with a strong soap scour. The oecond, foe your Silk or Feather, Gives snob a Black, that use or weather Can never in the leaet reduce The brilliant shades they can produce. A,nd last, not least, the Cotton Black To faded goodat once bring back A look of freetiness, grandenr, style, That Makes the housewife sceeetly smile. Each member gf this trio"gtand His special work has weJl in hand; Their reputation never dies, Por tbey're allied to Diamond Dyes. "saivator Magnus" Which, being translated, signifies "Tho Great Healer," the new remedy for Con- sumption It is a purely chemical prepa- ration, not unpleasant to the taste, and, not only is capable of dissolving the,tuber- oular deposits in the lungs, but heals the inflamed and ulcerated smite:tee, sustains the vital powers, gives strength and vigor to the nervous system, improves the appe- tite, lessens the'cougb, and, if continued for a few weeks, will restore to health any consumptive or bronchitis patient, who has not already passed into the third or last stage of the diteate. It it Bleb being em- ployed, with gratifying resulte, in very many eases of nervous disorder, and in those cases of debility which follow after fevers, diphtheria, Is grippe, dyspepsia, etc. Nursing women of a delicate constitution find it invaluable in sustaining their nerve force, and supporting their systems gene- rally. The 8. M. M. Co. &leo mancifigettire that unrivelled cough Mixture, "Magnus Expectorant," "The Magic Pile Lotion," and "Aome Cholera Syrrip." These mist Canadian remedies are for Bide throughout Canada and the United States, and are to be fontei in every reliable alrug store. If your druggio hist not 'got Sham •inn stook, anis bins to Orditeerhat 'citt Want at two; or itend dire* with remittance, tts theLbdr- atory Of SalVattit Medicine CO., it Bid*. Ville, Oat.; Morristown, N.Y.; or Salt Lake City, Thait. 1 JUST RECEIVED , , New Valencia Raisins ofr atalli, New Sultan Baisios-4eztrot ya., New 131ack Basket Raisins, New Currants, New Graabbrw e Walauts New S. S. Almonds, New Filberts, New Candied, Peels -04m), Lemon and Orange, New Extracts—Essences of all wide, TEAS PS lendid values in -choice Green, Black or Japan's,. i Try ens. TEM Speoial Blend of pure India and Ceylon Teas put)up la oat, pound packages. \ Best value in package Teas in to marlitite-ary it. A CALL SOLICITED. •It • N. ROBSON. - CHI CHRISTMAS GOODS AT J.A.M.T133S MT. 0014233331S' We have just received a large invoice of fine Bohemia Vat Glasi Bottles filled with finest PRRFITIdE. Call and see tbe fine display. Prices within the reach of all. Glasgow House, Brumfield ESTABLISHED 1851 Ncr1VC. 8001111 & 00 Wholesale and retail dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY and PROVISIONS. Highest Cash price paid for all kinde of Grain, Dressed Hoge. Hides, Wool as Cord wood. Issuer e of Marriage Licenses. Agents for G. N. W. Telegraph Co., with tele graph connection to all parts of the world. We beg to thank our numerous customers for their long and liberal patronage for the past 30 years, and hope by striot attention to business, and rock bottom prices, te stil sontinue in line with our old and many new easterners. WM. SCOTT & CO., - BRUCEFIELD Adams' Emporium We this week announce to the purchasing public that we have received a fine supply o CLOTHING in MENS' SUITS and BOYS SUITS. SHOES -Gentlemen's Shoes, Ladies' Shoes, Youths' Shoes, Wiesen Shoee, and Children's Shoes, in various styles and prices. HATS -A large stook of Hate and Caps -Felts, Straws, &e. Our DRESS GOODS and PRINTS Are going off rapidly as they are nice and cheap. ituLLINERV-We never had such a fine display of Millinery. This will be pleasing to the ladies especially. We have 011 order some beautiful Wool Carpets to arrive shortly. Dont miss them Our TWEEDS are excellent value and selling eo weli our tailor has to get a hustle on. You would do well to compare prices. SHIRTINGS and COTTONADES moving ,lively -prices low, quality good eta SEEDS -Field and Garden Seeds in stock. We cannot mentioia everything as the store . tillestiseell_depastmense_we..._ sameenstantly-having-visitrrirom- teew-elfetoifiiirs-iilic; are well pleased with our goods and prices. A trial respectfully solicited -it will pay you. We want to make room for more goods yet to come in. Produce taken in exchange at highest prices. AD.,1,6EAFB.00Ritic:71 R. ADAMS. AFTER THE GRIP. And after typhoid foyer, di ph then It, Meanie- nia, or other prostnating diseases, Hood's Sarsaparilla isitist what is needed to restore the strength and vigor so much desired, said to expel all poison from the blood. It hide had wonderful success in many such cases. Hood's Pills act eepeoially upon, the liver rouging it tom torpidity to its natural duties cure constipation and aseist digestion. On Monday Jainea O'Leary, wliO'Ints, been in corineetion with the Commer- cial hotel, Seaforth, for the past four years, leased the Queen's hotel in Brus- sels, from Capt. Stretton, for a term of years. McLeod's System RENOVA.TOR AND OTHER Tested, ileinedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE FOtr fame. Weak and Impoverished ad, Dyspepsia, Sleepieeenees, Palpa- ation of the, Beit, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia,. Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumpton, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid. nay and Urinary Diadigen, Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility. LABORATORY, GODERIGH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton THE ItiGHT The neet model of the Roektord. Watch. when p1ieed4n it screw betel cake, Will 4111 a Ion felt went among farmers, as It le not dmprool bet- very ..itrong, The. plate which the wheels work ,betweeis, not being separated 13w pillars Rein theordinary WATCH lint by the bottom plate beinig turneci out of it Solid piece, gif nsctim, vrith the edger left ,otthe top plate torebt on:.4t alb° being pendant Oiliness set with eunkbalence to prevent treaking,-snitle ing in ails good rein Watch .• . - '4. ; er IOMEE now 7:10 YOU =NOW the great value of our good's une less you can see them. We have a line of MEN'S SUITS at $7.50, $10 and $12. Also MEN'S OVERCOATS at $8.50, $9 and $10. YOUTH'S SUITS from $3 up that can't be duplicated in valne within $3 to $5 of these prices, and no where else can you get the faultless fit which characterize our clothing. Examine and judge for yourself. Remember that we keep_ instoek a well selected variety of the most fashionable in the IrurnIshirtss and Hat and Cap Department. Our Sealetle Goods are hand- some and away down in price. G. GLASGOW, Searles Block, next to; J. W Clinton. 1. — 4,e" el; G.4 94:1. o,. G 14'1. ^ 4). t 9.•P G A.0)44).C)it9•1;)4S1));) CS4;791.":5,'S. t. 55105 THE RELIABLE ORGAINIANO DEALER G. F. OAKES, ORGANS, 5 and 6 Octave 8 -ELLS, PIANO -CASED ORGANS Bea makes o PIANOS •§Itelaaliodr rentOiANS to rent RENTS I" PIANOS carefully moved PIANOS packed for shipping Organs repaired and retuned REPAIRS Piano Tuning attended to Sheet Musiatooks ordered Shop on Main Street ttesidence on James Street 13ox 11, Clinton Send for catalogue P. 0AiSES, CLINTON 4 • aseaseasaavpa,sae.