HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-04-15, Page 5,
Fire Aland Clocks
Only $1.50
They will wake you up as quick as any
fire alarm, and for workmanship and
finish cannot be beat.
Original Price $2.25.
Central Telephone Agency, Clinton
OR The quality is first-blass.
SHOES. Prices are sure to meet your views
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. 5 per c. off for cash.
W. Taylor & Sons
Desire to return thanks tio their customers for ilitst favors, their business
during the year ending April 1st having shown a substantial indrease over
their first year's operations, and would ask all their old customers and others
to remember that no house in town shall give you better value for
your money than can be got from them. All kinds of Groceries
as good and as cheap as is consistent with honest dealing.
SPECIAL ATTENTION given to the TEA trade
and as our business in this branch is steadily growing, we conclude that our •
goods and prices must be right. SPECIAL PRICES TO THOSE WHO WISH To
away down in price and away up in quality. A fresh stock of all kinds of
PIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS. A trial respectfully solicited.
Sprin g Importations.
Spades, Shovels, Rakes,Hoes
Nails, Locks, Hinges,
Paints, Oils and Glass,
Barbed & Black Fence Wire
Al.abasMne & Kalsomine
White Steel Granite Ware.
The cattle Trade,
To the Miter of the Unwire-
Sia.—The bulk of the Caneidian live Otook
export trade should begin in lese than 130
days, if there are any men in Canada dar-
ing enough to send cattle to England with
all the principal markets elosed and no
slaughter houses prepared of sufficient
magnitude to turn the cattle into beet.
Foot and mouth disuse is a scourge in-
deed, and has caused many of the great
avenues for the usual distribution of our
fine healthy stook to be closed. Enoloeed
please find clippings from The Drover's
Journal, published iu Chicago, written by
a well-known gentleman connected with the
Montreal press. Sir C. Tupper evidently
fears, by his cable to our Mmistee of Ag-
rioulture, that we may be plaoed in great
straits, and advises only the best of our
cattle to be exported, and condemns the
shipping of cows altogether, as the greatest
danger to our clean bill of health has been
the rebkless exportation of all kinds and
conditions of female animals. The Cana-
dian live stook exporter has and has had a
hard road to travel.
• Yours, eto., 0.3?. FRANKLAND.
Toronto, April 11.
MONTREAL, April 4.—The Canadian cat-
tle feeders are beginning to realize the
gravity of the situation in England and
Scotland, and are showing more anxiety to
dispose of their cattle than they were a
week ago. Instead of improving the pro-
spects are getting worse every day, and
now there is not an open market left in
England or Scotland, Stanley market be-
ing the last to go under. The salesmen are
sending daily cablegrams to their agents
here advising the utmost caution. They
say that they are in an awfully mixed up
state, and that while the home supplies are
light they are in excess of the demand,
owing to the heavy offerings of States.
In fact, they admit that they are complete-
ly at the mercy of the buyers. If this
state of affairs continues we will have to
compete directly with the Americans in
tbe dead meat trade, and the Canadian
farmer is shrewd enough to know that
competition of this kind means ruin to the
Canadian trade. Hence hie anxiety to sell
out. Of course matters may right them-
selves in the course of the next month, but
the indications are not that way. Shippers
here are daily expecting to hear that Mr
Chaplin has. prohibited the importation of
live stock altogether. Great pressure is
being brought to bear on him, and it seems
to be only a question as to wbo have the
greatest pull—the 13ritish agriculturists or
the Canadian Government. When it is re-
membered that the farmer controls a big
vote, I think the chances are in his favor,
but our Government are watohing things
very closely, and everything may turn out
All right.
The freight question this year is causing
a lot of kicking. The three big steamship
lines, the Allan, Dominion, and Beaver,
have announced their intention of going
back to the current rate plan, and although
they are willing to book `space for any
number of cattle, they refuse to name a
rate until the cattle are on the vessel.
This is manifestly unfair to the exporters,
but is peculiarly so at this time, when pro-
spects are so clouded and so uncertain.
With no other branch of trade dare the
'steamship companies act like this, and it
has only been the peculiar condition in
which the live stook trade has been placed
heretofore that haa enabled them to carry
matters with such a high hand
The refusal of the steamship lines that
carry live cattle from Canadian porta to
make rates on apace until cattle are actu-
ally on board the vessels is about the cheek.
lest thing we have heard of in a long time.
American e have a great deal to complain
of in the waygof high freight rates, but
what would they think of a railway com-
pany that would furnish cars, but refuse
to name rates until the stock was loaded
and ready for a long journey? The Amer-
icans would not be very slow to invite the
concerns making Such a proposition to
"go to."
At the East End A- battoir about 600
cattle, 300 calves and 200 sheep and lambs
were offered. The knowledge that this was
only half the number of the animals arriv-
ing in the yards rendered trade slow and
rices barely up to last week's figures.
xtra Easter cattle brought 4/c and 5/c,
nilnei:jbiriftichet?ecbaetatlsets sboelindgahte4 ld faonrdeca.
number of fine large bulls were offering,
rices ranging up to 5/c. Fair average
attle brought 4c and for poor beasts down
o 3c was paid, but the offerings of lean
attle were very small and most of the
tock was of very fair quality. Calves
ere very much stronger as most of the
hoicer animals were snapped up before
hey reached the abattoir. Common
elves brought from $3 to $6 and good
muds from $7 to $12, Sheep and lambs
ere in brisk demand and prices are high.
r. Pime sheep are worth 5/c and good
mbs from $4 75. and $5. Fat hogs were
eager demand; single porkers brought 6c
er lb., and in lots from 513c to sic per lb.
Bird CagesClothesWringers r
.siiir rjC) IIN TON
We have anticipated a big season's trade, and have prepared for it accordingly.
If you want a dandy ROAD CART, a light and serviceable DEMOCRAT, a
well-built, easy -running LUMBER WAGGON, a beautiful and stylish OPEN
or COVERED BUGGY, or even a DOUBLE CARRIAGE, we can supply your
wants, and guarantee to give yclu satisfaction. Our goods are their own re-
commendation. Call and see us, and we are sure you will be pleased.
Money to Loan:
Private funds can be borrowed at a low rate of
interest and upon easy terms upon application to
the undersigned.
Barristers etc., Clinton.
Cleaning and Repair Shop.
The aubseriber bas opened a shop, on Albert
Street one door north of Sexuton's butcher shop,
for the cleaning and repairing of all kinds of
Clothes, and Will undertake any work intrested
tohim. Coats, ratalt,VOitte, dre., Weaned repaired
tau takie Ina an geed AS new" ,on aloft netball
Mid ViOdetiialW later. JA0,00W8024
Shorthorn Bulls Pot:_Sale.
For sale two yearling Tboroghbred Shorthorn
Bung, sired by the Cruickshank bull Perfection.
They are extra good animals and will be sold on
reasonable terms. Apply on lot 25,000. 10 Morris
or Myth, P. 0, NEIL MoDONALD. p541
Tltoro-bred Durham Bull for
The suhacriber has jttst purchased and It'll/
keep for serviee at his premites, lot 27, con. 0,
Efullett,a that elute thero-bre 1)utbana Bull, of
excellent trallaree. Tensile to theme $1.00
ClE50. PAIttetretaR, Hallett,
CATTLE.—ThOre Was somewhat of an off
market owing to the Easter trade being
almost supplied. Extra choice butchers'
cattle were not in good supply, but those
on sale went at from 4ic to 4/c per lb.
Prospects are not encouraging for a few
weeks ahead. Inferior cattle and rough
oxen and cows brought from 2/c to 3c per
Ib. Steers and heifers brought from Bic
to 31,ps per lb. for fair to geocl stuff, and
good to choice butchers' steers brought
from 3ic to 40 per lb. according to quality.
Some stockers brought pretty fair prices.
SHEEP AND LAATBS.—Offerings were not
quite so heavy, and the market had a firm
tone for choice stuff. Inferior stook were
too plentiful. Good yearlings fetch from
$5.90 to $6 per cwt. Lambs generally
brought from $5.25 to $5.50 per cwt.
Sheep sold at from $3.75 to $4.50 per cwt.,
and a few spring lambs changed hands at
from $5 to $7 per head, according to qual-
ity and size.
• John Swan & Sons, Edinburgh, in their
weekly report of April 2, say :—Supplies of
home fed cattle have been small and these
generally have met a better trade. Several
of the principal cattle feeders countiesr
being still closed as well as some of
the markets, is for the time paralyz-
ing trade. Glasgow market is simply
swamped with States cattle, the supplies
of which are weekly increasing and these are
being sent in carcases all over the country in
direct competition with borne stook. There
have been close on 2,000 of these cattle in
Glasgow this week and large numbers are
dne. The English markets have been about
the same as last week. It may be safely as1
sumed that foot and mouth disease has now
been mastered and the removal of the
restrictions will ease the home trade. Sheep
have been shown in remarkably small num-
bers and prick ruled high. Fat iambi;
were a betterehow arid roade from 44e
tott $0111,
A pril 1r), 1 $3, 02,
°masted every Thursday afternoon.
Thursday, April 14, 1892.
Wheat, old or new 0 60 a 0 85
Wheat spring 0 60 a 0 85
Onto 0 29 a 0 80
Barley 0 40 a 0 50
Peke .,. 0 67 a 0 60
Flour per bal 6 00 a 6 00
Butter ' 0 14 a 0 15 i
'Zfaill 0 08 a 0 09 '
Potatoea. • 0 20 a 0 25
Pork 5 50 a 5 50
Hay 10 00 all 00
Hides, No. 1 trimmed 4 00 a 4 05
Hides, rough. 3 60 a 3 60
Sheep Skins 0 60 a 0 70
A.pples, per bag 0 60 a 0 90
Wood short 2 26 a 2 50
Wood long 3 00 a 3 50
Clover 7 00 a 7 50
Tinaotby 2 00 a 2 25
Thursday April 14
Wheat 5081 et
Oats 0 28 La
Peas 057 a
Barley 0 43 a
Eurkeys per lb 0 11 a
Geese 007 a
Butter per lb. ; 0 18 a
0 81
0 28
O 72
O 48
O 11
0 08
0 20
The grand Easter edition of the Albany
Telegram for the issue of Saturday, April
16, will be printed on pretty pink paper with
beautiful blue ink. It will be a paper worth
preserving as a souvenir. There will be
Easter poetry, stories, historical articles
and beautiful illustrations. Think of it,16
large pages of reading for 5 cents. Ask
your newsboy or „newsdealer for a copy.
To The Editor the of New Era. Clinton
DEAR Sni, — The following paragraph,
which recently appeared in the legal reports
of the Toronto newspapers, is of vital im•
portance to the people of Canada:
Before STREIT, J.
FOLEORD V. HOWE.—Hoyles, Q. C., for the
plaintiff, George Taylor Fulford, of the town of
Brockville, druggist, moved for an injunction re-
straining the defendents, S. L. Howe and W. A.
Howe, frera selling pills in imitation of those sold
by the plaintiff under the name of "Dr. William's
Pink Pills for Pale People," and thereby tufting.
Mg the plaintiff's trade mark for such pills reg-
istered under that name tsdalch, the plaintiff al-
leges, by reason of his extensive advertising, is
wellknown throughout Canada. Judgment
granted for a perpetuel injunction.
An old adage has it that "imitation is the
sincerest flattery,' 'but when imitation takes
the form of palraing off upon the public
worthless,perhaps poeitively harmful drugs,
in imitation of a popular remedy, it is quite
time the public is aroused to a sense of the
injustice done them. There is no other
proprietary remedy in Canada to -day that
approaches Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in the
esteem and confidence with which it Is re-
garded by the people. And justly se, as
this remedy has to its credit cures in cases
where even the most eminent men in tha
ranks of medical science had pronounced
the patients incurable. These cases have
been thoroughly investigated by such lead-
ing newspapers as the Toronto Globe,
Hamilton Times, Spectator and Herald,
Halifax Herald, Detroit News,Albgny Jour-
nal, Le Monde, Montreal, and others, and
their accuracy vouched for. Thus Dr. Wil-
liamp' Pink Pills have achievedit continen-
tal reputation, with the result that we find
dealers here and there imposing upon the
public by selling, in their stead, for the
sake of extra profit, worthless imitations.
These imitations are sometimes • giVeii4
names somewhat approaching the original,
while in other cases the dealer, while not
openly offering an imitation, imposes upon
the cuatomner bydeclaring that he Can give
him something "just as good." In still
other cases Dr. Wil/jams' Pink Pills are
openly imitated in size, color and shape,
and are sold in loose form by the dozen or
hundred as the genuine Pink Pills. Against
all these imitations the public should be
constantly on their guard. There is abso-
lutely no other pill, orno other remedy, that
can take the place of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills as a nerve tonic and a blood builder.
To purchase any imitation, any substitute,
or any remedy said to be "just as good" is
a worse than useless expenditure of money.
The public) can protect themselves against
all imitations of this great remedy if they
will remember that Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills are never sold in bulk,or by the dozen
or hundred. They are always put up in
neat round boxes about two and a half inch-
es in length, and wrapper around which is
printed in red ink, and bears the trade
raark, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People," If offered to you in any other
fprm depend upon it they are worthless
imitations and should be rejected as such.
If your dealer does not keep Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills do not let him pursuade you to
take any substitute he may say is "just as
good." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may be
had by rnail, poet paid, on receipt of price,
50 cent a a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by
addressing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,
Brockville, Ont., or Morristown, N. Y.
License District of West &ran
The Licenees granted for the License year 1891-
92 were 40 hotels and 2 shop. Applications for
license for the license year 1892.93, are 40 hotels
and two shops
New applicants
Lewis Smith, Dungannon
Thos Griffin, Kintail
David Currie, Goderich
John Hamilton, Benmiller
Anthony Allen, Dunlop
John Bennett. Myth
• John Swarts, Wingham
Inspector West Heron
Notice is hereby given that applications for
Licenses for the sale of Liquor, in the License
District of West Huron, for the license year 1892
93, will be received by the undersigned up to Fri-
day April 22. Applicants mustfurnish the names
of two good and sufficient sureties, as bondsmen
et the time of making the application. Any ap-
plicant for it new license must fnrnish a certifi-
cate signed by a majority of the electors entitled
to vote at elections for the Legislative Assembly
in the polling sub -division in which the premises
sought to be licensed are situated. and the said
majority must inelnde at least one-third of the
said electors, who are at the time of such appli.
cation, iresidents within the said Polling Sub
W. J. PAISLEY, inspector, Clinton.
McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
D. Boss, President, Clinton; M Mu die, Vice
Pres.. Seaforth ; W. .1. Shannon, Secy-Treas.,
Seaforth ; Jno. Hannah, manager, Seaforth.
Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Gabriel Elliott,
Clinton; Geo. Watt, FIarlock ; Joseph Evans,
Beechwood; Thos. Carbet, Clinton •, Alex. Gar-
diner, Lendbury ; M, Murdie, Seaforth.
Thos. Nellabs, Harleek; Robt, Melifillan, Sea -
forth; s Carnochan, SeafOrth; Jan 0 Sullivan
nd Gee.Mterdie, arlditore,t
Partiels desirous to effect Insurances or trau•
eadt other btlitirfese Vrill pitp.mptly.attended
to On stiteontintt to *41 of tb rebore etItirririt
EASTER'. 1ttractioos.
......••••••••• ....•••••••••••••,
Whatever you seem to need for Easter and Spring in genera
is here; much of it ready to wear. They say we keep every-
thing, and sell everything at beggarly prices, and spoil the -
trade hereabouts. They who say this do not know.. - Our
prices are high enough to make sound business; low enough,
to make it grow. What more can anybody ask?
Do you wear Glove s?coJsees4
, do, and we
are suro it is the nice things only that will suit you. What
lady is there who does not wish her hand beautified bra,
Perfect Fitting Glove, whether of Lisle, Tafetta, Silk or Kid.
Well, we have just such Gloves, and can say to the ladies a
this town and vicinity that we firmly believe that for Style,
Beauty and Excellence, no such stock of Gloves ever were
opened up in the town, as will be shown this week by us.
Be sure and ask ...to see our untearable Black and Colored
• Silk Gloves.
Our Hosiery
Well, you will have to,,see
—'-our Ladies' to appreciate the effortwe and Misses' Hose
have made in your interest. Mothers! please do not forget
we have the very Hose that has always been hard to get, and
that is the Extra Heavy Double Ribbed, Double Kneed and
Double Heeled, Fast Black Hose, in all sizes, for boys' wear.
• Both large and small rib. Ask after them.
Keep your Eye on
this Store for Eas-
ter Novelties. They will be
worth seeing.
Gilroy & Wiseman,
We Sustain our
Reputation for good work
by making every photo-
graph that loaves our
studio as perfect as pos-
From a FewLeaves
—TO A—
This is the evolution of man. By watching the
way a man clothes himself, a good deal of the
character of the individual may be gleaned.
The clothes do not make the man, but man
makes the clothes; he arranges what he puts on,
and we do our best to help him in well direfited