HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-04-08, Page 8pril 024 III tt), tw 'F'11XPAZ Aruix, 0, 102 ' XIQQATA NOTIONS 11./145.14.17glAte of Sill& Harness for Rum Ilno.RIY*P.—A ear load of Sugar, which K1s1 clOPest price. N. 1O/380N. • Bnr,s114lnulse le our speolaityand weoffer fielBe RAO Seta very cheap.—Joneson Atoms The household furniture of the subscriber is ufferod by private eale as a be Jutende to leave t,rown, MRS 0 DIONSoN. ' L TWITOHELL has just received his spring stedk of BOOTS and SBOES, and 48 giving big Bargains in both thew and Baby Oarriagee. , J. W. Irwin has received two oar .-10s.deof-Bugsz-direct,from .the Redpath St. ' Tawrence renneries, which he is selling at whole. 't ale Prince in bezrol ts. ADVERTISERS iwill consult their own inter- . MO14 ae Weil as ours, by eending in copy for en. angee, as early in the week as possible, and not niter than Wednesday. ZOWU opt CO. ImpRovEmENT. - Messrs Gilroy & Wiseman are having plate glass win- dows put -in their premises, and also intend to put in a window on the side, "Which will materially improve their -facilities for business. AT J101113.—Last year the members ...elf the Canadian Order of Home Cir- . -plea gave an "At Home" which was •Eminently successful aqd enjoyable, nd tizey purpose giving a similar one - an their lodge room, on the evening of the 20th inst. PROPERTY CHANGE—Mayor Doherty has disposed of his handsome residence and grounds to Mr G. D. McTaggart, banker, for the sum of $4,000. Rumor litotes that the purchaser will be znar- ried to a lady of Morrisburg, and will occupy the premises himself. He has certainly secured a very desirable resi- dence. • ENGLISH BARLEY.—Certain fanners in this section, who have tried to grow two -rowed barley suitable for the English market, are getting disgusted with the experiment, and pronounce it a failure so far as practical results are concerned. We know one of the best • and moOt enterprising farmers of this sectionwho has given this grain a fair • test, to be so thoroughly discouraged by the result that he states he will quit raising it entirely. ATTEMPTED INCENDIARISM. — On -Wednesday night a deliberate attempt 'was made to burn out the premises of --Dr. Blackall. A couple of large bot- tles, in which he kept chemicals, were taken up a man -hole in the ceiling, (which is wooden) and the contents, with coal oil poured on and ignited. After burning some time it fortunately went out itself, and the matter was only discovered when the bottles were aaaissed and a searchinstituted for them. 6 A NOTABLE CONVERT.—We are ex- ceedingly pleased to learn, from the gentleman himself, that Mr Whitely, of the News -Record, has joined the ranks of total abstainers. While he is still opposed to legislative prohibition, • he has wisely determined on prohibi- tion so far as he is personally concern- ed. We have every assurance of his good - faith in this matter and hope his ex- ample will be followed by many others. ..We..Int.thectrust.tatat. te. optation—to •deviate from this decision will not be placed in his way. BAD ACCIDENT—A brakeman, named Ingram, on Conductor McKenzie's train, on the G. T. R., met with a bad accident at Mitchell, on Saturday morning. While stepping from the top of one car to another he missed - • his footing and fell between them, with his leg across the track, which was so badly crushed by the wheel that it had to be amputated at the knee. Conductor McKenzie was at the moment coupling the cars, and was almost thrown on the track himself. SOLD THE RIGHT. —SOMe time ago Harland Bros disposed of the right for their patent oil can for several of the States of the American .Union, and on Wednesday-they—eompleted- the- sale for all the remaining States; even since then they have had offers for other States, but of course had to decline them. They still hold their patent for the old pountry, but owing to the con- servative methods of doing business there they have not yet made much ad- vancement with it. We are glad to know that they have done well by this patent and aresatisfled with thdresulte, though they have not realized that ..•• •iramense fortune supposed to be hidden successful patente. NoTus,--IVflga Anna Irwin, mho has, been away Visiting friends in the States for some sixteen months, returned home last Friday, much improved in health. Ten persons joined the LOA. T. lodge last Friday evening. Mr J. W. Rater returned last week from Manitoba, -where he had been with a f of ney the the eiv- ek- OM- Was nly of for The ho at ere sed the Mr ath in 17 to Mr he t is at uit of his cal he of his he y. n, as w, rk ly n115 en as re c - Or ch of ter he be C. it nd rs r- he is of of to n- th si- is e- g'es s. ee rs of a r - to s. 11 car load of horses. Mr R. Ferris Ifullett, delivered b1,111 to jr Syd Smith, on Monday., that turned, scales at 2260 lbs,; he also sold to same person two cows and calf, rec ing M for the latter, which was su ing. A meeting of tlae License nussioners for the West Riding held here on Thursday last; the o business transacted was the fixing the time for receiving applications licenses, which is the 22nd inst. remains of the late T. R. Mitchell, w was. killed irl a railway accident Port nurOn, were taken through h Friday night, to Blyth,where decea belonged; he was a member of Manchester Presbyterian church. Syd Croll has gone to Blyth to 1 and plaster the house of Dr Milne, process of erection there. Miss Ma Macmurchie was last week confined the house with a sprained ankle. W. Robb has been confined t house for sorne time by illness, bu improving. Lawyer Scett was London, on Monday, defending a s in chancery. Mr A. W. Mair, (son Mr W. Maar, Hullett,) has passed final examination at McGill Medi University, and is fully entitled to t degree of M. D. C. M. Quite a lot cattle have been handled here t week; the majority of the cattle in t neighborhood will be delivered in Ma Mrs Houston, (wife of W. Housto Parliamentary Librarian) Toronto, w here on a visit to her brother -in -la Principal of the Collegiate. Mr Ma Cassels, an old Clintonian, is slow regaining his health; he had a lo and hard siege. Mrs Howson a family leaVe here for Revelstroke,B.0 on Friday; one of her sons has be living ,there for some time and h established a good business. We a pleased to learn that Miss Jean M Taggart, who has been seriously ill f a lengthened period, is now very mu improved in health. Mr Hamilton, Teeswater, father-in-law of Mr Wal Coats, died suddenly this week. T 15th inst., being Good Friday, will observed as a general holiday. Mrs Dickson purposes going to Detro about the middle of next month, a may remain there permanently. M Frank Hommell, who has been suffe ing for some time from cancer of t stomach, is, we regret to learn, gro ng worse. Mr Ed Mason, who farming in Sanilac county, Mich., home on a short visit. Dr Gunn, Toronto, was this week on a visit his brother here. Mr Inkerman Ca telon, who has been assistant wi Mr Ouninghame in the Express bu nese for some time, leaves here th week for Calgary, where he has r ceived an appointment in the sam business. Visit the millinery openin —it won't cost anything to see all t_ • things there displayed, an business men appreciate these visit Mr W. McIver lost a son nearly thr years of age this week; the little fello had been a sufferer for some time. M Mitchell, mother of Mr Jas Mitchell, he Goderich Star, who met with unaway accident in London som ime ago, and has since been in th ospital, was brought home on Sabi ay last, her son meeting her here acilitate transfer from one train t notbee.._ We understand that Mr R FItzsimons,- of Winnipeg, is on hi ay back to Clinton to permanentl eside; he will be here this week, an e welcome him back. Mr R. Fox, o Winnipeg, formerly of Clinton, wh as been seriously ill, is still in poo ealth, though better than he wa We understand that Mr Tait, travelle or MeComack ManufacturingCo, Lon on, has rented the house at presen ccupied by Mrs Cruickshank, and wi ake this place:his headquarters. M Sc and family left for Douglas, Man n Wednesday; they were ticketed to heir destination by Mr Will Jackson own agent G. T. R. Rev A. H rin9m, of Avonton, was this week o visit to his mother, Mrs Williams bo has been in poor health for a shor me. Miss A. Cruickshank is still ver 4zuv, hut with -prospects recoveey r Ed. T. Holmes is recovering from e effects of his recent operation jus nicely as his friends could desire r Ab. Cooper now sports a pneuma c -tire cycle, which is the latest irn rovement in these machines. Mr T lmhurst, for some time book-keepe ith Macpherson & Hovey Co., bu tely in Toronto, is about to resum s former position here. Mr Eph utt, of the base line returned from s Northwest trip on Tuesday. At e meeting' of the Huron Medical As iation, held here last Tuesday, the esident introduced Mr J. H. Worsell show his patent improved Douche n and fountain syringe; several embers of the profession spoke very ghly of the b9nefit and convenience ey had in using this instrument, and commended the general use of them the treatment of female diseases. S. Kilty is again confined to his om, suffering from rheumatism. Mr s Watson, of Seaforth, was in town Wednesday; Jim seems to have the culty, which is a virtue in a good ent, of being all over the country at ce. The stock of Reynold's livery d by auction on Wednesday was rchased by Mr John B. Kennedy, at light advance over $1300; Mr Ken- dy has secured a big bargain. Mrs drew Reid, of Hullett, who former - resided in town, intends to come ck, and has requested the tenaat of r property to vacate it. Mr Seale, the Clinton marble works, has se - red the contract for supplying the ndow sills, etc., for Mr Whitehead's w block; they are to be of Ohio Free- ne, he will supply those required Mr John Elliott also. A couple of all boys entered a store Sunday rning and made free with some cif contents, for which reparation s made by their parents. Mr Allan, new science master of the Colleg- e, will enter on his duties next nday, which have been performed a few days by it Mr .Anderson. Isaac Prout, of Woodstock, who as been for a number of years in the ploy of D. W. Karn & Co., has en a position with the Clinton Or - Company a§ regulator; Mr Prout rented the house belonging to Mr arles Wilson, on Joseph street, and I move his family here in a few days. s Pincombe, of Lucknow, sister of s John Tedford, idled last week; she s a daughter of the late W. Kilty, merly of the base line. The rum- concernink the alleged poisoning Customs Collector Irwin, by a ng man Who was much in his corn- y, ehotild have been set rarest be - the dispealtion of him body—they y trim untrne. a 141 ti th RS ti th SOC , LACROSSE. — The fourth Annual' pr Meeting ofithe Dauntless Lacrosse Club to was held on Tuesday night at Ken- pa nedy's Hotel, when the following offic- m era were elected for the ensuing year: hi Hon. Pres., L. Kennedy; Hon. Vice., th Dr. J. W. Shaw; Pres., Jas Fair, jr.; re Vice Pres, W. P. Spalding; Treas., N. in Fair; Sec., B. Gibbings; Judicial Coin., F. Messrs Kerr, May, Jackson, Reid and ro Morrish. An adjourned meeting will Ja be held in the same place on Monday on evening next, when plans will be sub- fa mitted for raising funds, purchasing ag new uniform, and other business. • All on interested in the welfare of our nation- sol al game are requested to attend. The pu \boys should get liberal financial aid a s from the townspeople this year, as ne they are a good live organization and An a credit to the town: something should ly also be done to put the grounds in or- ba der, as they are very rough and the he boys are not in a position to shoulder of the expense of levelling them. cu wi ne s to by 81:11 mo the wa the iat Mo Belgrave. is home was originally at for Bellville, to which place the remains Mr were taken for interment on Tuesday, the Masons, of which he was a member, accompanying the body to the station. There is considerable speculation as to who will be his successor. Some think • that Mr John Cunningham, who has oceasionally performed the duties of the office, is entitled to it; he certainly would make a good man for the place, but as such things go by political favor, he is not likely to get it. Our own opinion is that it will -fall to the lot of SUDDEN DEATH.— M en ti on was made last week of the illness of Customs Collector Irwin, but it was not thought that it was really serious; it turned out however, to he fatal, as he died in his room at the Grand Union, on Monday morning, from paralysis of the brain, never having recovered consciousness. Deceased was a widower, but had no family living. He had friends near em tak gan has Oh wil Mr. Mr WR for ors Mr Whitley, who would have had it be- of fore but for the rivalry Datong his Own you adherents. • Mr W.Perrna id also pan 163 applicant for the pc4Ition. for rna ...p.a.'s- -77.77-,r,•."7,11".111171,2 THE CLINTON NEVir ER WE WILL HOLD OUR ANNUAL SPRING OPENING! SATURDAY, APRIL 9nr, and following days. We extend - a cordial invitation to all • to visit us. Agr* We will make a rich DISPLAY of MILLINERY, MANTLES, DRESS GOODS, &c. CARPET SHOW -ROOM UPSTAIRS as usual, ESTATE JOHN HODGENS, CLINTON. Saturday Next We will interest shrewd buyers in our Annual Spring Display of CHILDREN'S CLOTHING ,which will consist of the largest, cheapest and best selected stock to be found in the County. No House can approach us -for- Nice -Goods - In connection- with -our-open i ng - we will offer a line of TWEED SUITS at $1, a bargain that has never been equalled. To every cash purchas- er/of a $3 Suit and upwards we will present a BAT and Ball. SEE OUR WINDOWS ON SATURDAY. Saturday Next We will offer 200 fine LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS worth 25, 35 and 40 cents at the low price of 15cents, which will be the biggest snap ever offered. Secure a few before they are all picked up. Good buyers should make a note of this. Saturday Next wiil about finish the NELLIE BLY CAP which has had such a big run, and if there is a buyer left who has not secured 2 or 3 they will make a great mistake by not purchasing at once. JACKSON BROTHERS, Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters. CLINTON AND SEAMTIL Last wet* we had to make our Wall Paper Trimmer hum. . C00 busy to keep track of the number of Rolls sold. We make .no charge for trimming Wall Paper. Make your selection from our large and beautiful stook, and then admire the wear in which the tribamer works. .Nowosi sqlos of WiRlow, Statics:* lowsi pus, p•.......••••••••••••• CURTAIN POLES.—Look at our 35c. Curtain Poles.— Poles, Rings, Ends and Pins, complete, for only 35cts. 1 ROBINS BROS., Book Store and News Depot, Clinton. Our Millinery Opening. On Saturday, April 9th Our Show Rooms will be open, and we heartily invite you to come and inspect our stock. PARASOLS We have a nice range of Parasols this season. It will be to your interest to examine before buying elsewhere. We have just opened a choice line of Serge DRESS GOODS in all shades, 46 inches wide, regular price 75c, going for 50c You will like these goods, call and see them.. Would you like a Nobby Suit for the Spring and Summeri if so see the goods we are showing at $12. All our Suits fit well, look well and wear well. Be sure and see the line of $4 TROUSERS. BOOTS, SHOES and HATS, a cho'ce stock, all new city styles, just opened. Plumsteel - & - Gibbings, MONTREAL HOUSE, CLINTON' AR= BEESLEY &,C0 Grand Show Room Opening SATERNI,111119 when we will be pleased to see you and Show you through our several departments And after the above date we will be prepared to supply the wants of the hundreds of our customers who pat- ronize our Millinery Department, and as many new ones as may be pleased to entrust us with their orders, feel- ing that we can please, both in style and price. We have an earnest, friendly desire to do just as well by you as we possibly can on every pur- chase, and to thereby merit and obtain your future esteemed custom. HATS DONE OVER in all leading styles BEESLEyaco The Ladles Favorite Establishment BEAVER BLOCK, CLINTON -AWN