HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-04-08, Page 7WOE SifitaisMV 0P13 4013,11, Out YOnder in On Meoulight, wherein God's Alan lied, Go angels welking to and fro, singing th ir hillebles; ' Their radiant whew* are folded and th ir eyes are bended As they sing among the bode whereon the flowera delight to grow: "Sleep, oh, Bleep! The Shepherd guardeth His sheep I Fast epeecieth the night away 1 Soon owned), the glornus day; Sleep, weary ones, while ye may - Sleep, oh, sheep !" 'The flowers within God's Aare see that fair and wondreue tight, And hear the angels singing to the sleepers through the night; And, lo 1 throughout the houre of day those gentle flowers prolong The musio of the angels In that tender slumber -song: "Bleep, oh, sleep 1 The Shepherd loveth His sheep, He that guardeth His flock the best Hath folded them to His loving brest- So eleep ye now and take your rest - Sleep; oh, deep I" FrOD2 Engel a'nd from fiower the yearsharp- ed that soothing song, •And with -its heevenly muein speed the days and nights along; So, through all time, whose flight the Shep- herd's vigils glorify, God's, Acre slumbereth in the grace of that sweet, lullaby: "811)01),- Ob, Sleep! The ShePherd loveth His sheep! Fast speedeth the night away, Sloon cometh the glorious day; Sleep, weary ones, while ye may - Sleep, oh, 'deep!" "Salvator Magnus" 'Which, being translated, signifies "The Great Healer," the new remedy for Con- sumption ! It is a purely chemical prepa- ration, not unpleasant to the taste, and, not only is capable of dissolving the tuber- cular deposits in the lungs, but heals the inflamed and ulcerated surfaces, sustains -the vital powers, gives strength and vigor to the nervous system, improves the appe- tite, lessens the cough, and, if continued for a few weeks, will restore to health any eoneumptive or bronehitis patient, who has , not already passed into the third or last ,htege of the disease. It is also being em- ployed, with gratifying results, in very many cases of nervous disorder, and in those eases of debility which follow after fevers, diphtheria, la grippe, dyspepsia, etc. Nursing women of a delicate constitution And it invaluable in sustaining their nerve force, and supporting their systems gene- rally. The S. M. M. Co. also manufacture that unrivalled cough mixture, "Magnus Expectorant," "The Magic Pile Lotion," and "Acme Cholera Syrup." These great Canadian remedies are for sale throughout Canada and the United States, and are to 'be found in every reliable drug store. If your druggist has not got them in stock, ask him to order what you want at once, or send direct, with remittance, to the Labor- atory, of Salvator Medicine Co., at Brock - villa, Ont.; Morristown, N.Y.; or Balt Lake City, Utah. 4. 11 PITTYPAT AND TIPPYTOE, All day long they come and go, Pittvpat and Tippytoe; _Footprints -upend -dawn -the hall,— Playthings scattered on the floor, Fingermarks along the wall Tell-tale streaks Upon the door, By these presents you shall know Pittypat and Tippytoe. How they riot at their play 1 And a dozen times a day, In they troop demanding bread, Only butteredhread will do, And the butter must be spread Inches thick with sugar, too! Never yet have I said: "No, Pittypat and tippytoe 1" Sometimes there are griefs to soothe, Sometimes ruffled brows to smoothe ; For I much regret to say, Tippytoe and Pittypat -Sometimes interrapt-their-pla-y - With an internecine spat; Fie 1 oh, fie 1 to quarrel so, Pittypat and Tippytoe. Oh, tbe thonaand worrying things Every day recurrent brings! Hands to scrub and hair to brush, Search for playthings gone amiss, Many a murmuring to bush, Many a little bump to kiss; Life's indeed a fleeting show, pittypat and Tippytoe! And when day is at an end, There are littlednds to mend; Little frocks are strangely torn Little shoes great holes reveal, Little hose, but one day worn, Rudely yawn at toe or heel? Who but you could work such woe, Pittypat and Tippytoe? But when comes thia thought to me "Some there are that childless be," Stealing to their little beds, With love I cannot speak, Tenderly I stroke their heads, Fondly kiss each velvet cheek, God help those who do not !mow A Pittypat or Tippytoe 1 On the floor, along the hall, Rudely traced upon the wall, There are proofs in every kind Of the havoc they have wrought. And upon my heart you'll find Just snob trade -marks, if you sought, Oh, how glad I am 'tis so, Pittypat and Tippytoe A cyclone did great damage at Nelson, Neb., on Thuteday afternoon. Train robbers held up a train near Birmingham, Ala., and stole $6,000. Several train hands were shot, but, their injuries are not fatal. Minards Linament is used by physicians Joseph Lytle, who murdered his wife and two daughters at Findlay, Ohio, was taken from gaol and lynched by a mob early Thursday morning. C. C. ItrettanDs & Co. GENTs. -I have used your MINARD'S LINIMENT in my family for some years and believe it the best medicine in the market as it does all it it recommended to do Gammen Forks, N. B., D. SIERSTEA D. John Mader, Mahone Bay, informs tis that he was cured of a very severe attack -of rheumatism by useing MINARD'S 1JINMENT. To the Boundless West. NOTES ON THR WAY -A LARGH EX- eAtME OF COUNTRY. : — The following notes are extracted from private letters written by Mr E. W. Burley, formerly of Clinton: - "Well, this Canada of ours is a won- derful expanse of country, and one can form no idea of its vastness, until they have travelled over it and seen for themselves. For my part, after exam- ining the map, and concluding it must be large, yet I had formed nothing like an accurate idea of the country, and as to the value of it,. that remains to be seen. As we approach Winnipeg the country gradually levels down, and we - commence to come into the famed Manitaba soil, and for the flrst we witness evidences of the fertility of the soil, which is a very black loam, and judging from the stubble and th,„, stacks in the fields, I do not think it is much trouble to raise grain here. - Winnipeg is a very nice city, but shows evidences of being a new place, and there was one thing that struck rile as rather strange, for being a new place, and that was the crookedness of the main street. It is a "konder it had not been laid out to perfection, after having the experience of older cities in the south and east to go upon. I visited the ruins of the now historic Fort Gar- ry, and while standing there I pictured to myself the scenes of that unfortu- nate Scott mprder, when the poor fel- low was shot down by that villain Riel. There remains only a small portion of the fedt,, Asleb was built of atone, -the east heen removed. All the courittyattest of Winnipeg is a beatiti- ful rolling* prairie, its far as we could see, until darkness overtook us, and we could not see the country surrounding Brandon, which is said to be the best part of the country for farming. When we awakened next morning we found we were at Regina, the seat of govern- ment of the N:W.T., and still passing through beautiful countryto the eye, but from information gained by the aid of a governmentwork, called "Stir- veyors' notes," on the survey of the country, find there is a good portion of it an alkali country, but there runs through it several fresh water streams and small lakes, making its value prin- cipally for stock raising. We saw several large flocks of sheep along the railway, owned by English companies. This being Sunday we were deprived of our usual Sabbath exercises, but en- deavored, to as good an advantage as we possibly could, with our fellow pas- sengers, to observe the due regard for the day. At Moose Jaw we noticed the first Indians on the way, and I can as- sure you I did not form a very high estimate of that part of the human race. They generally congregate at the stations and sell polished buffalo horns, which they construct in the shape of a hat rack, and they are well done indeed, and from there on we come in contact with them more or less all the time. They dress in their na- tive costumes, wearing the hair long and braided, and no covering for the head except their dirty blanket, which is drawn closely around them, and at Calgary there are plenty of them, principally of the tribe of the Saracees, who are educated and trained by the Roman Catholic clergy. These adhere strictly to their old time habits, ap- pearing on the street in their blankets, feathers and fares painted in the most -hideortarfashiorrirrraginahlerinitaristorr, versation with Rev John McDougall, the pioneer missionary among the Blackfeet and Stoney Indians, he tells me the bands under the education of the Methodists have cliscarded,paint and feathers but still keep to the blanket. Since I came to Calgary I have found a very changeable climate, being in- tensely cold the first week I was here, but since then it has changed and we have been having delightful weather." "I am convinced that this will be a pretty good country in a few years, and there will be a fair chance a mak- ing some money here in time, but one will be required to stay by it and grow up with the country. Of course when one takes into consideration the com- forts of Ontario both as regards home and table at -the preseTif time, this country stands no favorable compar- sion at all, as it requires a lot of money to have anything like the comforts we can have in Clinton for a very moder- ate stiff'. There is one thing we very much miss here and that is the house plant that nearly every house -keeper in Clinton possesses, and there is not a tree in the town, although along the • Bow river a few cotton woods grow, which are a poor apology for our own "Janadian maple. After having en- quired into the prospects for farming here I think that grain can be very successfully raised, judging from the experience of those with whom I have talked. "Since coining out here I have care- fully looked over the ground on life assurance, and have concluded not to follow it any longer, as the country is so'sparsely populated, and the towns so very far apart, that it would neces- sitate me being away from home nearly all the time, and have concluded to go into ranching. I have secured a farm of 4-80 acres;within 25 miles of Calgary, already stocked, and with implements Complete, together with 150 acres ready for seeding this spring, and as the win- ters are so pleasant here, taking the past one as a guide, of course, I think It will pay me to remain in a country where I will have a pretty fair chance of prolonging my life, which I am afraid Ontario will not allow me to do. It has caused me many an anxious thought this winter, to be compelled to give up the comforts of an Ontario home for the more primitive mode of life of this western country, and have accepted the alternative with a degree of reluctance, hut life and family are both very dear to a man, and when one hangs in the balance what will not one do to enjoy them a little longer. We will have a comfortable log house, not large, but large enough, horses, cattle, self -binder, dril,lhorse rake, harrows, cultivators and everything to work with. I expect to seed as follows: -200 bushels of oats, 75 bush. of barley, 15 bush. of wheat, 30 bush. of potatoes and if we have a successful year will likely yield us something, but like all other businesses tliEre are chances to run and cannot count on anything un- til we have harvested. 11 am quite satisfied in my mind that this country will be pretty fine place in a very few years. Land around this part of the country is gelling from $4 per acre up- wards, according to improvemente. Millard's Liniment lumberman's friend Itch, Mange aria Sorathes of every kind on human ot animals, cured in 80 minutes by WoOlfOrd'a 'SanitaTy LOtion. This never fails. Skald by 3.11. Cornhe,druggist. CLINiON V'EW ERA, People Oil WWHEN they find heir rapidly health is teetered by taking tlyer'S Sara iaparIlla. The re118911 ie that this preparation contains only the Runlet and most powerful alteratives and, Wake. To thousands yearly it proves a veritable elixir of life Mrs. Jos.f..ake, Brookway Centre, Mich., writes: "Liver complaint and Indigestion made my life a burden and came near ending my existeuxe. For more than four years I suffered un- told agony. I was reduced almost to a skeleton, and hardly had strength to _drag anyeel4 about. An kinds of-,. food, distressed me, and only the meet deli. cate could be digested at all. Within the time mentioned several luhysiolaus treated me without giving relief. Noth- --4ug that I took seemed to do any per- manent good until I began the we of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which has pro. duced wonderful results. Soon after commencing to take the Sarsaparilla. I could aee an • Improvement In my condition' my appetite began to return and withit came the ability to digest all the food taken, my strength. improvea" each day, and after, a few months of faithful attention to yqur directions, I found myself a well woman, able to attend to all household duties. The medicine has given me a new lease of life, and I cannot thank you too much." "We, the undersigned, citizens of Brockway Centre, Mich., hereby certify that the above statement, made by Mrs. Lake, is true in every particular and entitled to ul1 eredance.7,-.-43. P. Chamberlain, Eh W. 'Waring, 0. A.. Wells, Druggist. "My brother, in England, was, for a long time, unable to attend to his occu- pation, by reasoir pf pores on his foot. I sent him Ayer's Almanac and the tes- timonials it contained induced him to fry Ayer's Sarsaparilla. After using it a little while, he was cured, and is now a well man, working in a sugar mill at Brisbane, Queensland, Australia." - A. Attewell, Sherbet Lake, Ontario. Ayer's Sarsapariiia, PREPLUED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. nice $1: Mx bottles, e6. W011ii $5 a bottle. DONT WORRY. Men neglect little things every day that cause them worry at night. It is a bad custom, hut we don't suppose there is any use saying anything. Find the cause of each wrinkle on a man's face, and you will find it was put there by worrying over somethingthat worrying could not help. TOURISTS. Whether on pleasure bent or business, should take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and ef- feetne.11y on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. HOW THEY SHAVE IN CUBA. FW,317141Pii ANO Lem:). ;Which is the heavier, a pound of fea- there or a pound of lead? This was a favorite question with "school commit- tee men" of olden times; and the first answer used always to be, "A pound of lead!" Then from the elder pupils would come the reply, "Both alike." It this question was asked to -day, our old - tune querist might receive a deckled surprise. For the pound of feathers could easily be proved to be the heav- ier. A simple experiment is all the evidence needed. With any accurate scales weigh out a pdund of lead, using ordinary shot for convenience. Pour out the shot intdnuenf the pans of the balance. -- - Per the feathers, a light muslin bag will be needed; and care must. be taken that feathers and bag together do not weigh more than a pound, When the bag of feathers is put into the other pan of the balance, the beam will, af- ter a few oscillations, come to rest ex- actly level. So far, the verdict, "Both alike," seems to be proved. But place the bal- ance upon the receiver of an air-punap, with Iead and feathers undisturbed. Cover the whole with a glass bell -jar, and exhaust the air. Slowly the feath- ers sbak,and the lead"kicks the beam." The pound of feathers is heavier than the pound of lead 1 The truth is that which we call a "pound" was not such in fact. For the atmosphere buoys up everything with- in it in proportion to the bqlk of the object,and the feathers, being of great- er bulk than the lead, are supported by the air to a considerably greater ex- tent than the lead. Remove from them this stipporting medium, and their true weight is made evident. Reade propounds a similar question. In oneof his novels a Jewish trader is made to ask, "Which is the heavier a pound of feathers or a pound of gold ?" After a while he explains, to the satisfaction of his audience of miners, that the feathers are the heavier. Gold, he says, is weighed by avoirdu- pois ; and as the twelve ounces in a pound troy contain but 5,760 grains, while the avoirdupois pound -contain 7,000 grains, the pound of feathers is of course 1,240 grains heavier than a pound of gold! A correspondent in the West Indies writes us as follows concerning the Cuban barbers : "In lathering the atient no brush a1awith ns- risliiad a sorrinowl, made so that it fits about the neck, is used. In this the lather is made and applied to the face with the fingers of the operator. At: ter the usual method of shaving a cus- tomer is invited to go to a wash bowl and wash his own face, after which he resumes his chair and the barber dress- es his hair. This operation is regarded by the barber as the most important part of his vocation, and he spends twice as much time on the hair as he does in shaving. When the tedious process is ended th,e charge is ten cents in specie or twenty-flve cents in the pa- per currency of the country. Rev. William, Holtinsked* Of Sparta, N. J., voluntailly says: "To Whore it May Concern: " Unasked I deetn it my duty to a suffering humanity whose bodies and souls I would have healthy, to tell them of the value of Hood's Sarsaparilla. While living in Ohio one of my children was greatly Afflicted With Boils having 30 on her limbs, and being unable to walk. I had heard of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and bought a bottle, half of which cured en- tirely. Two years after, another child was afflicted as badly. I used the other half bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla withlike re- sults. About four years after, the child first a fflieted was again tormented like job, and I bought a bottle (on Sunday at that) and again a cure. I gave some of the medicine to a poor woman and tyre children; they were helped as were mine. Through a testimo- nial sent to C. I. Hood & Co., inquhies came from all the country, asking if it was a 'bona lide' testimonial, and of course I wrote all that it was, and have the knowledge of Scores and Scores Of persons helped or cured by Hood's Sarsa- parilla. Mild eases of rheumatism have yielded to it. Biliousness and bad liver have been corrected in my oivn family. This Is the only patent medicine I have felt like praising. I speak not for C. L Heed, but for the Jobs who are impatient and are tor- nented beyond endurance. Nothing I know of will cleanse the blood, stimulate the liver, or clean the stomach so perfectly as Hood's Sarsaparilla Any person wishing to know more, enclosing a stamp will be informed. 'Yours for the health, happiness gad virtue of humanity." WiLLIAM HoLLtsrsHED, pastor of Presby- • terian church, Sparta, N. J. Hood's Pills cure habitual Constipation. "THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE," Runs the old saying, and everything that ever makes part of any organ of the body must reach its place therein through the blood. Therefore, if the blood is purified and kept in good condition by the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla, it necessarily follows that the benefit of the medicine is imparted to every organ of the body. Can anything be simpler than the method by which this excellent medicine gives good health to all who will try it fairly and patiently? Local option has been defeated in the township of Burford by 38 majority. Hon. J. A Chapleau's illness is much more serious than has generally been supposed. A prairie fire swept over part of Nor- ton county, Kansas, on Wednesday, and hundreds of families lost their all. Thd creamery butter sent from the West Oxford cheese factory to British Columbia realized 24 cents per pound clear of all expenses. — --- MY VISIT TO MRS. LONG. "I think 'twas just but yesterday, A friend of mine across the way - A Mrs. Salomon Caleb Long, Sent me an invitation strong To visit her that very night, As she would DIE by candle -light. This news to me was strange and sad; . I hoped that things were not go bad, As she had made them out to be In the strange note she sent to me. The night came on -I hurried out To visit with a face devout My friend, who was to DIE that night, Under a candle's flick'ring light. • I gently rapped; my beating heart IDid almost from its place depart; When suddenly, with smiles of hope, -Dear-Mrs_Long-the door-did-ope:- - I stood and gazed with wond'ring eyes, She said, 'come in and see my dyes.' Of course, I quickly saw the joke, And not a word 'bout dying spoke; But saw that by mistake, an 'I,' She'd used, instead of letter 'Y.' I grasped her hand with ranch delight - She took me to her kitchen bright, And with great confidence declared That all her dyes were now prepared. The fan began: a Cashmere dress That had its day of usefulness, But now was faded, dingy, streak'd, A vengeance terrible and strong On this worn dress of Mrs. Long; Now, one good bath in Diamond Black A new life to this dress brought back. , To Raven Black a Grey was brought - 1 A metamorphose deftly wrought: I By Diamond Black for Silk prepared, I Her old Drab Silk a new life shared. She finished up with cotton hose, Which once were colored blue and rose; • And in the twinkle of an eye, She had them deep immersed in dye: She called this dye Fast Stocking Black, And said, the ladies were not slack But quickly found, if they were wise, 'Twas safe to use the Diamond Dyes. With happy thoughts I then was fill'd, My heart with feelings grand was thrill'd A sweet, 'good night,' then home I hied, Well pleased that Mrs Long had DYED." CAUTION. EACH PLUG OF THE MYRTLE Navy • IN BRONZE LETTERS. IS MARKED NONE OTHER GENUINE. 1 1 1 1 I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - The Clinton New Era is -- - the paper you want. Only - - - $1 a year in advance. No - - - better $ paper published - 1 1 1 1 1 1- 1 I 1' 1 1 1 1 1 ,1 1, 1 1 1 — HILLWATTEE • TEA. Hillwattee is the name of a Blaek Tee, * blend of Indian and Ceylon, put unin,Eng. land. Thy Englieh peeled° are noted for having th‘ finest Tea. We guarantee fug weight in every package. Draws very smooth and of nal flower, you earl only prooure it from us as we control the eel° pf it in Clinton, and our trade fer tli1s_Tert,,2 hturinoreased very ft;- far beyond what we anticipated. We have jut get a freah supply. Try a paokage. Fresh GROCERIES all in Stock GAWALLOW Have Wanted and Must Have I HAVE A fall etock of D. M. Ferry's and Steel Bros Field and Garden SEEDS And CORN. Full stook Field and Garden TOOLS. A few pieces of CROCKERY and GLASSWARE which will be almost given away. Full stook of JEWELERY, TINWARE, HARD. WARE, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, OILS, HARNESS and all goods in connection with the Harness business. I WANT a continuation of my present customers patronage and a few more if I can get them by honest dealing - to close up at 8 o'clock p. re.; to give every customer as much for 91 as they can get any place else; to take any kind of farm produce in exehange fOr goods from a pound of 1 a to a load of grain. Hides and Fure for which I *ill pay cash. I MUST HAVE II my 1891 accounts settled by the ist of May, at the latest. The balance of my Crooke y and Glassware will be sold or given away as soon as possible to make room for other geode. Three more Robes to be sold this spring. I will give Crookeryllor Glassware to the value of 5 per cent on all accounts paid during March.. GEO. NEWTON - LONDESBORO TO RENT OR FOR SALE. House to Let. The elegant brick Cottage Residence, on On- -tali° Street, west of the manse, lately occupied by Mr Wm. McGee. All conveniences. Large garden. Clinton, Jan 19, 1892. H. HALE. 1 M. House to Let. The subecriber offers to rent the cottage on Huron St., at present occupied by Mr G. Leith- wa,ite, containing 6 rooms, hard and soft water and all modern conveniences, Barn and fruit trees on the premisel. MISS J. ROBINSON. If you want to buy a first-class Brick Store or a nice Dwelling House on easy terms, apply to W. C. SEARLE, Clinton House fce7 Sale or to Rent House on corner of Rattenbury and Erie Ste. containing 7 rooms and good cellar, barn, hard and soft water, good. bearing orohard and all con- veniences. Terms easy. Apply to JAS. SHEP- PARD, Clinton, or T S. T11LING, 344 Butter. nut Street. Het, Property for Sale. The frame house on Maple Street, Clinton, re- ceutly occupied by and belonging to the estate of the late Hugh Bigham, is offered for sale. It consists of 1 story dwelling, suitable for ordi nary family. Quarter acre lot, Hard and soft water, frame stable. Will be sold cheap. Anly to IL HALE, Clinton, or ALEX. JAMIESON, Sea - forth. For Sale or to Rent. -Timm" peeitttligiirlfrerwirarelter CfitifitiTacia o - tat, in the Town of Clinton, together with the stabling and appurtenances. Also those premi. see in the Vi:lage of Exeter, known as the Queens Hotel and the Brick Store adjoining the hotel and used as a general store an c post Mem These desirable rroperties will be sold on easy terms - For particulars apply to the proprietor. JOHN. ROISSIER, Lot 6, Maitland Con., Colborne, Ben - miller P.O. *Sm , 2-5 FARMS FOR SALE. Valuable Farm for Sale. The North half of lot 30, 2nd concession Eas Wawanosh. Apply to CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Goderieh Farm for Sale or to Rent. A first-class grazing farm, beirg lot 22, con 11, Cioderich township, containing 80 acres, about 40 acres cleated. A never failing creek running -through-the-back-of-the-farm-rflowie With -- stone cellar, frame barn and stables near new, and a good well near the house. Situated 101 a mile from Holmesville,and 4a miles from Clinton. Also a Waggon Shop and Dwelling in the village of Holmestelle, a good business stand. For par- ticulars apply to E, C. POTTER, Holmesville. Farm for Sale. Farm for sale. -Lot 12, in the 6th concession of the Township of Stanley, County of Huron, the property of the late Mrs Catherine atitchell. 100 acres -80 acres cleared and free from stumps,snd in good state of cultivation -20 acres of bush well wooded with hardwood timber. The farm is well watered, and there is a good fruit bearing orchard Frame Dwelling house and barns. Terms of payment can be made to suit the convenience of the purchaser, a fair rroportion after purchase money may remain on mort- gage at a low rate of interest -For further terms and particulars apply to the undersigned. MANNING & SCOTT. Clinton, 18 Jan. 1892 Barristers eto. Clinton. MISCELLANEOTJS. Buggy Por Sale. Good second-hand buggy for sale, cheap. Ap- ply to DR. WORTHINGTON, Clinton. Shingles for Sale I carry on hand a stock of first-class Cedar Shingles; two qualitiee, which I will sell at every low rate. Orders large or small filled on the shorteet notice. Please give me a call. W. RILEY, Londesboro. 3m CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. COOPER'S OLD STAND, Next to Commercial Hotel. This establishment is in full operation and all orders tilled in the most satisfactory way, Ceme- tery and /granite work a specialty. 1Prices as reasonable as those of any eetablisheant SEALE, HOOVER & SEALE, Clinton. Im Shingles and Lath for Sale. Subscriber has purchased a large quantity of No, 1. shingles. These shingles will be made to order out of the very best quality of north shore cedar. All who want a first-olass euingle will find it to their advantage to ask for prices before buying elsewhere. Orders large or small deliver- ed at any station along the line. . NY, H. WHITLEY, Londesboro. DUNN'S 1 THE C0010 BEST FRIEND LARGEST SAE 114 CANADA. DO YOU WANT A First-class Step or Long Ladder? A Handy Wheelbarrow? A Splendid Churn, or anything of like nature? Then call onfW. SMITHSON, at shop, No.7 Predericic St., or E. ransley Will be fte,Dinsley's corner every SaturtlaY afternoon 1 CURE F -ITS! When I say I euro I do not mean merely to stop these for. time and then have them return again._ mean • radical care. I have made the disease at FIT% OILER. SY or FALLING SICKNESS • Mane stgey. tiLewaroint WI: T:2 00 °Oane ftohrenZtargrareldq..4.. 1:v2 once for a treatise and a Fres Bot of my remedy. Give EXPRESS and POT3T.OFFICE. • ,H G. RQ)aT, M. 0.1_186 ADELAIDE St. WEST, 1.0RONTO, ONT. J4C, STEVENSON, -THE LEADING --- UNDERTAKER —AND-- Elet4 LlaRte A FULL LINE OF 3 GOODS KEPT in STOCK; The bestEmbalming Fluidused Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST.,CLINTON Residence <Pier store. - • - OPPOSITE -TOWN- WALL S. WILSON, • GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE HURON STREET, CLINT6N Repairing of all kinds promptly attend to rook tentble rates. A. trial solicited: Butchering - Business To the Public. • Subscriber having bought out the businees 80 successfully conducted by Mr Couch, olieit a continuance ef the liberal- patronage bestowe - on his predecessor. No pains or expense will be spared to procure the very best meats, and ordere will be promptly and carefully tilled. The tidi- ness will still be conducted at the same etandla heretofore. Highest price paid for Hides, Sheep- skins, &c. JAMES A. FORDI • NERVE BEANS NERVE BEANS are a new dis- covers that cure the waist casco of Nervous Debility, Lost Vigor end Failing Manhood; restores the wealmees of body or 'mind caused by over -work, or the errors or ex. eines of youth. Thia Remedy ab- solutely cures tho most obstinate macs when all otheW TimasiENTs have tailed even to relieve. Sold by drug. gists at $1 per package, or six for sa, or sent by inali on receipt of price by addressing THE JAMES IMDICINin 00.. Toronto, Ont. Write for pamphlet. Sold in - Clinton by J. H. Combe. If YOU WISH T° Advertise Anything Anywhere AT Any time WRITE 'IP GEO. P. ROWELL No. I 0 Spruce Street, NEW YORK. 3